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We reviewed 14 cases of paecilomycosis in a tertiary care veterinary hospital and all reports of the disease in the veterinary literature. Paecilomycosis is a rare disease primarily of dogs, horses, reptiles, and humans. Clinical manifestations in veterinary patients vary but include disseminated disease and diskospondylitis, particularly in dogs: pneumonia in dogs, horses, and reptiles; keratitis in horses; and miscellaneous local infections. It is important to have an appropriate index of suspicion because the diagnosis can be difficult, particularly in localized disease where it is difficult to determine whether a positive culture represents an etiology or a contamination with an environmental saprophyte. Spinal radiographs, transtracheal washes, histopathology, and fungal culture have proven to be valuable diagnostic tools. The prognosis for paecilomycosis is poor, although some treatment success has been reported, and success rates could improve if additional information were available regarding fungal species occurring in veterinary patients and drugs to which these fungi are susceptible.  相似文献   

Echocardiography utilizing M-mode and real-time techniques is a safe, noninvasive diagnostic technique for use in veterinary cardiology. It provides a means to assess structural sizes and relationships and can be used to provide quantitative data for diagnosis of congenital heart disease. Although its availability is largely limited to veterinary colleges and specialty hospitals, the practicing veterinarian should know of its advantages and disadvantages. He or she is also encouraged to consider the use of ultrasound in the diagnosis and management of heart disease in all species of veterinary patients.  相似文献   

The presentation addressed the following points: the role of veterinary epidemiology in emerging and global disease outbreaks; the contribution of veterinary epidemiology discipline to understanding and prevention of infections and other emerging animal disease, and the challenges for the discipline of veterinary epidemiology in the near future. The emerging and re-emerging infections animal diseases have contributed to expand the outlook of veterinary epidemiology. Methods and approaches in this discipline have been modified to satisfy the needs of society and of the scientific community. Mistakes and "bad turns" were made and should be avoided in the future. Veterinary epidemiology is alive and growing.  相似文献   

The world expects veterinary knowledge to encompass all aspects of the lives of animals. These include their management and welfare, not just their diseases. Modern research into behaviour is relevant to practical veterinary work, such as animal handling and disease diagnosis, and also to general management and welfare. Hence, all veterinary courses should include instruction in behaviour and those involved in veterinary work should be aware of new developments in the subject.  相似文献   

新发传染病主要是人畜共患病,是世界经济和公共健康的沉重负担。这就要求加强检测、鉴别和监视传染病的能力方面投入。高致病禽流感H5N1、新甲型流感("猪流感")H1N1、非典型性肺炎、西尼罗河病毒、地方流行性狂犬病、布鲁氏菌病以及发展中国家暴发的其它人畜共患病及近期猪抗甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌,是人类、动物及其环境相互作用的典型范例。面临中国动物和人类常见的新发传染病坚持"同一个健康"战略,这就要求业已存在的兽医和人医及公共卫生机构的通力合作。人的疾病控制系统与动物疾病控制系统虽然都已经建立,但人畜共患病的暴发表明兽医机构和人医机构密切合作的重要性。在保证环境健康的同时,通过动物疾病和人类疾病监测系统的密切合作,中国就一定能够控制人畜共患病。以这种方式进行疾病预防、监测与应对,各层面及各动物生产部门间有效的兽医推广是加强和保持健康生态环境中人和动物健康的有效办法。中国还需大量努力才能达到从制度上保证预防和消灭疾病。透明而准确的人与动物疾病监督通常会产生经济且可持续的预防疾病方法。加拿大在兽医、公共健康、食品安全和人畜共患病预防方面所发挥的作用就是与中国农业部合作,促进必要的、可持续的兽医监督网络的建设。  相似文献   

The general role of veterinary epidemiology and economics to national animal-disease control throughout the world is considered for the four main groupings of animal diseases: zoonotic, food-borne, endemic and epidemic diseases. This is done by considering how veterinary epidemiology and economics has contributed to priority setting (which diseases come first?), decision-making (for a given disease, which strategy is best?), and disease control implementation (how can optimal delivery and adoption of selected interventions best be achieved?). Within each of these categories, progress made and future opportunities are discussed. In addition, a review is made of how veterinary epidemiology and economics has been institutionalised. We conclude that veterinary epidemiology and economics holds a unique role in the development of national policies and strategies for improved animal health world-wide. However, we consider that we must capitalise more on the unique comparative advantage of the partnership between veterinarians and agricultural economists. We believe that much remains to be done to improve the "institutionalisation" of veterinary epidemiology and economics, and the adoption and impact of the products of our unique partnership, particularly in countries of the developing world.  相似文献   

