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Poor quality of sandy loam soils ?is the main reason for low crop yield. Improvement of physicochemical properties of these soils is very challenging. Addition of organic sources may improve the soil properties. Therefore, this study investigated the adequacy of poultry-manure-compost (PMC) and pressmud-compost (PrMC) at 0 (control), 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 t ha?1 for improving the physicochemical properties of sandy loam soil and maize performance. An increasing trend in most soil and crop traits was seen with increasing compost levels. For 10 t PMC ha?1, soil inorganic-N (512%), organic-carbon (78%), and water-holding capacity (65.36%) improved maximum. This resulted in the maximum mean crop growth rate (43.85%), stover yield (94%), grain protein (21%), and nitrogen use efficiency (30.6 kg kg?1). Contrarily, grain oil (?7%) was lowest at 10 t PMC ha?1. Consequently, 10 t PMC ha?1 could be much effective to improve the physicochemical properties of sandy loam soils and maize performance.  相似文献   

柴油污染土壤低温热处理及其对土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
任家强  宋昕  何跃 《土壤》2020,52(5):956-961
石油化工厂加工、储藏、运输过程以及储油罐的泄露等易造成土壤柴油污染。热处理技术常用于修复各类挥发性和半挥发性污染土壤,但加热可能会改变土壤理化性质,因此本文综合评价了低温热处理对柴油污染土壤的修复效率及其对土壤理化性质的影响。对柴油污染土壤低温热处理进行参数优化,结果显示:在250℃加热10 min后,土壤总石油烃含量为358.7 mg/kg,总石油烃去除率为94%,低于土壤环境质量建设用地土壤污染风险管控标准中规定的一类用地总石油烃筛选值826 mg/kg。过高的温度和过长的加热时间反而会带来过多的能耗,并对土壤理化性质造成负面影响。低温热处理后土壤颜色由浊黄橙变为灰黄棕,土壤p H由7.39降为6.88,阳离子交换量由16.9cmol/kg变为14.8cmol/kg,田间持水量从0.32g/g土变为0.29g/g土,土壤有机碳降低约10%,NH4+-N和NO3-N含量加热后增加分别超过5倍和15倍,土壤质地和全氮变化不显著。加热前后的土壤元素分析结果和土壤颜色变化说明加热过程中烃类炭化转化为"...  相似文献   

采用平衡吸附法研究了风沙土不同有机组分对氨氮的吸附特征影响。结果表明,去除腐殖质后的风沙土对氨氮的吸附能力大大降低,其碳标化饱和吸附量Гmoc和吸附分配系数Koc分别只能达到原样的68.58%和28.24%,说明腐殖质是影响氨氮在风沙土上吸附特征的主要因素;轻组有机质是一类橡胶态胶体,氨氮在橡胶态胶体上的吸附以分配作用为主,其碳标化吸附分配系数为81.58;重组有机质对氨氮的吸附起主导作用,其碳标化饱和吸附量为3350.55mg.kg-1;重组有机质是一类玻璃态胶体,氨氮在玻璃态胶体上的吸附除分配作用外,还存在孔隙填充方式的吸附;重组有机组分中的紧结态腐殖质(胡敏素)对氨氮的吸附起关键作用,其碳标化饱和吸附量可达6626.30mg.kg-1,影响机制主要为稳、紧结态腐殖质是形成土壤疏松多孔团聚体结构的重要胶结物质。在其所形成的有机-无机复合体中存在着孔隙填充方式的氨氮吸附。考查土壤对氨氮的吸附能力不但要考虑有机质的含量,更要考虑有机质的存在形态,它也是影响土壤对氨氮吸附特征的重要因素。以重组为基准,轻组有机质、稳结态腐殖质和紧结态腐殖质携载吸附态氨氮可分别按重组的0.59、1.05倍和2.50倍估算。  相似文献   


