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This study was designed to isolate bifidobacteria from human intestines that efficiently converts monolinolein, a monoglyceride form of linoleic acid, into conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), as well as to optimize culture conditions for improving CLA production during milk fermentation. Among 150 screened neonatal bifidobacteria, Bifidobacterium breve LMC 520 showed the highest CLA-producing ability and was tested with different types of fat substrates at various concentrations to determine the optimal conditions for CLA production. Monolinolein was tested as a substrate for CLA production. The incubation time optimized for CLA production was 24 h, and CLA production was proportionally increased with monolinolein concentration. The incubation of LMC 520 with commercial starter strains caused minimal reduction in CLA production. Our results demonstrate that the CLA-producing ability of B. breve LMC 520 could offer beneficial effects when utilized as a starter culture for the development of functional dairy products.  相似文献   

This study was performed to characterize the ability of an active Bifidobacterium strain to produce conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and to test its possible utilization as a probiotic compatible to the ruminal condition. Bifidobacterium breve LMC520 can actively convert linoleic acid (LA) to cis-9,trans-11-CLA, which is a major isomer derived from microbial conversion. LMC520 showed reasonable tolerance under acidic conditions (pH 2.5 with 1% pepsin) and in the presence of oxgall (0-3%). The growth and CLA production of LMC520 were tested under ruminal conditions and compared with those of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens A38, which is a major CLA producer in the rumen as an intermediate in the biohydrogenation (BH) process. LMC520 converted 15% of LA to CLA under ruminal conditions, which was 2 times higher activity than that of A38, and there was no decline in CLA level during prolonged incubation of 48 h. The BH activity of LMC520 was comparable to that of A38. When LMC520 was cocultured with A38, even with slight decrease of CLA due to high BH activity by A38, but the level of CLA was maintained by the high CLA-producing activity of LMC520. This comparative study shows the potential of this strain to be applied as a functional probiotic not only for humans but also for ruminants as well as to increase CLA production.  相似文献   

The potential of Tetragenococcus halophilus as a starter culture for flavor improvement in fish sauce fermentation was elucidated. Four strains of T. halophilus isolated from fish sauce mashes were inoculated to anchovy mixed with 25% NaCl with an approximate cell count of 10(6) CFU/mL. The α-amino content of 6-month-old fish sauce samples inoculated with T. halophilus was 780-784 mM. The addition of T. halophilus MRC10-1-3 and T. halophilus MCD10-5-10 resulted in a reduction of histamine (P < 0.05). Fish sauce inoculated with T. halophilus showed high contents of total amino acids with predominantly high glutamic acid. Major volatile compounds in fish sauce were 2-methylpropanal, 2-methylbutanal, 3-methylbutanal, and benzaldehyde. T. halophilus-inoculated fish sauce samples demonstrated the ability to reduce dimethyl disulfide, a compound contributing to a fecal note. The use of T. halophilus for fish sauce fermentation improves amino acid profiles and volatile compounds as well as reduces biogenic amine content of a fish sauce product.  相似文献   

A microbially safe process for the enrichment of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in oats was developed. The process consists of hydrolysis of oat lipids by non-inactivated oat flour, followed by propionibacterium-catalyzed isomerization of the resulting free linoleic acid to CLA. The first stage was performed at water activity (a(w)) 0.7, where hydrolysis of triacylglycerols progressed efficiently without growth of the indigenous microflora of flour. Thereafter, the flour was incubated as a 5% (w/v) aqueous, sterilized slurry with Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii. The amount of CLA produced in 20 h was 11.5 mg/g dry matter corresponding to 116 mg/g lipids or 0.57 mg/mL slurry. The oat flour had also the capability to hydrolyze exogenous oils at a(w) 0.7. Sunflower oil, added to increase linoleic acid content in triacylglycerols 2.7-fold, was hydrolyzed rapidly. Isomerization of this oil-supplemented flour as a 5% slurry gave final CLA content of 22.3 mg/g dry matter after 50 h of fermentation, corresponding to 118 mg/g lipids or 1.14 mg/mL slurry. Storage stability of CLA in fermented oat slurries at 4 degrees C was good.  相似文献   

