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方英艺  杨军 《农业工程》2014,4(3):53-54
阐述了凤冈县茶叶产业发展现状和存在的问题,并提出该县茶叶产业发展的对策。   相似文献   

曾祥淇  陈慧英 《南方农机》2023,(14):102-105
为了不断开创新局面,让延安文旅产业的发展迈上新的台阶,目前,秉持着优质文化资源的延安大胆尝试引入文旅融合,提升了延安文旅品质,增强了延安文旅产业文化自信,助推了延安文旅演艺业的发展。在此基础上,课题组提出在新的发展道路上,突出质量和效率是延安文旅产业发展的方向和关键,通过对延安文旅产业融合发展现状的系统分析和对延安文旅产业园区进行深入调研,指出了延安文旅产业目前存在的问题和痛点,并从“推出去”“引进来”“愿驻留”三个方面对促进延安文旅产业高质量发展提出如下对策建议:1)讲好延安故事,打造延安文旅特色品牌;2)加强多方合作,促进延安区域旅游资源集聚;3)创新开发模式,提升游客参与感和体验感。研究结果表明,文旅融合给延安旅游提供了新的发展机遇,推动延安旅游高质量发展,释放文化旅游内需潜力,助力延安旅游整体实力腾飞。  相似文献   

随着国民收入水平的提高、人民生活品质的提升与改善,老百姓更加关注高质量的情感需求。目前乡村旅游的产品结构和发展模式,还停留在观光旅游的吃、住、行、游、购、娱等基本功能上,游客的体验感和归属感欠缺。课题组基于重庆文旅融合发展中存在的困境和问题,提出了遵循绿色生态环保发展的理念、发展研学旅行、发展康养旅游等解决问题的思路和办法,探寻了文旅融合高质量发展的路径。  相似文献   

随着社会主要矛盾的变化,我国提出了乡村振兴战略.农业生产性服务业正是在这一契机下得到了长足发展,但当前我国农业发展依旧面临诸多问题.文章从农业生产性服务业推动农业发展角度出发,指出目前农业的高质量发展还存在市场化、产业化水平不高及政府投入不足等问题,并提出创新服务方式、拓展服务内容、优化发展环境等措施,旨在更好地推动农...  相似文献   

王绍芳 《南方农机》2021,(12):16-19
乡村产业高质量发展是我国经济高质量发展的基础和关键,创新是引领新时代乡村产业走向高质量发展的驱动力.山东省淄博市坚持以创新驱动引领乡村产业高质量发展,使乡村绿色发展有力推进、产业形态不断丰富、产业融合渐成趋势,成效显著.目前,创新驱动淄博乡村产业高质量发展依然面临很多制约因素,建议淄博市要通过科技、制度、政策和理念等多...  相似文献   

民以食为天,食以粮为基.粮食安全关系到一个国家是否能够独立自主,国民经济是否能够得到可持续发展等重大问题、战略问题.笔者梳理了广西粮食产业在发展中积极争取惠农政策和种粮扶持资金、大力扶持粮食龙头企业、实现粮食稳步增长等三方面的成效,分析了广西粮食种植业基础设施薄弱、粮食病虫害危机、支持粮食产业发展的保障力度不足、化肥农...  相似文献   

标准化引领农业机械化高质量发展——以江苏省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
标准化是推进农业机械化高质量发展的内在要求,在农业机械化转型升级的背景下,加快构建科学高效的农业机械化标准体系,推动农业机械化标准实施应用对于提升我国农业机械化质量水平具有重要作用。对现阶段中国和江苏省农业机械化标准发展的总体现状进行梳理总结,重点分析现行农业机械化标准体系和农业机械化标准制修订工作中存在的问题,并提出针对性的意见和建议,以期通过构建完善高效的农业机械化标准体系、制定统筹协作的标准制修订机制、推动标准落地实施应用、加强标准监督检查力度,充分发挥农业机械化标准在农业机械化发展中的基础性、引领性作用,推动江苏省乃至全国农业机械化高质量发展。  相似文献   