During the past years, appreciable amounts of zeolite‐rich tuff that contains more than 70% clinoptilolite (Cp) have been discovered in Greece. The present study evaluates the ability of natural Greek Cp to increase the efficiency of nitrogen (N) fertilizer uptake in wheat. A pot experiment with winter wheat was conducted in a Typic Xerorthent that was fertilized with ammonium sulfate and amended with 0 to 60 ton/ha of Cp. Clinoptilolite application resulted in an increase of the cation exchange capacity of the soil from 9.5 to 13.6 meq/100 g (i.e., 43%). Soil ammoniacal N was greater in the samples amended with Cp at the boot stage, as was NO3‐N. Clinoptilolite addition increased total wheat yield (dry matter of hay plus seed) 52% (from 21.1 g/pot in the control to 32.0 g/pot) in the treatment with 60 ton/ha of Cp. The influence was greater for seed yield than hay yield. Clinoptiloite addition resulted in high increase in total N uptake, about 141% (from 156 mg/pot in the control to 376 mg/pot) in the treatment with the highest Cp rate. For hay, the increase was 133% (from 125 mg/pot to 291 mg/pot), whereas for seed it was 126% (from 31 mg/pot to 70 mg/pot) from control to the treatment with the highest Cp rate, resulting in a more efficient N fertilizer use. The optimum Cp addition rate was estimated as large as 15 ton/ha.  相似文献   

Zeolite minerals may improve nitrogen availability to plants in soil and reduce losses to the environment. A study was conducted to determine the influence of clinoptilolite (CL) on nitrogen (N) mineralization from solid dairy manure (224 kg N ha?1) in a sandy soil. Clinoptilolite was added to soil at six rates (0 to 44.8 Mg CL ha?1), each sampled during 11 sampling dates over a year. Over time, nitrate (NO3)-N increased, ammonium (NH4)-N decreased, but total inorganic N increased. Clinoptilolite did not influence the nitrification rates of initial manure NH4-N or mineralization of organic N (ON) over time. It is possible that adsorption of manure-derived potassium (K) outcompeted the NH4-N for CL exchange sites. The ON concentration was constant up to 84 days and then decreased by approximately 18% over the remaining time of the study across all treatments. Clinoptilolite use in this sandy soil did not alter mineralization of N from dairy manure.  相似文献   

不同覆盖旱作水稻对后茬大麦生长和土壤氮素的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过田间试验研究水稻不同覆盖旱作栽培方式对后茬大麦生长及土壤氮素动态变化的影响。结果表明,盖草处理后茬大麦表层土壤硝态氮含量最高,而土壤铵态氮含量由高到低依次为:水作〉盖草〉覆膜〉裸露,且硝态氮、铵态氮从表层(0~20cm)到底层(60~80cm)依次降低。具有明显的层次性。各处理都表现出0~40cm土层氮素表观盈余,水作、盖草和裸露处理后茬分别比覆膜处理后茬高40.5%,39.5%和36.1%。大麦籽粒产量以盖草处理后茬摄高,分别比水作后茬和裸露后茬增加837kg/hm^2和251kg/hm^2。后茬大麦各生育阶段对氮素的累积吸收量均以前茬盖草早作处理最高。覆膜、盖草和裸露旱作水稻后茬大麦的氮肥利用率分别比水作稻后茬大麦高16.1%,17.5%和13.8%。土壤氮素转化和大麦产量均表明,半腐解秸秆覆盖旱作水稻-大麦轮作是一种较合理的种植模式。  相似文献   

Soil contaminated with diesel oil was remediated by the addition of remediated soil. Several mix ratios of contaminated soil to remediated soil were tested. Judging from TPH degradation rate and biochemical parameters, the optimum mix ratio (wet weight basis) was 1:1. In this mix ratio, the first order degradation rate constant of diesel oil based on TPH was 0.099/day. Degradation rate of TPH and total amount of CO2 evolved in this condition were two times larger than those of contaminated soil without adding remediated soil. The addition of remediated soil was a very effective treatment option to facilitate the degradation rate of diesel oil in contaminated soil.  相似文献   

