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Ground cover competition and tree training strongly affect development of newly planted peach trees and eventual productivity of peach orchards. This experiment characterized the long-term interactive effects of three levels of competition and two pruning criteria on yield, fruit size, and marketable yield efficiency. Trees of two cultivars (’Jersey Dawn’, JD, and ‘Redskin’, RS, on Lovell) of peach (Prunuspersica (L.) Batsch) were planted in an orchard in 1993 and grown for 14 years in a vegetation free area (VFA) width of 0.6 or 2.4 m. A separate group of trees that were in the 2.4 m VFA had grass seeded beneath them in 1998 to obtain 0 m VFA. All trees were pruned to maintain canopy size with wide-angled scaffold limbs and intense pruning (IP) or upright branch form with reduced pruning (RP). In general, RS had greater yield than JD and yield was greatest in the 2.4 m VFA with RP and least in the 0.6 m VFA with IP. Cumulative marketable (≥6.35 cm) and average annual total yield of both cultivars was similar for RP trees in 0 m VFA and IP trees in 2.4 m VFA's although more of the fruit were in the largest size class (>6.98 cm) in the IP trees. Reduced pruning increased crop load. Fruit weight decreased with increased crop load more in RS than JD and this response was similar for all VFA's within each cultivar. Grass competition tended to reduce both the number and weight of fruit per tree but the average weight of individual marketable fruit was reduced only in the 0.6 m VFA of RS. Tree size was reduced by grass competition and pruning times measured from 1995 to 2000 were less in RP than IP. Consequently, marketable yield efficiency of marketable fruit (grams fruit ≥6.35 cm/cm2 trunk cross-sectional area, TCSA) measured from 2004 to 2007 was generally greater in trees with RP than IP and in the 0.6 than the 0 and 2.4 m VFA. The results indicate that persistent competition will reduce total annual yield per tree but with reduced pruning the concomitant increased crop load can help maintain marketable yield.  相似文献   

Effect of pruning intensity on peach yield and fruit quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Light, medium and heavy pruning treatments were used with one unpruned as check (control) in Flordasun, Flordaking and Saharanpur Prabhat peaches. Fruit yield decreased with the increase in severity of pruning in Flordaking and Saharanpur Prabhat peaches, whereas, medium pruning treatment gave highest yield in Flordasun peach. Pulp weight, stone weight, pulp-stone ratio, ascorbic acid, sugar acid ratio and moisture content were not affected by pruning levels. However, fruit weight, size, TSS, sugar and acid content were significantly increased by pruning in Flordasun peach. Almost all the physico-chemical characters were significantly affected by pruning in Flordaking and Saharanpur Prabhat peaches, in which medium and heavy pruning treatments performed better, respectively.  相似文献   

Fruit thinning can be used to relieve water stress in peach but it is not known how fruit quality will respond under water limited conditions. To elucidate this, we applied, over the growing seasons of 2003 and 2004, irrigation and fruit thinning treatments to ‘O’Henry’ peach at the onset of Stage III of fruit development. The treatments were full irrigation (FI) and no irrigation (NI) with each receiving three crop load levels: light, commercial and heavy. Fruit size and fruit skin colouration were lower in NI than in FI but the following were higher in NI fruit: firmness, juice titratable acidity and electrical conductivity, and concentrations of dry matter and soluble solids. All the quality parameters were significantly correlated with tree water status, expressed as midday stem water potential. NI fruit matured 5–10 days later than FI fruit. The increased dry matter concentration, juice acidity, and electrical conductivity in NI fruit were indicative of lower quality at harvest. Choosing a light crop load was not effective in improving NI fruit quality except for the size. Since fruit size is the most important fruit quality attribute, its increase might compensate for yield losses resulting from heavy fruit thinning. Nevertheless, when heavy thinning is performed for mitigation of water stress in Stage III, the overall fruit quality will suffer if severe water stress is inevitable because of shortage or lack of irrigation water.  相似文献   

Early peach thinning during stage I was done at 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 days after full bloom (DAFB). At each thinning time, trees were hand-thinned to achieve different crop loads by spacing flowers or fruits 10, 15, or 25 cm along the shoot on whole tree canopies. In 2001 and 2002, fruit weight decreased quadratically with increasing time to hand-thin and increased linearly with increasing spacing. In both years, fruit diameter decreased linearly with increasing time to thin and increased linearly with increased fruit spacing. In both years, number of fruits harvested and yield per tree decreased linearly with increased spacing. Hand-thinning at 0 or 10 DAFB resulted in fewer fruit and lower yield; therefore, thinning at 20 DAFB was better. The effect of time of thinning on soluble solids was not consistent. In both years spacing (i.e., crop load) did not affect soluble solids.  相似文献   

