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Abstract The temporal dynamics of daily food consumption were examined in individually housed fish that experienced four cycles of 1 week of feed deprivation followed by 2 weeks of feeding to satiation. Four species were compared: European minnows Phoxinus phoxinus: Cyprinidae; three‐spined sticklebacks Gasteosteus aculeatus: Gasterosteidae: gibel carp Carassius auratus gibelio: Cyprinidae; and the longsnout catfish Leiocassis longirostris: Bagridae. The stickleback, carp and catfish showed significant compensatory increases in food intake following deprivation, with the response becoming clearer in successive cycles. The temporal pattern of consumption during the refeeding periods differed between the four species. In sticklebacks, daily intake over a refeeding period initially decreased, but then recovered. In minnows, intake tended to decline over a refeeding period. Gibel carp showed an increase in daily intake on refeeding, but this may have reflected an adverse response to weighing. Over a refeeding period, catfish had a weak tendency to show an initial decline, followed by an increase. These differences are discussed in relation to differences in experimental protocols and biological differences between the species.  相似文献   

Mussel (Mytilus spp.) production is one of the most economically important aspects of global aquaculture and, in Scotland, production has increased from 262 t in 1986 to 4,219 t in 2006. Until recently, mussel production in Scotland was considered to be based exclusively on the blue mussel Mytilus edulis, the native species. In Europe, production is known to consist of M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis, while a third less profitable species M. trossulus occurs in the Baltic Sea, where it is unexploited. In Scotland, the sympatric occurrence of M. edulis, M. trossulus, M. galloprovincialis and their hybrids in cultivation in Loch Etive has recently been reported, with significant losses in production attributed to the presence of M. trossulus. Samples of mussels were taken at three depths from 10 rope-farm sites in Loch Etive. The distribution of the Mytilus species and their hybrids in Loch Etive was investigated using the Me 15/16 nuclear DNA locus for species and hybrid identification. All three species and their hybrids were detected and the data were in agreement with the Hardy–Weinberg model suggesting panmixia. Frequencies of M. galloprovincialis and its hybrids were very low. Overall, M. trossulus (37%) was found to be more common than M. edulis (30%) and 23% of the sampled mussels were M. trossulus × M. edulis hybrids. Species distribution did not correlate with year of settlement nor with salinities taken at the time of sampling. There were significant differences in species distribution due to site location and depth, with M. edulis being more frequent at 8 m depth and M. trossulus more common at shallower depths. These differences might be exploitable in management strategies for continuing production, for example to decrease the prevalence of M. trossulus at shellfish farms in favour of the more desirable M. edulis.  相似文献   

This article analyses the challenges of different live‐feed regimes for the rearing of marine finfish larvae and discusses the potential alternative live feeds to avert a future live‐feed trap. Live feeds are indispensable for the successful rearing of larvae of most marine fish species. Brine shrimps (Artemia) and rotifers comprise the live feeds of choice in marine aquaculture today. However, their nutritional composition is deficient in especially essential fatty acids, and enrichment with fish oil is needed. Fish oil is considered a limited resource owing to its origin in fully exploited wild fish stocks. Moreover, fluctuations of the natural population of Artemia will, most likely, influence future availability and prices. This emphasizes the need for optimal exploitation of available live‐feed resources and development of new sustainable alternatives, such as copepods. An array of solutions to these problems are presented to avoid a future live‐feed trap and to reduce dependence on limited resources that influence future production possibilities, species diversification, price volatility and productivity in the aquaculture sector.  相似文献   


Production of farmed salmon has increased substantially during the last decade. Most of the salmon production is sold spot, resulting in large price fluctuations both for the producer and for the exporter. No derivative markets exist; consequently, no one can hedge prices. If prices could be forecasted within reasonable confidence bounds, risk would be reduced. This study used six easily applicable procedures to forecast weekly producer prices for salmon. The procedures tested were Classical Additive Decomposition (CAD), Holt Winters Exponential Smoothing (HW), Auto Regressive Moving Average (ARMA), Vector Auto Regression (VAR) and two different naïve models: post‐sample predictive accuracy was evaluated. Results indicated that the CAD model forecasted the direction of price movements best, whereas the VAR model performed best according to accuracy measures.  相似文献   