Four different methods for methylating conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) were compared. The HCl/MeOH and BF(3)/MeOH methods were tested under different time and temperature combinations. Increasing temperature and/or incubation time for either method decreased the cis-9,trans-11 and trans-10,cis-12 isomers, but trans-9,trans-11/trans-10,trans-12 isomers and artifacts (allylic methoxide) were increased. In addition, the triacylglyceride form of CLA was tested using the above methods and NaOMe at various temperatures for 20 min. The NaOMe did not generate methoxy artifacts. However, there were impurities in GC after methylation with NaOMe as well as with BF(3)/MeOH. The (trimethylsilyl)diazomethane method, which is a mild and easy alternative, was tested. Free forms of fatty acids were easily, but not completely, methylated by this method. Also, the method generated artifacts (trimethylsilyl CLA esters) and impurities (trimethylsilyl) that would interfere with short-chain fatty-acid analysis by GC.  相似文献   

The fatty acid profile of the subcutaneous fat of pigs and its evolution throughout fattening as affected by dietary conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), and their interaction (CLAxMUFA) were studied. Three levels (0, 1, and 2%) of an enriched CLA oil (28% cis-9, trans-11 and 28% trans-10, cis-12 CLA) were combined with two levels of MUFA (low, 19% average; and high, 39% average) for pig feeding (288 gilts). Subcutaneous shot-biopsies were taken from 48 animals at the beginning of the trial (S1, 70 kg), 14 days later (S2, 80 kg), and at slaughter (S3, 107 kg). Inclusion of CLA in the diet caused an increase during fattening in cis-9, trans-11 CLA, trans-10, cis-12 CLA, and saturated fatty acids (SFA) contents of pig backfat and a decrease in MUFA and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). MUFA supplementation also led to a MUFA enrichment of backfat. The interaction CLAxMUFA affected the SFA content. The rates of accumulation of CLA isomers, SFA, and MUFA throughout the trial did not follow a linear behavior, such rates being higher from S1 to S2 than from S2 to S3. These rates were also influenced by dietary CLA and MUFA levels. The increase in the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids of backfat caused by dietary CLA might be balanced by supplementation of pig diets with MUFA.  相似文献   

The effects of sulfur addition on the formation of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers were studied during the hydrogenation of soybean oil with a nonselective type nickel catalyst. Sulfur addition greatly promoted CLA formation in soybean oil during hydrogenation. As the amount of sulfur increased to a certain level, the maximal quantity of CLA in soybean oil during hydrogenation increased greatly. However, further increase in sulfur addition above the certain level decreased CLA formation. The optimal sulfur level for the promotion of CLA formation differed greatly with the amount of nickel used. It was of great interest to find that the optimal ratio of sulfur to nickel for the promotion of CLA formation was always 0.06:1, regardless of the nickel amount used. At the same ratio of sulfur to nickel, higher nickel content induced significantly higher production of CLA (p < 0.05). At the optimal sulfur to nickel ratio, an increase in the nickel amount from 0.05 to 0.15% produced approximately 1.5 times higher levels of CLA during hydrogenation under the tested conditions. The CLA isomer compositions were greatly affected by both sulfur addition and amounts of nickel used for treatment. This is the first report of the possibility that the total quantity of CLA and their isomer composition could be manipulated during hydrogenation by controlling the amounts of sulfur and nickel.  相似文献   

