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目的 探讨分娩期子宫破裂的原因、诊治及预防措施.方法 对18例分娩期子宫破裂的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 瘢痕子宫和梗阻性难产是分娩期发生子宫破裂的主要原因;全部患者经手术证实及治疗,其中产妇死亡1例,围生儿死亡10例.结论 加强孕产期保健,严格掌握剖宫产指征,提高产科专业人员的技术水平是降低分娩期子宫破裂发生的根本措施,并能有效减轻其不良后果.  相似文献   

家畜均可发生子宫扭转。在临床上多见于奶牛,尤其是舍饲缺乏运动的奶牛。以手术剖腹取胎矫正子宫复位,治愈率98%。在较少的死亡病例中,一部分是子宫破裂,泛发性腹膜炎败血症,另一部分是胎儿腐烂导致母体毒血症。一、发病原因怀孕后期的奶牛,尤其在临产前因腹痛不安,在起卧转动时,子宫内的胎儿重量大,不能与腹部同步转动,发生向一侧的子宫扭转。舍饲奶牛运动场地狭  相似文献   

监护下使用安全剂量催产素致分娩期子宫破裂(附2例报告)邢燕诚(广东医学院附属医院妇产科,湛江524001)催产素滥用,或大剂量使用,或使用时缺乏监护与控制宫缩而致子宫破裂者在农村较多见[1].而使用安全剂量,且产程中有较好的监护下发生子宫破裂者少见,...  相似文献   

目的:探讨瘢痕子宫再次妊娠合适的分娩方式。方法:2014年1月至2015年12月医院瘢痕子宫再次妊娠分娩的产妇835例,根据分娩方式不同分为经阴道分娩组和再次剖宫产组,比较两组产妇产褥感染、子宫破裂或切除、产妇出血量、住院天数及住院费用有无差异,比较两组新生儿窒息、湿肺、吸入性肺炎、肺不张、颅内出血有无差异。结果:阴道分娩组产妇产褥感染率、产妇出血量、住院天数、住院费用均低于剖宫产组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),阴道分娩组子宫破裂或切除率稍高于剖宫产组,但差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。阴道分娩组新生儿窒息、湿肺、吸入性肺炎、肺不张、颅内出血均低于剖宫产组,但差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:瘢痕子宫再次妊娠选择不同的分娩方式对产妇预后影响较大,但对新生儿结局影响较小。  相似文献   

会理县地处二半山区,多数农户都饲养水牛,特别老街乡较多。有养殖户3094户,全乡牛出栏3390头。多用于耕地或生产小牛育肥出售。在产仔的过程中,由于母牛产仔时间过久.容易引发牛子宫脱,笔者曾治疗过12例。其中子宫脱出10例,治愈9例。子宫破裂2例,治愈1例。因大流血死亡l例。本文将治疗方法简介如下:  相似文献   

目的:探讨基层医院子宫破裂的预防对策。方法:对本院1994年1月至1997年12月收住的6例子宫破裂进行回顾分析。结果:6例均为经产妇,未作定期产前检查。3胎及以上者共4例。有3例请接生员到家接生处理不当致子宫破裂,3例为疤痕子宫。6例中产妇死亡1例,新生儿死亡2例;新生儿窒息2例,3例发现先兆子宫破裂及时行剖宫产术。预后较好。结论:若提高医务人员(包括接生员)技术水平,做好围产保健,规范催产素应用,产程中注意观察,子宫破裂是可以预防的。  相似文献   

正剖腹产就是切开母畜的腹壁和子宫取出胎儿。适用于胎儿过大;骨盆过小或变形;子宫颈、阴道狭窄;子宫捻转;子宫破裂等,引起胎儿无法拉出、无法矫正、无法截胎等各种顽固性难产。临床上常见难产原因是由于饲养管理和配种不科学,用体型较大的品种改良体型较小品种,或母牛未达体成熟时就配种怀孕,由于胎儿较大而母体产道相对狭窄常引起难产。及早进行剖腹产是各种原因引起的顽  相似文献   

