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为探究不同渗透压和pH环境对烟草青枯病菌Ralstonia solanacearum致病力的影响,用Biolog PM 9~10代谢板中96种渗透压和96种pH环境培养烟草青枯病菌,并采用穿刺法接种于烟草离体叶片,测定不同环境下烟草青枯病菌对烟草的致病情况。结果表明,烟草青枯病菌可致病的渗透压范围包括1%~2%氯化钠、2%~3%硫酸钠、5%~20%乙二醇、1%甲酸钠、2%尿素、1%乳酸钠、20~100 mmol/L磷酸钠、10~100 mmol/L硫酸铵、10~100 mmol/L硝酸钠及10~20 mmol/L亚硝酸钠。可致病pH范围为5.0~8.0;当pH 4.5时,烟草青枯病菌在分别与L-正缬氨酸和5-羟色氨酸共培养时均可致病,与其余33种氨基酸共培养时则均不能致病;当pH 9.5时,烟草青枯病菌在与所有35种供试氨基酸共培养时均不能致病;烟草青枯病菌在葡萄糖苷、辛酸盐、半乳糖苷等10种化合物培养下均可致病。表明渗透压和pH环境会严重影响烟草青枯病菌的生长和致病力。  相似文献   

The distribution and multiplication of Ralstonia solanacearum in tomato plants of 11 resistant cultivars derived from different genetic sources and susceptible cultivar Ponderosa were examined. Bacterial multiplication in stems of resistant tomato plants was suppressed owing to the limitation of pathogen movement from the protoxylem or the primary xylem to other xylem tissues. The limitation was most conspicuous in Hawaii 7996. Grafting experiments indicated that the percentage of wilting of Ponderosa scions was less on Hawaii 7996 rootstocks than that on the most resistant rootstock (LS-89) used in Japan. Hawaii 7996 could be an alternative genetic source for breeding for resistance to bacterial wilt.  相似文献   

为探究解淀粉芽胞杆菌X60作为烟草青枯病生防菌剂的潜力,采用Biolog代谢表型技术比较了2种细菌的不同代谢表型。结果表明,烟草青枯病菌和解淀粉芽胞杆菌分别能代谢19%、41%的碳源,43%、77%的氮源,95%、86%的磷源以及100%、69%的硫源,分别有94、91种生物合成途径,49、95种渗透压表型以及19、94种pH代谢表型;解淀粉芽胞杆菌比烟草青枯病菌代谢显著的碳源有L-果胶糖、D-甘露糖等34种,氮源有腺苷、胞苷等29种;烟草青枯病菌比解淀粉芽胞杆菌代谢显著的碳源有D-糖二酸、半乳糖醇等9种,氮源有缩二脲、葡萄糖苷酸等11种;解淀粉芽胞杆菌的渗透压和pH环境适应力比烟草青枯病菌强;解淀粉芽胞杆菌具有脱羧酶和脱胺酶的活性。研究表明,2种细菌的代谢表型间存在较大差异,解淀粉芽胞杆菌的碳源、氮源、渗透压及pH代谢表型较烟草青枯病菌的丰富,烟草青枯病菌的磷源、硫源和生物合成途径代谢表型较解淀粉芽胞杆菌的丰富。  相似文献   

我国长江流域和南方地区花生青枯菌遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确不同青枯菌的遗传多样性和其在花生植株上的致病力差异,采用国际上新的青枯菌演化型分类模式,对从我国长江流域和南方地区9个花生种植区分离的95株花生青枯菌Ralstonia solanacearum菌株进行遗传多样性分析,基于内源葡聚糖酶基因egl对青枯菌进行系统发育研究,并对供试青枯菌的致病力进行测定。结果表明,所有95株菌株均属于青枯菌演化型I型,即亚洲分支类型。在序列变种分类上,所检测的9个花生种植区中有8个种植区的花生青枯菌菌株属于序列变种14,仅有1个种植区(广西壮族自治区贺州市)的花生青枯菌菌株属于序列变种48,表明我国长江流域和南方地区花生青枯菌群体遗传多样性水平较低。青枯菌致病力测定结果表明,来自赣州市的菌株GZ-1、贺州市的菌株HZ-2和宜昌市的菌株YC接种到花生植株14 d后,花生的病情指数分别为43.8、75.0和87.5,而来自其它6个花生种植区的菌株接种花生后,其病情指数均为100.0,表明菌株GZ-1和HZ-2的致病力较弱,而其它7个花生种植区代表性菌株的致病力均较强。  相似文献   

