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Four Holstein steers (212 kg) with cannulas in the rumen and proximal duodenum were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square experiment to study the influence of degree of ruminal biohydrogenation (BH) on the feeding value of supplemental fat. Treatments consisted of an 88% concentrate finishing diet supplemented with 1) 2% yellow grease (control); 2) 4% formaldehyde-protected fat (Rumentek), 2% yellow grease (LBH); 3) 2% Rumentek, 4% yellow grease (MBH); or 4) 6% yellow grease (HBH). Ruminal BH of HBH, MBH, and LBH diets was 74, 68, and 54%, respectively. High-fat supplementation decreased (7%, P < .05) intestinal digestibility of 18:0 but increased intestinal digestibility of 18:1 (3%, P < .10), 18:2 (14%, P < .01), and 18:3 (23%, P < .05). Increases in intestinal digestibility of 18:0 (quadratic effect, P < .05), 18:1 (linear effect, P < .01), 18:2 (linear effect, P < .01), 18:3 (linear effect, P < .05), and total fatty acids (linear effect, P < .05) were inversely related to BH. For every 1% increase in the proportion of 18:1 fat entering the small intestine, the digestibility of 18:0 increased 1%. High-fat supplementation depressed ruminal digestion of OM (11%, P < .05), NDF (16%, P < .05), starch (6%, P < .05), and feed N (12%, P < .01). Formaldehyde-protein protection of fat diminished its depressing effects on ruminal digestion of NDF (quadratic effect, P < .10) and enhanced ruminal escape of feed N (linear effect, P < .10). Postruminal digestion of OM was greater (4.6%, P < .10) for high-fat diets. High-fat diets decreased (P < .05) total tract digestion of OM (1.9%), NDF (7.4%), and starch (.5%). Postruminal and total tract digestibility of OM, NDF, N, and starch was not affected (P > .10) by BH. In a 125-d finishing trial, 100 yearling steers (362 kg) were used to evaluate treatment effects on growth performance. High-fat diets did not affect (P > .10) ADG but increased (P < .10) feed efficiency (9%, P < .10), dietary NEm (7.6%, P < .05), and dressing percentage (9%, P < .05). The magnitude of the increase in dressing percentage was inversely related (linear effect, P < .10) to BH. We conclude that decreasing ruminal BH will increase postruminal digestibility of fat, and hence the NE value of dietary fat. The synergistic effect of increasing the proportion of 18:1 on intestinal digestion of fat enables higher levels of fat supplementation. Protecting fat from BH minimizes the detrimental effects of supplemental fat on fiber digestion.  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted to evaluate the feeding value of slice alfalfa hay in feedlot diets. In Exp. 1, 108 steer calves (183.1 +/- 1.2 kg initial BW; 6 pens/treatment) were used in a completely randomized design to evaluate the effect of baling method on performance and morbidity of newly received calves. The study lasted 28 d. Treatments consisted of a 65% concentrate receiving diet containing 1) ground or 2) slice alfalfa hay. Steer calves were fed daily at 0800 h. Animals also received long-stem sudangrass hay the first 7 d. Steers were weighed on d 0, 16, and 28. Feed, sudangrass hay, or feed plus sudangrass hay intakes were not affected (P > 0.25) by treatment. Conversely, ADG from d 0 to 16 was greater (P < 0.001) for slice than ground (1.27 vs. 0.81 +/- 0.067 kg/d, respectively) and from d 0 to 28 (1.23 vs. 0.91 +/- 0.042 kg/d, respectively). In addition, G:F was greater (P < 0.001) for slice than ground hay from d 0 to 16 (0.39 vs. 0.25 +/- 0.021), and from d 0 to 28 (0.31 vs. 0.24 +/- 0.013 for slice and ground, respectively). Moreover, morbidity (40.5 +/- 3.9%; P = 0.20) and retreatment rates (30.7 +/- 7.5%; P = 0.14) were similar for slice and ground. In Exp. 2, 176 crossbred steers (393.9 +/- 10.8 kg initial BW) were used in an 84-d feeding experiment (4 pens/treatment) in a randomized complete block experimental design with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to evaluate effects of alfalfa baling method (ground or slice) and forage level (8 or 14%) on growth performance. Experimental diets were based on steam-flaked corn. Daily BW gain was greater (P = 0.10) for steers consuming ground compared with the slice hay diet. A baling method x forage level interaction (P = 0.07) was observed for DMI. Baling method did not (P = 0.98) influence DMI with 8% roughage level. But with 14% roughage, DMI was greater (P = 0.02) for steers consuming ground hay than the slice diet. The G:F ratio was affected (P = 0.03) only by forage level (0.194 vs. 0.182 +/- 0.003 for 8 and 14% roughage, respectively). In Exp. 3, 4 ruminally cannulated mixed-breed steers were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square design to evaluate effects on digestive function. No baling method effects (P >or= 0.16) were detected for DM, OM, CP, or NDF intakes or DM, OM, and NDF total tract digestibility. Digestibility of NDF and OM were greater (P 相似文献   

