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蓖麻蚕属于多化性昆虫.卵和蛹均不休眠.但由于我省的气候条件不符合蓖麻蚕的多化性特点,从十月底至来年五月间无饲料,不能饲养.必须在五月份从南方引种,给生产带来不利,为了解决这一矛盾,我们查阅了有关资料,并受本地区樗蚕以茧蛹越冬来年羽化产卵发育规律的启发.为此我们进行了蓖麻蚕以蛹越冬饲养试验,几年来保留了蓖麻蚕原种,并年年繁殖一部分普通种供应农村饲育,具体做法与体会如下.  相似文献   

于丽萍 《蚕学通讯》2010,30(2):51-52
桑蚕、柞蚕、蓖麻蚕是被人工驯化成功利用的三种主要吐丝类经济昆虫。蓖麻蚕主食蓖麻叶,具有发育快、龄期短、蚕体健、易饲养、成本低、见效快的特点。饲养1盒蓖麻蚕卵(约1万粒)可收茧25kg,除茧壳作为丝织品原料外,还有鲜蛹18kg、蚕沙100kg,均可综合利用。因此,在农业结构调整中广种蓖麻、多养蓖麻蚕大有发展前途。现将其饲养技术介绍如下。  相似文献   

我省蓖麻蚕生产60年代初期开始推广,发展较快,1967年蓖麻蚕茧皮收购量曾达14000担,后来由于工商关系及生产管理等问题处理不当而下降,几年来只作了越年种茧保育和饲养试验,很少推广.1981年重点恢复发展,共养原种243合,由于严重干旱仪繁殖饲养普通种:二千余合,予计收购蓖麻蚕茧皮约九千多斤.一、蓖麻蚕越冬种茧保育1971年从河北承德蚕研所引进白血系统中的蓝皮,经过低温饲育,增强蛹体越冬性  相似文献   

雄蛹冷藏对交尾性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于中系蚕品种雄蛾不耐冷藏对交尾冷藏雄蛹更引起交尾性能下降,多丝量蚕品种,蛹期越早冷藏温度越低,引起交尾下降越明显,冷藏后的雄蛹,只要出蛾正常交尾,对雌蛾产孵受精率影响不大,但仍是中系品种差于日系品种。  相似文献   

为探索蓖麻蚕在新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州推广养殖的可行性,于2023年8~9月,在巴音郭楞蒙古自治州库尔勒市开展蓖麻蚕品种南一的养殖试验,全程记录蓖麻蚕生长发育状况,调查发育经过、生命力及经济性状。结果显示,蓖麻蚕从收蚁至5龄起蚕均眠起集中,全龄食叶快、生长迅速、发育整齐。5龄经过6~7 d,全龄经过19~20 d。4龄起蚕结茧率、死笼率和4龄起蚕虫蛹率3项生命力指标优良,未发现死蚕及死蛹。4龄起蚕虫蛹率达99.8%,其中2个饲育区100%,饲养成功率高。全茧量3.24 g、茧层量0.51 g、茧层率15.77%。试验结果表明,蓖麻蚕可在新疆巴州正常生长,发育整齐、生命力强,可根据当地蓖麻种植面积规划蓖麻蚕养殖区域和饲养量,促进增收,满足市场需求。  相似文献   

为了探寻鲜家蚕蛹冷藏的优势操作模式和最适冷藏时间范围,为鲜家蚕蛹的保鲜提供简便的冷藏模式,以入库时机、冷藏形式和冷藏温度3种条件的不同组合进行不同时间梯度的冷藏试验。研究结果表明:鲜家蚕蛹的冷藏保鲜效果受冷藏形式影响最大,全茧形式和前期全茧后期裸蛹形式的冷藏保鲜效果均远好于裸蛹形式的冷藏保鲜效果;全茧形式适合用5.0℃相对较高的温度冷藏;化蛹24 h的裸蛹适合用2.5℃相对较低的温度冷藏,而化蛹72 h的裸蛹适合用5.0℃相对较高的温度冷藏。建议在实际生产中推广使用损耗率不超过25%的冷藏模式:全茧形式,化蛹2~3 d内入库,5.0℃冷藏不超过60 d;前期全茧后期裸蛹形式,化蛹2~3 d内入库,5.0℃冷藏,前期30 d内可以随时削茧再冷藏,后期再续冷藏时间不超过30 d;裸蛹形式,化蛹3 d左右入库,5.0℃冷藏,不超过30 d。  相似文献   