Ethiopia, which owns the most important livestock resources in Africa, opened its first faculty of veterinary medicine in 1979. In 2003, in response to a government mandate to increase the number of veterinarians, four new veterinary faculties were founded, but these facilities still have very limited resources. Currently, quality standards and controls for veterinary studies are not established in Ethiopia, and the country does not have any type of veterinary council or oversight body to establish such standards or the essential evaluation and credentialing procedures. The veterinary degree, as currently obtained in Ethiopia, is not internationally recognized. A second specific concern for veterinary education in Ethiopia is that it is not well adapted to the special needs of the country. Clearly, quality control of veterinary education needs to be established, and teaching methods and materials need to be adapted to the special needs of the country. So far, the veterinary faculty in Ethiopia has been more interested in partnerships with universities from developed countries than in partnerships and cooperation with other African universities. In 2002, after six years of cooperation with a German university, the Veterinary Faculty at Addis Ababa started its own post-graduate program, with some key contributions from foreign instructors and some foreign funding. While this has been a service to Ethiopian veterinary medicine, the cooperation of the Ethiopian veterinary schools with African universities must also be strengthened. Overall, the good efforts to date in Ethiopian veterinary medicine have only barely scratched the surface of its critical needs. In order to meet Ethiopia's needs for both a reliable and high-quality veterinary education and a trustworthy animal disease surveillance mechanism, it is important that veterinary education in Ethiopia be improved.  相似文献   

Iraq is an agricultural country with a large population of animals: sheep, goats, cattle, water buffaloes, horses, donkeys, mules, and camels. In the 1980s, the successful poultry industry managed to produce enough table eggs and meat to satisfy the needs of the entire population; at one time, the thriving fish industry produced different types of fish for Iraqis' yearly fish consumption. There are four veterinary colleges in Iraq, which have been destroyed along with the veterinary services infrastructure. Understandably, improvements to the quality of veterinary education and services in Iraq will be reflected in a healthy and productive animal industry, better food quality and quantity, fewer zoonotic diseases, and more income-generating activities in rural areas. Thus, if undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education programs are improved, the veterinary medical profession will attract more competent students. This will satisfy the country's increased demand for competent veterinarians in both public and private sectors. Although Iraq has an estimated 5,000-7,000 veterinarians, there is a need for quality veterinary services and for more veterinarians. In addition, there is a need for the improvement of veterinary diagnostic facilities, as zoonotic diseases are always highly probable in this region. This article provides insight into the status of veterinary medical education and veterinary services in Iraq before and after the 1991 Gulf War and gives suggestions for improvement and implementation of new programs. Suggestions are also offered for improving veterinary diagnostic facilities and the quality of veterinary services. Improving diagnostic facilities and the quality of veterinary services will enhance animal health and production in Iraq and will also decrease the likelihood of disease transmission to and from Iraq. Threats of disease transmission and introduction into the country have been observed and reported by several international organizations.  相似文献   

These guidelines for veterinary medical care and veterinary hospitals are written to conform with the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act, which states that programs of disease prevention and parasite control, euthanasia, and adequate veterinary care shall be established and maintained under the supervision of a veterinarian. Ideally the zoo and aquarium should be providing the best possible veterinary medical care for the animals in their collections. Many of these animals are rare and endangered and the institutions should endeavor both to provide for the long term health and well being of these animals and to advance the field of non-domestic animal medicine. It is hoped that this publication will aid in this process.  相似文献   

The increase in client willingness to pursue surgical procedures, the heightened perceived value of veterinary patients, and the desire to provide comprehensive medical care have driven the recent demand of using an integrative treatment approach in veterinary rehabilitation. Physical therapy following neurologic injury has been the standard of care in human medicine for decades, whereas similar rehabilitation techniques have only recently been adapted and utilized in veterinary medicine. Spinal cord injury is the most common neurologic disease currently addressed by veterinary rehabilitation specialists and will be the primary focus of this review; however, research in other neurologic conditions will also be discussed. Of particular interest, to clients and veterinarians are techniques and modalities used to promote functional recovery after neurologic injury, which can mean the difference between life and death for many veterinary patients.The trend in human neurologic rehabilitation, often regardless of etiology, is a multimodal approach to therapy. Evidence supports faster and improved recoveries in people after neurologic injury using a combination of rehabilitation techniques. Although the primary neurological disorders researched tend to be spinal cord injury, peripheral neuropathies, allodynia, multiple sclerosis, and strokes—many correlations can be made to common veterinary neurological disorders. Such comprehensive protocols entail gait training activities in combination with neuromuscular electrical stimulation and directed exercises. Additionally, pain-relieving and functional benefits are bolstered when acupuncture is used in addition to rehabilitation. Studies, both laboratory and clinical, support the use of acupuncture in the management of neurologic conditions in small animals, specifically in cases of intervertebral disc disease, other myelopathies, and neuropathic pain conditions. Acupuncture’s ability to promote analgesia, stimulate trophic factors, and decrease inflammation, including neuroinflammation, make it an alluring adjunct therapy after neurologic injury.Although there is limited research in veterinary medicine on physical techniques that expedite recovery after neurologic injury, there are sparse publications on clinical veterinary research suggesting the benefits of acupuncture, rehabilitation, and LASER in dogs with intervertebral disk disease. Accordingly, due to the relative lack of evidence-based studies in veterinary neurologic rehabilitation, much of the data available is human or laboratory-animal based, however, evidence supports the utilization of an early, comprehensive treatment protocol for optimal neurologic recovery. The rationale for why an integrative approach is critical will be detailed in this review; in addition, literature on specific physical rehabilitation techniques that have evidence of improved recoveries after neurologic injury, will be addressed.  相似文献   

