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植物单宁对山羊的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于植物单宁分子结构和化学性质的特殊性,使其对食草动物具有抗营养作用。作者综述了近几年植物单宁对山羊的影响的研究进展。  相似文献   

单宁存在于多种植物性饲料中,能降低畜禽采食量、抑制消化酶活性和降低蛋白质消化率,对机体产生毒性,是一种重要的抗营养因子。单宁对微生物有生长抑制作用,筛选具有降解能力的菌株,采用生物降解是消除单宁抗营养特性的有效途径。  相似文献   

植物单宁是一类广泛存在于陆生植物中的多酚类聚合物。由于化学结构复杂及其对微生物的广谱拮抗作用,使得植物单宁的微生物降解有一定的困难。然而,依赖于肠道单宁降解菌及单宁降解酶,反刍动物可通过胃肠道微生物相互作用实现对植物单宁的降解,从而减少瘤胃中蛋白质降解、防止瘤胃鼓胀、抑制甲烷生成、增加动物体重、改善产奶量和繁殖性能等。因此,近年来,植物单宁对反刍动物瘤胃发酵的调控受到越来越多的关注。但是,由于结构、种类、添加剂量以及试验动物种类和饲养方式的不同,使得植物单宁调控瘤胃发酵的效应也有所差异。为此,本文在综述微生物降解植物单宁的机制与单宁降解酶的基础上,重点探讨了植物单宁对反刍动物瘤胃发酵的影响,以期为植物单宁作为潜在的绿色添加剂在调控瘤胃发酵及改善反刍动物机体健康等方面提供理论依据。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究植物单宁和植物单宁复合蛋白对文昌鸡生长性能、肠道形态、肠道微生物以及替代抗生素的促生长效果。选取1日龄文昌鸡540只,随机分为3组,每组6个重复,每个重复30只鸡。抗生素对照组饲喂基础日粮+200 mg/kg恩拉霉素,植物单宁组饲喂基础日粮+250 mg/kg植物单宁,植物单宁复合蛋白组饲喂基础日粮+250 mg/kg植物单宁复合蛋白。试验期40 d。结果显示:植物单宁复合蛋白组文昌鸡的平均试验末重和平均日增重与抗生素对照组比较差异不显著(P>0.05);植物单宁组和植物单宁复合蛋白组料重比和死亡率降低(P>0.05);盲肠微生物在门水平相对丰度中厚壁菌门和拟杆菌门占微生物群落总数的84%以上;植物单宁复合蛋白组和植物单宁组与抗生素对照组相比,放线菌门相对丰度显著降低(P<0.05)。研究表明文昌鸡饲粮中添加250 mg/kg植物单宁复合蛋白,可以达到与抗生素对照组同样的生长效果,提高文昌鸡肠道中颤螺菌科和巴恩斯氏菌科等有益菌的相对丰度,维持肠道健康。  相似文献   

近年来,畜禽养殖过程中的温室气体排放引发了全球的广泛关注。反刍动物瘤胃发酵产生了大量甲烷(CH4),且排泄物堆放过程中还会产生氧化亚氮(N2O),加剧温室效应。因而,瘤胃CH4以及N2O的生成与调控成为科学界的研究热点。植物单宁是高分子质量的水溶性多酚类化合物,广泛存在于植物界中。大量体内外试验表明,植物单宁具有减少CH4产量和氮排放的作用,但其作用效果受到单宁添加量、结构、植物来源以及动物种类、生理状态和饲粮组成等多方面因素的影响,且还存在影响营养物质消化率和动物生产性能等争议。本文介绍了反刍动物温室气体的生成与调控,综述了植物单宁对反刍动物温室气体排放的调控作用,为植物单宁在反刍动物生产中的应用提供了新思路。  相似文献   

江霞  徐铭 《广东饲料》2010,19(11):25-27
<正>单宁(Tannin)是植物体内的次生代谢产物,是一类相对分子质量为500~3000的多酚类化合物(Spencer等,1988)。单宁的化学性质活泼,饲料中的单宁通过与蛋白质、糖类、酶类、金属离子结合生成沉淀物质,严重影响畜禽对营养物质的消化和吸  相似文献   

单宁是植物体内的次生代谢产物,是一类相对分子质量为500~3000的多酚类化合物(何兰和姜志宏,2008)。单宁的化学性质活泼,饲料中的单宁通过与蛋白质、糖类、酶类、金属离子结合生成沉淀物质,严重影响畜禽对营养物质的消化和吸收利用,降低饲料的营养价值(朱南山等,2006)。  相似文献   

单宁是植物体内重要的次生代谢产物,其极具活性,可与多糖、蛋白质以及金属离子等结合生成不溶于水的复合物,在反刍动物生产中具有特殊抗营养性.除此之外,单宁具有抗菌、抗炎、抗氧化、抗病毒及抗寄生虫等生物活性,并在反刍动物体内发挥重要的营养生理功能.综述单宁的结构、特性及其在反刍动物生产中的应用现状,为单宁的进一步研究及其在促...  相似文献   

