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1 发病症状 某个体大型养鸭场,在2000年底鸭群突然大批发病死亡,发病死亡时最小的为8日龄,最大的为45日龄.病鸭主要表现为行动迟缓,食欲下降或废食,共济失调,鼻孔有粘液性分泌物堵塞,呼吸困难,有的咳嗽、打喷嚏,眼四周有分泌物,死亡前常表现为角弓反张,四肢痉挛.该批雏鸭共2500只,死亡1386只,死亡率为55.4%,损失极其惨重.  相似文献   

雏鸭病毒性肝炎的诊治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
取疑似雏鸭病毒性肝炎病死鸭肝脏制成1:1匀浆,分别接种9日龄鸡胚和11日龄鸭胚,鸡,鸭胚均于接种后24~36小时全部死亡,取鸡胚尿囊膜制成1:2匀浆 接种11日龄鸭胚,鸭胚于接种后64小时死亡,取鸡胚尿囊液回归4日龄雏鸭进行人工发病雏鸭于24~96小时全部死亡,用已知抗鸭肝病毒卵黄液对发病鸭群紧急被动免疫注射,病鸭群于注射后3天全面停止死亡,取鸡,鸭胚尿囊液制成油乳剂免疫注射后3天全面停止死亡,了  相似文献   

病毒性肝炎和沙门氏菌病两种疾病均为雏鸭常发疾病,给养鸭业带来不同的经济损失,如两者并发感染将加大对疾病的诊断难度,易造成更大的损失。对一起雏鸭病毒性肝炎并发沙门氏菌病的诊治病例进行了介绍。  相似文献   

2003年5月22日黑龙江省兰西县某镇养殖户从邻县购进未经病毒性肝炎疫苗防疫的雏鸭1300多只,按常规饲养管理至19日龄时发现近70%的雏鸭精神萎靡、食欲不振、怕水、眼半闭,呈昏睡状。其中约占发病数一半的发病鸭出现神经症状,共济失调,身体多偏向一侧倒卧,两腿呈痉挛状,死亡的雏鸭呈角弓反张。曾使用蒽诺沙星、氟哌酸等药物进行治疗,效果不佳,随后送省兽医卫生防疫站定性诊断。  相似文献   

2005年6月25日,江西省南昌县某养鸭专业户陈某饲养的3000羽4日龄雏鸭突然发病,最终死亡120羽.6月26日陈某带10只病死鸭前来南昌县畜牧兽医管理站就诊,笔者了解病情后,根据雏鸭的临床症状、剖检病理变化、实验室检查,初步诊断为雏鸭病毒性肝炎,经采用中西医结合治疗,疗效显著,特将诊断报告供业内人士参考:  相似文献   

鸭病毒性肝炎与鸭疫里默氏菌病是3周内雏鸭最易感染,引起高发病率、高死亡率的急性传染病。这两种病常给养鸭业造成很大经济损失。因此,如何进行快速诊断,做好防治工作,显得至关重要。本文报道一起典型的病例,供同仁和广大养鸭户参考。1 发病情况及临诊症状 2000年5月18日,我市某养鸭专业户从南海某种鸭场购进2500羽樱桃谷肉鸭苗,地面散养,肉鸭苗从6大龄开始发病,死亡急.当天死亡43只,第2天死亡123只,第3天死亡321只,5月26日来我兽医门诊部就诊。对病死雏鸭剖检结合临诊症状.认定为雏鸭病毒性肝…  相似文献   

1991年从云南某地疑似鸭病毒性肝炎(DVH)的病雏鸭肝脏分离到一株病毒,经鸡胚染试验,电镜形态观察,中和试验鉴定,证明为鸭病毒性肝炎病毒1型(DHV-I)毒株。该病毒对鸡胚高度适应,传递至80代对雏鸭无致病力,经易感雏鸭连传代毒力无反强现象,故命名为DHV-KM60株。鸡胚测试其滴度为LD50106-7.32/0.2ml。采用DHV-KM60制备疫苗,经口服免疫,对1日龄雏鸭的安全性高,免疫原性  相似文献   

20 0 2年 4月微山县夏镇某养鸭户饲养的 40 0 0只蛋雏鸭 ,于 6d龄时发生一种急性、高死亡率、有角弓反张等神经症状的疾病 ,3天共死亡 2 36只 ,用抗菌素药物治疗无效来我局门诊部就诊。经临诊检查和实验室检验 ,确认为鸭病毒性肝炎并发大肠杆菌病。采取综合性防治后 ,病情得到了控制。1 临诊症状雏鸭突然发病 ,精神萎糜 ,食欲减少或废绝 ,行动迟缓 ,眼半闭呈昏睡状态。缩颈拱背、翅下垂 ,大多排绿色稀粪。不久病鸭出现神经症状 ,运动失调 ,全身性抽搐 ,死前头颈后仰 ,脚腿伸直 ,呈角弓反张状。2 剖检变化肝肿大、质脆、外观色暗淡或发黄 ,…  相似文献   

