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在冬小麦—夏玉米种植区,为避免小麦留茬免耕直播夏玉米出现肥害,设计试验了不同施肥方法。研究认为,夏玉米铁茬播种在播种施肥机械还做不到种、肥有效隔离的情况下,播种时不施底肥,只用种肥,配合早期追肥是安全有效的施肥方法。  相似文献   

试验分析了5种免耕播种夏玉米施肥方式对植株体内叶绿素含量、植株形态构成、产量及其形成相关因素的影响。结果表明,不等距间施肥方式效果最好,叶绿素含量达3.94mg/g,不同时期叶面积均最高,有利于全苗壮苗,增强抗旱能力,夏玉米产量最高达7646.3kg/hm2,增产幅度为35.23%。  相似文献   

试验分析了5种免耕播种夏玉米施肥方式对植株体内叶绿素含量、植株形态构成,产量及其形成相关因素的影响。结果表明,不等距间施肥方式效果最好,吉绿素含这3.94mg/g,不同时期叶面积均最高,有利于全苗垃苗,增强抗旱能力6,夏玉米产量最高达76464.3kg/hm^2,增产幅度为35.23%。  相似文献   

该文针对现有免耕播种机存在的机具防堵效果差、种肥深度精准度低、播种均匀性差等问题,设计了一种斜插式免耕穴播机。该机器播种施肥采用45°斜插入土方式,入土器的凸轮推杆开合机构,能够有效防止夹土、粘土、堵塞等问题;入土器的平行四杆仿形机构配合曲柄滑块入土机构,可保证播种深度一致、种肥同步、种肥侧深距离精确度高以及播种均匀性好;45°倾斜角易实现自动覆土功能。另外增设了可调链轮变速机构,充分弥补了现有免耕穴播机株距调整困难问题;改进了原有排种器和排肥器适应性差的缺点,采用多窝眼轮排种器,能够满足不同作物品种的播种需求。该机的工作参数(行距、株距、播深、肥位等)皆为可调,适应性更强。依据设计研制样机并进行玉米播种田间试验,结果表明:播种覆土均匀,播种深度和施肥深度合格率分别为90.52%和91.23%,变异系数分别为5.91%和6.26%,种肥水平距离和垂直间距合格率分别为95.71%和91.65%,变异系数分别为4.64%和8.01%;株距合格率92.13%,重播率4.60%和空穴率3.27%,满足JB/T 10293-2001《单粒(精密)播种机技术条件》中播种合格指数≥80%,重播指数≤15%,漏播指数≤8%的农艺要求。该研究可为精准免耕穴播机的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

耕作措施对黑龙江省风沙土区玉米生长发育及产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对黑龙江省西部风沙土区干旱频繁发生,土壤风蚀严重的特点,采取打茬播种、旋耕播种、免耕三种不同的耕作措施,与当地传统耕作方式破垄种进行了对比试验,研究了耕作措施对玉米生育性状及产量的影响。结果表明,耕作方式对玉米生育前期影响较小,主要影响玉米中后期的生长发育。旋耕处理前期土壤水分储存较多,为后期玉米的生长发育提供了充足的水分供应。旋耕处理的玉米产量最高,与对照相比产量增加了31.2%。打茬播种处理的产量相比对照增加了13%。免耕处理的玉米产量最低,与对照相比产量降低了20.4%。  相似文献   

与传统的种植方式相比,玉米免耕播种直接省去耕地作业这道工序,可以提高播种作业的效率和质量,在我国已经广泛使用。基于此,论述玉米免耕种植播种技术的优势,从产量、经济效益等各个方面分析了玉米免耕技术的优点,并分析研究了玉米免耕播种的高产高效措施,提出玉米免耕播种技术在应用中的注意事项。  相似文献   

