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A potato integrated pest management program was conducted from 1979–82 by University of Wisconsin-Extension in two of Wisconsin’s major potato producing areas. The program utilized trained field scouts for intensive pest monitoring, and economic thresholds for pest control recommendations; also a grower fee to pay for the scouting service. The program scouted between 1360 ha and 3240 ha during 1979–1982 growing seasons on a weekly basis for pest problem development in the field and worked with approximately 50 commercial potato growers each year. In general, program participants used more fungicide applications and fewer insecticide applications than the control group. The pesticide usage pattern on potatoes by the IPM grower group supports the integrated pest management concept of ‘fine-tuning’ pesticide usage to individual fields, weather conditions and pest problems.  相似文献   

随着黑龙江省马铃薯地上垄体栽培模式推广面积的逐年增加,其害虫的防控技术已经成为制约该模式下马铃薯生产的重要环节,为解决这一问题,特设立6种化学及生物杀虫剂(5%吡虫啉乳油2 000倍液、3%啶虫脒乳油3 000倍液、48%乐斯本乳油2 000倍液、30%速克毙乳油2 000倍液、40%氧化乐果乳油2 000倍液、2%阿维菌素乳油2 000倍液)进行马铃薯瓢虫及蚜虫的田间药效比较试验及3%啶虫脒乳油对马铃薯瓢虫幼虫的室内杀虫活性的测定。经过对校正防效和虫口减退率比较分析,结果表明:3%啶虫脒乳油对马铃薯瓢虫与蚜虫施药7 d后的防效最高,分别达到84.94%和94.99%;其虫口减退率也最高,分别达到77.12%和92.04%。通过对LD50值比较6种药剂对马铃薯瓢虫的毒力,其中毒力最大的为3%啶虫脒乳油,LD50值为0.05。3%啶虫脒乳油对马铃薯瓢虫幼虫的72 h LD50为21.22 mg/L。由此可见,3%啶虫脒乳油是防治马铃薯瓢虫及蚜虫的有效药剂。  相似文献   

Pesticide use in developing countries increases rapidly. In many regions, we miss knowledge of how frequently pesticides are applied and which active ingredients are used. We present a new cost-efficient and rapid assessment method of recording pesticides diversity in rice-dominated landscapes and present some evidence of the misuse of active ingredients in our study regions. We investigated 17 rice fields in two regions of Northern Vietnam in 2014 and 2015. At each region, we explore the abundance of pesticides used with three methods including (1) the novel approach of collecting pesticide packages close to our target rice fields, (2) observations of farmers spraying pesticides in the surrounding and (3) interviewing local farmers. By collecting pesticide packages, we found 811 packages containing 74 different active ingredients. On average, 19 active ingredients (ranging from four to 40 active ingredients) were applied with an average content of 275.3 g of active ingredients per site. Insecticide packages (39%) were most abundant followed by those of fungicides (31%), herbicides (16%) and other active ingredients (14%). On all sites, active ingredients banned in the European Union were applied by the farmers. Collecting pesticide packages proved to be an efficient and rapidly implemented method to obtain some baseline information about pesticide application (for Northern Vietnam). We suspect that improved agricultural extension services could contribute to good agricultural practices in pest management. Generally, better information and education for local farmers for appropriate use of pesticides seem a necessity.  相似文献   

Pesticide use in US fall crop potato production was surveyed for the years 1990 to 1994. The purpose of the study was to provide information about the relative importance of each pesticide and potential alternatives. The objectives were to: (1) inventory pesticides used on potatoes, (2) rank the target pests and (3) estimate the economic value of the major pesticides. Extension specialists working on potatoes in twelve states provided the main source of survey data. The most commonly used pesticides in four categories were: fungicide —chlorothalonil, insecticide —methamidophos, herbicide —metribuzin, and “other” -diquat. The most frequent target pests were: early blight (Alternaria solani), late blight (Phytophthora infestans), aphids (primarily Myzuspersicae), Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), lambsquarter (Chenopodium album), and pigweed (Amaranthus spp.). The pesticides that provided the most annual value to potato growers were methamidophos ($281 million), diquat ($86 million), metribuzin ($81 million), CIPC ($56 million) and esfenvalerate ($52 million).  相似文献   

