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The ‘Genome database for Rosaceae (GDR)’ provides a large collection of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) harboring simple sequence repeats (SSRs) from several Rosaceae genera, including Rosa (rose). Primer pairs flanking SSR were designed for 312 unique Rosa ESTs based on GDR database. Eight rose (Rosa hybrida L.) genotypes were tested for PCR amplification, and 287 (92%) of the primer pairs generated allele-specific PCR bands that were readily scored. From 183 (63.7%) primer pairs that evidenced polymorphic alleles among the eight rose cultivars, 20 pairs evidencing EST sequence homology to known gene functions and high levels of polymorphism were selected and utilized for DNA fingerprinting and genetic diversity assessments of 47 rose hybrids. A total of 202 polymorphic bands were scored and generated unique fingerprints for each rose hybrid. The Nei–Li genetic similarity coefficients among 1081 pair-wise comparisons of 47 cultivars exhibited a broad range of genetic variations from 0.30 (‘Grand King’ and ‘Carnival’) to 0.99 (‘First Red’ and ‘Red Champ’). UPGMA cluster analysis divided 47 hybrids into five major groups and two sub-groups. The cross-species transferability of 273 EST-SSR primer pairs was evaluated using four genotypes of the strawberry, a genus member of the Rosaceae family. PCRs on the DNA samples of strawberry were successful for 165 primer pairs; among these, 123 pairs amplified 243 polymorphic bands. As surrogates of the marker transfer, the phenetic relationship among the four strawberry genotypes was evaluated. Genetic similarity coefficients varied from 0.78 (‘Maehyang’ and ‘Janghyee’) to 0.64 (‘Janghyee’ and ‘Pragana’). The results of cluster analysis showed that the three octaploid strawberry cultivars were quite similar, whereas the diploid ‘Pragana’ was related distantly at the genomic DNA level. The EST-SSR markers developed in the present study can be efficiently utilized for genetic diversity studies in Rosaceae.  相似文献   

The sources of natural vanilla are the cured fruits of two obligatorily hand-pollinated and clonally propagated orchids: ‘Bourbon/Mexican vanilla’ (Vanilla planifolia G. Jackson) and ‘Tahitian vanilla’ (Vanilla tahitensis J.W. Moore). In this paper we describe for the first time the isolation and characterization of 14 microsatellite loci from V. planifolia. These were monomorphic within cultivated accessions, as expected from the probable single clonal origin of this crop and previous genetic studies. These markers were transferable to V. tahitensis and 11 loci were polymorphic between these two closely related species. Furthermore, some of these markers were transferable and polymorphic across 15 other wild American, African and Asian species and revealed consistent relationships between species, together with a strong pattern of Old World versus New World differentiation in the genus. These microsatellites will be very useful for diversity, hybridization and phylogeographic studies in the genus Vanilla.  相似文献   

This work reports the transferability and polymorphism of previously reported SSRs in 10 Prunus species. The availability of a large number of SSRs in the genus Prunus makes marker choice random, while preventing comparison of results in fingerprinting studies. The availability of SSR markers, polymorphic in a wide sample of Prunus species, would facilitate marker choice, while allowing the comparison of results. In this work, microsatellite markers useful for analyzing 10 different Prunus species (P. persica, P. dulcis, P. armeniaca, P. domestica, P. insititia, P. salicina, P. cerasifera, P. avium, P. cersus and P. mahaleb) were searched through screening SSRs previously reported to be conserved and/or polymorphic in more than one Prunus species. A selected group of 13 SSRs, transferable to the 10 species, was analyzed in terms of their usefulness for analyzing these species. The amplification range, polymorphism and variability detected by these loci are reported. The information provided will be useful for Prunus genetic studies as well as conservation and management of Prunus germplasm resources.  相似文献   

豇豆叶绿体微卫星标记的开发及其在近缘种的通用性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘磊  李依  郭瑞 《长江蔬菜》2014,(6):9-15
从公共数据库中下载豇豆叶绿体基因组,对其进行全序列分析,揭示豇豆cpSSR的分布特点和基序特征,进一步研究豇豆cpSSR在豆类植物中的通用性。研究结果表明,豇豆叶绿体基因组上共有52个微卫星,主要分布于LSC区,且以A/T为单碱基重复基序的微卫星为主;从豇豆的52个叶绿体微卫星中筛选出8对多态性豇豆cpSSR引物,在豌豆、利马豆和菜豆中均成功扩增,表明这些豇豆cpSSR引物在其豆类近缘种中具有较好的通用性。  相似文献   

