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稻麦玉米秸秆残留还田量定量估算方法及应用   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
为了解秸秆残留还田是秸秆直接还田的基本形式。该文通过逐步推导,给出了秸秆残留还田量定量估算的系列公式,并将秸秆残留还田量定量估算建立在5个参数的基础上,即农作物平均株高、收割留茬高度、叶部生物量比例、枝叶脱落率和秸秆机械收集损失率;以实地调查为基础,结合对试验数据收集整理,给出了小麦、玉米、水稻三大农作物秸秆残留还田量定量估算的参数体系,并估算出了三大农作物的秸秆残留还田量,分别为7 106.92、4 543.48和6 392.95万t,合计为18 043.35万t,占三大农作物的秸秆总产量的31.13%;三大作物人工收获秸秆残留还田量为1724.47万t,机械收获秸秆残留还田量为16 318.88万t,后者是前者的9.46倍;进而以农作物面积为权重,推算出全国的秸秆残留还田量为25 330.08万t,计算出单位面积耕地的残留还田量为1.87 t/hm2,与基本还田量的最低需求3.0 t/hm2相比尚需增加60%以上,与基本还田量的一般需求4.5 t/hm2相比尚需增加1.41倍。论文最后指出了秸秆残留还田量定量估算需要继续深入开展的主要研究工作:一是开展更广泛的田间实测,进一步提高小麦、玉米、水稻三大农作物秸秆残留还田量定量估算参数的精准度,尤其是收割留茬高度和秸秆机械收集损失率这两大参数的精准度,以便更确切地估算三大农作物的秸秆残留还田量;二是针对棉花、大豆、油菜等主要经济作物进行秸秆残留还田量定量估算研究,建立全国主要粮经作物秸秆残留还田量定量估算的参数体系;三是建立区域性的秸秆残留还田量定量估算的参数体系,逐步实现各区域秸秆残留还田量的定量估算。  相似文献   

This study describes the diurnal and seasonal dynamics of the canopy reflectance, water use and water status of Midknight Valencia citrus trees under semi-arid conditions. Hyperspectral canopy reflectance data was collected on 30 trees at monthly intervals over a period of 16 months in a commercial orchard in South Africa. The mean canopy reflectance in the wavelength range 350-2500 nm followed a clear seasonal trend influenced by environmental conditions and tree phenology. Mean monthly reflectance peaked in summer (∼22%) while the lowest value (∼15%) was reached in winter with the seasonal changes in the sun's position accounting for a significant proportion of the variations. A sensitivity analysis of a Penman-Monteith transpiration model showed that water use by individual trees changed by up to 13% when the canopy reflectance was varied over the seasonal range of measured values. This suggested that the seasonal changes in tree water use influenced the seasonal trend of the canopy reflectance. Thus monitoring the canopy reflectance of citrus trees could offer information on the tree water status. To test this, sap flow data of water uptake and loss by the trees were compared with the canopy spectra. Sap flow data showed a heavy reliance by the citrus trees on the internally stored water with up to 25% of the daily total transpiration withdrawn from the trees’ internal water storage pools when soil water was limited. This depletion of internally stored water, and hence the change in tree water status, was detected using spectral indices based on the first order derivatives of the canopy reflectance centered at two and, at most, four spectral bands. We conclude that even if citrus trees are evergreen, their canopy reflectance changes significantly throughout the year with a considerable impact on tree energy balance and water use. In addition, the contribution of the internally stored water to daily transpiration is a possible indicator of drought stress for citrus trees detectable from changes in canopy reflectance and it has potential applications in irrigation scheduling using canopy level spectral information.  相似文献   