In 1982, an anamorphic fungus in the genus Monilia was first isolated as the causal agent of brown rot disease of Japanese apricot or mume (Prunus mume) in Oita Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan. Inoculation of flowers, shoots, and fruit of P. mume with the fungus reproduced brown rot disease symptoms similar to those found in nature. The fungus somewhat resembled the colony appearance of Monilinia (anamorph Monilia) laxa, the apricot brown rot fungus, on PSA plates, but it differed from the latter and the other two brown rot fungi, M. fructigena and M. fructicola, in terms of growth rate, temperature optima for mycelial growth and sporulation, morphology and germination pattern of conidia, nuclear number in the conidium, and nucleotide sequences in the ITS region of ribosomal DNA. It is newly described as Monilia mumecola Y. Harada, Y. Sasaki & T. Sano. A key to anamorphic states of four brown rot fungi of fruit trees is provided.  相似文献   

A sudden wilt of bellflower (Campanula lactiflora) was observed in Japan in 1997. A bacterium that formed white fluidal and mucoid colonies resembling those of Ralstonia solanacearum was isolated from the infected plants. The bacterium was bacteriologically identified as biovar 3 of R. solanacearum. This is the first report of R. solanacearum affecting a plant species of the Campanulaceae family.  相似文献   

Tsror  Leah  Aharon  M.  Erlich  Orly 《Phytoparasitica》1999,27(3):215-226
Potato seed tubers are imported to Israel from northern Europe and planted in spring; tubers harvested early from the spring crop are used as seed for the autumn crop. Although only seed lots registered as certified are imported, a previous survey (1984–1994) indicated that most imported lots were affected by latent or active infections caused byErwinia carotovora,Streptomyces scabies, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium spp. andSpongospora subterranae. The survey was extended until 1998, and included additional pathogens:Ralstonia solanacearum,Helminthosporium solani, Colletotrichum coccodes andVerticillium dahliae. Most of these pathogens were also monitored in domestic seed tubers, and are reported for the first time. Brown rot was not observed in any of the imported lots. Blackleg and soft rot caused byErwinia spp. were detected in most of the imported lots; however, less than 7% of the lots were contaminated at high levels, while approximately 65% were contaminated at moderate levels. Common scab was detected in most of the imported lots; 51% of the imported lots were contaminated at moderate or high levels, whereas only 6.5% of the domestic seed lots were contaminated at these levels. Black scurf was detected in most of the imported lots; on average, 47.3%, 44.2% and 1.4% of the lots were contaminated at low, moderate and high levels, respectively, and only 7.1% were disease-free. In contrast, most of the domestic lots were either disease-free (45.4%) or had a low disease incidence (37.3%). Only 16.7% of the lots were moderately infected and 0.2% were highly contaminated. Silver scurf was observed in most of the imported lots during all years of the survey, with no differences among the producing countries; on average, 22.7%, 66.1% and 7.5% of the lots were contaminated at low, moderate and high levels, respectively, and only 3.7% were disease-free. Most of the domestic lots (76%) were disease-free and only 6.6% were infected at moderate or high levels. Black dot was observed in a considerable portion of the shipments from Holland during all years of the survey, particularly in 1998, when 34% of the lots were infected. The shipments from France and Germany were infected at low levels, except in 1998, when 19% and 11% of the lots, respectively, arrived infected. In shipments from Scotland and Ireland low incidences of the disease were observed in 1994 and 1995. In the domestic lots, black dot incidence was low (<2.4%) except in 1996, when 11% of the lots were infected.V. dahliae was monitored only in domestic seed tubers. The incidence of disease-free lots was 56–64%, whereas in 20–30% of the lots the level of infection was <5%, and in 6–16% of the lots the level was >5%. The survey findings demonstrate transmission of seedborne pathogens; most of these pathogens can become established in the soil and eventually cause severe outbreaks of disease in potatoes grown in Israel. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 16, 1999.  相似文献   

