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Martínez Pastur  G.  Arena  M.  Curvetto  N.  Zappacosta  D.  Eliasco  E. 《New Forests》2003,26(3):201-215
In vitro rooting constitutes a difficult step during the micropropagation process of forest species. The successive media culture technique represents one way to overcome this barrier and includes modifying physical (e.g. photoperiod) and chemical (e.g. flavonoids) factors during the rooting phases. The aim of this study was to obtain a successive media protocol based on the incorporation of flavonoids during the in vitro rooting of Nothofagus nervosa. The factors evaluated were the type, concentration, and combination of flavonoids in relation to the rooting phases, the presence of IBA in the culture medium, the photoperiod, and the effect of flavonoids on total tissue peroxidase activity. The photoperiod used included a darkness period during the rooting induction stage and the presence of 0.61 µMIBA in the culture medium. The results showed that flavonoid incorporation at a concentration of 20 µM accelerated the appearance of roots and improved the quality of the already formed ones. Each type and concentration of flavonoid produced different responses, with (±)naringenin giving the best results. The latter caused a peak in the peroxidase activity that was absent in the control treatments. This work allowed identifying an optimized rooting protocol through a successive media culture technique that improved the speed of appearance, as well as the quantity and quality of roots for a single N. nervosa clone.  相似文献   

Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. is an African leguminous multipurpose tree species belonging to subfamily Mimosoideae and subgenus Aculeiferum, highly valued for gum arabic production. This study estimated the genetic diversity within and among Kenyan populations of the species in the Bulla Sambul, Kutulo, Wamba and Meisori populations based on 12 quantitative traits, which included; tree height, diameter at breast height (DBH), number of branches, bark thickness, gum weight and various pod and seed traits on 20 randomly selected trees in every population. Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) and the dendrogram distinctively divided the populations into two groups; Wamba and Meisori in one group while Bulla Sambul and Kutulo in the other, indicating geographical structuring of the genetic variability. The trees were larger, taller with greater pod and seed traits in the Wamba and Meisori than the Bulla Sambul and Kutulo populations. Contrarily, trees had lighter seeds, more branches with higher gum weight in the Kutulo and Bulla Sambul than the Wamba and Meisori populations. The Shannon–Weaver diversity index (H), depicted 1,000-seed weight as the most varied trait across the populations. These findings provide essential information on the genetic diversity of the species, necessary for delineation of particular zones for seed sources for germplasm conservation, selection for domestication and improved gum arabic production.  相似文献   

The recent taxonomic classification of beech in Europe considers existence of one species (Fagus sylvatica L.) with two subspecies: F. sylvatica ssp. sylvatica and F. sylvatica ssp. orientalis. Four beech populations growing on the Greek part of the Rodopi Mountains were studied using morphological traits as well as DNA molecular markers (AFLPs and chloroplast DNA SSR). The aim of the study was to describe the variation patterns of beech in the Rodopi Mountains and to test the hypothesis of possible introgression between the beech subspecies’ sylvatica and orientalis in this area. Both morphological traits and gene markers revealed a possible influence of F. orientalis on the east side of Rodopi and at the low elevations, while characters resembling F. sylvatica were observed mainly on the western part of the mountains and in higher altitudes. There was a clinal increase of genetic diversity from the west to the east, reaching a level firstly reported for beech populations. These results can be explained either by the existence of a main refugial area for beech during the last glaciation or by the occurrence of a recent hybridization among the subspecies, which were spatially isolated during the last glaciation and came into reproductive contact during their postglacial remigration. These two scenarios are not necessarily mutually exclusive.  相似文献   

The genetic structure in Danish indigenous and introduced provenances of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is described. Ten stands are analysed based on variation revealed by seven enzyme systems. The present study reveals significant allele frequency differences between populations with a small absolute amount of genetic differentiation, with no pattern related to geographic distance. The genetic differentiation between indigenous populations measured by Wright's F ST‐statistic does not deviate significantly from zero, and only 2.9% of the total genetic variation in the foreign populations was due to interpopulation differences, The allele frequencies in relatively small and isolated populations do not differ from the frequencies found in larger areas with beech forest. The low genetic differentiation of isozyme level between indigenous and foreign populations was opposed by significant differences in foliation performance measured on three pairs of neighbouring stands. Foliation performance in adjacent stands of indigenous and introduced beech indicates that quantitative characteristics must be considered separately from neutral variation at single loci.  相似文献   


? Context

There is evidence that Nothofagus nervosa (= N. alpina) is suitable for timber production in temperate regions due to its wood quality and fast growth. However, high intra-specific variability in the architectural traits of this species limits its usefulness.

