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通过问卷调查的方式分析微课在食品分析教学中的应用情况,探讨在食品分析课程中合理应用微课的方法,旨在推动信息化背景下的专业课程改革,为中等职业学校的食品类专业课程改革提供理论支持。  相似文献   

张幸龙 《农业工程》2022,12(10):67-71
探究了食品快速检测技术在餐饮服务食品安全保障中的应用与意义。运用食品快检技术保障食品安全,对降低食品安全风险具有显著成效,对促进和提高餐饮服务单位管理水平大有益处。通过食品快检技术在餐饮服务食品安全保障中的实际应用成效,探究、论证了食品快检技术在餐饮监管中的作用,形成可及性、可复制性的标准化监管模式。食品快检技术可进一步推动食品安全监管工作向更科学、更现代化方向发展。   相似文献   

梅国涛  冯洁 《农业工程》2021,11(1):46-48
在轮式小麦机上安装粮食产量监测系统,一方面可以为农户、农场管理提供数据记录,另一方面可以结合农艺、遥感、天气和土壤数据等,为变量作业提供数据支持,实现智慧农业.介绍了粮食产量监测系统基本原理,开展标定与调试试验,最后进行田间实测.试验结果表明,监测系统与实际测量数据误差为-3.3%,可满足实际生产要求.粮食产量监测系统...  相似文献   

在保障粮食安全、掌握粮食安全主动权以及实现农业可持续发展的背景下,如何减少玉米、大豆争地,提高大豆的供给能力,实现农业的可持续发展成为关键。按照大豆玉米带状复合种植技术“目标—政策支持”的结构,梳理、分析作为粮食生产动力的国家层面和以内蒙古为代表的地方层面的政策支持,总结内蒙古连续几年来推进大豆玉米带状复合种植的经验做法。提出在推进大豆玉米带状复合种植的过程中,地方政府要逐步推广、因地制宜,多方位引导、消除农户顾虑,同时加强全过程监管。  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》1998,57(4):489-503
The Sahelian countries have been much more successful attaining higher yields of export crops, including cotton and peanuts, than with increasing yields of their cereals and other food crops. One principal explanation has been the poor economic and agricultural policy support historically given to food crops. Now this is being changed with structural adjustments, including the 1994 devaluation of the CFA. Intensive cereal production became more profitable with a lag after devaluation. In southern Mali, even highly risk-averse farmers will adopt intensive sorghum technologies, according to risk programming results. Credit can be generated internally for this activity by selling some of the livestock. Returns were very high for this intensification but its further expansion would require more internal liquidity or the expansion of credit in order to increase purchases of inorganic fertilizers.  相似文献   

张志敏 《农业工程》2018,8(6):48-50
在城镇化进程逐步加快的过程中,国家相继出台了多种菜篮子工程,目的就是扶持温室果蔬的种植。在web系统下,日光温室地暖远程控制测控系统的合理利用备受关注。重点分析web背景下日光温室地暖远程测控系统的设计,结合软件编程关键技术加以分析,实现实时监测和系统作业流程,更好地实现基本的远程控制工作。   相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》1998,58(3):285-307
During the past decades, major changes have taken place with regard to the available policy instruments for food security and rural development. These changes are reviewed against the background of the structural adjustment programmes carried out in the agricultural sector. The linkages between agricultural policy and farmers' supply response are discussed, emphasizing the influence of macro-policy for decision-making at the micro-level of a farm household. An integrated bio-economic modelling framework is presented that allows a better understanding of the effects of macro and sectoral policy interventions for food security and sustainable land use at the farm and (sub)regional level. Critical areas where the understanding of macro–micro linkages is still weak are identified. Major conclusions regarding a suitable analytical framework for policy analysis and support are presented.  相似文献   

程金芝 《农业工程》2012,2(11):23-25
籽粒苋子实是优质的食品原料,其蛋白质含量高且质量好,尤其是赖氨酸含量高;钙、锌、铁含量丰富,还含有类胰岛素、角鲨烯等医疗保健成分。植物基微生态食品中的籽粒苋酸乳及其复合酸乳已获得两项国家发明专利,该专利产品全部使用植物原料,利用现代生物技术发酵而成。产品在不添加稳定剂的情况下不沉淀、含活菌、低脂肪,无胆固醇及乳糖,风味独特,非常适合“三高”人群食用。籽粒苋在吉林省已初步形成了较完整的技术支撑和推广体系,只要有企业接产,“农户+公司”的产业化格局即可形成,实现公司增效、农民增收。   相似文献   

