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A genetic map of a widely used haploid inducer,Solanum phureja clone 1.22, was constructed. One hundred and twenty-two RFLP and twenty RAPD marker bands were specific toS. phureja clone 1.22, and were mapped on 100 loci (five to eleven loci per chromosome) in the span of 606 cM. These would be useful to monitor the chromosomes of the haploid inducer that may be eliminated from triploid embryos of 4x × 2x during the process of haploid induction from potato.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen of theSolanum phureja clone IVP48 was stored with silica gel desiccant at −15°C for periods ranging from one month to five years. When used to pollinate anotherS. phureja clone there was a significant negative correlation of pollen age with the number of seeds produced per berry. The frequency of berry production and number of seeds per pollination, however, did not show significant negative correlations and berry production varied unpredictably with pollen of different ages. Each year of pollen storage reduced the average number of seeds produced per berry to about 60 per cent of the preceding year's.  相似文献   

Flow-cytometric analysis of pollen samples obtained fromSolanum phureja, clone PP5, grown under 10, 14, and 18 hour photoperiods at the Southeastern Plant Environment Laboratories of North Carolina State University yielded two populations of pollen based on size parameters. These populations corresponded to pollen separation based on propidium iodide staining of DNA. Anther culture response from plants grown under 14 and 18 hour photoperiods for 8, 10, 12, and 14 weeks was greatest from 8 week old plants grown under a 14 hour photoperiod. Net photosynthesis was significantly higher for plants grown under a 10 hour photoperiod than for plants grown under either a 14, or 18 hour photoperiod. A significant positive correlation was found between net photosynthesis and tuber yield. Results suggest that vegetative growth is increased under short photoperiods, floral development is favored under long photoperiods, and androgenesis is greatest from young plants grown under an intermediate photoperiod.  相似文献   

Rice bacterial blight(BB)resistance has been amajor target in rice breeding programs.How-ever,the result of resistance identificationwith traditional method is easily affected byenvironmental factors.This problem would besolved through marker assisted selection.Sofar,most of the known BB resistance genes,such as Xa-1,Xa-2,Xa-3,Xa-4,xa-5,Xa-  相似文献   

用子叶法接种大豆疫霉根腐病1号生理小种,分析抗病亲本绥农10和感病寄主Williams的杂交F1、F2、F3的抗病性。结果表明,F1单株均表现为抗病;F2群体抗感分离比例符合3∶1;由F2感病单株衍生出的F3株系均表现感病,F2抗病单株衍生出的F3株系抗感分离株系比值符合1∶2;说明绥农10中对大豆疫霉根腐病1号生理小种的抗性受1对单显性基因控制,将该抗病基因拟名为RpsSN10。用500对大豆SSR引物和124株绥农10/Wil-liamsF2分离群体对RpsSN10基因进行定位,将RpsSN10基因定位在F连锁群上,其中标记Satt423和Satt149与RpsSN10基因的遗传距离分别为9.8cM和11.2cM,并分别位于目的基因的两侧。  相似文献   

Summary Long-day-adaptedSolanum phureja clones were assessed for resistance to blackleg caused byErwinia carotovora subsp.atroseptica under field and controlled environmental conditions over two years. In the field, twenty-two of the twenty-three clones ofS. phureja assessed were as resistant to blackleg as the commercial cultivar Ailsa, the most resistant control, and were significantly (P<0.001) more resistant than the intermediate and susceptible cultivars Wilja and Estima, respectively. Under controlled environmental conditions, resistance in commercial cultivars was more easily overcome. However, 18 of the 21S. phureja clones assessed were significantly more resistant to blackleg than these cultivars.  相似文献   

End-use quality of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is affected by both genetic and environmental variation. Current understanding of the genetic control of wheat quality traits is mainly based on genetic experiments conducted using grain produced in favourable conditions. The objective of this research was to extend the genetic analysis of these traits by using grain produced in water-limited environments. Grain samples harvested from a mapping population grown in field experiments at two locations in Australia were used to assess characteristics of the grain, flour, dough and bread. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were mapped. The parents of the population, RAC875 and Kukri, differ at several loci that are known to affect grain quality or plant phenology. Of these, a high-molecular-weight glutenin locus (Glu-B1) affected dough properties, the puroindoline-encoding Ha locus affected grain hardness, flour and loaf properties and a photoperiod response locus (Ppd-D1) affected flour extraction and protein content. Similarly, several previously reported quantitative trait loci (not associated with specific genes) also had effects in the stress environments used here. In addition, novel loci were detected for bread wheat quality traits; their effects may be specific to materials grown in water-limited environments.  相似文献   

Gibberellins have been shown to be involved in such important processes as seed germination, flowering, maturation and tuberization in potato. Parents fromSolanum tuberosum Groups Andigena and Tuberosum were found to produce progeny containing dark green, rosette dwarf individuals which could be completely restored to normal appearance by exogenous GA3. Test crosses indicated that this phenomenon can be explained by the action of a single locus, the dwarfing characteristic being conferred by the nulliplex condition. The gene symbol “ga1” is proposed. Group Andigena dwarfs demonstrated much greater tuberization compared to their normal full sibs or dwarfs restored to normal phenotype by exogenous GA3. The possibility that such gibberellin mutants may be involved in the long day adaptation of Gp. Tuberosum is discussed. This character may also be a useful tool for investigating various aspects of the gibberellin status of the potato.  相似文献   

