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The use of ultrasonography for pregnancy diagnosis in the bitch   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty-three Greyhound bitches housed at 3 breeding kennels were examined for pregnancy via transabdominal palpation and ultrasonography. Pregnancy was timed from the calculated day of ovulation (day of ovulation = day when first pup was whelped--63), and from a single breeding date (day 0). Starting on day 10 after ovulation, 9 bitches were monitored every 3 days by ultrasonography only, to determine gestational vesicle sizes during gestation and the time when fetal movements and heartbeats could be first detected. The other 14 bitches were examined by ultrasonography and transabdominal palpation on the same day every week, starting on postovulation day 19, to compare the effectiveness of the 2 methods of pregnancy determination. Parturition was the final determinant of pregnancy status. The earliest correct diagnosis of pregnancy was at 18 days after ovulation, but fetal movements and heartbeat could not be identified until days 28 and 35, respectively. Estimation of fetal numbers by ultrasound or palpation was not reliable when there were more than four in the litter. Pregnancy and nonpregnancy were correctly determined by both methods in an increasingly greater number of bitches as gestation progressed, but ultrasonography was more accurate at all stages; on days 19 to 22, 26 to 30, 34 to 38, and greater than 40 after ovulation, correct diagnoses were made in 33%, 42%, 50%, and 75% of the bitches by palpation and in 42%, 67%, 75%, and 83% of the bitches by ultrasonography. The most common error was failure to detect pregnancy by palpation or ultrasonography in bitches with small litters and tense abdominal muscles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A total of 474 pregnancy tests (of all three types) were carried out on 82 bitches of a variety of breeds. The practical problems and possible sources of error for each test were studied and their accuracy in predicting whether or not the bitches would whelp was ascertained. Palpation of the abdomen, in the period from 26 to 35 days after mating, was found to be 87% accurate in detecting bitches that would whelp and 73% accurate in detecting bitches that would not whelp. The optimum period for using A-mode ultrasound was found to be from 32 to 62 days after mating. In this period the accuracy of detecting bitiches that would whelp was 90%, and for non-whelping bitches was 83%. Two Doppler ultrasound instruments were used. For the superior instrument, the accuracy of detecting whelping bitches was 85% and 100%, in the periods from 36 to 42 days and 43 days to term, respectively. For detection of non-whelping bitches, the accuracy was 100%.  相似文献   

This case describes an extrauterine fetus that was discovered in an apparently healthy bitch 5 mo after whelping. The extrauterine fetus was surgically removed, and the bitch made a complete recovery. The topic of canine ectopic pregnancy is discussed, and a review of previously reported cases is presented.  相似文献   

Leucocytosis during normal pregnancy in a bitch   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

One hundred and one pregnant bitches were imaged using real-time B-mode ultrasonography. The accuracy of predicting fetal number was 38 per cent during early pregnancy and was lower with later examinations. If bitches were examined in early pregnancy and estimated to have five pups or more, or four pups or less, the predictive value of ultrasound was 100 per cent and 83-3 per cent, respectively. The ultrasonographic appearance of one case of abortion and five cases of isolated spontaneous embryonic resorption were characterised. The resorptions did not apparently interfere with adjacent remaining conceptuses. The components of embryonic resorption were found to be; reduced volume and changes in echogenicity of embryonic fluid, loss of embryonic mass and heartbeat, collapse of the conceptus with thickening and inward bulging of the uterine wall and reduced size in comparison with adjacent conceptuses. Following resorption the uterus was moderately hypoechoic in appearance, similar to after parturition. No risk factors were correlated with resorption or abortion.  相似文献   

