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宫波 《养殖技术顾问》2014,(11):210-210
1砷中毒 本病是由无机砷及有机砷化合物所引起的中毒性疾病。急性砷中毒常因无机砷化合物,如三氧化二砷、五氧化二砷引起,兽医临床上主要以腹痛、呕吐和腹泻等严重胃肠炎症状为主。慢性砷中毒常由工业污染和过食亚砷酸盐及某些有机砷化合物引起。猪一般采食污染的饲料后数天,即开始出现神经症状,以运动失调,呼吸困难,消化障碍、呕吐、咳嗽、轻瘫、消瘦为主要特征。  相似文献   

再谈滥用砷制剂的危害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年由于不少饲料厂家片面强调有机砷制剂的促生长作用及防病效果,加上对有机砷制剂可使皮肤红润的误导,致使有机砷制剂的应用越来越广泛,且添加量日趋增高,有的甚至超剂量添加,导致畜禽砷中毒及对环境的污染,最终经过食物链危害人体健康。因此,在使用砷制剂时应采取切实可行的  相似文献   

砷在自然界中多以化合物的形态存在于铅、铜、银及铁等金属矿中,空气、水、土壤及动植物体内一般含量很少。但,由于砷的广泛存在和广泛使用,在环境化学污染物中,砷成了危害国民健康最严重的污染物之一。专家指出,砷元素(AS)属于类金属,单质砷不溶于水和酸,几乎没有毒性,若暴露于空气中极易氧化成剧毒的三氧化二砷。常见的砷化物有三氧化二砷(砒霜)、二硫化二砷(雄黄)、三硫化二砷(雌黄)、三氯化砷等。特别值得关注的是,有机砷化制剂作为饲料添加剂的广泛使用,造成对环境的污染。污染环境的砷,通过饮用水、食物、呼吸道、皮肤等不同的途径被吸收进入人体,如果砷化物的摄入量超过排泄量,则在人体内蓄积,引起慢性中毒,表现为神经衰弱、多发性神经炎、肝痛、肝肿大、肾损伤、皮肤色素沉着、皮肤的角质化、周围血管疾病如黑脚病等。现在流行病学研究表明,砷中毒与皮肤病、肝癌、肺癌、肾癌等有密切关系,过量砷对人、动物具有致突变、致癌、致畸作用,是最危险毒物之一。  相似文献   

阿散酸全称对氨基苯砷酸,属有机砷制剂.因其具有抗菌、促生长、控制仔猪腹泻及防治猪附红细胞体病等作用已被广泛用作猪只日粮添加剂.但阿散酸同时具有慢性蓄积毒性,长期使用或过量添加会引起动物慢性中毒.  相似文献   

<正>砷是一种常见毒物,地方性砷中毒是我国一种重要的化学性疾病,主要是原生的环境或者非人为因素所引起机体摄入砷化物过高,大多数是饮水所致。美国科学研究院等权威机构认定,砷及其化合物是引起人类癌症发生的因素之一。砷对机体的作用是非常广泛的,关于砷的毒作用机制研究报道非常多,但砷的毒作用机制尚不完全清楚。本试验通过测定砷诱导的小鼠体内氧化应激水平,从氧化应激角度阐明砷的卵巢毒性作用及白藜芦醇的保护作用,现将结果报  相似文献   

砷制剂作为畜禽促生长剂的作用及其危害分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
<正>1砷制剂的种类砷制剂可分为两类:一类是无机砷,如动物长期摄入,在体内有积累作用而导致中毒;另一类是在动物饲料中使用的有机砷,作为饲料添加剂具有抑制病原微生物以促进生长及改善动物外观与畜产品颜色的作用。目前常用的有机砷制剂有氨  相似文献   

1999年5月10日,本所鸡场中的肉鸡、蛋鸡忽然发生下痢、流涎、扑倒、迅速死亡等中毒症状,我们确诊这是一例食源性砷价态转化导致鸡砷中毒。由于病例特殊罕见,简报如下:1发病经过入夏后气温偏高,鸡偶有热应激发生,本所饲料厂即在饲料中添加VC400mg/kg制粒,5月9日晚投喂,10日晨即发病。2诊断取腿肌、肝、肾组织化验,砷含量分别为38.5mg/kg、42mg/kg、49.8mg/kg。为砷中毒。本批饲料并未添加含砷添加剂,为什么会出现砷中毒?本所病理室、药理室分析后提出,问题可能出在从广东购进的一批虾蟹皮…  相似文献   

