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The composition and content of polyphenols in the seeds of 91 grape accessions from 17 Vitis species were characterized. Eleven compounds, including 2 gallic derivatives, 3 monomeric flavan-3-ols, 3 flavonols, resveratrol, and procyanidin B1 and B2, were identified via HPLC-MS and quantified by HPLC-DAD. In addition, seventeen dimeric and trimeric flavan-3-ols were also quantified. Tremendous variation was observed both among and within species for these compounds. Monomeric flavan-3-ols were the most abundant polyphenols in seeds, followed by dimeric and trimeric flavan-3-ols, which collectively accounted for more than 96% of the total polyphenols. V. palmata, V. vinifera, and V. vulpina had significantly higher content of total polyphenols than other species. A number of Vitis accessions with high content of various types of seed polyphenols were identified, and they can serve as potential germplasm for improving the composition and content of seed polyphenols in cultivated grapes.  相似文献   

It has been previously found that abscisic acid (ABA) participates in the activation of grapevine leaf tissue defense against potentially damaging effects of solar ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B), apparently by triggering biosynthesis of phenols that filter the harmful radiation and act as antioxidants. The present work studies the effect of solar UV-B and exogenously applied ABA on berry growth, sugar accumulation, and phenol (anthocyanin and nonanthocyanin) profiles across berry development and ripening of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Malbec in a vineyard at 1450 m of altitude. The grapevines were exposed to relatively high UV-B irradiation (normal sunlight; +UV-B) and also to a reduced UV-B treatment (filter exclusion; -UV-B). These two UV-B treatments were combined with weekly spray applications to the leaves and berries of 1 mM ABA (+ABA) or H(2)O (-ABA). Reduction of UV-B delayed berry development and maturation, whereas the +UV-B and +ABA combined treatment hastened berry sugar and phenol accumulation. +UV-B/+ABA treatments also reduced berry growth and decreased sugar per berry without affecting sugar concentration (°Brix) at harvest. Berry skin ABA levels were higher in the +UV-B and +ABA combined treatment, which also hastened the onset of ripening up to 20 days. Berry skin ABA levels then decreased toward harvest, implying a possible role for ABA in the control of ripening in this nonclimacteric fruit. Under both +UV-B and +ABA treatments berry skin phenols were additively increased with a change in anthocyanin and nonanthocyanin profiles and increases in the proportion of phenols with high antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

The composition of grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Shiraz) skin proanthocyanidins has been determined at different stages of berry development. Beginning approximately 3 weeks after fruit set and concluding at commercial ripeness, the composition of isolated skin proanthocyanidins was determined using the following analytical techniques: elemental analysis, UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, reversed-phase HPLC after acid-catalysis in the presence of excess phloroglucinol, gel permeation chromatography, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), and (13)C NMR. On the basis of these analyses, berry development was correlated with an increase in proanthocyanidin mean degree of polymerization, an increase in the proportion of (-)-epigallocatechin extension subunits, and increases in the level of anthocyanins associated with the proanthocyanidin fraction. Additionally, data acquired from ESI-MS of the isolates following acid-catalysis in the presence of excess phloroglucinol is consistent with pectin-bound proanthocyanidins.  相似文献   

Among the methods that have been developed for anthocyanin characterization, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) offers several analytical advantages in terms of speed, minimal sample handling, specificity, and reliability, without requiring any previous chromatographic separation. This study used MALDI-TOF MS to profile the anthocyanins from the berry skins of 23 red grape varieties clustered as (i) authentic Vitis vinifera grapes, (ii) American hybrid cultivars, and (iii) Casavecchia cultivars, previously characterized as functional crosses of V. vinifera with nondefined hybrid grapevines. Anthocyanin profiling demonstrated evidence of several varietal traits that enabled the differentiation of authentic V. vinifera from hybrid cultivars on a molecular basis. In particular, acyl 3,5-O-diglucoside anthocyanins were established as easily monitored molecular markers of the hybrid varieties. It was also demonstrated that MALDI-post source decay MS is a powerful tool to differentiate isobaric 3,5-O-diglucosides and their derivatives, which prevail in hybrid cultivars, from acylated 3-O-glucoside anthocyanins.  相似文献   

