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As in monogastric species, food intake in ruminants is regulated from meal to meal. The prandial stimulation of taste receptors and gastrointestinal chemo- and mechanoreceptors as well as hepatic chemoreceptors contributes to satiety. All these receptors are apparently connected with the brain by vagal afferents. A physiological satiety function of prandially released gastrointestinal and pancreatic hormones in ruminants is uncertain. Food stimuli affect feeding also through autonomic reflexes which regulate reticulo-rumen motility. All informations from the periphery are finally integrated in the hypothalamus. The exact role of the various neurotransmitters and neuropeptides involved in the control of feeding is as yet largely unknown.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to review our understanding of the involvement of central and peripheral factors in the control of feed intake in ruminants. The regulation of body weight under various states of energy need depends on an animal's ability to control feed intake to meet these needs. In the central nervous system (CNS), the ventromedial and lateral hypothalamus appear to be the areas involved in satiety and hunger, respectively; other important areas are the paraventricular nucleus and rostral brain areas. Intracerebroventricular injection of neurotransmitters, alpha- and beta-adrenergic agonists, 5-hydroxytryptamine and gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) agonists, has stimulated feeding in ruminants; intravenous administration of benzodiazepines stimulated feed intake in sheep and cattle, possibly by increasing GABA levels in the brain. Neuropeptides of the opioid and cholecystokinin families have reciprocal hunger-stimulating and satiety-eliciting effects when administered centrally in sheep. Further, concentrations of these neuropeptides in specific areas of the hypothalamus have been shown to change with the state of hunger-satiety of sheep. In the periphery, none of the hormones associated with the pituitary, adrenal gland, pancreas or gastrointestinal tract has been shown to have significant effects on the control of feed intake. In addition, the physical properties of the ingested feed in the gastrointestinal tract, while possibly influencing the rate or pattern of feeding, do not appear to be primary factors in the control of feed intake under many feeding conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Precise techniques to estimate feed intake by ruminants are critical to enhance feed efficiency and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient losses to the environment. Using a meta-analysis, we evaluated the accuracy of the n-alkane technique to predict feed intake in cattle and sheep and assessed the relationships between feed intake and fecal recovery (FR) of n-alkanes. The database was composed of 28 studies, including 129 treatments (87 and 42 for cattle and sheep, respectively) and 402 animals (232 cattle and 170 sheep) fed at troughs, from published studies. Relationships between observed (in vivo measurement) and predicted feed intake by C31:C32 and C32:C33 n-alkane pairs were evaluated by regression. Meta-regression addressed the relationships between the difference in FR of n-alkane pairs and the error in intake estimation, as well as the amount and duration of C32 n-alkane dosing. Regression of observed intake on n-alkane-based estimates revealed good relationships in cattle (adjusted R2 = 0.99 for C31:C32, and adjusted R2 = 0.98 for C32:C33; P < 0.0001) and in sheep (adjusted R2 = 0.94 for C31:C32, and adjusted R2 = 0.96 for C32:C33; P < 0.0001). FR of natural n-alkanes showed a coefficient of variation of about 15% and 16% for C31 and C33, respectively, in cattle. In sheep, the coefficient of variation was 8% and 14% for C31 and C33, respectively. The relationships between the difference of FR of n-alkane pairs and the error in feed intake estimation in cattle were characterized by an adjusted R2 = 0.83 for C31:C32 (P < 0.0001) and adjusted R2 = 0.93 for C32:C33 (P < 0.0001). In sheep, they were characterized by an adjusted R2 = 0.69 for C31:C32 (P < 0.001) and adjusted R2 = 0.76 for C32:C33 (P < 0.001). The n-alkane technique provided the reliability for estimating feed intake in cattle and sheep in barn experiments. The present meta-analysis demonstrated that without correction for differences in FR of n-alkane pairs, deviation in feed intake prediction would occur. However, further research is necessary to determine the relationship between the n-alkane dosing procedure (daily amount and duration of dosing) and FR of n-alkane.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to develop a model for the prediction of dry matter intake by lactating Holstein Friesian dairy cows. To estimate the model parameters, a calibration dataset was compiled with the data from 32 feeding experiments conducted at 9 different sites. The database contained weekly information on 1507 lactating Holstein Friesian dairy cows regarding their diet composition and feed analysis, together with their individual voluntary feed intake, milk yield (MY), milk composition, parity, days in lactation and days pregnant.Dry matter intake was predicted from feed and animal characteristics. The feed chemical composition and digestibility can be related to feed degradation, bulk volume, intake rate, palatability and other factors influencing feed intake. Therefore, the data of standard feed analysis were used to estimate the satiety value of numerous commonly used feeds and forages. The satiety value is the measure of the extent to which a feed limits intake. The cows' ability to process the intake-limiting satiety value-units is expressed as the feed intake capacity, which is predicted from parity, days in milk and days of pregnancy which are indicators of the size and physiological state of the cow. This study shows that feed intake can be predicted using a limited number of easy-to-measure inputs that are available on commercial farms, yet reasonably biologically sound. Because the model inputs are not related to animal output (milk yield or body weight), future extension of the intake model with models for the prediction of animal performance is possible.  相似文献   