砷制剂在猪日粮中的添加效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
砷(As)是一种有毒元素,尤以三价砷(As3+)毒性最强;但砷对动物也具有促生长的作用,故也被列为动物的必需微量元素之一。过去主要注意其毒性,近几年将砷化合物作为饲料添加剂应用于养殖生产进行了大量的试验研究。1砷制剂及其作用机理1.1砷制剂砷直到19...  相似文献   

浅谈砷污染的危害及砷制剂的正确使用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,发生在贵州独山县、湖南辰溪县、广西河池、云南阳宗海、河南大沙河以及山东和江苏交界处的邳苍分洪道的砷污染事件,给污染区周边及下游群众造成饮水危机,危害公众健康并导致部分人群砷中毒,同时给工农业生产带来了严重后果,造成了极坏的社会影响,也使砷污染的危害逐步为公众所认识。  相似文献   

砷(As)是一种有毒元素,尤以三价砷(As~(3+))毒性最强;但砷对动物也具有促生长的作用,故也被列为动物的必需微量元素之一。过去主要注意其毒性,近几年将其砷化合物作为饲料添加剂应用于养殖生产进行了大量的试验研究。现就砷制剂在猪日粮中的添加效果做一综述讨论。1 砷制剂及其作用机理1.1 砷制剂 砷直到1975年才由Nielson等证实,它很少以元素状态存在,多以各种砷化物的形式出现。常见的无机砷化合物有As_2O_3(俗称砒霜,信石)、砷酸铅、  相似文献   

为探讨血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)在小鼠亚硝酸盐中毒组织损伤中的作用,将20只小鼠随机分为对照组和亚硝酸盐中毒组,分别注射0.3mL的生理盐水和50g/L亚硝酸钠。中毒组小鼠死亡后,处死对照组小鼠,采取心、肝、脾、肺、肾、脑等组织,制作石蜡切片,进行HE染色和VEGF免疫组化染色,镜下观察组织病变以及VEGF蛋白的分布特点。结果显示,亚硝酸盐中毒可引起小鼠机体产生明显的缺氧症状,心、肝、脾、肺、肾等组织都有不同程度的病理损伤,主要表现为水肿和出血;各组织均观察到VEGF阳性信号,在出血病变区域阳性信号最为明显。说明亚硝酸盐中毒可造成机体各器官不同程度的病理损伤,并引起小鼠体内VEGF表达量的增加,VEGF对器官的病理变化有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

An outbreak of arsenic poisoning occurred in which most of a 200 cow dairy herd were affected and six died. The source of the arsenic was naturally occurring arsenic pyrites from the Waiotapu Stream, near Rotorua. Arsenic levels in the nearby soil were as high as 6618 ppm. There was little evidence to suggest that treatment affected the course of the disease. Haematology was of little use in diagnosis, post-mortem signs were not always consistent and persistence of the element in the liver appeared short. Control of further outbreaks have been based on practical measures to minimise the intake of contaminated soil and free laying water by the stock.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine usefulness of the test for proteins induced by vitamin K absence or antagonism (PIVKA) to identify anticoagulant-poisoned dogs, compared with one-stage prothrombin time (OSPT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) tests. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 325 dogs. PROCEDURE: Comparisons of results of PIVKA, OSPT, and APTT measurements in dogs with anticoagulant poisoning, hepatic disease, disseminated intravascular coagulation, other blood-related disorders, immune-mediated diseases, or other chronic and acute diseases were performed. Median, quartile, and range values were determined. RESULTS: PIVKA tests with a 150-second critical value had > 98% specificity and > 90% sensitivity for diagnosis of anticoagulant poisoning versus > 99% specificity and > 79% sensitivity with a 300-second critical value. Comparison of PIVKA values among diagnostic groups revealed significant differences between dogs with anticoagulant poisoning and all other groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The PIVKA test with a 150-second critical value is diagnostically useful for distinguishing anticoagulant poisoning from other coagulopathies. Severe liver disease can cause false-positive results. Administration of vitamin K1 or early evaluation (within a few hours of ingesting anticoagulant) may cause false-negative results. Dogs with PIVKA test values > 150 seconds and clinical signs of anticoagulant poisoning can confidently be considered to have anticoagulant poisoning because of the high test sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   