A renewed interest in glucosinolates (GSLs) as compounds with biocidal and anticarcinogenic activity demands evaluation of the available variability in germplasm collections. The objective of the present study was to evaluate a germplasm collection of the genus Brassica for total content and profile of seed GSLs. A total of 1708 entries from 20 Brassica species were nondestructively analysed by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. The total GSL content and the concentrations of sinigrin, progoitrin, gluconapin, glucoerucin, glucoiberin, and 4-hydroxyglucobrassicin were estimated by means of previously developed calibration equations. One hundred and fifty entries, having either high GSL content or potentially interesting GSL profiles, were selected and further analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The collection contained great variability for GSL content and profile. Very high GSL contents (>200 mol g-1) were measured in accessions of B. montana, B. nigra, and B. oleracea. The greatest intraspecific variability occurred in B. oleracea, where six contrasting GSL profiles were identified. The detected variability might be useful for the development of Brassica crops containing high GSL content and specific GSL profiles.  相似文献   

The diversity of berry skin flavonoids in grape genotypes has been previously widely investigated with regard to major compounds (nonacylated anthocyanins and flavonols), but much less with regard to acylated anthocyanins and hydroxycinnamoyl tartrates (HCTs). In this study, the composition of the phenolic fraction of the berry skin (free and acylated anthocyanins, flavonols, and HCTs) was assessed on 34 grapevine genotypes grown in a collection vineyard in northwestern Italy. The phenolic fraction was profiled on berries collected in the same vineyard, at the same ripening level across two successive vintages. The anthocyanin, HCT, and flavonol profiles were specific of each genotype, and the first two were relatively little affected by the vintage. A wide diversity in the polyphenolic fraction was shown among cultivars. Besides expected discriminatory effects of free anthocyanins and flavonol profiles, principal component analyses allowed a good discrimination of cultivars on the basis of coumaroylated anthocyanins and of the HCT profile. Anthocyanins were mostly acylated by aromatic acids, and acylation was independent from the anthocyanin substrate. HCTs were present mostly as coumaroyl and caffeoyl derivatives, and no correlation was observed between the same acylation patterns of tartrate and of anthocyanins. The results of this study are discussed in the light of new hypotheses on still unknown biosynthetic steps of phenolic substances and of the potential use of these substances in discrimination and identification of different grape cultivars in wines.  相似文献   

Locoism is a toxic syndrome of livestock caused by the ingestion of a subset of legumes known as locoweeds endemic to arid and semiarid regions of the western United States. Locoweeds contain the toxic alkaloid swainsonine, which is produced by the endophytic fungi Undifilum species. Two chemotypes of plants can coexist within toxic populations of locoweeds: chemotype 1 plants are defined as individuals containing swainsonine concentrations greater than 0.01% and quantitatively greater amounts of Undifilum, while chemotype 2 plants are defined as individuals containing less than 0.01% swainsonine and quantitatively smaller amounts of Undifilum. To elucidate the mechanisms that govern chemotypes, the amount of Undifilum in seeds/embryos was manipulated, thus altering subsequent swainsonine concentrations in three locoweed species: Astragalus mollissimus, Astragalus lentiginosus, and Oxytropis sericea. Chemotype 1 seeds that were fungicide-treated or had the seed coat removed resulted in plants with swainsonine concentrations comparable to those in chemotype 2 plants. Conversely, embryos from seeds of chemotypes 1 and 2 that were inoculated with the endophyte resulted in plants with swainsonine concentrations comparable to those of chemotype 1 plants. This reproducible interconversion between the two swainsonine chemotypes suggests that the quantity of endophyte present in the seed at the time of germination is a key determinant of the eventual chemotype. Additionally, this is the first report of the inoculation of locoweeds with the endophyte Undifilum species.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that reactive oxygen species arising from several enzymatic reactions are mediators of inflammatory events. Plant preparations have the potential for scavenging such reactive oxygen species. Flavans and procyanidins are bioavailable and stable during the process of cooking. This study used conditions that mimicked digestion of Vitis vinifera seed powder in the stomach (acidic preparation) and small intestine (neutral preparation). The flavonoids of these two preparations were released during simulated digestion and were determined with HPLC analysis. Biochemical model reactions relevant for the formation of reactive oxygen species in vivo at inflammatory sites were used to determine the antioxidant properties of the two preparations. The inhibition of the indicator reaction for the formation of reactive oxygen species represents a potential mechanism of the physiological activity of the corresponding preparation. The results of this work show clearly that the polyphenols released during the simulated digestion of the two preparations have good scavenging potential against superoxide radicals, hydroxyl radicals, and singlet oxygen. They protect low-density lipoprotein against copper-induced oxidation due to the copper-chelating properties and their chain-breaking abilities in lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