A previously published TaqMan PCR test for R. solanacearum race 3 biovar 2 was modified to enable both the validation of negative results and the confirmation of positive results in a closed-tube system. Negative results were validated through the use of a reaction control plasmid, designated pRB2C2, which was designed to generate a 94bp product using the same amplimers targeting the primary diagnostic 68bp sequence in R. solanacearum race 3 biovar 2 DNA. SYBR Green was included in the reaction mix to facilitate the identification of post-reaction products using melt peak analysis. The 94bp reaction control had a melt peak temperature of about 90°C, while the diagnostic target amplicon had a melt peak temperature of about 83°C; thus positive results could be easily confirmed and distinguished from the reaction control product. Addition of pRB2C2 at 100 copies per reaction had no effect on the sensitivity of the TaqMan assay for R. solanacearum race 3 biovar 2, and the modified assay successfully detected R. solanacearum race 3 biovar 2 in infected, asymptomatic tomato stems and leaves as well as in potato tubers and stems.  相似文献   

为筛选防治番茄青枯病的优良生防菌株,本研究以弱化指数、胞外多糖含量和盆栽苗番茄发病率为指标确定20株经形态初步判定为无致病力的青枯雷尔氏菌Ralstonia solanacearum Tn5突变菌株的致病性,测定其在番茄根部的定殖数量,并于显微镜下观察其定殖特性。结果表明,供试的20株青枯雷尔氏菌无致病力突变菌株的弱化指数均大于0.75,胞外多糖含量介于1.59~16.68μg/mL之间,显著低于强致病力菌株FJAT-91,接种40 d番茄植株未出现青枯病症状;20株青枯雷尔氏菌无致病力突变菌株均能在番茄根部定殖,定殖数量呈先上升后下降的趋势,其中菌株T659的定殖数量最大,定殖时间最长,分别为2.86×106CFU/g和35 d;透射电镜观察发现,青枯雷尔氏菌无致病力突变菌株T659从番茄植株根部表皮细胞中侵入,然后进入维管束厚壁细胞,并在维管束细胞中大量繁殖和定殖,但未引起番茄根部细胞结构病理变化。表明供试的青枯雷尔氏菌无致病力突变菌株T659的定殖能力最强,具有良好的生防潜力。  相似文献   

The effect of ammonium nitrate broadcast as a soil or through irrigation, urea applied as a foliar spray, and monoammonium phosphate applied as a planting hole treatment on the incidence ofPhytophthora crown and root rot of apple trees was determined under orchard conditions in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, Canada. Results from the eight year study showed that ammonium nitrate applied as a single dose in spring at 240 g tree–1 year–1, as a split dose at 120 g tree–1 each in spring and early autumn, and in irrigation water (fertigation) at 7.5 g tree–1 wk–1 for 10 wk year–1 significantly increasedPhytophthora crown and root rot of Macspur on MM106 rootstock. There was no significant difference inP. cactorum infection between the unfertilized control and treatments with urea applied as a foliar spray at 1.0 kg 100 l–1 of water in spring and early autumn, and monoammonium phosphate applied as a planting hole treatment at 1 g l–1 of soil at planting time.  相似文献   

Ralstonia solanacearum strain OE1-1 (OE1-1) systemically invades tobacco plants and causes bacterial wilt. A type II secretion system (T2SS)-deficient mutant of OE1-1, derived from EZ::TN<KAN-2>transposon-insertion, retained the ability of the parent strain to produce exopolysaccharide in vitro and grow in intercellular spaces immediately after invasion of host plants, but lost the ability to systemically infect the host. With transmission electron microscopy, the mutant was not observed in xylem vessels. These findings suggest that the T2SS contributes to systemic infection by enabling the bacteria to invade xylem vessels.  相似文献   

