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The efficacy of ketamine and bupivacaine in enhancing the epidural analgesia induced by medetomidine was evaluated in 10 buffalo calves utilized repeatedly after a gap of 10 days so that each drug combination was tested in 4 randomly selected animals. In group A, medetomidine (15 microg/kg), in group B ketamine (2.0 mg/kg), in group C bupivacaine (0.125 mg/kg), in group D medetomidine and ketamine (15 microg/kg and 2.0 mg/kg), and in group E medetomidine and bupivacaine (15 microg/kg and 0.125 mg/kg) was administered epidurally. Onset of analgesia was significantly earlier in animals of groups B and D compared to the animals of groups A, C and E. Medetomidine alone or in combination with ketamine/bupivacaine produced complete analgesia of the tail, perineum, inguinal region and upper parts of hind limbs. Ketamine produced a very short duration of complete analgesia at the tail and perineum. Bupivacaine alone produced only mild to moderate analgesia. Both ketamine and bupivacaine prolonged the duration of analgesia. Motor incoordination was mild to moderate in animals of all the groups, but animals remained standing throughout the period of observation. Animals of groups A, D and E showed mild to moderate sedation during the observation period. Ruminal movements decreased nonsignificantly in animals of groups A and E. Mild salivation was observed in animals of all the groups except group C. Significant decrease in heart rate (HR) was recorded after epidural administration of medetomidine or bupivacaine; however, ketamine caused short duration of tachycardia. The administration of ketamine with medetomidine caused lesser decrease in HR compared to medetomidine alone or in combination with bupivacaine. Significant fall in respiratory rate (RR) was recorded after epidural administration of medetomidine or bupivacaine alone, but an increase in RR was recorded after ketamine administration. The fall in RR was less pronounced in animals in which medetomidine was used with ketamine compared to the animals in which medetomidine was used alone or in combination with bupivacaine. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) decreased and central venous pressure (CVP) increased significantly after epidural administration of medetomidine in combination with ketamine or bupivacaine. The ECG changes included tall T wave, QS pattern, RS pattern and ST elevation and heart blocks at different intervals, which were more frequent and pronounced in animals given bupivacaine with medetomidine. It can be concluded that epidural administration of medetomidine can produce complete analgesia of the tail, perineum, inguinal region and upper hind limbs in buffaloes. However, significant depression of cardiovascular parameters was recorded. Administration of ketamine along with medetomidine resulted in significantly early onset and slightly longer duration of analgesia with lesser cardiopulmonary side-effects compared to medetomidine alone or medetomidine with bupivacaine. Addition of ketamine to medetomidine thus seems to be useful for producing epidural analgesia; however, addition of bupivacaine failed to provide any advantage over medetomidine alone.  相似文献   

Classical methods for detection of Chlamydophila species, and of antibodies against these agents, have indicated that these bacteria are highly prevalent in cattle and associated with numerous disease conditions. These methods demonstrated acute Chlamydophila-induced diseases such as epizootic bovine abortion, as well as worldwide variable, but generally high, Chlamydophila seroprevalence. However, it was impossible to consistently detect the low levels of these organisms which were suspected to be present in endemic infections. Application of highly sensitive real-time PCR and ELISA methods for detection of Chlamydophila spp. DNA and of antibodies against Chlamydophila spp., respectively, in a series of prospective cohort studies revealed a high prevalence of Chlamydophila spp. genital infections in female calves (61%) and adult heifers (53%). These infections were acquired by extragenital transmission in the first weeks of life, and infection frequency was increased by crowding of the animals. A challenge study demonstrated that infection with C. abortus resulted in decreased fertility of heifers. The experimental use of a C. abortus vaccine provided evidence for immunoprotection against C. abortus-induced suppression of bovine fertility. The results of these investigations suggest that bovine Chlamydophila infection should be viewed more as pervasive, low-level infection of cattle than as rare, severe disease. Such infections proceed without apparent disease or with only subtle expressions of disease, but potentially have a large impact on bovine herd health and fertility.  相似文献   

The reduction of the entry of pathogens in the food chain is an important premise in improving the safety of food of animal origin. Since food animals are the main reservoir for pathogens, the prevalence of pathogens in livestock is of great importance. Unfortunately, classical measures to improve animal health can not exclude the presence of the main food-borne zoonotic agents (Salmonella, Campylobacter, Listeria monocytogenes, verotoxinogene Escherichia coli, Toxoplasma gondii) in "clinically healthy" animals. Absence of pathogens in livestock must be regarded as an unrealistic aim. To achieve an effective improval of product safety through logistical, hygienic or technological measures both farmers and food producers need valid data about the prevalence of pathogens in livestock, in each animal and in raw material of animal origin, respectively. Yet available data are insufficient. New European directives and regulations concerning monitoring and control of zoonosis demand the systematic control of presence of zoonotic agents in livestock and later steps of the food chain.  相似文献   