为了寻找合适的932品种雄蛾发蛾调节方式,更好地指导杂交原种芙蓉×932的生产。试验通过冷藏932种茧及冷藏成熟雄蛹两种方法进行发蛾调节,调查不同处理对调节效果及原种质量的影响。结果表明,两种冷藏处理方法对发蛾调节均有效果,其中成熟雄蛹冷藏对时间的控制更精确;两种冷藏处理方式在48h内对所生产原种的有效卵圈、良卵量、不良卵率无显著影响。冷藏成熟雄蛹更利于准确调控出蛾时间;当冷藏时间控制在48 h内,种茧冷藏和种蛹冷藏对芙蓉×932蚕种的各项卵质指标无显著影响。  相似文献   

要实现桑蚕蛹在市场上的食用推广,需要解决持续不断的鲜活桑蚕蛹的供应问题,拟采用两个途径解决。一是采用多批次滚动养蚕技术,选择与布局适量的蚕户饲养,每批之间间隔10~15d;二是采用鲜桑蚕蛹冷藏技术,对每批生产出的鲜桑蚕蛹进行冷藏,抑制其发育。本试验对鲜蚕蛹食用的冷藏技术进行初步探究,结果表明:用12℃冷藏8~10d,无论裸茧蛹冷藏,还是茧壳蛹冷藏,均能适应食用要求。  相似文献   

通过不同摊放种茧试验表明,缩尾蛹、驼背蛹产生的主要原因是种茧未能粒粒横摊造成。对缩尾蛹、驼背蛹、正常蛹进行制种试验,结果表明:三种蛹的造卵数基本一致,羽化率、产卵量、产卵率均以正常蛹高,不受精卵低。  相似文献   

<正> 发生旋蛹,轻者影响公斤茧制种量和单产的提高,重者导致克蚁制种量不及格而被淘汰。今年春天,我们前批饲养苏三、秋三、苏四,后批饲养东肥、华合。苏四和华合是最易发生旋蛹的品种,因此,在削茧鉴蛹时,我们边注意边试验观察,探索防止旋蛹的方法,防止旋蛹的发生获得了较好的效果。我们对旋蛹发生的时间,摊蛹材料和气象环境等分别作了调查试验,试验调查的结果如下:一、削茧时期与旋蛹发生。苏四在上簇后第十天,华合在第十一天削茧,即在少数复眼变黑时削茧,削出的蛹体在半小时后开  相似文献   

蓖麻蚕滞育与过氧化氢代谢的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了探讨蓖麻蚕滞育的机理,研究了蓖麻蚕蛹H2O2代谢的变化,并比较了在5℃冷藏滞育条件下的差异。结果表明,常温环境蓖麻蚕蛹期的H2O2含量呈减少趋势,第3~5天急速变化,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性在第5天出现活性峰,故蛹期第3~5天是蓖麻蚕生理变化的一个敏感时期。第3天开始蛹滞育条件5℃冷藏,雄蛹在30 d前后、雌蛹在80 d左右H2O2含量出现快速改变;SOD和CAT活性一直呈下降趋势,但自30 d开始CAT活性出现快速下降过程,5℃冷藏30 d是蓖麻蚕蛹H2O2代谢的临界期生理时间,这与蚕蛹的30 d冷藏阈值时间吻合。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of sample handling, storage, and culture techniques on the isolation of Pythium insidiosum from infected equine tissues. Tissue and kunker samples obtained immediately posteuthanasia from a horse with subcutaneous pythiosis were used to assess the effects of sample type (kunkers vs. tissues), media type (selective vs. nonselective), storage technique, and storage time on P. insidiosum isolation rate. Overall, isolation rates were higher from fresh kunkers (94.6%) and stored kunkers (76.4%) than from fresh tissues (8.3%) or stored tissues (4.6%). Isolation of P. insidiosum also occurred more often on antibiotic-containing media than on nonselective media for both fresh and stored samples. For samples that were stored for 1-3 days prior to culture, P. insidiosum isolation rates were highest for the following techniques: kunkers stored at room temperature and plated on selective media (100%), kunkers stored at 4 C and then plated on either nonselective (91.7%) or selective (95.8%) media, kunkers stored on cold packs and then plated on either nonselective (93.8%) or selective (100%) media, kunkers stored in ampicillin solution and plated on selective media (100%), and kunkers stored in ampicillin/gentocin solution and plated on selective media (87.5%). For samples stored for 4-5 days, P. insidiosum isolation rates were highest for kunkers stored at 4 C and then plated on either nonselective (81.3%) or selective (87.5%) media, kunkers stored in ampicillin solution and then plated on selective media (87.5%), and kunkers stored in ampicillin/gentocin solution and plated on selective media (87.5%). Results of this study suggest that optimal isolation rates of P. insidiosum from infected equine tissues are achieved by culturing fresh kunkers on selective media. For samples that cannot be processed immediately, acceptable handling techniques include storage at room temperature for up to 3 days, refrigeration for up to 5 days, shipping on cold packs, and storage in antibiotic solution, each combined with subsequent inoculation on selective media.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that Ca(I) concentration is stable in serum collected from healthy horses for 10 days if stored at 40 degrees C. This may not be true for horses with abnormal Ca(I) concentrations. Thus the stability of ionized calcium (Ca(I)) concentration and pH measurement in serum from horses with both normal and abnormal Ca(I) concentrations stored for various times at 40 degrees C and -10 degrees C was evaluated. Our results indicated that serum Ca(I) concentration was stable throughout 7 days of cold or frozen storage, after being received by the Clinical Chemistry Laboratory. Serum Ca(I) concentration showed a significant decrease by 14 days of frozen storage (-10 degrees C). Serum pH showed a statistically significant increase by 7 days of cold storage, and within 3 days of frozen storage. If equine serum is collected, handled and stored anaerobically, and kept cold or frozen, Ca(I) concentration can be accurately measured for approximately 7 days after collection, regardless of the health status of the animal. An accurate measurement of pH may be made within 3 days of cold or 1 day of frozen storage.  相似文献   

