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The Nooksack cultivar because of differing characteristics may have different responses to grower management practices developed principally for Russet Burbank. This study was conducted to determine the effects of nitrogen on yield, grade, and specific gravity of the Nooksack cultivar. In irrigated field experiments, N fertilizer was sprinkler-applied daily on Quincy sand soil. In other experiments, on a Warden silt loam soil all N was broadcast and incorporated before planting. Fertilization rate did not significantly affect tuber grade or specific gravity. Short term shifts in N supply did not cause tuber deformities and poor grades as they commonly do with Russet Burbank. Nooksack, while responsive, did not have a strong positive response to N fertilization. Tuber yields were depressed at fertilizer plus residual N levels above 200 kg/ha on Warden silt loam and above 300 kg/ha on Quincy sand. This difference was because of variation in NO3 leaching and soil N mineralization and was reflected in calculation of optimum N rates. Nooksack may require less N fertilization than Russet Burbank partially because of the strong dormancy of Nooksack tubers that retards emergence and shortens growing season. Management to promote more rapid dormancy break and lower N nutrition during tuber initiation could result in earlier establishment, earlier tuber bulking, and greater yields of Nooksacks.  相似文献   

氮肥用量对油菜产量及氮素利用效率的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过大田试验研究了氮肥用量对油菜产量、养分含量、养分累积量及氮肥利用效率的影响。结果表明,与不施氮相比,施氮肥75、150和225kg/hm2平均分别增产41.9%、70.3%和66.2%,籽粒含氮量分别提高9.1%、14.2%和13.1%,植株地上部氮素总累积量分别增加59.6%、111.6%和108.0%。施氮促进油菜生长发育,显著提高油菜对氮素的吸收、累积和籽粒需氮量,但氮肥农学利用率、偏生产力和表观利用率均随氮肥用量的增加显著下降。氮肥用量在150kg/hm2时,能较好地协调油菜较高产量水平与合理氮肥利用率的统一。  相似文献   

Productivity and resource-use efficiency in corn (Zea mays L.) are crucial issues in sustainable agriculture, especially in high-demand resource crops such as corn. The aims of this research were to compare irrigation scheduling and nitrogen fertilization rates in corn, evaluating yield, water (WUE), irrigation water (IRRWUE) and nitrogen use (NUE) efficiencies. A 2-year field experiment was carried out in a Mediterranean coastal area of Central Italy (175 mm of rainfall in the corn-growing period) and corn was subjected to three irrigation levels (rainfed and supply at 50 and 100% of crop evapotranspiration, ETc) in interaction with three nitrogen fertilization levels (not fertilized, 15 and 30 g (N) m−2). The results indicated a large yearly variability, mainly due to a rainfall event at the silking stage in the first year; a significant irrigation effect was observed for all the variables under study, except for plant population. Nitrogen rates affected grain yield plant−1 and ear−1, grain and biomass yield, HI, WUE, IRRWUE and NUE, with significant differences between non-fertilized and the two fertilized treatments (15 and 30 g (N) m−2). Furthermore, deficit irrigation (50% of ETc) was to a large degree equal to 100% of the ETc irrigation regime. A significant interaction “N × I” was observed for grain yield and WUE. The effect of nitrogen availability was amplified at the maximum irrigation water regime. The relationships between grain yield and evapotranspiration showed basal ET, the amount necessary to start producing grain, of about 63 mm in the first and 206 mm in the second year. Rainfed crop depleted most of the water in the 0–0.6 m soil depth range, while irrigated scenarios absorbed soil water within the profile to a depth of 1.0 m. Corn in a Mediterranean area can be cultivated with acceptable yields while saving irrigation water and reducing nitrogen supply and also exploiting the positive interaction between these two factors, so maximizing resource-use efficiency.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) fertilization plays a central role for improving yield in wheat and high N use efficiency (NUE) is desired to protect ground and surface waters. Several studies showed that sulfur (S) fertilization may increase NUE, but no attempts have been made to explain whether this increase is due to greater recovery efficiency (RE), an enhanced internal efficiency (IE) or by an improvement of both efficiencies. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of different N and S fertilizer rates, and their interaction on N uptake, its partition at maturity, NUE and its main components. Field experiments were carried out during two consecutive growing seasons in the Argentinean Pampas using a single bread-wheat genotype grown under different combinations of N and S fertilizer rates. Additional experiments were performed in farmer fields using N and S fertilization evaluating different genotypes in order to analyze the components of NUE in other environmental conditions. Plant N uptake increased linearly in response to N addition until rates of ca. 80 kg N ha−1. Sulfur addition showed no effect at the lowest N fertilizer rate, but N uptake was increased when S was applied at the highest N rate, revealing a synergism between both nutrients. At the lowest S rate RE was 42%, and increased to 70% when S fertilizer was added. No changes in IE in response to S fertilization were observed. These results were also observed in farmer field experiments, in genotypes that showed different IE. This study showed that S addition increased NUE mainly by increasing the N recovery from the soil. Thus, the concurrent management of N and S is important for reducing the potential pollution of residual soil nitrate by increasing N recovery from the soil while sustaining high nitrogen use efficiency.  相似文献   