2008年10月,四川眉山某大型猪场出现猪大量发病死亡现象,笔者无菌采集其病变组织进行了病毒和细菌的分离鉴定,现将其鉴定情况简述如下.  相似文献   

鸡大肠杆菌病是由埃希氏大肠杆菌引起的一种常见病,对养鸡业危害很大。2009年3月,广东增城郊区某蛋鸡养殖场饲养的167日龄海兰褐蛋鸡群突然发病,以腹泻和卵黄性腹膜炎为特征,3天内死亡175只,死亡率高达8.97%。经临床诊断和实验室检查,诊断为埃希氏大肠杆菌感染。经及时采取综合防控措施后,病情得到控制,为养殖户减少了损失。现将相关诊治情况介绍如下,希望对养殖户朋友有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the energy values of high-fiber dietary ingredients with different solubility (sugar beet pulp [SBP] and defatted rice bran [DFRB]) in growing pigs using the difference and the regression methods. A total of 21 barrows (initial BW, 40.5 ± 1.2 kg) were assigned to 3 blocks with BW as a blocking factor, and each block was assigned to a 7 × 2 incomplete Latin square design with 7 diets and two 13-d experimental periods. The 7 experimental diets consisted of a corn-soybean meal basal diet and 6 additional diets containing 10%, 20%, or 30% SBP or DFRB in the basal diet, respectively. Each of the experimental periods lasted 12 d, with a 7 d dietary adaptation period followed by 5-d total fecal and urine collection. Results showed that the digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) of the SBP determined by the difference method with different inclusion levels (10%, 20%, or 30%) were 2,712 and 2,628 kcal/kg, 2,683 and 2,580 kcal/kg, and 2,643 and 2,554 kcal/kg DM basis, respectively. The DE and ME in the DFRB evaluated by the difference method with 3 different inclusion levels were 2,407 and 2,243 kcal/kg, 2,687 and 2,598 kcal/kg, and 2,630 and 2,544 kcal/kg DM basis, respectively. Different inclusion levels had no effects on the energy values of each test ingredient estimated by the difference method. The DE and ME of the SBP and the DFRB estimated by the regression method were 2,562 and 2,472 kcal/kg and 2,685 and 2,606 kcal/kg DM basis, respectively. The energy values of each ingredient determined by the regression method were similar to the values estimated by the difference method with the 20% or 30% inclusion level. However, the energy values of the SBP and DFRB estimated by the difference method with the 10% inclusion level were inconsistent with the values determined by the regression method (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the regression method was a robust indirect method to evaluate the energy values for high-fiber ingredients with different solubility in growing pigs. If the number of experimental animals was limited, the difference method with a moderate inclusion level (at least 20%) of the test high-fiber ingredient in the basal diet could be applied to substitute the regression method.  相似文献   

易敢峰 《中国畜牧杂志》2007,43(8):17-21,45
<正>1全球性的饲料和畜牧生产结构之转变根据2007年1月的《国际饲料》(Feed Interna-tional)“全球饲料业全景”一文中报道:2006年全球人口近65亿,而且人口分布发生了很大的变化,主要是城市人口数量在逐渐增多。尽管受诸多不利因素影响,如全球尤其是在发展中国家的可利用耕地面积减少、农村劳动力数量下降、养殖业饱受疾病的  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the susceptibility of buffaloes, cattle and goats to infection with Trypanosoma vivax transmitted either by Glossina morsitans centralis or by syringe inoculation. Three different isolates of T vivax (two from East Africa, one from West Africa) were used to compare skin reactions, parasitaemia, anaemia and the development of trypanosome-specific antibodies in buffaloes, cattle and goats. African buffaloes reared in captivity in an area free from trypanosomiasis proved to be highly resistant to infection with the three stocks of T vivax tested, irrespective of whether infection was by tsetse transmitted metacyclic forms or by intradermal or intravenous inoculation of bloodstream forms of the parasite. The bites of 19 tsetse infected with a West African T vivax stock did not cause local skin reactions, detectable bloodstream infections or antibody responses in two buffaloes. Following the bites of 120 tsetse flies infected with the same stock, two different buffaloes showed no local skin reactions, but had detectable bloodstream infections without showing signs of anaemia. Cattle and goats infected in a similar way showed severe local inflammatory skin reactions, high levels of parasitaemia and severe anaemia. The two East African stocks of T vivax caused no local skin reactions and only a transient parasitaemia in buffaloes following tsetse-transmitted infection or intradermal inoculation of bloodstream forms. On the other hand, cattle and goats infected with the East African stocks showed high parasitaemias but local skin reactions only occurred in the goats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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