? Aims

This study was aimed at evaluating intra-specific variability in the architecture of N. nervosa trees at the population level, with emphasis on traits related to the suitability of trees for timber production.

? Methods

The size of 13-year-old trees installed in an experimental field population and the extent of differentiation between trunk and branches were compared among families (trees derived from different mother trees).

? Results

The large majority of trees exhibited architectural features indicative of high suitability for timber production: clear differentiation between trunk and main branches and few occurrences of permanent trunk forks, apex deaths, and sylleptic branching. Trees belonging to different families differed in height and trunk diameter. Micro-environmental conditions had a very significant effect on most architectural traits, including the trunk differentiation.

? Conclusions

N. nervosa emerges as a suitable option for timber production in temperate regions. Trunk growth seems to be under both environmental and genetic control in this species.  相似文献   

The extent of genetic variation in seed length, width, thickness, weight and germination percentage and seedling traits among and within 12 African provenances of Faidherbia albida was examined. The regional provenances showed a consistent variation in seed length, seed width and seed weight: the southern African provenances had the largest seeds and west African provenances the smallest. Seedling height, stem collar diameter and true leaf number differed (P = 0.05) among the provenances 90 days after germination. The seedlings from west Africa were shorter, had smaller stem collar diameter and fewer leaves. In contrast, the southern and east African provenances had taller seedlings with bigger seedling diameter and more leaves per seedling. Seedling traits did not show clear-cut divisions between southern and east African provenances, but the west African provenances formed a distinct group. Positive correlations were found in some of the seed characteristics and seedling height among provenances, which could be an important criterion for early provenance selection. Greater variation was observed for seed and seedling traits among than within provenances suggesting that selection among provenances might result in rapid genetic gain for the traits studied. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is one of the most important deciduous tree species in Central Europe. The potential of beech to adapt to climate change, higher temperatures, and less precipitation in the summer months is still unknown. Most studies in beech used microsatellite, AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism), or isozyme markers, which have only a restricted potential to analyze adaptation. Only few studies investigated genes probably involved in the adaptation to drought stress and bud phenology in beech. In this study, SNP (single nucleotide polymorphisms) markers were developed in order to analyze adaptation and their technical advantages compared to microsatellites and AFLPs were discussed. Partial sequences of ten candidate genes probably involved in drought stress and/or bud phenology were identified at the genomic level, and SNPs and indels (insertions/deletions) in coding and non-coding regions were analyzed. Plant material was sampled along a precipitation gradient in Germany. In total, 8,145?bp were sequenced and analyzed, 4,038?bp were located in exon and 4,107?bp in intron regions. 63 SNPs and 11 indels were detected, which are differently distributed over the studied gene regions. The nucleotide diversity ranged from 0 to 6.62 (π?×?10?3) and is comparable to other tree species, whereas the mean nucleotide diversity (2.64) for F. sylvatica is comparatively low. These results will help to investigate the genetic basis of drought stress and bud burst and to conduct association mapping in natural populations. Furthermore, the detected SNPs can also be used for population genetic studies.  相似文献   

To identify weather controls of beech diameter growth and masting in southern Sweden, we analyze records of monthly weather, regional masting record, and tree-ring chronologies from five beech-dominated stands. The results indicate a strong weather control of temporal pattern of masting events in southern Sweden over the second half of the 20th century. Negative summer temperature anomaly 2 years prior to a mast year, coupled with positive temperature anomaly in the year immediately preceding the same mast year, is a characteristic weather pattern associated with known mast years. Strong dependence of beech masting behaviour on temperature explains the high degree of regional synchronization of masting events. Growth of beech in southern Sweden is strongly and negatively correlated with previous year's summer temperature and positively – with previous year's October temperature. The present study does not provide a conclusive answer in identifying a full set of direct and indirect effects of climatic variables controlling tree-ring growth, since the negative effect of previous year's summer temperature may be a result of a temperature-controlled increase in the beech nut production in the current year. Consistent and significant negative departures of ring-width index during mast years support the hypothesis about a trade-off between investment of bioassimilates into production of beech nuts and tree-ring growth. Alternative explanation of growth anomalies in mast years, relating such anomaly to a negative impact of previous year's growing season, was not supported by the data. We found a limited effect of masting on diameter growth in the following years, indicating that decline in the overall wood production, associated with heavy masting, is short term and typically occurs in the year of actual masting.  相似文献   