陕西安康自然环境条件优越,是陕南主要的茶叶生产地区。尽管安康顺利脱贫得益于茶产业的大力发展,但当前茶产业发展陷入了“瓶颈期”,外部自然生态环境以及内部产业结构等问题都严重影响了安康茶产业的可持续发展。研究基于安康茶产业的内外部环境分析,从产业价值链的视角出发,分析了茶产业上、中、下游环节存在的问题,主要包括茶基地标准化程度低、专业人才匮乏、产品形式单一、品牌效应弱等。针对存在问题,研究提出相应的解决对策,即加大基地标准化建设、引进并培养复合型人才、充分利用资源扩大产业链、利用富硒特色增强品牌效应等,以帮助安康茶产业顺利转型发展,助力乡村振兴。  相似文献   

贵州省毕节市威宁县是典型的丘陵山区,地形地貌复杂,土地小而分散,农业机械化率和土地产出率低。近年来,随着农业机械化的发展,威宁县农机专业合作社发展快速,但服务功能、技术管理、资金投入、保养维修、信息不畅通等难题困扰了威宁县农机专业合作社的发展。通过大量调研,提出了丘陵山区农机专业合作社发展对策,推动丘陵山区农机专业合作社健康快速发展,为实现丘陵山区农业全程机械化提供强有力的保障。  相似文献   

基于诱致性技术创新理论与方法,利用贵州省茶叶主产区茶叶种植户的实地调查数据,运用因子分析和tobit模型,旨在揭示不同生产技术环境影响下,贫困地区茶叶种植户技术吸纳能力对其生产技术选择行为的差异化影响.研究结果显示:贫困地区茶叶种植户技术采用整体偏向劳动节约型,但选择劳动密集型技术的茶叶种植户仍占有较大比例.茶叶种植户...  相似文献   

2020年贵州贫困县全部实现脱贫摘帽,摆脱千百年来的人口绝对贫困问题。紧接着推进脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴有效工作,走有贵州特色的脱贫致富道路。对贵州巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果与乡村振兴有效衔接的现状进行深入分析,研究发现贵州脱贫攻坚取得显著性成果,如,贫困发生率降低,农村居民收入持续增长,产业扶贫成效显著,农村基础设施建设不断完善,乡村治理更加有效。但推进脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴有效衔接中存在对二者衔接机制认知不足、产业发展进程缓慢、基层人才短板突出、农村基础设施薄弱等问题,为保障脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴政策更好衔接,提出要增强脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴有效衔接的意识;加快农村产业发展,以产业振兴驱动乡村振兴;实行科学有效的人才培育和储备机制,激活农村内生动力;提升衔接进程中的农村基础设施保障水平等策略。  相似文献   

根据“水稻-玉米”、“西瓜-水稻”、“烤烟-水稻”三种优化组合模式,与“早稻-晚稻”浅灌中蓄灌溉为对照,通过试验对灌溉用水量、产量、产值和纯收入等进行了对比分析,提出了不同组合方式的需水指标和经济效益指标。并建立了农作物优化组合决策模型,对湖南省缺水地区(水稻区“干旱死角”田)进行了优化计算。结果表明,采用农作物优化组合种植模式,可节水41.3%~44.1%。增加产值59.9%~132.8%,提高纯收入161.1%~399.95%,节水高产效果十分显著。试验研究的定量数据和优化决策成果,为组织高产优质高效农业,合理利用缺水地区的水土资源提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

为了加快适应新时期高素质农民教育培训的发展需求,利用信息化手段提高素质农民在线培训参与度。通过层次分析方法对高素质农民培训质量进行详细分析,针对高素质农民现状需求问题,提出培训质量评价算法,构建培训质量综合模型,并通过实例验证,证实所提方法的有效性。最后重点研究基于学员课程评分的协同过滤推荐算法应用于培训课程推荐模块的设计思路,并给出课程推荐系统关键部分实现方法。  相似文献   

