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桉树Teratosphaeria枝干斑点溃疡病(简称桉树斑点溃疡病)是由Teratosphaeriazuluensis或T.gauchensis引起的一种广泛分布于世界桉树人工林中的真菌病害。目前,由T.zuluensis引起的桉树斑点溃疡病已经在我国广东、广西的桉树人工林中被发现。利用微卫星探针对华南地区的3个T.zuluensis种群进行遗传多样性研究发现,我国一些区域T.zuluensis种群的遗传多样性很高且存在基因重组现象。本文对桉树斑点溃疡病的病原、分布、病害特征、致病菌的鉴定分类方法、致病菌的种群多样性、致病菌的致病力测试结果以及针对桉树斑点溃疡病的防控措施进行了介绍,以控制桉树斑点溃疡病对我国桉树商品林带来的危害。  相似文献   

本文对2006-2013年期间我国感病桉树或桉树木片上发现的21个真菌物种的分类地位、形态特征、菌落特点、寄主范围、分布地域和危害特点等进行了概述。介绍的对象包括桉树枝干斑点溃疡病原 Teratosphaeria zuluensis(祖鲁畸腔菌);桉树叶部斑点溃疡病原Teratosphaeria destructans(破畸腔菌),Mycosphaerella marksii(马克氏球腔菌),M. crystallina(水晶球腔菌),M. yunnanensis(云南球腔菌);桉树顶梢及叶白枯萎病原 Quambalaria pitereka(彼特氏桉座孢);桉树苗茎腐病原 Calonectria cerciana(桉树丽赤壳),C. pauciramosa(常丽赤壳),C. pseudoreteaudii(瑞丽赤壳);桉树叶焦枯病原 C. crousiana(克儒斯氏丽赤壳),C. fujianensis(福建丽赤壳),C. pauciramosa(常丽赤壳), C. pseudocolhounii(类柯氏丽赤壳),C. pseudoreteaudii(瑞丽赤壳);桉树木片腐烂病原Ophiostoma tsotsi(类栎长喙壳菌);桉树枝干溃疡病原Chrysoporthe deuterocubensis(类古巴黄隐丛赤壳),Fusicoccum fabicercianum(法比桉树壳梭孢),Lasiodiplodia theobromae(柯柯豆毛色二孢),L. pseudotheobromae(类柯柯豆毛色二孢),Celoporthe guangdongensis(广东暗隐丛赤壳),C. eucalypti(桉树暗隐丛赤壳);桉树枝干枯萎病原Ceratocystis acaciivora(相思长喙壳),C. chinaeucensis(中国桉树长喙壳)。  相似文献   

为了明确在中国发现的桉树叶片焦枯病病原菌Calonectria spp.对桉树的致病力大小,并测定不同桉树无性系对Calonectria病原菌抗病性的强弱,本试验采用在中国发现的12种Calonectria属(Ca. cerciana、Ca. chinensis、Ca. hongkongensis、Ca. microconidialis、Ca. papillata、Ca.parakyotensis、Ca. pauciramosa、Ca. pentaseptata、Ca. pseudoreteaudii、Ca. seminaria、Ca. terrestris、Ca. tetraramosa)共29株致病菌对10个桉树无性系(DH32-22、DH32-29、EC152、EC153、EC155、G1、K31、OC14、U6、W5)进行了室内离体叶片致病性测定。结果显示:12种被测试Calonectria病原菌均能在不同程度上使10个桉树无性系离体叶片产生病斑;不同种Calnectria病原菌对同一桉树无性系的致病性差异显著,不同桉树无性系对同种Calonectria致病菌的抗病能力也存在显著差异。  相似文献   

杨树吉厂虫主要是幼虫为害小叶杨树干,对小青杨等杨树枝干也有较轻的危害。轻者影响树木生长,重者导致树木枯萎死亡。杨树吉丁虫三年一代,以不同龄的幼虫在树木枝干的韧皮部与木质部之间或在边材部位越  相似文献   

