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Summary Available information has been reviewed on tuber resistance toP. infestans, its inheritance and breeding procedures used to obtain potato cultivars superior in this character. P. infestans is worldwide the most destructive potato pathogen. Tuber resistance is an essential component of potato resistance as this pathogen is often responsible for tuber rot in storage, and infected tubers of susceptible cultivars provide an important way for its overwintering. In Europe many cultivars and advanced breeders selections have been obtained with tuber resistance toP. infestans, but in the last decades no progress is noted in the mean level of this resistance in cultivars. The expression of tuber resistance depends to a large extent on testing conditions and therefore it can be difficult to evaluate. Consequently making progress in breeding is not easy, and also cultivar assessment data from various countries sometimes differ considerably. It is concluded from published data that it should be easier to make progress in breeding potato cultivars with resistant tubers if more attention is paid to combining the various types of resistance which are already known, and if the genetic determination of durable resistance toP. infestans is better understood. Professor Dr. K.M. Świeżyński passed away on 27th July 2000  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of accumulation of chitinases, glucanases and phytoalexins were studied in two potato cultivars, differing in their degrees of vertical and horizontal resistance, when infected with two races ofPhytophthora infestans. Tuber disks of cvs Kennebec (susceptible, low horizontal resistance) and Huinkul (tolerant, high horizontal resistance) were infected with either race “0” (avirulent) or “C” (complex, race ofPhytophthora infestans. Extracts of tuber tissue (0–7 days) from cv. Kennebec infected with race “0” showed a strong increase in phytoalexin production and in chitinase and glucanase activities when compared with those infected with race “C”. These results indicate that race “C” is able to block defensive reactions. No significant differences were observed in cv. Huinkul infected with both races. The contribution of these reactions to horizontal resistance is unknown, and our results would not support a conclusive role for them in the interaction.  相似文献   

Summary Tests for resistance toPhytophthora infestans were done twice in each of 2 years on field- and glasshouse-grown tubers of ten cultivars. The cultivar rankings, were almost identical for the means of the four glasshouse tests and the means of the four field tests. However, for the field tests but not for the glasshouse tests there were cultivar x harvest date and cultivar x year interactions. It is concluded that resistance can be assessed on glasshouse-grown tubers and that such assessments should prove more consistent over years than those done on field-grown tubers. R.L. Wastie died 16.1.96  相似文献   

Summary The resistance of ten potato cultivars (Agria, Ajax, Désirée, Liseta, Kennebec, Majestic. Monalisa, Prima, Spunta and Tonda di Berlino) toPhytophthora infestans was analyzed in vitro using 8 fungal strains. An assay based on electrolyte leakage was used for screening leaves and tuber tissues with fungal culture filtrates. With almost all cultivars the resistance of leaves did not correlate with the resistance of tubers. Cv. Ajax appeared the least susceptible in both leaf and tuber tests, while the cv. Prima was the most susceptible in tuber tests.  相似文献   

Summary Final disease ratings, apparent infection rates and areas under disease progress curves were used to calculate lower fungicide rates for potato cultivars with high levels of polygenic resistance toPhytophthora infestans. Areas under disease progress curves offered more reliable indications than final disease ratings or apparent infection rates. Control of epidemic development was achieved using 20–80% of the recommended application rates of mancozeb on plots of cvs Brodick. Cara and Torridon compared with full application rates on cv. Maris Piper.  相似文献   

Summary The severity of late blight tuber rot in five potato cultivars (Green Mountain, Sebago, Dorita, AC Brador and Island Sunshine) resulting from inoculation with US-1/US-8 combinations of Canadian isolates ofPhytophthora infestans was evaluated. In addition, the potential for mixed (A1∶A2) inoculations to result in oospore formation was examined. In studies conducted in 1996 and 1997, cv. Dorita (and Island Sunshine in 1997) developed the least amount of surface or internal necrosis relative to the other cultivars following co-inoculation with US-1 and US-8 isolates ofP. infestans. Differences also were revealed among isolate combinations used for inoculation. The combination of a US-1 isolate from Prince Edward Island with a US-8 isolate from New Brunswick consistently produced the least amount of necrosis in tubers of the various cultivars. There was no evidence of oospore production in any of the tubers examined. AAFC Contribution No. 919  相似文献   