The main goal of this simulator is to predict voluntary feed intake based on the effects of temperature and stocking density. The model indicates the limiting factors relative to diet (protein, energy or ash), housing environmental conditions and stocking density. The concepts of compensatory protein growth, correction of lipid growth, the desired feed intake to meet energy, protein and ash requirements, and influences of stocking density, genotype and sex are also introduced in this model. This study draws a flow chart and steps to predict feed intake of a growing pig to make it clear how the model works. The model simulates the outcomes of feed intake, energy and protein requirements for maintenance, the energy cost for cold thermogenesis, and protein and lipid retention on a daily basis until slaughter weight. This model was also validated by comparison with published experiments.  相似文献   

Physiological factors affecting voluntary dry matter intake (VDMI) by cows were studied. An excess energy intake is often observed when low-yielding cows are consuming high energy diets. This does not suggest a regulation of intake such as to maintain energy balance. Variations of VDMI between animals and during lactation were analysed. Evidence was obtained for a good enough adjustment of intake to the cows' needs when highly “ingestible” and high energy diets are given, but a failure of this regulation is observed at the beginning and at the end of lactation. Some aspects of metabolic and hormonal control and of physical limitation of intake were reviewed and some practical consequences of the studies on voluntary dry matter intake regulation were drawn.  相似文献   

内源性调控对猪采食量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采食量是猪营养的第一制约因素。本文就影响猪采食量调节的因素以及当前内源性调控采食量的一些初步研究作一简要介绍。  相似文献   

In order to study the main effects of particle size, three ruminally fistulated cows (550 to 580 kg BW) were fed a constant low concentrate level (3.56 kg DM/d, 20% of total DMI) and a fibre-rich hay (approximately 60% NDF in DM) in long (28.7 mm), chopped (9.2 mm) and fine ground (2.9 mm) form in a 3 x 3 Latin square design. In another three factorial experiment with 8 wethers (4 animals were ruminally fistulated, mean BW = 68 kg) the main effects and interactions of the above mentioned hay particle sizes at two concentrate levels (10.4 to 13.3% and 29.5 to 40.1% of DMI, resp.) and two intake levels (restricted and ad libitum) were investigated. In comparison to long hay (28.7 mm), feeding of chopped hay (9.2 mm) at low concentrate levels, increased not only the hay intake (7% in dairy cows and 13% in sheep) but also the intake of digestible organic matter (12% in dairy cows and 32% in sheep), due to an increase in the apparent digestibility of OM by 3.8% in dairy cows and 8.2% in sheep. Ad libitum feeding of fine ground hay in combination with low concentrate amount in the ration increased the passage rate in the hindgut and consequently the hay intake, but not the intake of DOM, due to a significant depression of digestibility, especially of fibre fractions (4 to 7% in dairy cows and 4.5 to 14% in sheep), in comparison to 28.7 and 9.2 mm hay particle sizes. The digestibility decreased significantly with restricted feeding of fine ground hay in sheep only in comparison to 9.2 mm particle size. A threefold increase of concentrate amount leveled out all effects of the particle size reduction. The effect of particle size was more pronounced in sheep than in dairy cows.  相似文献   