饲养条件下花羔红点鲑和虹鳟生长、摄食的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红点鲑属 (Salvelinus)是一群珍稀冷水鱼类 ,在鱼类分布区系上属北极淡水类群。迄今为止 ,红点鲑属在国内外共描述有 34个种类以上 (包括地方变异型 ) ,其中在我国仅分布有 2种 ,即花羔红点鲑S .malma (Walbaum)和白斑红点鲑S .leu comaenis (Pallas)。红点鲑属鱼类具有体色艳丽、生长率高、耐高密度和营养价值高等特点 ,在美国、加拿大、挪威、俄罗斯和日本等十多个国家被认为是有广阔发展前景的增殖、游钓和养殖的对象 ,是持续渔业发展的一个重要组成部分。发展鲑鳟渔业 ,开发冷水资源 ,增产优…  相似文献   


This study examines transaction costs faced by small mussel and oyster growers to elicit the appropriate organisational design of contract institutions. The theoretical premise is that high transaction costs essentially constrain the participation of small growers in mussel and oyster mariculture. Transaction cost analysis is applied to contract farming models and this approach is first discussed conceptually. Experience with contract farming by small growers in a developing context is synthesised and used in guiding the design of contract farming models. This is followed by a brief overview of the mussel and oyster industries, which is used to gain insight into transaction costs associated with contract institutions. Contracting models and implications are assessed separately for each industry. For mussel mariculture, four farming models are examined and the appropriate model is subsequently selected. For oyster mariculture, the transaction costs of contract fanning are examined to assist in organisational design.  相似文献   

Mandarin fish is a typical carnivorous fish, it can accept artificial diet after domestication, which is significantly essential to optimize its artificial diet. Nevertheless, only few studies were conducted on artificial diet of mandarin fish. Therefore, an 8‐week feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the influence of feeding stimulants on growth performance, feed intake and appetite regulation of mandarin fish. In this trial, six diets were formulated, a basal diet contained 80% of Fish Meal without feeding stimulants, named as Control, 0.4% inosinic acid meal, 0.4% L‐Alanine meal, 3% Yeast meal, 3% a commercial squid extract meal and 0.4% betaine meal were added into the basal diet to make five experimental diets, which were named as IM, AM, YM, SVO and BM respectively. At the end of feeding trial, SVO group showed higher feed intake, up‐regulated mRNA expression of neuropeptide Y (NPY) and down‐regulated mRNA expression of pro‐opiomelanocorticoid (POMC) significantly as compared to control group, which suggested that squid extract improved feed acceptability and promoted appetite in mandarin fish. Similarly, compared to control group, SVO group showed low food conversion ratio, high weight gain and SGR, indicated that squid extract enhanced the growth performance. Our results suggested that the appropriate level of squid extract addition could contribute to optimize artificial diet in mandarin fish.  相似文献   

A demand system analysis was conducted to examine the substitute relationships between tuna and skipjack tuna in the Japanese market. Data from the Annual Report on Family Income and Expenditure Survey from 1965 to 2006 were used for the analysis using the almost ideal demand system (AIDS). Results suggest that skipjack tuna can be a strong substitute for tuna, while other fish groups are not a clear substitute. Our analysis of substitute relationships among fish species in a market indicates that this is a factor that should be considered for better fisheries resource management. For instance, even under a situation where one fish species is underexploited, proper attention to its fishery management is necessary if the fish is a strong substitute for another popular fish species in the market.  相似文献   