不同地区来源的12个青枯病菌株菌落生长特征及桉树幼枝水培接种致病力差异显著,菌落形态存在一定的差异,但是菌株菌落生长与致病值之间没有明显的关联。菌株菌液浓度对致病值影响显著,随浓度提高而加强;用于试验的4个桉树无性系感病性统计上没有显著性差别。菌落生长主要集中在平板划线培养后的4天内;第4天时,平均大小从3.53~27.68 mm。虽然菌株间致病值差异显著,如剔除表现最强及最弱的2个菌株,其余菌株间致病值则没有差别,说明不同地区幼林林木在等同气候环境条件下,受青枯病危害的机率类似,但是,个别立地林分可能因特定病原菌株而受害严重。  相似文献   

对华南4个地区的桉树青枯病病原菌进行了分子鉴定和致病性测试研究,以期为有效预防其发生提供依据.分别对来源于不同区域的11株桉树青枯病病原菌进行分子鉴定和致病力强弱测试比较,11株病原菌与Ralstonia solanacearum序列形成支持率为86%分枝,表明其病原菌16S rRNA基因序列与Ralstonia solanacearum具有高度同源性.以桉树无性系DH32-29组培苗为材料,采用伤根法对11个菌株进行致病力测试,不同菌株间在致病性上差异显著(P<0.01或P<0.05),以发病高峰期、高峰期发病率和平均发病率进行K-均值聚类分析(K=3),结果表明来源于广东、广西、海南的各菌株间致病性存在差异,HY01、HY02、DA01、HP04菌株与HP05分为1类,DA02和DA03为第2类,而YJ01、HP01、HP02和HP03为第3类.对4个不同地区(采样点)的青枯病菌株平均发病率进行方差分析,结果发现来源广东阳江菌株致病性显著地低于其他来源菌株.不同地理来源菌株之间在致病性上无明显相关性,同一地区内同时存在着致病力强弱菌株,HP03的生物型4-1菌株与其他生物型3菌株在致病性亦无明显的差别.  相似文献   

用7个桉树耐寒无性系营建品比试验林,测定了生长28周的树木树高、胸径、地径等指标,经统计分析初步了解各无性系之间的生长差别,提出了桉树无性系林管理的技术要求;根据2008年冰冻复壮实际情况及观测结果,认为D11(邓恩桉)可在中亚热带推广应用。  相似文献   

桉树无性系生长性状的基因型与环境互作初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对桉树人工林造林树种单一以及华南地区台风和病虫害对桉树人工林产量影响严重等问题,开发测试并推出新无性系对解决这些问题尤为重要。本研究对15个桉树新无性系在5种立地条件下的生长表现进行了分析,并对生长性状的基因型与环境互作效应做了定性分析。测试无性系的生长表现显示,无性系1409在所有立地中的表现均优良且稳定,无性系1406和1407在多个试验点的表现优良。这3个无性系在不同的立地条件下表现出较为稳定的生长优势,其广泛的适应性表明其具有潜在的推广价值。来自5种立地条件的无性系生长性状的方差分析显示,测试无性系在无性系、立地及无性系与立地互作水平均存在显著的差异(P0.01),主要原因在于这5种立地条件的温湿度、降雨量和土壤类型均存在较大差异。该结果也说明了进行无性系多立地条件测试的重要性,尤其是针对华南地区不同的立地类型。测试无性系胸径和树高的重复力都很高(0.972和0.964),表明其虽然在不同的环境条件下存在生长差异,但其生长表现还是具有很高的稳定性。本研究结果在一定程度上可为桉树无性系的选优、中试甚至推广决策的制定提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

