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本研究应用PCR方法检测了中国3种旧大陆猴(恒河猴、食蟹猴及藏酋猴)的TRIMCyp嵌合基因型个体的存在状况,并首次发现携带TRIMCyp嵌合基因中国品系恒河猴。同时本实验应用建立RT-PCR方法在mRNA水平上进一步检测了恒河猴和食蟹猴的TRIMCyp嵌合基因序列和特性。其编码的融合蛋白TRIMCyp丧失了对HIV-1复制的限制功能,推测具有该基因型旧大陆猴对HIV-1更易感,可用于建立新型的艾滋病非人灵长类动物模型。本研究结果将促进逆转录病毒跨种间传播的研究和建立HIV-1易感非人灵长类动物模型。  相似文献   

戊型肝炎(HE)是由戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)引起的一种急性的自限性病毒性疾病,主要以粪口途径传播,在全球范围内呈暴发流行或散发传播,目前已被世界卫生组织认定为一个重要的公共卫生疾病。随着对戊型肝炎深入研究,越来越多的HEV动物宿主被证实,这促进了更多动物模型的建立。常见的实验动物模型有非人灵长类动物、猪、兔、啮齿类动物等。HEV动物模型在研究HEV传播、致病机制等方面具有非常重要的意义。本文就近年来HEV动物模型的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

美国科学家已成功得到第 1只转基因灵长类动物罗猴 ( rhesus)。这只猴被命名为 ANDi(即 inserted DNA的倒拼 ) ,是用反转录病毒载体介导的转基因方法产生的 ,所转的外源基因是作为标记基因的绿色荧光蛋白基因。在过去 ,转基因小鼠为人类的许多疾病提供了研究模型 ,但由于小鼠与人的亲缘关系较远 ,因此转基因猴的建立可望弥补转基因小鼠动物模型的一些不足 ,加快某些人类顽疾的研究进程第1只转基因灵长类动物产生@郭志儒  相似文献   

为推进便携式电子支气管镜在疾病动物模型中的应用,文章结合实际操作经验,介绍了便携式电子支气管镜在灵长类动物呼吸系统中进行组织观察、活检、肺灌洗,以及在食管和胃内进行组织观察和活检操作的技术要点。  相似文献   

正食蟹猴是与人类最为接近的物种之一,在生理学、解剖学、免疫学以及神经学等方面有很高的相似度,在生物医学研究领域也是比较理想的实验动物,利用其建立的动物模型被广泛用于研究人类疾病,如在传染病、心血管疾病、内分泌疾病、生殖疾病、神经疾病及眼疾病等方面,对比欧美发达国家,中国具有相当丰富的灵长类动物资源提供国内外应用~[1]。食蟹猴为医学实验动物模型广泛应用于科学研究的过程中,科研人员很快发现,对食蟹猴的合理保定和麻醉是进行科研项目首先要解决  相似文献   

普遍认为由非人灵长类动物传播给人的艾滋病病毒已经给人类造成的巨大的灾难。科学家最近又报道,在喀麦隆的经常猎杀非人灵长类动物的人群中发现了2种新型人嗜T淋巴细胞病毒,即HTL V-3,和HTL V-4。这2种病毒与已知的专家普遍认为由猴或猿传播给人的HTL V-1和HTL V-2有密切的亲缘关系,而且与艾滋病病毒一样,这些病毒也可以将其基因整合到宿主细胞基因组中。  相似文献   

非人灵长类是高级神经活动比较发达的高等野生哺乳动物,它们在生物进化上与人类有很近的亲缘关系,在形态结构上生活习性上也与人类很相近,因此,是医学实验中研究人类疾病理想的实验动物模型。本世纪初,Nicolle和Manceaux在北非的啮齿动物流趾鼠(Cten-odactyzusgon山Z)发现了弓形虫,随即进行了灵长类动物弓形虫病的实验研究。从那时以来,这一领试的研究一直引起人们很大的兴趣.由于我国弓形虫病的发现较晚,有关这方面的研究极少,因此,木文试就国外灵长类动物弓形虫病的流行病学调查,临床感染的研究以及实验感染的研究等作一…  相似文献   

