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One hundred and sixteen accessions of Leucaena were assessed for resistance to the leucaena psyllid that has devastated stands of L. leucocephala pan-tropically since the mid-1980s. Damage to young leaf was assessed using a ratings scale, developed at the University of Hawaii, in replicated field trials at Brisbane, Australia and Los Baños, Philippines. The study identified a continuum of resistance among the accessions, from highly resistant to highly susceptible. Resistance levels were consistent between the two sites with few exceptions. L. collinsii subsp. collinsii, L. confertiflora, L. esculenta, L. pueblana, L. retusa, L. greggii and L. matudae were highly resistant at both sites, while L. leucocephala, L. lempirana, L. involucrata and L. multicapitula were highly susceptible at both sites. Other species were intermediate and were allocated to either resistant or susceptible categories. There was considerable variation in psyllid resistance within some species especially, L. trichandra, L. diversifolia and L. collinsii. Regression analysis was used to determine the influence of environmental variables on psyllid populations. Psyllid population outbreaks were restricted to a temperature range of 10?°C minimum temperature and 33?°C maximum temperature, but additional, unidentified factors influenced populations within this range. Leaf chemical characteristics were examined for their potential to confer psyllid resistance, but none were strongly correlated with accession damage ratings.  相似文献   

Leucaena leucocephala is an important agroforestry species pan-tropically, but relatively little is known of the forage production potential of other species in the genus. The agronomic potential of 116 accessions, represent ing the 28 species and subspecies of the Leucaena genus and several artificial hybrid accessions, was evaluated at Los Baños, Philippines and Brisbane, Australia over a 2.5–year period. Accessions were planted into replicated line plots, with 10 trees/plot spaced 50 cm apart, and with rows spaced 3 m apart. The L. pallida × L. leuco cephala KX2 F 1 hybrid accessions were highest yielding at both sites, producing dry matter (DM) yields of over 900 g/m row/month at Los Baños and approximately 320 g/m row/month at Brisbane. In the near-optimal growth conditions at Los Baños, L. leucocephala accessions were highly productive, with the best accessions producing total yields of over 500 g/m row/month. The superiority of KX2 hybrids was most pronounced at Brisbane, where high psyllid pressure during summer, and low temperatures during winter severely constrained growth of L. leu cocephala accessions. In the Brisbane environment, psyllid resistant accessions of L. pallida , L. trichandra and L. diversifolia were more productive than L. leucocephala accessions. Leucaena greggii , L. retusa , L. cuspidata , L. confertiflora , L. pulverulenta , L. pueblana and L. involucrata were of inherently low productivity in both the Brisbane and Los Baños environments. Mortality over the experimental period was very low for most species, particularly for L. leucocephala and KX2 accessions. The KX2 F1 hybrid accessions have considerable agro nomic potential as alternatives to L. leucocephala for use in tropical agroforestry.  相似文献   

The psyllid insect (Heteropsylla cubana) is known to reduce biomass production in Leucaena species, but little information is available on the level of reduction, or whether a commonly used plant damage rating scale can be related to production losses. Biomass production losses due to predation by the psyllid were determined for 12accessions of Leucaena in a randomised split-plot field experiment conducted at Brisbane, Australia. Regrowthfrom well-established Leucaena trees, cut back to bare stems 50 cm high, was measured over a 9–week period from plants subjected to psyllid damage and from plants with psyllids controlled by spraying with chlorpyrifos (1 mg ai/l water). Psyllid damage was scored using a ratings scale developed by the University of Hawaii. Lossof potential DM production due to psyllids ranged from 10% for L. trichandra OFI53/88 to 76% for L. collinsii ssp. zacapana OFI56/88. Production losses were significantly correlated with psyllid damage ratings for 10 of the 12 accessions, and also for a combined data set comprising these 10 accessions. From correlations for the combined data set, a 50% loss of potential DM production occurred at a psyllid damage rating of approximately3.2. Results indicated that a “0” rating should be added to the scale to indicate the absence of psyllids. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Many interspecific hybrids have been produced among Leucaena species, some with great potential for high-value wood and forage production. Superior hybrids are often highly sterile, and vegetative propagation would be essential for their exploitation. Four experiments were conducted to investigate factors affecting the rooting of cuttings of Leucaena hybrids. Nine hybrids were studied that represented different ploidy levels (2x, 3x, and 4x), different levels of seedlessness, different ages (5–16 years) and varying leaflet sizes. Rooting ability basically depended on genotype, with only a few hybrids failing to root. Cuttings required leaflets to root, and half or more of a leaf led to higher frequencies of better roots. One-node cuttings had the same rooting ability as two-node cuttings. Rooting ability decreased dramatically in the cooler, low-light winter seasons of lowland Hawaii. Etiolation treatments increased rooting ability significantly for two difficult-to-root hybrids.  相似文献   

