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白斑综合征病毒感染与对虾的免疫防御反应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对虾白斑综合征病毒(WSSV)感染对虾后,最典型的免疫反应是对虾开放循环系统的血淋巴细胞数量急剧下降,血淋巴凝结功能下降,感染部位聚集了大量的血淋巴细胞,且以颗粒细胞为主。WSSV可感染对虾颗粒细胞和小颗粒细胞,其中小颗粒细胞感染率高、感染速率快,感染后大颗粒细胞占血细胞总数的比例可增加到50%;血淋巴中的总糖、总碳水化合物、总蛋白和游离氨基酸显著提高,超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶和诱导性一氧化氮合成酶的活性显著降低。自然状态下广泛存在WSSV潜伏感染,潜伏感染的存在会导致存在免疫反应情况下的感染复发,并且有助于病毒的传播;不同WSSV感染状态下过氧化物(POD)差异显著,其平均值由大到小依次为:潜伏感染虾样、中度感染虾样、严重感染虾样。而其抗菌活性(UA)、溶菌活性(UL)、酶氧化酶活性(PO)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)和凝集效价(HAT)差异不显著;潜伏感染个体对再次接种WSSV有“类免疫应答”的抗性,这种抗性不是来源于发病期对虾的天然抗性,而是WSSV感染后的一种免疫系统增强。宿主细胞凋亡可能是感染对虾在高温时反而维持较高成活率的主要机制。免疫增强剂可对对虾防御WSSV感染产生影响,脂多糖、葡聚糖、肽聚糖、岩藻依聚糖和双链核糖核酸都已被证实可提高对虾抗病毒感染的免疫保护。WSSV主要囊膜蛋白VP28可诱导对虾对WSSV感染产生抗性降低累积死亡率,高效价的病毒抗血清具有良好的保护作用;对虾抗菌肽也可通过抑制病毒的复制而起保护作用。  相似文献   

对虾WSSV病是亚洲对虾养殖业中的一个棘手问题。本研究采用Kimura引物 ,用PCR技术对不同生长期的中国对虾 (Penaeuschinensis)进行了WSSV的检测 ,同时也检测了对虾发病时养殖池中多见的野生厚蟹 (Helicesp .)和矛尾刺虎鱼 (Acanthogobiushasta)。检测结果表明 :分别在检测的 5尾亲虾中的 1尾 ,6尾仔虾中的 1尾 ,5尾稚虾中的 3尾及所检测的 5尾病虾和 2只厚蟹中获得到 982bp的PCR扩增产物 ,说明为WSSV感染阳性。在检测的 2尾矛尾刺虎鱼中均未获得PCR扩增产物 ,说明为WSSV感染阴性。在亲虾、虾苗以及虾池内的野生厚蟹中检测到WSSV感染的阳性结果表明 :WSSV感染的亲虾有可能是病毒的储主 ,WSSV感染的野生厚蟹有可能是病毒中间宿主或病毒的携带者 ,它们在对虾WSSV病的感染、传播中起了重要的作用  相似文献   

Hepatopancreatic parvovirus (HPV) causes a common shrimp disease that occurs in many shrimp farming regions, especially in the Indo Pacific, and infects most of the cultured penaeid species. There are seven geographic HPV isolates known, so a method to detect different HPV types is needed. We developed a sensitive and generic real‐time PCR assay for the detection of HPV. A pair of primers and TaqMan probe based on an HPV sequence obtained from samples of Fenneropenaeus chinensis from Korea were selected, and they were used to amplify a 92 bp DNA fragment. This real‐time PCR was found to be specific to HPV and did not react with other shrimp viruses. A plasmid (pHPV‐2) containing the target HPV sequence was constructed and used for determination of the sensitivity of this assay. The assay could detect a single copy of plasmid DNA, and it was used successfully in finding HPV in shrimp samples from the China‐Yellow Sea region, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Madagascar, New Caledonia and Tanzania.  相似文献   

In the present study, we used TaqMan real‐time polymerase chain reaction to quantify and compare infection of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) with shrimp production of Fenneropenaeus chinensis cultured in outdoor ponds along the west coast of the South Korea. In 2007, a total of 60 specimens in summer and 116 specimens in autumn were collected from 12 growing‐out ponds and 12 harvest ponds respectively. Pond harvest data were obtained from farmers. Of the summer samples, all specimens were WSSV positive, with a wide range of 12.4–7.0 × 107 (mean 7.5 × 106) copies ng?1 DNA; shrimp production was 1.7 metric tonnes per hectare (mt ha?1). Of the 116 autumn‐sample specimens, 81 (69.8%) were WSSV positive; WSSV infection had been decreased dramatically, to 0–7.2 (mean 3.5) copies ng?1 DNA. Shrimp production of autumn ponds was 2.1 mt ha?1. Statistical analysis indicated that the difference in WSSV infections detected in summer and autumn was highly significant (P<0.01). In summer, seven ponds (58.3%) with low‐WSSV infection loads (0–1000 WSSV copies ng?1 DNA) had shrimp production of 2.7 mt ha?1; the others had shrimp production of only 0.2 mt ha?1. The mean shrimp production between the two infection levels showed a highly statistically significant difference (P<0.01).  相似文献   