Participatory epidemiology (PE) is an evolving branch of veterinary epidemiology which uses a combination of practitioner communication skills and participatory methods to improve the involvement of animal keepers in the analysis of animal disease problems, and the design, implementation and evaluation of disease control programmes and policies. This review describes the origins of PE and how the application of PE requires attention to both a participatory approach and participatory methods, supported by triangulation of data with conventional veterinary diagnostic methods. The review summarizes the various adaptations and uses of PE, including the design of primary veterinary service delivery systems, veterinary research and disease surveillance. In contrast to conventional data collection methods, an integral aspect PE is the concept of applying and evaluating new disease control programmes or surveillance systems in partnership with animal owners. In the developing regions where PE has been most commonly used, this action-orientated approach raises important challenges for veterinary institutions with limited financial resources. Information derived from PE studies can also question longstanding disease control policies and norms, nationally and internationally.  相似文献   

Objective – To review the human and veterinary literature on the biology of apoptosis in health and disease. Data Sources – Data were examined from the human and veterinary literature identified through Pubmed and references listed in appropriate articles pertaining to apoptosis. Human Data Synthesis – The role of apoptosis in health and disease is a rapidly growing area of research in human medicine. Apoptosis has been identified as a component of human autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and sepsis. Veterinary Data Synthesis – Research data available from the veterinary literature pertaining to apoptosis and its role in diseases of small animal species is still in its infancy. The majority of veterinary studies focus on oncologic therapy. Most of the basic science and human clinical research studies use human blood and tissue samples and murine models. The results from these studies may be applicable to small animal species. Conclusions – Apoptosis is the complex physiologic process of programmed cell death. The pathophysiology of apoptosis and disease is only now being closely evaluated in human medicine. Knowledge of the physiologic mechanisms by which tissues regulate their size and composition is leading researchers to investigate the role of apoptosis in human diseases such as cancer, autoimmune disease and sepsis. Because it is a multifaceted process, apoptosis is difficult to target or manipulate therapeutically. Future studies may reveal methods to regulate or manipulate apoptosis and improve patient outcome.  相似文献   

兽医系统实验室在指导动物疫病防控、维护公共卫生安全等方面占有举足轻重的地位。随着动物疫病防控工作的不断深化,加强兽医系统实验室能力建设显得尤为紧迫。本文着重介绍了近年来重庆市兽医实验室体系建设的一些实践措施,以期为其他省份兽医系统实验室的进一步发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Eighty-six cow-calf operations involved in the Colorado National Animal Health Monitoring System were monitored for a 12-month period, and data were collected on the incidence, prevention, and costs of disease. The costs of veterinary services and vaccines/drugs used in the treatment and prevention of disease conditions in these beef herds were determined and expressed on a per cow basis. Beef producers in this study spent an average of $2.04 ($0 to $29.88) per cow annually on veterinary services for treatment of disease conditions. The cost of veterinary services was a relatively small percentage (5.4%) of the total mean cost of disease incidence. The reproductive tract disease class was the most costly class in terms of veterinary services for disease treatment ($0.99/cow). Dystocia was the disease condition with the largest veterinary treatment cost. The total mean annual cost of drugs used in the treatment of disease conditions was $1.22/cow. The enteric, miscellaneous, and respiratory tract disease classes had similar mean drug costs for disease treatment and ranged from $0.31 to $0.39/cow. The total mean annual cost of veterinary services for administration of preventive measures in these herds was $1.85/cow ($0 to $12.03). Pregnancy examination, breeding soundness examination in bulls, brucellosis vaccination, pulmonary arterial pressure test, and campylobacteriosis vaccination accounted for over 90% of the money spent for preventive veterinary services. Approximately 60% of the total mean annual disease prevention cost was attributed to the purchase of vaccines/drugs ($6.59/cow).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

