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With the aid of an example of ICRAF's tree improvement research programme for the highlands of Eastern and Central Africa, a logical approach to selection and breeding of multipurpose trees and shrubs in agroforestry context is proposed. Criteria for selection of high priority species are proposed. Some species of high potential for agroforestry development in Sub Sahara Africa are proposed. The necessary sequential research steps are discussed.  相似文献   

评价了10个多功能树种--阿江榄江树(Terminalia arjuna)、印楝(Azadirechta indica)、牧豆树(Prosopis juliflora)、水黄皮(Pongarnia pin-nata)、木麻黄(Casuarina equisetifolia)、角豆树(Prosopis alba )、阿拉伯金合欢(Acacia nilotica)、细叶桉(Eucalyptus tereticornis)、牛蹄豆(Pithecellobium dulce)、铁刀木(Cassia siamea )等10年间的生物量和生物能产量,这些树种采用单种栽培的农作方式种植于印度北部恒河平原苏打土壤。该地区土壤紧密、盐碱化、透水性差、营养匮乏。10个树种中,细叶桉植株最高,牧豆树和木麻黄次之。阿拉伯金合欢林分基面积为3.04m2·hm-2,植株胸径优于其他树种,牧豆树和木麻黄植株胸径次之。10年间,牧豆树和Acacia nilotica分别产出生物量56.50和50.75 Mg·hm-2,而阿拉伯金合欢、水黄皮和角豆树生物量产出量较小。牧豆树的营养需求和净生物量产出均最大,而且叶片中营养元素(N,P,K,Ca和Mg)含量较高。然而,树种间木质成分差异较小。以每吨木材营养元素产出量计算,氮素在阿拉伯金合欢中产出量最低,磷和钾分别在阿江榄仁树和牛蹄豆中产出最低,钙和镁在牧豆树中产出最低。牧豆树生物质能产量最高1267.75 GJ·hm-2,阿拉伯金合欢次之1206 GJ·hm-2,印楝最低(520.66GJ·hm-2)。图2表7参31。  相似文献   

Growth performances of some multipurpose trees and shrubs have been studied for five years at two locations in the semi-arid areas of Southern Ethiopia. The best performance in terms of rates of survival and growth rates (height and diameter growth) has been attained byAcacia nilotica, A. Cyanophylla, A. seyal, Cassia siamea andProsopis juliflora. Given the ecological limitations of semi-arid areas, growth rates of these species is promising and this indicates that sustainable production system can be realized using proper agroforestry technologies in the semi-arid areas of Southern Ethiopia and similar area types elsewhere.  相似文献   

A number of multipurpose tree species are conserved as scattered trees in settled farms on terraced slopes by the traditional farmers in Central Himalaya, India. Knowledge on growth rates and ecological impacts of these tree species is limited. Ten locally valued multipurpose tree species, viz., Albizzia lebbek, Alnus nepalensis, Boehmeria rugulosa, Celtis australis, Dalbergia sissoo, Ficus glomerata, Grewia optiva, Prunus cerasoides, Pyrus pashia and Sapium sebiferum, were established as mixed plantations at a degraded community forest land site and an abandoned agricultural land site in a village at 1200 m altitude in District Chamoli, India. At the abandoned agricultural land site, annual food crops were grown, along with planted trees, providing supplemental irrigation and organic manure following traditional farming practices. Survival, height, stem circumference, crown depth and width, number of branches, above-ground biomass and soil physico-chemical characteristics were monitored up to five years of plantation growth. Above-ground tree biomass accumulation at the abandoned agricultural land site was 3.9 t ha−1 yr−1 compared with 1.1 t ha−1 yr−1at the degraded forest land site. B. rugulosa, C. australis, F. glomerata, G. optiva, P. cerasoides and S. sebiferum showed more prominent differences in growth at the two sites compared with A. lebbek, A. nepalensis, D. sissoo and P. pashia. A. nepalensis and D. sissoo showed best growth performance at both the sites. A significant improvement in soil physico-chemical characteristics was observed after five years at both of the sites. Carbon sequestration in soil was higher than that in bole biomass. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Use of multipurpose trees in hill farming systems in Western Nepal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large number of multipurpose trees and shrubs are deliberately retained or incorporated on farms in the subsistence farming systems on the steep slopes in parts of Nepal. Woody perennials are maintained in contour strips across the slopes and around the fields. The contribution of these trees is the production of foder and firewood and their protective function in reducing the erosion hazards and thereby making crop production possible in those steep slopes where profitable cropping would otherwise be extremely difficult. Based on a case study in two villages of the Western Development Region, this paper presents some data on basic farm management aspects, production of crops and other components, etc. of the system. The performance of the system is assessed and its merits and weakness highlighted.Although the hill farming system extends over quite a large area and accounts for a large number of Nepal's population, it has not received any research attention nor benefitted by any scientific innovations. Improvement possibilities in terms of component technologies as well as farming systems including the incorporation of the several locally available medicinal plants are indicated.  相似文献   