Summary Phytophthora infestans isolates collected in Poland in 1987–1995 were evaluated on detached leaflets of a differential series consisting of potato genotypes possessing resistance genes R1–R11. On the same differentials was evaluated over three years a highly virulentP. infestans isolate MP 245. Isolate MP 245 and those from natural populations ofP. infestans were seldom or inconsistently pathogenic to R5, R8 and R9. When leaflets of the differentials were infected with MP 245 the lesions were often small and sporulation weak. A statistically significant interaction was found between years and pathogenicity of MP 245 to individual differentials. Attempts to train the isolate MP 245 for pathogenicity to R9 were unsuccessful. The variation in specific resistance of potato genotypes may complicate the evaluation of their resistance toP. infestans, as well as the evaluation of the virulence spectrum of natural fungus populations. This variation may be due to changes in specific pathogenicity of the fungus or in specific resistance of the potato. Some differentials have a possibly useful resistance toP. infestans.  相似文献   

Summary An interaction betweenP. infestans andE. carotovora subsp.atroseptica (Eca) in rotting tubers was confirmed and the biochemical basis for its occurrence investigated. The pH of tissue infected withP. foveata became alkaline whereas tissue infected withP. infestans orF. coeruleum did not rise above neutrality, which could promote pathogenicity of Eca by maintaining pH closer to the optimum for polygalacturonase activity. Polygalacturonase, pectate lyase and galactanase were detected in cultures of all three fungi grown on media containing cell wall material or pectin from tubers. AsP. infestans produced more polygalacturonase than the other two fungal tuber rot pathogens the possibility was investigated that oligogalacturonide products of enzymatic degradation of pectin byP. infestans stimulates pathogenicity of Eca. However, while tubers soft-rotted after infiltration with supernatant from fungal cultures grown on tuber cell wall material, controls showed that rotting resulted from infiltration rather than the products contained in the infiltrated water.  相似文献   

Summary Solanum tuberosum potato cultivars with differing levels of resistance to dry rot caused byFusarium sulphureum were hybridised in a half diallel crossing programme. Glasshouse grown tubers from true seedlings and field-grown tubers of the resulting progenies were assessed for their resistance toF. sulphureum. Statistical analysis revealed differences between the progenies forF. sulphureum resistance on both field and glasshouse grown tubers. On the field grown tubers, differences between progenies were due to differences in the general combining ability (GCA) of the parents. Parental phenotypes and GCA values were highly correlated. Overall. GCA was consistent for resistance or susceptibility, and glasshouse grown progenies showed a good correlation for GCA between years (r=0.85***), and with the results of the field grown progenies (r=0.61* in 1998 and r=0.69** in 1999). It appears that resistance toF. sulphureum is heritable, and that this heritability is better assessed on field grown rather than glasshouse grown tubers, although the two are largely in agreement.  相似文献   

Summary The formation of above-ground tubers on stem cuttings of eight potato cultivars was studied over three seasons. To promote tuber formation in the leaf axils, stems grown from single node cuttings were exposed to short day conditions. Tuber formation underground was reduced by covering the soil with a plastic sheet and by using single node cuttings planted with the leaf axils several centimetres above the soil surface. With all cultivars except Alpha, which produced mis-shapen tubers in all experiments, an average of 11 (maximum 40) tubers per cutting were harvested. Significant cultivar × year interactions were observed.  相似文献   

Summary Potato tubers were inoculated with two biotypes ofPhytophthora infestans then stored at 3,7, 10 and 15°C. Image analysis quantified average reflective intensity (ARI) of diseased tissue from cut surfaces of sample tubers. Tuber tissue infection and infection rate were measured by calculating Mean ARI of samples. Average tuber tissue infection and infection rate was minimal at 3°C (P.i.-US8 orP.i.-US1). Tuber tissue infection increased at temperatures >3°C, from 220 Mean ARI seven days after inoculation (dai) to 190–150 Mean ARI 50 dai (depending on cultivar and biotype ofP. infestans). Rate of tuber tissue infection caused byP.i.-US1 at 7°C was about zero in cv. Snowden but greater than −0.2 ARI day−1 (cvs Russet Burbank and Superior). Rate of late blight infection in tuber tissue generally increased with temperature from −0.2 ARI day−1 (at 7°C) in all cultivars to a maximum of −0.8 ARI day−1 (10°C).  相似文献   

Summary The sesquiterpenes 2-(1',2'-dihydroxy-1'-methylethyl)-6,10-dimethyl-spiro-[4,5]dec-6-en-8-on (1) and its 2'-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (2) were isolated from the stress zones of potato tubers infected withPhoma foveata andFusarium spp., and rishitin and solavetivone from tuber slices inoculated withErwinia carotovora. The influence of these compounds, and of the naturally occurring plant sesquiterpenoids abscisic acid, cedrol and farnesol, on the mycelial growth ofPhytophthora infestans were tested on agar plates using a defined medium. All sesquiterpenoids suppressed the growth of the pathogen, except for1 and its glucoside2 which induced a slight, however significant, growth stimulation. Compounds1 and2 could not be isolated fromE. carotovora orP. infestans-inoculated tuber tissue.  相似文献   