通过在神木六道沟流域开展模拟降雨试验,分别在试验小区上、中、下位置条施不同施加量的纳米碳(0.0%,0.1%,0.5%,0.7%和1.0%)研究其对硝态氮随径流、泥沙迁移及在土壤中再分布过程的影响。设计1.0m×1.0m降雨小区,前期在土壤表层以下5—10cm埋入不同施加量纳米碳,另设不施加纳米碳的小区为参照。采用针孔式人工模拟降雨器进行模拟降雨,降雨强度为90mm/h,降雨历时为40min。降雨前后分别采集土壤剖面土样,降雨过程中定时收集径流及泥沙,用以研究纳米碳对于硝态氮迁移过程的影响。结果表明,在土壤中施加纳米碳,可有效减少坡面产流产沙量,且累计径流量、累计产沙量与土壤中纳米碳施加量呈现负相关关系;纳米碳的施加同样可降低径流、泥沙中硝态氮含量,随着纳米碳施加量的增加,径流和泥沙中硝态氮流失量减少,纳米碳施加量为1.0%时,可减少径流中硝态氮流失65.3%,泥沙中硝态氮流失85.7%;土壤剖面硝态氮变化对比表明,施加纳米碳处理中表层硝态氮含量明显低于对照处理,且在10—15cm出现硝态氮含量峰值,均大于对照处理。通过等效径流迁移深度分析硝态氮流失情况,无纳米碳施加处理的EDR最大,随着纳米碳施加量的增加,各处理的EDR依次减小。综上,在黄绵土中施加纳米碳,可有效减少土壤硝态氮的流失量,在黄土区土壤中施加纳米碳并提高施入纳米碳的比例,对于该地区硝态氮流失的治理具有积极作用。  相似文献   

为探明添加不同碳源及不同量氮肥4年后对土壤物理性质、产量的影响,依托布设于甘肃省定西市安定区李家堡镇的不同碳源田间定位试验,设置2种碳源(生物质炭15t/hm^2,秸秆4.5t/hm^2),3个氮肥施用量(0,50,100kg/hm^2),共计9个处理。研究了生物质炭、秸秆配施氮肥对试区土壤容重、总孔隙度、土壤饱和导水率、土壤团聚体稳定性、产量的影响。结果表明:较之无碳添加处理,添加生物质炭或秸秆均可改善土壤物理性质,但生物质炭效果最好。秸秆输入对0-5cm土层土壤容重的降低和总孔隙度、水稳性团聚体稳定性的提升具有显著效应,对土壤饱和导水率和0-30cm各土层机械稳定性团聚体稳定性的提升具有显著效应,而生物质炭对0-30cm各土层的土壤物理指标的改善均具有显著效应。氮素添加对土壤物理指标影响较小。生物质炭、秸秆、氮素均可促进作物增产,总体而言,生物质炭增产效果优于秸秆,尤其是生物质炭15t/hm^2+施纯氮100kg/hm^2处理。因此,添加生物质炭更有利于该区土壤物理性质的改善和产量的增加。  相似文献   

不同用量葡萄糖对土壤氮素转化的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
通过利用不同用量葡萄糖和硫酸铵进行土壤样品室内培养并定期测定土壤中无机氮素含量和微生物量氮变化,研究了可利用碳源数量对土壤氮素转化的影响。结果表明,添加葡萄糖使土壤微生物活性明显提高,无机氮含量明显降低。土壤微生物对无机氮素固持作用显著增强,硝化作用则受到明显抑制。在整个培养期间,增加葡萄糖用量更有利于无机氮素的固持,可显著提高无机氮向有机氮的转化速率,说明可利用碳源的存在是促进土壤氮素转化与截获的关键因素。  相似文献   