Two hundred twenty-eight crossbred steers (304 kg) were used in a 125-d comparative slaughter trial to evaluate the influence of level and source of supplemental fats on their feeding value for feedlot cattle. Dietary treatments consisted of a steam-rolled, barley-based finishing diet containing 1) no supplemental fat; 2) 4% yellow grease (YG); 3) 4% blended animal-vegetable fat (BVF); 4) 8% YG; 5) 8% BVF or 6) 6% BVF and 2% crude soybean lecithin. Increasing level of supplemental fat in the diet resulted in linear improvements (P less than .01) in weight gain, feed conversion and NE value of the diet. Estimated NE values of YG and BVF were similar and did not appear to be influenced by level of supplementation, averaging 5.78 and 4.61 Mcal/kg for maintenance and gain, respectively. Fat supplementation resulted in linear increases in empty body fat (P less than .01), kidney, pelvic and heart fat (P less than .01) and marbling score (P less than .05). Partially replacing BVF with lecithin did not influence (P greater than .10) steer performance, carcass merit or estimated NE value of the diet. The comparative feeding value (in terms of both diet acceptability and NE value) of the supplemental fats tested was similar and was apparently not influenced by level of supplementation up to 8% of diet DM.  相似文献   

A feeding trial involving 160 crossbred steers (357 kg) and a metabolism trial involving eight Holstein steers (189 kg) cannulated in the rumen and proximal duodenum were conducted to evaluate the interaction of dietary Mg level (.18 vs .32%, DM basis) and supplemental fat (0% supplemental fat vs 4% tallow [T], yellow grease [YG], or griddle grease [GG]) on growth performance and NE value of the diet. Dietary Mg level did not influence (P > .10) growth performance. Daily weight gain was lower (11%, P < .05) for steers fed GG than for those fed YG. Supplemental fat decreased (5%, P < .10) DMI and increased (P < .05) gain efficiency (7%). There was a fat x Mg level interaction (P < .01) for dietary NE. The increase in dietary NEg with T and YG supplementation was similar (8.6 vs 8.0%) for diets containing .18 and .32% Mg. In contrast, the increase in dietary NEg with GG supplementation was 8.9% with .18% dietary Mg, but the NEg value of the diet did not increase when GG was added to diets with .32% dietary Mg. Dressing percentage was lower (1.5%, P < .1) and retail yield was greater (2.2%, P < .05) for steers fed GG- than for steers fed YG-supplemented diets. Increasing dietary Mg level increased kidney, pelvic, and heart fat (5.5%, P < .05). There was a fat x Mg level interaction (P < .1) for marbling score. With diets containing no supplemental fat, increasing dietary Mg decreased (15.2%) the marbling score, and with diets containing supplemental fat, increasing dietary Mg increased (7.2%) the marbling score. Fat supplementation decreased (P < .01) ruminal and total tract digestion of OM (10 and 3.5%, respectively) and NDF (37 and 17%, respectively). Supplemental fat did not affect (P > .10) Ca digestion but decreased (41.7%, P < .01) apparent Mg digestion. Increasing dietary Mg level increased (77.7%, P < .05) apparent Mg digestion. There were no treatment effects (P > .10) on postruminal fatty acid digestion. Fat supplementation decreased (17.3%, P < .01) the acetate:propionate molar ratio. Total ruminal protozoal counts were increased (12.7%, P < .05) by increasing dietary Mg level and decreased (12.9%, P < .05) by fat supplementation. We conclude that supplemental fats may depress Mg absorption. Increasing dietary magnesium levels beyond current recommendations may increase marbling scores in cattle fed fat-supplemented diets but may not affect growth performance or dietary NE. The NE value of fat is a predictable function of level of fat intake.  相似文献   