Groundwater arsenic contamination has become a menacing global problem. No drug is available until now to combat chronic arsenic poisoning. To examine if a potentized homeopathic remedy, Arsenicum Album-200, can effectively combat chronic arsenic toxicity induced by repeated injections of Arsenic trioxide in mice, the following experimental design was adopted. Mice (Mus musculus) were injected subcutaneously with 0.016% arsenic trioxide at the rate of 1 ml/100 g body weight, at an interval of 7 days until they were killed at day 30, 60, 90 or 120 and were divided into three groups: (i) one receiving a daily dose of Arsenicum Album-200 through oral administration, (ii) one receiving the same dose of diluted succussed alcohol (Alcohol-200) and (iii) another receiving neither drug, nor succussed alcohol. The remedy or the placebo, as the case may be, was fed from the next day onwards after injection until the day before the next injection, and the cycle was repeated until the mice were killed. Two other control groups were also maintained: one receiving only normal diet, and the other receiving normal diet and succussed alcohol. Several toxicity assays, such as cytogenetical (chromosome aberrations, micronuclei, mitotic index, sperm head anomaly) and biochemical (acid and alkaline phosphatases, lipid peroxidation), were periodically made. Compared with controls, the drug fed mice showed reduced toxicity at statistically significant levels in respect of all the parameters studied, thereby indicating protective potentials of the homeopathic drug against chronic arsenic poisoning.  相似文献   

The clinical signs of tansy ragwort poisoning are variable and in 5 cases included diarrhea, tenesmus, ascites, bloody feces, icterus, paresis, CNS involvement, rectal prolapse, poor appetite and weight loss. It is thus apparent that the disease can be confused clinically with many others, and tansy ragwort poisoning should be considered in animals exhibiting ascites, diarrhea and rectal prolapse. Several cases of tansy ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) poisoning occurring from 1969 to 1976 are reported to illustrate the numerous clinical pictures that might confront a practitioner. The disease is sporadic in this area. The poisonous principles in tansy ragwort are pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which cause gradual alteration and necrosis of liver cells with replacement by fibrous tissue. The development of signs in all of these cases could be attributed to failure of one or more liver functions.  相似文献   

家畜铜中毒研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
铜中毒是由于家畜摄食铜过多,或因肝细胞损伤,铜在肝脏等组织中大量蓄积,而突然释放进入血液循环所引起的一种重金属中毒性疾病。在生产中,家畜铜中毒屡见发生。文章归纳了铜中毒的发病特点和发病原因;总结了铜中毒的3 种发病机理,铜中毒的保护机制,铜与氧自由基的产生机制,铜毒理;论述了铜中毒的诊断依据、诊断指标和诊断方法;提出了铜中毒的综合性预防措施、治疗原则和治疗药物。为铜中毒病的诊断和防治提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

产气荚膜梭菌肠毒素的分子生物学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产气英膜梭菌(Clostridium perfringens)是一种重要的人兽共患病的病原体,它是一类革兰氏阳性产芽孢的厌氧梭菌,可引起人的食物中毒和肠毒素相关腹泻.近年来,研究人员发现由产气英膜梭菌导致腹泻的主要原因与该菌在芽孢形成过程中产生的一种肠毒素有关.文章重点针对产气英膜梭菌肠毒素的生物学特性和致病机制等方面的研究做一综述.  相似文献   

Poisoning with Senecio jacobaea (ragwort) is a common cause of chronic liver disease in horses in Britain. The major clinical signs are the result of hepatic failure but gastric impaction has recently been associated with the disease. The present paper describes three cases of secondary gastric impaction associated with ragwort poisoning. In each case the impaction was the cause of death or necessitated euthanasia.  相似文献   

产气荚膜梭茵(Clostridium perfringens)是一种重要的人兽共患病的病原体,它是一类革兰氏阳性产芽孢的厌氧梭茵,可引起人的食物中毒和肠毒素相关腹泻。近年来,研究人员发现由产气荚膜梭茵导致腹泻的主要原因与该茵在芽孢形成过程中产生的一种肠毒素有关。文章重点针对产气荚膜梭茵肠毒素的生物学特性和致病机制等方面的研究做一综述。  相似文献   

Twenty-four female Beagle dogs, 7-8 months old, were assigned to 4 groups. Control, low-dosage, medium-dosage, and high-dosage groups were offered 0, 1, 2, and 4 mg of sodium arsenite per kilogram of body weight per day (mg/kg/day), respectively, in their feed (equivalent to 0.0, 33.4, 66.7, and 133.4 micrograms/g in feed). On day 59, the dosage was doubled for the rest of the experiment, which ended on day 183. In general, arsenic concentrations in tissues and body fluids reflected arsenic levels in feed. Arsenic caused a dose-related decrease in food intake. Statistically significant differences in blood, liver, and kidney arsenic were detected, in most cases, between the 2 higher dosage groups and controls. The greatest differences in arsenic concentrations between groups were present in urine and hair. Results indicate that urine and hair would be the most useful specimens for chemical analysis when attempting to confirm low-level dietary inorganic arsenic exposure or poisoning.  相似文献   

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