The fungus Hypoxylon deustum, which is destructive to beech, has been studied. Its spread in beech forests has been examined in detail. Parts of the beech trunks infected with this fungus have been analyzed and the damage to the forest economy has been estimated. In field experiments, beech trees have been infected with mycelia, ascospores and conidia of Hypoxylon deustum in order to investigate their pathogenic properties.  相似文献   

Adansonia digitata L. (Baobab) is widely distributed throughout Sub-Saharan Africa stretching from Senegal to Sudan, and from Ethiopia to Natal. Information of phenotypic and genetic variation is a prerequisite for the domestication and improvement of baobab fruits from the wild. A study was done to determine within and between provenance variability in fruit and seed characteristics of five populations selected from four silvicultural zones and assess whether morphometric traits could delineate populations from different zones into land races. Fruits were characterized from 55 trees representing a wide geographical range. Six fruit traits and three individual seed traits were assessed. Results showed highly significant differences (P????0.001) in fruit, pulp, and seed weight, fruit length and width, number of seed, individual seed weight, seed length and width within and between populations. Mean fruit weight ranged from 125.8?±?3.25 to 162.9?±?3.25?g, seed weight ranged from 38.6?±?2.5 to 66?±?2.01?g and pulp weight ranged from 28.7?±?1.33 to 41.4?±?1.33?g. Single seed weight showed pronounced evidence of divergence of populations into ecotypes. The rich diversity found between and within populations is important for domestication purposes and tree improvement through selection and breeding. All populations could be used for seed source but distribution should be consciously done recognizing existence of races.  相似文献   

Mesophyll conductance, g(m), was estimated from measurements of stomatal conductance to carbon dioxide transfer, g(s), photosynthesis, A, and chlorophyll fluorescence for Year 0 (current-year) and Year 1 (1-year-old) fully sunlit leaves from short (2 m tall, 10-year-old) and tall (15 m tall, 120-year-old) Nothofagus solandrii var. cliffortiodes trees growing in adjacent stands. Rates of photosynthesis at saturating irradiance and ambient CO(2) partial pressure, A(satQ), were 25% lower and maximum rates of carboxylation, V(cmax), were 44% lower in Year 1 leaves compared with Year 0 leaves across both tree sizes. Although g(s) and g(m) were not significantly different between Year 0 and Year 1 leaves and g(s) was not significantly different between tree heights, g(m) was significantly (19%) lower for leaves on tall trees compared with leaves on short trees. Overall, V(cmax) was 60% higher when expressed on the basis of CO(2) partial pressure at the chloroplasts, C(c), compared with V(cmax) on the basis of intercellular CO(2) partial pressure, C(i), but this varied with leaf age and tree size. To interpret the relative stomatal and mesophyll limitations to photosynthesis, we used a model of carbon isotopic composition for whole leaves incorporating g(m) effects to generate a surface of 'operating values' of A over the growing season for all leaf classes. Our analysis showed that A was slightly higher for leaves on short compared with tall trees, but lower g(m) apparently reduced actual A substantially compared with A(satQ). Our findings showed that lower rates of photosynthesis in Year 1 leaves compared with Year 0 leaves were attributable more to increased biochemical limitation to photosynthesis in Year 1 leaves than differences in g(m). However, lower A in leaves on tall trees compared with those on short trees could be attributed in part to lower g(m) and higher stomatal, L(s), and mesophyll, L(m), limitations to photosynthesis, consistent with steeper hydraulic gradients in tall trees.  相似文献   

Results are presented from three different field trials comparing controlled crossed materials of Norway spruce from the southern seed orchard at Lyngdal (58° N) with open‐pollinated progenies from the same mother trees standing in the northern natural forest (63–66° N). The seed orchard progenies flushed consistently later in the spring, terminated leader shoot growth later in the summer, had higher frequencies of lammas shoots, were delayed in lignification during autumn, and were 15% taller at age seven years from seed. The difference between the orchard‐ and the natural stand material appeared to be permanent from age four to age seven. It is suspected that the non‐native environment in the seed orchard could affect the genotypic performance of the seed orchard progenies.  相似文献   