桉树制浆造纸潜力及其材性变异分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
东门桉树研究项目对桉树木材材性进行了较系统的研究:东门桉树在造纸性能上有较好的适合性;桉树木材基本密度随年龄的增加而增加,树木的不同部位的密度有较好的相关性,通过测定树干中部的样心基本密度就可很好地估算整株立木的基本密度,项目测定了树种、优树、无性系的基本密度;初步制定了东门优树与材质筛选标准;分析了尾叶桉木材的主要化学成分含量和木才pH值在树干高度上的差异和变化趋势;pH值由树基向上,有逐渐增加的趋势;施肥对纤维长度没有显著影响,对纤维宽度有显著增大作用。  相似文献   

雷州半岛桉树无性系抗风性的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
桉树(Eucalyplus)原产于澳大利亚,在我国引种已有100余年的历史,在我国东南沿海地区广泛种植,由于这一地区属台风多发地区,桉树无性系抗风性选择尤为重要.国内外对桉树的抗风性已进行了许多研究[1~3],选育出一批优良抗风无性系:如华南热带农业大学早在1973年便从国内外引进了30多个桉树无性系在海南岛沿海地区进行抗风筛选试验,经多次11~12级台风袭击,选育出高产抗风的刚果12号桉(Eucalyplus ABL 12)无性系,其风害率仅为29%~79%,是当时生产应用无性系的148%[4];王国祥等[2]从广西东门林场引入30个桉树无性系到雷州半岛进行抗风性试验,经1994年3号台风的袭击,对风倒、风折率进行了调查,筛选出EC1等8个抗风性较强的优良无性系,但都未对桉树无性系的木材密度、种植株行距与抗风性之间的关系进行探讨;1995年陈少雄等[5]仅从桉树幼林株行距配置上进行了抗风性探讨.本文试图从不同桉树无性系生长指标及木材密度、造林密度、行间走向等多方面探讨桉树无性系的抗风性,为桉树抗风性育种提供依据.  相似文献   

丽赤壳属(Calonectria)真菌中含有一些在世界范围内分布广且危害大的病原菌。通过基于多基因序列的系统发育分析并结合形态学特征,我国共发现并鉴定了28个丽赤壳属物种,其中27个种是在桉树人工林叶片、桉树林下土壤或者桉树苗上发现。本文对我国丽赤壳属真菌的物种多样性以及遗传多样性进行了概述,对各个物种的形态特征、菌落特点、寄主范围、分布地域和危害特点等进行了详细的描述,并对未来我国丽赤壳属真菌的物种分类以及引起病害的防控研究提供了思路。  相似文献   

The ecologically and culturally vital tree species, ʻōhiʻa lehua (Metrosideros polymorpha), is threatened by the fungal pathogens Ceratocystis lukuohia and Ceratocystis huliohia, the causal agents of the disease complex called Rapid ʻŌhiʻa Death (ROD). Four invasive ambrosia beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) species in the Xyleborini tribe colonize ROD Ceratocystis-infested ‘ōhiʻa and produce inoculum through their frass; however, the potential for direct transmission of the ROD fungi by these beetles was unknown. We fulfilled Leach's rules to support insect transmission of ROD by documenting the visitation of these ambrosia beetles to healthy ‘ōhiʻa trees, culturing C. lukuohia and C. huliohia from the ROD-associated beetles using three different collection methods at multiple study sites, and challenging healthy ʻōhiʻa seedlings with beetles that were exposed to both C. lukuohia and C. huliohia cultures. We documented all four invasive ROD-associated ambrosia beetle species including Xyleborinus saxesenii, Xyleborus affinis, Xyleborus ferrugineus, and Xyleborus perforans to regularly visit healthy ʻōhiʻa trees on sticky traps. Viable Ceratocystis propagules were isolated from all species, and C. lukuohia was most commonly isolated of the two ROD-causing fungi. Consistently across all collection techniques, ROD Ceratocystis spp. were detected on just under 3% of all assayed beetles, with the highest detection rate from X. affinis. All four beetle species were capable of directly transmitting both pathogens to healthy ʻōhiʻa seedlings with a high rate of transfer. Ceratocystis spp. are highly virulent pathogens in trees, and a single inoculation can result in tree death, therefore any direct transmission is a cause for concern. After meeting the criteria of Leach's rules, we propose that Xi. saxesenii, X. affinis, X. ferrugineus, and X. perforans are vectors of C. lukuohia and C. huliohia, particularly in areas of high ROD pressure and tree stress.  相似文献   