该文针对现有免耕播种机存在的机具防堵效果差、种肥深度精准度低、播种均匀性差等问题,设计了一种斜插式免耕穴播机.该机器播种施肥采用45°斜插入土方式,入土器的凸轮推杆开合机构,能够有效防止夹土、粘土、堵塞等问题;入土器的平行四杆仿形机构配合曲柄滑块入土机构,可保证播种深度一致、种肥同步、种肥侧深距离精确度高以及播种均匀性好;45°倾斜角易实现自动覆土功能.另外增设了可调链轮变速机构,充分弥补了现有免耕穴播机株距调整困难问题;改进了原有排种器和排肥器适应性差的缺点,采用多窝眼轮排种器,能够满足不同作物品种的播种需求.该机的工作参数(行距、株距、播深、肥位等)皆为可调,适应性更强.依据设计研制样机并进行玉米播种田间试验,结果表明:播种覆土均匀,播种深度和施肥深度合格率分别为90.52%和91.23%,变异系数分别为5.91%和6.26%,种肥水平距离和垂直间距合格率分别为95.71%和91.65%,变异系数分别为4.64%和8.01%;株距合格率92.13%,重播率4.60%和空穴率3.27%,满足JB/T 10293-2001《单粒(精密)播种机技术条件》中播种合格指数≥80%,重播指数≤15%,漏播指数≤8%的农艺要求.该研究可为精准免耕穴播机的设计提供参考.  相似文献   

小麦免耕播种机种肥分施机构的改进与应用效果   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
中国华北平原小麦-玉米一年两熟地区,玉米收获后免耕播种冬小麦时由于秸秆覆盖量大,免耕播种机播种部分易产生壅堵,播深一致性差,影响播种质量,针对这一问题,研发了尖角开沟器与双圆盘组合式种肥垂直分施装置,分别在玉米秸秆直立地和粉碎地进行了田间播种试验,结果表明:该组合装置中双圆盘播种机构实现了单体仿形,播种深度变异系数分别为19.8%、21.3%,种肥间距合格率达80%,提高了播种质量,同时解决了排种机构易产生壅堵的问题,通过性良好。因此本装置为小麦免耕播种机提供了技术支持,对一年两熟地区小麦免耕播种技术的推广具有重要意义。  相似文献   

针对黑龙江省西部风沙土区干旱频繁发生、土壤风蚀严重的特点,采取打茬播种、旋耕播种、免耕等不同保护性耕作措施,与当地传统耕作的玉米进行对比试验。结果表明:旋耕措施对土壤含水量具有显著改善作用。旋耕处理土壤结构较好,能够有效接纳降水,增大储水库容;免耕条件下对土壤水分的影响主要表现在玉米生长前期及中期,免耕处理耕作次数较其它处理少,在春季保持了底层土壤水分。旋耕处理的玉米产量最高,与对照相比增加了31.2%;其次为打茬播种处理,产量比对照增加了13%;免耕处理的玉米产量最低,与对照相比产量降低了20.4%。  相似文献   

玉米免耕播种施肥机精准作业监控系统   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
为了解决玉米播种和施肥时种子和肥料利用率低、投入高、产出低的问题,研制了玉米免耕播种施肥机精准作业监控系统。针对土壤墒情、肥力以及不同地区玉米播种农艺,研制玉米变粒距自动控制系统,通过控制伺服电机,结合拖拉机行走速度,对排种轴的转速进行反馈控制,实现播种粒距的自动调节。根据作业处方图和GPS信息,结合肥箱肥料质量和机具前进速度,得到施肥控制量,输出到伺服电机驱动器,调节排肥轴的转速,实现按处方图施肥作业。试验结果表明,肥料控制精度在3.31%以内,对玉米点播,实现播种粒距10~20 cm在线无级调整,最大控制误差不高于4.48%。该研究实现了玉米免耕播种施肥机变量施肥和精密播种。  相似文献   