Use of transrectal B-mode ultrasound imaging in bovine pregnancy diagnosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 3 MHz ultrasonic transducer was used to make pregnancy diagnoses in 320 milk and beef cows and heifers, on average 41 days after the last insemination. The ultrasound diagnostic findings were systematically confirmed by rectal palpation. Signs of pregnancy were detected as early as the 25th day after insemination. Discounting 16 doubtful results, the accuracy of positive diagnosis (94 per cent) was better than negative diagnosis (89.7 per cent). Ultrasound scanning could be used for the study of embryo mortality or for the determination of fetal age.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Three groups of 15 to 17 adult fallow does with some additional yearling does in 2 of the groups were treated to synchronise oestrous cycles, and mated. All does were scanned by ultrasound at 4 weeks of gestation and at weekly intervals from week 7 to week 14 of gestation. Growth rates of 13 foetal and uterine characters, which have been used for ageing foetuses of red deer, were similar for adult and yearling does and among the 3 groups. Transrectal ultrasound scanning was a reliable and accurate means of detecting pregnancy and of ageing foetuses of fallow deer during weeks 7 to 17 of pregnancy.  相似文献   

早期妊娠诊断在母熊的繁殖规律的研究中是一个难题。母熊交配、受孕后,生理、行为、外观没有明显的变化。受孕后,受精卵一直游离到5个月左右开始附植,附植后生长发育时间短,为6~8周。腹围在临产前1个月左右才有增大,但也不甚明显。鉴于上述情况,我们采用MCD—Ⅰ型检测仪和妊娠诊断盒  相似文献   

Objective   Evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of transrectal ultrasound and transcutaneous ultrasonography across the right flank between days 31 and 196 of pregnancy in the dairy cow.
Procedure   Pregnancy status and stage of gestation at date of pregnancy diagnosis by transcutaneous and transrectal ultrasonography were determined for 1570 dairy cattle. Sensitivity and specificity values and probabilities of a correct diagnosis for both techniques were determined and compared. Possible effects of gestational age, herd, method of transcutaneous ultrasound diagnosis, cow age, cow and bull breed, and calf sex on the determination of a correct diagnosis of pregnancy status were evaluated for both techniques.
Results   The overall sensitivity and probability of a correct diagnosis of pregnancy status from days 31 to 196 of gestation were significantly higher when using transrectal ultrasound relative to transcutaneous ultrasound over the right flank. However, the sensitivity of transcutaneous ultrasound changed over the course of pregnancy: it was low (7–8%) before day 84, increased to 89% between days 141 and 154, and was close to 100% thereafter. The specificity of both methods did not differ significantly. Herd and gestational age at date of pregnancy diagnosis were significantly associated with making a correct test result using transcutaneous ultrasound, although only the latter predictor was significantly associated with making a correct test result using transrectal ultrasound.
Conclusion   Transcutaneous ultrasound can not be recommended as an accurate method for early pregnancy diagnosis in the dairy cow, particularly on a whole-herd basis. However, if pregnancy testing is undertaken in mid to late gestation, this technique could provide an accurate and rapid alternative to transrectal ultrasound or manual palpation per rectum.  相似文献   

Diagnoses of pregnancy were made on 110 Hereford cross Friesian and 69 blue grey (white shorthorn cross Galloway) cows between 92 and 202 days after last service using a real-time ultrasonic scanning instrument with a 3.5 MHz rectal transducer. Of the 174 cows which subsequently calved, one was wrongly diagnosed as non-pregnant. Of the five cows which did not subsequently calve two were diagnosed as pregnant and may in fact have been pregnant at the time of scanning. The overall level of accuracy of pregnancy diagnosis was 98.3 per cent. In further trials with 16 Hereford cross Friesian and 16 blue grey cows scanned at regular intervals between 20 and 140 days of gestation, pregnancy was diagnosed with confidence from 30 days, and relationships were established whereby gestational age could be estimated from measurements of certain uterine and fetal dimensions. Crown-rump length provided the most precise estimate of gestational age (residual sd +/- 4.5 days) and uterine diameter the least (+/- 12.6 days) with head length and the diameters of trunk, head and nose being intermediate (+/- 6.9 to 8.7 days).  相似文献   