植物单宁是一种生物学活性较强的多酚类天然植物提取物,具有调节机体抗氧化能力、抗菌消炎、抗病毒和抗腹泻等生理功能,在国内外有着广泛的研究和应用,其饲用安全、使用效果显著。文章综述了植物单宁的生物学功能,及其在畜禽生产上的应用效果,主要体现在促进畜禽的健康、改善肉品质和生长性能、维持瘤胃稳态,旨在为植物单宁在畜禽生产中进一步的研究和应用提供理论支撑和实践参考。  相似文献   

单宁对反刍动物的影响及其含量测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

单宁作为植物源的天然物质,其抗菌、无残留、环保、不易使病原菌产生抗药性等特性,决定了其在动物饲料添加剂领域具有很高的研究和推广利用价值。本文主要对单宁的来源、分类、结构、性质、活性特点和在反刍动物生产中的应用进行综述,以期为更好的利用单宁类物质提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

微生物脂肪酶是工业用脂肪酶的重要来源,是生物技术和有机化学应用中广泛使用的酶类之一。文章从微生物脂肪酶来源、酶学特性、在动物消化道中的营养效应和作用机理方面进行综述,主要介绍国内外关于脂肪酶应用在动物饲料方面所取得的一些研究成果,为微生物脂肪酶在饲料中的开发与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Comparative aspects of plant tannins on digestive physiology, nutrition and microbial community in sheep and goats are discussed in the context of differences due to feed intake, digestibility, utilization of nutrients and microbial community. The purpose of this review was to present an overview of the potential benefits of tannin‐containing diets for sheep and goats and specie differences in their response to tannins. It is well established that moderate level of tannins in the diet (3%–4% tannins DM) can precipitate with soluble proteins and increase protein supply to the sheep, but comparative aspects of tannin‐containing diets in sheep and goats on animal performance, digestive physiology, rumen microbial changes and potential benefits to sustainable animal production by those compounds have received little attention. In addition, developing plant‐based tannin‐containing diets for control of rumen microbiota and rumen fermentation (e.g., methane gas) would be expected to have a greater impact on the ruminant health, productivity and emission of greenhouse gasses. The positive impacts of the plant tannin compounds mainly depend on their influence on the gut microbiome diversity and ability to generate fermentation end products (short‐chain fatty acids) that have diverse biological roles. Diets which contain optimal levels of tannins have potential benefits for sustainability of small ruminant production systems. However, there is a need for an improved understanding of the utilization of tannin‐containing forages to improve their management. This implies investigations of animal responses to tannin‐containing forages or browse species and, in particular, a better understanding of the interactions that can arise between sheep and goats on digestion, DMD, rumen fermentation and microbial community changes. This knowledge could help to improve current feeding systems in terms of efficiency of feed use and environmental impacts (reduce methane gas production) and thus contribute to the development of a sustainable sheep and goat production.  相似文献   

综述了近年来国内外有关气源性污染源对园林、草坪植物的危害症状、危害机理以及园林、草坪植物自我修复的研究现状和发展方向,探讨了园林、草坪植物在大气污染条件下的适应特点,为改造环境、净化空气提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Tannins were recently evaluated as feed additives in order to increase antioxidant compounds in animal diet, mainly to enhance resistance to lipid oxidation in meat. Rabbit meat is one of the most susceptible animal products, thus the main aim of this study was to evaluate the capacity of tannins to elongate shelf life of rabbit meat. Ninety hybrid rabbits were fed with three different diets: basal diet (control, C) and basal diet supplemented with 0.3% or 0.6% of tannins mix. Meat samples were refrigerated as raw at 4°C up to 11 days and analysed both as raw and cooked for physical‐chemical characteristics, fatty acids profile, lipid oxidation and antioxidant capacity. Results showed that dietary tannins affected meat colour of raw samples (mostly yellowness). Lipid peroxidation (TBARS) of raw samples was lower in tannins group than C group; a further inhibition of peroxidation was showed also in cooked samples only by the highest dose of tannins mix. Moreover, antioxidant capacity (ABTS) of raw samples increased with the percentage of tannins. In conclusion, supplementation with 0.6% of tannins mix seems to positively affect the lipid peroxidation and antioxidant capacity of meat without modifying the intrinsic characteristics of rabbit meat.  相似文献   