A hedgerow intercropping study was conducted for 7 years in West Sumatra, Indonesia on an acid and highly Al-saturated soil to determine growth and yield responses of tree hedgerows and upland rice and cowpea intercrops. Three tree species,Paraserianthes falcataria, Calliandra calothyrsus, andGliricidia sepium and a no-tree control were planted at three lime rates with low annual fertilizer inputs of 20 kg P and 50 kg K ha–1.Paraserianthes andCalliandra grew vigorously, whileGliricidia grew poorly and was replaced after four years withFlemingia macrophylla. After four years,Paraserianthes yields declined due to tree mortality, probably due to intensive pruning.Calliandra andFlemingia were well adapted to intensive pruning (4 to 6 times per year). Gliricidia growth was especially limited by low soil Ca availability and high soil acid saturation.Calliandra andFlemingia yields increased with liming only in the last several years of the study whileParaserianthes did not respond to lime. The species can be tentatively ranked in response to lime as:Gliricidia > Calliandra > Flemingia > Paraserianthes.  相似文献   

Whether in agroforestry in temperate or tropical zones, choosing the right species is one of the most crucial stages of experiments and for reforestation, erosion control or land-improvement projects.Over the last decade, ICRAF has developed a tool to help researchers, extension workers, foresters and others in the decision process. The Multipurpose Tree & Shrub Database (MPTS) contains information about more than 1,000 species. Most of these species are grown in the tropical and subtropical zones, but many of them have a potential for temperate areas as well.MPTS contains first-hand, site-specific information about multipurpose tree species. This information makes it possible for the user to compare his or her site conditions with the site conditions described in the database, and allows him/her to draw conclusions about the possible species performance. MPTS also contains secondary information from publications.Candidate species are searched by entering keywords from a list of 19 correlated criteria, such as soil information, expected services or wood and non-wood products. Detailed information about the selected candidates (e.g. morphology, management, environmental responses) is provided.Beyond this, MPTS is a quick reference tool for the multiple use of tree and shrub species. In future it will include a comprehensive guide to germplasm information. Current activities include the implementation of an interactive use-interface and links to related databases.  相似文献   

Improvement strategies applicable to non-industrial trees with a clear focus on: end-use target group of beneficiaries, amount of planting material required, the biology of the species and the amount and structure of variation are discussed. Whichever strategy is used it is paramount that material is properly evaluated in trials and that diverse and productive germplasm is released. Cognizance of farmer's needs and criteria should be taken given that they are generally risk averse and try to stabilise production rather than solely maximise production. The consequences of release of planting stock need to be considered in relation to whether improvement will be recurrent or a single event. The establishment of breeding seedling orchards that perform the combined functions of resource population, breeding population, progeny test and seed production area would appear to offer distinct advantages. Decision strategies for improvement of non-industrial trees are discussed in relation to the features outlined.  相似文献   