Relationships between strawberry fruit quality attributes and crop load   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crop load can influence fruit quality in several horticultural species. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of different concentrations of calcium on crop quality traits in three short-day strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cultivars (‘Ventana’, ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Candonga’) and to assess the relationships between crop load and quality parameters. The studies were conducted using a hydroponic system in a greenhouse. Calcium was added as Ca(NO3)2 at 2 mM, 3 mM, 4 mM and 5 mM. A completely randomized block design (4 Ca concentrations × 3 cultivars) with three replicates was used. Each replicate consisted of 12 plants grown in polyethylene bags (100 cm × 18 cm × 3 cm) filled with coconut peat. Titratable acidity, total soluble solids and firmness were measured throughout the experimental period. Calcium application had no effect on fruit quality attributes but the genotype effect was clear. At the end of the experiment (28th May, 2008), titratable acidity was positively related to the fresh weight of above-ground biomass and number of leaves respectively in the ‘Ventana’ and ‘Camarosa’ cultivars. Higher values of total soluble solids were found at low crop load in ‘Ventana’ but in ‘Camarosa’ this relation was not found. In ‘Candonga’, higher total soluble solids were linked to crop load. In ‘Ventana’, titratable acidity significantly decreased as crop load increased, and in ‘Camarosa’ high values of titratable acidity were found at different values of crop load. ‘Ventana’ seemed to be more sensitive to the effects of crop load patterns. Genotype was an important factor in determining fruit quality parameters.  相似文献   

Current year shoot cuttings were collected in October and August from three growth habits of peach (Compact, Pillar, and Standard) and treated with one of four concentrations of indole butyric acid (0, 250, 1250, and 2500 mg L−1 IBA). Rooting response was measured after 5 weeks in the greenhouse. Little or no rooting occurred with cuttings from any growth habit that was collected in October or in August when treated with 0 and 2500 mg L−1 IBA. In August, the number of shoots that rooted was greater in cuttings from Pillar (79 and 45%) than Compact (13 and 3%) treated with 250 and 1250 mg L−1 IBA, respectively. Cuttings from Standard trees had intermediate rooting of 56 and 6% at 250 and 1250 mg L−1 IBA, respectively. Pillar trees consistently grew more roots with greater root length per cutting than the other growth habits. It is proposed that differences in rooting response among the growth habits may be associated with differences in endogenous auxin concentration that had been found in previous studies. Within peach and possibly other fruit trees, the capacity of shoot cuttings to develop adventitious roots can vary by cultivar and successful root induction with exogenous plant growth regulators may depend, in part, on endogenous hormone levels.  相似文献   

Feasibility of peach bloom thinning with hand-held mechanical devices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of hand-held mechanical devices to thin blooms of peach trees trained into the “free Italian vase” form was studied. Three devices were tested, and no differences were found among them in terms of thinning time and number of fruits per cm2 of trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) at harvesting. Thinning, by hand or mechanically, reduced the yield per tree by 26–33% with respect to not thinning; however, thinning increased the fruit size. In both years, the yields of fruit >67 mm in the thinned trees ranged from 40.4 to 53.4 kg tree−1, respectively, whereas in the un-thinned trees, it was 25.1 and 18.2 kg tree−1 in 2009 and 2010, respectively. Hand thinning took 385 h ha−1, and mechanical thinning reduced this time by 89%. The cost of hand thinning was 4.8 € tree−1, whereas the cost of mechanical thinning ranged from 0.4 to 1.1 € tree−1. The economic study showed that the total yield value was similar with hand and mechanical thinning, but the cost of mechanical thinning was only 10–18% that of hand thinning.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of rootstock with different chilling requirements on the bud break of the low-chill ‘Premier’ peach cultivar (150 CH), the trees grafted on ‘Newbelle’ (150 CH) and ‘O’Henry’ (750 CH) seedling rootstocks were forced in a glasshouse after being subjected to 100, 200 and 300 CU chilling. The percentage of flower bud burst was slightly higher on ‘Newbelle’ than on ‘O’Henry’, although the difference was not significant. There was little leaf bud burst with 100 CU chilling on both rootstocks. With 200 and 300 CU chilling, the percentage of leaf bud burst and the total leaf number per tree was higher on the ‘Newbelle’ than on the ‘O’Henry’ rootstocks.  相似文献   