The present study describes a simple method of extraction of white spot syndrome viral DNA (WSSV) from infected shrimp for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection of WSSV. The DNA preparation using this method was found to be free from the host DNA, RNA and protein, and is suitable for different PCR protocols such as single‐step PCR, nested PCR and single‐tube semi‐nested PCR. This method of extraction has worked successfully for extracting the WSSV‐DNA from different organs (haemolymph, eyestalk, carapace, head muscle, heart, gills, appendages, heptopancreas, stomach, intestine, abdominal muscle and tail muscle) of WSSV‐infected adult shrimp, and WSSV‐infected larvae and postlarvae.  相似文献   

White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) are the major viral pathogens of penaeid shrimp worldwide (Lightner & Redman 1998). Litopenaeus vannamei was introduced into China from the Americas, and quickly became widely cultured. Following its introduction, both IHHNV and WSSV have become important pathogens of cultured penaeid shrimp and have had a huge impact on the culture industry in China in recent years.  相似文献   

对虾白斑综合征病毒免疫防治研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对虾白斑综合征病毒(white spot syndrome virus,WSSV)是一种引起养殖对虾爆发性死亡的病毒,由于它宿主范围广、蔓延速度快以及致死率高,已经成为对虾养殖中的第一杀手,因此有效防治WSSV爆发在水产养殖中具有重要意义并极具挑战性。本文主要介绍WSSV基因组以及结构蛋白、对虾WSSV免疫机制、对虾WSSV疫苗研究进展,以及我国对虾养殖中WSSV防治措施,认为对虾WSSV疫苗将是今后对虾大规模养殖中病害防治的一种重要手段。  相似文献   

对虾白斑综合征病毒蛋白质组的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白斑综合征病毒WSSV(White Spot Syndrome Virus,WSSV)是引起对虾大规模死亡的主要病毒性病原,且该病毒感染的宿主广泛。自WSSV基因组全序列公布以来,国内外的学者对WSSV的研究热点转移到该病毒基因产物功能的相关研究上面来。弄清WSSV感染机理是有效防治病毒的基础,而对其感染机理的阐释则主要是搞清病毒各蛋白在感染中的作用,这些是WSSV蛋白质组学的研究内容之一。分析WSSV蛋白同时可以在分子水平上为研究海洋和陆地生物病毒的进化趋势提供有力的基础。  相似文献   

WSSV has caused great losses to the global shrimp industry in recent years. This virus can infect shrimps asymptomatically. However, once the clinical signs are developed, mortalities can reach 100% in 3-10 days. PCR has been extensively used to detect WSSV in a specific and sensitive manner. Nested PCR is even more sensitive than single-step PCR and had been used for the detection of WSSV in asymptomatic populations. In this work, a detailed monitoring of WSSV by nested PCR in shrimp commercial ponds in Guasave County, State of Sinaloa, Mexico, is presented. Five ponds from two different farms were monitored for growth and presence of WSSV. At the beginning of the culture, ponds from both farms showed no or very slight WSSV presence. A 3-day period of rain occurred at both farms 10 and 14 weeks of culture for farms 1 and 2, respectively. At this time, WSSV was widely distributed in the shrimp populations of farm 1 according to nested-PCR data, although no visual symptoms were observed. In ponds of farm 2, WSSV was present at low level. However, the number of PCR-positive groups was drastically increased in both farms by nested and single-step PCR. Abrupt fluctuations in temperature and salinity were documented in farm 2 after the rain, which may have contributed to the increasing of viral load in the pond's shrimp populations. Twelve days after the rain period, estimated mortalities of 80% occurred in farm 1. Nevertheless, the study ponds at farm 2 culture continued normally for three more weeks and were harvested successfully (52% and 67% of survival for ponds 1 and 2, respectively). The removal of 40% and 50% of shrimp population 2-4 days after the raining period may have contributed to the thriving of the cultures. Analyses of the presence of WSSV in individuals of both sexes indicated that there is no preference for this virus to infect male or female shrimp. Also, no differences in weight were found between WSSV infected and non-infected individual shrimps, as well as nested-PCR positive against single-step PCR positive organisms. Nested PCR is more useful to monitor shrimp cultures than single-step PCR since it allows knowing how widely distributed the virus is in asymptomatically populations.  相似文献   