The variation in the seed shape, colour and yield, and content, yield and fatty acid composition of seed oil of 109 accessions of opium poppy Papaver somniferum, (majority of them Indian land races), was investigated. The seeds were white, pale yellow or light brown in colour, reniform or round in shape and varied in size up to three fold. The oil content, seed and the oil yield varied between 26 to 52%, 1.0 to 7.4 g/plant and 0.4 to 2.7 g/plant, respectively. The % content of palmitic, oleic and linoleic acid in the seed oil ranged between 9.3 to 40.0%, 7.5 to 58.4% and 0.7 to 72.7%, respectively. On average basis, the levels of major fatty acids in the seed oil were: oleic (37.1%) > palmitic (27.3%) > linoleic acid (17.2%). The palmitoleic, stearic and linolenic acids were present in the oils of only some of the accessions. Two of the accessions yielded linoleic acid rich seed oil of about the same quality as soybean and maize oils, and in four accessions, the proportion of palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids was roughly equal. The palmitic acid was relatively less and linoleic acid more in the seed oil from accessions rich in oil content. The oil that contained higher amount of oleic acid also contained higher amount of palmitic acid and relatively lower amount of linoleic acid. The correlation analyses revealed a strong positive relationship between seed yield and oil yield (r = +0.81), oil yield and oil content (r = +0.54) and oleic acid and palmitic acid content in the seed oil (r = +0.49), and a weak positive relationship between oil content and linoleic acid content of oil (r = +0.24), and a negative correlation was observed between oil content and palmitic acid content (r = –0.32), palmitic acid and linoleic acid (r = –0.55) and oleic acid and linoleic acid contents of oil (r = –0.68). The observations have permitted selection of accessions that are high seed and oil yielding and/or rich in linoleic, palmitic and oleic acids or containing palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids in about equal amounts.  相似文献   

Ten accessions of wild Borago officinalis were collected during missions in the course of a research activity carried out on plants producing nutraceutical compounds. The aim was to identify populations that produce a higher content of γ-linolenic acid, as this compound has important therapeutic properties and has been used in medical tests to treat rheumatoid arthritis, eczema, and psoriasis with good therapeutical results. The present study reports on the characterization of both the polyunsaturated fatty acid composition and on genetic diversity estimated by means of AFLP markers in several B. officinalis accessions collected in Southern Italy and grown in isolation by means of screen houses specifically designed for each single population. Polyunsaturated fatty acid were found in different amounts in all investigated accessions. The populations were very variable at the molecular level, and the analysis of relationships based on AFLP data, showed that similarity based on Jaccard’s index ranged between 0.330 and 0.742. Our investigations allowed us to identify a population that may be considered as a good source of GLA.  相似文献   

