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<正> 在第一、二次全国渔港建设会议精神的推动和各级党委的领导下,福建省平潭县的渔民,坚持自力更生的革命精神,自1977年以来,在全县范围内建起一批防波堤,其结构型式大部分为插砌条石护面的斜坡式抛石防波堤。这种结构型式的防波堤,施工方便,节省投资,工程效果好。一、建堤概况  相似文献   

<正> 福建省平潭县澳前镇东澳村于1988年1月由周裕华等10户村民组成经济联合体,集资15万元建成海水养殖场,进行池养真鲷的试验.该联合体于1988年2~6月施工,利用澳前梦山脚南部的天然澳口岩礁边,采取条石插砌外墙,方石块砌内墙,中间夹筑水泥混合土,建成长88米、高7.2  相似文献   

在县区划办统一安排下,进行了稻鱼笋小生态发展试验工作,试验田20亩,选择水源有保证,排灌系统完整,示范田每块不低于1亩,田坎必须加高加宽到2.5尺、2尺也可用条石(片石)砌田坎;拦鱼设备两层,稀密相间,成弧形,每块田至少一至二个排水口,每个排水口一公尺宽,拦鱼设备是排水口宽的1.5——2倍,拦鱼栅必须固定在硬底上的10.5分以下。  相似文献   

条石鲷的生物学及养殖生态学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
条石鲷是一种具有较高经济价值和观赏价值的海产鱼类.文章简述了国内外对条石鲷生物学及养殖生态学的研究进展,并提出了条石鲷的养殖生态学研究方向和前景.  相似文献   

兼具网箱养殖功能的浮式防波堤结构,为深水浮式防波堤和深海网箱养殖提出了一条新的研究思路,不仅解决了海洋工程与海水养殖争地的矛盾,基于防波堤开展养殖的模式更较大降低海水养殖的成本。通过对浮式防波堤兼做网箱的结构进行物理模型试验,得到该结构在不规则波作用下,不同吃水深度、网箱深度以及周期对其水动力特性的影响,结果表明,在短周期波浪作用下,网箱深度为0.1~0.15 m时结构的水动力特性最好。该结构具有良好的工程应用前景。  相似文献   

为研究条石鲷(Oplegnathus fasciatus Temminck et Schlegel)的越冬技术,在室外地埋式水泥池进行了一龄、二龄条石鲷的越冬试验。结果表明,采用双层中空PC阳光板保温,越冬期间越冬池的水温可维持在10 ℃以上;条石鲷的越冬成活率在90 %以上,最高达99.7 %;条石鲷的平均体质量有所增加,平均增重率最高14.28 %,最低6.09 %。通过试验还发现,条石鲷的日平均摄食率与日平均水温存在相关关系,日平均摄食率随日平均水温的上升而提高。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,由于各种原因导致我国沿海大部分海域的双线紫蛤资源锐减甚至濒临灭绝,为更好地保护和开发双线紫蛤资源,笔者在福建省南日岛开展双线紫蛤池塘养殖试验,现将技术总结如下。一、材料1.养殖池结构及条件池子为东西向的长方形养殖池,长宽比2.5∶1,池内、外墙坡用条石浆砌,单口池面积2公顷,池底质为粒径细小的沙层,池塘内四周开挖  相似文献   

滩涂筑堤拦网养蟹是指在海滩筑堤上部用拦网养殖青蟹的一种养殖方式。它与围塘养蟹相比具有投资省、水质条件好、效益高等特点。福建省厦门地区青蟹养殖大部分采用这种方式,且成为滩涂养殖的主要品种,也取得了明显效果。现就滩涂筑堤拦网养殖青蟹的技术要点分述如下。一、养殖条件和材料1.地点选择:要求选择在海区没有污染,潮流畅通,地势平坦,能避风浪的海滩,养殖水质理化因子适宜。面积20~40亩。2.堤坝;堤坝结构视地质状况,一般堤高2米,底质软硬的用毛石子砌,中间留五米以上填海泥作断漏层及插竹竿挂网之用;底质较软的底部…  相似文献   

