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二化螟[Chilo suppressalis(Walker)]是一种钻蛀性害虫,具有食性杂、越冬场所多、转株为害等特点,其种群数量近年来呈回升趋势,危害逐年加重。二化螟对寄主存在明显的选择行为,其主要寄主之一水稻由于品种更替、耕作制度变更及气候变化等因素对二化螟种群发生规律产生了一些新的影响,给害虫防治工作带来了许多新问题。研究和了解二化螟的寄主选择规律及其机制,以及影响其种群动态的因素是有效调控二化螟种群的重要前提。本文就二化螟寄主选择行为与机制及其在水稻上种群消长影响因素等的研究概况进行综述报道,旨在更好地为二化螟的综合防治提供指导。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A simulation study was conducted to assess the current and prospective efficiency of rice pest management and develop research priorities for lowland production situations in tropical Asia. Simulation modeling with the RICEPEST model provided the flexibility required to address varying production situations and diverse pest profiles (bacterial leaf blight, sheath blight, brown spot, leaf blast, neck blast, sheath rot, white heads, dead hearts, brown plant-hoppers, insect defoliators, and weeds). Operational definitions for management efficacy (injury reduction) and management efficiency (yield gain) were developed. This approach enabled the modeling of scenarios pertaining to different pest management strategies within the agroecological contexts of rice production and their associated pest injuries. Rice pests could be classified into two broad research priority-setting categories with respect to simulated yield losses and management efficiencies. One group, including weeds, sheath blight, and brown spot, consists of pests for which effective pest management tools need to be developed. The second group consists of leaf blast, neck blast, bacterial leaf blight, and brown plant-hoppers, for which the efficiency of current management methods is to be maintained. Simulated yield losses in future production situations indicated that a new type of rice plant with high-harvest index and high-biomass production ("New Plant Type") was more vulnerable to pests than hybrid rice. Simulations also indicated that the impact of deployment of host resistance (e.g., through genetic engineering) was much larger when targeted against sheath blight than when targeted against stem borers. Simulated yield losses for combinations of production situations and injury profiles that dominate current lowland rice production in tropical Asia ranged from 140 to 230 g m(-2). For these combinations, the simulated efficiency of current pest management methods, expressed in terms of relative yield gains, ranged from 0.38 to 0.74. Overall, the analyses indicated that 120 to 200 x 10(6) tons of grain yield are lost yearly to pests over the 87 x 10(6) ha of lowland rice in tropical Asia. This also amounts to the potential gain that future pest management strategies could achieve, if deployed.  相似文献   

本文对上高县2014年早稻纹枯病、稻瘟病、二化螟、稻纵卷叶螟和稻飞虱这几类水稻主要病虫害在防治与不防治条件下进行了田间试验对比,对不同处理病虫情况及产量情况进行调查,对防治效益进行了评估。结果表明,完全不防治产量损失最大,单一病虫害中纹枯病损失最大,其次是稻纵卷叶螟、稻飞虱、二化螟和稻瘟病;完全不防治的效益损失最大,单一病虫害中纹枯病损失效益最大,其次是稻纵卷叶螟、稻飞虱、二化螟和稻瘟病。2014年上半年雨水多,湿度大,造成纹枯病重发生,稻纵卷叶螟和稻飞虱中等发生,二化螟和稻瘟病轻发生。  相似文献   

山东稻区是我国典型的单季中熟水稻种植区。近年来,随着气候变化加剧、主栽品种更新换代及栽培制度变迁等,该区水稻害虫表现出新的灾变特点。以山东水稻主栽区临沂市郯城县1994—2009年水稻害虫监测预警与防控的历史虫情资料为基础,结合同期气象数据分析气候变化下水稻害虫发生及其危害损失,并评估植物保护措施的控害保产效果。结果显示年均温和年降雨量与二化螟和稻飞虱的发生危害面积和水稻产量损失之间相关不显著,但与稻纵卷叶螟的发生危害面积和水稻产量损失之间相关显著甚至极显著。可见,通过积极开展水稻害虫的准确监测和及时防控,可有效提高气候变化下水稻害虫的管理水平,从而确保粮食安全生产,进而保障农民增产增收。  相似文献   