The value of sunflower seed (SS) in finishing diets was assessed in two feeding trials. In Exp. 1, 60 yearling steers (479 +/- 45 kg) were fed five diets (n = 12). A basal diet (DM basis) of 84.5% steam-rolled barley, 9% barley silage, and 6.5% supplement was fed as is (control), with all the silage replaced (DM basis) with rolled SS, or with grain:silage mix replaced with 9% whole SS, 14% whole SS, or 14% rolled SS. Liver, diaphragm, and brisket samples were obtained from each carcass. In Exp. 2, 120 yearling steers (354 +/- 25 kg) were fed corn- or barley-based diets containing no SS, high-linoleic acid SS, or high-oleic acid SS (a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement, n = 20). Whole SS was included at 10.8% in the corn-based and 14% in the barley-based diets (DM basis). In Exp. 1, feeding whole SS linearly increased DMI (P = 0.02), ADG (P = 0.01), and G:F (P = 0.01). Regression of ME against level of whole SS indicated that SS contained 4.4 to 5.9 Mcal ME/kg. Substituting whole for rolled SS did not significantly alter DMI, ADG, or G:F (8.55 vs. 8.30 kg/d; 1.36 vs. 1.31 kg; and 0.157 vs. 0.158, respectively). Replacing the silage with rolled SS had no effect on DMI (P = 0.91) but marginally enhanced ADG (P = 0.10) and improved G:F (P = 0.01). Dressing percent increased linearly (P = 0.08) with level of SS in the diet. Feeding SS decreased (P < 0.05) levels of 16:0 and 18:3 in both diaphragm and subcutaneous fats, and increased (P = 0.05) the prevalence of 18:1, 18:2, cis-9,trans-11-CLA and trans-10,cis-12-CLA in subcutaneous fat. In Exp. 2, barley diets supplemented with high-linoleic SS decreased DMI (P = 0.02) and ADG (P = 0.007) by steers throughout the trial, whereas no decrease was noted with corn (interaction P = 0.06 for DMI and P = 0.01 for ADG). With barley, high-linoleic SS decreased final live weight (554 vs. 592 kg; P = 0.01), carcass weight (329 vs. 346 kg; P = 0.06), and dressing percent (58.5 vs. 59.4%; P = 0.04). Steers fed high-linoleic SS plus barley had less (P < 0.05) backfat than those fed other SS diets. No adverse effects of SS on liver abscess incidence or meat quality were detected. Although they provide protein and fiber useful in formulating finishing diets for cattle, and did improve performance in Exp. 1, no benefit from substituting SS for grain and roughage was detected in Exp. 2. Because of unexplained inconsistencies between the two experiments, additional research is warranted to confirm the feeding value of SS in diets for feedlot cattle.  相似文献   

Six crossbred steers (315 kg) with cannulas in the rumen, proximal duodenum and distal ileum were used to study the influence of level and source of dietary fat on characteristics of digestion. Dietary treatments consisted of a steam-rolled barley-based finishing diet containing 1) no supplemental fat; 2) 4% yellow grease (YG); 3) 4% blended animal-vegetable fat (BVF); 4)8% YG; 5) 8% BVF or 6) 6% BVF and 2% crude lecithin. Increasing level of fat supplementation resulted in linear decreases (P less than .01) in ruminal and total tract digestion of OM and ADF and intestinal digestion of fat (P less than .05). At the 4 and 8% levels of supplementation, intestinal true digestibility of fat averaged 80.1 and 69.3%, respectively. Ruminal molar proportions of acetate decreased, and propionate molar proportion, as well as DE and ME values of the diet, increased linearly (P less than .01) with level of fat supplementation. The DE and ME values for fat were 8.17 and 9.76 at the 4% level and 7.35 and 8.72 Mcal/kg at the 8% level of supplementation, respectively. Yellow grease supplementation resulted in greater (P less than .05) ruminal fiber digestion and greater ruminal molar proportions of propionate than BVF. Intestinal fat digestion was similar (P greater than .10) for YG and BVF. Adding 25% lecithin to BVF resulted in greater ruminal fiber digestion and greater ruminal molar proportions of acetate; however, lecithin tended (P less than .10) to have a lower ME value than BVF.  相似文献   

One hundred thirty crossbred steers (324 kg) were used in a 121-d comparative slaughter trial to evaluate the feeding value of fat in steam-flaked corn- (SFC) or wheat- (SFW) based diets. Treatments consisted of an 88% concentrate finishing diet containing 1) SFC, no fat; 2) SFC, 6% yellow grease (YG); 3) SFC, 6% cottonseed oil soapstock (COS); 4) SFW, no fat; 5) SFW, 6% YG; and 6) SFW, 6% COS. There were no interactions (P greater than .10) between grain type and performance response to supplemental fat. Fat supplementation increased (P less than .05) ADG by 7.3% and decreased (P less than .01) DMI/gain by 10.6%. Fat supplementation decreased (P less than .05) ruminal OM digestion by 5% and net flow of microbial N to the small intestine by 14.5% but did not affect (P greater than .10) total tract digestion of OM, ADF, or starch. Substituting SFW for SFC did not influence (P greater than .10) ADG but tended (P greater than .10) to increase DMI/gain and decreased (P less than .05) the NEm and NEg of the diet by 3.4 and 4.3%, respectively. Ruminal OM digestion was similar (P greater than .10) for SFC and SFW. Flow of microbial N to the small intestine was 12% greater (P less than .05) with SFW. Total tract digestibilities of OM and starch were similar (P greater than .10) for both grains. However, ADF digestion was lower (34%, P less than .01) with SFW. It is concluded that the feeding value of supplemental fat is similar for wheat- and corn-based finishing diets. The performance response to supplemental YG and COS was similar. The NEm and NEg values of YG were 6.35 and 4.93 Mcal/kg, respectively, whereas the corresponding values for COS were 5.69 and 4.60 Mcal/kg. Supplementation of growing-finishing diets with up to 6% (.45 kilograms/day) of fat did not directly influence body composition. The NE value of SFW was approximately 96% of the value of SFC.  相似文献   