Summary Browning of potato tubers infected withPhytophthora infestans was correlated with field resistance. The composition of brown material extracted from tubers was investigated by preparing alkaline-neutral difference spectra, which were similar to those obtained from a model system of tuber cell walls incubated with ferulic or p-coumaric acids and H2O2. The activities of L-phenylalanine ammonia lyase, peroxidase and phenolase in wounded tissue were correlated with resistance. After infection, peroxidase and phenolase activities were reduced, the greatest reduction being in the most resistant variety. The relation between field resistance and wounding is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Ein Vergleich von drei Kartoffelsorten unterschiedlicher unspezifischer Resistenz (Feldresistenz) gegenPhytophthora infestans zeigte, dass eine zunehmende Resistenz positiv korreliert war mit einer verst?rkten Br?unung des Knollengewebes nach der Infektion. Der Grad der Eindringung des Pilzmyzels war mit der Resistenz negativ korreliert und die Suberinisierung der Schnittfl?che vor der Inokulation erh?hte die Resistenz gegen die Eindringung (Abb. 1). Aus dem infizierten Gewebe wurde mit Phenol-Essigs?ure-Wasser (PAW) mehr braunes Material und von dunklerer Farbe herausgel?st als aus dem nicht infizierten Gewebe. Die Substanz enthielt Chlorogens?ure oder andere Chinas?ureester (Tab. 1). Die Differenz-Spektren der Phenol-Essigs?ure-Wasser-Extrakte im alkalischen bzw. neutralen Bereich von infiziertem und nicht infiziertem Gewebe waren unterschiedlich, was auf Unterschiede in dem phenolischen Material, das in die Zellw?nde eingelagert wurde, hinwies (Abb. 3). Die Spektren waren ?hnlich denen, die mit einem Modellsystem aus Knollenzellw?nden mit zugesetzter Ferula-oder p-Cumars?ure und H2O2 erzielt wurden (Abb. 4). Im verletzten Gewebe waren die Aktivit?ten der Enzyme L-Phenylalaninammoniumlyase, Peroxidase und Phenolase mit der Sortenresistenz korreliert (Tab. 3–5). Nach der Infektion waren die Aktivit?ten der Phenolase und der Peroxidase vérringert und die Abnahme war mit der Resistenz korrliert. Die Auspr?gung der unspezifischen Resistenz in Knollen scheint auf zwei Faktoren zu beruhen: der F?higkeit des Gewebes nach der Verletzung Suberin zu bilden, um das Eindringen des Erregers zu hemmen und der Produktion von zus?tzlichen braunen Phenolverbindungen, die in die Wirtszellw?nde eingelagert werden und dadurch deren Struktur so ver?ndern, dass eine Eindringung des Pilzes begrenzt wird.

Résumé Une étude portant sur trois variétés de pomme de terre présentant une différence de résistance au champ vis à vis dePhytophtora infestans montre qu'une augmentation de résistance est corrélée positivement à un brunissement croissant des tissus du tubercule après contamination. Le taux de pénétration du mycélium est corrélé négativement à la résistance; la subérisation de la surface coupée avant contamination augmente la résistance à la pénétration (fig. 1). La substance obtenue par extraction dans un mélange phénol-acide acétique-eau est plus brunatre et de couleur plus sombre lorsque le tissu est contaminè par rapport à un tissu non contaminé. L'extrait contient de l'acide chlorogénique ou d'autres esters d'acide quinique (tableau 1). Les spectres obtenus à partir d'extraits du mélange phénol-acide acétique-eau dans les phases alcanine et neutre sont différents entre des tissus contaminés et non-contaminés; ceci indique un changement dans la nature de la substance phénolique déposée dans les parois cellulaires de tubercule avec adjonction d'acides férulique ou p-coumarique et d'H2O2 (fig. 4). Les activités d'enzymes L-phenylalanine ammonialyase, peroxidase et phénolase (tableaux 3–5) sont corrélés, pour des tissus endommagés, à la résistance variétale. Après contamination, les activités phénolase et péroxidase sont réduites, la diminution étant liée à la résistance. L'expression de la résistance au champ au niveau des tubercules semble reposer sur deux facteurs: la capacité du tissu à produire la subérine après endommagement afin d'inhiber la pénétration du pathogène et la production de composés phénoliques bruns après contamination, qui se déposent dans les parois cellulaires réceptrices, modifiant ainsi leur structure de fa?on à limiter la pénétration du champignon.