Four different methods for the methylation of conjugated linoleic acid isomers (CLA) in ruminant lipids were compared by silver ion (Ag+) HPLC. The combination of base-catalyzed methods followed by an acid-catalyzed method with BF3/MeOH was tested under different temperatures (room temperature and at 60 degrees C), along with based-catalyzed methylation with NaOCH3 and methylation with BF3/MeOH after saponification with NaOH. The comparison among these four methods was done on muscle and adipose tissue samples from bulls. The repeatability theta of the combined base- and acid-catalyzed methylation (NaOCH3/BF3) at ambient temperature for 20 min and at 60 degrees C for 10 min was most suitable for the quantitative Ag+-HPLC analysis of CLA isomers. At 60 degrees C the combined methods supplied the highest concentrations of most CLA isomers. The base-catalyzed methylation and the saponification followed by BF3/MeOH methylation for 5 min generated significantly lower concentrations for most CLA isomers compared to the combined methods.  相似文献   

Mixtures of t,t conjugated linoleic acid methylester (t,t CLA-Me) isomers were prepared from synthetic CLA, consisting of 47.8% t10,c12 CLA; 45.5% c9,t11 CLA; 2.0% t,t CLA; and 4.7% others, by methylation with BF(3)/methanol (designated TT-TC/CT) in conjunction with purification at -68 degrees C for 24 h. The amount or composition of the TT-TC/CT was greatly affected by the concentration of BF(3) in methanol and the duration of methylation. The methylation of 50 mg of synthetic CLA for 30 min with 1 mL of 7.0% BF(3)/methanol produced a TT-TC/CT (21.54 mg) with the composition of 1.3% t12,t14; 5.9% t11,t13; 42.7% t10,t12; 44.0% t9,t11; 5.0% t8,t10; and 1.1% t 7,t9 CLA, whereas the methylation for 60 min with 14.0% BF(3)/methanol produced a TT-TC/CT (28.62 mg) with the composition of t,t CLA isomers different from that of TT-TC/CT by methylation for 30 min with 7.0% BF(3)/methanol. A large quantity of TT-TC/CT (14.15 g) with the composition similar to that of TT-TC/CT prepared from 50 mg of synthetic CLA was also prepared from 25 g of synthetic CLA. The purity of TT-TC/CT samples was greater than 98%. These results suggest that TT-TC/CT with a purity greater than 98% was easily prepared from synthetic CLA by BF(3)-catalyzed methylation, and the amount and composition of t,t CLA isomers of TT-TC/CT samples could be controlled by methylation conditions.  相似文献   

The potential of apple pomace for lactic acid production by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) was evaluated. The effects of the cellulase to solid ratio (CSR), the liquor to solid ratio (LSR), and the beta-glucosidase to cellulase ratio (BCR) on the kinetics of lactic acid generation were assessed, and a set of mathematical models was developed to reproduce and predict the lactic acid concentration of fermentation broths. Operating at low cellulase and cellobiase charges (1 FPU/g and 0.25 IU/FPU, respectively) and short reaction times (10 h), SSF media containing 27.8 g of lactic acid/L were obtained with a volumetric productivity of 2.78 g/Lh. Material balances showed that the SSF processing of 100 kg of dry apple pomace results in the production of 36.6 kg of lactic acid, 18.3 kg of oligomeric carbohydrates (which can be used as ingredients for functional foods), 8.4 kg of microbial biomass, and 8 kg uronic acids.  相似文献   

Sequential extraction is commonly used to identify and quantify different forms of phosphorus (P) associated with particulate samples. Iron (Fe)-bound P is an important fraction of total particulate phosphorus because iron (Fe) is ubiquitous in natural environments. Three reductant solutions, i.e., sodium hydroxide (NaOH), dithionite, and ascorbic acid, have been used to extract solid phase reactive iron and associated phosphorus from sediments and soils. This study compares the efficiencies of three different methods in extracting Fe and Fe-bound P and evaluates the potential and limitation of each method. Based on the results of this comparative study it is recommended that the ascorbic acid reduction method is used for extraction of Fe-bound P in particulate samples, such as soil and sediment.  相似文献   