Plantations of Pinus spp. constitute approximately 50% of the South African forestry industry. The first aim of this study was to develop a reliable inoculation technique to screen Pinus spp., for tolerance to infection by F. circinatum, which threatens pine forestry in South Africa. Inoculation of branches was compared with stem inoculations and we considered the number of branches or trees required to obtain statistically significant results. Furthermore, variation in the susceptibility of some Pinus families, clones and hybrids was considered. Results showed that branch inoculations were closely correlated with those from stem inoculations, and that it is important to consider branch and stem diameters when assessing susceptibility of trees. Subsequent trials using branch inoculations showed significant differences in F. circinatum tolerance amongst a range of pine species and hybrids of potential interest to forestry in South Africa. Significant differences in susceptibility were also found among clones of two P. radiata families. The most tolerant trees were P. elliottii × caribaea and P. patula × oocarpa hybrids, while the most susceptible species were P. patula, P. greggii and hybrids of these two. This is the first trial considering the susceptibility of Pinus hybrids, Pinus clones and some P. patula provenances, and the results indicate excellent potential for breeding for tolerance to pitch canker in South Africa. Application The accurate selection of disease tolerant planting stock for the South African forestry industry is crucially important for the continued sustainability of this important industry. The work described here provides valuable information on an artificial inoculation technique that will assist the industry in screening trees for tolerance to the pitch canker fungus, F. circinatum. It also provides some indication of the relative susceptibility of a number of Pinus spp., hybrids and families currently being evaluated in the country.  相似文献   

Ralstonia solanacearum is currently one of the most important plant pathogenic bacteria worldwide, with a wide geographical distribution and host diversity. The pathogen infects more than 200 plant species belonging to approximately 50 plant families, including Eucalyptus spp. Although, high losses have been reported in nurseries, little is known on the negative impact of the disease in the field. In this study, we evaluated the incidence of R. solanacearum and its effect on volumetric growth and cellulose yield of discoloured wood chips obtained from infected trees of one clone of Eucalyptus urophylla and two hybrid clones of Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis. The average incidence of bacterial wilt ranged between 60.6% and 72.4%. Volumetric growth of infected trees disease decreased 78.6% and 81.7% at 18 and 30 months, respectively. The pulp screen yield of three clones decreased between 3.2 and 6.4%, with an average 4.3%. The results of this work provide useful information on the losses of volumetric growth and pulp yield of eucalypt caused by R. solanacearum.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3-4):187-191
Pruning (singling) is a common silvicultural practice in commercial Acacia plantations because these trees tend to have multiple stems. The wounds resulting from pruning are susceptible to infection by pathogens. Ceratocystis acaciivora and Lasiodiplodia theobromae have been shown recently to be important pathogens of A. mangium in Indonesia, where they are commonly associated with wounds on trees. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of different wound types on infection of A. mangium and A. crassicarpa by these two pathogens. Isolates of C. acaciivora and L. theobromae, found to be the most pathogenic in a prior study, were used to inoculate pruning wounds. Results showed that pruning conducted in a manner to reduce stem damage, resulted in lower levels of fungal infection. Where pruning resulted in tearing of the bark, there were higher levels of infection and disease occurred even without artificial inoculation. Inoculation of pruning wounds with C. acaciivora and L. theobromae showed that both fungi have the potential to cause disease. However, C. acaciivora was most virulent. Results of this study showed conclusively that careful pruning will result in lower levels of disease in young A. mangium and A. crassicarpa plantations.  相似文献   