As rabbits gain increasing popularity as house pets, more rabbit owners are seeking basic preventive veterinary care. Although a knowledge of the unique anatomic and physiologic characteristics of pet rabbits is essential, annual examination and review of diet and husbandry are as important as with any other species. Many disease states can be detected or prevented with routine veterinary care. Despite all the advances in diagnostic testing in veterinary medicine, there will never be a substitute for a complete physical examination.  相似文献   

Recent publications in the human and veterinary literature have indicated that patients with pulmonary disease require specific nutritional consideration to ensure that optimal benefit is derived with nutrition support. Although additional research is needed in this area, preliminary recommendations can be made using information from the scant studies performed thus far in veterinary medicine and from information extrapolated from the human literature. These recommendations are likely to provide significant clinical benefit to patients with pulmonary disease. This article aims to provide the reader with a summary of the available information and links to other relevant sources.  相似文献   

Anaemia of inflammatory disease is a common cause of anaemia in routine veterinary practice. It is most often mild to moderate, normocytic, normochromic and non‐regenerative. Shortened red cell life span, inhibition of iron metabolism and impaired bone marrow response to erythropoietin all contribute to its development. Although anaemia of inflammatory disease is a well‐known cause of anaemia in dogs and cats, there is a lack of epidemiological information because specific diagnostic criteria have not been established in veterinary species. Anaemia of inflammatory disease is associated with a poor outcome in various disease states in human medicine; however, its clinical significance and treatment in veterinary medicine are not well understood. This review article describes anaemia of inflammatory disease in dogs and cats and considers its potential significance.  相似文献   



Research has indicated that a number of different factors affect whether an animal receives treatment or not when diseased. The aim of this paper was to evaluate if herd or individual animal characteristics influence whether cattle receives veterinary treatment for disease, and thereby also introduce misclassification in the disease recording system.


The data consisted mainly of disease events reported by farmers during 2004. We modelled odds of receiving veterinary treatment when diseased, using two-level logistic regression models for cows and young animals (calves and heifers), respectively. Model parameters were estimated using three procedures, because these procedures have been shown, under some conditions, to produce biased estimates for multi-level models with binary outcomes.


Cows located in herds mainly consisting of Swedish Holstein cows had higher odds for veterinary treatment than cows in herds mainly consisting of Swedish Red cows. Cows with a disease event early in lactation had higher odds for treatment than when the event occurred later in lactation. There were also higher odds for veterinary treatment of events for cows in January and April than in July and October. The odds for veterinary treatment of events in young animals were higher if the farmer appeared to be good at keeping records. Having a disease event at the same date as another animal increased the odds for veterinary treatment for all events in young animals, and for lameness, metabolic, udder and other disorders, but not for peripartum disorders, in cows. There were also differences in the odds for veterinary treatment between disease complexes, both for cows and young animals.The random effect of herd was significant in both models and accounted for 40–44% of the variation in the cow model and 30–46% in the young animal model.


We conclude that cow and herd characteristics influence the odds for veterinary treatment and that this might bias the results from studies using data from the cattle disease database based on veterinary practice records.  相似文献   

We investigated the farm factors associated with the prevalences of brucellosis and border disease (BD) in small-ruminant herds in the Madrid region of Spain. These infections were used as models of diseases of well-known and totally unknown distribution, respectively, to assess the association between the perception of the importance of a given disease on the relative contributions of veterinary services and the farmer's attitudes to its prevention. Sera, farming-management information and data concerning veterinary assistance and farmer characteristics were collected from 60 sheep or goat herds. The overall sero-prevalence of brucellosis was 5.7% (complement fixation) and for BD was 17.9% (ELISA test). The relationship between sero-positivity and the variables in the questionnaire was assessed by multivariable analysis using random-effects logistic-normal regression. ‘Availability of veterinary services' was a major protective factor for brucellosis. In contrast, no association with veterinary services was observed for BD, whereas ‘membership in a farmers' organization' (a variable associated with good farming practice and animal care) was a protective factor. ‘Membership of a farmers' organisation' and two other farmer variables indicative of good husbandry (‘youth' and ‘schooling') were associated with a lower sero-prevalence of brucellosis in univariable analysis but they did not remain significant in the multivariable model. Our observations suggest that veterinary-activity variables predominate over non-specific protective farm factors related to good husbandry in the case the disease is subject to disease surveillance. This underscores the importance of organized control programs for veterinary services to be effective in terms of animal disease prevention.  相似文献   

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