Summary Twenty seven cultivars of potato were screened for common scab grown in a commercial field in two successive years (1996–97 and 1997–98). Eight cultivars were least susceptible and the others ranged from medium susceptible to very highly susceptible. None of the cultivars was resistant. Most showed a stable resistance reaction in both years.  相似文献   

Summary Potato cultivars of different maturity classes and levels of resistance toPhytophthora infestans were grown under several disease intensities in three field trials. Seasonal courses of ground cover by green foliage and final tuber yields were determined. Light use efficiencies (LUE) were calculated from regression analyses of yield on cumulative light interception. Late blight reduced tuber yields by decreasing cumulative light interception without affecting LUE. No differences in LUE between cultivars or cultivar classes were detected. Therefore, the maintenance of green leaf area is important when breeding potatoes for optimal performance in the presence of late blight. The results support the hypothesis that the correlation between lateness and reported resistance of potato cultivars is due to the vigorous foliage growth of late cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary Two races ofPhytophthora infestans, differing in virulence against four major (R) genes for resistance, were used to assess the field resistance of differential (R) genotypes, both singly and mixed together in equal proportions. The mixed inoculum led to an over-estimation of the foliage resistance of genotypes with which only one of the races was compatible, by up to two scoring categories of a 1–9 scale in field trials and, to a lesser extent, in glasshouse tests depending on the differential and the test. Assessment of tuber resistance was not significantly affected. The R10 and R2 differentials showed a higher level of field resistance in the foliage and tubers, respectively, than the other genotypes. It is concluded that assessments of genotypes which may possess R genes, using mixed inoculum, should be interpreted with caution, and apparent high levels of field resistance confirmed through genetic studies of the inheritance of the resistance.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between resistance to late blight in foliage and tuber was examined on 50 clones of each of five progenies from crosses where one parent was resistant in both foliage and tuber and the other susceptible. Foliage resistance was assessed in a field trial and tuber resistance in a laboratory test on glasshouse-grown tubers. The genetical and environmental components of variance and the phenotypic and genetical correlations between foliage and tuber blight scores were determined for each progeny. Foliage and tuber resistance were correlated, indicating either that both are determined by the same genes or by different linked genes. The environmental component of variation was greater for tuber blight than foliage blight. We suggest that the most effective way of selecting for resistance to both aspects of the disease in a breeding programme is to select those resistant in the foliage and then screen them for tuber resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Potato tuber glycoalkaloid content was measured in response to nitrogen fertilizer rate, storage temperature, length of storage period and cultivar. Cvs Gemchip, Norchip and Russet Burbank were grown with applied nitrogen fertilizer rates of 0, 168 or 336 kg/ha and then stored at either 4.4 or 10°C. Total glycoalkaloid content was determined one month before harvest, at harvest, after three months of storage and after nine months of storage. Higher rates of nitrogen, higher storage temperature and a period of storage all resulted in significantly (P<0.05) higher concentration of glycoalkaloids. The cv Norchip had higher glycoalkaloids than cvs Gemchip or Russet Burbank. Only the storage period had more influence than the environment (difference between years). Significant (P<0.05) two-way interactions were detected for year x cultivar, year x nitrogen, storage period x cultivar and nitrogen x cultivar. Most interactions were due to the unique responses of cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary Tubers showed changes in their nutritional value caused by the treatment of the plants with the insecticide deltamethrin. The level of starch was increased in comparison with control tubers; but the amylose percentage was not affected. In contrast, the total protein content decreased in tubers from treated plants, whereas free amino acids level and ascorbic acid content increased. The results showed that the changes in the tubers caused by the treatment of potato plants with deltamethrin did not adversely affect the nutritional value of the progeny tubers.  相似文献   

Summary Potato cultivars Chieftain and Kennebec were prewarmed at 70°C for 15 min. prior to heating at 100°C for 18 min. in a water bath. Chieftain exhibited a large increase in fracturability upon treatment while Kennebec showed a smaller increase. Pectic substances of the two cultivars were sequentially extracted in water, sodium hexametaphosphate (0.5%), hydrochloric acid (0.05M, 50°C), and sodium hydroxide (0.05M, 5°C). The largest fraction isolated from both cultivars consisted of hydroxide-soluble pectic substances, and was followed by the acid-soluble fraction. Chieftain contained significantly greater amounts of the hydroxide-soluble fraction than Kennebec. Ion exchange chromatography revealed that the extracted pectic substances from the two major fractions consisted of a charged pectin chain with attached neutral sugars. Gel filtration chromatography revealed wide molecular size distributions for the isolated pectic substances. Pectic neutral sugar content for the hydroxide-soluble fraction (50% of total pectic substances) was greater for Chieftain than for Kennebec.  相似文献   

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