Trees and shrubs as sources of fodder in Australia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Experience with browse plants in Australia is briefly reviewed in terms of their forage value to animals, their economic value to the landholder and their ecological contribution to landscape stability. Of the cultivated species only two have achieved any degree of commercial acceptance (Leucaena leucocephala and Chamaecytisus palmensis). Both of these are of sufficiently high forage value to be used as the sole source of feed during seasonal periods of nutritional shortage. Both are also leguminous shrubs that establish readily from seed. It is suggested that a limitation in their present use is the reliance on stands of single species which leaves these grazing systems vulnerable to disease and insects. Grazing systems so far developed for high production and persistence of cultivated species involve short periods of intense grazing followed by long periods of recovery. Similar management may be necessary in the arid and semi-arid rangelands where palatable browse species are in decline.  相似文献   

In a 3-year field study, the effects of substitution of nitrogen requirement of maize through Leucaena leaves were studied on runoff, soil loss, maize and wheat yield and economic returns. The treatments were (1) 80 kg N ha-;1 all through Leucaena leaves (80 L), (2) 40 kg N through Leucaena leaves + 40 kg N ha-;1 through fertilizer (40 L + 40 F), (3) 20 kg N through Leucaena leaves + 60 kg N ha-;1 through fertilizer (20 L + 60 F), (4) 80 kg N ha-;1 all through fertilizer (80 F), and (5) control (No fertilizer). Green Leucaena leaf biomass (containing 3.3% N on dry basis) was incorporated every year in 15 cm top soil two weeks before sowing of summer maize.Other treatments being almost equal, runoff was reduced marginally in treatment 20 L + 60 F which was attributed to better crop growth in this treatment. Mean minimum soil loss (6.202 t ha-;1) also occurred in treatment 20 L + 60 F. Soil loss in 80 L was 13% less than in 80 F. Maize yield was at par in 80 L and 80 F. However, mean maximum yield of maize was obtained with 20 L + 60 F.Residual effect of incorporation of Leucaena leaves to maize crop was observed on wheat yield. The mean yield differences were statistically at par in all the treatments except control. The total mean net returns were statistically at par in 80 L and 80 F. However, significantly higher mean net returns (Rs 6811 ha-;1; one US$ = Rs30) were obtained with 20 L + 60 F. Substitution of N through Leucaena leaves even in small quantity may be helpful to small holders, particularly where chemical fertilizers are in short supply or too expensive.  相似文献   

Black walnut (Juglans nigra) is a prime tree species for agroforestry practices in the United States providing highly prized wood and nuts for human consumption and wildlife. In 54 black walnut stands in south central United States, the site index (i.e., mean dominant height [DH], at age 25 years) ranged between 5.2 and 21.4 m, and was independent of stand density. There were no differences in height and stem diameter (DBH) growth rates between stands with improved varieties and native stock. Most stands were in a “free growth” stage because of either early age or wide spacing. Mean annual increments in DBH and height were positively related both for improved varieties and native stock. Understory competition had a substantial detrimental effect on DH. In a 26 year-old stand, trees growing within Kentucky blue grass (Poa pratensis) had a site index 5 m greater than trees growing within tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). Predicted nut yields in 2002 varied between 0 and 1370 kg of hulled nuts per ha. Improved varieties had, in general, higher nut yields than predicted from a nut yield-DBH equation developed for individual trees. Nut yields were highly variable both within and among stands, and were related to DBH in native stock but not in improved varieties.  相似文献   

Trunk circumferences and canopy diameters of Prosopis glandulosa, P. chilensis and P. alba, and soil nitrogen under and between the trees were measured in a seven-year-old plantation at the University of California, Riverside. P. glandulosa had the smallest biomass of the three species. However, the nitrogen concentration of the soil under P. glandulosa was higher than under the other two species. Presumably more nitrogen is cycled through the leaves of this species rather than invested in wood production, where it would be sequestered. The soil nitrogen accumulation under P. glandulosa was significantly higher (total and subsurface) than that measured in soil taken between trees. The soil nitrogen content under P. chilensis and P. alba was not significantly different than that between the trees. These results indicate that the choice of woody legume in an agroforestry system will depend on its intended use. The most efficient nutrient cycling is not necessarily associated with the best biomass production.  相似文献   

