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曾汉维 《广东饲料》2000,9(5):31-32
1 VcPP的稳定性 为了改善 Vc的稳定性,使之更适合于加入饲料中,人们开发出多种稳定型的 Vc制剂商品。 VcPP是近年来国际市场新出现的一种高稳定性的 Vc衍生物,大量试验表明,该产品加入饲料中稳定性极好,同时又具有很高的生物利用率。 1.1自身贮存的稳定性 VcPP产品相当稳定,将它装于塑料袋中置入纤维板包装桶存放于仓库中,经一年的效价分析跟踪(每 3个月测定一次),年平均效价损失率为 4.2%。具体数据见表 1。 VcPP效价指产品中所含的有效成分被磷酸酯酶水解而转化为 Vc的质量分数(质量百分比)。一般的 VcPP合成品…  相似文献   

维生素需要量美国国家科学研究委员会 (NRC)提出了畜禽在集约化饲养管理条件下对维生素的推荐需要量。NRC的营养需要量标准形成了制定商品家禽维生素需要量的基础 ,以便预防家禽的维生素缺乏症。这些推荐需要量数据经常更新 ,以便将最新的研究结果包括进去。NRC推荐量与任何现代商品猪种或者其特定的商业参数有联系。NRC推荐量数据是用以评价商品鸡饲料中维生素添加率的基础。为了确定鸡饲料中的维生素添加率 ,常常需要在不同的饲养管理条件下再次进行评价。一般来说 ,NRC推荐量被认为是鸡饲料中的维生素最低添加水平 ,在考…  相似文献   

所有的维生素都一定程度地对不良储存和处置条件敏感。为了保持维生素原来的效价 ,以下简要介绍维生素对之最为敏感的一些条件以供读者参考 :维生素A、D和类胡萝卜素·暴露于空气中时容易被氧化 ;·对氧化剂敏感 ;·在酸性条件下会形成异构体 ;·对长时间加热敏感 ;·对金属的催化作用敏感。维生素E·对空气的氧化作用敏感 ;·‘对碱敏感 ;·酯的形态比较稳定。维生素K3·对热敏感 ;·接触氧时对氧化敏感。硫胺素 (维生素B1)·在低 pH值条件下比较稳定 ,效价随 pH值升高而降低 ;·对氧和中性或碱性溶液中的氧化剂敏感 ;·在亚硫酸…  相似文献   

本试验的目的是为了探讨添加 VC(试验组 )和不添加 VC(对照组 )对以放牧或谷物为饲养主牛的牛肉肉色和脂肪稳定性的影响 ,牛肉在 4℃下放置 8d后观察肉色和脂肪稳定性。采用近红外线反射分光镜预测碎牛肉的脂肪酸组成 ,并评估此法在鉴别不同营养背景下牛肉的潜在价值。以放牧为主牛的牛肉总脂肪含量要比以谷物为主牛的低 5 3% (P<0 .0 5 )。放牧为主饲养牛的牛肉有较高的饱和脂肪酸 (P<0 .0 1)和多聚不饱和脂肪酸含量 ,以及较少的单一不饱和脂肪酸 (P<0 .0 1)。在以谷物为主饲养牛的牛肉中 ,添加 VC试验组比对照组 ,从第 2~ 8d脂肪氧化减慢 (P<0 .0 1) ,肉色更深(P<0 .0 1) ,颜色更红 (P<0 .0 1)。以放牧为主牛的牛肉 ,添加VC试验组与对照组相比较 ,脂肪的氧化差异不显著 (P>0 .0 5 ) ,但在 8d的试验期 VC可延缓肉色加深 ,从而提高肉色的稳定性 (P<0 .0 1)。采用最小二乘均方模型结果表明 ,使用近红外线反射分析法可准确预测饱和脂肪酸 (标准误 SEP=1.16 % ,准确度 r2 =0 .87)、不饱和脂肪酸 (标准误 SEP=1.18% ,准确度 r2 =0 .90 )、硬脂酸 (标准误 SEP=1.2 0 % ,准确度 r2 =0 .91)、油酸 (标准误 SEP=1.2 7% ,准确度 r2 =0 .92 )和亚麻油酸 (标准误 SEP=0 .0 7% ,准确度 r2 =0 .93)的含量。然而其它  相似文献   