The large number of publications on pesticides and the diversity of published views is matched only by a few scientific documents containing toxicological conclusions applicable to man; an assesment of the dangers becomes a very controversial affair. Experimental results should, at least be made available to the medical experts and those responsible for Public Health. Presently there are about 400 chemical pesticides in use. Some are only slowly broken down and residue analysis in a tissue at a given moment is not enough to allow the specification of the hazards to the human species if one omits the quantity of pesticide consumed and the effects of the slow breakdown. The accuracy of our analytical methods, the determination of chemical compounds in the nanogram region exaggerate fears of omnipresence of toxic materials without contributing to a better understanding of the toxicological dangers. Thus the discovery that certain pesticides accumulate in fatty tissue results in their rejection though their dangers have been known for about 30 years and they are being replaced by less persistent ones with appreciably enhanced toxicity. Of no less importance is the observation that mutagenic, carcinogenic and allergenic properties of pesticides and their metabolites still resist a strict scientific investigation as results in these experimental areas are least translatable to man from the animal. Only a momentous effort of coordination and systematisation of worldwide medical observations can lead to significant statistical results. There is a danger that the situation becomes unresolvable as so many plant protection chemicals have been given official sanction in the last 10 years, multiplying potential toxic factors and resulting in great confusion. New chemical developments should — rather than force themselves upon us — concentrate upon the potential dangers, prove their innocuousness or low toxicity, at least, for the clearly specifiedarea of application, according to chronic toxicological, allergenic and carcinogenic criteria. These may possibly not have been known when the production and sale of certain pesticides were initiated. In this difficult field medical experts, analysts, and biologists should coordinate their experience in joint investigations.  相似文献   

为了解黔东南州茶叶质量安全情况,本研究对黔东南州111份茶叶中的63种农药残留进行了检测分析,并按照膳食暴露评估和英国FSA(Food Standards Agency,英国食品标准局)风险排序体系对茶叶中检出农药进行风险分析。结果显示,茶叶样品的农药检出率为54.05%,检出农药22种,单项农药检出率为0.90%~31.53%。按照食品中农药最大残留限量(GB 2763—2016)判定,合格率97.30%;按照欧盟标准限量判定,合格率87.39%。根据膳食评估公式计算,所检出农药的慢性摄入风险(%ADI)为0.0037%~1.1780%,急性摄入风险(%ARfD)为0.03%~41.42%,表明黔东南州茶叶的慢性摄入风险和急性摄入风险都可接受。农药风险排序得出,农药在低、中和高风险水平的比例分别为45.45%、31.82%和22.73%,其中风险最高的农药是克百威。因此,黔东南州茶叶农药残留风险均在可接受范围,茶叶质量安全情况良好。  相似文献   

茶园用药安全性指标的设计   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
根据20余种化学农药在茶树上降解动态的研究结果,提出了茶园用药安全性指标设计的概念。从农药被喷施在茶树上到随茶汤进入人体整个过程,在影响人体安全的因素中,作者选用了农药的5个物理、化学和生物学参数作为选择农药在茶园中适用性的安全性指标,也可供有针对性地合成农药结构设计时参考。上述5项指标中有4项属农药常用参数。这5项指标是:①在茶树鲜叶上的半衰期;③蒸气压;⑧水中溶解度;④允许每日摄入量(ADI);⑤大白鼠口服急性 LD_(50)。每项指标分为4级,其累计值即为该农药的安全性评价值。累计值低于或等于10属  相似文献   

Efforts to assess reductions in the hazard posed by pesticides in arable systems present complex problems to policy makers both nationally and at a European level. Attempts to monitor changes in hazard rely to a large extent on the quality of the surveillance and the indices used to collate multi-faceted data. This study is an update on previous work using the Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ) to evaluate changes in pesticide hazard following the introduction of the European Directive 91/414/EEC. Findings from the study suggest that pesticide hazard has decreased during the study period 1992–2008 although reduction was not even across all crop types or time periods, with limited change in the past six years. This study is proposed as baseline for further monitoring of the effectiveness of the new European regulations 1107/2009 ‘the placing of plant protection products on the market’ to further reduce the impact of pesticides on non-target organisms.  相似文献   

The rapid growth in pesticide use is a significant problem for Thailand, as it is in many other developing countries with an intensifying agriculture. The objective of this study was to quantify how much of the total quantity of pesticides is overused. The novelty of this research resides in the fact that it considered the social rather than the private optimum by including negative pesticide externalities in determining levels of overuse. Marginal benefits of pesticides are quantified by estimating Cobb–Douglas production functions with an exponential damage control specification. The marginal costs are calculated as the sum of private and external costs with the latter quantified using the Pesticide Environmental Accounting (PEA) tool. The method is applied using farm- and plot-level data from one intensive upland vegetable production system in northern Thailand. The findings show that about 80% of the applied pesticide quantity is used in excess of the social optimum, while the difference between the private and social level of overuse is small for this particular case study. Therefore results from the study area suggest that internalizing pesticide externalities into the price of pesticides would only have a small effect on reducing pesticide overuse.  相似文献   