广西东门林场桉树无性系选育研究概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对东门林场多年来所做的桉树无性系选育研究进展以及结果进行了总结分析。通过大量桉树树种(种源、家系)的引进,在优良种源、林分及优良单株选择的基础上,进行杂交育种和子代测定,开展优树选择和无性繁殖,开发出优良无性系,并通过无性系对比试验和区域试验,最终选育出优良无性系进行推广造林。东门林场先后选育出1800多个桉树优良无性系,其中已有140多个在林业生产中广泛推广和应用,树立了东门的“DH”(东门杂交种)品牌形象,充分展示东门林场的资源优势和技术优势,为我国的桉树无性系事业发展做出了贡献。  相似文献   

Ceratocystis albifundus causes the disease known as wattle wilt of non‐native Acacia mearnsii trees in South Africa, Uganda and Kenya. Infection results in rapid wilt and death of susceptible trees and stem cankers on more tolerant trees. It has been suggested that C. albifundus is indigenous to southern Africa, possibly having spread from native Protea spp. to non‐native A. mearnsii and A. decurrens trees. Although C. albifundus has been collected from Protea spp., these reports are based on limited records for which only aged herbarium specimens exist. During surveys of wound‐infecting fungi on native tree species in South Africa, a fungus resembling C. albifundus was collected from Protea gaguedi, Acacia caffra, Burkea africana, Combretum molle, C. zeyheri, Faurea saligna, Ochna pulchra, Ozoroa paniculosa and Terminalia sericea. The identity of the fungus was confirmed as C. albifundus, using comparisons of DNA sequence data for the ITS and 5.8S gene of the rRNA operon. In pathogenicity trials, lesions were produced on C. molle and A. caffra, with some trees beginning to die at the termination of the experiment. This study represents the first report of C. albifundus from native tree species in South Africa and provides unequivocal evidence that the fungus occurs naturally on native Protea spp. The wide host range of C. albifundus, as well as its abundance on these indigenous hosts lends further support to the view that it is a native African pathogen.  相似文献   

Ceratocystis albofundus is a recently described pathogen infectingAcacia mearnsii in South Africa, and it causes a disease known as Ceratocystis wilt. Symptoms of the disease include die-back, gummosis and wilting of infected trees. In order to select trees tolerant to this fungus, susceptibility tests were conducted on trees representing fourteen families ofA. mearnsii. A virulent isolate ofC. albofundus was selected and inoculated into the stems of twelve-month-old plants in a plantation. Lesion lengths, in the bark, and disease development were assessed after 6 weeks. All fourteen families ofA. mearnsii were susceptible to infection byC. albofundus. Considerable variation was, however, noticed between individual trees within the same family and the incorporation of disease tolerant trees into breeding programmes is proposed.  相似文献   

Ceratocystis platani causes canker stain of plane trees, and it represents a serious disease of Platanus spp. both in the United States and Europe. Current chemical or biological controls do not effectively manage C. platani, so new preventive methods need to be developed in order to limit this pathogen spreading. In this work, we have characterized the main volatile organic compounds (VOC) emitted in vitro from pure cultures of C. platani and other common pathogenic fungal species of hosts plants growing in the same ecosystems as plane trees. We found that C. platani emitted a similar blend of VOC compared with phylogenetically similar species C. populicola. In particular, C. platani was characterized by emission of isoamyl acetate and isobutyl acetate while C. populicola by ethyl acetate and isobutyl acetate, which were not released by any of the other out‐group fungal species grown on the same medium. Moreover, following a targeted approach based on the main VOC found in vitro, we have successfully validated in vivo that VOC uniquely emitted by C. platani (i.e. isobutyl acetate along with isoamyl alcohol) were released from the bark of plane trees following C. platani inoculation. Our results highlight the possibility to exploit VOC emitted specifically by C. platani as biomarkers to recognize Platanus x acerifolia plants infected by this pathogen.  相似文献   

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