Antimony (Sb) and Copper (Cu) are two metals of major concern in sewage sludge. Antimony because its use in society is increasing and this might lead to increased Sb concentrations in sludge. Copper because its total volume in use in society is large and because of corrosion from water pipes it is most difficult to reduce the Cu concentrations in sludge. Fresh digested sewage sludge was spiked with Cu or Sb and the sludge was cultivated with oat (Avena sativa), lettuce (Lactuca sativa) or radish (Raphanus sativus). Elutriates from the cultivated sludge were tested for toxicity with Lemna minor (7-d growth) and Daphnia magna (48 h immobility). Before cultivation the elutriates were toxic to Lemna and Daphnia due to high concentrations of ammonia (NH3) and nitrite (NO2 -). Cultivation decreased the concentrations of both NH3 and NO2 -, thereby reducing the impact of these compounds in the toxicity tests. Cultivation also decreased the metal concentrations and pH. Daphnia magna was the most sensitive test organism in this study with a 48 h EC50 of 1130 mg Cu kg-1 dry wt and 5 mg Sb kg-1 dry wt in elutriates from sludge cultivated with oat. In sludge cultivated with radish the 48 h EC50 was 1700 mg Cu kg-1 dry wt and 22 mg Sb kg-1 dry wt. The effect of Cu could be predicted by pH and Cu concentrationin the elutriate, but the effect of Sb could not solely be explained by its concentration in the elutriate.  相似文献   


Plant physiologists resort to plant tissue digestion to evaluate the nutrient status of crops, and to study ionic kinetic absorption and antagonism. This paper describes the effectiveness of six extraction procedures (2 non‐digestion, 3 wet‐digestion and the conventional dry‐ashing technique), in evaluating the content of 4 major cations (Ca2+, K+, Mg2+ and Na+) in sour orange leaves (Citrus aurantium L.). Analytical results, experimental advantages and limitations have been compared and discussed among all six procedures. The statistical studies carried out recommend the wet‐digestion as the optimum procedure to evaluate the mineral status of citrus leaves, and as a method with numerous technical advantages.  相似文献   

Monitoring of the age of mates, a method proposed to detect early warning signals for demographic trends in long-lived bird populations, showed different patterns when the study was performed on a single Bonelli’s eagle subpopulation of Andalusia (South of Spain) than when the whole region is taken into account. In this respect, we discuss the role of the spatial scale, the origin of reduction in non-natural mortality and the definition of the used age classes. For a correct monitoring of the age of mates in the Bonelli’s eagle, we propose the two age classes previously suggested, adult and non-adult, but paying particular attention to the late subadult individuals, specially when the monitoring is performed in a wide region by different field work groups. Likewise, it is necessary for monitoring age of breeders in long-lived species with deferred maturity to collect data from a sample well distributed over space, taking regularly into account pairs from the edge and from the centre of population. Besides, it is important to monitor those subpopulations with different known threats, providing them their relative importance among the whole population. Finally, conventional monitoring of the age of mates seems to generally be a reliable way to predict viability changes of bird populations, except when adult by adult replacements take place by reduction in juvenile mortality.  相似文献   

The mycorrhizal, rhizosphere and basal components of soil respiration were partitioned in a barley field experiment with the main objective of determining the controlling effects of photosynthetic activity and temperature on soil respiration sources. Micro-pore meshes were used to create both root and mycorrhiza-free soil cores over which collars for soil respiration measurements were inserted. Differences between mesh treatments were used to determine the contribution of each component. With a focus on the growing season, we analyzed the response of respiration sources to photosynthesis, temperature and moisture, as well as changes in microbial biomass, mineral nitrogen and carbon-nitrogen ratios responding to treatment and time of year. Results gave clear differences between sources in their response to both temperature and photosynthetic activity and showed that several processes are involved in determining respiration rates as well as apparent temperature relations. In particular, the respiration of arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae was seen to be a significant amount of root derived carbon respiration (25.3%) and consequently of total assimilated carbon (4.8%). This source showed a stronger response to photosynthetic activity than the rhizosphere component (r2=0.79, p<0.001 and r2=0.324, p=0.53, respectively). Q10 values—the increase in respiration rates with a 10 °C increase in temperature—changed seasonally and showed temperature relations being dependent on the presence of mycorrhizal and rhizosphere respiration sources, as well as on plant development. Respiration from mycorrhizal hyphae and the rhizosphere showed no response (r2=0, p<0.99) or low response (r2=0.14, p<0.01) to temperature, respectively. We conclude that the potential importance and controls of mycorrhizal fungi respiration in croplands are comparable to those observed in other ecosystems, and that temperature response curves should be carefully interpreted given that substrate availability and plant dynamics strongly regulate respiration rates in ecosystems.  相似文献   