We assessed the effect of soil-applied derivatives of melia (Melia azedarach L.) and neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) on nitrogen (N) soil availability, root uptake and peach (Prunus persica L.) growth. First we evaluated the effectiveness of experimentally prepared amendments made with fresh ground melia leaves or commercial neem cake incorporated into the soil as nitrification inhibitors, then we evaluated the effect of fresh ground melia fruits and neem cake on growth and N root uptake of potted peach trees, and on soil microbial respiration. Soil-applied fresh ground melia leaves at 10 and 20 g kg−1 of soil as well as commercial neem cake (10 g kg−1) were ineffective in decreasing the level of mineral N after soil application of urea-N as a source of mineral N, rather they increased soil concentration of nitric N and ammonium N. The incorporation into the soil of fresh ground melia fruits (at 20 and 40 g kg−1) and neem cake (at 10 and 20 g kg−1) increased N concentration in leaves of GF677 peach × almond (Prunus amygdalus) hybrid rootstock alone or grafted with one-year-old variety Rome Star peach trees. An increase in microbial respiration, leaf green color and plant biomass compared to the control trees were also observed. The Meliaceae derivatives did not affect, in the short term (7 days), N root uptake efficiency, as demonstrated by the use of stable isotope 15N, rather they promoted in the long term an increase of soil N availability, N leaf concentration and plant growth.  相似文献   

Flower emasculation is commonly used to make flowers unattractive to pollinating insects and to carry out controlled pollinations. In sweet cherry, we have observed recurrent low fruit set after flower emasculation and compatible pollination without apparent causes. This led us to evaluate its effect on the progress of the reproductive phase and on fruit set in this species. Flower emasculation reduced by more than a half the fruit set obtained in crosses made during two consecutive years. This effect could be traced back to the first week after anthesis where weight increase of pistils from emasculated flowers was smaller and ovule degeneration was accelerated compared to pistils from non-emasculated flowers. Pollen tubes, which behaved similarly at the stigma-style level in emasculated and non-emasculated flowers, lost their directionality in the area close to the degenerated ovule in the ovary. While flower emasculation is valid to evaluate pollen tube performance in the style and to determine incompatibility relationships, the lower fruit set registered after emasculation alerts on its use in fruit set experiments and breeding programs.  相似文献   

核桃树休眠期间修剪伤流严重,为了减少伤流,促进核桃树体生长,在秦岭山区以休眠期修剪为对照,在核桃落叶前、萌芽前及萌芽后进行修剪,监测不同修剪时期对枝条伤流量、剪口枯枝长度、萌芽率、成枝率、枝条生长状况及结果状况等的影响.结果表明:休眠期(对照)修剪的伤流量最大且持续时期最长,且极显著高于萌芽前修剪;与休眠期(对照)相比,3个修剪时期的剪口枯枝长度均显著或极显著减小;落叶前和休眠期(对照)修剪的萌芽率均较高,萌芽前修剪居中,萌芽后修剪的较低;萌芽前修剪的成枝率最高,极显著高于其他3个修剪时期;萌芽前修剪的雌花序数、雌花数、结果数、翌年结果母枝数均高于其他修剪时期,且1年生枝长势最好.综上,推荐秦岭山区核桃在萌芽前15d左右进行修剪,可减少伤流,提高核桃产量,促进枝条生长.  相似文献   