本试验采取母蛾延迟交配,拆对后冷藏、改变交配时间和产卵室保护温度等技术措施来探讨改善芳草A系原种产卵性的方法。结果表明,这些措施对产卵性能的改进有一定的效应,但由于性状间存在相关关系,对某一性状的促进效应往往同时也对另一产卵性状产生负向影响。  相似文献   

为探讨贮藏方式和贮藏时间对苜蓿(Medicago sativa)干草霉菌数量和种类的影响,本研究在甘肃省酒泉市肃州区采集露天贮藏、苫布贮藏和储草棚贮藏下不同贮藏时间的苜蓿干草,用PD A平皿培养法、形态鉴定法和rD-NA-ITS序列分析法对霉菌的数量和种类进行了鉴定和分析.结果表明:贮藏方式和时间对苜蓿干草的霉菌数量和...  相似文献   

Metabolic activity of boar spermatozoa, liquid stored for three days at 5 degrees C, was measured using bioluminescence for ATP content, fluorescent assay (JC fluorochrome) of mitochondrial activity and oxygen consumption. Sperm motility and plasma membrane integrity (PMI) were simultaneously analyzed. Apart from the statistically significant effect (P < 0.001) of semen storage time, the importance of the individual source of the ejaculate for the analyzed parameters of metabolic efficiency of spermatozoa was shown. This phenomenon was manifested in the interaction of the individual source of the ejaculate with spermatozoa motility, integrity of their membranes and metabolic activity with the passing time of semen preservation. Recorded results indicate that the individual factor may have a significant influence on the technological usefulness of boar spermatozoa for liquid storage. Quality analyses conducted on boar semen stored at 5 degrees C may be used for pre-selection of boars producing sperm with an enhanced tolerance to cold shock.  相似文献   

为了研究种蛋储存期对孵化性能的影响,试验以散养东北当地土鸡种蛋为研究对象,研究不同保存期(1~3 d、4~7 d、8~15 d和16~30 d)种蛋孵化性能的变化。结果表明:东北当地散养土鸡种蛋的最佳保存时间为7 d,种蛋保存时间在1~3 d和4~7 d之间的受精蛋孵化率变化不明显,保存超过7 d的种蛋受精蛋孵化率显著降低(P<0.05),且保存时间越长受精蛋孵化率越低;随着保存时间的延长,胚胎死亡率增高,保存1~15 d对胚胎早期死亡率影响不大,保存时间超过15 d会导致中后期死胚率增高。说明保存时间对种蛋孵化性能起关键性作用。  相似文献   