Genetic variability in modern crops is limited due to domestication and breeding. To investigate genetic variation in different populations, 216 tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cultivars, hybrids, and elite breeding lines from four breeding programs were genotyped using single nucleotide polymorphism and simple sequence repeat markers. Of 47 markers analyzed, 72.3% were polymorphic in the whole collection of 216 genotypes and 51.06–59.57% showed polymorphisms in individual populations. However, genetic variation was narrow in all four populations. Nei's genetic distance varied from 0.0422 to 0.1135 between populations and from 0.0085 to 0.3187 between lines in individual populations. Cluster and principal coordinate analysis indicated that the four populations could be grouped into three clades. Lines from Shenyang Agricultural University and China Agricultural University population formed the first clade, lines from Beijing Vegetable Research Center were in the second clade, and lines from Nunhems were in the third clade. This was further supported by population structure analysis using STRUCTURE2.2, and suggested that a lack of germplasm exchange might exist among breeding programs. It might be the reason that the progress of developing new varieties with significant improvement of horticultural traits in China is slow in recent years.  相似文献   

Nine pairs of polymorphic chloroplast microsatellite primers were developed for Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo, an endangered herb. Levels of polymorphism were tested across a total of 55 individuals from four natural populations (12–15 individuals per population). Allele numbers varied from two to four per locus, while the number of haplotypes ranged from four to six per population. Transferability of the nine polymorphic chloroplast microsatellite primers was checked on an additional set of 51 Dendrobium individuals (belonging to 17 different species). Three markers could be transferable to all the species tested, while the remaining six markers successfully cross-amplified in most species tested. Moreover, polymorphism of the nine chloroplast microsatellite primers was tested across Dendrobium moniliforme (L.) Sw. and Dendrobium loddigesii Rolfe. All of them were polymorphic in D. moniliforme, while seven of which were polymorphic in D. loddigesii. These polymorphic chloroplast microsatellite primers developed for D. officinale will be a useful tool for the study of genetic diversity, population genetic structure, evolution of D. officinale and establishment of effective conservation strategies.  相似文献   

In order to study the extensively genetic diversities of more than 700 cultivars of Chinese jujube, it is necessary to utilize various informative DNA markers. SSR markers are highly polymorphic, co-dominant, locus-specific markers widely used in genetic studies, but less used in Chinese jujube because of no specific primers available. In this study, we used the approach of selectively amplified microsatellite (SAM) to develop SSR markers for Chinese jujube and its related species. Three cultivars (Dongzao, Dalilongzao and Jinsixiaozao) were selected to perform the approach of SAM with CT repeats. There were totally 25 primers obtained, of which we selected 16 primers available to detect the polymorphism in populations of 24 Chinese jujube cultivars, two wild jujube varieties and two Indian jujube cultivars. Based on these primers, genetic relationships of the 28 samples were constructed in a dendrogram according to the UPGMA cluster analysis. The samples were clustered into three main groups, including Chinese jujube, wild jujube and Indian jujube as expected. The 16 sequence-specific SSR primers could efficiently distinguish all the 24 cultivars of Chinese jujube, except for two cultivars, Jinsixiaozao and its ‘stoneless’ mutant, Wuhexiaozao. As a result, SAM was a very efficient method in targeted developing sequence-specific SSR primers in Chinese jujube. Furthermore, SAMs could also be used as high polymorphic molecular markers independently. The further study would focus on developing other oligonucleotide repeat types and applying more SSRs available in the genetic research of Chinese jujube.  相似文献   