Differences in seed germination and seedling growth among populations of Pinus yunnanensis Franch.were quantified to provide information for use in the regeneration,reforestation,and improvement of this species.Seed germination and seedling growth traits at the nursery stage were investigated at the population level.We evaluated relationships between pairs of measured traits as well as the association between measured traits and geoclimatic variables including longitude,latitude,elevation,temperature and precipitation.Seedling growth showed significant differences although a low magnitude of variation was found in the seed germination traits among the populations.Some populations with strong and stable growth(e.g.,the Baoshan population) may be selected as superior seed sources for regeneration and reforestation.Germination percentage was negatively correlated with elevation,and positively with precipitation.In addition,germination index,vigor index and seedling height were positively correlated with precipitation.Seed germination index,cotyledon number and length,and seedling diameter were significantly and positively correlated with seed weight.Strong correlations between pairs of traits will be helpful in early evaluations for the selection of certain prominent traits.  相似文献   

Concentrations of major elements, trace elements, starch, total sugars and phenols were measured in leaves of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees located at 89 sites in the province of Scania, southern Sweden. Concentrations of elements had only a weak relationship to soil variables, but leaf N increased with distance from sources of industrial air pollution. Within-site variation in concentrations of most elements was smaller than variation among sites and was lowest for N, P, K and Cu and highest for Mn. Most trees had optimal or superoptimal concentrations of leaf N, whereas leaf concentrations of K, Mg and P were near or below the concentrations needed for normal growth. Several nutrients were negatively correlated with leaf color, total sugars and phenols, whereas insect damage was not related to any of the measured parameters.  相似文献   

HILTON  G. M.; PACKHAM  J. R. 《Forestry》1997,70(1):7-16
Annual production of mast by the beech is highly variable, yetthere are few long-term records of the extent of masting whichmight help to explain the masting phenomenon. In this 16-yearstudy, beech mast has been sampled from 100 trees by 7-min samplescollected from the ground and from low-growing branches at sitesranging from the south to the north of England, and varyingfrom closed canopy beechwood to shelter belts, avenues and isolatedtrees in parks. Variation in production of viable seed is much greater fromyear to year than from north to south. Good masting occurredin 1980, 1982, 1984, 1990 and 1995: in these years at leastone year of very bad masting normally followed. Otherwise, predictionof masting is unreliable. No full mast was found in 1981. Overallthere was very little full mast in five other years, but evenin these years, some sites or some trees produced an appreciableamount. All trees produced empty pericarps as well as full mast, especiallyon lower or shaded branches. Isolated trees produced more emptypericarps than trees in groups; this is likely to result froma lack of cross pollination. It is concluded that ground samplingfor a fixed period affords a rapid and effective method of assessingmasting despite the factors intervening between mast sheddingand collection.  相似文献   

In this study, we assessed the variability in pod, seed traits and oil content of 24 accessions of Pongamia pinnata collected from different parts of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. The experiment was conducted at the Central Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair during 2010 to 2011. The variability studies for pod and seed traits revealed that, the accession CPT-6 collected from New Wandoor in South Andaman recorded the maximum values for eight traits viz. pod length (75.51 mm), pod width (34.62 mm), pod thickness (17.55 mm), 100 pod weight (770.33 g), seed width (21.23 mm), 100 seed weight (377.00 g), oil percentage (43.92%) and germination percentage (94.7%). However, the maximum seed length (26.46 mm) was recorded from CPT 2 and the maximum pod-seed ratio was obtained from CPT 13 and CPT 4 (2.50 and 2.44 respectively). The phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variations were also close to each other for all traits, but the 100 pod and seed weight exhibited higher phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variation than the other traits. Estimates of broad sense heritability ranged from 0.30 (for seed length) to 0.95 (pod length) and genetic ad- vance as percent of the mean ranged between 11.66% and 57.40% with seed length giving the lowest value and 100 pod weight giving the high- est value. Both the phenotypic and genotypic correlation between pod length, pod width, pod thickness, 100 pod weight, seed width and 100 seed weight and between pod thickness, 100 pod weight, seed width, 100 seed weight and germination percentage were found to be strong. On the basis of non hierarchical Euclidian cluster analysis, 24 accessions were grouped into six clusters. The maximum numbers of seven accessions were included in cluster VI. The maximum intra cluster distance (10.238)shown by cluster VI and the maximum inter cluster distance (17.021) between V and HI followed by III and II (15.942). Among the six clus- ters formed the cluster III recorded maximum oil percentage, 100 pod weight, 100 seed ,weight, pod length, pod thickness, pod width, seed width and. germination percentage, while cluster V recorded maximum pod seed ratio and germination percentage. The present findings suggest that the crossing between accessions of cluster V and cluster III will result in a wide spectrum of variability in subsequent generations.  相似文献   