A major problem for small farmers in the semi-arid tropics is the chronic shortage of fodder for draft animals. Leucaena leucocephala has improved productivity in many places in India and in various cropping systems, usually as either a pure crop or in a hedgerow alley-cropping configuration. Mixed cropping with arboreal forms is seldom seen. For off-season fodder production, hedgerows have the disadvantage of being open to unmanaged browsing when unfenced (as is usual). Arboreal forms are generally far less vulnerable. In this paper, the components of production of sorghum and arboreal Leucaena are measured under different intensities of canopy lopping. The most productive management system of those examined was pollarding of the Leucaena at the time of under-sowing with sorghum. In a year with less than 50% of average seasonal rainfall, this system gave a yield of 4.6 tonnes/ha/yr fresh wt fodder and 3.8 tonnes/ha/yr dry wt. of fuel harvests, while increasing the standing crop of wood by 1.8 t/ha/yr and retaining a yield of sorghum grain equivalent to 46% of pure sorghum cropping; the LER of this system was 1.35. Cash values of the alternative management systems were estimated, including the discounted Net Present Value of the standing crop of timber. Maximum value was attained with unlopped pure crop Leucaena followed by pollarded Leucaena with sorghum; pure crop sorghum achieved a lower value. These results demonstrate both the high productivity of Leucaena/sorghum based systems, and the stability of production even in poor rainfall conditions. Pollarding transferred the high future value of Leucaena timber to the present value of sorghum grain and fuelwood.  相似文献   

The ability of multipurpose hedgerow tree species to out-compete undesired regrowth during fallow phases was examined. Biomass and spatial distribution of grass and broad leaf volunteers was measured after two years of fallow, in two alley cropping systems planted at six m interrow distance, at the Humid Forest Ecoregional Centre Research Station, Mbalmayo, southern Cameroon. The two experiments had been continuously cropped for five and six years previously. In the experiment cropped for six years, the presence of Senna spectabilis [(DC.) Irwin and Barnaby] hedgerows reduced the biomass of the volunteer regrowth from 9.2 to 4.3 Mg ha−1. Tillage during the previous cropping phase increased the broad leaf biomass from 3.0 to 4.4 Mg ha−1, reduced the biomass of grasses from 3.4 to 2.7 Mg ha−1 but had no effect on the total volunteer biomass. Volunteer biomass was significantly lower within 1.5 m of the S. spectabilis hedgerows than at positions further away. In the experiment cropped for five years, S. spectabilis reduced the volunteer regrowth biomass significantly. Two other hedgerow species, Dactyladenia barteri [(Hook f ex Oliv.) Engl.] and Flemingia macrophylla [(Willd.) Merrill] had no effect on the total amount of volunteer regrowth but did reduce volunteer biomass within 0.5 m of the hedgerows. S. spectabilis caused a stronger reduction of volunteer biomass than D. barteri and F. macrophylla at almost all distances from the hedgerows. The competitiveness of D. barteri and F. macrophylla is insufficient and their growth habit is unsuitable to out-compete undesired species in this alley cropping system. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The slash and mulch system of frijol tapado or covered bean is a pre-hispanic system of bean production found throughout much of Central America. However, land use pressures have forced farmers to shorten the traditional fallow period, thus resulting in decreasing productivity. A potential solution is to enrich the fallow by using leguminous nitrogen-fixing trees. The enriched fallow systems evaluated in this study include both single and mixed species treatments: 1) Erythrina poeppigiana; 2) Calliandra colothrysus; 3) Gliricidia sepium; 4) Inga edulis; 5) Inga edulis and Erythrina poeppigiana; 6) Inga edulis and Calliandra calothrysus; and 7) Inga edulis and Gliricidia sepium. Biomass production of the fallow vegetation is shown to be of greater quality and quantity in all fallow enrichment treatments. However, bean yields did not show a significant response to the fallow enrichment treatments.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of alley cropping vegetable crops with Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit for two seasons on a sandy loam Oxic paleustalf in southwestern Nigeria. Four vegetable crops (Amaranthus cruentus L.; Celosia argentea L.; Okra, Hibiscus esculentus L.; and tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were grown in control plots and in 4-m wide alleys between established Leucaena hedgerows without and with fertilizer (30 N-13 P-24 K kg ha–1). Leucaena prunings yielded large dry biomass and nutrients during both seasons. Yield of four vegetable crops responded more to fertilizer in control than in alley cropped treatments. Better yield of vegetables in alley cropped plots was in part due to following effect of the Leucaena hedgerows. Fertilizer application increased mean yields of Amaranthus, Celosia, okra and tomato by 325, 164, 47 and 94% in control plots and by 36, 26, 4 and 20% in alley cropped plots, respectively. For both seasons, yields were not significantly different between alley cropped with and without fertilizer and the control with fertilizer treatments. Yield was least in control without fertilizer. Alley cropping with Leucaena can reduce fertilizer requirement for vegetable production. Cost and return analysis using 1988 prices indicated that alley cropping with vegetable crops can be profitable.c/o Miss Maureen Larkin, L. W. Lambourn & Company, 26 Dingwall Road, Croydon CR9 3EE, England  相似文献   