氯氰菊酯在甜玉米上的残留及消解动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甜玉米由于自身特性及气候、栽培等因素,虫害严重,甜玉米农药残留是限制甜玉米市场消费增长和产业发展的重要因素。选用甜玉米品种佛甜2号,药剂为大田生产常用药剂—高效氯氰菊酯,研究甜玉米中后期施药次数、施药量对甜玉米子粒农药残留量的影响及农药降解规律。结果表明,氯氰菊酯在甜玉米上的残留量随时间的延长迅速减少,消解曲线均为指数方程;在叶上的残留量远远高于其他部位,在茎、苞叶、穗轴和子粒中的残留依次降低;残留量与喷药次数、喷药量密切相关。收获期甜玉米子粒、穗轴上的农药残留低于检出限量,苞叶上的残留量低于国际标准,收获后3 d甜玉米秸秆上的农药残留量低于相应国家饲料标准;采收期前15 d左右,以常用剂量的两倍进行氯氰菊酯喷雾,穗轴、子粒中均无氯氰菊酯农药残留检出,不会影响甜玉米子粒的食用安全性;收获后3 d,秸秆做青贮饲料和穗渣做食用菌培养材料也是安全的。  相似文献   

While protecting their crops, apple growers must also satisfy the requirements of their buyers regarding pesticide residues and fruit characteristics. Based on an analysis of farm pesticide application schedules and semi-structured interviews of 35 apple growers in two areas of France, this study described how growers designed and implemented their apple protection strategies, and identified the factors which helped and/or prevented them from using less pesticide. Different combinations of economic and environmental concerns led to three main protection strategies. Growers implementing the bio-ecological strategy (S1) had high environmental concerns, used no synthetic pesticides, and compensated their lower yields with high selling prices. Growers implementing the combined strategy (S2) had moderate environmental concerns. They planted scab-resistant varieties and sprayed natural products, while diversifying their outlets and cultivars to compensate for low selling prices. The low risk strategy (S3) was implemented by growers from cooperatives with low environmental concerns who aimed for high yields and visual quality by using mainly synthetic pesticides. S2 and S3 growers were constrained by low selling prices and by the increased workload and economic risks represented by alternative methods. Extending the range of alternatives to pesticides and implementing innovative advice methodologies could be levers to reduce pesticide use.  相似文献   

Integrated pest management (IPM) programmes require joint interdisciplinary scientific efforts to assemble sound information about: (1) the ecological basis of the pest problem; (2) factors in the agroecosystem that can be manipulated to make the crop environment unfavourable for pests; (3) pest and natural enemy population trends to determine if and when pesticide treatments are necessary; and (4) the benefits and risks of the IPM strategy for agriculture and society. The IPM technology is complex and this is partly why implementation of IPM has been slow. Projections are that if IPM is adopted by agriculture, pesticide use could be reduced by 35–50% from present use levels. Concurrently there would be a reduction in environmental and social problems caused by pesticides.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted from 1979 to 1983 in central Wisconsin to investigate the utilization of center pivot irrigation systems for the application of pesticides to potatoes. Fungicides, herbicides and insecticides were applied with a conventional tractor-mounted boom sprayer, a boom mounted beneath the center pivot (underslung boom), direct injection into the center pivot irrigation water and by aircraft. In comparisons between irrigation system application and tractor-mounted boom application, materials through both the underslung boom and center pivot system provided comparable pest control to the tractor-mounted boom, with the exception of water soluble insecticides which were ineffective when applied through the irrigation system. In addition, under intense disease pressure a somewhat reduced efficacy was associated with fungicides applied through the center pivot system compared to tractor-mounted boom applications. Comparison of center pivot pesticide applications with aerial and tractor-mounted boom applications in 65 ha commercial fields in 1982 and 1983, showed that all application methods provided acceptable levels of pest control, and comparable tuber yields.  相似文献   

稻曲病大发生关键因子及药剂防治研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对稻曲病在水稻生产上危害日趋加重的现状,2002-2005年对引起该病大发生的关键因子及药剂防治技术进行了连续4年的研究。结果表明:感病品种(组合)和水稻孕穗至抽穗期间5d以上降水天气是引起稻曲病大发生的二个关键因子‘同时,稻曲病为害程度还与水稻栽培方式、种植密度、肥水管理及施药水平等因素有关。稻曲病药剂防治技术关键:一是选用有效药剂。二是抓住施药适期施药。筛选出防治稻曲病的有效药剂有30%爱苗EC,43%好力克SC和62.25N仙生WP。稻曲病施药适期是水稻分蘖末期、破口前3~7d、始穗期3个时期。  相似文献   