大黄鱼仔、稚、幼鱼发育阶段的脂肪酸组成及其变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王丹丽 《水产学报》2006,30(3):390-396
为了探讨真空冷冻干燥过程参数对冻干时间和能耗的影响,以墨西哥湾扇贝为研究对象,设计二次正交回归组合试验方案,采用SAS统计软件对试验数据进行回归分析,建立了真空冷冻干燥时间和能耗的二次多元回归模型,并对二次多元回归模型进行了F检验;利用降维法定性地分析了物料厚度、干燥室压强和加热板温度3个主要过程参数对真空冷冻干燥时间和能耗的影响。结果表明,物料厚度、干燥室压强和加热板温度对冻干时间和能耗影响显著,并呈二次函数规律变化,在本试验条件下影响的主次因素依次为:物料厚度、干燥室压强、加热板温度。对单位厚度冻干时间进行岭嵴分析,给出了在本试验因素取值范围内的冻干过程优化参数:物料厚度为9mm;干燥室压强为50Pa;加热板温度为39℃,优化的物料单位厚度冻干时间为0.41h。  相似文献   

条石鲷消化道的形态学和组织学   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
王健鑫 《水产学报》2006,30(5):618-626
采用解剖和光镜技术研究条石鲷消化道的形态学和组织学。条石鲷消化道包括具有发达颌齿的口咽腔,食道,胃,小肠和直肠。食道上皮组织可分为两个区域-头部和尾部,头部区域由扁平上皮层构成,尾部区域的上皮组织由单层柱状上皮细胞所构成,上皮含有大量 杯状细胞和黏液分泌细胞.胃呈V形,其粘膜上皮由单层柱状上皮组成,贲门部和胃体部上皮下有发达的胃腺组织。小肠上皮为具微绒毛的单层柱状上皮,肠道粘膜固有层中有管状肠腺存在;直肠上皮为单层柱状上皮,缺乏粘膜肌。小肠和直肠上皮中均分布有较多的杯状细胞,肠道系数约为0.78。在整个消化道中发现有四种杯状细胞。本文研究了条石鲷消化道的显微结构,并探讨了其消化道的组织学和解剖学特征与其杂食性的适应。  相似文献   

文章在国内外学者研究的基础上,基于Rabah Amir模型、SCP范式,建立了由海洋市场结构以及规模经济决定的海洋产业市场绩效模型。并且认为海洋产业绩效评价准则应通过资源配置效率、技术效率以及企业的规模及状况等方面来分析,同时在海洋产业的发展总体状况、产业发展特点、产业结构以及技术进步贡献率方面作了一定的实证统计分析。最后提出了推进技术创新、进一步优化海洋产业结构、破除市场壁垒等提升海洋产业运行绩效的建议。  相似文献   

潮间带垒石蒙网养鲍技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1994年4月~1995年10月,在4个岩礁区共设置136个石垛,放养壳长1.3~3.0cm鲍苗55.1万只,进行潮间带垒石蒙网养鲍试验。对场址选择、放养密度、规格、投饵方法等进行了研究。结果:产商品鲍19.254t,平均亩产1397.8kg,平均壳长6.81cm,平均个体重39g,成活率89.6%,实现产值693.144万元、利润352.81万元。专家鉴定认为,养殖方式为国内首创,技术水平属世界先进。  相似文献   