近年来,河蟹池塘养殖已积累了一些成熟的经验,但从目前河蟹池塘养殖技术水平来看,还存在一些问题。譬如,河蟹商品规格偏小;池塘的空间、水体及饵料资源未充分利用;病虫害防治方法不当;成活率不高等等。因此,需要我们水产工作者进一步去研究、探索。为使主养河蟹池塘获得优质高产高效,并促进池塘河蟹养殖业的可持续发展,我们于1999~2000年进行了《主养河蟹池塘套混养名优品种技术试验》,取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。现将2000年的试验情况报告如下: 一、试验条件 1.试验地点位于上虞市96丘围涂地区,199…  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of published results was used to quantify differences in mortality and growth of freshwater fish larvae when live feed was replaced by compound diets at first feeding. A mean relative risk of 2.4560 (95% confidence interval = 2.0879–2.8891), calculated with 75 observations from 47 studies conducted with 27 freshwater fish species according to a random effects model, indicated that larvae fed on compound diets have a 2.5 times higher chance to die than those fed on live feed. Compared to Artemia nauplii as sole live feed, compound diets were more effective (causing a lower mortality) when replacing zooplankton other than Artemia nauplii. A mean effect size (Hedges’ d) of −3.1813 (95% confidence interval = −3.8099 to −2.5527), calculated (random effects model) from 51 values determined in 33 studies with 21 fish species, represents the size of the negative effect that compound diets would have on growth of larvae. Numerical differences obtained in this study could be use to monitor future development of larval diets.  相似文献   

Abstract To improve survival of cultured juvenile fishes, it is important to understand prey preferences and predation behaviour of fish larvae. In this study, the feeding behaviour and prey preference of Allotoca dugesi (Bean), a small fish species endemic to Mexico and currently threatened with extinction are presented. Three zooplanktonic prey, viz. Brachionus calyciflorus (Pallas) , Moina macrocopa (Goulden) and Daphnia pulex (Leydig) were tested. The mean size (standard length ± SE, mm) of the larvae ranged from 9.0 ± 0.1 mm at week 1 to 18 ± 2 mm at the end of the experimental period (8 weeks). The gape size (mean ± SE) increased from 0.125 ± 0.002 mm at the first week to 2.300 ± 0.361 mm by the eighth week. Capture success (capture/attack) ranged from 0.80 to 0.98 with Brachionus , 0.72–0.94 with Moina and 0.17–0.46 with Daphnia . Prey preference experiments were conducted using B. calyciflorus, M. macrocopa and D. pulex at a fixed ratio of 5 : 2 : 2 ind. mL−1, respectively, and revealed a positive selection for rotifers and Moina , but avoidance of Daphnia . The results are discussed with reference to conservation efforts for Allotoca dugesi .  相似文献   

Despite their economic and ecological importance, migratory fishes of the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) remain understudied, which hampers effective management to sustain valuable fisheries and address serious threats such as habitat degradation, development and overharvest. From a list of potential knowledge needs, a group of fisheries professionals most frequently identified six top priorities for managing migratory fishes in Cambodia: (1) population abundances and trends, (2) life cycles and life history, (3) migration timing and triggers, (4) migration routes and distances, (5) locations of key habitats and spawning areas, and (6) environmental and habitat requirements. These needs are discussed along with nine relevant methodologies for addressing them, including fisheries-dependent and fisheries-independent sampling, reproductive techniques and captive studies, otolith and genetic analysis tools, and tagging and imaging techniques. A suggested research framework is also presented to inform adaptive management of migratory fishes. While emphasis is given to Cambodia, the analysis is also applicable to other LMB countries, given that migratory fishes occur throughout the basin and migrate across borders. It is suggested that a robust research and monitoring agenda is required to prioritise knowledge needs and select appropriate methodologies to answer questions vital to inform sustainable migratory fish management in Cambodia.  相似文献   

Along the eastern seaboard of the US, Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, develop characteristic ulcerative lesions, a condition termed ulcerative mycosis. These lesions are identical to those seen across Asia in fish affected by epizootic ulcerative syndrome, a condition caused by the fungus-like oomycete Aphanomyces invadans. Young-of-the-year menhaden inhabiting estuarine environments are the primary species affected in the USA and little is known about the factors involved in the initiation of the lesions, or why menhaden are predominantly infected. Atlantic menhaden, hogchoker, Trinectus maculatus, striped killifish, Fundulus majalis, and mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, were inoculated with A. invadans (80 zoospores per fish) to explore species differences in infection and lesion development. All four species developed lesions. Killifish developed frank lesions similar to those observed in menhaden but the gross lesions occurred later, approximately 5-10 days after those on menhaden. Hogchoker and mummichog did not develop gross skin ulcers; rather, their lesions appeared as reddened areas under the epidermis. Mummichogs also showed evidence of significant healing with a well-developed granuloma and significant myocyte regeneration. These experiments show that species barriers as well as ecological barriers can explain some of the factors involved in the development of lesions in, and specificity of the water mould for, menhaden.  相似文献   

