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Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) viruses cause natural outbreaks in humans and horses and represent a significant biothreat agent. The effect of tunicamycin on the course of the disease in mice with VEE was investigated, and the combined effects of these agents was characterized. CD-1 mice given 2.5 microg of tunicamycin had >1,000-fold more virus in the brain 48 hours after infection with the virulent VEE strain V3000 and > or =100-fold of the attenuated strain V3034 at all tested times than did untreated mice, indicating enhanced neuroinvasion. Tunicamycin did not alter the viremia profiles of these viruses nor the replication of V3000 in the brain itself. Tunicamycin alone caused ultrastructural blood-brain barrier damage, yet neuroinvasion by V3000 in treated mice appeared to occur via the olfactory system rather than the blood-brain barrier. Tunicamycin-treated, V3000-infected mice also exhibited earlier and more severe weight loss, neurological signs, neuronal infection, neuronal necrosis and apoptosis, and inflammation than untreated, V3000-infected mice. The mean survival time of tunicamycin-treated, V3000-infected mice was 7.3 days versus 9.9 days for untreated, V3000-infected mice. These studies imply that animals that ingest toxins similar to tunicamycin, including the agent of annual ryegrass toxicity in livestock, are conceivably at greater risk from infections by encephalitis viruses and that humans and horses exposed to agents acting similar to tunicamycin may be more susceptible to encephalitis caused by VEE viruses. The exact mechanism of tunicamycin-enhanced neuroinvasion by VEE viruses requires further study.  相似文献   

Paired sera from 28 nonvaccinated horses with serologically confirmed western equine encephalitis (WEE) virus infections were evaluated for immunoglobulin (Ig)M and IgG directed against WEE virus, by use of enzyme immunoassay. Twenty-one of the horses developed greater than or equal to 4-fold increases or decreases in serum IgM titers in paired serum samples, confirming the diagnosis of WEE in these horses. Of the remaining 7 horses, 1 had stable IgM titers, 1 had a 2-fold increase in IgM titer between paired sera, 2 had 2-fold decreases in IgM titer, and for 3 horses adequate volumes were not available for both sera of the pair. Twenty-nine of 56 blood samples collected from these 28 horses had been collected within the first 3 days after clinical disease was recognized; all 28 horses and 48 of 53 available serum samples had IgM antibody to WEE virus. Immunoglobulin M also was detected in sera of 27 of 45 other nonvaccinated horses that had illnesses clinically compatible with WEE. Sera with IgM did not have cross-reacting IgM against eastern equine encephalitis virus. Therefore, the sensitivity, specificity, and lack of persistence of IgM was useful in the rapid diagnosis of WEE virus infections in horses.  相似文献   

Ten pigeons were crop inoculated with 1 x 10(9) colony-forming units of Salmonella typhimurium var. Copenhagen and observed during 28 days. Ten sham-inoculated pigeons served as noninfected controls. Clinical signs after Salmonella infection consisted of polydipsia, polyuria, and diarrhea. Morbidity was 90%, but there was no mortality. All inoculated pigeons showed fecal excretion of Salmonella for at least 7 days. Biochemical analysis of plasma samples taken at 3-day intervals indicated decreased concentrations of creatine kinase (CK)-MM and CK-MB isoenzymes and elevated total protein and alpha- and gamma-globulin values. No consistent changes in the level of 17 other blood parameters were observed. After 28 days, all pigeons were necropsied. Gross lesions and bacteriologic and histologic examination indicated septicemia in all Salmonella-inoculated pigeons. Results indicate that Salmonella septicemia in pigeons induces only limited changes in biochemical blood parameters. Decreased CK concentration was a consistent finding, however, and may therefore be a useful aid in the diagnosis of salmonellosis in pigeons.  相似文献   

Egg production drops associated with western equine encephalitis (WEE) virus infection occurred in three turkey breeder flocks in California during summer 1993 and again in one flock the following year. Egg production losses totaled 8.76%, 9.57%, 9.71%, and 10.12% and were accompanied by an increase in small white-shelled and shell-less eggs. The outbreaks coincided with peak WEE virus activity in the state on the basis of statistics compiled by the California Department of Health Services on seroconversion rates in sentinel chicken flocks. Paired serum samples taken 2-3 wk apart showed increased titers to WEE between acute and convalescent sera in turkeys from three affected flocks. Convalescent sera were not available for testing from the fourth flock. WEE virus was isolated from one breeder hen submitted to the diagnostic laboratory during the early stages of the outbreak.  相似文献   