亚马逊流域玛代拉河Santo Antonio 鱼道设计与建设的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Santo Antonio过鱼设施位于亚马逊河最大支流玛代拉河下游,其设计规模宏大,在世界范围内鲜有,并且工程建设地所在区域水文环境和鱼类生物学特征等与我国长江较为类似,通过分析该过鱼设施,得出启示主要包括:(1)过鱼设施是为生物对象设计的水利工程,其设计和建设过程中必须由工程师和生物学家紧密合作;(2)吸引水流对过鱼设施的成败起关键性作用,虽然吸引水流系统需要加大投资并且运行过程中会损失大量的水能,但从确保过鱼设施效果而言是非常必要的;(3)物理模型对于鱼道进口位置,鱼道内部水力学特征的确定等具有重要参考价值,尤其在1:1局部模型内开展的生物学实验是细化和优化鱼道内部结构细节的有效方法;(4)卵石框(石笼)隔板的水池分隔方法兼具水池式鱼道与仿自然通道的双重特征,并且完工后还可以根据鱼道的运行情况灵活调整,非常方便;(5)进口处采用较高的人字闸门,即可适应尾水变化,又可与吸引水流系统相配合,创造出有效的吸引水流,一举多得;(6)全部采用大功率灯泡式水轮机是保护下行鱼类的有效措施;(7)监测系统和公众教育等配套设施的建设非常必要,有利于改进鱼道运行方式和提高过鱼效率。  相似文献   

A geostatistical analysis has been undertaken on the spatial structure of co-occurring adult and recruit populations of anchovy, Engraulis capensis , and sardine, Sardinops sagax , in the southern Benguela upwelling region, using information from two acoustic surveys. The study was prompted by the need for a more efficient design for surveying sardine abundance, which is increasing in relation to that of anchovy; the current acoustic survey design is based on the distribution of anchovy. Variograms of fish density and density indicator variables were computed, as well as cross-variograms between the indicator variables. The sardine variograms were less structured than the anchovy variograms, with slightly greater nugget effects, indicating greater randomness in space at small scales. The indicator variograms showed progressive loss of structure with increasing density. Anchovy formed high-density schools during the day, breaking into larger, low-density aggregations at night. Sardine, on the other hand, remained in relatively high-density schools throughout the day. The cross-variograms revealed some spatial continuity between low- and high-density areas for anchovy, but no such transitional structures were evident for sardine. It was concluded that sardine are more patchily distributed than anchovy and, unlike anchovy, they may not have a single common way of occupying space at the population level, perhaps partly because of the broader age structure of the population. It is concluded that, while the current acoustic survey design is well suited to the spatial distribution of anchovy, it is not as well suited to that of sardine. Future survey designs should be more tailored to the spatial distribution of sardine, possibly by using sampling methods to cope with the highly patchy distributions expected.  相似文献   

We conducted underwater surveys using SCUBA gear to examine habitat and microhabitat competition between the Ponto‐Caspian racer goby Babka gymnotrachelus and native European bullhead Cottus gobio to assess the potential for competitive displacement of the native species by the invading species. In summer, 88 surveys were made in a tributary of the River Vistula within defined benthic areas across the entire width of the river bed. The occurrence of fish by total length class (small: <6 cm; large: >6 cm) and environmental conditions (depth, water velocity, substratum type, plant cover, shelter type) was recorded. We found a substantial separation between the species and size classes in relation to substratum, shelter type and water velocity. European bullheads were limited to lotic areas with stony bottoms, whereas racer gobies also occupied lentic areas over sand or mud. European bullheads usually took refuge under stones in contrast to a wider range of shelters used by racer goby, including tree roots and rubbish. In general, the breadth of habitat used by the racer goby was wider than that of the European bullhead, although habitat overlap between the species was not statistically significant except for the type of shelter occupied by small fish, selecting smaller stones. An inverse relationship was observed between small European bullheads and all racer gobies in areas where they co‐occurred, suggesting that invader may be having an adverse effect on the distribution and habitat use of small native bullheads, particularly in areas of moderate water velocities over small stones and gravel.  相似文献   

根据辽宁省海洋渔业资源调查与统计资料,分析了辽宁省近海渔业资源结构。结果表明:经济价值高的渔业资源减少,生物量组成中以低质小型鱼虾类为主,群体的年龄组成,以0~1龄为主,渔获群体小型化明显。根据现实情况提出了管理建议。  相似文献   

