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It is difficult to measure the geometric quantity of small parts in finishing, assembling and measuring, because it's easy to break the workpieces' surface and alter their position by means of traditional contact measuring methods.There are some non contact measurers, such as,light feeler pin and interference microscope etc., because of it's high price and strict working conditions,so it's difficult to promote them in widely use. Precision measurement system based on machine vision has the advantages of non contact measuring as well as high performance and low price. Some problems, such as light source, algorithm of edge fitting, auto focusing,are discussed.  相似文献   

为提高水果商品品质,提出了一种基于机器视觉和PLC控制技术的分级方法。利用CCD摄像机获取水果的样本图像,应用MATLAB软件编程实现了对样本图像的特征量提取,根据水果的等级由PLC控制技术控制分拣机构完成水果的自动分级。试验表明,此方法分级精度高,且速度快。  相似文献   

An approach is described on the automated tracking of interference circle fringe to get the flatness accurately based on the Equal Inclination Interference Theory (EIIT). The system,based on the theory of EIIT, can be applied to grasp the changing fringe information, which is white alternating with black through the CCD camera. Following the basic principle of fringes image centro-symmetric, we create some windows, process only the interference fringes information in the windows. According to the position of the processed interference fringe and the position of the last adjacent interference fringe in the windows, the interference fringe variation value N from the starting measured point is received, it implies the changed altitude value from the starting measurement point. This method allows us not only get the fringe information of the half-wavelength integer multiple but also denote those of the half-wavelength decimal multiple. The system is proved to be effective experimentally. It is useful in metrology department for the high-precision flatness standard unit.  相似文献   

日光温室气象服务体系设计与应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
利用日光温室远程监测系统,对延安地区日光温室内各种气象要素进行实时监测,分析日光温室的气候背景、病虫害发生环境、生理指标、栽培技术等方面的状况,模拟日光温室小气候,预警大风、强降温、大雪、连阴天等灾害天气和病虫害的发生信息,提出相应的防御措施。开发出喷药、灌溉、覆盖、通风农用天气预报,建立日光温室气象服务体系,提高对农业的气象服务能力,提升了经济效益。  相似文献   

黄瓜叶片白粉病染病程度的判定,对于确定病灾预防措施意义重大。笔者采用机器视觉技术对叶片病斑进行有效识别,借助人工神经网络完成对叶片染病状态的模式分类。根据病斑的规模及面积分布提出了白斑区域面积比、平均白斑面积、白斑覆盖率等特征参数,借助这3个特征参数实现了叶片染病程度的定量分析,并借助人工神经网络完成了对叶片染病状态的模式分类。4类白斑叶片的正确识别率分别为88%、91%、92%、94%。  相似文献   

Design quality review of product is an effective method to improve product quality. The inefficient traditional design review is not accord with modern yield requirement. The multiple system truss of design review is constructed based on the primary characteristics and the requirements of design review and the network technology. The mode of communication between client and server and the flow of design review system based on networks are expatiated. According to different phases of reveiw,the universal quality index system for evaluating the product design is established and the design review system based on networks is realized by NetMeeting.  相似文献   

为了加快农业生产信息化和数字化的发展,节约宝贵的水资源,降低能耗,提高灌溉的质量和效率,提升控制管理水平,笔者以维控LEVI102A型触摸屏为人机界面,台达DVP60ES2型可编程控制器为控制核心构建了一套自动灌溉控制系统。该系统不仅可以根据当前土壤中含水率和用户设定的土壤含水率的情况自动控制水泵电机和电磁阀的启闭,遇到雨天自动停止灌溉,还可以按照用户设定的时间自动进行灌溉。该系统实现了灌溉的自动监控功能,节省了人力,节约了用水,提高了灌溉的质量和效率,具有造价低廉,运行稳定,操作便捷,维护简易,人机界面友好等优点,具有广阔的应用前景和实际使用价值。  相似文献   

Aimed at the problem of online detection of continuous slabs surface defect at high temperature, The CCD shutter control model was established using machine vision technology and equipment at high temperature states. The default clustering algorithm was provided. The CCD imaging equipment with dual cool modes of water and air was selected to ensure continuous work at high temperature conditions. The slab width of 3 000 mm can be detected, and the system can effectively restrain the influence of noise signals brought by oscillation marks on the surface of slabs and realize monitoring and clustering of the slab surface default.  相似文献   

针对农民在烟叶送烤前对烟叶分级的非重视度和非客观性等问题,本文提出基于机器视觉技术的烟叶图像检测分类方法对烟叶编烟送烤前进行成熟度划分,设计了全自动化的鲜烟叶检测分级装置。该系统的机械结构由自动上样抓取烟叶机构、烟叶输送台、检测机构,分拣机构等四个部分组成。自动上样的烟叶在传送带上被CCD检测并进行图像处理。首先对图像的噪点采用邻域平均和中值滤波组合的方法进行区域去噪处理;使用最小误差阈值分割方法分离背景和烟叶,然后增强图像信号,提取感性区域的颜色信息。采用烟叶的4个特征信息(R,G,B颜色值和色调H值)来表征烟叶的级别特性。通过装置自主学习建立样本库,然后参考学习的样本库对未知样品进行检测分级。实验结果表明根据烟叶色泽的不同,相邻类型之间的色泽差异越大,分类准确度越高。检测分类的平均速度在2-3秒/片,满足现场即时检测要求。  相似文献   