Trunks of 8-year-old vigorous ‘Fuyu’ persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) were girdled to a 1 cm width on April 20 and June 10 2004. Tree growth and fruit characteristics were monitored for two years, with special emphasis on the carry-over effect in 2005. Girdling reduced trunk and shoot growth especially of April-girdled trees over two consecutive years. However, the most significant effect of girdling was in the occurrence of water sprouts: a control tree had 29.5 in 2004 and 27.3 in 2005, whereas the April-girdled trees had only 0.3 and 5.3, respectively. Girdling increased fruit set by nearly 50% and enhanced fruit colour in 2004 only. Girdling date did not significantly affect fruit size and soluble solids for two years. Fruit flesh of girdled trees in 2004, especially in the April-girdled trees, had lower N and P concentrations. The levels of starch, soluble sugars, and inorganic elements in flower-bearing distal buds measured just before new growth in 2005 were not significantly altered by the girdling in 2004.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in pineapple (Ananas Comosus (L.) Merrill) fruit acidity was determined for a ‘Smooth Cayenne’ high acid clone PRI#36-21 and a low acid clone PRI#63-555. The high acid clone gradually increased in fruit acidity from 1.4 meq/100 ml 6 weeks from flowering, and peaked a week before harvest at ca 10 meq/100 ml. In contrast, the low acid clone increased in acidity 6 to 8 weeks after flowering, peaked 15 weeks after flowering at ca. 9 meq per/100 ml and then sharply declined in 2 weeks to 6 meq/100 ml. The increased in total soluble solids (TSS) of the low acid clone began 6 weeks after flowering and for the high acid clone at 12 weeks after flowering. The increase in titratable fruit acidity (TA) paralleled the changes in the citric acid content of both clones. Citric acid content increased from less than 1 mg/g at 6 weeks after flowering to 6 to 7 mg/g, 9 weeks later. The malic acid concentration in both clones varied between 3 and 5 mg/g and showed no marked changes just before harvest. The developmental changes in fruit potassium were significantly correlated with fruit acidity and fruit total soluble solids in both the high and low acid clones. Developmental changes in acid-related enzymatic activities showed an increase in citrate synthase (EC activity that occurred a week before harvest, coincided with the peak in citric acid in the high acid clone. An increase in aconitase (ACO, EC activity was observed just before harvest as the decline in acidity occurred in the low acid clone. The activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC, EC, malate dehydrogenase (MDH, EC and malic enzyme (ME, EC did not parallel any changes in fruit acidity. The results indicated that the change in pineapple fruit acidity during development was due to changes in citric acid content. The major difference in acid accumulation occurred in the low acid clone just before harvest when acidity declined by one-third. The activities of citrate synthase and aconitase possibly played a major role in pineapple fruit acidity changes.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to elucidate how fruit growth was limited by the source and sink capacities in a Japanese (‘Momotaro York’) and a Dutch (‘Dundee’) tomato cultivar. The two cultivars were grown hydroponically with a high-wire system in greenhouses for 25 weeks, and the growth characteristics and sink strength of fruit were determined. Fruits were pruned to four (4F) or one (1F) per truss. The latter were used to determine potential fruit growth, an indicator of fruit sink strength. Growth was also determined under normal (LC) and enriched (HC, 700 μmol mol−1) CO2 concentrations to examine the effect of source enhancement on fruit production. In both cultivars under normal CO2, the growth rate of fruit pruned to 4F per truss was lower than that in 1F, indicating that maximum potential fruit growth was not achieved. Under HC conditions, fruit growth rate of ‘Dundee’ achieved in 4F trusses was lower than that in 1F. In ‘Momotaro York’ in HC, fruit growth in 4F trusses was close to potential. This implies that fruit growth was source-limited irrespective of CO2 concentrations in ‘Dundee’ cultivar while fruit growth in ‘Momotaro York’ under normal and enriched CO2 conditions was limited by source and sink strengths, respectively. Adjustments of cultural practices including increasing fruit number per truss and/or genetic approaches to enhancing fruit sink strength by breeding may improve fruit yields of Japanese cultivars under high source/sink conditions.  相似文献   

Due to the several advantages expected from growing self-compatible almond cultivars, breeding programmes have recently introduced self-compatibility as an important trait. However, doubts have arisen regarding the capability of the newly obtained self-compatible almonds to produce good yields in monovarietal plantations, and the commercial quality of the fruits from self-pollination. For this reason, in the last years several studies have been conducted to evaluate fruit set and fruit traits following self- and cross-pollination of self-compatible almonds. Their results showed inconsistencies for fruit set and for some of the fruit traits studied. Thus, while some studies showed no differences between both pollination types for any of the fruit traits, others clearly showed important differences with the detriment of self-pollination for commercially important fruit traits. The fact that some of these studies evaluated a low number of individuals and/or fruit traits, implies the need of a more complete study. In this work, 10 fruit traits were studied in 26 self-compatible almonds following self-pollination by bagging and open pollination treatments. In general, and despite a few individuals showed differences between both pollination types for two of the traits, the results showed no influence of self-pollination in fruit quality.  相似文献   