Transformations of nitrogen (N) from poultry litter (PL), dairy manure compost (DMC), anaerobically digested fiber (ADF), Perfect Blend 7–2–2 (PB), a compost/litter mixture (C/L), dried distillers grains from ethanol production (DG), and mustard meal from biodiesel production (MM) applied to a Quincy fine sand were investigated in an incubation experiment over 210 days. The cumulative release totals of available N after 210 days were 61, 61, 56, 44, 29, 2, and –2% for the total N in MM, PB, DG, PL, C/L, DMC, and ADF, respectively. With application of MM and DG, ammonium (NH4-N) accumulated initially in the soil with very little nitrification, possibly because of inhibition of nitrification related to chemical compounds in the amendments. Mineralization of organic N to NH4-N and nitrate (NO3-N) was relatively slow from MM- and DG-amended soils, indicating the potential for using biofuel by-products as slow-release N sources for plants.  相似文献   

生物炭和秸秆添加对海南热带水稻土氮素淋溶的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过室内土柱模拟淋洗试验,研究不同水分条件下添加秸秆和生物炭对海南热带水稻土氮淋失的影响.物料添加设对照(CK)、添加生物炭(B)、生物炭+水稻秸秆(BCS)、水稻秸秆(CS)4个处理,培养水分设75%田间持水量(WHC,模拟旱作土壤)和淹水(模拟水田)2个水平.结果表明,生物炭和秸秆添加均可以提高土壤pH,增加土壤有...  相似文献   

土壤水分和氮添加对3种质地紫色土氮矿化及土壤pH的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为正确认识土壤水分、质地和外源氮添加对紫色土氮矿化作用和土壤pH的影响,以西南地区典型的紫色土为研究对象,通过90d的室内恒温(25℃)好气培养,研究了3种质地(粘土、粉粘壤土和砂土)紫色土在不同含水量(55%,65%和75%田间持水量)和尿素氮添加水平(0mg/kg土和250mg/kg土.)条件下,土壤氮矿化作用和pH的变化。结果表明:前30d的累积矿化氮量可占培养期间(90d)的78.48%~91.55%,且各处理的土壤累积矿化氮量和净矿化速率均随着培养时间的延长而快速增加;第30~90d,土壤累积矿化氮量增长缓慢,净矿化速率迅速下降并趋于稳定。土壤累积矿化氮量和净矿化速率在各培养阶段均随土壤水分含量的增加而逐渐增大,其中75%WHC(75%田间持水量)和75%WHC+U(75%田间持水量+尿素)处理的矿化作用最强。土壤质地从一定程度上对土壤的矿化产生影响,但其影响并不显著。外源氮添加能促进土壤氮矿化,其净氮矿化量和净矿化速率在各培养阶段均极显著(p0.01)高于未加氮处理,分别为未施氮处理的1.68~4.56倍,0.60~6.47倍。外源氮添加使土壤pH显著下降,55%WHC+U、65%WHC+U和75%WHC+U处理分别下降了0.57,0.66,0.72个pH单位,土壤有酸化趋势。土壤pH值与土壤氮素净矿化速率呈极显著线性相关,净矿化速率对pH变化贡献巨大。总之,土壤含水量增加和外源氮添加均促进了土壤氮矿化,增加了土壤矿质氮含量,同时外源氮添加也加速了土壤pH下降,土壤有酸化趋势。  相似文献   