A feedlot growth-performance trial and a metabolism trial were conducted to evaluate the comparative feeding value of tapioca pellets (TP). In the growth-performance trial treatments consisted of a steam-flaked corn (SFC)-based finishing diet in which a blend of 86% TP and 14% peanut meal replaced SFC at the rate of 0, 15, or 30% of diet DM. Daily weight gain (P less than .10) and DM intake (P less than .01) were greatest when 15% of the diet DM consisted of TP. Feed/gain increased linearly (P less than .01) with TP substitution into the diet. Treatment effects on carcass merit were small (P greater than .10), except that marbling score was greater with 15% TP than with either 0 or 30% TP. In the metabolism trial involving four Holstein steers, treatments consisted of an 88% concentrate diet containing 67% of either SFC or TP. Ruminal and total tract digestibility of starch was similar (P greater than .10) for SFC and TP, averaging 91 and 99%, respectively. Postruminal (P less than .05) and total tract (P less than .01) digestibility of N was lower for the TP than for the SFC diet. Total tract digestibility of N in TP was 3%. Little, if any, ADF in TP was fermented in the rumen. Total tract digestibility of ADF in TP was 16%. Total tract digestibility of DM (P less than .01) and OM (P less than .05) decreased 7 and 5%, respectively, with TP substitution for SFC. Virtually all the difference in OM digestibility could be attributed to differences in ADF excretion. The DE value of the diet decreased 11.5% (P less than .01) with the substitution of TP for SFC. It was concluded that TP can replace up to 30% of the DM in growing-finishing diets without adversely affecting ADG or DM intake of feedlot cattle. Tapioca pellets have approximately 86% the NE value of SFC.  相似文献   

Two comparative slaughter trials and a metabolism trial were conducted. Treatments consisted of: 1) 0 fat, 0 monensin; 2) 4% yellow grease, 0 monensin; 3) 0 fat, 33 mg/kg monensin and 4) 4% yellow grease, 33 mg/kg monensin. Trial 1 involved 104 crossbred beef steers (267 kg) in a 140-d comparative slaughter trial. There were no interactions (P greater than .20) between supplemental fat and monensin on steer performance. Monensin supplementation decreased rate of weight gain (P less than .10) and feed intake (P less than .05) with no effect on energy value of the diet (P greater than .20). Fat supplementation increased (P less than .01) rate of weight gain 12.5% and increased the net energy for maintenance (NEm) and net energy for gain (NEg) value of the diet 8.5 and 9.4%, respectively. Trial 2 involved 154 Holstein steers (290 kg) in a 94-d comparative slaughter trial. There were no interactions between supplemental fat and monensin (P greater than .20). Monensin supplementation did not affect rate or composition of gain (P greater than .20), but supplementation reduced (P less than .05) feed intake and feed required per unit weight gain 3.6%. Fat supplementation increased (P less than .01) fat and energy gain 12.5 and 10.3%, respectively, and the NEm and NEg content of the diet 7.5 and 8.4%, respectively. Trial 3 utilized four crossbred beef steers (220 kg) with cannulas in the rumen, proximal duodenum and distal ileum. There were no interactions between supplemental fat and monensin with respect to site of digestion (P greater than .20). Supplemental fat did not affect (P greater than .20) organic matter, starch, fiber or N digestion. Intestinal digestibility of fat averaged 77.3%. Monensin increased (P less than .10) intestinal digestibility of fat 7.4%. There were negative associative effects between supplemental fat and monensin on ruminal acetate:propionate ratios and estimated methane production. It was concluded that the feeding value of feed fat is underestimated in tables of feed standards currently in use, and that the net effects of monensin on these estimates are additive.  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted to characterize the differences in utilization of dry-rolled and steam-flaked corn in a growing-finishing diet for feedlot cattle supplemented with and without ionophores. Ionophore treatments were: 1) no ionophore, 2) 33 mg/kg monensin sodium plus 11 mg/kg tylosin and 3) 33 mg/kg lasalocid sodium. In trial 1, treatment effects on feedlot performance were evaluated in a 239-d growing-finishing trial involving 180 crossbred steers (approximately 25% Brahman with the remainder represented by Hereford, Angus, Shorthorn and Charolais breeds in various proportions) with an average initial weight of 153 kg. In trial 2, treatment effects on characteristics of digestion were evaluated using six steers of similar breeding and background to those used in trial 1, with cannulas in the rumen and proximal duodenum. There were no interactions between corn processing and ionophore supplementation (P greater than .20). Average daily gain was not affected by steam-flaking as opposed to dry-rolling, however, feed intake was decreased 5.4% and feed conversion was improved 6.8% (P less than .01). Steam-flaking increased the estimated net energy value of the diet 7.7% and 8.5% for maintenance and gain, respectively (P less than .01). Steam-flaking increased the digestibility of starch 6.6% (P less than .01). Steam-flaking increased ruminal molar concentrations of propionate and decreased acetate:propionate ratio and estimated methane production (P less than .10). Both monensin-tylosin and lasalocid resulted in reduced feed intake (12.3 and 6.5%, respectively, P less than .01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted to examine the influence of flake density (FD) on the feeding value of steam-flaked corn. Treatments consisted of corn that had been steam-flaked to mean densities of .42, .36 and .30 kg/liter (28, 24 and 20 lb/bu). In Trial 1, treatment effects on characteristics of digestion were evaluated using three crossbred steers with cannulas in the rumen and proximal duodenum. In Trial 2, treatment effects on feedlot performance were evaluated in a 112-d finishing trial involving 72 crossbred steers with an average initial weight of 312 kg. Flake density was directly related to flake thickness (P less than .01) and inversely related (P less than .01) to in vitro enzymatic digestibility of starch. Decreasing the FD resulted in a linear decrease (P less than .01) in ruminal pH and linear increases (P less than .05) in postruminal and total tract digestibility of starch. Postruminal digestibility of N and total tract digestibility of OM, N and energy also increased linearly (P less than .05) with decreasing FD. Flake density did not influence (P greater than .10) feedlot performance or carcass merit. There was a tendency (P greater than .10) for depressed rate and efficiency of gain for steers fed the 30 kg/liter FD corn. Improvements in digestibility and N utilization of SF corn-based diets as a result of decreasing FD from .42 to .30 kg/liter did not enhance feedlot performance. This may be due to digestive dysfunction, perhaps related to processing effects on ruminal pH.  相似文献   