The effects of inter-row spacing of Leucaena leucocephala in an alley cropping system on the incidence and severity of diseases on intercropped beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and their yield were examined over two years (1993 and 1994) at Chepkoilel Campus in Kenya. Each experiment consisted of three randomized blocks with treatments of three alley widths (2 m,4 m and 8 m) and a treeless control with two intra-row spacings of Leucaena (0.5 m and 1.0 m). Hedgerows were coppiced at 1.0 m height and pruned subsequently at two-to-three months intervals. No fertilizer was applied but Leucaena loppings were incorporated as green leaf manure. Incidence of angular leaf spot (Phaeoisariopsis griseola) and anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum) on beans were assessed at three growth stages in each season, using the Centro International de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) scales. Microclimate was monitored in treatments, in 1994. Angular leaf spot and anthracnose decreased with increasing alley width and were more severe in bean rows adjacent to hedgerows. Light availability and diurnal temperaturereaching the bean canopy increased with alley width but relative humidity and leaf wetness duration decreased. Proximity to hedgerows also had markedly reduced light levels, lower temperatures and higher relative humidity. Higher incidence and severity of angular leaf spot and anthracnose on beans in alleys than on beans in treeless plots were examined in relation to microclimate, inoculum survival and dispersal. The pattern of the diseases was best explained by microclimate changes induced by Leucaena hedgerows, especially effects of humidity. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Planted fallow systems under ‘slash and mulch’ management were compared with natural fallow systems at two farms (BM1 and BM2) in the Colombian Andes. The BM1 site was relatively more fertile than the BM2 site. Planted fallow systems evaluated included Calliandra calothyrsus CIAT 20400 (CAL), Indigofera constricta (IND) or Tithonia diversifola (TTH). During each pruning event slashed biomass was weighed, surface-applied to the soil on the same plot and sub-samples taken for chemical analyses. While Indigofera trees consistently showed significantly greater (p < 0.05) plant height and collar diameter than Calliandra trees at both study sites, only collar diameter in Indigofera was significantly affected at all sampling times by differences between BM1 and BM2. After 27 months, TTH presented the greatest cumulative dry weight biomass (37 t ha–1) and nutrient accumulation in biomass (417.5 kg N ha–1, 85.3 kg P ha–1, 928 kg K ha–1, 299 kg Ca ha–1 and 127.6 kg Mg ha–1) among planted fallow systems studied at BM1. Leaf biomass was significantly greater (P < 0.05) for CAL than IND irrespective of site. However, CAL and IND biomass from other plant parts studied and nutrient accumulation were generally similar at BM1 and BM2. At both sites, NAT consistently presented the lowest biomass production and nutrient accumulation among fallow systems. Planted fallows using Calliandra and Indigofera trees had the additional benefit of producing considerable quantities of firewood for household use. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Young leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de Wit) and gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Steud) alley-cropped with food crops on farmers' fields in southwestern Nigeria showed marked variability in growth and foliage coloration. A field study was undertaken to determine whether variability in soil fertility was responsible for the differential growth of the two tree species. Plant height of leucaena and gliricidia at 6 and 9 months after planting (MAP) were significantly correlated with soil organic C and total N. Dry matter yield at 12 MAP was also significantly correlated with plant height, soil organic C and total N for leucaena but not for gliricidia. Soil and plant N concentrations were significantly higher in farms with normal than those with chlorotic plants.  相似文献   