Biological soil disinfestation (BSD), or reductive soil disinfestation, achieved by amendment with organic materials such as wheat bran followed by flooding and covering the soil surface, has been used to control some soilborne diseases including Fusarium wilt and bacterial wilt of tomato. During a BSD treatment, accumulation of acetic acid and/or butyric acid was detected with high-performance liquid chromatography. Survival of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici or Ralstonia solanacearum was suppressed by these organic acids. Amendment of these organic acids into soil suppressed the survival of R. solanacearum at lower concentrations than the maximum detected in BSD treatment, indicating that production of these organic acids is one of the mechanisms of control. However, F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici in soil survived with the maximum concentrations of these organic acids achieved by BSD; thus, involvement of factors other than organic acids may be involved.  相似文献   

Ralstonia solanacearum is a known bacterial pathogen of eucalypt and potato plants in Africa. A survey was undertaken to detect this pathogen in eucalypt plantations in South Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Uganda. Numerous bacterial strains were isolated from trees with symptoms typical of bacterial wilt, but only seven were positively identified as R. solanacearum. A polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique, based on the hrp (hypersensitive response and pathogenicity) gene region was used to determine and group the biovars of these R. solanacearum strains. The eucalypt isolates and one potato isolate formed a biovar 3 cluster, whereas the two other potato isolates formed a cluster that corresponded to biovar 2. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis confirmed these clusters. Therefore, PCR-RFLP can be used as a reliable diagnostic technique to enable researchers to rapidly identify the pathogen.  相似文献   

The viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state is induced in stress-injured bacterial cells. VBNC cells lose their ability to grow on standard media, but some of the cells can recover on media supplemented with H2O2-degrading compounds such as sodium pyruvate (SP). Here, VBNC cells that can recover on such media are called SP-recoverable VBNC cells; VBNC cells that do not recover are called SP-unrecoverable VBNC cells. On the basis of previous findings, we hypothesized that cells of Ralstonia solanacearum in which low temperature had induced the SP-recoverable VBNC state would regain their ability to grow on standard solid media after exposure to moderate temperature. To test this, cell suspensions of R. solanacearum were incubated at 5°C. When SP-recoverable VBNC cells were the only culturable cells present, the cell suspensions were exposed to 25°C. The temperature upshift caused an initial rapid increase in the number of active cells able to grow on standard solid media, followed by a more gradual increase. Linear regression analyses suggested that this increase was not attributable to the regrowth of a low level of residual active cells. In addition, all the revived cells tested caused wilt symptoms in susceptible tomato plants. When SP-unrecoverable VBNC cells were the only viable cells present in the 5°C microcosms, the cell suspensions were exposed to 25°C. In this case, no culturable cells were detected. Therefore, these data strongly suggest that the SP-recoverable VBNC cells regained their ability to grow on standard solid media after the temperature upshift and that the revived cells were virulent.  相似文献   

The ability of selected strains of fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. to cause induced systemic resistance (ISR) in Eucalyptus urophylla against bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum was investigated. Four of the five strains used can produce salicylic acid (SA) in vitro and, therefore, chemical SA, that is known to induce resistance in many plant species, was used as a reference treatment. Whereas a soil drench with SA did induce systemic resistance in E. urophylla, infiltration of SA into leaves did not. None of the fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. strains caused ISR against bacterial wilt when applied to the soil, but two strains, P. putida WCS358r and P. fluorescens WCS374r triggered ISR when infiltrated into two lower leaves 3–7 days before challenge inoculation. A mutant of strain WCS358r defective in the biosynthesis of the fluorescent siderophore pseudobactin, did not cause ISR, while the purified siderophore of WCS358r did, suggesting that pseudobactin358 is the ISR determinant of WCS358. A siderophore-minus mutant of WCS374r induced the same level of disease resistance as its parental strain, but the purified siderophore induced resistance as well, indicating that both the siderophore and another, unknown, inducing determinant(s) of WCS374r can trigger ISR in Eucalyptus. A possible role of WCS374r-produced SA remains uncertain. Transformation of a siderophore-minus mutant of WCS358 with the SA biosynthetic gene cluster from WCS374 did not enable this transformant to cause ISR in E. urophylla.  相似文献   