The objective of this paper was to evaluate the influence of different rates of biosolids on the soil nitrogen (N) availability for maize and its residuality. A field experiment was developed in a typic Argiudol located in the NE of the Buenos Aires Province. Maize was sown for two consecutive years 1997–1999. Biosolids from a sewage treatment plant of Buenos Aires outskirts were superficially applied to the soil and incorporated by plowing. There were eight treatments: Check; 8, 16, and 24 Mg of dry biosolid ha?1; 8 and 16 Mg of dry biosolid ha?1 applied one year before, 100 and 150 kg N ha?1 of calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN). The sampling and determinations were done during the second maize cycle. At presowing (PS), sowing (S), 6 expanded leaves (V6), 12 expanded leaves (V12), and Flowering (Fl) composite soil samples from 0–40 cm depth were obtained to determine ammonium and nitrate contents. At Fl maize plants were sampled in order to determine total biomass and N content. The N‐nitrate content in the soil was significantly increased by the biosolids application (p < 0.05), and varied for each increment depending on the biosolids rates and the phenological stage. After 30 days from the incorporation the increases of 1.19, 1.34, and 2.05% were observed for N‐nitrates for 8, 16, and 24 Mg ha?1, respectively. The contribution of mineral N from the biosolids was 2.48, 6.46, and 5.01 kg N Mg?1 when the rates were incremented from 0–8, 8–16, and 16–24 Mg ha?1, respectively. The nitrogen mineralization followed a release pattern with a maximum value of 296 kg N‐nitrate ha?1 at sowing for 24 Mg ha?1. Since then, the release of mineral nitrogen decreased significantly till Fl. The N‐nitrates values variation with the temperature adjusted to polinomic functions. The mineral N released from the biosolids increased as a response to the increment of soil temperature and then decreased due to the maize nitrogen absorption and the potentially mineralized nitrogen exhaustion. The application of 150 kg N ha?1 as CAN incremented significantly the soil N‐nitrate content and equalized 16 and 24 Mg of dry biosolids ha?1 at V6. But, no synchronism between the high nitrate releasing from biosolids and the increment in the nitrogen absorption by maize was observed. This fact generates a surplus of nitrate that incremented the potential of nitrogen loss by lixiviation. We observed a residual effect from the biosolids that were applied the previous year. This contribution represented the 35% of the maize requirements and was similar to the nitrate content observed in Bio 16. The biosolids might be a valuable source of nitrogen for maize crop if the synchronism between the soil supply and maize demand is observed in order to avoid nitrates surplus.  相似文献   

The bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soil was investigated using a laboratory scale aerated reactor. The Indigenous bacteria, Stenotrophomonas multophilia, were isolated from the contaminated sites near to Jordan Petroleum Refinery and used further in the bioremediation experiments. First order kinetic equation has been proven to satisfactorily describe the biodegradation of petroleum contained in soil in the presence of the isolated bacteria. The results also showed that the first order kinetic constants for the different bioreactors vary between 0.041 and 0.0071/day. The overall kinetic constant k′ was determined based on food-to-microorganisms ratio and found to be 0.02/day.  相似文献   

The effect of groundwater velocity onbioremediation of gasoline contaminated sandy soil hasbeen investigated using a pilot scale sand tank model.The effect of hydrogen peroxide and contaminantconcentration are also included. A factorialexperiment has been conducted to study three factors,groundwater velocity, inlet BTX concentration andhydrogen peroxide dose. Observed concentration datacollected from the sand tank model have been used forestimating the transport parameters. Three differentbiodegrdation kinetics, namely first-order/zero-order,Monod and Michaelis Menten (a modification of Monodkinetics considering no microbial growth) kineticshave been used to model the biodegration. The datahave been found to fit all three models withacceptable coefficient of regression. Groundwatervelocity has been found to be the most significantfactor governing the biodegradation rate constants(determined from the first-order rate constant) of BTXcompounds. Hydrogen peroxide dose and BTX concentration have also been found to be significant factors.  相似文献   


Aerobic incubation methods have been widely used to assess soil nitrogen (N) mineralization, but standardized protocols are lacking. A single silt loam soil (Catlin silt loam; fine‐silty, mixed, superactive, mesic, Oxyaquic Arguidoll) was subjected to aerobic incubation at six USDA‐ARS locations using a standardized protocol. Incubations were conducted at multiple temperatures, which were combined based on degree days (DD). Soil water was maintained at 60% water‐filled pore space (WFPS; constant) or allowed to fluctuate between 60 and 30% WFPS (cycle). Soil subsamples were removed periodically and extracted in 2 M potassium chloride (KCl); nitrate (NO3) and ammonium (NH4) concentrations in extracts were determined colorimetrically. For each location, the rate of soil organic‐matter N (SOMN) mineralization was estimated by regressing soil inorganic N (Ni) concentration on DD, using a linear (zero‐order) model. When all data were included, the mineralization rate from four datasets was not statistically different, with a rate equivalent to 0.5 mg N kg?1 soil day?1. Soil incubated at two locations exhibited significantly higher SOMN mineralization rates. To assess whether this may have been due to pre‐incubation conditions, time‐zero data were excluded and regression analysis was conducted again. Using this data subset, SOMN mineralization from five (of six) datasets was not significantly different. Fluctuating soil water reduced N‐mineralization rate at two (of four) locations by an average of 50%; fluctuating soil water content also substantially increased variability. This composite dataset demonstrates that standardization of aerobic incubation methodology is possible.  相似文献   