河北低平原区冬小麦夏玉米产量提升的理论与技术研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
作为渤海粮仓主要增粮区的河北东部低平原中低产农田,冬小麦夏玉米的产量主要受制于土壤肥力水平低、淡水资源短缺和气候异常造成产量的大幅波动。通过选择适宜的品种、播期与收获期的合理搭配、优化的种植方式和配套的耕作与田间管理技术,提高作物生育期内对地上光热资源和地下水肥资源的利用潜力和效率,平抑气候变化带来不利影响,有着巨大的增产空间。该研究通过田间小区试验,结合示范区试验示范,研究了冬小麦与夏玉米生育期的优化、夏玉米种植方式调整、夏玉米深松播种、夏玉米增施钾肥与冬小麦增施磷肥及有机肥等措施对冬小麦、夏玉米产量的影响。主要研究结果如下:冬小麦适期晚播(不迟于10月15日),同时适当增加播量,不影响生育期群体构建和产量水平。早熟品种‘小偃81’提早进入灌浆期,受后期干热风的危害小,在不降低品质的同时粒重与产量稳定。夏玉米提早播10 d(6月10日与6月20日相比)平均增产17.2%,晚收获8 d(10月2日与9月24日相比)粒重增加19.5%。根据冬小麦和夏玉米的品种特性,合理搭配生育期,在实现冬小麦稳产提质的同时,使充分发挥夏玉米的产量潜力成为可能。改变夏玉米的种植方式,适当增加种植密度,明显地改善和提高了夏玉米产量,更为适宜的种植方式是40 cm与80 cm大小行种植和38 cm等行距种植,不适宜的是20 cm与100 cm大小行种植,更为适宜的种植方式下产量提高15%以上。长期旋耕机械压实了犁底层,通过夏玉米深松播种种植,产量提高达31.3%,后茬小麦增产5.6%,但连续深松没有明显的增产效果。夏玉米播种时增施钾肥产量提高2.6%。冬小麦增施磷肥产量提高7.4%,增施有机底肥增产6.8%,增施有机底肥和施磷肥产量提高8.8%,但无明显的累加效果。因此,通过适宜的品种选择与适期的生育期搭配、种植方式调整、适时深松打破犁底层的耕作措施、速效肥与有机肥合理施用等栽培和管理技术,可实现冬小麦夏玉米产量的逐步提高和稳定,充分利用玉米生长季丰富且集中的降水与光热资源,挖掘夏玉米产量,稳夏增秋的粮食增产模式更符合该地区未来发展需求。  相似文献   

Tillage is an important agricultural practice, influencing the physical, chemical and biological soil characteristics. In this paper the influence of various tillage systems combined with or without a cover crop under different nitrogen fertilization levels on silage maize yield and soil fertility was investigated. Based on a field trial in Bottelare (Belgium), during the period 2007–2015, it was concluded that for each tillage system higher nitrogen levels resulted in a higher yield. In addition, the highest yield was achieved for the conventional tillage system, the yield gain for mouldboard ploughing varied between 13% (2015) and 71% (2012) compared to zero tillage. In case reduced tillage was adopted, the yield loss compared to mouldboard ploughing varied between 6% (2013 and 2015) and 24% (2012). Furthermore, it seemed that the accumulated temperature during the growing season and rainfall around flowering were decisive in determining maize yield. Additionally, rainfall in the period 60 days post sowing was significantly negatively correlated with the yield from the zero tillage plots, whereas in case tillage was adopted no correlations with rainfall 60 days post sowing were detected. Concerning the soil organic carbon content and the amount of earthworms, no clear trends could be observed. Zero tillage resulted in high weed pressure and caused soil compaction. So, in this trial, under humid conditions, the less labor intensive zero tillage system did not result in competitive maize yields. In conclusion, reduced tillage methods offer opportunities for maize cultivation in Belgium. This method of farming resulted in a lower yield, however, the difference with mouldboard ploughing was not significant. Therefore, adopting a reduced tillage system can be seen as a valid alternative for ploughing as this tillage system ensures a sustainable environment.  相似文献   

