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甘糖6号是综合经济性状优良的甜菜多粒雄性不育杂交品种,实践表明,甘糖6号的良种繁育,要掌握3个重点环节,即不育系及其保持系的不断选择和高效繁殖,父本的综合农艺性状的再提高及杂交制种技术及措施的落实,在良种繁育的过程中,要抓好各个关键环节,以保证种子繁育质量。 相似文献
E. A. Simakov B. V. Anisimov I. M. Yashina A. I. Uskov S. M. Yurlova E. V. Oves 《Potato Research》2008,51(3-4):313-326
First, an extensive literature review was performed with respect to Potato virus Y (PVY) resistance sources and their further utilization in a breeding programme. On the basis of that review we present a scheme of backcrossing and new cultivar creation on the basis of five detected sources of PVY resistance and one source of Potato virus X resistance. Some cultivar pedigrees are presented reflecting the differences in the breeding strategies. Moreover, results of investigations on some polygenic traits such as field resistance against late blight and starch content are presented. For these purposes progenies were screened for suitable recombinant genotypes which were used in further crossings. Also the results of investigations on resistance to the potato golden nematode and on the selection of cultivars suitable for processing are briefly analysed. We also describe a programme of parallel evaluation of identical hybrid populations in different soils and climatic zones. The development of seed potato production systems facilitated the conditions to improve the quality of potato seed material, to increase potato production and to allow Russia to participate in the international potato market. Systems of virus detection, norms and methods of laboratory tests as well as requirements for quality and tolerance levels of different seed classes (generations) were unified and harmonized with European systems. 相似文献
天龙优1340是四川西科种业股份公司与河南省信阳市农科院以三系不育系天龙13A为母本,与高生物量、高配合力恢复系天龙恢140配组,共同选育而成的三系杂交中稻新组合。2012-2013年参加豫南稻区中籼稻区域试验,平均产量585.5 kg/667 m~2,比对照Ⅱ优838平均增产6.9%,达极显著水平。2014年参加豫南稻区中籼稻生产试验,平均产量608.4 kg/667 m~2,比对照品种Ⅱ优838增产7.0%,增产点次达100%。2015年通过河南省农作物品种审定委员会审定。 相似文献
育种与种子功能研究室现设以下11个研究岗位:种质资源评价、创新与利用,分子育种,东北特早熟育种,东北早熟育种,东北中、晚熟育种,黄淮海中、北部地区育种,黄淮海南部地区育种,长江中下游地区育种,热带、亚热带地区育种,菜用和特用育种,种子生产。该研究室开展大豆遗传育种理论技术研究和材料创制,培育适宜在我国不同生态区种植的高产、优质、广适应性大豆新品种,满足大豆产业发展对品种的需求。 相似文献
马铃薯原种的种植密度对植株性状、产量性状和经济参数的影响 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
为了探讨马铃薯原种在小垄栽培(垄距70 cm)条件下的适宜种植密度,利用马铃薯品种荷兰15号脱毒原原种为试验材料,种植并生产原种一代。采用单因素随机区组设计,设株距10 cm、15 cm、20 cm、25 cm和30 cm共5个处理,采用通径分析探讨了植株性状对产量的影响,运用方差分析探讨了密度与植株性状(株高、主茎数和茎粗)、产量性状(单株结薯数、平均薯块重、单株产量、产种量、繁殖系数、公顷产量)和经济参数(产投比和经济效益)的关系。研究结果表明:株距在10~30 cm之间时,如果株高越高、主茎数越多,那么产量就越高;随着株距的增大,单株结薯数逐渐增多,单株产量逐渐增高,繁殖系数和产投比逐渐增大,主茎数和产种量无显著变化;垄株距为70×30 cm的处理产量最高,繁殖系数最大,产投比最高和经济效益最好,是小垄稀植栽培的适宜密度。 相似文献
目前,四川玉米育种和种子生产遇到一些比较突出的问题,主要表现为适应南方生态和生产条件的突破性杂交种少,玉米育种缺乏管理、研究秩序混乱,种子生产经营管理不力、市场混乱,重品种、轻投入、忽视因种栽培,部分区试点条件和人员素质差,新品种知识产权难保护.要解决这些问题,只有通过建立健全相关法律法规和机构,做到政企分开,加强对育种和生产经营的管理,加快国有育种科研和种业体制改革,组建大型种子企业集团,彻底实现育、繁、销一体化。 相似文献
试验采用3种植物生长调节剂喷施马铃薯脱毒扦插苗,对其株高、结薯数、薯块大小及产量进行了分析研究。结果表明:多效唑、矮壮素、膨大素,都能在一定程度上控制植株的徒长,并达到增加产量和提高质量的作用。 相似文献
Yoshinori Okada Mizue Okada Yumi Sagesaka 《Plant foods for human nutrition (Dordrecht, Netherlands)》2010,65(3):225-232
To search for dried plant seeds with potent anti-diabetes activity, we conducted a large scale screening for inhibitory activity
on tumor necrosis factor-alpha and facilitating activity on adiponectin production in vitro. These activities in 3T3-L1 adipocytes were screened from ethanol extracts of 20 kinds of dried plant seed marketed in Japan.
komatsuna (Brassica rapa var. perviridis), common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), qing geng cai (Brassica rapa var. chinensis), green soybean (Glycine max), spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) and sugar snap pea (Pisum sativum L.) markedly enhanced adiponectin production (11.3 ~ 12.7 ng/ml) but Japanese radish (Raphanus sativus), edible burdock (Arctium lappa L.), bitter melon (Momordica charantia) and broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) did not (0.9 ~ 2.7 ng/ml). All adiponectin-production-enhancing seeds except spinach (2.7 pg/ml) and okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) (6.6 pg/ml) effectively decreased tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels (0.0 pg/ml). We further examined the effects on free
radical scavenging activities in the dried seed extracts. Although scavenging activity correlated well with total phenolic
content of samples, no correlation was observed with adiponectin production. These results point to the potential of dried
seed extracts as a means to modify the activity of tumor necrosis factor-alpha for the adiponectin production. 相似文献
回顾了景谷县籼型杂交水稻制种的发展历程,展望了其发展前景。景谷县于1978年开始杂交水稻试制,基本上经历了引入阶段、恢复探索阶段、徘徊阶段和发展阶段等4个时期。经过20多年的曲折发展,目前年制种面积133.3hm^2以上,单产达3.0t/hm^2左右,实现了种子自给有余,并向外地供种。 相似文献
《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):23-28
SUMMARY This article highlights the historical developments in genetics since the rediscovery of Mendelian laws of heredity, decade-by-decade, that have contributed to increases in food production. Two phases of plant breeding-evolutionary and evaluation-are briefly discussed. Scientific breakthroughs will continue to advance plant breeding in the coming decades. Genes identified through functional genomics should be useful in crop improvement. Plant breeding has a bright future. More plant breeders need to be equipped with the knowledge and training to utilize new advances in molecular biology. 相似文献