为示踪青枯雷尔氏菌Ralstonia solanacearum无致病力菌株FJAT1458在番茄植株及根际土壤中的定殖特性,采用电击法对菌株FJAT1458进行荧光素酶(luciferase,LUC)基因标记,并于室内采用生测法测定标记菌株的生物学特性、遗传稳定性、致病力及在番茄植株和根际土壤中的定殖能力。结果表明,成功将luc基因整合至无致病力菌株FJAT1458染色体上,标记菌株FJAT1458-LUC发出强烈的荧光,且PCR扩增出1 612 bp的luc基因片段;与野生型菌株FJAT1458相比,标记菌株FJAT1458-LUC的生长明显滞后,培养8h之后标记菌株FJAT1458-LUC的OD600nm值均小于野生型菌株FJAT1458;且标记菌株FJAT1458-LUC连续传代20次后菌体浓度显著增加,发光菌体比例显著降低,LUC活性和luc基因表达量均随着传代数增加而显著降低;标记前、后菌株FJAT1458的弱化指数分别为0.90和0.89,且接种番茄植株30 d均未引起植株发病。标记菌株FJAT1458-LUC能在番茄根际土壤、根及茎中定殖,定殖数量呈...  相似文献   

To study the behavior and mutation of Ralstonia solanacearum in Solanum toxicarium, which is resistant to bacterial wilt, S. toxicarium was grown in aseptic culture and inoculated with R. solanacearum. Although 60%–80% of the inoculated plants were wilting after 2 to 3 days, most wilted plants had recovered by 20 days after inoculation. The pathogen was reisolated from over 98% of inoculated plant stems, but the percentage of recovery decreased the closer the isolation sites were toward the upper stem sections. Three colony types, characterized as fluidal white, nonfluidal red, and a mixture of fluidal white and nonfluidal red, were reisolated from the stems. Nonfluidal red colonies were less virulent on tomato plants than fluidal white colonies.  相似文献   

为快速、准确对田间茄子发病植株和土壤中3种土传病害的病原菌青枯病菌Ralstonia solanacearum、黄萎病菌Verticillium dahliae和白绢病菌Sclerotium rolfsii进行检测,筛选这3种病菌的特异性引物,建立这3种病菌的三重PCR检测体系,对其退火温度、引物浓度、10×PCR Buffer(Mg2+plus)、dNTP和Taq DNA聚合酶进行优化,对优化后体系的特异性和灵敏度进行检测,并利用优化体系对田间采集的病害样品和土壤样品进行检测。结果表明,在优化后的50μL三重PCR检测体系中,RS-1-F/RS-3-R、dllz1/dllz2和SRITSF/SRITSR引物的最佳浓度分别为0.16、0.16和0.28μmol/L,10×PCR Buffer(Mg2+plus)、dNTP和Taq DNA聚合酶体积分别为6、5和1μL,检测体系的最佳退火温度为54℃。按照优化后的反应条件能分别扩增出青枯病菌、黄萎病菌和白绢病菌3种病菌的特异条带,分别为716、350和500 bp,其他对照病菌无条带。该体系对病菌DNA检测灵敏度达到0.1 ng/μL。该...  相似文献   

节节麦等三种禾本科杂草对不同性状土壤的适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确不同性状土壤对小麦田重要的禾本科杂草节节麦Aegilops tauschi、多花黑麦草Alopecurus myosuroides和大穗看麦娘Lolium multiflorum出苗及生长的影响,在盆栽条件下研究了3种禾本科杂草对采自山东省不同区域的24份不同性状土壤的适应性。结果表明,节节麦适应性最强,在所有供试土样中均能正常出苗和生长,出苗率在64.2%~80.8%之间;多花黑麦草也有很强的适应性,在供试24份土样中出苗基本正常,出苗率均在90.1%以上,但有2份土样影响其后期生长的株高、鲜重等生长指标;大穗看麦娘的适应性略差,有4份土样明显影响其出苗,出苗率在32.5%~50.8%之间,在其它20份土样中出苗率均为70.0%左右,有11份土壤影响其生长期株高、鲜重、穗数或结实量。土壤性状中pH是影响杂草出苗及生长的最主要因素,pH小于6.0的强酸土壤和pH大于8.0的强碱土壤均对杂草生长会产生一定影响,另外,黏性土壤质地和高盐分土壤也对杂草生长有影响,其它土壤性状如氮含量、磷含量、钾含量、有机质含量和土壤类型对这3种禾本科杂草出苗及生长无影响。  相似文献   

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