This study evaluated physical properties of selected soil series and their implications on the soil compaction and erosion in Abeokuta, southwestern Nigeria. Daily rainfall data (1999–2007) were collected to estimate the rainfall erosivity. Seven soil series (Iwo, Iseyin, Ekiti, Jago, Okemesi, Apomu, and Egbeda) were sampled from 0–15, 15–30, and 30–50 cm depths for particle size distribution, organic carbon, pH, upper plastic limit, and compactibility (Proctor test). Microtopographical changes along and across toposequences of two farmers’ fields cleared mechanically and manually, respectively, were monitored using the erosion pin method. Mean annual erosivity (EI30) was high (7646 MJ mm ha?1 hr?1). Particle size, organic carbon, and pH were similar (p ≥ 0.05), while upper plastic moisture was ≤?2% among different soil series. Soil-moisture density curves indicated a maximum bulk density of 1.77–1.99 g cm?3 for a moisture range of 7.6–14%; while the soils were prone to compaction at low moisture content. Microtopographic changes were found between –2 and 0 cm and –8 and –2 cm on mechanically and manually cleared farmland, respectively. Spatial dependence showed that the soil erosion could be predicted within 5–8 m distance. To avoid erosion and compaction, soil water content should be less than 7.6% before the introduction of mechanical tillage.  相似文献   

新疆地区极端降水时空变化特征及对气温变化的响应   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
全球气候变暖背景下极端事件频发,对地处干旱、半干旱地区的新疆影响尤为明显,导致冻害、旱灾、雪灾、暴雨洪水和融雪洪水风险增大。该研究基于1961-2020年新疆75个观测气象台站资料,使用湿球温度法对降雨事件和降雪事件进行分离,其总体精度达到95%。利用百分位法定义极端降水(雨、雪),研究该区域极端降水量与频次变化的总体特征和南北疆空间变化差异,分析极端降雨、极端降雪对气温变化的响应机制。结果表明:1961-2020年,新疆地区年均降水(雨、雪)和年均极端降水(雨、雪)量与频次均呈增加趋势;北疆地区降雨、极端降雨、降雪和极端降雪的量与频次的增幅均要大于南疆地区(降雨频次除外);极端降水(雨、雪)对降水(雨、雪)的贡献率平均值均大于26%,且均呈增加趋势;南北疆各台站极端降雨和极端降雪对气温变化的响应均小于C-C(克拉伯龙-克劳修斯,Clausius-Clapeyron)方程预期,即  相似文献   

红壤性水稻土不同粒级团聚体有机碳矿化及其温度敏感性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用室内培养方法,研究不同温度(15℃、25℃和35℃)条件下红壤性水稻土不同粒级团聚体(2 mm、1~2 mm、 0.25~1 mm、0.053~0.25 mm和0.053 mm)中有机碳矿化特征,分析团聚体有机碳矿化对全土有机碳矿化的贡献并探讨团聚体有机碳矿化的温度敏感性。结果表明:0.25 mm大团聚体较0.25 mm微团聚体含有更多的有机碳和全氮,碳氮比随团聚体粒级减小而降低。全土和各粒级团聚体有机碳矿化速率在培养的前7d快速下降,之后缓慢降低并在培养后期趋于稳定。25℃和35℃培养时,有机碳累积矿化量在1 mm团聚体中最高,在0.053~0.25 mm团聚体中最低,且有机碳累积矿化量与有机碳和全氮含量显著或极显著正相关。2 mm和0.25~1 mm团聚体对全土有机碳矿化的贡献最大,贡献率分别为34.6%和28.8%。培养温度的升高显著提高了全土和团聚体的有机碳矿化速率、累积矿化量和矿化率。不同粒级团聚体有机碳矿化的温度敏感性系数为1.38~2.00,与有机碳、全氮和碳氮比均极显著正相关。综上所述,0.25 mm大团聚体在红壤性水稻土有机碳矿化中发挥主导作用,升温促进了不同粒级团聚体有机碳的矿化,团聚体有机碳矿化的温度敏感性与有机质的数量和质量密切相关。  相似文献   