The effects of zero, minimum and conventional tillage on soil physical properties and on the growth and yield of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) grown after lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) were studied in field experiments conducted during the 1984 and 1985 dry seasons (DS) at two Philippine sites (clay loam, Vertic Tropaquept, with shallow water table and sandy loam, Aeric Tropaquept, with deep water table). Effects on maize (Zea mays L.) were studied only in 1984 on clay loam soil.All parameter measurements were not significantly different with minimum and conventional tillage. Tillage, averaged over minimum and conventional and in both seasons, significantly lowered bulk density (10%) and increased aeration porosity (120%) of the 0–0.10 m clay loam soil layer. In sandy loam soil in 1985, it decreased bulk density by 7% and increased aeration porosity by 61%. Tillage only slightly affected the matric suction, strength and temperature of both soils.Maize seedling emergence was 15% higher with zero tillage than with minimum and conventional tillage. Tillage, however, did not affect mungbean emergence. It significantly increased maize plant height (42%) and root length (61%) as compared with no tillage. In mungbean, tillage increased plant height (18%) and root length (60%), as averaged over both sites and seasons. In clay loam soil, tillage increased grain yield of maize by 242%. On the same field, tillage increased mungbean grain yield by 78% in 1984 and 20% in 1985. In sandy loam, tillage produced 38% more mungbean grains than without tillage.  相似文献   

为探究耕作和施肥方式对西北半干旱区饲用玉米(Zea may L.)土壤水分和产量的影响,以饲用玉米陇饲1号为材料,设置传统旋耕、立式深旋耕2种耕作方式以及单施化肥、有机肥替代化肥2种施肥方式组合,共4个处理,研究不同的耕作和施肥方式对饲用玉米土壤贮水量、花前花后耗水量、单株鲜重和干重以及产量的影响。结果表明,与传统旋耕相比,立式深旋耕能够降低饲用玉米0~300 cm土层土壤贮水量,提高花前耗水量,降低花后耗水量,增加生育期总耗水量,而有机肥替代化肥能够降低立式深旋耕方式下土壤总耗水量;立式深旋耕使成熟期单株干重增加1.3%~10.6%,单株鲜重增加4.9%~21.9%,而且不同程度增加了饲用玉米株高、穗长、穗粗、行粒数、百粒重、双穗率,降低了秃顶长,以上指标的变化均有利于高产试验形成。3年试验中立式深旋耕化肥处理较其他处理的籽粒产量增加1.8%~38.6%,丰水年生物量增加1.2%~15.1%,立式深旋耕有机肥处理较其他处理提高了干旱年生物量4.9%~21.9%、籽粒产量水分利用效率6.3%~34.8%、生物量水分利用效率7.1%~21.5%。综上,立式深旋耕能够改善作物生长土壤环境,有利于饲用玉米对土壤水分的吸收以及干物质量的积累,其组合化肥处理可以增加饲用玉米籽粒产量和丰水年生物量,组合有机肥替代处理可增加干旱年饲用玉米生物量和水分利用效率。本研究为西北半干旱区饲用玉米高产高效可持续生产提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Eight conservation tillage methods were evaluated for maize (Zea mays L.) production and were related to water conserved, soil strength, plant stand, plant nutrient status, and methods of managing crop residues on Norfolk loamy sands (Typic Paleudults) in the U.S. southeastern coastal plain. This study summarizes 10 site-years of data collected from 1978 through 1982.

Seasonal soil-water balance and crop residue management largely determined the success of maize production under conservation tillage. Autumn subsoiling increased winter forage and maize production under both conventional and conservation tillage. When early-season rainfall was limited, water extraction by a winter cover crop or winter weeds often reduced early-season growth and yield of maize under conservation tillage. For adequate stands, increased seeding rates and effective weed-, rodent-, bird- and insect-control were all necessary.