India's long tradition of agroforestry has been influenced by numerous religious, social, and economic factors. Several indigenous agroforestry systems, based on peoples' needs and site-specific characteristics, have developed over the years. Agroforestry research was initiated in the country about two decades ago; since then, considerable progress has been achieved. The interactions between and among the tree, crop, grass, and animal components have been studied, and several agroforestry technologies have been developed and tried on farmers' lands. Agroforestry research is now conducted under the auspices of the All India Coordinated Agroforestry Research Project of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research at 31 centers distributed over India's tropical and temperate regions. In addition to research, the program includes agroforestry training of farmers, technicians, and scientists at 28 centers throughout the country. Expectations from agroforestry are high in India in both rural and urban areas; these expectations include production benefits that are in harmony with the ecology, environment, traditions, and heritage of the country.  相似文献   

In Pakistan, particularly in Punjab Province, it is difficult for agrofarmers to combine their indigenous knowledge and modern scientific methods to evaluate existing traditional farming systems and forestry practices. This requires an evaluation of indigenous soil classification in simple terms along with knowledge of the local flora, especially trees. This study focuses on land suitability classification for trees in the Attock District of Punjab, Pakistan. A survey was conducted which included interviews of local agrofarmers as well as standard soil analyses including both chemical and physical determinations of local soil types. An evalu- ation of soil types for cultivation of various crops was carried out given its total extent, component soil series and their proportions, spotting characteristics of each soil series and their major limitations/hazards for trees/crops. These would lead to the identification of various tree species according to soil characteristics. Then, according to the soil types and species, a land suitability map was obtained for the choice of tree species by using geographic information system (GIS) software. Land suitability classification will help local agroforesters/agrofarmers in matching suitable agricultural trees/crops properly for different soils in the area.  相似文献   

Tree legumes play a vital role in many agroforestry systems currently in use throughout the world. Because of their multipurpose nature they can be used to provide high quality fodder for livestock, nutrient rich mulch for crops, fuelwood and timber, microenvironment amelioration, ecosystem stability, and human food.Tree legumes are increasingly being used to provide fodder for livestock, as they have a number of unique characteristics which make them attractive for both smallholder and largescale livestock enterprises. Research and development efforts have concentrated on broadening the resource base by evaluating a greater range of tree legume genera, defining optimum management strategies, and developing appropriate systems which capitalize on the advantages of these species.This paper reviews the role of tree legumes in agroforestry, especially for fodder purposes, outlines the areas of current research focus, and endeavors to highlight some gaps in our knowledge which require further research effort.  相似文献   

The fuelwood potential of indigenous (Acacia nilotica, Azadirachta indica, Casuarina equisetifolia, Dalbergia sissoo, Prosopis cineraria andZizyphus mauritiana) and exotics (Acacia auriculiformis, A. tortilis, Eucalyptus camaldulensis andE. tereticornis) trees were studied. Calorific value variations for components, such as, stump, main stem, treetop, branches, foliage and bark, were determined. Tree components differed highly significantly (P<0.01) among groups (indigenous and exotics) and within species. The calorific means ranged from 18.7 to 20.8 MJ/kg for indigenous tree species and 17.3 to 19.3 MJ/kg for exotics. Besides calorific values, other fuelwood characteristics, such as, density, ash, biomass/ash ratio, moisture and nitrogen content were also studied. It was observed that indigenous tree species are better suited as fuelwood species as they contain high density wood, low ash content and low N percentage. The fuelwood value index (FVI) was found to be high of indigenous tree species and was maximum forCasuarina equisetifolia (2815). The most promising tree species were in the order ofC. equisetifolia, A. nilotica andZ. mauritiana.  相似文献   

Growth rates of 29 multipurpose trees grown in an agroforestry arboretum for six years at a sub-humid to semi-arid climatic zone are presented. Exotic species such as Grevillea robusta, Sesbania grandiflora, Leucaena leucocephala, Cassia siamea and Sesbania sesban, some of which were outside their traditional climatic zones, had higher diameters, heights and bole volumes/tree (upto 130% more in certain cases) than of the indigenous species. However, poor performance of several species (both exotic and indigenous) would limit their agroforestry potentials at the evaluation site or other similar areas.  相似文献   