病虫害频发是制约大豆高产稳产的重要因素之一。中国大豆生产中已知病虫害近500种,产生重大危害的有50余种,造成的大豆产量损失一般为15%~30%,严重时甚至大面积绝收。该文综述了中国大豆生产中主要病虫害的种类、大豆主要产区病虫害的发生现状和全程绿色防控技术的相关研究进展,探讨了当前大豆病虫害防控中存在的问题,并对未来发展方向进行展望,以期为后续开展大豆病虫害监测与绿色防控关键技术的研究与应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Coffee pests have been estimated to cause losses of about 13% of the world yield but are most serious in Africa, particularly where Arabica coffee is grown. Coffee pests are normally indigenous and except for the berry borer beetle (Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari) there has been little movement between the main production areas. There is a great variety of pests but because the crop is perennial, evergreen and only grown in areas without climatic extremes, pest populations only rarely become intolerable, being held in check for most of the time by parasites, predators and diseases. Routine spraying of insecticides in coffee plantations is undesirable for these kill parasites and predators and often result in pest outbreaks. An effective but simple integrated control system has been evolved over many decades in East Africa, using a combination of cultural, biological and chemical control. Pest numbers are monitored continuously by growers and insecticides are used as selectively as possible. The system is ideally suited to areas where labour is cheap but technology is expensive.  相似文献   

近10年农作物主要病虫害发生危害情况的统计和分析   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
2006-2015年,我国农作物病虫草鼠害总体处于严重发生状态,各类病虫害年发生面积在4.603 5亿~5.075 3亿hm2次,年均挽回粮食损失9 684.68万t,占全国粮食总产的17.35%;年均实际损失粮食1 965.49万t,占全国粮食总产的3.53%。五大粮食作物中每年通过防治挽回损失的比例,水稻、小麦、玉米、大豆和马铃薯分别占55.18%、21.29%、18.97%、1.88%和2.68%,实际造成损失的比例分别占33.67%、23.31%、35.13%、2.11%和5.79%。影响全国粮食生产最为重要的10种(类)病虫害依次为稻飞虱、水稻纹枯病、稻纵卷叶螟、玉米螟、小麦蚜虫、二化螟、稻瘟病、小麦纹枯病、小麦赤霉病、小麦白粉病;某一个病虫暴发危害时最高可实际造成200万t以上的粮食损失,总损失可达2 200万t,占某类粮食总产的12%左右,对国家粮食安全影响巨大。最具暴发和流行危害特点的种类主要有稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟、稻瘟病、小麦条锈病、小麦赤霉病和黏虫等6种。本文运用大量翔实的历史数据统计分析了近10年来水稻、小麦、玉米三大粮食作物病虫害的危害损失和暴发危害情况。  相似文献   

为更系统地了解我国马铃薯四大产区病虫害发生情况,通过对2008—2017年《全国植保专业统计资料》进行汇总,本文重点分析我国马铃薯四大产区北方一作区、中原二作区、西南混作区和南方冬作区的晚疫病、早疫病、蚜虫、蛴螬等病虫害发生及防控情况,并对各产区间的相关指标进行比较分析。结果表明:马铃薯四大产区病虫害发生危害情况不同,晚疫病作为马铃薯最主要病害之一,高发于北方一作区和西南混作区,造成年均产量损失分别占各区总损失的42.41%和64.22%,远高于其它病虫害;中原二作区马铃薯病虫害种类繁多,且均对产量造成威胁。在四大产区中,北方一作区年均病虫害发生面积最大,实际产量损失最高,二者均超出该产区种植面积占比。当前,马铃薯四大产区病虫害防控仍太过依赖化学农药,应进一步推进病虫害绿色防控技术的研发和推广,加快病虫害专业化统防统治与绿色防控技术的融合。  相似文献   

Mushrooms are susceptible to a range of diseases and pests that can cause serious crop loss. Effective pest and pathogen control is a very important factor for the maintenance of efficient production of cultivated mushrooms. Integrated pest management in mushrooms is reliant upon four main principals/elements: sanitation, exclusion, monitoring and pest control. Bradysia ocellaris (Comstock) and Lycoriella ingenua (Dufour) (Diptera: Sciaridae) are major pests of cultivated mushrooms, Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach. These pests cause losses in yield through larval damage of the compost, mycelium and sporophores, and affect the structural features of the compost itself. Adult flies of these species also act as vectors for the introduction of mites and fungal diseases in cultivated mushrooms. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Coffee in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda) is an important cash and export crop for small-scale farmers. The crop suffers heavy yield losses due to damage caused by a wide range of indigenous pests (insects, diseases, nematodes and weeds). Current recommended pest control measures include a combination of cultural, resistant/tolerant cultivars and the use of broad spectrum chemical pesticides. Chemical pesticides are far more popular at the farm level than any of the other recommended pest control measures. Coffee pest control strategies are often aimed at individual pests with little consideration of the implications for the total coffee pest complex and its agro-ecosystem. This unilateral approach has resulted in increased pest pressure on coffee and some of its companion crops, outbreak of new pests of coffee, development of pest strains resistant to the cheap and commonly available chemical pesticides, increased environmental problems, increased health risks to man and livestock and an overall increase in the costs of coffee production, thus forcing many farmers to neglect their coffee plantations. Measures to alleviate the above problems, particularly the high production costs, are needed to improve coffee production and increase the cash return to the small-scale farmer. Integrated pest management (IPM) offers the best prospects for solving the above problems. However, lack of national IPM policies, poor extension systems, inefficient research-extension-farmer linkage and the lack of a holistic approach will delay the development and implementation of appropriate, acceptable and sustainable IPM practices.  相似文献   