目前,食品信息数据面临可靠性差、来源性广和鉴别性难等问题,亟需信息技术的支撑作用。通过对3种开发框架的对比分析,利用FISCO BCOS开发了食品溯源体系,利用RFID实现有效的信息溯源,区块链技术保证每个环节的信息数据安全,物联网技术实现源头数据的智能化管理。设计了软件整体框架和“链上+链下”多源数据存储模式,呈现“客户端+移动端”溯源查询,实现食品供应链溯源系统的再造,提升食品溯源效率。   相似文献   

本溪市是辽宁省特色农副产品的重要产区,是辽宁省以至我国重要的中药材、冰葡萄、食用菌、山野菜和干坚果等特色资源的生产基地。食品产业的快速发展,是本溪市转变经济发展方式和调整产业结构,实现本溪老工业基地全面振兴的重要支撑。通过调研本溪市食品产业的现状,分析产业发展的基础和存在的问题,研究并提出下一步产业发展布局。   相似文献   

随着城乡人民生活水平的不断提高,畜牧业在国民经济中的地位日渐重要,饲料用粮持续增加,加重了对粮食的依赖。国内外大量事实证明:青贮饲料是一种很好地解决上述问题的方法,不但可以扩大饲料来源,而且还具有营养损失少、适口性好、寄生虫少、单位容积内贮量大等诸多优点。为此,设计了一种高端液压智能青饲料打捆缠膜一体机,采用高密度打捆及拉伸膜裹包等饲料青贮新技术,专门用于高效率制作青贮饲料草包,与传统窖储青贮饲料方式相比,大大减少了人力、物力,并将天气对青贮饲料的影响降到最低。其不仅工序简单,而且可以露天存放2~3年,不怕日晒雨淋,能完全杜绝漏气、进水、发霉等传统窖储的弊端,为山东省畜牧业的发展提供了现代化高端装备支撑。  相似文献   

针对“三品一标”企业的特点,应用二维码、GIS、XML、JSON、WMS和WFS等信息技术,设计基于多终端数据交互技术的“三品一标”企业农产品质量安全追溯管理系统。该系统采用SOA面向体系的架构设计,应用移动端和桌面端交互设计方式,通过设置专家辅助支持信息库、农资采购管理、质量检测管理和追溯信息管理等功能模块控制关键环节,保证追溯信息的真实性、准确性和完整性,从而保证农产品质量安全。在郑州市的应用表明,该系统可实现农产品从种植、检测、采收、加工、包装和配送等全程质量安全控制和跟踪溯源。   相似文献   

生态退耕是国家进行生态建设和实施可持续发展的重要措施,同时随着社会发展,我国又面临粮食安全问题。该文通过分析生态退耕与粮食安全方面的关系及存在的问题,认为退耕还林与粮食安全是同一个问题的两个方面,两者同等重要,必须结合在一起解决,实现两者的共同发展,得到共赢。   相似文献   

Pastoral communities in East Africa are facing considerable challenges arising from shifts in land tenure policy from communal to individual landholdings and high human population growth rates. Over the last 30 years, livestock-to-human ratios have generally declined to levels that will no longer support pure pastoralism. Many Maasai have thus diversified into cultivation, wage labour, and small businesses. Livelihood expectations are rising, with concomitant increases in the need for cash. We describe the modification of PHEWS, a simple rule-based model that tracks cash flow and calories in agro-pastoral households. We use it, coupled to Savanna, a sophisticated ecosystem model, to quantify some of the effects of subdivision and land fragmentation on household livestock numbers and on food security. For the group ranches simulated, model outputs indicate that subdivision results in substantial reductions in livestock numbers, partially because households have to sell more animals to generate the cash needed, with serious long-term consequences on herd sizes and food security. If subdivision occurs, even to parcels as large as 196 km2, livelihood strategies may need to be modified to maintain current levels of household well-being. Model results have been discussed in community meetings in southern Kajiado, but more work is needed on communication mechanisms to utilise more effectively the results of imperfect but useful integrated assessments of complex problems concerning land use and human well-being.  相似文献   