Multipurpose tree species (MPTs) were studied in an agroforestry arboretum under subtropical humid climate in Northeast India. Out of 12 MPTs planted under agroforestry systems, Acacia auriculiformis in spacing of 2 m × 2 m (2500 stems·hm^-2) could have the potentiality to meet the timber/fuelwood requirement due to its high wood production of 635 m^3·hm^-2 with mean annual increment (MAI) of 2.54×10^-2 m^3.treel.a^-1 in a short rotation period of 10 years. Thus, A. auriculiformis is a short rotation forest tree species suitable to grow in subtropical humid climate. On the other hand, at 16 years of age, Eucalyptus hybrid and Michelia champaca in spacing of 3 m × 3 m (1111 stems.hm^2) produced appreciably high timber volume of 315 m^3.hm^-2 and 165 m^3.hm^-2 with MAI of 1.77×10^-2 m^3.tree^-1·a^-1 and 0.92×10.2 m^3.tree^-1.a^-1, respectively. At 16 years of age, Gmelina arborea produced a timber volume of 147 m^3.hm^-2 with MAI of 1.47×10^-2 m^3.tree^-1.a^-1 followed by Samania saman (140 m^3.hm^-2), Albizziaprocera (113 m^3·hm^-2) and Tectona grandis (79 m3.hm^-2) with MAI of 1.40, 1.13 and 0.78 × 10^-2 m^3 .tree^-1a^-1, respectively in 4 m × 4 m spacing (625 stems.hm^-2). Gliricidia maculata and Leucaena leucocephala could be used as live fences around the farm boundary to supply their N-rich leaves for mulch as well as manure to crops. In agroforestry arboretum, direct seeded upland rice (Oryza sativa - variety, AR-11), groundnut (Arachis hypogaea - variety, JL-24) and sesamum (Sesamum indicum - variety, B-67) were grown during the initial period upto 8 years of tree establishment. Under other MPTs, there was a reduction in crop productivity as compared to open space. After 8 years of tree establishment, horti-silvi and silvi-pastoral systems were developed and pineapple (Ananas comosus - variety Queen), turmeric (Curcuma longa -variety RCT -1) and cowpea (Vigna sinensis - variety Pusa Barsati) as forage crop were raised. The productivity of p  相似文献   

A study was carried out to evaluate the growth parameters and nutritive qualities of Moringa oleifera, Millettia griffoniana and Pterocarpus santalinoides. The main objective of the study was to assess the potential of the MPTS in supplementing the feed of ruminant animals during the dry season when grasses are scarce and their quality generally fall short of animal requirements. Leaf samples were randomly collected from the trees for estimation of the proximate composition, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre and gas production using the in vitro technique. Samples were collected three times to represent seasonal variations as follows: November: Early Dry; February: Mid Dry and April: Late Dry seasons. Gas production was recorded at 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h of incubation. Mortality rate was less than 5%. M. oleifera recorded the best overall growth respectively followed by P. santalinoides and M. griffoniana. P. santalinoides and M. oleifera retained more leaves in the dry season than M. griffoniana. The dry matter (DM) and ether extract (EE) contents of the MPTS were significantly (P < 0.05) affected by seasons and plant species while there were significant (P < 0.05) species effects on the CP and ADF values. The gas production values and the fermentation parameters indicated the presence of potentially degradable nutrients in the MPTS, which underscores the importance of the tree species as sources of nutrient for ruminant animals during the dry season.  相似文献   