Abstract. An increasing number of breeding sows is kept outdoors in Europe. Outdoor pig production has benefits in terms of animalwelfare but may have hidden costs through nutrient losses. We investigated the distribution of nutrients in sow paddocks and the consequence for losses and utilization in the succeeding crop. Significant correlation between soil inorganicNand the distance to feeding sites was observed after the paddocks had been used by lactating sows for 6 months (P<0.01). Near to feeders inorganic N levels became extremely high whereas 30–40m from feeders some patches hadN levels in the topsoil corresponding to the levels in the reference area without sows. In the following spring only a minor part of inorganic N was still present in the top 0–40 cm. Similarly, extractable P and exchangeable K in topsoil were significantly affected by distance to feeders with the highest values close to the feeders (P<0.001). In addition there were significant effects of the distance to huts with increasing nutrient content closer to huts. Although huge variations in dry matter production and nutrient content occurred in the succeeding potato crop, these were only weakly related to the distribution of nutrients (N, P and K) in the previous year, which explained 17%of the total variation in dry matter production. To increase nutrient efficiency in outdoor pig production a uniformdistribution of nutrients should be obtained by manipulating the excretory behaviour of the sows and stocking densities must be adjusted to locally acceptable nutrient surpluses.  相似文献   

To estimate the microbial communities responsible for rice straw decomposition in paddy field, phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) composition of leaf sheaths and blades was analyzed during the decomposition of both residues under upland conditions after harvest and under flooded conditions at the time of transplanting of rice plants. In addition, rice straw that had been placed in the field under upland conditions (November to April) was taken out in spring, and placed again in the same field under flooded conditions at the time of transplanting. High proportions of the branched-chain PLFAs were observed under flooded conditions (June to September); the proportions of straight mono-unsaturated and straight poly-unsaturated PLFAs were high under upland conditions in the winter season for 4 months. The dominant PLFAs in straight mono-unsaturated, straight poly-unsaturated and branched-chain PLFA groups were 18:19, 18:17 and 16:17c, 18:26c and i15:0, i17:0 and ai15:0, respectively, under both upland and flooded conditions. These findings indicated the important roles of Gram-negative bacteria and fungi under upland conditions and of Gram-positive bacteria and anaerobic Gram-negative bacteria under flooded conditions. Cluster analysis of PLFA composition showed the difference of community structure of microbiota in rice straw between upland and flooded conditions. In addition principal component analysis revealed the difference between leaf sheaths and blades under upland conditions and indicated that the content of straight unsaturated PLFAs (sheaths > blades) characterized their community structures.  相似文献   

Following recent observations by Raulund-Rasmussen (1989) implicating A1 contamination of soil solutions isolated by suction-cup samplers, A1 release from porous ceramic cups in acid solutions was investigated. In our studies a flush of Al, followed by a gradual decrease in leaching over successive extractions was observed. The amount of Al released was retarded by the presence of 37 μmol dm?3 of A1 in solution. Gibbsite solubility controls were not observed; all solutions isolated by the cups were undersaturated with respect to amorphous gibbsite. The cups evaluated in this study are appropriate for sampling acidic soil solution, provided they are suitably pretreated and then equilibrated in the field before use.  相似文献   

The olive oil market is suffering from sophisticated illegal treatments. One common adulteration process consists of the addition to virgin olive oil of lower quality oils, such as "lampante" oil, an inexpensive oil and with some organoleptic defects, which is then submitted to thermal deodorization under vacuum processes for removal of the undesired flavor components. Such a blending may not have a huge influence on the chemical composition and may not significantly affect the parameters usually checked as quality indicators, although the organoleptic properties may change. As a consequence, a major effort is being devoted to find reliable markers able to unmask such adulterations. We report here the complete characterization of a compound, detected at trace levels exclusively in thermal stressed oils, which could be a candidate marker for adulteration. The investigation, carried out by GC-MS and GC-MS/MS, provided its complete structure, including the stereochemistry, shown to be a 9(E),11(E)-18:2 fatty acid methyl ester. Experimental data also confirmed the influence of both temperature and heating time on formation and concentration of this compound.  相似文献   

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