动物病毒侵害人类由来已久。艾滋病是已危及人类生存的全球性传染病,据世界卫生组织和联合国艾滋病规划处2004年11月23日公布的《艾滋病新疫情》报告中估计,2004年该病死亡310万人,HIV感染者总数为3940万人。现在许多科学家相信,该病是由灵长类动物病毒突变后,才成为广泛流行于人类的病毒。  相似文献   

猕猴是一种许多生物学特性与人类极为相似的灵长类动物,目前已成为解决人类健康和疾病问题的基础研究和临床研究的理想动物模型,被列为国家二级保护动物。其需求量日益增加。而长期以来,人类对猕猴的滥加捕杀和不合理的开发利用,已使这一资源急剧减少,因此只有通过人...  相似文献   

简要介绍了非人灵长类动物体外受精与胚胎移植的内容、方法和步骤,影响其体外受精的主要因素,以及对未来非人灵长类动物的研究方向。  相似文献   

艾滋病是由免疫缺陷病毒感染引起的,感染者以CD4+T细胞减少为主要特征,临床表现为反复感染、恶性肿瘤及中枢神经系统退行性变化为特点.通过对动物艾滋病的研究,探究人类艾滋病病因,致病机制及其防治等,论文对动物艾滋病的研究概况进行了综述.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) is an opportunistic pathogen in AIDS patients and pigs, and causes dissemination through primary intestinal lesions. However, its pathogenesis is not well understood. In this article, we hypothesize that pigs can provide a suitable experimental model of disseminated MAC disease. We compared the initial route of infection, the characteristics of the pathogenic strains, the immunological status of the hosts, and the histological characteristics. The route of infection and infective strains are similar in AIDS patients and pigs. Pigs can respond to infection by the formation of systemic epithelioid granuloma with sufficient cell-mediated immunity. However, there are differences in immunological status and histological features between AIDS patients and pigs. Therefore, pigs might be used as an appropriate animal model because of their good cell mediated immunity triggered by systemic mycobacterial infection. In conclusion, MAC infections in AIDS patients and pigs show similarities in terms of the initial route of infection and the genetic characteristics of the pathogenic strains.  相似文献   

Pneumocystis carinii is an important pulmonary pathogen responsible for morbidity and mortality in patients with AIDS. Apart from AIDS, cases of pneumocystosis have been reported in patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy associated with organ transplantation without chemoprophylaxis and in malignant blood diseases. In vitro models are only of limited interest because there is no continuous in vitro culture. The in vivo models have contributed a great deal to the understanding of human Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. Indeed, animal models remain of prime interest for many purposes, principally comparative medicine, pathogenesis, epidemiology and immunology. Among animal models, the rabbit is a very susceptible host to P. carinii infection, and does not need glucocorticoid treatment. Moreover, antigenic and genomic data suggest that rabbit-derived Pneumocystis strains are more closely related to human Pneumocystis than those of mice or rats. We have therefore shown that the rabbit model permits the study of the pulmonary surfactant modification due to P. carinii infection. This model should be a very interesting model for pathogenesis or immune response studies in immunocompetent animals. The rabbit model could also be used for epidemiological studies. P. carinii transmission appears to be very rapid via contact of Pneumocystis-free rabbits with infected rabbits. These Pneumocystis-free animals could be helpful for characterizing the source and the reservoir and studying parasite transmission.  相似文献   

骨质疏松动物模型研究进展   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
骨质疏松动物模型是骨质疏松症实验研究中不可缺少的研究材料。动物模型的病因、发病机理、病理变化及症状应尽量与临床接近。去卵巢动物模型是目前最常用的绝经后骨质疏松动物模型,且与临床绝经后骨质疏松症比较相似。SAMP6 小鼠是仅有的一种能证明增龄性骨脆性骨折的实验动物,是研究老年性骨质疏松症的较实用的动物模型。睾丸切除鼠骨质疏松动物模型是研究男性骨质疏松症的重要工具。内分泌代谢性、营养缺乏性、药物性、废用性骨质疏松等继发性骨质疏松动物模型常根据其原发病的情况制作,其病理变化与临床接近。研究者应根据自己的研究范围,选择合适的动物模型。  相似文献   