The amount of western equine encephalitis virus inoculated by infected Culex tarsalis mosquitoes is highly variable between individual mosquitoes. The majority (68 per cent) inoculate less than 100 intracerebral three-week-old mouse LD50 at time of feeding and the quanity appears unrelated to temperature or length of incubation following initial infection.  相似文献   

Three goats, experimentally infected with rinderpest virus were examined for the development and distribution of precipitating antigens in various tissues and secretions using the agar gel immunodiffusion test. Virus antigens were detected in ocular secretions and lymph node biopsies from the second to the fourth and fifth days of pyrexia, respectively, but were not detected in nasal secretions. Precipitating antigens were demonstrated in various lymphoid organs, the lung and abomasum of a goat killed on the fourth day of pyrexia. These findings are discussed in relation to the epidemiology of rinderpest in goats in Africa.  相似文献   

Neutralising serum antibodies against bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) were monitored for three years in 35 cattle that were infected with the virus as calves; 24 of the calves were inoculated intramuscularly or intranasally, and 11 contracted the infection naturally. All the experimentally infected calves seroconverted within 14 to 28 days after inoculation, and all the animals still had high serum levels of antibodies to BVDV three years after infection. Determinations of antibody levels in milk and blood samples excluded the possibility that the calves had been reinfected with BVDV during the study.  相似文献   

本实验用琼脂凝胶免疫扩散试验和免疫印迹试验对实验感染山羊关节炎—脑炎病毒(CAEV)的绵羊抗体应答反应进行了研究,用两种方法都可在接毒绵羊的血清中检测到CAEV的抗体。琼脂凝胶免疫扩散试验最早可于接毒后的第7周时检测到抗体,免疫印迹试验最早可于接毒后的第6周时检测到抗CAEV的gp125、gp44、p35、p28和p14的抗体,这说明免疫印迹试验更为敏感一些。本实验的结果表明CAEV可在绵羊体内诱生明显的体液免疫应答反应,因此用CAEV通过绵羊体传代的方法可能会得到具有良好的抗原性的CAEV毒株,这对于人工培养CAEV强毒是非常重要的。此外,本实验还为CAEV通过绵羊体传代的研究提供了非常实用的检测手段  相似文献   

This study demonstrated that bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV)-5 infected calves can develop encephalitis and remain asymptomatic. Seven calves were infected intranasally and monitored for 30 days. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis was performed from the onset of neurological signs. Multiple sections of brain and the trigeminal ganglion were submitted to histopathology. Virus detection (PCR and isolation) was performed on CSF and tissues. Four calves developed signs of neurologic disease and died. Three calves remained asymptomatic and were euthanized 30 days post-infection. Cerebrospinal fluid mononuclear pleocytosis occurred in symptomatic and asymptomatic calves. BoHV-5 was isolated and viral DNA was detected in multiple areas of the encephalon of all calves. The viral DNA was detected in the CSF of 2 calves showing neurological signs. Histologically, inflammation was noted in the brain of all calves and confirmed that the encephalitis caused by BoHV-5 may be mild and asymptomatic.  相似文献   

Three arthropod-borne alphaviruses, western equine encephalitis viruses (WEEV), eastern equine encephalitis viruses (EEEV) and Venezuelan equine encephalitis viruses are the aetiological agents of a sometimes severe encephalomyelitis in equines and humans in the New World. With regard to the different ecology and epidemiology of these viruses, a method applied in serological screening should be able to distinguish between them as well as other related members of the genus Alphavirus in the American continent. However, this has been hampered in the past by (a) the close antigenic relationship between alphaviruses in traditional serological assays, especially in the routinely used haemagglutination-inhibition, and (b) the need of biosafety level 3 facilities to grow the viral antigens. An epitope blocking assay using an EEEV glycoprotein E1-expressing recombinant Sindbis virus and virus-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) binding to the E1 of EEEV (strain NJ/60) and the E1 of Sindbis virus was established using automated flow cytometry. The test was evaluated using sera of infected and vaccinated rabbits. A cut-off value of 30% inhibition for antigenic complex-specific seroconversion was found to be sufficient for the detection of the respective infection. By using three different mAbs in parallel, we were able to detect alphavirus genus-, EEEV- and WEEV-complex-specific serum antibodies. As this test is based on the inhibition of binding of virus-specific mAbs, sera of every origin other than mouse can be tested. Thus, this assay may prove useful in the serological screening of a variety of animal species during an outbreak investigation.  相似文献   