SSR技术及其在果树上的应用   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:27  
高志红  章镇  韩振海 《果树学报》2002,19(5):281-285
SSR(Simple sequence repeat)技术以其丰富的多态性、共显性遗传、重复性好和操作简便等优点日益受到重视,已成为植物遗传和育种研究中不可缺少的分子标记。对SSR技术的原理和特点作了简要的介绍,较详细地分析了如何获得SSR引物,特别是综述了果树上SSR引物的研究现状,同时将其与其它几种主要的分子标记进行了比较分析,认为SSR标记检测的位点多态性水平明显高于RFLP,而且重复性优于RAPD;着重介绍了SSR技术在果树种质资源和构建果树遗传图谱及基因定位等研究中的应用现状;指出SSR技术将在果树科研上起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and relatedness of 23 yardlong bean (Vigna unguiculata spp. sesquipedalis) accessions and 7 accessions of a hybrid between cowpea (V. unguiculata spp. unguiculata) and yardlong bean (dwarf yardlong bean) in Thailand were estimated using morphological characters, simple sequence repeat (SSR) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. In addition, two mungbean (Vignaradiata (L.) Wilczek) and two blackgram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) accessions were also used as outgroup species for molecular analysis. Five morphological characters were diverse among most accessions. However, five groups of 2–3 accessions could not be distinguished from one another based on these morphological characters alone. Unweighted pair-group arithmetic average (UPGMA) analysis of these characters separated these 30 accessions into 2 major groups; the yardlong bean group and the dwarf yardlong bean group. Eleven of the sixteen SSR primers yielded clear SSRs, ten of which were polymorphic (90.91% polymorphism), detecting a total of 54 alleles with an average of 4.91 alleles per locus. These 10 polymorphic SSR markers successfully distinguished 28 yardlong bean and dwarf yardlong bean accessions. The polymorphic information content (PIC) among genotypes varied from 0.251 to 0.752 with an average of 0.597. Among the 16 ISSR primers used, a total of 312 ISSR fragments were amplified for these three Vigna species, revealing the polymorphism percentage of 91.03%. The average ISSR PIC value (0.197) with the range of 0.137–0.276 was lower than that of SSR. Nevertheless, the average marker index of this multilocus marker was 3.495, which was higher than that of SSR (0.669), owing to the differences in the effective multiplex ratio. In addition, Mantel test cophenetic correlation coefficient was higher for ISSR (0.566) than that of SSR (0.198). These results indicated higher efficiency of ISSR for estimating the levels of genetic diversity and relationships among yardlong beans and dwarf yardlong beans in this study. Pair-wise coefficients of SSR- and ISSR-based genetic similarity among all yardlong bean and dwarf yardlong bean accessions averaged 0.87 and 0.91, respectively, suggesting a narrow genetic base that emphasizes the need to broaden genetic diversity to ensure continued breeding success. Clustering of genotypes within groups was not similar when SSR and ISSR derived dendrograms from UPGMA analysis were compared. It appeared that ISSR was the most effective marker system in determining the genetic variability and relationships among yardlong bean and dwarf yardlong bean accessions and differentiating three Vigna species. In addition, ISSR was also most useful for variety identification since all 30 yardlong beans and dwarf yardlong bean accessions can be effectively distinguished by only four ISSR primers with the highest PIC values.  相似文献   

[目的]基于柑橘多胚种子存在珠心细胞自然加倍的特点,发掘我国柑橘6个地方特色品种资源四倍体新种质.[方法]采摘柑橘成熟果实,剥取种子后催芽播种;待实生幼苗长至2~3片真叶大小时,采用"观根辨叶看油胞"形态初选法从实生幼苗群体筛选疑似多倍体;采用流式细胞仪鉴定疑似多倍体倍性并以SSR分子标记鉴定其遗传来源.[结果]基于幼...  相似文献   

In this study we evaluate the informativeness and efficiency of Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP), Sequence-Specific Amplified Polymorphism (S-SAP), Selectively Amplified Microsatellite Polymorphic Loci (SAMPL) and Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers for genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationship among the Citrus species and mapping ability of the marker system. The SSR exhibited relatively higher level of polymorphism information content in terms of the expected heterozygosity, than that of the AFLPs, SSAPs and SAMPLs. For each marker system, average level of the discriminating potential was very close to the actual discriminating potential. Similarity matrices showed weak, yet significant correlations when Mantel's test was applied. The highest positive (0.72) correlation was found between the AFLP and SSAP markers. The SSR and SAMPL markers were poorly correlated. The dendrogram topology among the four marker systems had high similarity. Taken together, the SSAP and SAMPL were highly efficient in detecting genetic similarity in Citrus, while the SSR may be more useful for segregation studies and genome mapping in Citrus. The SSAP and SAMPL markers could be useful for Citrus genome mapping in combination with AFLP and SSR markers. To our knowledge, this was the first detail report of a comparison of performances among AFLP, SSR and retrotrasposon based molecular marker technique on a set of samples of Citrus. Our result provides guidance for future efficient use of these molecular methods in genetic analysis of Citrus sp. and its relatives.  相似文献   