为搞清湿地土壤驱动N2O排放的关键氮源类型,有效减少湿地N2O的排放,本文通过室内控制温湿度,用气相色谱法分析不同外源氮素对湿地N2O排放的影响。结果表明:外加氮源组总是高于对照组N2O排放量(4.4 mg·m-3)。在设定的剂量范围内,单独添加尿素或尿素与硝酸铵1∶1配合时N2O排放量呈现先增后减的单峰分布趋势,峰值分别为10.6 mg·m-3和229.0 mg·m-3;单独添加硝酸铵时N2O排放量(32.6~111.0 mg·m-3)随着氮素添加量增加呈现持续上升趋势。单独添加尿素或硝酸铵、尿素与硝酸铵1∶1配合均促进N2O的排放,但硝酸铵尿素混合添加对N2O排放量的贡献单独添加硝酸铵单独添加尿素。这为预测内蒙古高原区农牧交错带湿地氮素输入可能带来的温室效应和有效减排提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The aim of the study is to determine the efficacy of indigenous soil fungi in removing (PAHs) from creosote-contaminated soil with a view to developing a bioremediation strategy for creosote-contaminated soil. Five fungal isolates, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus and Pleurotus, were separatelyinoculated onto sterile barley grains and incubated in the dark. Thecolonized barley was inoculated onto creosote-contaminated (250 000 mg kg?1) soil in 18 duplicate treatments and incubated at 25 °C forseventy days. The soil was amended with nutrient supplements to give a C:N:Pratio of 25:5:1 and tilled weekly. Creosote removal was higher (between 78and 94%) in nutrient supplemented treatments than in the un-supplementedones (between 65 and 88%). A mixed population of fungi was more effective(94.1% in the nutrient amended treatment) in creosote removal than singlepopulations wit a maximum of 88%. Barley supported better fungal growthand PAH removal. Pleurotus sp. removed the creosote more than the other isolates. Two andthree-ring PAHs were more susceptible to removal than the 4- and 5-ringPAHs, which continued to remain in small amounts to the end of thetreatment. Reduction of creosote in the present study was higher than wasobserved in an earlier experiment using a consortium of microorganisms, mainly bacteria, on the same contaminated soil (Atagana, 2003).  相似文献   


An incubation study was undertaken to examine the periodic release of some macronutrients and micronutrients in a sandy loam treated with different organic amendments (farmyard manure, mushroom compost, poultry manure, vermicompost, biogas slurry, and biochar of Lantana weed) added @ 15 t ha?1 for 120 d through entrapment of released nutrients on ion exchange resins. Among organic amendments, the highest total contents were recorded for Ca, Mg, and S in farmyard manure, for K, Fe, and Mn in mushroom compost, for P, Zn, and Cu in biogas slurry, for B in biochar. The highest average release was recorded for P, Zn, Mn, and B from poultry manure, for Cu from biogas slurry, for Fe from vermicompost, for Ca, Mg, and S from mushroom compost, and for K from farmyard manure. The kinetics of mineralization and release of these nutrients conformed well to the zero-order kinetics and also to a power function equation. The initial release amount and release rate coefficient estimated by the power function equations were correlated significantly to the general properties of organic amendments and also to the type of C species present in organic amendment. Organic amendments having relatively higher content of water soluble C or fulvic or humic acids are likely to release nutrients through an early mineralization/solubilization from soil reserve.  相似文献   

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