在印地安具有亚热带潮湿气候特点的东北地区,本文对几种多种用途的树种进行研究。选择12种多用途树种种植在农林系统中,耳果相思(Acacia auriculiformis),种植间距为2m×2m(2500 个·hm-2),有很大的生长潜力。在 10 年期的短期轮伐中,每年有很高的产量(635 m3·hm-2),平均每年增涨量为 2.54×102 m3·tree-1·a-1,可以满足薪碳材的需要。所以,耳果相思(Acacia auriculiformis)是一种短期轮伐树种,适合种植在潮湿亚热带气候地区。另一方面,16年树龄的桉树(Eucalyptus hybrid)和黄兰(Michelia champaca) 种植间距为3m×3m (1111个·hm-2),分别有较高的生长量(315 m3·hm-2和165 m3·hm-2),平均每年每棵树增长量分别为1.77×10-2 m3和0.92 × 10-2 m3。16年树龄的印度石梓(Gmelina arborea) 木材产量为147 m3·hm-2,每年每树的增长量是 1.47×10-2 m3。其次为 Samania saman(140 m3·hm-2)和柚木(Tectona grandis (79 m3·hm-2)),平均每年每树的增长量分别是 1.40,1.13和0.78×10-2 m3。毒鼠豆属植物(Gliricidia maculate) 和银合欢(Leucaena leucocephala) 可以用作农厂的围栏并提供农作物的肥料。在植物园,种植树木的最初 8 年间,可以种植高地水稻(Oryza sativa–variety, AR-11), 落地花生(Arachis hypogaea–variety, JL-24)和胡麻(Sesamum indicum–variety,B-67)。由于林下郁闭度太大,在耳果相思(Acacia auriculiformis)林下的农作物产量不高,与空旷地的农作物比较产量有所降低。树木种植 8 年后,种植草料作物如,凤梨、姜黄、豇豆,它们的产量在印楝(Azadirachta indica)林下很高。高产量的农作物和园艺植物与具有高产量多种用途树种一起种植构成了有发展前景的农林系统,并改变土壤特性,改善土壤酸度,提高土壤有机质,降低土壤腐蚀度,提高土壤含水量。  相似文献   

Leaves of multipurpose tree species (those providing more than one function or product of human use) can serve as sources of fer-tilizer for nutrient supply, especially nitrogen (N). In this study chop...  相似文献   

The effects of Cassia siamea, Albizia lebbek, Acacia auriculiformis, and Azadirachta indica on soil fertility have been studied on five-year-old fallows on Ferric Acrisols in Central Togo. Litter quality and soil fertility under the four species were significantly different. Topsoil pH increases significantly with increasing litter Ca levels. Cassia siamea and Azadirachta indica were superior in enriching the sandy-loamy topsoils with Calcium and in increasing soil pH. Under Acacia, which had the highest biomass production, litter accumulation appeared to be responsible for the low mineral soil Ca and P values. In addition, topsoil pH under Acacia was lower than under grass or bush fallow or the other species. Slow litter mineralization of Acacia auriculiformis was probably caused by the thick, leathery consistence and high tannin content of its litter. Due to its high biomass production supporting soil acidification pure Acacia auriculiformis stands seemed to be less favourable for improving soil fertility on planted fallows but more suited for firewood plantations and topsoil protection. The foliage as well as the litter and topsoil under Albizia showed narrow C/N- and C/P-ratios resulting in easily mineralizable organic matter. All tree species tested were superior to natural grass/herb fallow in building up surface soil fertility. However, differences with natural bush fallow were not significant.
Résumé Au bout de cinq ans des differences fortement significative ont été trouvées quant aux caractères de la litière et de la fertilité des jachères arborées avec Cassia siamea, Albizia lebbek, Acacia auriculiformis et Azadirachta indica, respectivement. ll y a une corrélation positive entre le pH de l'horizon superficiel et la teneur en Ca dans la litière: l'enrichissement du sol sable-limoneux en Ca et le pH sont plus élevés sous Cassia siamea et Azadirachta indica que sous les autres espèces. Acacia se caractérise par la plus grande production en biomasse, donc une accumulation importante de litière sur le sol, ce qui entraîne les plus faibles teneurs en P et Ca dans l'horizon de surface. En plus, il semble qu'elle fait diminuer le pH parce que les valeurs trouvées sont inférieures à celles des parcelles témoin ou des autres espèces. La mineralisation retardée de la litière de Acacia auriculiformis depend probablement de la consistence des feuilles et du content élevé de tannine. Acacia est par consequent moins favorable à des jachères plantées mais plutôt efficace quant à la production du bois de feu et la protection du sol contre l'érosion. Vu les petits rapport C/N et C/P dans les feuilles, la litière et dans l'horizon superficiel d'Albizia, on peut supposer que sa matière organique soit plus facilement décomposable. Toutes les espèces d'arbre étudiées sont plus capables de lever la fertilité des sols que les herbes des parcelles témoin. La comparaison avec une jachère spontanée d'arbustes ne fait pas apparâitre d'effets significatifs.