模拟降雨对茶树上几种化学农药残留性的影响(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究选择5种不同水溶解度的农药(敌敌畏、喹硫磷、乐果、马拉硫磷、氯氰菊酯),采用模拟降雨的方法进行雨水淋失实验,结果表明,雨水对茶树叶片上的农药淋失率与该农药的水溶解度有明显的相关性(r=O.885),水溶解度愈高的农药,雨水淋失率也愈高。此外,遇雨距喷药期的间隔时间愈长,雨水淋失作用愈小,而降雨量大小的影响相对较小。具内吸作用的农药(如乐果)除施药初期遇雨有一定影响外,其后的影响逐渐减小;非内吸性农药在施药后24小时内遇15毫米降雨时,其水溶解度每上升1ppm,雨水淋失率增加0.28%。文中还讨论了根  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to quantify the relationship between synthetic pesticide use and agricultural intensification in the northern highlands of Thailand. We surveyed the crop management decisions of 295 farmers across 12 villages, and assessed the level of pesticide use in terms of monetary value, the active ingredients used, and using the Environmental Impact Quotient method. The results show that 77% of the farmers relied solely on synthetic pesticides for their pest management activities. The average farmer used 13.3 kg of active ingredients per hectare of agricultural land, but the variation was large. The highest levels of pesticide use were observed with the cultivation of cut flowers and greenhouse vegetables, while greater land use intensity was associated with increased usage of synthetic pesticides and a greater potential environmental impact. We found that those farmers following public certification of Good Agricultural Practices (Q-GAP), were neither able to reduce pesticide use nor its environmental impact. The findings suggest that to limit the environmental impact caused by the use of synthetic pesticides, greater priority must be given to developing and promoting non-synthetic methods of pest control together with gradually restricting the supply of highly hazardous pesticides.  相似文献   

Approximately 50% of all pesticides registered in Iran are insecticides with potential risk to human health and the environment. The environmental impact quotient (EIQ) is a pesticide risk indicator that was used to rank the inherent risk of 48 insecticides in use in 28 Iranian provinces and evaluate their environmental impact (EI) at the field and provincial scales over three growing seasons from 2001 to 2005. The results indicate that the introduction of new insecticides over the past decades has produced a negligible decrease in inherent risk. About 75% of provinces had low EI scores of 0.62–11.3. The highest EI and EI/ha scores were found in Kerman and Mazandaran provinces, mainly from increased usage (amount of active ingredient) rather than increased toxicity of insecticides. Inherent toxicity (EIQ) was not significant for increased EI in contrast to the increase in pesticide usage. On average, diazinon comprised 37% of total usage, carbaryl 12.2% and teflubenzuron 8% of total usage. The toxicity of these insecticides ranked lower for EIQ. In contrast, the total usage of environmentally high-risk insecticides (imidacloprid, fipronil, lindane) was relatively lower during the study period. Overall, the increased use of insecticides was not related to the increase in the area under cultivation, but to the type of crop grown (pistachios, vegetables) and to inappropriate spraying equipment and inadequate storage practices, both of which are common problems in developing countries.  相似文献   

Concentrations of several pesticides were monitored in a paddy block and in the Kose river, which drains a paddy catchment in Fukuoka prefecture, Japan. Detailed water management in the block was also monitored to evaluate its effect on the pesticide contamination. The concentrations of applied pesticides in both block irrigation channel and drainage canal increased to tens of μg/L shortly after their applications. The increase in pesticide concentrations was well correlated with the open of irrigation and drainage gates in the pesticide-applied paddy plots only 1–3 days after pesticide application. High concentration of other pesticides, mainly herbicides, was also observed in the inflow irrigation and drainage waters, confirming the popularity of early irrigation and drainage after pesticide application in the area. The requirement of holding water after pesticide application (as a best management practice) issued by the authority was thus not properly followed. In a larger scale of the paddy catchment, the concentration of pesticides also increased significantly to several μg/L in the water of the Kose river shortly after the start of the pesticide application period either in downstream or mid–upstream areas, confirming the effect of current water management to the water quality. More extension and enforcement on water management should be done in order to control pesticide pollution from rice cultivation in Japan.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查、走访种植大户及田间实地调查等方式,对新疆玉米主产区玉米有害生物发生与用药情况进行系统调查,明确新疆玉米有害生物发生种类、农药使用水平,分析存在问题并提出相应减药对策,从而为新疆玉米有害生物的科学防控及化学农药增效提供指导.结果表明,新疆玉米主要病害6种、害虫36种、杂草38种,主要以"6虫6草"为主.玉米...  相似文献   

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