氮肥用量与运筹对水稻氮素吸收转运及产量的影响   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
应用15N示踪技术研究了大田条件下氮肥用量与运筹对水稻氮素吸收、转运及籽粒产量的影响。试验分别设置3个氮肥水平(0、150和240 kg/hm2N)和两种基追比例(即基肥:蘖肥穗粒肥分别为40%︰30%︰30%(A)和30%︰20%︰50%(B)),共5个处理,依次记作N0、N150A、N150B、N240A、N240B。结果表明,在0~240 kg/hm2范围内,提高氮肥水平,显著增加水稻吸收的肥料氮素、土壤氮素数量以及肥料氮在土壤中的残留量。成熟期高氮处理(240 kg/hm2)水稻吸收的肥料氮素、土壤氮素及肥料氮在土壤中的残留量较多,分别为110.25、65.91、32.69 kg/hm2,而氮素的吸收利用率和土壤残留率下降,氮素损失率增加。在相同的氮肥水平下,采用基肥蘖肥穗粒肥比例为30%︰20%︰50%时,水稻吸收的肥料氮数量显著增加,氮素吸收利用率和土壤残留率提高,氮素损失率降低。适量施氮并增加穗粒肥的施氮比例,可以显著增加水稻产量。在本实验条件下,施氮量为240 kg/hm2及基肥蘖肥穗粒肥为30%︰20%︰50%的施氮处理是兼顾产量和环境的最佳氮肥运筹方式。  相似文献   

Tolerance to zinc (Zn) deficiency was examined for three wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and three barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) varieties grown in chelator‐buffered nutrient solution. Four indices were chosen to characterize tolerance to Zn deficiency: (1) relative shoot weight at low compared to high Zn supply (“Zn efficiency index”), (2) relative shoot to root ratio at low compared to high Zn supply, (3) total shoot uptake of Zn under deficient conditions, and (4) shoot dry weight under deficient conditions. Barley and wheat exhibited different tolerance to Zn deficiency, with barley being consistently more tolerant than wheat as assessed by all four indices. The tolerance to Zn deficiency in the barley varieties was in the order Thule=Tyra>Kinnan, and that of wheat in the order Bastian=Avle>Vinjett. The less tolerant varieties of both species accumulated more P in the shoots than the more tolerant varieties. For all varieties, the concentrations of Mn, Fe, Cu, and P in shoot tissue were negatively correlated with Zn supply. This antagonism was more pronounced for Mn and P than for Cu and Fe. Accumulation of Cu in barley roots was extremely high under Zn‐deficient conditions, an effect not so clearly indicated in wheat.  相似文献   