The role of shelter in Australia for protecting soils,plants and livestock   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The purpose of this review is to examine the current knowledge of the role of trees in providing shelter for pastures, crops, and livestock, for controlling erosion of soils and improving productivity and sustainability of agricultural production in Australia — and the extent to which this knowledge has been applied.Land degradation — tree loss and associated soil salinity, water and wind erosion, soil acidification, soil structural decline and nutrient degradation — is evidence that our primary production systems are not sustainable. We have sought increased production without proper consideration of the ecological context of that system. About half of Victoria's crop and pasture lands are affected or at risk, and in Western Australia about 25% of the cleared agricultural land is wind-eroded and 60% is potentially susceptible, salinity affects 0.43 m ha and half of the divertible surface water is affected by salinity. Similar problems occur in other States. At least 43 m ha or 13% of our rangelands are seriously degraded by wind erosion caused by overgrazing, often coinciding with drought or a run of drier years.Minimum tillage and stubble management for erosion control in cropping has been a major extension and research activity in Australian agriculture. Severe weather, combined with imperfect adoption of appropriate grazing and crop management systems, shows the weakness of complete reliance on these methods of erosion control. An effective system must accommodate the impact of extreme events, which are the most damaging. However, the complementary use of windbreaks to reduce soil erosion is rare, and their establishment has not been promoted, despite the wide-spread adoption of this technology by other countries.In the cropping and higher rainfall grazing areas, the systematic planting of 10% of the land in a net of shelterbelts/timberbelts/clusters could achieve a 50% windspeed reduction; this would substantially improve livestock and pasture production in the short and long-term. Wind erosion could be dramatically reduced and crop production probably increased by the use of windbreaks. Wheat and oat yield at Rutherglen (Victoria), and lupin yield at Esperance (Western Australia), were increased in the sheltered zone by 22% and 47%, and 30%, respectively.In semi-arid and dry temperate areas, planting of 5% of the land to shelter could reduce windspeed by 30–50% and soil loss by up to 80%. This planting would also contribute substantially to achieving other objectives of sustainable agriculture. Agroforestry — particularly timberbelts applications — will be important in the long-term strategy for achieving revegetation. If some of the trees yield a marketable product then the adoption of the system will be more readily achieved.In the arid (pastoral) areas there is an urgent need to promote the ethic that preservation and improvement of the perennial grass and shrub vegetation is critical for the protection of the soil and maintenance of land capability. Control of animal grazing remains the sole means of preventing erosion in much of this zone. While satellite imagery allows us to assess the condition of leasehold lands, we have failed to achieve stocking policies that will halt the degradation of our rangelands.  相似文献   

Survival and growth were investigated for 10Eucalyptus species and 2 fodder tree species planted for salinity control in the wheatbelt of Western Australia. After two years of growth the trees were harvested to determine fodder biomass production and yields of cineole from the eucalyptus leaf oil. Subsequent harvests were conducted at three and five years after planting.At each harvest, biomass production from fodder species was greater than from most species of eucalypts. Biomass yields from eucalypts were variable, and there were no consistent trends in the productivity of the different species for the three harvests.Leaf cineole concentrations and cineole yields were low after two years of growth, but after three and five years cineole yields were generally higher from all species.E. kochii subspp.plenissima andkochii, E. horistes, E. radiata andE. angustissima produced consistently high cineole yields after three and five years. These species appear to have potential for the production of high grade eucalyptus oil in the wheatbelt of Western Australia.  相似文献   

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