Desilication and leaching are processes that accompany plinthilization, leading to nutrient depletion. Soils from 12 profiles in a plinthitic landscape were analyzed for extractable micronutrients [iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), and copper (Cu)]. Soils of the landscape from crestal to lower‐slope position contain plinthite in the profile, whereas those of the valley floor are devoid of plinthite. The micronutrients were extracted using diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) and 0.1 M hydrochloric acid (HCl). The results showed that 0.1 M HCl extracted more of the micronutrients than DTPA. The DTPA‐extractable Fe, Zn, Mn, and Cu in all the soils ranged from 1.15 to 12.44 (mean, 3.69); 0.71 to 2.75 (mean, 1.86); trace 12.44 (mean, 3.35), and trace 3.76 (mean, 0.63) mg kg?1, respectively. The DTPA‐extractable micronutrient contents were generally greater than the critical available level (4.5 mg kg?1 for Fe, 0.8 mg kg?1 for Zn, 1.0 mg kg?1 for Mn, and 0.2 mg kg?1 for Cu). The 0.1 M HCl‐extractable micronutrients in the landscape ranged from 8.00 to 30.40 (mean, 15.19); 0.30 to 6.49 (mean, 1.35); 1.00 to 27.20 (mean, 7.74); and 0.26 to 15.0 (mean, 2.77) mg kg?1 for Fe, Zn, Mn, and Cu, respectively. Both DTPA‐ and 0.1 M HCl‐extractable micronutrients were generally lower in the plinthitic horizons than in the nonplinthitic horizons and higher in the Ap than the subsoil horizons. Correlation analysis showed a significant relationship between DTPA‐Fe and DTPA‐Mn, Cu, and organic carbon (r = 0.913**, 0.411**, and 0.385**). There was a significant and positive relationship between 0.1 M HCl‐extractable Mn and organic carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), and available phosphorus (P) (r = 0.413**, 0.337**, and 0.350**, respectively).  相似文献   

A germplasm collection consisting of 1475 entries from 21 species of Brassica, including 36 lower taxa, was evaluated for the fatty acid composition of the seed oil. A total of 358 entries representing the taxonomic variability in the collection were selected and analysed by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC). The remaining 1117 entries were analysed by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS), after developing multi-species calibration equations. The results demonstrated that NIRS is an effective technique to assess variability for oleic, linoleic, linolenic and erucic acid in intact-seed samples of multiple Brassica species, provided that calibration equations be developed from sets containing large taxonomic and chemical variability. Some fatty acid ratios were used to estimate the efficiency of the different biosynthetic pathways. Two well-defined patterns were observed. The first one was characterised by high elongation efficiency and accumulation of high levels of erucic acid. The highest erucic acid content (>55% of the total fatty acids) was found in the cultivated species B. napus L., B. oleracea L., and B. rapa L., and in the wild species B. incana Tenore, B. rupestris Raf., and B. villosa Bivona-Bernardi, the three latter belonging to the B. oleracea group (n=9). The second pattern was characterised by high desaturation efficiency, resulting in the accumulation of high levels of the polyunsaturated linoleic and linolenic acid (up to more than 55%). The highest levels of these fatty acids were found in samples of B. elongata Ehrh., especially of the var. integrifolia Boiss. The utility of the reported variability for plant breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

刺葡萄皮中花色苷的分离纯化与结构鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究刺葡萄花色苷的结构及其纯化分离的柱层析法,将刺葡萄色素粗提液依次经大孔树脂HP-20、聚酰胺树脂、葡聚糖凝胶Sephadex LH-20吸附纯化,利用超高效液相色谱三重四级杆飞行时间质谱联用技术对分离所得花色苷进行结构鉴定,并运用荧光光度法探索荧光图谱与花色苷结构的关系。研究发现,聚酰胺树脂对部分花色苷产生了吸附作用,而Sephadex LH-20凝胶能起到较好的分离作用,最终得到3种色素,经鉴定,确定色素I为锦葵素-3,5-O-双葡萄糖苷,通过质谱信息初步确定色素III可能为锦葵素-3,5-O-双葡萄糖苷-香豆酰,色素IV可能为飞燕草素-3-O-芸香糖苷和锦葵素-3-O-芸香糖苷的混合物,经高效液相色谱以归一法计算峰面积,色素I和色素III的纯度分别达到了98.64%、98.33%,得率分别为0.114%和0.076%。研究结果为花色苷的分离及鉴定提供参考。  相似文献   