An in situ study (Exp. 1) using 4 ruminally cannulated steers (343 ± 11 kg of BW) in a completely randomized design was used to compare ruminal degradation characteristics of low-quality cool-season (C3; Kentucky bluegrass straw; Poa pratensis; 6.3% CP; DM basis) and warm-season (C4; tallgrass prairie; 5.7% CP; DM basis) forage. Four ruminally cannulated steers (252 ± 8 kg of BW; Exp. 2) and 4 wethers (38 ± 1 kg of BW; Exp. 3) were used in two 2 × 2 factorial arrangements of treatments to determine the influence of supplemental CP (CPSupp; soybean meal; 0.09 and 0.19% of BW, CP basis, for steers and lambs, respectively) on nutrient intake and digestion of C3 and C4 forages. Steers and wethers were allotted to separate 4 × 4 Latin squares that ran simultaneously with 20-d periods. In Exp. 1, C3 had a greater A fraction (fraction of total pool disappearing at a rate too rapid to measure) and effective degradability of DM and NDF compared with C4 (P < 0.01). In addition, C3 had a greater (P < 0.01) A fraction and effective degradability of N, whereas the C fraction (fraction of total pool unavailable in the rumen) was less (P < 0.01) than those for C4. Consequently, RDP accounted for 84.7% of total CP in C3 as compared with 66% for C4 (P < 0.01). In Exp. 2, a CPSupp × forage interaction (P < 0.01) was noted for forage and total DMI, with CPSupp increasing intake of C4 by 47% and intake of C3 forage by only 7%. Dry matter digestibility responded similarly, with a CPSupp × forage interaction (P = 0.05; CPSupp increased digestibility by 21% with C4 and by 9% with C3 forage). In addition, CPSupp × forage interactions were noted for ruminal liquid retention time (P = 0.02; CPSupp decreased retention by 3.6 h with C4 and by only 0.6 h with C3 forage) and particulate passage rate (P = 0.02; CPSupp increased passage by 46% with C4 and by 10% with C3 forage). As in Exp. 2, a CPSupp × forage interaction (P = 0.01; CPSupp increased digestibility by 18% with C4 and by 7% with C3 forage) was observed with DM digestibility in Exp. 3. In contrast, only N balance (P < 0.01) and N digestibility (P < 0.01) were affected by CPSupp. These data suggest that intake and digestion of low-quality C3 and C4 forages by ruminants are not similar and, more important, that the physiological response of ruminants to protein supplementation of low-quality forage is dependent on forage type.  相似文献   

The objective of the present review was to consider the dietary factors involved in the adjustment of voluntary feed or energy intake in the growing pig. Energy concentration was the primary factor to be taken into account, in relation to growth potential and lean-tissue gain as affected by age, sex and genotype, as well as climatic environment. The effect of protein level and amino acid balance on voluntary feed intake is reviewed in the second part of the paper, by considering the compensatory increase in feed consumption following a moderate deficiency in the limiting amino acid or total protein, and the performance benefit to be expected from correcting amino-acid excesses in common diets. Finally, the separate regulations of energy and protein intakes are analyzed through self-selection of two dietary portions with different protein-energy ratios. The results obtained are further evidence that protein intake is separately regulated from energy intake and that both controlling mechanisms interact in determining overall feed intake.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 4,427 cows in over 300 commercial dairy herds were examined as part of a health monitoring scheme. Preliminary evidence is presented indicating that marginal concentrations of serum magnesium are related to below mean levels of blood urea nitrogen in such a manner as to suggest that marginal magnesium deficiency is a possible cause of reduced voluntary feed intake in cows managed in commercial dairy farming systems.  相似文献   

Dependent on the species, feedstuffs and plants differ considerably in their iodine content. Among the I-poorest feedstuffs there are grain concentrates, extracted soybean and rapeseed oil meals, mixed feed (without I-containing mineral mixture) and grasses. The I content of the plants decreases with proceeding growth. The I intake of ruminants via vegetable feed and drinking water is affected by the distance of the site from the seaside and the geological origin of the soil material. Ruminants get considerably less iodine via feedstuffs and water in the southern territory of the GDR than in the central and northern areas. Therefore, mineral mixtures for cattle and sheep are supplemented with 18 mg KIO3 per kg mixture in the southern districts. The I analysis of 205 charges of mineral mixtures revealed only a mean I content of 7 (3.8-11.3) mg per kg mixture.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a strong stimulant of feed intake in sheep as well as in rodents. The information available indicates that it functions in vivo in the modulation of feeding within the central nervous system, more specifically, within the hypothalamus, and probably within the paraventricular nucleus. Injected NPY can override a variety of satiating factors, including those arising from normal feed intake, artificial distension of the reticulorumen, and intraruminal infusion of sodium propionate. Even so, these satiating factors are able to reduce feeding in the face of at least one dosage of exogenous NPY. Neuropeptide Y has specificity in regard to ingestive behavior in rats. It stimulates feeding and drinking but does not alter grooming behavior. It also preferentially enhances carbohydrate appetite. The possibility that specific appetites are influenced by NPY has not been investigated in ruminants. Finally, further investigations of NPY should enhance our knowledge of feed intake and energy balance regulation and its linkage with reproductive physiology.  相似文献   