RAPDs and SSRs were used to study the genetic diversity of Iranian almond cultivars and their relationship to important foreign cultivars and three related species. Eight unidentified almond Shahrodi cultivars and three wild almonds (Prunus communis, Prunus orientalis and Prunus scoparia) were also included. Of the primers tested, 42 (out of 80) RAPD and 18 (out of 26) SSR primers were selected for their reproducibility and high polymorphism. A total of 664 polymorphic RAPD bands were detected out of 729 bands. The number of presumed alleles revealed by the SSR analysis ranged from 3 to 10 alleles per locus with a mean value of 6.64 alleles per locus. Both techniques discriminated the genotypes very effectively, but only RAPDs were able to discriminate the cultivars Monagha and Sefied. Results demonstrated an extensive genetic variability within the tested cultivars as well as the value of SSR markers developed in peach for characterization of almond and related species of Prunus. Dice similarity coefficient was calculated for all pair wise comparisons and was used to construct a UPGMA dendrogram. For both markers a high similarity in dendrogram topologies was obtained although some differences were observed. All dendrograms, including that obtained by the combined use of both the marker data, depicted the phenetic relationships among the cultivars and species, depending upon their geographic region and/or pedigree information. Almond cultivars clustered with accession of P. communis showing their close relationship. P. orientalis and P. scoparia were clustered out of the rest of P. dulcis.  相似文献   

采用FIASCO方法,从糙皮侧耳(Pleurotus ostreatus)菌株ACCC 50838分离简单重复序列分子标记(Simple sequence repeat,SSR),所得标记用于分析我国52个侧耳(平菇)栽培菌株多样性,对于SSR标记相同的菌株再进行ISSR PCR分析。结果表明:18个SSR标记在供试菌株中的等位基因的数量为3~12个,多态性指数(PIC)为0.34~0.84;除了2组(ACCC50618,ACCC 50866和ACCC 50915;ACCC 50249和ACCC50476)共5个菌株之外,其他47个菌株都能利用这18个SSR标记进行有效的鉴别。SSR标记相同的的菌株,其ISSR、体细胞不亲合性和出菇性状(温型、菌盖颜色)也相同,这些菌株可能是同物异名。利用这18个SSR标记分析52个菌株的遗传多样性,相似性指数为0.755~0.9995。根据相似性指数进行聚类分析,52个菌株分成两个大的类群,分别为糙皮侧耳(P.ostreatus)和肺形侧耳(P.pulmonarius)。结合这些栽培菌株的农艺性状和SSR分子标记的聚类分析结果,我国平菇栽培菌株的遗传多样性非常丰富。研究表明SSR分子标记技术在平菇遗传多样性和菌株鉴别中具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

The pedigrees of most rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium virgatum) cultivars can be traced back to four wild selections, ‘Ethel’, ‘Clara’, ‘Myers’, and ‘Black Giant’; thus, they result from a very narrow germplasm base and are highly related. Until now randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) has been the only type of molecular marker used in rabbiteye blueberry. Here we have tested whether a type of sequence-tagged site (STS) marker which utilizes specific ∼20-mer primers from expressed sequence tags (ESTs) of highbush blueberry (V. corymbosum), called EST-PCR markers, are useful for genetic fingerprinting and relationship studies in rabbiteye blueberry. Of 44 EST-PCR primer pairs, from an assortment of genes expressed in flower buds of cold acclimated and non-acclimated plants, and shown to amplify polymorphic fragments among a collection of highbush genotypes, 40 (91%) resulted in successful amplification, and 33 of those (83%) amplified polymorphic fragments among the rabbiteye genotypes. The average number of scorable bands per primer pair was two. A dendrogram constructed from genetic similarity values, based on the EST-PCR marker data, tended to group siblings and parent/progeny together, generally agreeing with pedigree information. A group of 20 markers from five EST-PCR primer pairs distinguished all the genotypes in this study. These markers are as easy to generate and as affordable as RAPDs, but are based on actual gene sequences, and should have general utility for DNA fingerprinting, genetic diversity, and mapping studies.  相似文献   

Few records are available about local Tunisian pear cultivars characterized by low chilling requirements and adaptation to dry conditions. In this work, seven SSRs derived from apple were successfully transferred to 25 local Tunisian pear genotypes and 6 common varieties of Pyrus communis cultivated in Europe. The 7 SSRs used amplified a total of 36 fragments. All the microsatellites except one seem to amplify more than one locus in some of the genotypes studied. Only 12 different fingerprinting patterns could be distinguished among the 25 Tunisian cultivars studied indicating a high number of synonymies. The mean expected and observed heterozygosities in the 25 Tunisian cultivars analyzed averaged 0.71 indicating a high level of genetic diversity among the local Tunisian pear germplasm. These markers will be useful to optimize the conservation of this highly threatened germplasm.  相似文献   

RAPD and SSR markers were used for genetic diversity evaluations among 15 genotypes selected from the genus Prunus L. Altogether 40 RAPD primers and 21 primer pairs designated for microsatellite loci were applied on the whole group of genotypes.  相似文献   

