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本文论述了森林集约经营的概念,并提出了实施集约经营应采取的几项技术措施.  相似文献   

Use of DNA markers in forest tree improvement research   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
DNA markers are rapidly being developed for forest trees. The most important markers are restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), polymerase chain reaction- (PCR) based markers such as random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and fingerprinting markers. DNA markers can supplement isozyme markers for monitoring tree improvement activities such as; estimating genetic diversity in breeding populations, germplasm identification, verifying controlled crosses, and estimating seed orchard efficiencies. Because the number of DNA markers is potentially limitless, it should be possible to map individual quantitative trait loci (QTL) by linkage analysis with high-density maps. Finally, if such associations can be found, it may also be possible to design marker-assisted breeding strategies for forest trees.  相似文献   

Genomic and physiological approaches to advancing forest tree improvement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nelson CD  Johnsen KH 《Tree physiology》2008,28(7):1135-1143
The recent completion of a draft sequence of the poplar (Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray ex Brayshaw) genome has advanced forest tree genetics to an unprecedented level. A "parts list" for a forest tree has been produced, opening up new opportunities for dissecting the interworkings of tree growth and development. In the relatively near future we can anticipate additional reference genome sequences, including the much larger Pinus genome. One goal is to use this information to define the genomic attributes that affect the phenotypic performances of trees growing in various environments. A first step is the definition of ideotypes that constitute optimal tree and stand-level performance. Following this, the genome can be systematically searched for genetic elements and their allelic variants that affect the specified traits. Knowledge of these alleles and their effects will facilitate the development of efficient tree improvement programs through genome-guided breeding and genetic engineering and further our mechanistic understanding of trait variation. Improved mechanistic understanding of tree growth and development is needed to develop process models that will allow us to anticipate and manage change in forest ecosystems. Here we consider the development of an ideotype for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) and discuss genomic approaches for studying the component traits that will enable advances in process model development and the genetic improvement of this important conifer.  相似文献   

日本森林资源资产化管理考察报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据中日农业科学技术交流合作第20次会议签订的协议,由国家林业局发展计划与资金管理司姚昌恬司长带队,中国人民银行、国家开发银行、国家林业局计资司、国家林业局林业基金管理总站、湖南省林业厅、北京林业大学派员参加的森林资源资产化管理有关问题赴日考察团一行7人,近期赴日就日本森林火灾保险和林业投融资体制等有关问题进行了考察。考察期间分别与日本农林水产省林野厅、农林渔业金融公库、青森县农林水产部、北海道水产林务部等部门的官员进行了座谈和交流,并实地考察了青森县白神山地自然保护区、东京大学农学部附属北海道演习林场两个基层单位。  相似文献   

In this study, we identified the distribution characteristics of a mixed forest of coniferous and broad-leaved trees (a typical forest type in Hokkaido, Japan) using landscape metrics and topographic factors, and attempted to apply this knowledge to examine forest management. This approach provides a new perspective (i.e., the landscape structure) on forest management, which traditionally has been determined on the basis of individual forest stands. We first created a cover type map of the study area by means of aerial photo interpretation. The characteristics of each cover type identified from the photographs were determined using landscape metrics for each cover class. We digitized a forest administrative map (1:20,000 scale) using 20-m contours, and imported this into GIS software to produce a terrain model; on this model, we overlaid the cover types. Our examination of landscape metrics showed that most of the natural forest could be managed similarly. However, our examination of topographic characteristics revealed exceptions (e.g., areas that are difficult to regenerate) that will require particular attention when managing the natural forest. Based on the information we obtained, we proposed a guideline for sustainable forest management. From the land cover map, we proposed an “improved” cover type map to illustrate the development of a high growing stock of forest based on forest management. We compared the current cover map with the “improved” cover map and demonstrated that the improved form would have more significant effects on fauna that do not recognize differences in the proportion of the dominant species types than on those that can recognize these differences. Our results show how the information obtained using landscape metrics and terrain models is an essential tool for various stages of forest management planning.  相似文献   

在全面分析我国林木引种检疫管理工作中的法律法规、引进林木、引种审批、检疫监管等问题的基础上,从完善引种检疫管理法律法规体系、检疫管理工作制度、风险分析、检疫审批基础数据库建设、检疫管理队伍建设等5个方面提出加强我国林木引种检疫管理工作的建议.  相似文献   

利用Visual Basic 6.0编制了林木种子库房管理的应用软件,实现了种子微机统计分析及打印有关报表等,应用简便,运行可靠,效果良好。  相似文献   

关于改革和完善集体林采伐管理的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结吉林省集体林采伐管理情况及取得的成效,结合集体林权制度改革的深入开展,针对集体林采伐管理面临的主要问题,提出新形势下改革和完善集体林采伐管理的建议和对策  相似文献   