The inclusion of supplemental fats in growing-finishing diets for feedlot cattle also improves diet "condition." Quality factors that may influence the feeding value of fat include the source of fat; moisture, impurities, and unsaponifiables; free fatty acid concentration; degree of saturation or titer; and rancidity (peroxide value). The net energy value of fat declines linearly with an increasing level of supplementation because of constraints on postruminal fatty acid digestion. The authors recommend that receiving diets not contain more than 2% supplemental fat. Little evidence suggests that the feeding value of fat is different for Holsteins than for conventional beef breeds. Fat supplementation is not consistent in its effect on intramuscular fat distribution (marbling), longissimus (rib eye) area, and fat thickness, but can be expected to increase dressing percentage and kidney, pelvic, and heart fat percentage.  相似文献   

Two metabolism trials were conducted to evaluate the influence of therapeutic antibiotic supplementation on characteristics of digestion of growing and finishing diets. Treatments consisted of a basal diet supplemented with: no antibiotics, 350 mg chlortetracycline and 350 mg sulfamethazine and 700 mg chlortetracycline and 700 mg sulfamethazine. In trial 1, treatment effects were evaluated in a replicated 3 X 3 Latin-square design experiment involving six crossbred steers (462 kg) with cannulas in the rumen and proximal duodenum. The basal diet contained (dry matter basis) 16.1% alfalfa hay, 72% steam flaked corn, 3.3% molasses, 5.8% fat, .96% urea, .79% limestone, .50% trace mineral salt, 33 mg/kg lasalocid, 2,200 IU/kg vitamin A and .44% chromic oxide. Dry matter intake was limited to 1.4% of body weight. In trial 2, treatment effects were evaluated in a 3 X 3 Latin-square design experiment involving three steers (399 kg) with cannulas in the rumen and proximal duodenum. The basal diet contained (dry matter basis) 10.1% sudangrass hay, 34.9% alfalfa hay, 43.9% steam flaked corn, 6.1% molasses, 4.0% fat, .46% urea, .49% trace mineral salt, 33 mg/kg lasalocid and 2,200 IU/kg vitamin A. Dry matter intake was limited to 1.65% of body weight. Antibiotic supplementation did not influence microbial efficiency, passage of microbial and feed N to the small intestine, or either ruminal or total tract digestion of organic matter and acid detergent fiber in either growing or finishing diets (P greater than .20).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the comparative feeding value of dried shredded sugarbeets (DSSB; 0, 20, and 40% of diet DM) as a replacement for steam-flaked corn (SFC) in finishing diets for feedlot cattle. In Exp. 1, 60 calf-fed Holstein steers (476 ± 6.3 kg) were used in a 97-d finishing trial. Substitution of SFC with DSSB did not affect ADG or DMI (P > 0.20). Increasing DSSB decreased gain efficiency (ADG:DMI; linear effect, P = 0.04) and dietary NE (linear effect, P = 0.03). Given that SFC has a NE(m) value of 2.38 Mcal/kg, the replacement NE(m) and NE(g) values for DSSB were 1.94 and 1.29 Mcal/kg, respectively. There were no treatment effects (P > 0.20) on carcass characteristics. In Exp. 2, 6 cannulated Holstein steers (205 kg) were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design to evaluate treatment effects on digestion. Ruminal digestion of starch, NDF, and feed N were not affected (P > 0.10) by DSSB, although ruminal