Traditional apple cultivars from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), potentially diverse due to specific geographic location and history of the country, represent a possible source of valuable traits for future breeding efforts and sustainable fruit growing. A total of 39 accessions, 24 traditional B&H cultivars and 15 modern international cultivars, maintained at the ex situ apple collection “Srebrenik” in Northeast Bosnia were, investigated using 10 SSR (simple sequence repeats) markers and 23 morphologic characteristics. All the used primer pairs manage to amplify clearly distinguishable and highly polymorphic SSR alleles, in average 10.4 alleles per locus. More than two different alleles per locus were detected for seven accessions (five traditional B&H cultivars and two international cultivars). Forty one unique alleles were exclusively present within the B&H cultivars, while seven unique alleles were only detected within international cultivars. The differentiation between traditional B&H and international cultivars (Fst = 0.060; P < 0.0001) was significant, also confirmed by analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) (fCT = 0.092; P < 0.001). Cluster analyses of 39 apple accessions, based on 10 SSR loci, revealed that only two traditional B&H cultivars grouped tightly with international cultivars (Ljepocvjetka and Bobovec Jon), while the rest formed separate clusters. Multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVA), nonparametric multivariate analyses of variance (NPMANOVA) and analyses of similarity (ANOSIM) showed statistically significant difference in morphologic characteristics between traditional B&H cultivars and the international cultivars. Cluster analyses of 39 apple accessions, based on the morphologic data, displayed less differentiation between traditional and international accessions, in comparison to the cluster analyses based on molecular data. No correlation between the molecular and morphologic data set was detected using the Mantel test. Many of the morphologic characteristics which have been analyzed in this study have significant commercial importance, we can assume that unlike the microsatellites these traits have been under agronomic selection pressure.  相似文献   

Characterization of microsatellites is extremely important for the development of molecular markers. Here, we present the detection and abundance of microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in UniGene sequences of Citrus sinensis. A total of 427 SSRs were mined in 8786 UniGene sequences downloaded from National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Depending on the repeat units, the length of SSRs ranged from 14 to 21 for mono-, 14 to 48 for di-, 18 to 48 for tri-, 24 to 40 for tetra- and 42 bp for hexa-nucleotide repeats. Average density of SSRs (1SSR/12.92 kb of 5518.71 kb sequences mined) suggests that only 4.43% of sequences contained SSRs. Di-nucleotide repeats were most frequent repeat type (49.41%) followed by tri-nucleotide repeats (41.45%). An attempt was made to design primer pairs for 427 identified SSRs but these were found only for 216 sequences. The positions of SSRs with respect to open reading frame (ORF) detected and annotation of sequences containing SSRs were also carried out to assign function to each of the sequences.  相似文献   

Eighty-one accessions representing apricot germplasm in Tunisia were collected from different areas of cultivation and fingerprinted using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellites (SSR) markers. A total of 339 polymorphic markers were revealed using 5 AFLP primers combinations and 24 SSR loci. AFLP and SSR markers expressed a high level of polymorphism allowing the distinction of the accessions with an efficiency coefficient of discrimination of 100% for AFLP and 97% for SSR markers. Genetic diversity structure was assessed with AFLPs and SSRs markers separately then with combined matrix data by the help of hierarchical clustering elaborated using Wards method based on Nei and Li (1979) distances. Comparison of the obtained dendrograms revealed a phylogeographic structure into two major groups with significant conservation between the observed subgroups in relation with the geographic origin of the accessions. The relative efficiency of the markers in determining the genetic relationships among apricot accessions has been assessed and a combination of AFLPs and SSRs markers was the most effective. In addition, Mantel test based on genetic distances indicated highly significant correlation between AFLP-SSR data and each of the AFLP and SSR ones, with Pearson correlation values of r = 0.873 and r = 0.692, respectively, revealing the higher efficiency of the combination of both molecular techniques (AFLP and SSR) to estimate the levels of genetic variability among apricot germplasm.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is essential to crop improvement. However, lack of molecular markers prevents the understanding of genetic diversity in celery and related species. In this study, SRAP and SSR markers was firstly used to evaluate genetic variation in 68 accessions of Apium graveolens and related species. A total of 888 bands were generated by 40 primer combinations of SRAP and 32 bands were produced by eight SSR markers. Of the 920 bands, 95.1% were polymorphic between A. graveolens and related species, and 49.2% were polymorphic within A. graveolens. Cluster and structure analysis could distinguish local celery, celery, and related species. These results suggested that both SRAP and SSR technologies can be efficiently used to characterize genetic variation and analyze genetic relationship in celery and related species.  相似文献   

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