Understanding spatial and temporal patterns in larval fish distributions is important for investigating factors related to recruitment variability and for developing sampling methodologies. Variation in species diversity (Shannon index) and density (number 100 m?3) of larval fishes from nearshore and pelagic habitats in Glen Elder Reservoir, KS, USA, was assessed during 1999 and 2000. Species diversity and densities of individual taxa were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in nearshore habitats than pelagic habitats during both years. Larval fish densities were generally higher in the year 1999 with higher spring water levels. Gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum (Lesueur) was the most abundant taxon in nearshore and pelagic habitats during both years. In addition, larval gizzard shad was sampled for the longest duration in the upper water column and overlapped with all taxa collected. High densities of gizzard shad in both habitats suggested that the potential for competitive interactions was high, especially given the lack of aquatic vegetation and habitat heterogeneity in littoral habitats. Most of the variation in larval fish diversity and density was because of temporal variation. If sampling effort must be limited and the purpose of sampling is to monitor larval diversity or density, attention should focus on sampling the same location over long time periods rather than across a variety of sampling locations.  相似文献   

Recent developments in Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) laboratories in the genetic control of sexuality in fish are briefly reviewed. Techniques include the development of a range of spawning times, the control of sex-ratio and the elimination of sexual maturity by induced polyploidy.  相似文献   

Both egg and larvae are different between freshwater and marine fish species. Freshwater fish species have generally larger and fewer eggs than marine species. Most freshwater fish species have demersal eggs that develop stuck to various substrata, such as plants or gravels, while eggs of most marine fish species develop in the water column. These differences have consequences for both the evaluation of the quality and the incubation of eggs of freshwater fish species compared with marine species. The larvae of many freshwater fish species are larger and more developed at hatching than their marine counterparts: thus, larval feeding regimes could be different and cannibalism may emerge sooner in certain freshwater fish species. The main differences of egg and larvae between freshwater and marine species are highlighted and the possible implications for aquaculture practices are discussed.  相似文献   

Application of the regulatory principle of ‘best available technology’ (BAT) to fish farm effluent control has, to some extent, been a driving force for the development of new culture and treatment technology. In Norway today, there are a number of farms for the production of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts and brown trout, Salmo trutta L., fingerlings that utilize microstrainers for the removal of particles from the effluent water. At least one commercial farm also utilizes a simplified recirculation system called BIOFISH as a demonstration of new and alternative technology for the production of brown trout restocking fish. In this paper, calculated effluent discharge and rates of waste production from the biofish demostration trials are compared to literature data and to measurements on un-treated as well as microstrained effluents from the production of Atlantic salmon smolts in a traditional flow-through tank system. Rates of fish waste production in the biofish trials were obtained from mass-balance calculations based on measured concentrations of water quality parameters at several points in the system. The results of these calculations show fish waste production rates that are low, but comparable to data found in the literature. Given the level of waste treatment that takes place in the biofish tanks, the specific effluent discharge levels from those tanks, in terms of grams per kilogram biomass and grams per kilogram feed, are considerably lower than those found for salmon smolt production in traditional flow-through tanks. There are also substantial differences in hydraulic self-cleaning properties of the two systems and a corresponding difference in the distribution of effluent discharge during normal tank operation and during tank/effluent pipeline flushing. The results presented here give valuable information related to: (1) waste output characterization; (2) the long-term efficiency of commercially available particle separation systems; and (3) the capabilities of the simplified biofish recirculation technology under field conditions.  相似文献   

The paper begins by discussing the classification and use of chemicals for fish farming and the environmental impact assessment (EIA) regulations. EIA procedures for regulating chemicals through statutory authority are then discussed. Environmental assessment for fish farming can be a powerful management tool at both administrative and scientific levels.  相似文献   

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