OM digestion tended to increase (linear effect, P < 0.08). Replacing SFC with DSSB decreased flow of starch to the small intestine, but it increased flow of microbial N (linear effect, P = 0.05). There were no treatment effects (P > 0.14) on postruminal digestion of OM, NDF, starch, or feed N or total tract digestion of OM, starch, and N. Substitution of DSSB increased (linear effect, P = 0.05) total tract NDF digestion and decreased (linear effect, P = 0.05) dietary DE (Mcal/kg). Given that SFC has a DE value of 4.19 Mcal/kg, the replacement DE value of DSSB was 3.68 Mcal/kg. There were no treatment effects (P > 0.12) on ruminal pH or total VFA; however, DSSB decreased propionate (linear effect, P = 0.05) and increased acetate (linear effect, P = 0.07), butyrate (linear effect, P = 0.05), valerate (linear effect, P = 0.04), and estimated methane production (linear effect, P = 0.05). We concluded that DSSB may replace SFC in finishing diets at levels of up to 40% without detrimental effects on ADG and carcass characteristics. The NE value of DSSB is 82% that of SFC (DM basis). Partial replacement of SFC with DSSB alters ruminal VFA patterns, increasing estimated methane energy loss and slightly decreasing the efficiency of DE utilization.  相似文献   

Three trials were conducted to compare effects of restricted intake of high-concentrate diets vs ad libitum intake of corn silage diets during the growing phase on feedlot cattle performance. In Trial 1, 120 steers (initial BW, 246 kg) were fed 1) a corn silage-based diet ad libitum, 2) a high-moisture corn-corn silage-based diet with intake restricted to a level 20% less than that of the corn silage diet or 3) a high-moisture corn-based diet with intake restricted to a level 30% less than that of the corn silage diet. Steers fed the 20% restricted corn-corn silage-based diet tended (P = .07) to gain slower than those fed the corn silage or 30% restricted high-concentrate diet. Feed efficiency and diet digestibility were greatest for steers fed the 30% restricted-intake, high-concentrate diet (P less than .01). Performance of steers during the subsequent 118-d finishing period was not affected (P greater than .65) by source of energy during the growing period. In Trial 2, ADG of steers fed the 30% intake-restricted, high-concentrate diet was lower (P less than .01) than that of steers with ad libitum access to corn silage. During the 84-d growing period, steers fed supplemental blood meal had 8.3% greater gains and a 6% greater efficiency of feed use than those fed supplemental soybean meal (P less than .01). Monensin did not affect (P = .82) performance of steers fed 30% restricted-intake diets. During the 76-d finishing period, gains and feed conversion were improved (P less than .01) for steers fed the restricted-intake diet in the growing period compared with those given ad libitum access to corn silage. During the growing period in Trial 3, ADG of steers restricted-fed an all-concentrate diet were slightly greater (P less than .10) than ADG of those given ad libitum access to corn silage. Gains did not differ (P = .37) during the subsequent finishing period when steers were switched to 85 or 100% concentrate diets. We concluded that intake of all concentrate diets can be restricted to achieve gains equal to those of steers given ad libitum access to corn silage-based diets without detrimental effects on finishing performance.  相似文献   