子宫破裂是妊娠期和分娩期的严重并发症,严重危害母儿生命及健康。为了提高子宫破裂的防治水平,现将我院1991年1月以来收治的子宫破裂27例分析报道如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 我院自1991年1月以来收治子宫破裂27例,其中25例为外院转入,2例在本院发生。城市居民2例,农村妇女25例。年龄最小21岁,最大36岁,平均(30.5±6.2)岁。均为经产妇,3胎以上者18例,仅1例作过2次产前检查,其余26例均未作过产前检查。子宫破裂发生在孕19~21周者2例(均为中孕行利凡诺引产出现宫缩后疤痕…  相似文献   

<正>子宫脱垂别名子宫外翻,是指在分娩期或临近分娩时,子宫的一部分通过子宫颈脱入到阴道内的现象。1概况和病理生理学子宫脱垂非常少见。它与发情期发生的阴道脱出或阴道增生很类似;然而,子宫脱垂常伴发于分娩,并涉及整个阴道。发生子宫脱垂时,子宫颈必定会膨大。单侧或双侧的子宫角可脱出至阴道穹隆部或者通过外阴脱出体外。子宫脱垂多是因为长期劳累造成。脱出组织呈圆形,并因充血、外伤而发生颜色改变,并可产生许多组织碎片。子  相似文献   

牛子宫内翻系指子宫角前端的一部分翻转突入于子宫腔或阴道内,称之为子宫内翻或叫子宫套叠.与子宫脱病是同一个病理过程的两种表现,仅是发生的程度轻重不同而已.本病多发生在分娩之后数小时内,这是因为子宫尚未收缩,子宫颈仍在扩张的缘故,此病易发生于牛,尤其是乳牛多发.  相似文献   

Models predict that dynamic shear ruptures during earthquake faulting occur as either sliding cracks, where a large section of the interface slides behind a fast-moving rupture front, or self-healing slip pulses, where the fault relocks shortly behind the rupture front. We report experimental visualizations of crack-like, pulse-like, and mixed rupture modes propagating along frictionally held, "incoherent" interfaces separating identical solids, and we describe the conditions under which those modes develop. A combination of simultaneously performed measurements via dynamic photoelasticity and laser interferometry reveals the rupture mode type, the exact point of rupture initiation, the sliding velocity history, and the rupture propagation speed.  相似文献   

对3头雌性黑熊的生殖系统进行形态学观察.结果表明,雌性黑熊卵巢脂肪囊发达,卵巢呈卵圆形或椭圆形,皮、髓质界限清晰;子宫为双分子宫,子宫角长,子宫颈管具有明显的子宫内口和外口,输卵管和子宫壁由黏膜、肌层和浆膜构成,子宫腺发达;阴道呈背腹压扁的管状,形成阴道穹隆和阴蒂窝.  相似文献   

目的:评价聚乙烯醇(PVA)对子宫肌瘤栓塞的疗效。方法:子宫肌瘤30例行单侧股动脉插管双侧髂内动脉及选择性双例子宫动脉造影以了解肿瘤供血后.使用PVA栓塞双侧子宫动脉并随访3—36个月(平均13个月),采用B超或MRI考核疗效。结果:瘤体无变化者3例,完全消失者3例;瘤体缩小60%--90%者11例,30%--59% 13例;6个月复查平均比术前缩小4.1cm(65%);临床症状消失21例,明显改善8例,无改善1例,无严重并发症发生。结论:PVA对子宫肌瘤栓塞有安全、易于注射、疗效好等优点,特别以选择PVA颗粒直径300--500μm为最佳。  相似文献   

By the immature female mouse bioassay technique, an increased uterine weight was observed when certain vegetable oils were fed or injected. Byproducts from the milling of cereals were also capable of eliciting a uterine response.  相似文献   

Observations and modeling of 3- to 6-hertz seismic shear waves trapped within the fault zone of the 1992 Landers earthquake series allow the fine structure and continuity of the zone to be evaluated. The fault, to a depth of at least 12 kilometers, is marked by a zone 100 to 200 meters wide where shear velocity is reduced by 30 to 50 percent. This zone forms a seismic waveguide that extends along the southern 30 kilometers of the Landers rupture surface and ends at the fault bend about 18 kilometers north of the main shock epicenter. Another fault plane waveguide, disconnected from the first, exists along the northern rupture surface. These observations, in conjunction with surface slip, detailed seismicity patterns, and the progression of rupture along the fault, suggest that several simple rupture planes were involved in the Landers earthquake and that the inferred rupture front hesitated or slowed at the location where the rupture jumped from one to the next plane. Reduction in rupture velocity can tentatively be attributed to fault plane complexity, and variations in moment release can be attributed to variations in available energy.  相似文献   