In seven calves we studied experimental invasions by sporocysts of the Sarcocystis cruzi (S. bovicanis) species, isolated from faeces of dingo dogs. Out of clinical changes, an increase in body temperature to 39.6 to 40.5 degrees C is characteristic in the fourth to the eighth week of disease, relaxed attitude of animals, progressive thinning down, anaemia of mucous membranes, diarrhoea and total dehydration. The post-mortem examination completes this observation with generalized hyperplasia of lymphatic nodes to haemorrhagic lymphadenitis and small petechial haematomata on serous coats, particularly on epicardium. Schizonts in the endothelium of capillaries in various organs were evaluated as specific lesions, demonstrated within 26 days from invasion in one calf. From 46 days after invasion we found muscular cysts in three other calves. The titres of sera in all experimental calves obtained with the NFR method are also evaluated as specific. Invaded calves died gradually between the 26th and 59th day, control calves were slaughtered and no sarcocysts were found.  相似文献   

As a result of the continuing threat of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE), a study was made to determine if revaccination against VEE (TC-83 vaccine) was feasible and if revaccination could be incorporated into other routine vaccination practices. Of the horses given annual vaccination with bivalent western equine encephalomyelitis (WEE) and eastern equine encephalomyelitis (EEE) vaccine, 57% retained detectable serum-neutralizing (SN) antiboyd titers for VEE 18 months after the initial VEE vaccination was given. Of horses with no record of WEE-EEE vacinnation, 100% retained detectable VEE SN antibody titers over the same period. The VEE geometric mean titer was 25 times greater for horses not previously vaccinated against WEE-EEE than for horses given annual WEE-EEE vaccination at the time of VEE vaccination. In horses vaccinated against VEE 18 months previously, the geometric mean titer increased from 4 to 70 at 48 days after the intitial WEE-EEE vaccination. This increase indicated that similar antigenic factors for VEE are possibly present in bivalent WEE-EEE vaccine. In horses previously vaccinated against WEE-EEE and VEE, the best SN antibody response to VEE revaccination occurred when VEE vaccine was given simultaneously with the bivalent WEE-EEE vaccine. Of 150 serum samples tested by both the SN and the hemagglutination-inhibiton tests, agreement between positive reactions at greater than or equal to 1:10 was 70% for VEE, 81% for EEE, and 87% for WEE.  相似文献   

Intrauterine inoculation of pony mares with the bacterium that is the causative agent of contagious equine metritis (CEM) resulted in clinical disease. A humoral immune response could be detected by agglutination and complement fixation (CF), and in some cases precipitating antibody was found by immunodiffusion tests. Agglutinating antibody was the most reliable serological indicator of overt infection and was detected in 8 of 28 mares after initial intrauterine inoculation of 3–4 × 105 bacteria. Seventy percent of mares given a second inoculation and all mares given a third inoculation of 3–4 × 105 bacteria produced detectable agglutinating antibody. Only two of five mares given the third inoculation developed detectable complement-fixing antibody. Only one mare showed evidence of reinfection after a second or third intrauterine inoculation. All of the mares given a single intrauterine inoculum of ≥ 8 × 108 bacteria produced agglutinating antibody 10 to 30 days postinoculation (DPI) and 86% gave a positive CF test 10 to 20 DPI. Only mares with an agglutination titer of 320 or more produced precipitating antibody. Sera were considered positive in agglutination tests if they were reactive at a dilution of greater than 4 and positive in CF tests if they were reactive at a dilution of 4 or greater.Pony serum frozen at ?70°C was anticomplementary (AC). Treatment at 56°C abolished AC activity and revealed enhancing or procomplementary activity with guinea pig complement. Procomplementary activity could be abolished by treatment of heated pony serum with formaldehyde, which increased CF titers ≥ threefold in weakly reactive sera.  相似文献   