Correlations between 29 quantitative tree and fruit traits were studied in 46 almond genotypes and some inter-specific crosses. Results reflected a significant diversity in the assayed almond germplasm. In addition, the obtained cluster demonstrated varying degrees of relationships, illustrating higher correlation values for the flowering traits and lower correlation values for the nut and kernel traits. To determine the importance of the traits and the levels of similarity existing between the various studied traits, a discriminate analysis was carried out. According to the results obtained from these analyses, the different traits were discriminated on basis of the characteristics of the presence of double kernels, the nut and the kernel size, the flowering date, kernel yield and shelling percentage. Finally, this study evidenced correlations between most of the agronomic traits in almond, although the correlations coefficient (r) value was found to be higher than 0.5 only in some cases. This analysis can help breeders for choosing the most favorable entries to build a core subset of the almond collection for the purpose of breeding.  相似文献   

Final fruit diameter is the prime determinant of sweet cherry fruit value. Previous research has shown that mesocarp cell size accounts predominantly for variability in final fruit size, within a genotype. Our research program evaluated the potential to improve sweet cherry fruit size/weight with growth regulators to affect cell division and/or cell expansion stages. In the current study we screened 8 plant growth regulators (PGRs), including cytokinins, gibberellins, and auxins, and their combinations for their ability to increase ‘Bing’ fruit weight. Each PGR was mixed in lanolin paste and applied to fruit pedicels at 9 or 30 days after full bloom (DAFB), to coincide with estimated peak in cell division and cell expansion activity, respectively. Several cytokinins applied 30 DAFB improved fruit weight significantly (ca. +15%) with N-(2-Chloro-4-pyridyl)-N′-phenylurea (CPPU) and 6-(3-hydroxybenzylamino) purine (mt-Topolin) at 100 mg l−1 being the most effective. Gibberellins, applied alone, improved fruit size and delayed fruit maturation and exocarp coloration. GA3 at 200 mg l−1 applied at 9 DAFB was the most effective and improved final fruit weight by 15%. Fifty-six percent of the fruit from this treatment were ≥9 g compared to 15% of similar weight fruit from untreated limbs. Both GA3 and GA4/7 treatments applied 9 DAFB increased fruit radial expansion. 4-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid, a synthetic auxin, also stimulated higher fruit growth rates at stage I and stage II, and fruit color development, but did not improve final fruit size.  相似文献   

DNAs of 180 accessions in 10 demes in Prunus persica were amplified with twenty-two, 10-base primers selected from 200 arbitrary primers using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technology. One hundred and eighty loci were observed and recorded. With statistical analyses of the data from the study, genetic diversity of the demes was expressed as follow: yellow peach group > honey peach group > flat peach group > red leaf peach group > crisp peach group > bitao group and juicy peach group > nectarine group > shouxingtao group > weeping peach group. Genetic variations among and within groups by AMOVA analyses were 11.9, 88.1%, respectively. Demes clustered by UPGMA modified from NEIGHBOR procedure of PHYLIP Version 3.5, the edible peaches of which were combined as a section, while the ornamental species were classified into separate sections. Through analyses of genetic diversity and genetic structure, the results could provide molecular biological evidence for conservation and utilization of P. persica germplasm.  相似文献   

Data obtained in 2005 from thinning experiments with ‘Ariane’ and ‘Pitchounette’ apples (Malus × domestica L. Borkh.) were used to estimate tree mean fruit diameter (MD), weight (MW) and proportion of red overcolour (MC) using random samples. Twenty fruit per tree were taken from the boxes containing the fruit harvested at each picking. To avoid taking only fruit in the upper layers of the boxes, fruit from each tree were spread out on a table beforehand. The estimated values were compared with the true MD, MW or MC calculated from each picking and from the entire crop. Statistical techniques were used to assess agreement between the values obtained with estimation methods and the true values. Estimates obtained from a sample averaging ∼15–20% of total crop may range from 2 to 3% of the true mean diameter, and from 6.0 to 8.5% of the true mean weight. Estimates for MC obtained from the same samples may range from 10 to 25% of the true mean overcolour. The error margin associated with estimating fruit diameter and weight from the sampling method employed in this study seems to be small enough to consider it reasonably adequate to detect treatment differences that would be considered biologically or economically significant. Blind sampling and colour determination through image analysis are suggested as a means to obtain unbiased and objective data for fruit colour determinations.  相似文献   

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