隐孢子虫病检测技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
隐孢子虫是动物和人腹泻的重要病原,也是人类艾滋病患者的主要致死因素之一.当前,对隐孢子虫病的研究已成为全球寄生虫学研究领域的热点由,于迄今尚无治疗隐孢子虫病感染的特效药物,因此,快速、简便、准确地发现隐孢子虫是控制该病的关键.随着分子生物学技术的应用,隐孢子虫病的检测技术得到了极大的发展.笔者就近年来隐孢子虫病检测技术进行了简要综述.  相似文献   

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is a natural infection of domestic cats that results in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome resembling human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in humans. The worldwide prevalence of FIV infection in domestic cats has been reported to range from 1 to 28%. Hence, an effective FIV vaccine will have an important impact on veterinary medicine in addition to being used as a small animal AIDS model for humans. Since the discovery of FIV reported in 1987, FIV vaccine research has pursued both molecular and conventional vaccine approaches toward the development of a commercial product. Published FIV vaccine trial results from 1998 to the present have been compiled to update the veterinary clinical and research communities on the immunologic and experimental efficacy status of these vaccines. A brief report is included on the outcome of the 10 years of collaborative work between industry and academia which led to recent USDA approval of the first animal lentivirus vaccine, the dual-subtype FIV vaccine. The immunogenicity and efficacy of the experimental prototype, dual-subtype FIV vaccine and the efficacy of the currently approved commercial, dual-subtype FIV vaccine (Fel-O-Vax FIV) are discussed. Potential cross-reactivity complications between commercial FIV diagnostic tests, Idexx Snap Combo Test and Western blot assays, and sera from previously vaccinated cats are also discussed. Finally, recommendations are made for unbiased critical testing of new FIV vaccines, the currently USDA approved vaccine, and future vaccines in development.  相似文献   

FeLV-FAIDS-induced immunodeficiency syndrome in cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Findings are reviewed, relevant to elucidation of the pathogenic, genetic and biochemical properties of a single, genetically heterogeneous isolate of feline leukemia virus (FeLV-FAIDS) shown to induce fatal immunodeficiency disease in nearly 100% of inoculated cats. Hypotheses are suggested which pertain to the mechanism of T-cell killing by this virus, and which extrapolate findings in the FeLV-FAIDS animal model to AIDS induced in humans by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).  相似文献   

A number of monkey species, including African green monkeys and African vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops), are frequently infected in the wild and in captivity with a Simian immunodeficiency virus strain, SIVagm, a primate lentivirus. Up to 50% of African green monkeys are estimated to be infected with SIVagm. SIV strains are very closely related to HIV-2 strains, which are a cause of AIDS in humans, predominantly in western Africa, although cases in Australia have also been reported. It is generally thought that SIV is non-pathogenic in several natural hosts, including African green monkeys. Nevertheless many SIV strains induce a profound immunodeficiency virtually identical to HIV-1 induced AIDS in humans when administered to Asian macaque species such as rhesus (Macaca mulatta) or pigtailed macaques (M nemestrina). SIV infection of Asian macaque species is frequently employed as an animal model for AIDS vaccine studies. In November 1996 a group of 10 African vervet monkeys were imported from the USA for display at Victoria's Open Range Zoo in Werribee. Two animals in this group of monkeys later developed a fatal gastroenteric illness. These diagnoses led us to initiate SIV testing of the colony.  相似文献   

It is now clear that AIDS results from a complex pathogenesis where virus-induced cytopathology represents only one of the contributing factors, while the others remain elusive. For this and other reasons there is much interest in the mechanisms whereby other classically immunodepressive noncytocidal retroviruses, such as viruses of the murine Friend leukemia complex (FLC), affect the immune system. FLC-induced immunosuppression has already provided important leads to the understanding of the mechanisms whereby retroviruses immunosuppress their hosts. It is expected that further investigation of the model will prove useful in several areas of AIDS research, including the development of efficacious drug therapies.  相似文献   

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