白斑综合征病毒(WSSV)在拟穴青蟹体内增殖的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拟穴青蟹(Scylla paramamosain)因肉质鲜美、生长快速而成为我国主要的海水养殖经济蟹类,但是随着养殖规模的不断扩大,病害问题也越发严重。本研究通过流行病学调查和定量PCR跟踪检测的方法,研究了拟穴青蟹对白斑综合征病毒(WSSV)的易感性和WSSV在拟穴青蟹体内的增殖情况。结果表明,拟穴青蟹是WSSV的自然宿主,自然携带率为8.47%。WSSV可通过口服途径感染拟穴青蟹,并在拟穴青蟹体内快速增殖,注射感染5 d后,病毒量达到感染1d时的1.1×109倍,当病毒累积到一定量后即可致死拟穴青蟹。研究表明,拟穴青蟹是WSSV的天然宿主,在虾蟹混养过程中可以通过摄食WSSV感染虾而带毒或发病,并因此成为WSSV传播媒介,从而对虾蟹混养条件下WSSV的防治效果产生重要影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the presence of the white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in zooplankton organisms collected from an important shrimp‐culture area of the Gulf of California. Environmental water parameters (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and pH) were monitored, and zooplankton was collected. Samples were sectioned according to taxonomic groups (from Phylum to Family) for the detection of WSSV via PCR. A total of 52 zooplankton taxa were identified, of which crustaceans were the most abundant (82%). From the 228 WSSV diagnoses performed, 35% were positive. Moreover, from 32 taxa recorded at least one positive result was observed during the study, and only 13 were negative in all tests. The highest prevalence was observed in three taxa of copepods, brachyurous and bivalves. However, considering prevalence and frequency of occurrence, it was determined that up to 12 taxa could be considered as high‐risk vectors. Finally, a significant correlation was found between the number of diagnoses per station with biovolume (rs = 0.817) and taxa richness (rs = 0.995). The results suggest that zooplankton diversity and abundance are associated with virus dispersion; moreover, these results demonstrated that the dispersion capacity of the virus through different taxa has been probably underestimated in recent years.  相似文献   

White spot disease is caused by a highly virulent pathogen, the white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). The disease is usually triggered by changes in environmental parameters causing severe losses to the shrimp industry. This study was undertaken to quantify the relative WSSV load in shrimp exposed to ammonia, using a TaqMan‐based real‐time PCR, and their subsequent susceptibility to WSSV. Shrimp were exposed to different levels of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) (8.1, 3.8 and 1.1 mg L?1) for 10 days and challenged with WSSV by feeding WSSV‐positive shrimp. WSSV was detected simultaneously in haemolymph, gills and pereopods at four hours post‐infection. The TaqMan real‐time PCR assay showed a highly dynamic detection limit that spanned over 6 log10 concentrations of DNA and high reproducibility (standard deviation 0.33–1.42) and small correlation of variability (CV) (1.89–3.85%). Shrimp exposed to ammonia had significantly higher (P < 0.01) WSSV load compared to the positive control, which was not exposed to ammonia. Shrimp exposed to 8.1 mg L?1 of TAN had the highest (P < 0.01) WSSV load in all three organs in comparison with those exposed to 3.8 and 1.1 mg L?1 of TAN. However, haemolymph had significantly higher (P < 0.01) viral load compared to the gills and pereopods. Results showed that shrimp exposed to ammonia levels as low as 1.1 mg L?1 (TAN) had increased susceptibility to WSSV.  相似文献   

2002年采用PCR-核酸探针斑点杂交法检测了乳山对虾养殖场1000余份样品携带白斑综合征病毒(WSSV)的情况。结果显示,639例对虾样品中阳性检出率为26·6%;77例蟹类样品中阳性检出率为18·2%;266例浮游动物样品中阳性检出率为38·3%,3~9月份浮游动物阳性率呈下降趋势,消毒后水体中浮游动物的阳性率仍很高;30例贝类样品检测均为阴性;204例底泥样品中,阳性检出率为17·6%,22例抽滤海水样品检测均为阴性。结果表明,虾、蟹类在传播WSSV中起着重要作用,贝类、海水传播WSSV的可能性很小,浮游动物、底泥在传播WSSV中的作用和机制应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