The influence of V.A. mycorrhization was studied on two clones of in-vitro micropropagated plantlets ofArgania spinosa, a slow-growing tree of great importance in agroforestry systems in the semi-arid and arid zones of southwestern Morocco. Inoculation increased total shoot length, stem girth and biomass of the plants, when cultivated in controlled conditions with a phosphorus fertilization of 31 mgP·kg–1 added to a substrate already containing 13.5 mg·kg–1 available P (Olsen). The positive effect increased with time and, after 6 months, the above-ground dry matter production was 5 to 6 times higher for inoculated plants. The Relative Mycorrhizal Dependency Index, calculated on total dry matter, reached 77–78% at the end of experiment. Calculated on above-ground dry matter, the R.M.D.I. was 81–83%, placing the argan tree among the plants most dependent on mycorrhizal symbiosis. The root/shoot ratio was markedly (40–50%) reduced by inoculation, demonstrating the higher efficiency of a mycorrhizal root system.
Résumé L'influence de la mycorhization V.A. a été étudiée chez l'arganier (Argania spinosa), arbre à croissance lente très important pour les systèmes agroforestiers des zones arides et semi-arides du Sud-Ouest marocain. Chez les plantules issues de micropropagation in vitro et cultivées en conditions contrôlées sur un substrat contenant 13.5 mgP·kg–1 (Olsen) auquel on rajoute 31 mgP·kg–1 par la fertilisation, l'inoculation accroit la longueur totale des axes, le diamètre au collet et la biomasse des plantes issus de multiplication in vitro. L'effet bénéfique augmente avec le temps et, après 6 mois, la matière sèche des parties aériennes était 5 à 6 fois plus élevée chez les plantes inoculées que chez les témoins non inoculés. L'Indice de Dépendence Mycorhizienne Relative, calculé sur la matière sèche totale, atteint 77–78% à la fin de l'expérience. Calculé sur la matière sèche des seules parties aériennes, l'I.D.M.R. est de 81–83%, situant l'Arganier parmi les plantes les plus dépendantes de la symbiose mycorhizienne. Le rapport racines/parties aériennes est nettement réduit (de 40 à 50%) par l'inoculation, mettant en évidence la meilleure efficacité d'un système racinaire mycorhizé.