Interest in local food security has increased in the last decade, stemming from concerns surrounding environmental sustainability, small scale agriculture, and community food security. Promotions for consumption of locally produced foods have come from activists, non-governmental organizations, as well as some academic and government research and policy makers. Methods to empirically assess the types and quantities of crops and animals produced locally (i.e., local food production capacity) are under-developed, hindering the ability of policy makers to effect innovative local food security policy. In this paper, we demonstrate methods to estimate local food production capacity using regularly gathered federal Agricultural Census and survey data for a Canadian province. The methods are generalizable to other provinces and nations. Operating at the sub-provincial scale of Local Health Area (LHA), our goal is to integrate census farmland and survey yield data to construct local food production estimates in each LHA. We also assess the stability of these surveyed agricultural yields over time to determine the temporal extent of data required for reasonable representation of product yields. We find that provincial yield data may be used to construct reasonable estimates of local scale food production, due to the high level of regionalization in productive farmland of each product in the province. However, many products exhibit significant yield variability over time, suggesting that, for some foods, local production capacity is a dynamic and variable concept. The methods developed will be useful for researchers and government officials alike, as well as a first step towards more advanced modeling of current local food capacity and future potential.  相似文献   

The sluggish increase in the area productivity of staple crops is a major factor causing increased dependence of African countries on food imports. The increased use of mineral fertiliser may dramatically improve the food balance of many countries and result in lower food prices, higher food supply and consumption, and improved food security and nutritional status. In Benin, West Africa, political measures to improve farmers’ access to fertiliser are biased in favour of cotton production. This article simulates the impact of universal tax exemptions for fertiliser use on crop yields, food balances, and the use of land resources for the most important staple crops in Benin using a crop growth model and an agricultural sector model. The simulation results indicate that tax exemptions on fertiliser use could have positive effects on physical productivity and would increase food security until 2025 as compared to a baseline scenario. At the same time, the pressure on land resources would not be aggravated, so that better access to fertiliser may help to curb excessive cropland expansion in Benin.  相似文献   

我国农作物秸秆资源量及利用问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国是世界农业大国,农作物秸秆资源丰富,但长期以来主要农作物秸秆资源的种类、数量及其变化情况不甚明了。为此,在梳理以往秸秆资源量测算及利用文献的基础上,结合我国2013-2019年水稻、玉米、小麦、豆类、薯类等5种主要粮食作物产量数据,科学确定秸秆籽粒折算系数,运用草谷比系数法测算主要粮食作物的秸秆资源量,为我国制定秸秆综合利用政策、规划提供借鉴和决策支持。同时,结合实际找出目前我国秸秆综合利用中存在的问题并提出相应解决对策。  相似文献   

王勇  李彦军  苗志娟 《农业工程》2022,12(2):149-152
陕西魔芋休闲食品产业具有产业政策支持、原料资源禀赋、区域特色产业、魔芋休闲食品开发科技等优势,但存在原料供应不足、生产端关注度不够,产品同质化严重、进入门槛低,生产规模日益提升与产品、技术更新滞后并存,龙头企业发展困难重重等问题。通过陕西魔芋休闲食品产业发展及魔芋休闲食品产品技术创新发展趋势分析,提出聚焦魔芋区域特色产业、支持组建魔芋休闲食品产业创新联盟、支持做大做强龙头企业、用科技破解产业发展瓶颈等方面发展建议。   相似文献   

俄罗斯已经有250名科学家进行了俄罗斯联邦沙棘本身具有的自然资源、沙棘生态学、植物学和形态学;基因和遗传学;生物化学;可种植环境延伸研究。160年前的苏联,沙棘最初是作为一种绿化美化的植物种植。19世纪末20世纪初,更多的种植园开始种植沙棘,同时,沙棘的重要性也被人们所认识。因为其具有丰富的生物化学成分,这种植物很快的流行起来,并快速在前苏联不同领域被广泛运用。由于沙棘的耐寒性,最初只是种植于寒冷地区,如何将沙棘引入气候温和的区域,并使其生长稳定是一个需要首先解决的问题。  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》2003,76(3):841-861
The areas of agricultural land on this globe that in the future possibly are available for biomass production for energy use and the potential global production of biomass were calculated. These available land areas increased when the global potential for food production (dependent on agricultural system and available land areas for agriculture) became higher in comparison to the global food requirement (dependent on population growth and mean consumption pattern). This study shows that 55% of the present agricultural land area at the global scale is needed for food production in the future (i.e. year 2050), if a high external input system of agriculture is applied. The remaining 45% can be used for other purposes, such as biomass production. If all potentially suitable land areas would be cultivated, the global potential for biomass production becomes about two times as large. If a low external input system is applied at the global scale for food production, however, no land area is available for biomass production.  相似文献   

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