本文探讨了测算水稻病虫为害总损失、虫害损失、病害损失、挽回损失和实际损失等五组数据的田间试验设计和方法,并以此来评估水稻病虫为害损失情况,同时分析造成为害损失的病虫主次。  相似文献   

试验选用生育期相近的4个水稻品种(津原45、津原11、津原17和花育409),通过等比例混播,研究水稻的遗传多样性对主要病虫害和天敌的发生以及产量的影响,在此基础上分析了各个参数之间的相关性。结果表明,水稻品种混播显著降低了褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens Stal的种群密度,提高了捕食性蜘蛛的种群密度。混播比单播均值增产2.5%,比津原45单播增产17.3%。相关性分析表明,不同品种的产量因子与害虫及天敌的发生量之间相关性不同,津原45和津原11单播处理中各参数间相关性显著,而在混播处理中不显著。本试验支持了农业生物多样性对病虫害调控作用的理论,为水稻的安全生产提供了技术依据。  相似文献   

二化螟Chilo suppressalis是水稻生产上重要的常发性害虫, 以大龄滞育幼虫在稻桩中越冬, 研究其寄生性天敌, 对于害虫发生动态预警和防治具有重要意义。通过剥查四川地区稻桩内越冬代二化螟幼虫并室内饲养羽化收集天敌, 鉴定天敌种类和调查自然寄生率发现:2017年-2018年, 2018年-2019年及2019年-2020年, 寄生蜂自然寄生率分别为1.1%~8.6%, 1.5%~11.7% 和 1.9%~9.0%, 年度间自然寄生率无明显差异; 寄生蜂自然种群主要有螟甲腹茧蜂 Chelonus munakatae (Munakata)、大螟钝唇姬蜂 Eriborus terebrans (Gravenhorst)、中华茧蜂 Amyosoma chinensis (Szepligeti)、绒茧克氏金小蜂Trichomalopsis apanteloctena (Crawford)、螟蛉瘤姬蜂 Itoplectis naranyae (Ashmead)、螟黄足盘绒茧蜂 Cotesia flavipes (Cameron)、环腹瘿蜂 Figites sp.、稻螟小腹茧蜂 Microgaster russata (Haliday)、黏虫白星姬蜂 Vulgichneumon leucaniae (Uchida)和二化螟黑卵蜂Telenomus chilocolus(Wu et Chen)。四川省越冬代二化螟寄生性天敌的优势种为螟黄足盘绒茧蜂和螟蛉瘤姬蜂, 部分地区每年自然寄生率维持在较高的水平。  相似文献   

Genome-wide analyses of gene function and gene expression are beginning to yield valuable information in many areas of biological research, and these genomic tools are now being applied to crop pest and disease research. DNA sequencing of cDNA libraries to generate sets of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) are allowing gene compendiums for crop diseases to be compiled. Annotation of such data collections is also providing a wealth of functional information about gene products through similarities to proteins with known function. The next phase of the functional genomics era will be to employ large-scale techniques to knock out or silence genes in order to synthesize gene-specific mutants for phenotypic analysis and to use micro-array methodology to analyze global gene expression, protein turnover and protein processing during the processes of parasitism and colonization. Application of these technologies promises to accelerate the pace that biological information relevant to crop protection accrues. The ability of researchers to assimilate this information into complex models and workable hypotheses is, thus, set to revolutionize the way we study pests and diseases of crop plants.  相似文献   


A survey of 150 rice farmers in three municipalities of the Ifugao Rice Terraces, Philippines, carried out in June 1998, aimed to assess the farmers' knowledge, attitudes, and practices of rice crop and pest management. The survey revealed that: 54% of the farmers fall within a narrow age range (31-50 years), the majority having 11-30 years of rice farming experience; they are of average literacy; and they have large households. Non-farm activity such as woodcarving was the most common source of additional income. The majority of farmers planted a single crop of rice per year and followed traditional cultivation practices. Major rice crop production constraints were drought due to the El Nino phenomenon and insufficient irrigation infrastructure. Zinc deficiency was widespread. Major, non-insect pests known to farmers were earthworms, rats, golden apple snails, and house sparrows. These pests damage either the rice plant or the terrace wall. Earthworm damage to the terrace wall is most obvious. Farmers had very little exposure to integrated pest management and new rice technologies.  相似文献   