本在脱皮激素对木薯蚕吐平板丝的影响方面进行了探讨。脱皮激素在合适的浓度范围内对木薯蚕吐平板丝的生理活动有一定的影响,可减少蔟中爬动,缩短吐丝时间,并可提高吐丝量。这些影响是有利用价值的。因而脱皮激素在木薯蚕吐平板丝的应用上值得进一步探讨。  相似文献   

A 360-d study was performed to evaluate the effects of different environmental conditions on storage stability of exogenous phytases. Coated and uncoated products from 3 phytase sources [Ronozyme P (DSM Nutritional Products, Basel, Switzerland), OptiPhos (Phytex LLC, Sheridan, IN), and Phyzyme (Danisco Animal Nutrition, Marlborough, UK)] were stored as pure forms, in a vitamin premix, or in a vitamin and trace mineral (VTM) premix. Pure products were stored at -18, 5, 23, and 37°C (75% humidity). Premixes were stored at 23 and 37°C. Sampling was performed on d 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 270, and 360. Sampling of the pure products stored at -18 (lack of sample) and 5°C (because of mold growth) was discontinued after d 120. Stability was reported as the residual phytase activity (% of initial) at each sampling point. For the stability of the pure forms, all interactive and main effects of the phytase product, coating, time, and storage temperature were significant (P < 0.01), except for the time × coating interaction. When stored at 23°C or less, pure phytases retained at least 91, 85, 78, and 71% of their initial phytase activity at 30, 60, 90, and 120 d of storage, respectively. However, storing pure products at 37°C reduced (P < 0.01) phytase stability, with OptiPhos retaining the most (P < 0.01) activity. Coating mitigated (P < 0.01) the negative effects of high storage temperature for Ronozyme and OptiPhos (from d 90 onward), but not for Phyzyme. For the stability of phytase in different forms of storage, all interactive and main effects of phytase product, form, coating, time, and temperature of storage were significant (P < 0.01). When stored at room temperature (23°C), retained phytase activities for most the phytase sources were more than 85, 73, and 60% of the initial activity up to 180 d when stored as pure products, vitamin premixes, or VTM premixes, respectively. When stored at 37°C, pure phytase products had greater (P < 0.01) retention of initial phytase activity than when phytases were mixed with the vitamin or VTM premixes. Coated phytases stored in any form had greater (P < 0.01) activity retention than the uncoated phytases at all sampling periods. Results indicate that storage stability of commercially available phytases is affected by duration of storage, temperature, product form, coating, and phytase source. Pure products held at 23°C or less were the most stable. In premixes, longer storage times and higher temperatures reduced phytase activity, but coating mitigated some of these negative effects.  相似文献   

We conducted two experiments to investigate the effects of storage temperature and period for cat ovaries on the meiotic and developmental competence of oocytes collected from the ovaries. In Experiment 1, ovaries were stored in physiological saline for 24 h at 4 C, 23-25 C, or 38 C (cold, room, and incubator temperature groups, respectively), and then oocytes were collected from the ovaries in each group. Morphologically intact oocytes were then selected and cultured in maturation medium for 24 h. Significantly more oocytes reached metaphase II (MII) in the cold temperature group (53.4%) than in the room and incubator temperature groups (20.0 and 2.4%, respectively). In Experiment 2, ovaries were stored in physiological saline at room temperature for 0, 6, 12 or 18 h, and then they were stored at 4 C (cold storage) until reaching a total storage period of 24 h. After storage of the ovaries, morphologically intact oocytes were matured, fertilized with frozen-thawed spermatozoa, and cultured in vitro. The rates of morphologically intact oocytes obtained from the ovaries stored at room temperature for 0, 6, 12 or 18 h were 35.3, 30.0, 26.4 and 14.7%, respectively, and the rates of intact oocytes that reached MII were 63.2, 36.4, 26.5 and 11.9%, respectively. The results suggested that the numbers of morphologically intact oocytes and intact oocytes that reached MII after in vitro maturation decrease gradually as the period of storage at room temperature before cold storage increases. Only oocytes from ovaries stored for 6 h developed to the blastocyst stage after in vitro maturation and fertilization when ovaries were stored at room temperature before cold storage. These results indicate that 24 h storage of ovaries at high temperatures (>23 C) decreases the meiotic competence of oocytes. The quality and developmental competence of oocytes are influenced by the length of storage at room temperature before cold storage.  相似文献   

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