Berries of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Merlot, grown on a neutral or calcareous soil, were infected, at phenological phases of veraison and ripening, by a conidial suspension of Aspergillus carbonarius to control ochratoxin A production and trans-resveratrol- and epsilon-viniferin-induced synthesis as affected by the soil lime content. Chlorosis occurrence was evaluated by a visual rating scale at veraison, and the leaves from vines growing on the calcareous soil showed the typical yellowing, whereas those grown on the neutral soil were dark green. Berry mineral element yield was recorded at veraison and ripening. Infection symptoms on berries were more severe at ripening in bunches collected from vines grown in calcareous soil. Ochratoxin A concentration increased at phenological phase of veraison in berries harvested from vines cultivated in calcareous soil. A. carbonarius enhanced trans-resveratrol and epsilon-viniferin production in infected berries more than in the control samples. Moreover, at veraison their concentration in the berries collected from vines grown in calcareous soil was greater than that recorded from berries collected from vines grown in the neutral soil. The lowest symptom severity was observed on berries containing the highest copper concentration.  相似文献   

Thaumatin-like proteins and chitinases, which are pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins, were the major soluble protein components of grapes from five cultivars of Vitis vinifera. This dominance of PR proteins was apparent at berry softening (véraison) and then throughout berry development for the Muscat of Alexandria, Sultana, and Shiraz cultivars and in the berries of the Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir cultivars examined at commercial maturity. The M(r) of the major thaumatin-like protein from Muscat of Alexandria grapes was 21 272, and those of the three major chitinases from this cultivar, ChitB, ChitC, and ChitD, were 25 588, 25 410, and 25 457, respectively. The vines in the study were irrigated and showed no obvious signs of disease. Shiraz vines that had not been irrigated throughout the season were clearly water stressed, but had levels of PR proteins in the berry similar to vines that had been fully irrigated. It appears that the production of PR proteins that cause protein instability in wines by grapes may be little influenced by environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Increasing and maintaining crop residues in predominantly cereal-based rotations of the US Pacific Northwest is critical to controlling soil erosion. The core collection of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) germplasm comprising 287 accessions was evaluated for variation in phenological, morphological and growth parameters including seed yields and residue amounts over a two-year period under conventional tillage and no-till conditions. The objectives of this study were (i) assess lentil genetic variation in germplasm for variation in biomass production and seed yield, (ii) assess the relationship of phenological and morphological traits with biomass and seed yield and (iii) identify high biomass producing germplasm for use as parents in the breeding program. Days to flowering and days to maturity ranged from 31 to 78 and from 71 to 106 days, respectively. Time to flowering in terms of cumulative heat units was a more efficient measurement than days to flowering. Plant height and plant canopy width had a significant association with total biomass, seed yield and residue amounts. Total biomass ranged from 788–6389 kg ha–1 under conventional tillage, while the range under no-till conditions was 1045–6195 kg ha–1. Most of the lines with higher biomass also produced the highest seed yields and residue amounts. Overall, only one accession produced more residue than `Laird'. In the more favorable environment of 1997, six accessions exceeded the control cultivars, `Laird' and `Indianhead', for residue amounts, and seven and twenty-four accessions exceeded control cultivars, `Pardina' and `Brewer', for seed yield. Results indicated that plant height, canopy width at maturity and seed yield explained most of the variation in biomass and residue production. Large seeded germplasm consistently had a longer reproductive growth period than small seeded accessions and had 17%, 7% and 21% more biomass, seed yield and residue, respectively. Our data indicated significant variation in lentil germplasm for biomass, seed yield and residue amounts to warrant their use in the breeding program.  相似文献   