DNA聚合酶β(DNA polymerase beta,POLB) 属于DNA聚合酶X家族中的一员,主要参与真核生物DNA的复制、DNA损伤修复、基因重组以及细胞周期调控等多种生物代谢过程。POLB所在的DNA修复基因与癌基因、抑癌基因、细胞周期调节基因以及细胞凋亡基因共同维持着细胞基因组的稳定性和完整性。若特异性敲除POLB会导致胚胎致死。近年来研究发现,POLB与细胞的生长发育、周期调控等息息相关。POLB表达下降使得上述的癌基因、抑癌基因受到损伤后却不能得到正确修复,从而导致细胞周期的紊乱、增殖失控。因此,本文将从POLB的基因结构、生物学功能、POLB在动物方面的研究等几个方面的相关研究进展进行综述,重点阐述其生物学功能,以期更深入了解 POLB,为畜禽品种的改良奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

植物提取物调控反刍动物瘤胃发酵的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物提取物中的挥发油、皂苷、生物碱、萜类等化学物质具有抗菌、促生长、提高免疫力和抗氧化等功能。近年来研究发现,植物提取物还可以调控反刍动物瘤胃发酵模式,提高氮存留,减少甲烷排放的功能,因此,植物提取物作为调控反刍动物瘤胃发酵的一种重要添加剂得到了广泛的研究与应用。目前国内外的学者已经在有效植物品种的筛选和植物提取物作用机理、剂量效应等方面的研究取得了较大进展。文中就目前植物提取物对反刍动物瘤胃发酵调控的最新研究进展作一综述,为我国开展植物提取物作为反刍动物瘤胃发酵调控添加剂的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Purified condensed tannins (CT) extracted from the legume Calliandra calothyrsus (var. San Ramón CIAT 22310), harvested in the dry and the rainy season and cultivated with low or high level of fertilization were added to soybean meal in a ratio of 600 mg/g of the incubated crude protein (CP). Effects on degradation either in ruminal fluid only, or in ruminal fluid followed by incubation in HCl/pepsin, were evaluated using a modified two‐step in vitro method. Season was found to have larger effects on in vitro ruminal and post‐ruminal CP degradation than fertilization. Condensed tannins from the rainy season harvest reduced ruminal CP degradation less than that from the dry season harvest. They had also less negative effects on the degradability of rumen escape protein and enhanced the proportion of post‐ruminally degraded CP more than CT from the dry season harvest. An increase in level of fertilization reduced ruminal CP degradation in CT from the rainy season plants but this was not associated with effects on post‐ruminal degradation. The study demonstrated the importance of environmental factors for the efficiency of CT in modifying ruminal and post‐ruminal CP degradation.  相似文献   

氮素对羽叶决明缩合单宁及相关酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
缩合单宁对牧草品质的影响极大,适量的缩合单宁含量对于提高牧草的利用率和营养品质非常重要。研究以豆科牧草羽叶决明Cassia nictitoms为材料,分析了氮素梯度处理后茎和叶中缩合单宁的含量及其生物合成酶二氢黄酮醇还原酶(DFR)活性的变化特征。结果表明,羽叶决明叶片的缩合单宁含量高于茎,随氮素的增加,叶片中缩合单宁含量从14.78%下降到1.14%;茎中从4.62%开始降低,达到0.98%后趋于稳定;DFR活性表现出与缩合单宁相似的变化规律,二者在叶和茎中都呈显著(P0.01)的二次曲线关系。植株粗蛋白含量测定发现,随氮素的增加粗蛋白含量无显著增加(P0.05)。因此,适当增加氮素的使用量可以达到减少缩合单宁含量,从而提高羽叶决明的利用率和营养品质。  相似文献   

The effect of molecular weight of condensed tannins (CT) from a variety of warm-season perennial legumes commonly consumed by sheep and goats on anthelmintic activity has not been previously explored. The objectives of this study were to determine if molecular weight of CT from warm-season perennial legumes could predict the biological activity of CT relative to anthelmintic activity against ivermectin resistant L3 stage Haemonchus contortus (HC) using a larval migration inhibition (LMI) assay. A second objective was to determine if CT from warm-season perennial legumes possess anthelmintic properties against L3 stage (HC). Lespedeza stuevei had the greatest concentration of total condensed tannin (TCT; 11.7%), whereas, with the exception of Arachis glabrata, a CT-free negative control, Leucaena retusa had the least TCT (3.3%). Weight-average molecular weight of CT ranged from 552 Da for L. stuevei to 1483 Da for Lespedeza cuneata. The treatments demonstrating the greatest percent LMI were L. retusa, L. stuevei and Acacia angustissima var. hirta (65.4%, 63.1% and 42.2%, respectively). The ivermectin treatment had the smallest percent LMI (12.5%) against ivermectin resistant L3 HC. There was a weak correlation (R2 = 0.34; P = 0.05) between CT MW and percent LMI, suggesting that molecular weight of CT is a weak contributing factor to CT biological activity as it relates to LMI of L3 stage HC. L. stuevei, L. retusa and A. angustissima var. hirta STP5 warrant further evaluation of anthelmintic properties in vivo.  相似文献   

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