Fuelwood production from a high density leucaena-based fodder production experiment at Mtwapa, Coast Province, Kenya is reported. Leucaena with and without other fodder crops namely, Cassava, Bana and Napier grass, formed the main-plot treatments while leucaena densities ranging from 6,250 to 100,000 ha–1 planted in single- or double-line planting arrangements formed the sub-plot treatments of the split-plot design used. Each treatment was replicated four times. The experiment was established and maintained without the use of fertilizer, pesticides, irrigation. Hand weeding was done only during the first year.After 2.7 years growth, height and diameter measurements were taken before cutting back the leucaena stems to 0.5 m above ground. Utilizable fuelwood (twigs greater than 0.5 mm diameter) was then sun-dried for 3 months and dry weights taken.Fuelwood yields were significantly reduced by the fodder intercrops. Yield from leucaena intercropped with fodder crops were, on average, 30% lower than yield from sole stands of leucaena. Mean yields of the single-line plantings ranged from 13.7 to 21.2 tons ha–1. Yield from the double-line plantings were lower (on average 10%) than that of single-line plantings and were as well highly variable. Unlike tree heights, diameters in the single-line planting arrangement were not affected significantly by the fodder intercrops. In the single line plantings, yield of fuelwood from sole stand of leucaena was higher at all in-row spacings than the yield from intercropped leucaena. Increase in in-row spacing of leucaena generally led to reduced yield of fuelwood.Fodder yields of intercropped Cassava, Bana and Napier grasses were near normal in the first year but zero or negligible in the remaining 1.7 years. Implications of the prolonged tree establishment period on fodder yields after opening of the canopy are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the effects of woodlots of five tree species, continuous maize (Zea mays L.) and natural fallow on soil water and nitrogen dynamics in western Tanzania. The tree species evaluated were Acacia crassicarpa (A. Cunn. ex Benth.), Acacia julifera (Berth.), Acacia leptocarpa (A. Cunn. ex Benth), Leucaena pallida (Britton and Rose), and Senna siamea (Lamarck) Irwin & Barneby). The field experiment was established in November 1996 in a completely randomized block design replicated three times. Maize was intercropped between the trees during the first three years after planting and thereafter the trees were allowed to grow as pure woodlots for another two years. Transpiration by the trees was monitored when they were 3 years old using sap flow gauges. Soil water content was measured using the neutron probe approach between November 1999 and March 2001. Soil inorganic N profiles were measured when the trees were four years old in all treatments. The results indicated that the trees transpired more water than natural fallow vegetation during the dry season. The difference was apparent at a depth of 35 cm soil, but was more pronounced in deeper horizons. The water content in the entire soil profile under woodlots and natural fallow during the dry period was 0.01 to 0.06 cm3 cm−3 lower than in the annual cropped plots. This pattern was reversed after rainfall, when woodlots of A. crassicarpa, A. leptocarpa, A. julifera, S. siamea and L. pallida contained greater quantity of stored water than natural fallow or continuous maize by as much as 0.00 to 0.02, 0.01 to 0.04, 0.01 to 0.04, 0.01 to 0.03 and 0.00 to 0.02 cm3 cm−3, respectively. Natural fallow plots contained the lowest quantity of stored water within the entire profile during this period. Transpiration was greatest in A. crassicarpa and lowest in L. pallida. All tree species examined were `scavengers' of N and retrieved inorganic N from soil horizons up to 2-m depth and increased its concentration close to their trunks. This study has provided evidence in semi-arid environments that woodlots can effectively retrieve subsoil N and store more soil water after rains than natural fallow and bare soil. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effects of inter-row spacing of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit in an alley cropping system on the incidence and severity of rust (Uromyces appendiculatus (Pers.) Unger) on intercropped beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and their yield were examined over 2 years (1993 and 1994) at Chepkoilel Campus in Kenya. Each experiment consisted of three randomized blocks with treatments of three alley widths (2 m, 4 m and 8 m) and a treeless control with two intra-row spacings of Leucaena (0.5 m and 1.0 m). Hedgerows were coppiced at 1.0 m height and pruned subsequently at 2–3 months intervals. No fertilizer was applied but Leucaena loppings were incorporated as green leaf manure. Rust on beans was assessed at three growth stages in each season, using the Centro International de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) scales. Microclimate was monitored in treatments, in 1994. Bean growth and yield were also measured. Rust increased with increasing alley width and was less severe in bean rows adjacent to hedgerows. Bean yield was highest in the treeless control plots and declined with decreasing alley width. Beans in 2 m alleys had significantly lower (p < 0.05) yields than 8 m alleys and treeless control plots. Bean growth was greatly modified in 2 m alleys and close to hedgerows. Light availability and diurnal temperature increased with alley width but relative humidity and leaf wetness duration decreased. Proximity to hedgerows also had marked effect on microclimate. The changes in yield, rust incidence and severity were examined in relation to microclimate, inoculum survival and dispersal.  相似文献   

In 1995 a species/provenance test was established in the state of Puebla, Mexico to assess and compare the growth of Pinus greggii var. australis, P. maximinoi, P. patula and P. tecunumanii, including 10, 5, 11 and 4 provenances of each species, respectively. Each provenance test lot consisted of seed from 7 to 10 individual trees collected in natural stands. Range-wide samples were included in the test for P. greggii var. australis and P. patula. Material of P. maximinoi and P. tecunumanii from Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, as well as Mexico was established in the test. The test site is in a mountainous area at 1440m elevation, near 20°N latitude. At 5 years of age significant differences were seen at both the species and provenance levels in survival, total height, diameter and volume. The overall test survival was 93%. Variance among species was three time greater than among provenances, comprising 25–33% of the total variation. P. maximinoi had the greatest height, diameter and volume (62dm3) followed by P. tecunumanii (53dm3). P. greggii var. australis had an average volume of 43dm3 and P. patula produced 30dm3. Although P. maximinoi had the lowest survival rate, the San Jeronimo provenance was the most productive of all 30 provenances tested; 98% survival and 73dm3 volume. This was equivalent to 2.8cm annual diameter increment and 2m in height growth per year. Significant growth differences among provenances within species indicate that potential gain exists using provenance selection.  相似文献   

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