Under adequate water regimes, conventional tillage resulted in greater yields at low levels of nitrogen, but maximum yields occurred regardless of tillage system, when 200 kg ha−1 were applied. Conventionally-tilled maize generally resulted in higher yields than conservation tillage production. The only significant increase for conservation tillage occurred under non-irrigated conditions in 1981 during severe drought. The interactive soil and climatic factors which have impact on conservation tillage in this physiographic region were identified.  相似文献   

中国北方保护性耕作条件下深松效应与经济效益研究   总被引:53,自引:19,他引:53  
保护性耕作技术是适应中国北方农业发展的一种新型耕作技术,它可以通过深松作业来消除因多年免耕出现的土壤变硬问题。目前对保护性耕作条件下深松的效应和经济效益缺乏深入的研究,在玉米深松过程中还出现的伤苗,功耗大和经济效益低等问题。该文试验研究了在中国北方保护性耕作示范基地上,从1993年开始,通过10多年的时间对保护性耕作条件下的深松效应,测定了传统耕作、深松覆盖和免耕覆盖3种不同耕作方式下的土壤容重、含水率,水分利用率和产量等数据,试验结果表明,在保护性耕作条件下,每4年对土壤深松一次可以解决土壤变硬问题,持续保持作物高的水分利用率和产量,并不需要年年深松。相对深松覆盖(年年深松),4年免耕覆盖+1年深松的耕作方式能提高25%左右的经济效益。同时,针对玉米深松过程中的问题,提出了玉米免耕播种和深松联合作业的方案,试验表明,玉米免耕播种和深松联合作业能有效解决玉米深松过程中出现的一系列问题,促进玉米生长,提高玉米产量,建议在中国北方玉米产区推广这一联合作业技术。  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2006,33(3):305-315
Densely populated and intensively cropped, the subtropical highlands of the world have severe agricultural sustainability problems resulting from soil erosion and fertility decline. In 1991, the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) initiated a long-term field experiment with zero tillage under rainfed conditions at its semi-arid highland experiment station in Mexico (2240 m asl; 19.31°N, 98.50°W; Cumulic Phaeozem) to evaluate the effects of tillage, residue management, and rotation on maize and wheat production. Long-term effects on root rot and nematode populations – and their possible detrimental effects on yield – were monitored from 1998 to 2003 to evaluate the sustainability of the cropping system. In general, wheat showed less root rot incidence than maize. Crop residue retention reduced the numbers of the nematode Pratylenchus thornei in both crops, as did zero tillage compared with conventional tillage. Conventional tillage with continuous maize and residue removal, the common farmer practice in this region, reduced yield and dramatically increased P. thornei. Zero tillage with residue removal resulted in low values for yield, root rot, and nematode populations, especially under maize monoculture. Under zero tillage and residue retention, root rot incidence in maize was moderate, parasitic nematode numbers were low, and yield was highest compared to alternative practices. In wheat, the highest yields were observed under zero tillage and residue retention, with intermediate root rot incidence. Zero tillage with rotation and residue retention enhanced water availability, soil structure, and nutrient availability more than conventional tillage. Microbial life diversity increased under zero tillage and residue retention, which may useful for biological control and integrated pest management.  相似文献   