Action thresholds as decision tools for insecticide application were developed and tested against the major insect pests of rice at four sites in the Philippines over a 13-year period. Action threshold treatments were compared to the farmers' practice, prophylactic insecticide usage, and an untreated check. Yield loss data using the insecticide check method partitioned yield losses over three crop growth stages in the same test fields. Chronic pests that exceeded action thresholds in 79% of fields were whorl maggot Hydrellia philippina Ferino (Diptera: Ephydridae), defoliators Naranga aenescens Moore and Rivula atimeta (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), leaffolders Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée) and Marasmia patnalis Bradley (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), and stemborers Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) and S. innotata (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Minor chronic pests reached threshold levels in only one site each: rice bug Leptocorisa oratorius (F.) (Koronadal), whitebacked planthopper Sogatella furcifera (Horvath) (Zaragoza) and green leafhopper Nephotettix virescens (Distant) (Guimba); brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) did not exceed a threshold in any field. Stemborers were the most important pest group in terms of yield loss. Despite the insecticide check method underestimating losses, a mean crop loss of 0.62 t/ha was measured which showed ample scope for corrective action. But loss was evenly distributed across crop growth stages (0.15?–?0.24 t/ha) reducing the impact of insecticides. Action threshold treatments overall outyielded the untreated check, more so in the two sites with highest pest density. The benefit of thresholds was to reduce insecticide usage, as a cost saving. However all the practices showed poor economic returns including the farmers' practice. Farmers' practice employed low insecticide dosages and timing was not consistent with pest damage, but yields were often similar to threshold treatments. Farmers appear to use insecticide more for risk aversion than for profit. The best threshold characters when evaluated against resulting pest density and yield loss criteria showed accuracies >?90% correct decisions. Future work is needed to improve the insecticide response rather than monitoring tools. Thresholds need to be incorporated into improved crop management, which was often found suboptimal by farmers, to take advantage of the high levels of tolerance in modern high tillering cultivars. Crop husbandry practices which improve yield potential such as selection of longer maturing varieties and nitrogen fertilizer may be a more effective pest management strategy than insecticides.  相似文献   

云南甘蔗地下害虫猖獗原因及防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在总结云南甘蔗地下害虫发生特点的基础上,分析猖獗发生的原因,主要与复杂性虫源、寄主植物、种植制度、天敌等因素有关。根据地下害虫的发生为害特点,提出以农业防治、生物防治为基础,物理防治灯光诱杀为辅,减少虫源;统一化防为重点和抓好关键时期科学用药的综合防治措施,可持续、有效控制甘蔗地下害虫发生为害。  相似文献   

生物灾害发生种类繁多和暴发频繁,是威胁我国粮食安全生产的重要因素。利用中国植物保护统计数据、粮食作物产量数据和农田土地覆盖类型分布遥感数据,重点分析中国1991年到2010年20年期间四类重要粮食作物病虫害发生面积和发生强度的变化趋势,以及其空间分布范围。结果表明:从1991年到2010年水稻、玉米和大豆病虫害发生面积均显著增加;水稻、小麦、玉米和大豆病虫害发生强度均显著增加。随着粮食作物病虫害发生面积增大,其发生强度均呈增加趋势。病害与虫害相比,无论是发生面积,还是发生强度,粮食作物的虫害均高于病害。粮食作物病虫害主要分布在我国中东部的粮食主产区,西部地区主要粮食作物病虫害发生相对较轻。为了有效地防止或减少病虫害等生物灾害对粮食生产安全的影响,目前应当加强农田景观变化和气候变化等对粮食农作物病虫害的影响诊断、发生与灾变的风险评估和监测预警,改善农田生态环境,开展区域性农田生态系统病虫害整合治理研究,并建立相应的对策。  相似文献   

在总结云南甘蔗地下害虫发生特点的基础上,分析猖獗发生的原因,主要与复杂性虫源、寄主植物、种植制度、天敌等因素有关。根据地下害虫的发生为害特点,提出以农业防治、生物防治为基础,物理防治灯光诱杀为辅,减少虫源;统一化防为重点和抓好关键时期科学用药的综合防治措施,可持续、有效控制甘蔗地下害虫发生为害。  相似文献   

中国水稻纵卷叶螟防控技术进展   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
水稻纵卷叶螟是我国水稻上的重要害虫,近年来给我国水稻生产造成了严重损失。目前,我国水稻纵卷叶螟主要有2种,即稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis mendinalis(Guenée)和稻显纹纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis exigua(Butler)。本文分别从生态学特性、测报技术和防控技术等方面对水稻纵卷叶螟的防控技术进展进行了综述。水稻纵卷叶螟的防控要坚持"绿色植保"理念,推行无害化治理;且应在测报数据分析的基础上,充分利用农业与物理防治和生物防治相结合的方法,并配以生态工程技术进行综合治理,以达到减药控害的目的。  相似文献   

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