Dietary resveratrol (3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene) has been implicated in the health benefits associated with grapes and red wine, more specifically with potential benefits for metabolic syndrome, energy use, and increased endurance. Levels of trans-resveratrol and its glucoside, trans-piceid, were determined in 19 top selling commercially available cocoa-containing and chocolate products from the U.S. market. Amounts of trans-resveratrol and trans-piceid were closely correlated with the amount of nonfat cocoa solids (NFCS) in the cocoa-containing products. Among these products, trans-resveratrol levels were highest in cocoa powders (1.85 +/- 0.43 microg/g), followed by unsweetened baking chocolates (1.24 +/- 0.22), semisweet chocolate baking chips (0.52 +/- 0.14), dark chocolates (0.35 +/- 0.08), milk chocolates (0.10 +/- 0.05), and chocolate syrups (0.09 +/- 0.02). These cocoa-containing and chocolate products have about 3-5 times more trans-piceid than trans-resveratrol. Levels of trans-piceid were highest in the cocoa powders (7.14 +/- 0.80 microg/g), followed by unsweetened baking chocolates (4.04 +/- 0.14), semisweet chocolate baking chips (2.01 +/- 0.18), dark chocolates (1.82 +/- 0.36), milk chocolates (0.44 +/- 0.06), and chocolate syrups (0.35 +/- 0.06). On an equal weight basis, cocoa powder had about half as much trans-resveratrol as the average California red wine. On a per serving basis, cocoa-containing and chocolate products had less trans-resveratrol than red wine and grape juice but more than roasted peanuts. Overall, these cocoa-containing and chocolate products rank second after red wines and grape juice in foods with the highest levels of total trans-resveratrol in the diet.  相似文献   

In this work the formation and composition of aggregates between metals and organic material is studied in real fog samples. In a preliminary experiment it has been found that concentrated cloud samples form a yellow-brown precipitate in the presence of Fe(III). Standards of humic acids and fulvic acids co-precipitate with Fe(III), forming similar aggregates i.e. iron-humates (Fe-HA) and iron-fulvates (Fe-FA). By comparing the solubility properties of aggregates by extracting organic carbon (OC) in different pH conditions, it has been observed that fog droplet particulate samples are characterised by solubility properties more similar to those of Fe-HA than Fe-FA. Dilute alkaline solutions can also easily extract organic refractory substances that form aggregates with metals. The recoveries of the total extractable organic matter (accounting for 12% of total insoluble carbon and 15% of particulate mass) are similar to those of humic-like substances (HULIS) from particulate samples. The chromatographic behaviour and functional group characteristics measured in the alkali-extract fraction of precipitated aggregates with iron and in the insoluble particulate of fog samples, are those of humic-like material. Thus, soluble HULIS are able to interact with iron to form particulate, but the composition of a large fraction of insoluble organic carbon is still unknown. These findings have implications on the solubility and surface tension properties of fog droplets and can therefore potentially influence droplet formation, as well as cloud chemical and photochemical processes.  相似文献   

Nine sweet cherry and eight sour cherry varieties located in a germplasm bank at Fundão, Portugal, were studied from the viewpoint of characterization. Most of them were autochthonous cultivars that have a high risk of extinction since at the present they are markedly minor varieties. Morphological characteristics were evaluated in different organs: crown and trunk of the trees, leaves, flowers and fruits, over a three consecutive years period. Statistical analyses were carried out in order to detect similarities between cultivars as well as the existence of synonymies. Qualitative characteristics of the fruits were scored in order to carry out the multivariate analysis. A dendrogram of the evaluated characters shows the marked differentiation between sour and sweet cherries and suggests the existing synonymies. Conservation of the autochthonous cultivars in the future is highly recommended.  相似文献   

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