During pregnancy in twelve bitches a significant increase was observed in the circulating activity of the specific coagulation factors VII, VIII, IX and XI. Such changes did not occur in two bitches which were bred but did not conceive. Comparison of the plasma procoagulant activity and oestradiol-17 β levels indicated that alterations in the coagulation factor activity may, at least in part, be mediated by the changes in oestrogen levels which occur in the pregnant bitch.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of pyometra in the bitch was aided by radiographic examination of the abdomen and by a total white cell count. In cases of pyometra described, some uterine distension was seen on radiographic examination. A study was made of the course of blood urea levels as a guide to prognosis. High blood urea levels before operation may subsequently return to normal. The cases with poor prognosis were those in which the blood urea level rose steadily after ovarohysterectomy. Escherichia coli was found in almost all cases of pyometra, both closed and open. There was no evidence of a poorer prognosis in closed than in open cases of pyometra. Résumé. Le diagnostic de la pyométrie chez la chienne fut facilité par l'examen radiographique de l'abdomen et par une numération globulaire du total des leucocytes. Dam les cas de pyométrie décrits, on a vu une certaine dilatation utérine à l'examen radiographique. Une étude du cours des niveaux d'urée dans le sang fut faite à titre de guide pour le pronostic. Des niveaux élevés d'urée dans le sang avant l'opération peuvent redevenir normaux par la suite. Les cas avec un pronostic pauvre étaient ceux où le niveaus d'urée dans le sang augmentait régulièrement après l'ovariectomie et l'hytèrectomie. On trouva des E. coli dans presque tous les cas de pyomttrie aussi bien fermés qu'ouverts. Il n'y eut pas de preuves indiquant un pronostic plus pauvre dans les cas de pyométrie fermés que dans les cas ouverts. Zusammenfassung. Die Diagnose von Pyometra bei Hündinnen wurde durch die radiographische Untersuchung des Bauchraums und durch Bestimmung der weissen Gesamt-Blutkörperchenzahl unterstützt. Bei den beschriebenen Fällen von Pyometra wurde röntgenologisch eine gewisse Vergrösserung der Gebärmutter beobachtet. Die Änderung des Harnstoff-gehalts des Bluts wurde als Anhalt für die Prognose benutzt. Hohe Blutharnstoffkonzentrationen vor der Operation können anschliessend zurückgehen. Die Fälle mit schlechter Prognose waren diejenigen, in denen der Blutharnstoffgehalt nach der Ovarohysterectomie stetig anstieg. E. coli wurde in fast allen Fällen von Pyometra geschlossenen und offenen gefunden. Es gab keine Anzeichen für eine schlechtere Prognose in geschlossenen Fällen von Pyometra im Vergleich mit offenen.  相似文献   

Natural PGF administered at a dose of at least 250 micrograms/kg twice daily subcutaneously for at least 4 days starting no earlier than day 5 of cytologic diestrus induces luteolysis and pregnancy termination in the mated bitch. The resulting shortening of the luteal phase is associated with a shortening of the interestrous interval from 1 to 4 months. Bitches treated with PGF show emesis, diarrhea, and panting within 5 minutes and transient hypothermia which lasts 2 to 3 hours but generally have no further reaction. Bitches with cardiac or respiratory dysfunctions are not considered safe patients for early pregnancy termination with PGF because of the cardiovascular effects of this drug. Bitches treated with this regime early in diestrus resorb their conceptuses; those treated after days 35 to 40 show clinical abortion of viable fetuses.  相似文献   

A total of 135 bitches suspected of being pregnant were examined with a real-time ultrasound equipment. 58 bitches were not pregnant. In pregnancy diagnosis ultrasound produced an overall accuracy of 99.3%, sensitivity 98.7%, and specificity 100.0%. Estimation of the litter size was fairly reliable in small litters of 1–3 puppies.  相似文献   

Hypoglycaemia in the bitch   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

On the basis of a study of the literature and of nineteen new cases of eclampsia in dogs, the aetiology, clinical picture and treatment of the disease are discussed. Average plasma calcium concentrations in seventeen of the bitches in the authors' material was 6–16 ± 0–77 mg/100 ml; the remaining two had normal levels (over 9 mg/100 ml). Plasma magnesium levels were normal in all the bitches, and averaged 2–07 ± 0–38 mg/100 ml.  相似文献   

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