The regulation of metabolism is primarily concerned with maintaining constant levels of glucose in the blood. Depending on energy intake, this may involve mobilization of body stores to provide substrate for glucose synthesis and to spare glucose, or it may involve storage of excess nutrients. Insulin is the primary hormonal regulator of metabolism in the resting animal. When energy intake is high, insulin concentrations are high and growth and/or body gain is promoted. Low concentrations of insulin have a catabolic effect. In contrast, glucagon, epinephrine and glucocorticoids are emergency hormones. They provide for mobilization of energy for fight or flight. In addition, glucocorticoids may facilitate repletion of glycogen stores. Growth hormone does not seem to be involved in the minute-to-minute regulation of metabolism, but it can alter the sensitivity of tissues to insulin with respect to glucose metabolism. It also appears to be antagonistic to the lipid synthetic effects of insulin. However, both insulin and growth hormone promote net protein synthesis. Whereas insulin promotes body gain by stimulating fat and protein synthesis, growth hormone promotes lean growth.  相似文献   

In order to study the main effects of particle size three ruminally fistulated cows were fed a hay rich in fibre in long (28.7 mm), chopped (9.2 mm) and ground (2.9 mm) form in a 3 x 3 Latin square design. In another three factorial experiment with 8 wethers (4 animals were ruminally fistulated) the main effects and interactions of the above mentioned hay particle size at two concentrate levels (10.4 to 13.3 and 29.5 to 40.1% in the ration) and at two feeding levels (restricted and ad libitum) were investigated. There was no effect of chopped hay (9.2 mm) on chewing activity, whereas ground hay (2.9 mm) reduced rumination time (52% in sheep and 36% in dairy cows) and chewing expense (time/unit of DM or NDF intake). These effects were more pronounced at high concentrate intake. Sheep increased feed intake more through reduction of rumination expense than through the extension of rumination time. pH-value, concentration of bicarbonate and C2:C3-ratio indicate favourable fermentation conditions in long (28.7 mm) and chopped hay (9.2 mm), whereas a negative influence of ground hay (2.9 mm) or ruminal fermentation could be observed.  相似文献   


Sheep were used in two investigations to study factors which could limit voluntary intake of Pennisetum clandestinum (kikuyu) pasture. Possible reasons for the low intakes were found in the high soluble nitrogen and nitrate content of the pasture, its high oxalate content, and its considerable potential for foaming, the latter suggesting the presence of sapbnins. The high fibre content of the material could also have limited intake in wilted, dry or stemmy kikuyu. The relative importance of these factors appears to change with growth stage, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied, stocking rate and moisture supply. The factors which are detrimental to forage quality such as oxalates and nitrates are higher in the young and actively growing material than in older material, while the in vitro production of foam seems unrelated to forage quality and remained high, despite changes in other factors which detrimentally affected forage quality.  相似文献   

Summary In nine adult Warmblood horses with mild to moderate dental findings (no signs of discomfort during chewing), voluntary hay intake before and after dental correction was examined. In a second experiment, digestibility of feed and faecal particle size were determined (3 days of total faecal collection) before and after dental correction. During both digestion trials including a 3‐day adaptation period, the amount of hay and concentrate (mixture of oats, barley and maize) was kept constant in each individual horse before and after dental correction. Voluntary hay intake in individual horses ranged from 11 to 22 g DM/kg BW/day and did not differ before and after dental treatment. Apparent digestibility of DM, energy, crude fibre and Nfe increased significantly after dental correction (energy digestibility before dental correction 46.8 ± 7.4%, after dental correction 51.5 ± 8.5%). Apparent digestibility of feed was higher in horses eating more concentrates than in those eating less concentrates. Improvement of digestibility was more marked in horses eating larger amounts of grain. There was no relationship between severity or type of dental alterations and improvement of apparent feed digestibility. Dental correction had no effect on faecal particle size.  相似文献   

A technique for catheterizing male small ruminants is described. The barrier formed by the presence of the urethral diverticulum is avoided by the use of a pre-curved catheter. The technique enables application of contrast studies of bladder and urethra in animals suspected of urolithiasis. Differentiation between cystitis and obstructive urolithiasis is possible and the indications for urethrostomy can be reduced.  相似文献   

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