Feedlot producers often exceed NRC recommendations for vitamin A and D supplementation; however, increased concentrations of these vitamins have been shown to limit adipocyte differentiation in vitro. A feedlot trial was conducted using 168 Angus crossbred steers (BW = 284 ± 0.4 kg) allotted to 24 pens. The experiment had a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments: no supplemental vitamin A or D (NAND), 3,750 IU vitamin A/kg dietary DM with no supplemental vitamin D (SAND), no supplemental vitamin A and 1,860 IU vitamin D/kg dietary DM (NASD), and 3,750 IU and 1,860 IU vitamin A and D/ kg dietary DM (SASD), respectively. Serum, liver, and intramuscular and subcutaneous adipose tissue retinol concentrations were decreased in (P < 0.001) in cattle fed the no supplemental vitamin A diets (NAND and NASD combined) compared with those consuming supplemental vitamin A (SAND and SASD combined) diets. In addition, intramuscular retinol concentration was 38% less than in the subcutaneous depot. Serum 25(OH)D(3) concentrations were reduced (P < 0.001) during the first 70 d when cattle were fed no supplemental vitamin D diets (NAND and SAND combined); however, liver 25(OH)D(3) concentrations remained unchanged (P > 0.10) through d 184. Serum and liver 25(OH)D(3) concentrations increased (P < 0.001) with vitamin D supplementation (NASD and SASD combined). The DMI, ADG, G:F, and morbidity were not affected (P > 0.10) by dietary concentration of vitamin A or D. There were vitamin A and D interactions (P < 0.03) for backfat thickness and USDA Yield grade. Cattle fed the NAND diet had greater (P < 0.03) Yield grades than other treatments because of greater (P < 0.005) 12th rib backfat thickness in NAND steers than the NASD and SAND steers. Vitamin D concentrations were attenuated and minimal carcass adiposity responses to vitamin D supplementation were observed. Feeding a diet without supplemental vitamin A increased (P < 0.05) Quality grades and marbling scores and tended (P = 0.06) to increase ether extractable lipid of the LM. As retinol and 25(OH)D(3) concentrations in feedlot cattle declined as a result of a lack of dietary supplementation, adipose accretion increased, resulting in elevated Quality and Yield grades. Withdrawal of supplemental vitamin A, D, or both from the finishing diet of feedlot beef cattle had minimal impact carcass composition.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the influence of dry-rolling (DRS) and tempering agent (TA) addition during the steam-flaking of grain sorghum (SFS) for feedlot cattle. Five dietary treatments were compared: 1) DRS; 2) SFS, no TA; 3) SFS, 0.275 mg/kg of TA; 4) SFS, 1.375 mg/kg of TA; and 5) SFS, 2.750 mg/kg of TA. Bulk densities of DRS and SFS were 0.48 and 0.36 kg/L, respectively. Diets contained 70.6% grain sorghum (DM basis). One hundred fifty crossbred steers (336 kg of BW) were used in a 115-d finishing experiment to evaluate treatment effects on feedlot performance. Body weight gain averaged 1.49 kg/d and was not affected (P = 0.47) by treatments. The SFS reduced (P < 0.01) DMI (9%) and enhanced (P < 0.01) G:F (13%) and the NE(m) and NE(g) value of the diet (9 and 11%, respectively). Use of a TA before flaking sorghum did not influence (P > 0.20) cattle growth performance or NE(m) or NE(g) value of the diet. Given that the NE(m) and NE(g) values of DRS are 2.00 and 1.35 Mcal/kg, respectively (NRC, 1996), the corresponding values for SFS were 2.28 and 1.59 Mcal/kg. Five steers (397 kg of BW) with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were used in a 5 x 5 Latin square design to evaluate treatment effects on digestive function. Ruminal digestion of OM and starch was greater (14 and 16%, respectively; P < 0.01) for SFS vs. DRS. Steam-flaking sorghum increased (P < 0.01) postruminal digestion of OM (11%), N (10%), and starch (25%) and total tract digestion (P < 0.01) of OM (8.3%), N (8.2%), and starch (8.9%). Grain processing did not affect (P > 0.20) ruminal pH or VFA molar proportions. There was a cubic component (P < 0.10) to level of TA on ruminal pH and VFA molar proportions, with values being optimal at 1.375 mg/kg of tempering agent. It is concluded that steam-flaking grain sorghum will increase its NE value for maintenance and gain (14 and 18%, respectively) and enhance the MP value of the diet due to greater intestinal N digestion. The use of a TA to enhance the mechanical efficiency of the flaking process may not otherwise benefit the feeding value of sorghum.  相似文献   

In four feeding trials with beef steers, corn silage (CS), alfalfa hay (AH), and alfalfa silage (AS) were compared as roughage sources in dry-rolled (DRC); dry whole (DWC); ground, high-moisture (GHMC); and whole, high-moisture corn (WHMC) fattening diets. In processed corn diets (DRC and GHMC), steers fed CS had lower DMI (P less than .05) and feed:gain ratios (P less than .10) than steers fed AS as the roughage source. In a separate trial, greater gains (P less than .10) and lower feed:gain ratios (P less than .05) were found during the initial feeding period, which included the adaptation phase, for steers fed CS vs steers fed AH as the roughage source. Over the entire feeding period, lower (corn type x roughage source interaction, P less than .05) feed:gain ratios were found in GHMC diets when CS was fed as the roughage source; feed:gain ratios were similar in steers fed DRC diets containing either CS or AH. Over the entire feeding period, similar performance was found among steers fed the various roughage sources in DWC diets; however, with WHMC diets, steers fed AS as the roughage source had lower feed:gain ratios than did steers fed AH (P less than .05) or CS (P greater than .10). In the processed corn diets, high correlations were found between diet NDF digestibility and gain (r = .80), intake (r = .68), and feed:gain ratios (r = -.66); similar trends were found in WHMC diets but not in DWC diets. These results suggest that the ideal roughage source to complement finishing diets may depend on corn processing method and feeding period (adaptation vs finishing).  相似文献   