安徽省是国家重要商品粮生产基地,作为农业大省其粮食作物秸秆产量居于全国前列。明晰全省产粮大县主要粮食作物秸秆理论资源量和可收集资源量时空分布特征,并准确测算秸秆就地还田对土壤养分输入的贡献,可为秸秆全量化差异化利用策略优化及秸秆还田情景下的农田养分平衡调控提供决策依据。研究表明,2011-2019年安徽省产粮大县三大粮食作物秸秆资源总量呈现出稳步增长的态势,而不同作物秸秆产量年际变化趋势各异:小麦秸秆先升后稳,水稻秸秆波动不大,玉米秸秆逐年递增。2019年安徽省产粮大县三大粮食作物秸秆理论资源量为3 878万t,其中小麦、水稻和玉米秸秆所占比例分别为47.3%、36.3%和16.4%。淮北区为小麦和玉米秸秆资源集中分布区,占比分别为73.0%和88.3%,水稻秸秆主要产自江淮区(41.7%)、皖西区(21.3%)及沿江区(19.7%)。主要粮食作物秸秆资源总量分布表现为淮北区(52.5%)?江淮区(24.3%)?皖西区(10.5%)?沿江区(9.1%)?皖南区(3.6%)。2019年全省产粮大县小麦、水稻和玉米秸秆可收集资源量分别为1 338万、1 041万和542万t,淮北区单位播种面积小麦和玉米秸秆可收集资源量分别为4 505~6 310和4 171~5 395 kg/hm2,江淮区、皖西区和沿江区单位播种面积水稻秸秆可收集资源量分别为4 487~5 326、4 570~5 028和4 329~5 778 kg/hm2。2019年安徽省产粮大县三大粮食作物秸秆氮(N)、磷(P2O5)和钾(K2O)养分资源总量分别为25.3万、10.9万和90.1万t。在秸秆就地全量还田情景下,小麦玉米主产区(淮北区)小麦秸秆还田的氮(N)、磷(P2O5)和钾(K2O)养分输入量分别为35.8~50.1、14.1~19.8和139.8~195.8 kg/hm2,玉米秸秆还田的养分输入量分别为42.7~55.2、16.9~21.8和93.4~120.9 kg/hm2;水稻主产区(江淮区、皖西区和沿江区)水稻秸秆还田的养分输入量分别为38.0~50.8、18.8~25.0和151.6~202.3 kg/hm2。研究结果对进一步提升安徽省产粮大县秸秆资源综合利用效率及推动农业绿色高质量发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Abstract. The Pan‐European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment (pesera ) model was evaluated using existing soil erosion data collected under various types of climate, vegetation, landscape and soil conditions. The data used represent a variety of typical Mediterranean land uses such as winter wheat, vines, olives and bare, stony land prevailing in hilly areas. Using this data, the model was calibrated for sediment transport by overland flow and results compared to measured soil erosion values from runoff plots and a watershed on a monthly basis. The performance of the model was assessed statistically, showing that it can be satisfactorily used for predicting soil erosion rates under the conditions included in the study. The overall model estimate including all the available experimental data was 0.69 t ha?1 yr?1 with a maximum error of 1.49 t ha?1 yr?1. After validation, the model was applied to a small watershed (60 ha) of great ecological importance for the sea turtle Caretta caretta. For this purpose, soil and vegetation maps were compiled from all the necessary data for applying the model. The model was run for three years using daily data from an existing nearby meteorological station. The predicted and measured soil erosion rates for a 7‐month period were 0.31 t and 0.18 t, respectively. Application of the model to each mapping unit showed the over‐riding importance of land use for sediment generation under the given climatic conditions. Bare land, occupying 5.5% of the watershed area, generated up to 69% of the total sediments estimated for the watershed. It is concluded that the pesera model can be used as a regional diagnostic tool under a range of soil, topographic and climatic conditions for identifying the best land use type and vegetation cover to protect hilly areas from soil erosion. The calculated overall root mean square error for the model is 0.06 t ha?1 yr?1, compared to a soil erosion rate of 0.04 t ha?1 yr?1, which can be tolerated for protecting the area for the sea turtle.  相似文献   