对虾白斑综合征病毒在螯虾动物模型的感染特性   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
朱建中 《水产学报》2001,25(1):47-51
应用克氏原螯虾作为动物模型研究对虾白斑综合征病毒(WSSV)的感染增殖特性,涉及感染温度,感染途径,继发感染,半数致死量(LD50),免疫保护及保存期等,结果显示,22-25℃时,接种WSSV的螯虾一般于2-7d内死亡,温度升高对病毒增殖影响不显著,30-32℃时,平均死亡时间2-6d,温度降低对病毒增殖影响较显著,15-19℃时,接种螯虾平均2-10d内死亡,8-10℃时,平均死亡时间3-6d,感染途径分别用腹节肌肉,腹节皮下洲射及口服,均能使螯虾感染发病,而浸泡方式不能使螯虾发病,细菌分离和细菌定量结果表明,寄考于螯虾心脏,肝胰腺内的阴沟肠杆菌在感染后期大量增殖,菌量分别是正常螯虾的25和30倍,形成继发感染,用螯虾心脏,肝胰腺内的阴肠杆菌在感染后期大量增殖,菌量分别是政党螯虾的25和30倍,形成继发梁。用螯虾测定WSSV的LD50为10^-6.5.mL^-1种毒液,将病毒56℃,30min灭活后免疫螯虾,不能使螯虾形成免疫保护,WSSV匀浆液-30℃冻存1年后失活,而-30℃冻存于螯虾体内WSSV保存1年后仍有活力。  相似文献   

White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a major threat for farmed shrimp worldwide. RNA interference (RNAi) is the most recent tool against viral diseases. Rab7 silencing effectively inhibited virus infections in juvenile shrimp, but the antiviral effect in brooders remains unknown. This study found a homologue Penaeus monodon Rab7 gene in Litopenaeus vannamei brooders from Mexico. Sequence identity was >99% to a Thai LvRab7 sequence and >94% to Rab7 sequences from P. monodon or Marsupenaeus japonicus. Animals treated with a partial (494 bp) or a complete (618 bp) LvRab7 dsRNA sequences and challenged 48 h post treatment (hpt) with a high WSSV dose showed 80–88% mortality respectively. Shrimp treated with 4 or 20 μg LvRab7 dsRNA and challenged with a WSSV high dose had 80% mortality each, but it was reduced to 33% and 40%, respectively, with a low dose. Efficacy of dsRNA to reduce shrimp mortality was dependent on virus dose used regardless of dsRNA concentration. A significant reduction in LvRab7 mRNA levels was observed at 120 hpt. In conclusion, silencing LvRab7 in brooders showed a mild antiviral effect against a WSSV challenge at 48 hpt.  相似文献   

White leg shrimp, Penaeus vannamei, were collected on a monthly basis from grow‐out ponds located at Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh states along the east coast of India for screening of viral and other pathogens. Totally 240 shrimp samples randomly collected from 92 farms were screened for white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV), infectious myonecrosis virus (IMNV) and Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP). The number of shrimp collected from shrimp farms ranged from 6 to 20 based on the body weight of the shrimp. All the shrimp collected from one farm were pooled together for screening for pathogens by PCR assay. Among the samples screened, 28 samples were WSSV‐positive, one positive for IHHNV and 30 samples positive for EHP. Among the positive samples, four samples were found to be positive for both WSSV and EHP, which indicated that the shrimp had multiple infections with WSSV and EHP. This is the first report on the occurrence of multiple infections caused by WSSV and EHP. Multiplex PCR (m‐PCR) protocol was standardized to detect both pathogens simultaneously in single reaction instead of carrying out separate PCR for both pathogens. Using m‐PCR assay, naturally infected shrimp samples collected from field showed two prominent bands of 615 and 510 bp for WSSV and EHP, respectively.  相似文献   

In recent years, the shrimp industry has turned to inland freshwater culture as one method to avoid problems such as the introduction of possible vectors of viral pathogens into seawater ponds. Our experiments evaluated susceptibility to white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in Litopenaeus vannamei held under different salinity regimens. Juvenile L. vannamei that were conditioned at salinities of 35, 25, 15, 5 and 2 g L−1 were challenged with WSSV. In order to assess the severity of white spot disease, histological analysis and nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests were carried out on the challenged shrimp every 4 h after 48 h post challenge. The results indicated that significantly more severe infections resulted at 15‰ than at other salinities. Mortality could not be compared due to the sampling design and because severe WSSV infections occurred in all test groups such that few shrimp remained alive in each challenged group at the end of the test. Despite this, the results suggest that salinity may affect the course and outcome of WSSV infections.  相似文献   

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