Summary When using two restriction enzymes and DNA probes from different sources, high levels of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) were observed in Southern blot hybridisation experiments, among 6 di(ha)ploid genotypes ofSolanum tuberosum and some closely related species. In 3 F1 sample populations of 14 individuals each, both heterozygosity and segregation of hybridisation patterns were observed. The non-radioactive biotin-dUTP/SA-AP method for DNA detection on Southern blots proved to be satisfactory and reliable.  相似文献   

The green-revolution Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b dwarfing alleles are usually associated with increased wheat yields but are linked to reduced early growth and poor emergence if sowing conditions are unfavourable. Other dwarfing genes are available but not used in commercial breeding. The Rht13 bread wheat donor, Magnif M1, produces uniquely short peduncle and penultimate internodes to reduce plant height. A set of near-isogenic (NILs) and recombinant inbred (RILs) lines varying for height were developed from the cross of Magnif M1 and the Rht8c-containing Chuan-mai 18, and evaluated for a range of agronomic characteristics across favourable environments. Reductions in plant height were associated with increased grain number (r2 = 0.35**) and harvest index (r2 = 0.62**) in the NILs. Reduced-height RILs containing the Rht13-linked, Xgwm577M microsatellite marker were significantly shorter, produced greater biomass, yield and harvest index, and increased spike and grain number than lines without the marker. Approximately 74 and 7% of the total phenotypic variance in plant height was accounted for by allelic differences in Xgwm577 and Rht8 loci, respectively. The peduncle and penultimate peduncle internodes of Rht13-containing lines were proportionately shorter than Rht8c-containing sibs and lines containing the Rht-B1b dwarfing allele. The unique height-reducing phenotype, increased grain number and yield associated with Rht13 indicate considerable potential for use of this dwarfing allele for improving wheat performance.  相似文献   

为探究接种根瘤菌环境下影响大豆叶形的遗传基础,本研究利用两个叶形具有显著差异的大豆品种及RIL群体,在接种和不接种根瘤菌环境下对大豆叶形性状进行遗传和QTL定位等分析。结果显示,叶形相关性状的遗传率在0.60~0.95之间,环境与基因型间存在互作效应,并且接种根瘤菌可以显著影响叶形指数(LS)与单株粒数(GN)、单株荚数(PD)和单株粒重(GW)的相关系数。此外,两种处理下共检测到8个QTL位点,LOD值范围在2.50~7.03,可解释6.4%~16.9%的遗传变异。其中,qLS-15可解释由根瘤菌×基因型互作引起叶形性状6.4%~9.3%的遗传变异,LOD值在2.50~3.69之间,表明qLS-15是与环境互作的主要遗传位点之一。综上所述,根瘤菌可以通过qLS-15影响大豆叶形,研究结果为解析根瘤菌提升大豆产量的内在机制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

本文对水稻雄性不育及育性基因定位的研究进行了综述,主要阐述了水稻核质互作雄性不育和细胞核雄性不育的类型及育性相关基因的定位,以期为深入研究和应用水稻雄性不育及其基因定位提供参考。  相似文献   

mEPSPS基因是编码5-烯醇式丙酮酸莽草酸-3-磷酸合酶的抗草甘膦基因。本研究通过根癌农杆菌介导的遗传转化,将人工合成改造的草甘膦抗性基因mEPSPS导入甘蓝型油菜品系甲572,获得了4株转基因植株。分子检测证明,外源mEPSPS基因已整合到转基因油菜基因组中并能稳定遗传到下一代。各转基因植株中mEPSPS基因能正确表达,但不同转化株的基因表达量之间有差异。转mEPSPS油菜自交一代在稀释100倍的41%农达异丙胺盐制剂(含草甘膦3 039mg/L)喷洒条件下仍能正常生长,而不含转基因的对照植株在稀释200倍农达(含草甘膦1 519mg/L)之后全部死亡。  相似文献   

分枝数是影响油菜产量的重要株型性状之一。为了有助于油菜分枝数的分子标记辅助育种,以甘蓝型油菜品系888-5(多分枝)和M083(少分枝)杂交形成的重组自交系(RIL)群体为材料,通过利用第一张油菜60KSNP芯片对群体进行高通量SNP分型,并结合单环境和多环境2种QTL检测方法对RIL群体在4个环境(武汉-2012、武汉-2013、扬州-2012和扬州-2013)下分枝数进行QTL定位。结果表明:共检测出18个分枝数QTL,分布于A2、A6、A7、C1和C4连锁群。其中11个QTL在2个以上环境下可重复检测到;有2个QTL与环境之间存在互作效应。主效QTL 2个(qBN2-3和qBNE2-1),分别在3个、4个环境下重复检测到,可解释的表型变异为13.12%~20.60%,2.80%~30.10%。qBNE2-1与环境存在互作效应。另外,通过利用SNP标记侧翼序列和油菜基因组比对作图,从3个QTL(qBN2-1、qBN7-6和q BN7-8,三者可解释的表型变异分别为19.40%~17.30%、5.70%~12.21%和7.88%~10.32%)的基因组区段内(分别为279kb、165kb和562kb)共筛选出4个与分枝数有关的候选基因,它们的拟南芥同源基因(分别为CUC2、PIN3、F23N20.8和PIN4)均参与拟南芥分枝数的分化或形态建成。  相似文献   

K. Harding 《Potato Research》1992,35(2):199-204
Summary The characterisation of potato germplasm is important for the exploitation of this crop, and DNA techniques are playing an increasingly important role as valuable tools in the evaluation of agronomic characters. The rapid, non-radioactive detection of the ribosomal RNA gene fragments which identify restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in two cultivars ofSolanum tuberosum L. is described.  相似文献   

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