Overreliance on fossil fuel based inputs, and transport of inputs and products is seen by many as a threat to long-term agricultural and food system sustainability. Many organic, biodynamic, and low-input farmers limit off-farm inputs, attempting instead to farm within the carrying capacity of their land or local environment. These farmers often accept lower farm productivity because they see reduced reliance on non-renewable inputs as more sustainable. Documentation of low-input agricultural systems through both replicated research trials and case studies is needed in order to better understand perceived and real advantages and tradeoffs. The goal of our study was twofold: (1) to compare liming and biodynamic (BD) preparations in improving pasture on a moderately acidic pasture soil through stimulation of soil microbial activity; (2) to place these findings within the context of a whole farm analysis of economic, plant, and animal health. Treatments included lime, the Pfeiffer Field Spray plus BD compost preparations, and untreated controls. Soil pH, total C and N, microbial activity, forage biomass, and forage quality were evaluated over two growing seasons. Both lime and the Pfeiffer Field Spray and BD preparations were only moderately effective in raising soil pH, with no effect on soil microbial activity or forage yield. Lime significantly reduced forage crude protein but the practical implications of this are questionable given the overall low quality of the forage. While the farm is profitable and economically stable and the animals healthy, the need for future targeted nutrient inputs cannot be ruled out for sustainable long-term production.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the potential impact of increased biofuel production on the hydrology of a small watershed, Khlong Phlo, in the eastern part of Thailand. The water footprint of biofuel energy was estimated for three crops in order to identify the most water-efficient crop. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was used to evaluate the impact of land use change (LUC) caused by the expansion of biofuel crops on the components of water balance and water quality in the studied watershed. Several LUC scenarios consisting of oil palm (biodiesel), cassava and sugarcane (bio-ethanol) expansion were evaluated. The water footprint results indicated that cassava is more water-efficient than the other two crops considered. Simulation results revealed that although oil palm expansion would have negligible alteration in evapotranspiration (0.5 to 1.6%) and water yield (−0.5 to −1.1%), there would be an increased nitrate loading (1.3 to 51.7%) to the surface water. On the contrary, expansion of cassava and sugarcane would decrease evapotranspiration (0.8 to 11.8%) and increase water yield (1.6 to 18.0%), which would lead to increased sediment (10.9 to 91.5%), nitrate (1.9 to 44.5%) and total phosphorus (15.0 to 165.0%) loading to surface water. Based on the results, it can be concluded that land use change for biodiesel production would affect water quality, while both the water balance components and water quality would be affected by the expansion of bio-ethanol crops. Overall, the study indicates that biofuel production would have a negative impact on the water quality of the studied watershed. Further research at large scale (e.g. basin level) and on the economic aspect is recommended, in order to contribute to developing suitable land use and energy policies.  相似文献   

The Australian greenhouse industry is primarily dominated by low-cost hydroponic greenhouses for delivery of water and nutrients to plants to grow a variety of vegetable crops including cucumber and tomato. The nutrient rich drainage water from these greenhouses is generally released into the local environment causing pollution concerns. This study was initiated to investigate the opportunities in recycling drainage water to increase water and nutrient-use efficiency of hydroponic greenhouses and reduce the environmental impact of the drainage water discharge. Results indicated that a total of 4.15 ML/ha of irrigation water was applied during the 13 weeks crop growing period of which 2.56 ML/ha was drained off and 1.59 ML/ha was used to meet the crop evapotranspiration demand. The study showed that the recycling of the drainage water resulted in a 33% reduction in potable water used for irrigation in cucumber production. The drainage water contained 59% applied N, 25% applied P and 55% applied K and illustrated the potential for nutrient recovery and production cost savings through the reuse of drainage water. This case study demonstrates that some relatively simple changes in irrigation practices within greenhouse systems to recycle drainage water can considerably improve sustainability of low-cost hydroponic greenhouses and help minimise the environmental footprint of the greenhouse industry.  相似文献   

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