为制备抗东方马脑炎病毒(EEEV)结构蛋白E2的单克隆抗体(MAb)并鉴定其抗原表位,本研究以Bac-to-Bac真核表达系统表达EEEV E2蛋白,纯化后作为免疫原免疫BALB/c小鼠,取其脾淋巴细胞与小鼠骨髓瘤细胞SP2/0进行融合.以原核表达载体pET-30a表达并纯化的EEEV E2蛋白作为包被抗原建立间接ELISA方法筛选杂交瘤细胞,获得4株稳定分泌抗EEEV E2蛋白MAbs的杂交瘤细胞株,分别命名为6F3、6F11、7C11、8B11.Western blot与间接免疫荧光试验结果表明,获得的4株MAbs均与EEEV呈阳性反应,而与西方马脑炎病毒、乙型脑炎病毒以及登革热病毒1型~4型呈阴性反应.利用部分重叠的原核表达的短肽对E2蛋白抗原表位进行鉴定,初步确定MAb 6F11、7C11和8B11识别的抗原表位均为E-33 (321EGLEYTWGNHPPKRVW336),而MAb 6F3无短肽与其反应,推测可能为构象表位.本研究结果为建立EEEV型特异性检测方法、研究E2蛋白结构功能及该病的进一步防制奠定了基础.  相似文献   

The authors studied the persistence of infection in 46 ewes experimentally infected with Brucella melitensis biovar 3 and monitored through three subsequent reproductive cycles. The entire experimental period lasted for 151 weeks. Infection of ewes and elimination of Brucella in milk, or its presence in vaginal discharges, persisted throughout the duration of the trial, as demonstrated by recurrent elimination of Brucella in milk and vaginal discharges. Brucella melitensis was recovered from the tissues of one ewe killed at the end of the trial. The strain was recovered from vaginal swabs and milk following parturition in the third reproductive cycle from an ewe that had aborted in the first cycle but was not pregnant in the second cycle. From a public health point of view, the periodical recovery of Brucella from the milk during the entire trial period illustrated that brucellosis in sheep remains a continuous occupational risk and a significant public health problem for consumers of fresh milk and milk products. That risk may persist for at least 3 years following the initial infection of the flock. Lamb antibody titres became negative in all lambs within 5 months after birth. This suggested that serological tests on lambs may have no practical diagnostic significance if performed during the first 5 months of life. Nevertheless, the birth of three infected lambs suggested that the phenomenon of latent carrier state may represent another way for B. melitensis to persist in a flock.  相似文献   

Equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) causes respiratory disease, neonatal death, abortion and neurologic disease. The main purpose of this study was to identify viral antigen in respiratory tract samples by immunoperoxidase staining. Six pony foals were selected on the basis of demonstrating seronegativity to EHV-1 by virus neutralization and housed in isolation. They were infected experimentally by administering EHV-1 nebulized ultrasonically through a face mask. Successful infection was clinically apparent as each of the foals had febrile responses, nasal discharge, and enlarged submandibular lymph nodes. Sporadic coughing was also heard. EHV-1 was isolated from nasopharyngeal swabs of 4/6 ponies and seroconversion was demonstrated in all foals. Bronchoscopic examination of the large airways revealed hyperemia. The incidence of recovery of Actinobacillus suis from nasopharyngeal swabs increased initially, with recovery of Streptococcus zooepidemicus isolates predominating at 3 wk post-infection. Cytology brushes were used to sequentially sample the respiratory tract of the infected ponies at the nasopharynx, mid-trachea and the mainstem bronchus. Bronchoalveolar lavage provided lung cells. Immunocytochemistry techniques were applied to both types of samples to locate EHV-1 antigen. Indirect immunoperoxidase staining of samples utilizing monoclonal antibodies specific for EHV-1 demonstrated viral antigen associated with cellular debris, primarily in the nasopharyngeal samples on days 3-9 post-infection.  相似文献   

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