We investigated factors limiting the recovery of natural forest in former large-scale conifer plantations abandoned after clear-cutting in southwestern Japan. We analyzed forest recovery status (“recovered” sites covered by evergreen broad-leaved trees, and “unrecovered” sites covered by pioneer community or nonvegetated sites) using aerial photographs and field survey. We applied logistic regression analyses to evaluate the effects of topography, construction of harvesting roads, distance from remnant forest, stand condition before clear-cutting, and prior land-use history on forest recovery. Human factors, i.e., land use and clear-cutting age, were found to affect to forest recovery more than environmental factors such as topography. Harvesting roads had the strongest negative impact on forest recovery. Forest recovery after clear-cutting of young sugi plantations also took longer than after clear-cutting of old sugi plantations or evergreen broad-leaved forests. Furthermore, areas formerly utilized as meadows recovered less successfully than those that had been managed as coppices. The influences of these factors were thought to be promoted by the advance reproduction as the regeneration sources for forest recovery. The influence of stand age before logging suggested an effect of thinning, which might alter the abundance of advanced reproduction in the understory. However, distance from remnant forest appeared to be less important. An influence of topography was also detected, but this could be partly explained by the existence of advance reproduction in the understory in certain topographic positions. Thus, our analysis suggests that regeneration sources originating from advanced reproduction in plantations play a significant role for the recovery of natural forest after clear-cutting.  相似文献   

The subject of risk management is attracting more and more attention around the world. The risk of forest fire disasters should be faced and dealt with for forest fires cannot be avoided. Treating forest fire disasters as a risk management issue promotes important measures and methods for fire fighters to prevent, reduce and control the risks of forest fires. In this paper, the risk concept and risk connotation as well as the management risks for forest fire suppression are discussed clearly. Issues such as risk judgments, risk analysis, risk control and the assessment of risk, including their contents and corresponding methods are clarified. Translated from Forest Resources Management, 2006, 2: 24–27 [译自: 林业资源맜理]  相似文献   


This study examines the carbon concentrations of various above-ground biomass components (stem, bark, living branch, dead branch, needle and above-ground biomass), the forest floor and understorey. The research was carried out on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in north-western Turkey. Sample trees were cut, and forest floor and understorey samples were collected from the 13 sampling areas in the 31-year-old Scots pine stands. Carbon contents of these samples were determined. Carbon concentrations of all tree components were found to be higher than 50%. This value is referred to as the general carbon conversion factor (CF). The weighted mean carbon concentration was found to be 51.96%. Consequently, if the CF for a single tree is taken to be 50%, carbon storage in the above-ground parts of the tree would have been underestimated by 3.77%. Carbon concentration, which was 53.02% in needles, was reduced to 50.08% in the litter plus fermentation layer of the forest floor and to 40.08% in the humus layer owing to decomposition. In the understorey, carbon concentration was determined to be 47.64%. There was a significant difference between the carbon concentrations of the tree components, forest floor and understorey.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the nutrient and carbon budgets in forest soils is essential to maintain sustainable production, but also in several environmental issues, such as acidification, eutrophication and climate change. The budgets are strongly influenced by atmospheric deposition as well as forestry. This study demonstrates how budget calculations for nitrogen (N), carbon (C) and base cations (BC) can be used as a basis for policy decisions on a regional level in Sweden.The study was based on existing nutrient and C budget calculations on a regional scale in Sweden. The nutrient budgets have been calculated for each square in a national 5 km × 5 km net by means of mass balances including deposition, harvest losses, leaching, weathering (BC) and fixation (N). Scenarios with different deposition and forestry intensity have been run and illustrated on maps. A simplified C budget has been estimated by multiplying the N accumulation with the C/N ratio in the organic layer, based on the assumption that the C/N ratio in the accumulating organic matter is equal to the ratio in the soil organic matter pool. The budget approaches differ from earlier budget studies since they involve regional high resolution data, combine deposition and forestry scenarios and integrate different environmental aspects.The results indicate that whole-tree harvesting will cause net losses of N and base cations in large parts of Sweden, which means that forestry will not be sustainable unless nutrients are added through compensatory fertilization. To prevent net losses following whole-tree harvesting, compensatory fertilization of base cations would be required in almost the whole country, whereas N fertilization would be needed mainly in the northern half of Sweden. The results further suggest that today's recommendations for N fertilization should be revised in southern Sweden by applying the southwest–northeast gradient of the N budget calculations. The C and N accumulation calculations show that C sequestration in Swedish forest soils is not an effective or sustainable way to decrease the net carbon dioxide emissions. A better way is to apply whole-tree harvesting and use the branches, tops and needles as biofuel replacing fossil fuels. This could reduce the present carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels substantially.The study shows that high resolution budget calculations that illuminate different aspects of sustainability in forest ecosystems are important tools for identifying problem areas, investigating different alternatives through scenario analyses and developing new policies. Cooperation with stakeholders increases the probability that the research will be useful.  相似文献   