【目的】 农田固碳保水性能是影响作物产量的关键因素,研究耕作方式对耕层 (0—20 cm) 土壤碳、水含量和产量的影响,为选择适宜该地区的最佳耕作措施提供参考。 【方法】 保护性耕作长期定位试验始于2002年,种植制度为冬小麦–夏玉米一年两熟,两季秸秆全量粉碎 (3~5 cm) 还田,试验设传统翻耕、深松、旋耕和免耕4种耕作方式。对2015—2016年作物生长各时期土壤有机碳含量、土壤含水量、碳水储量、产量和等价产量等进行了测定。 【结果】 不同处理麦–玉轮作农田0—20 cm土层有机碳含量有所不同。耕作措施对土壤有机碳含量有显著 (P < 0.05) 影响,表现为深松和免耕能显著增加0—10 cm土层有机碳含量,且以深松效果最为显著 ( P < 0.05)。与传统翻耕相比,免耕和旋耕降低了10—20 cm土层土壤有机碳含量;深松比传统翻耕显著 ( P < 0.05) 增加了小麦季土壤有机碳含量,玉米季没有显著性差异 ( P < 0.05)。0—10 cm土层,玉米季旋耕和免耕处理的土壤含水量高于深松和传统翻耕;在10—20 cm土层小麦季免耕处理土壤含水量高于其他三种耕作方式。产量结果表明,深松能有效增加作物的有效穗数、穗粒数和千粒重,进而增加籽粒产量和周年等价产量;免耕显著 ( P < 0.05) 降低了亚表层 (10—20 cm) 有机碳含量,降低穗粒数和千粒重,不利于作物增产。两年小麦玉米单作产量和周年等价产量均表现为深松 > 传统翻耕 > 旋耕 > 免耕。 【结论】 深松能有效促进耕层土壤有机碳积累和保水性能提高,增加作物的有效穗数、穗粒数和千粒重,从而增加产量;免耕显著 (P < 0.05) 提高了表土层 (0—10 cm) 碳储量,有助于增强耕层土壤的保水性能。   相似文献   

Two trials to compare the effect of coventional, minimum and zero tillage on maize growth on a lowland tropical clay soil with impeded drainage were carried out during the rainy season of 1980 in Trinidad. During the first trial where low levels of nitrogen (50 kg/ha) and grass mulch (2 t/ha) were used, the mean fresh weight yield of ears from conventional tillage was 5.64 t/ha. Zero and minimum tillage treatments yielded about 40% less. Conventional tillage also produced significantly taller plants and more stem and leave dry matter (P = 0.05) than the other two tillage methods. The growth and yield of maize resulting from minimum and zero tillage were not significantly different.During the second trial where rainfall was heavy and higher levels of nitrogen (85 kg/ha) and grass mulch (6 t/ha) were used, seedling emergence was reduced but yields were at least 100% higher than those from the first trial and the fresh weight yield of ears from zero tillage was only 19% less than conventional tillage. Yields from zero tillage plots which had been tilled conventionally for the previous trial were only 1% higher than yields from continuous zero tillage. This improved performance of the zero tillage treatment indicates its potential for maize production on this fine textured soil and suggests the need for further studies with accompanying economic analysis.  相似文献   


Perennial forages are an important component for the cropping systems of the Parkland region in the Canadian prairies, but only a few studies have reported on direct seeding of forages in northeastern Saskatchewan. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of tillage (conventional tillage, CT, and zero tillage, ZT) for seedbed preparation and different seeding times (October 1993, May 1994, and June 1994) on forage and seed yield of alfalfa (Medicago sativa Leyss) and bromegrass (Bromus inermis Lyess) on Gray Luvisol (Typic Cryoboralf) soils (sandy at Gronlid and clayey at Ridgedale) in northeastern Saskatchewan. Visual inspection of plant stands in the establishment year indicated that plant densities were generally higher under CT than ZT and with spring than autumn seeding. Forage yield in 1994 was greater under ZT than CT for alfalfa at both sites and for bromegrass at Ridgedale. In 1995 and 1996, tillage had no effect on forage yield in most cases. The 3‐year forage production was greater under ZT than CT for alfalfa by 647 and 770 kg ha?1 at Gronlid and Ridgedale, respectively, and for bromegrass at Ridgedale (by 697 kg ha?1), with the opposite result at Gronlid (by 237 kg ha?1). The effect of seeding time on forage production was not consistent. The seed yield in 1995 and 1996 was somewhat greater with ZT than CT, with autumn than spring seeding, and with May than June seeding for alfalfa, whereas the opposite was true for bromegrass, except at Ridgedale when autumn seeding produced greater seed yield than spring seeding. In summary, the lower plant population under ZT than CT in the establishment year did not necessarily result in lower forage and seed yield of alfalfa and bromegrass, suggesting that ZT can replace CT for forage production, and seeding time effect was mainly observed in the first year.  相似文献   

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