1. The purpose of the study was to determine the stability of dietary ascorbic acid and the reproductive responses of broiler breeder chickens to supplemental 75 mg ascorbic acid/kg diet. 2. Six breeder flocks of 13,000 birds each were studied. Egg production, eggshell porosity, fertility, hatchability and plasma ascorbic acid were measured. 3. Storage of the diets under dry heat resulted in a linear decrease in ascorbic acid content and the rate of decline was 5-fold higher in the supplemented diet. 4. Differences were not detected between treatments in egg production, egg weight, eggshell porosity, fertility, hatchability or plasma ascorbic acid. 5. The results did not provide evidence of a beneficial reproductive response to the inclusion of ascorbic acid in commercial broiler breeder diets.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of ascorbic acid were studied in 29 horses after intravenous (iv), subcutaneous, intramuscular (im) and oral administration. Following iv injection of 5 and 10 g ascorbic acid, respectively, a biphasic decline of ascorbic acid serum levels was found, indicating that the vitamin distributes in the body according to a two-compartment open model. The apparent volume of distribution (average value for Vd(ss)= 0.6 litre/kg) was approximately equivalent to the volume of total body water. The terminal half-life of the biexponential serum level-time curve (t1/2β) varied between 5 and 17 h. Both distribution and elimination were found to be positively correlated with the iv dose administered. Following subcutaneous and im injection, the average bioavailability of ascorbic acid amounted to 82 and 61 per cent, respectively. However, both routes of administration gave rise to marked local irritation. Following oral administration, the systemic availability of ascorbic acid was very poor. Serum levels in most experiments were not increased above the endogenous pre-administration values of the vitamin. Thus, in horses iv injection appears to be the only satisfactory route of administration of ascorbic acid if supplementation is required.  相似文献   

The bioavailability of ascorbic acid administered to thoroughbreds by intramuscular injection was investigated. For intramuscular injection two preparations were studied, and the percentage bioavailability up to 24 h of 10 g of ascorbic acid was 95% +/- 22 in four horses and 60% in two horses with preparations A and B, respectively. Bioavailability at 24 h in three horses injected subcutaneously with 10 g of preparation B was 82%. Intramuscular injection of both preparations was apparently well tolerated while subcutaneous injection of preparation B (pH 6.0) was associated with marked irritancy. In a cross-over trial in seven thoroughbreds the effect of 13 or 15 days of oral administration of crystalline ascorbic acid (20 g) or ascorbyl palmitate (47 g) on plasma ascorbic-acid concentrations was investigated. Marked differences occurred between individuals. There was a greater increase in plasma ascorbic-acid concentration with ascorbyl palmitate compared to ascorbic acid at 6 and 24 h following administration. In two horses there was no increase in plasma ascorbic acid at 6 h following either oral preparation. The finding of lowered plasma ascorbic-acid concentrations following a period of supplementation warrants further investigation to assess its significance.  相似文献   

1. An experiment was conducted with commercial White Leghorn type chickens to determine the effect of gender on tissue ascorbic acid concentration, antioxidant capacity and ascorbic acid synthesis. 2. Birds reared and maintained on litter were given a standard layer diet, without supplemental ascorbic acid, from 18 weeks of age. Tissue ascorbic acid concentration, plasma total antioxidant capacity and renal L-gulonolactone oxidase activity were measured at 30 weeks of age. 3. Females and males differed in ascorbic acid synthesis, as measured by renal L-gulonolactone oxidase activity, and tissue ascorbic acid concentration. 4. Plasma total antioxidant capacity and adrenal, gonadal, plasma and pituitary ascorbic acid concentrations were significantly higher in males, whereas ascorbic acid synthesis and splenic and thymic ascorbic acid concentrations were significantly higher in females. 5. L-Gulonolactone oxidase activity was not detected in the comb of cockerels.  相似文献   