A brief review of the status of arachidonic acid as an essential dietary nutrient for cats is presented. The reproductive performance of male and female cats given a purified diet containing only partially hydrogenated vegetable oil as the fat source from weaning was investigated. Male kittens did not require a supplemental source of arachidonate for normal body weight gain and successful reproduction. Female kittens given the same diet also appeared to grow normally, came into oestrus and conceived, but produced only a limited number of viable litters. Subsequent supplementation of these queens with arachidonic acid did not result in the birth of viable kittens. It is suggested that completion of a normal pregnancy by queens given a diet based on partially hydrogenated oil for protracted periods may require fatty acids in addition to arachidonate.  相似文献   

Currently, approaches to pain control in horses are a mixture of art and science. Recognition of overt pain behaviours, such as rolling, kicking at the abdomen, flank watching, lameness or blepharospasm, may be obvious; subtle signs of pain can include changes in facial expression or head position, location in the stall and response to palpation or human interaction. Nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (i.e. phenylbutazone, flunixin meglumine and firocoxib), opioids (i.e. butorphanol, morphine and buprenorphine) and α2‐adrenergic agonists (i.e. xylazine, detomidine, romifidine and medetomidine) are the most commonly used therapeutic options. Multimodal therapy using constant‐rate infusions of lidocaine, ketamine and/or butorphanol has gained popularity for severe pain in hospitalised cases. Drugs targeting neuropathic pain, such as gabapentin, are increasingly used for conditions such as laminitis. Optimal strategies for management of pain are based upon severity and chronicity, including special considerations for use of intra‐articular or epidural delivery and therapy in foals. Strategies that aim to mitigate adverse effects associated with use of various analgesic agents are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) are a group of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders described in both humans and animals, but unlike in other species, in horses they are poorly defined and there is a lack of standardisation of the method of diagnosis. Although there is an impellent need of consensus on the nomenclature, diagnostic work-up, diet, treatment and management of horses with a suspected IBD, the aim of this review is to give initial guidelines for practitioners dealing with suspected cases. It provides a summary of the most relevant literature on the topic and presents the current knowledge on the clinical signs, diagnostic work-up, treatment and prognosis of IBDs in horses.  相似文献   



To investigate whether an intravenous (IV) lidocaine bolus in calves premedicated with xylazine-butorphanol reduces the amount of ketamine required to allow endotracheal intubation.

Study design

Randomized, prospective clinical study.


In total, 41 calves scheduled for elective umbilical surgery.


Calves were randomly assigned to one of two groups (L: lidocaine or S: saline). The calves were administered xylazine (0.07 mg kg?1) and butorphanol (0.1 mg kg?1) intramuscularly and 10 minutes later lidocaine (2 mg kg?1; group L) or saline (group S) IV over 1 minute. After 2 minutes, ketamine (2.5 mg kg?1) was injected IV. If the depth of anaesthesia was insufficient for intubation, additional ketamine (1 mg kg?1) was administered every minute until intubation was successful. The amount of ketamine required for intubation, respiratory rate, pulse rate, arterial pressures, the depth of sedation and conditions of endotracheal intubation after induction of anaesthesia were compared between the two groups.


The calves in group L were sedated more deeply than those in group S; however, neither the median (range) amount of ketamine required for intubation, 3.5 (2.5–4.5) mg kg?1 and 3.5 (2.5–3.5) mg kg?1, respectively, nor the induction quality differed significantly between the groups.

Conclusion and clinical relevance

A bolus of lidocaine (2 mg kg?1) administered 10 minutes after xylazine-butorphanol in calves deepened the degree of sedation but did not decrease the requirement of ketamine for endotracheal intubation. No adverse effects were recorded in the physiological variables measured.  相似文献   

Cats are considered a susceptible host for Dirofilaria immitis; however, increased host resistance is reflected by relatively low adult worm burdens in natural and experimental infections; the prolonged prepatent period (8 months); the low level and short duration of microfilaremia; and the short life span of adult worms (2-3 years). From April to September 2006, 212 cats and 608 dogs, all exposed for at least one transmission season, were screened for D. immitis infection in a multi-center study in the Po River Valley in northern Italy. Cats were initially evaluated by antibody testing; positive subjects were followed up by antigen testing and echocardiography (and necropsy if death occurred). The prevalence in dogs was 29% by a modified Knott test and antigen testing compared with a prevalence of 4.7% in cats by an antibody test; six of these infections (2.8%) were confirmed by the follow-up evaluations. This field study demonstrated that the prevalence of heartworm infection in cats in this area is within the expected limits of 9-18% of the prevalence in dogs. Antibody testing likely underestimates the real prevalence of D. immitis infection in cats. These results also emphasize the importance of preventive treatment in cats.  相似文献   

The role of water as an essential nutrient for the animals, their health, performance and welfare is often underestimated. Presently there exists no specific legal regulation which defines the water quality for animal consumption. Some local recommendations make reference to the German regulation for the drinking water of humans. This seems to be useful in respect to food producing animals at a first glance. However, significant practical difficulties can occur. Therefore it is necessary to include in a possible regulation for the drinking water of animals additional animal and management specific aspects such as the type of animal, the keeping system, the water supply system, the distribution systems and the drinkers which are used. It may also be useful to define animal specific thresholds for certain groups of compounds and contaminants. As a first step towards a possible regulation 12 recommendations are given to improve and standardise the water supply of farm and pet animals.  相似文献   

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