SCHoNENBERGER  WALTER 《Forestry》1984,57(1):59-73
In the alpine timberline ecotone at 1350 m in the CraigieburnRange, New Zealand, four distinct mountain beech stand types(a pole, a coppice, a high forest and a shrublike stand) wereanalysed for stand biomass and leaf area by means of allomet-ricregressions based on stem diameter. Differences between stand types in terms of age, structure,biomass and leaf area are interpreted as development stagesafter stand breakdowns due to external impacts. Vegetative reproduction,mainly coppicing, plays an important part in stand regeneration. The young pole stand had 177 t ha–1, the coppice stand272 t ha–1, and the mature high forest stand 323 t ha–1aboveground dry weight. A low mountain beech shrub stand withgnarled, windshaped dwarf trees had only 135 t ha–1. Foliageaccounted for only 3–5% in all stands, the leaf area indexwas also low, at 3.0 in the shrub stand and 3.7–7.4 inthe forest stands. The low foliage proportion is consideredto be a response to the harsh environment.  相似文献   

An experiment in seed morphology and seed germination techniques of Albizia procera was carried out in the nursery of the Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline,Khulna University,Bangladesh in order to discover the source variation in seeds and pre-sowing treatment effects on seed germination.Mature seeds of A.procera were collected from healthy trees in home garden plantations from five different districts in Bangladesh and treated with four pre-sowing treatments,i.e.,control,immersion in cold water (4°C for 24 h)and immersion in hot water(80°C for 10 min and 100°C for 1 min).The average length,width and thickness of seeds were calculated as 0.502±0.485,0.420±0.060 and 0.191±0.118 cm,respectively.Germination was conducted in poly-bags with a mixture of topsoil and cow dung in a ratio of 3:1.The results revealed that pre-sowing treatments affected the rate of germination of seeds,which significantly increased the germination percentages of seeds in hot water treatments compared with those in control (60.60%)and the cold water treatment(4°C for 24 h,63.53%).The highest germination success was 82.07%in the treatment of immersion in hot water(80°C)for 10 min,followed by 79.00%in immersion in hot water(100°C)for 1 min.Germination started 4 to 6 days after seed sowing and completed in a period of 22 to 25 days in all treatments.ANOVAs showed statistically significant differences(p0.05)in seed germination starting dates,closing dates,germination percentages and rates of germination among treatments,but no significant differences in seed germination starting dates,closing dates,germination period,germination percentages and rates of germination among the seed sources.The study also revealed that the interaction between seed source variation and treatment effect significantly differed in seed germination starting dates,closing dates,germination percentages and rates of germination. The hot water(100°C for 1 min)treatment is recommended for seed germination of A.procera in rural Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) trees have a wide variety of subsistence and economic values across sub-Saharan Africa. Knowledge of the genetic variation within and between the species is essential for management and designing domestication, improvement and conservation strategies. Fifty-nine half-sib families were evaluated in the nursery to determine the genetic variation and control within and between the populations from four silvicultural zones. Seed germination and seven seedling growth parameters were assessed. Total phenotypic variance, family variance, within family variance, individual narrow sense heritability, and additive genetic coefficient of variation (AGCV) were derived from observed and expected mean squares. There were highly significant differences in seed germination, plant height, root collar diameter, number of leaves, shoot height and diameter, tuber diameter and weight. Provenance variation in germination ranged from 46.7?±?3.3 to 68.7?±?3.3% while tree-to-tree variation ranged from 6.3?±?8.6 to 95.5?±?8.6%. Coefficient of variation in seedling growth variables ranged from 18.6 to 43.6%. Individual narrow sense heritabilities (h2) ranged from 0.07 to 0.71. AGCV ranged from 3.21 to 14.67%. Morphological traits showed that mainland populations were genetically distant from the island one. High and moderate additive genetic control of traits and AGCV show the potential that Baobab can also respond well to tree improvement. High phenotypic variation found in the study offers an opportunity to effect selection of superior attributes at both provenance and individual tree-to-tree level.  相似文献   

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