随着通信网络的完善以及智能手机的普及,手机已经成为农民获取信息的主流方式。但由于上网技能的缺失以及文化水平的限制,农民往往很难获取到他们所需的农业信息。有必要研究一套更有效的建立在橡胶树栽培技术推广机构与农户之间的信息服务系统。微信公众平台是公众号运营者通过公众号为微信用户提供资讯和服务的平台,为实现农业信息服务模式的创新提供了新的契机。为此,尝试基于微信公众平台构建一套橡胶树栽培技术服务系统。系统包括橡胶知识和技术服务2 个主要模块,实现了橡胶树栽培管理知识查询、专家对用户的一对一远程技术服务、橡胶树施肥配方查询、橡胶资讯服务的主要功能。橡胶树栽培技术服务系统搭建了专家与农技员、农技员与农民、农民与产业间高效便捷的信息化桥梁,创新了服务模式和渠道,切实解决了科技信息传播的“最后一公里”问题。  相似文献   

辽宁省乡镇气象信息服务站系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了加大农村人群的气象防灾减灾服务能力建设与知识宣传力度,不断完善农村气象灾害防御体系,通过采用B/S结构和WEBGIS技术建立供辽宁省内各级气象部门、气象信息服务站及气象信息员使用的乡镇气象信息服务站业务系统。系统建设着重解决气象信息员管理、科普知识培训、气象信息获取以及灾情上报管理等方面问题,对探索气象信息员管理方法、发挥气象信息员纽带作用最终实现气象信息传递“最后一公里”问题具有现实的业务意义与指导意义。截至2012年7月,辽宁省已建立296个乡镇气象信息服务站,并发展12215名气象信息员。乡镇气象信息员传递气象灾害预警、开展气象灾害调查、宣传防灾减灾知识等,已成为基层气象灾害防御的重要力量。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the software and hardware designs of minitype gas dynamotor system based on ATMEGA8L singlechip. Step motor is used as the executing equipment in the system. The maximum power of the dynamotor is 5 kW. First, the speed of the dynamotor is sampled, and then the signal is send to the ATMEGA8L singlechip, so as to drive the step motor, thus to control the accelerograph, and to control the frequency of the 9atput voltage, and the main arithmetic is the PID algorithm. The result shows that this technology can be used and extended in producion.  相似文献   

设计了一套水暖锅炉自动调温系统应用于农业生产,主要部件包括主机、辅机、控制系统和水暖管道装置等。基于PLC的锅炉补水泵控制系统能够对整个锅炉的运行状况进行监测、报警、控制,保证锅炉正常、可靠地运行。该设计克服了以往养殖水暖锅炉中存在的缺陷,可以保证锅炉补水泵控制系统稳定可靠工作。  相似文献   

Monitoring the material decay make use of the technique of video, computer image processing and pattern identify to detect, process and manage the external material decay image. The color character of the external material decay image are analyzed. The statistics character of the material decay image is pick-up by color histogram, color coherence vector and color correlogram. The comparability of the material decay image is presented by Euclidean distance of the color character. The match and query system of material decay based on image retrieval technology is implemented.  相似文献   

The paper proposes an image compression and coding scheme based on discrete wavelet transform (DWT), which makes the best of the relativities among original image and coefficients of wavelet, the relativities among pixels of subimages, the relativities among directions of subimages. Human visual specialities were considered, so the compression scheme leads up to make full use of the statistical redundancy and visual redundancy of image. To get high compression ratio and good quality of image, the coefficients of image working on the quality of image greatly were reserved accurately, but the coefficients of image working on the quality of image slightly were quantified roughly. Also, the regrouping and coding of the coefficients could be used universally. The experimental results show that the compression method is provided with simply calculating, little time for coding and decoding and satisfying quality companied with high compression ratio.  相似文献   

Support vector machine is the uniform method of statistical learning method,and has become more and more popular in research field.Support vector machine has achieved excellence in pattern recognition and text classification for its high performance in veracity.Support vector machine method was used to process several Binary image and Gray scale image and got a good statistical result.A strategy to select feature vectors has been found out,and the criterion to judge the results are discussed.Compared with other methods,the important conclusion was draw: it performs perfectly in statistic when using support vector machine to detect the image edge.  相似文献   

SVG based on XML is a kind of language describing 2D vector graphics.It is usability and applicability to set up WebGIS.The paper puts forward a system structure of WebGIS based on SVG,which has been applied to campus electronic map system of Chongqing University.It has been proved the method is feasibility and practicability.The paper sets forth some key techniques of implement of the system in detail: coding method of organizing SVG spatial data;generation of SVG electronic map;storage of SVG spatial data and implement of client.  相似文献   

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