Dispersion is an important issue for clay leaching in soils. In paddy soils of the Red River Delta (RRD), flooding with fresh water and relatively high leaching rates can accelerate dispersion and the translocation of clay. For the clay fraction of the puddled horizon of a typical paddy soil of the RRD, the effect of various cations and anions as well as humic acid (HA) at different pH values on the surface charge (SC) were quantified and the dispersion properties were determined in test tubes and described by the C50 value. In the <2 µm fraction, dominated by illite, the proportion of 2:1 vs. 1:1 clay minerals is 5:1. The organic‐C content of the clay fraction is 2.2%. Surface charge was found to be highly pH‐dependent. At pH 8 values of –32 and at pH 1 of –8 mmolc kg–1 were obtained. Complete dispersion was observed at pH > 4, where SC is > –18 mmolc kg–1. The flocculation efficiency of Ca strongly depends on the pH. At pH 4, the C50 value is 0.33, 0.66 at pH 5, and 0.90 mmol L–1 at pH 6. At pH 6, close to realistic conditions of paddy soils, the effect of divalent cations on the SC and flocculation decreases in the order: Pb > Cu > Cd > FeII > Zn > Ca > MnII > Mg; FeII was found to have a slightly stronger effect on flocculation than Ca. An increase in concentrations of Ca, MnII, and Mg from 0 to 1 mmol L–1 resulted in a change in SC from –25 to approx. –15 mmolc kg–1. In comparison, the divalent heavy‐metal cations Pb, Cu, Cd, and Zn were found to neutralize the SC more effectively. At a Pb concentration of 1 mmol L–1, the SC is –2 mmolc kg–1. From pH 3 to 5, the dispersion of the clay fraction is facilitated rather by SO than by Cl, which can be explained by the higher affinity of SO to the positively charged sites. With an increase of the amount of HA added, the SC continuously shifts to more negative values, and higher concentrations of cations are needed for flocculation. At pH 3, where flocculation is usually observed, the presence of HA at a concentration of 40 mg L–1 resulted in a dispersion of the clay fraction. While high anion concentrations and the presence of HA counteract flocculation by making the SC more negative, FeII and Ca (C50 at pH 6 = 0.8 and 0.9 mmol L–1, respectively) are the main factors for the flocculation of the clay fraction. For FeII and Ca, the most common cations in soil solution, the C50 values were found to be relatively close together at pH 4, 5, and 6, respectively. Depending on the specific mineralogical composition of the clay fraction, SC is a suitable measure for the determination of dispersion properties and for the development of methods to keep clay particles in the soil in the flocculated state.  相似文献   

广西是典型的喀斯特地区,其生态系统非常脆弱。为评估广西植被时空变化特征及其影响因素,该研究基于2000-2018年MODIS数据,利用最大值合成和趋势分析等方法,分析广西植被NDVI时空变化特征;基于相关分析等方法,结合地形因子、气候因子和土地利用数据,探讨了植被NDVI对地形、气候变化和土地利用的响应。结果表明:1)2000-2018年广西植被NDVI呈增加趋势,但空间差异显著,表现为北高南低,边缘高中间低。2)随着高程的增加植被NDVI呈现先增加再减少的趋势;随着坡度的增加植被NDVI呈先增加至稳定再减小的趋势;除无坡向以外,坡向的不同对植被NDVI影响不大。3)广西2000-2018年气温和降水对植被NDVI为正影响,平均复相关系数达到0.32。在不同土地利用类型上,植被NDVI对气候的响应是不同的。研究结果揭示了广西植被时空变化特征及其对地形、气候和土地利用的响应,能够为广西可持续发展和生态环境建设提供决策支持。  相似文献   