Stellifer rastrifer (Sciaenidae) from the Sergipe River (Brazil) sagittal otoliths show a microstructure that is common to many fish, with microincrements of growth made up of continuous and discontinuous units. The microincrements show thickness and structure variations, which apparently correspond with the rings seen at the macrostructural level.  相似文献   

Pollan, Coregonus autumnalis pollan Thompson, requires an appropriate standardised sampling protocol for conservation assessments. The suitability of hydroacoustics with gillnetting was evaluated, and the effects of sampling design, effort and statistical analysis on the repeatability of results were tested. Summer hydroacoustic surveys appear appropriate as pollan were not abundant in acoustically unsampled areas. However, pollan density estimates were significantly affected by the gillnet sampling design used to ground‐truth the acoustic data. Density estimates from the >12‐ m layer were more robust to gillnet design than estimates from the 3‐ to 12‐ m layer. Estimates from different transect designs yielded some statistically significant results. Comparison of transects common to both transect designs suggests that observed differences reflect temporal changes rather than transect design effects. The reduction in the systematic parallel transect effort by half significantly affected target strength distributions but not pollan density estimates. Density estimates were affected by statistical analysis method where pollan density was highest, with geostatistical analysis providing higher estimates than the arithmetic mean. Hydroacoustic assessments may provide a reliable index of pollan abundance over time and between lakes but future research should investigate the effects of temporal and abiotic factors.  相似文献   

Individual Hyriopsis cumingii were collected from Poyang Lake, Dongting Lake, and Taihu Lake, China, from which 17 paternal half-sib families, including 51 full-sib families, were produced using a nested design. After the cage culture of each family with ten replicates for 57?days, 30 individuals were randomly selected from each cage, totaling 15,300. Four growth traits were measured for genetic analysis in each mussel: shell length, shell height, shell thickness, and body weight. The heritability of each trait was 0.49?±?0.37, 0.27?±?0.29, 0.59?±?0.39, and 0.47?±?0.38, respectively. Phenotypic and genetic correlation between these four traits fell within the range of 0.89–0.95 and 0.97–1.00, respectively. Early growth traits of H. cumingii show sufficient genetic diversity for genetic improvement. Both phenotypic and genetic correlation between the four traits are high, and thus, the modification on one target trait may modify the remaining three traits accordingly.  相似文献   

对采用不同冷藏保护剂保护的坛紫菜(Porphyra haitanensis)幼苗,经不同冷藏时间后的存活与生长发育情况进行研究,探讨影响冷藏效果的一些相关因素。结果显示:(1)在常温下,不同浓度梯度的胞内保护剂(甘油、DMSO)比胞外保护剂(葡萄糖、蔗糖)对坛紫菜幼苗成活的影响大,幼苗分别在20%DMSO和35%甘油中培养48 h,其成活率为15%和0%;(2)从单一冷藏保护剂的作用来看,甘油的冷冻保护效果优于DMSO,幼苗在20%-25%甘油保护剂作用下冷藏30 d,成活率为100%,冷藏90 d的成活率为25%-35%;葡萄糖和蔗糖作为单一的冷藏保护剂,冷藏15 d后幼苗全部死亡;(3)甘油 DMSO两种胞内保护剂混合冷藏30 d,成活率为85%;(4)甘油 DMSO 葡萄糖不同浓度组合的冷藏效果较好,冷藏180 d后仍达到95%以上的成活率;(5)盐度和藻体细胞壁的厚度与冷藏效果有关。当盐度为25时,冷藏藻体的细胞成活率高于其他盐度实验组;藻体细胞壁的厚薄对保存效果有影响,同一品系的藻体,细胞壁厚的比细胞壁薄的细胞更耐低温,成活率较高;(6)同株藻体不同部位冷藏30 d后成活率存在差异。  相似文献   

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