Congenital ascorbic acid deficiency in pigs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a swine production herd, spontaneous scurvy was observed among piglets 2–3 weeks after weaning. All affected pigs had the same boar as both maternal and paternal grandfather. The affected pigs had only traces of ascorbic acid in blood and tissues as compared to litter mates and other normal pigs. The ratio between the total numbers of normal and affected pigs in the 4 litters concerned was in agreement with a 3:1 segregation, which is characteristic of simple autosomal recessive inheritance in matings between non-affected carriers.Two affected pigs were restored to normal when given ascorbic acid in the diet. Without vitamin C supplement affected pigs died or had to be euthanized.Liver microsomes from an affected pig were unable to synthesize ascorbic acid in vitro with 1-gulonolactone as a substrate, unlike microsomes from normal control pigs.Key words: scurvey, vitamin C, congenital, inbreeding, pigs  相似文献   

New methods for the microdetermination of ascorbic acid are described. The 3 proposed methods based on the fact that N-chlorosuccinimide in acid, alkaline or neutral medium readily oxidizes ascorbic acid. The mechanism of the reaction is discussed. The proposed methods are simple rapid, and sufficiently accurate to determine concentrations as low as 10 micrograms of ascorbic acid. The experimental error does not exceed +/- 2%. The methods were also used for the determination of ascorbic acid in such biological fluids as bloody, urine or edible fruits with an error not exceeding +/- 5%.  相似文献   

Oral administration of ascorbic acid to horses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of oral administration of high doses of ascorbic acid on plasma concentrations were investigated in both experimental Thoroughbred horses and those within racing stables. A single oral dose (20 g) did not result in any increase in plasma concentrations. However, daily administration of either 4.5 g or 20 g doses resulted in significant increases in plasma concentrations. Monthly variations in plasma ascorbate concentrations were found in both supplemented (20 g daily) and unsupplemented stables. It is concluded that oral supplementation with ascorbic acid is a satisfactory route to increase plasma and tissue concentrations.  相似文献   

Using a highly sensitive and selective analytical method and careful stability control, plasma concentrations of ascorbic acid were determined in German Shepherd Dogs, Labrador Retrievers and Siberian Huskies, a total 99 animals. Mean concentration was 35.9 micromol l(-1)(range 18.2-50.7), and no significant variation was observed neither between breeds nor between females and males. These and previous reported data on plasma ascorbic acid levels in dogs are discussed in the light of methodological aspects.  相似文献   

抗坏血酸(Ascorbic Acid,AsA)作为植物体内一种重要的自由基清除剂,在减少膜脂过氧化作用对细胞造成的损伤、增强植物抵抗逆境胁迫能力等过程中起着非常重要的作用。通过分析比较AsA的生物合成途径,总结AsA参与细胞分裂与伸长、作为辅酶参与细胞壁的形成、光保护作用、作为电子传递与信号转导的载体等生理功能,系统阐述AsA在植物逆境胁迫(主要包括温度胁迫、盐胁迫、生物胁迫等)中的保护机制及功能,强调AsA研究对于了解自由基清除剂在植物抗逆性作用以及清除自由基机理方面具有重要作用。本研究提出在牧草种子劣变方面AsA研究的不足,并分析展望了AsA研究发展的趋势。  相似文献   

There is suggestive evidence that a low status of ascorbic acid in camels enhances their risk for infectious diseases. This study was carried out to find clues as to the role of diet in affecting ascorbic acid status. In a crossover trial with feeding periods of 3 weeks each, six camels (Camelus dromedarius) were fed either a composite of their habitual diet or alfalfa. The simulated habitual diet contained grass (hummra), Acacia mellifera and Blepharis persica. The habitual diet significantly lowered ascorbic acid concentrations in plasma and leukocytes. It is concluded that camels kept on natural desert vegetation may not have optimal disease resistance due to a diet-induced low ascorbic acid status.  相似文献   

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