河北省林木种苗发展现状、趋势与管理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了河北省林木种苗建设取得的成绩及存在的问题,根据林业和生态建设的新形势及河北省种苗发展现状,分析了林木种苗发展的趋势,提出了河北省林木种苗管理的总体思路和“坚持一个中心,抓好两件大事,建设三大体系,抓好四项工作”的管理对策。  相似文献   

Takenaka A 《Tree physiology》1997,17(3):205-210
Stem length and leaf area of current-year shoots were measured in saplings of eight broad-leaved evergreen tree species growing under a forest canopy. Stem length varied over a range of one to two orders of magnitude within each species. In all species, both the number of leaves and the mean stem length between successive leaves were greater in longer shoots. Mean leaf size and stem length were not correlated in six of eight species, and only weakly positively correlated in the other two species. Thus, total leaf area per stem increased with stem length, but not in direct proportion: leaf area per stem length was smaller in shoots with long stems and larger in shoots with short stems. I conclude that the within-species variation in the leaf-stem balance of current-year shoots is related to variation in shoot functional roles, as has been observed for long and short shoots in many deciduous tree species: shoots with long stems are extension oriented and contribute to the framework of the crown, whereas shoots with short stems serve mainly for leaf display. Among species, large differences were found in the leaf area per stem length ratio. In the species with larger leaf area per stem length ratios, leaves had narrower blades or longer petioles, or both, resulting in a reduction of mutual shading among the leaves on the shoot.  相似文献   

根据中山陵风景名胜区森林景观建设的需求和遭受松材线虫病危害,严重影响着森林景观的现状,在遭受松材线虫病危害的松林及杂阔林内应用“林下补阔技术”,引进了若槠、香樟、石楠、大叶女贞、木荷、海桐、乐昌含笑和深山含笑等常绿阔叶树种,进行常绿阔叶树与松树、常绿阔叶树与落叶阔叶树异龄复层混交,以形成较稳定的含常绿树种成分的复层混交森林群落,增加树种的多样性,丰富森林绿景,改善林相结构,进一步提高森林生态系统的稳定性和景观质量。并为风景林林相改造研究出了常绿阔叶树种深山含笑、乐晶含笑异地扩大繁殖播种育苗技术,为林相改造提供了造林新树种。  相似文献   

林地可持续经芝模式评价的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林业可持续发展是目前国内外讲座的一个热点,林地可持续经营是林业可持续发展的一个重要基础。本文结合实例探讨了林地可持续经芝投资项目评价的特点、过程与方法,并据此筛选出杉木多代萌芽林地可持续经营优化模式-杉阔轮栽模式。  相似文献   

Defining the spatial arrangement and length of the cutting cycle in a logged area is crucial for reconciling potential conflicts between timber yields and maintenance of ecosystem services in natural forests. In this study, we investigated long-term impacts of clear-fell logging on timber production and tree species diversity in a subtropical forest on the Ryukyu Islands, using an individual-based simulation model. We assumed six logging scenarios defined by combinations of forest type and regeneration processes, which acted as surrogates for spatial scales of clear-fell logging. These scenarios were simulated under cutting cycles ranging from 20 to 150 years. Short-cutting cycles resulted in dominance by the sprouting species Castanopsis sieboldii. The compositional shift was accelerated by the lack of seed dispersal from surrounding forest areas. The simulations demonstrated that a sustainable logging regime maintaining both yield and tree species diversity requires a cutting cycle longer than 50 years. The simulation results also suggest that the trade-off between the recovery of tree species diversity and timber production is favored more in stands surrounded by mature forest than in isolated stands or stands surrounded by immature forest. Ecological risk assessments based on model simulations provide an alternative to current forest management practices that rely on empirical knowledge.  相似文献   

我国天然林保护工程启动以来,许多地方对天然林保护采取有效措施,使天然林得到了有效的保护。如何通过对天然林科学合理的经营管理,最终达到可持续经营利用的目的。该文从日本东京大学北海道演习林在天然林经营中开展新技术应用状况这个侧面,介绍了日本天然林经营管理方面的一些情况,重点是近年来开发应用GPS、GIS和激光罗盘仪等新技术在天然林经营上的应用方法与效果,旨在为我国今后开展天然林经营工作提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

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