Faults in complex tectonic environments interact in various ways, including triggered rupture of one fault by another, that may increase seismic hazard in the surrounding region. We model static and dynamic fault interactions between the strike-slip and thrust fault systems in southern California. We find that rupture of the Sierra Madre-Cucamonga thrust fault system is unlikely to trigger rupture of the San Andreas or San Jacinto strike-slip faults. However, a large northern San Jacinto fault earthquake could trigger a cascading rupture of the Sierra Madre-Cucamonga system, potentially causing a moment magnitude 7.5 to 7.8 earthquake on the edge of the Los Angeles metropolitan region.  相似文献   

A great earthquake (surface-wave magnitude, 7.8) occurred along the coast of central Chile on 3 March 1985, causing heavy damage to coastal towns. Intense foreshock activity near the epicenter of the main shock occurred for 11 days before the earthquake. The aftershocks of the 1985 earthquake define a rupture area of 170 by 110 square kilometers. The earthquake was forecast on the basis of the nearly constant repeat time (83 +/- 9 years) of great earthquakes in this region. An analysis of previous earthquakes suggests that the rupture lengths of great shocks in the region vary by a factor of about 3. The nearly constant repeat time and variable rupture lengths cannot be reconciled with time- or slip-predictable models of earthquake recurrence. The great earthquakes in the region seem to involve a variable rupture mode and yet, for unknown reasons, remain periodic. Historical data suggest that the region south of the 1985 rupture zone should now be considered a gap of high seismic potential that may rupture in a great earthquake in the next few tens of years.  相似文献   

SL Bilek  T Lay 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1998,281(5380):1175-1178
The depth dependence of physical properties along the Japan subduction zone interface was explored using teleseismic recordings of earthquake signals. Broadband body waves were inverted to determine the duration of rupture and source depth for 40 interplate thrust earthquakes located offshore of Honshu between 1989 and 1995. After scaling for differences in seismic moment, there is a systematic decrease in rupture duration with increasing depth along the subducting plate interface. This indicates increases in rupture velocity or stress drop with depth, likely related to variation in rigidity of sediments on the megathrust.  相似文献   

In order to improve reproduvtive efficieny and understand reproduvtive defense mechanism, the oviduct, uterine horn and uterine body of bovine were used to detect the changes of inflammatory factors and the relationship between estrogen and progesterone receptor protein during estrous cycle by real-time PCR and Elisa method. The results showed that interleukin-4(IL-4), interleukin-6(IL-6), interleukin-10(IL-10), interleukin-1α(IL-1α) and interleukin-1β(IL-1β) were expressed in cow oviduct, uterine horn and uterine body. In the follicular phase and the luteal phase, m RNA expression of five inflammatory factors in the uterine horn and uterine body was higher than that in the oviduct. In the follicular phase, IL-10 was highly expressed in the uterine horn and uterine body, IL-4 was highly expressed in the uterine horn, uterine body and oviduct. Additionally, in the luteal phase, IL-6 and IL-1β were highly expressed in the uterine horn, uterine body and oviduct, and the highest expression of IL-1β was observed in the uterine horn. The levels of Estrogen Receptor(ERα) protein in the oviduct, uterine horn and uterine body significantly increased in the follicular phase. The levels of Progesterone Receptor(PR) protein in the same portions of the reproductive tract in the luteal phase were significantly higher than those in the follicular phase. IL-4 and IL-10 in the cow reproductive tract might play a major role in the follicular phase, while IL-6 and IL-1β might play a major role in the luteal phase. The expression of five inflammatory factors was not directly regulated by ERα and PR.  相似文献   

目的:通过对子宫肌瘤血流动力学的研究,以探讨其在子宫肿瘤鉴别诊断中的意义。方法:用彩超经腹对53例子宫肌瘤及40例正常人的子宫动脉、肌瘤内及周边血流作检测。结果:(1)肌瘤患者子宫动脉阻力指数(RI)明显低于正常人(P〈0.01);(2)肌瘤周边动脉RI低于其子宫动脉,而肌瘤内RI低于周边动脉,其差异具有显著意义(P〈0.05)。结论:肌瘤病灶内的血流分布特征与肌瘤的大小、数目及有无变性等密切相关  相似文献   

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