【目的】针对我国黄土高原旱地小麦低产田块多、分布范围广、农户地块间产量差异大的问题,探索影响旱地小麦产量的关键因素,为缩小产量差异、提高旱地小麦产量提供理论依据。【方法】对分布在我国黄土高原的山西、陕西旱地小麦主产区的282个农户麦田0—100 cm土壤和小麦植株取样分析。将小麦产量分为高、中、低三组,分析了小麦产量差异与产量构成、氮磷钾吸收利用的关系。【结果】调查农户冬小麦产量平均为3815 kg/hm2,中、低产组分别比高产组低32%和57% (P < 0.05);高产组籽粒平均含氮量较低产组低7%,但磷钾含量和茎叶氮磷钾含量差异不显著。与高产组相比,中、低产组生物量分别低27%和50%,收获指数低5%和13%,穗数低15%和31%,穗粒数低19%和41% (P < 0.05);地上部吸氮量低28%和51%,吸磷量低32%和55%,吸钾量低28%和50% (P < 0.05)。低产组氮收获指数分别比高、中产组低5%和4%,磷收获指数低4%和3%,钾收获指数低13%和8%。高产组小麦的需氮量较中、低产组分别低5%和12% (P < 0.05),需磷量没有显著差异;高、中产组小麦的需钾量亦无显著差异,但分别较低产组显著低5%和15%。高产组小麦的氮生理效率较中、低产组分别高4%和11%,产量分组间小麦的磷生理效率同样没有显著差异;高、中产组小麦的钾生理效率无显著差异,分别较低产组显著高16%和10%。【结论】黄土高原旱地农户田块小麦产量存在显著差异,其中由氮素营养不同引起的干物质累积转移、产量构成和养分吸收分配的变化是导致产量差异的重要原因。缩小旱地小麦产量差异的切入点在于氮素调控。基于作物产量形成的养分需求优化肥料投入,结合改进栽培,促进小麦干物质累积,提高穗数和穗粒数,从而实现产量普遍提升。  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is an important component in agricultural soil, and its stock is a major part of global carbon stocks. Estimating the SOC distribution and storage is important for improving soil quality and SOC sequestration. This study evaluated the SOC distribution different land uses and estimated the SOC storage by classifying the study area by land use in a small watershed on the Loess Plateau. The results showed that the SOC content and density were affected by land use. The SOC content for shrubland and natural grassland was significantly higher than for other land uses, and cropland had the lowest SOC content. The effect of land use on the SOC content was more significant in the 0-10 cm soil layer than in other soil layers. For every type of land use, the SOC content decreased with soil depth. The highest SOC density (0-60 cm) in the study area was found in shrublandII (Hippophae rhamnoides), and the other land uses decreased in the SOC density as follows: natural grassland > shrublandI (Caragana korshinskii) > abandoned cropland > orchard > level ground cropland > terrace cropland > artificial grassland. Shrubland and natural grassland were the most efficient types for SOC sequestration, followed by abandoned cropland. The SOC stock (0-60 cm) in this study was 23,584.77 t with a mean SOC density of 4.64 (0-60 cm).  相似文献   


To evaluate labile selenium (Se) content in agricultural soils in Japan and to investigate its determining factors, 178 soil samples were collected from the surface layer of paddy or upland fields in Japan and their soluble Se contents were determined. Two grams of soil was extracted with 20 mL of 0.1 mol L?1 sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) solution for 30 min in boiling water, and the released Se was reduced to Se (IV) after organic matter decomposition. The concentration of Se (IV) was then determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a fluorescence detector after treatment with 2,3-diaminonaphthalene (DAN) and extraction with cyclohexane. Soluble Se content ranged from 2.5 to 44.5 μg kg?1 with geometric and arithmetic means of 11.4 and 12.8 μg kg?1, respectively, and corresponded to 3.2% of the total Se on average. The overall data showed log-normal distribution. In terms of soil type, Non-allophanic Andosols and Volcanogenous Regosols had relatively high soluble Se content, and Wet Andosols and Lowland Paddy soils had relatively low soluble Se content. In terms of land use, upland soils had significantly higher soluble Se content than paddy soils (p < 0.01). The soluble Se content had significant positive correlation with total organic carbon (TOC) content of the extract, soil pH and total Se content (p < 0.01). In conclusion, total Se content in combination with soil pH was the main determining factor of the soluble Se content of agricultural soils in Japan.  相似文献   

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