Performance and digestibility experiments were conducted to determine the influence of moisture and flake density (FD) on the feeding value of steam-flaked corn (SFC). Dietary treatments consisted of finishing diets that contained 78% (DM basis) SFC that was tempered using 0, 6, or 12% moisture and processed to either 360 (SF28) or 310 (SF24) g/L. A 3 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was used. In Exp. 1, 78 steers were individually fed the respective treatments for 106 d. Moisture added during tempering tended (linear; P < 0.10) to increase starch availability but linearly decreased (P < 0.01) particle size. Decreasing flake density increased (P < 0.001) starch availability and also decreased (P < 0.001) particle size. Starch availability (P < 0.001), moisture (P < 0.001), and particle size (P = 0.05) were all greater for SFC that was collected the day of processing compared with SFC that had been processed the previous day. Steers fed diets containing SF24 consumed less DM as the moisture level increased, whereas steers fed diets containing SF28 had increased DMI as moisture level increased (moisture x FD interaction; P < 0.01). Nonetheless, ADG, G:F, and most carcass characteristics did not differ among treatments. In Exp. 2, 6 multicannulated Jersey steers were used in a 6 x 6 Latin square using the same treatments as in Exp. 1. Increasing moisture intake linearly decreased (P < 0.05) starch intakes. Organic matter and N intakes followed similar trends but were not different. Decreasing FD tended to increase (P < 0.10) microbial N flow to the duodenum and increased microbial efficiency (P < 0.05). Ruminal starch digestibility was 90.5%, and total tract starch digestibility was 99.5% without adding moisture or processing beyond SF28. Moisture additions to corn before steam flaking resulted in few differences in performance or digestibility, despite increases in starch availability that occurred as moisture increased. Processing corn more extensively than SF28 may be unnecessary and cost-prohibitive.  相似文献   

British and British x Continental steers (n = 560; initial BW = 339.4 +/- 1.76 kg) were used in a serial slaughter study with a completely random design to evaluate effects of zilpaterol hydrochloride (ZH; 8.33 mg/kg of dietary DM basis) on performance and carcass characteristics. Treatments were arranged in a 4 x 4 factorial (112 pens; 7 pens/treatment; 5 steers/pen) and included duration of ZH feeding (0, 20, 30, or 40 d before slaughter plus a 3-d ZH withdrawal period) and days on feed (DOF) before slaughter (136, 157, 177, and 198 d). No duration of ZH feeding x slaughter group interactions were detected for the performance measurements (P > 0.10). Final BW did not differ (P = 0.15) between the 0-d group and the average of the 3 ZH groups, but ADG was greater for the average of the 3 ZH groups during the period in which ZH diets were fed (P < 0.01) and for the overall feeding period (P = 0.05). As duration of ZH feeding increased, DMI decreased (P = 0.01) and G:F increased linearly (P < 0.01). With the exception of KPH (P = 0.022), no duration of ZH feeding x slaughter group interactions (P > 0.10) were detected for carcass characteristics. Regardless of the duration of ZH feeding, cattle fed ZH had greater HCW (P < 0.01), greater dressing percent (P < 0.01), less 12th-rib fat (P < 0.01), larger LM area (P < 0.01), less KPH (P = 0.03), and lower yield grade (P < 0.01) than the 0-d cattle. The 0-d group had greater marbling scores (P < 0.01) than cattle fed ZH diets, with a tendency for a linear decrease in marbling score (P = 0.10) as duration of ZH feeding was extended. A greater percentage of carcasses in the 0-d group graded USDA Choice or greater (P < 0.01) than in the 3 ZH groups, whereas the percentage of Select carcasses was greater (P = 0.01) for the 3 ZH groups. From d 0 to end (P = 0.04) and during the last 43 d on feed (P < 0.01), ADG responded quadratically to DOF before slaughter. No differences were detected among slaughter groups for DMI for the entire trial period; however, a quadratic response (P = 0.02) was observed for the final 43 d before slaughter. A quadratic response was also detected for the final 43 d before slaughter (P < 0.01) and from d 0 to end (P = 0.02) for G:F. Final BW, HCW, dressing percent, and 12th-rib fat increased linearly (P < 0.01) as DOF before slaughter increased. Our results indicate that no substantial effects on performance and carcass measurements were observed when ZH was fed for 30 or 40 d as opposed to 20 d, and that effects of ZH generally did not interact with DOF before slaughter.  相似文献   

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