During 1984 and 1985, trials at sixteen sites throughout Wales measured the yield response in upland swards from applying 40 and 80 kg N ha−1 at three dates, 20 August, 4 September and 18 September. All sites were between 230 m and 345 m above sea level. Grass yields were measured by cutting plots during October and November.
Nitrogen increased the herbage dry-matter (DM) yield at all sites in both years. The yield response per kg N applied varied between sites. Mean yield response for the two years declined from 16·2 kg DM kg N−1 with 40 kg N ha−1 applied on 20 August to 8·9 kg DM kg N−1 with 80 kg N ha−1 applied on 18 September. In general there was a decline in response to N with increased rate and delay in time of application. The results indicate that responses above an optimum of 9 kg DM kg N−1 can be obtained well into September. A general rule that 1 kg N can be economically applied per 4 summed day degrees air temperature >6 °C remaining in the autumn up to 30 November is suggested.
Delay in application and increasing N rate increased crude protein in the herbage but had only small effects on modified acid detergent (MAD) fibre and sugar. Generally, grass quality was good. Sward density assessed during the spring after nitrogen had been applied appeared to have been unaffected by the treatments.  相似文献   

Summary Fifteen experiments were carried out in different sites of Italy, Belgium, Scotland and The Netherlands from 1995 to 1999 to study the possible use of chlorophyll meter to assess the nitrogen status and to guide nitrogen fertilization of the potato crop. The results are gathered here and reviewed together with available information in literature. The paper deals with measuring principles of chlorophyll meter; relation between chlorophyll meter readings and analytical measurements of chlorophyll, analytical measurements of nitrogen, crop nitrogen content, tuber yield, and physiological processes in leaves; variations in chlorophyll meter readings related to nitrogen supply, potato cultivar, crop management, and sampling methods; use of chlorophyll meter readings for decision making in the management of supplemental nitrogen fertilization (assessment of chlorophyll meter critical threshold, plant response to addition of supplementary N).  相似文献   

Two field studies were conducted to determine the effects of soil fumigation on the response of Russet Burbank potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) to NH4-N or NH4NO3 fertilizers. In one study fumigation increased yields but N source had no effect. In the other study fumigation had no effect but NH4-N provided higher yields than NH4NO3. Microbial studies indicated that although populations of nitrifying bacteria were initially altered by fumigation, nitrification rates were similar to those in non-fumigated soil. In a controlled environment study in which potatoes were grown in fumigated field soil, neither N source nor fumigation had any effect on growth or yield. These studies indicated that fumigation had no effect on the response of potatoes to NH4-N or NH4NO3 fertilizers.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen rates on the yield of Russet Burbank potatoes was studied in field experiments in Idaho. Petioles were sampled at the 6-to-8 leaf stage and thereafter at two week intervals until mid August. Petiole nitrate concentrations were very high early but decreased rapidly as the season progressed and declined to a very low level as the plants matured. The nitrate content of the petioles reflected the amount of N applied to both locations. Nitrogen applications increased total yield and the quantity of the larger size tubers. A highly significant correlation was found between the early season petiole nitrate concentrations and total yield. Suggested ranges of petiole nitrate concentrations were developed as a guide to efficient N fertilization of Russet Burbank potatoes in Idaho.  相似文献   

The release of three new potato (Solarium tuberosum L.) cultivars, Bannock Russet, Gem Russet, and Summit Russet, with unique plant growth characteristics, necessitates the development of appropriate N fertilizer recommendations. These three new cultivars, along with the standard cultivar, Russet Burbank, were treated with four N rates (0, 100, 200, and 300 kg N ha?1) using two different application timing procedures (“early,” with two-thirds N applied preplant, and “late,” with one-third applied preplant). Measurements included total and U.S. No. 1 yields, petiole NO3-N concentrations, and net returns derived from economic analysis using a processing-based contract. Each of the four cultivars showed a unique response to N application treatments. Bannock Russet achieved maximum yield and net returns with relatively small amounts of N fertilizer. It also showed no response to N application timing and had moderate NO3-N sufficiency concentrations early in the season, that decreased markedly late in the season. Gem Russet N requirement for maximum yield was similar to that of Russet Burbank, but required a higher amount of N for maximum net returns. Gem Russet also showed no response to application timing and had NO3-N sufficiency concentrations similar to or slightly higher than those of Russet Burbank. Summit Russet showed a strong trend for improved N use-efficiency when most of the N was applied early. On the other hand, analysis of net returns revealed a trend for greater profitability for Summit Russet when the majority of N was applied during tuber bulking. Petiole NO3-N sufficiency concentrations for Summit Russet were generally higher than those for the other three cultivars. In comparison with some earlier studies with Russet Burbank, this research suggested lower optimal N rates and petiole NO3-N sufficiency concentrations.  相似文献   

If the production of forage for dairy cattle is to become less reliant on synthetic nitrogen (N) fertilizers, there is need to better understand and account for the N contributed by on-farm and imported organic amendments. A 254-day aerobic soil incubation study (typical length of a growing season in many temperate dairying regions) quantified the inorganic (mineral) N supply from a commercial compost and dried bovine dung (i.e., on-farm effluent solids). Amendments were incubated in soils with contrasting synthetic N fertilization histories (i.e., 70–100 vs. 350–400 kg N/ha per year) to evaluate if higher synthetic N fertilization histories would reduce the lag time that often exists between organic amendment application and significant release of inorganic N for plant uptake. This proposition was based on previous research, which showed greater soil inorganic N availability accelerating organic amendment decomposition. Our experiment did find that the release of inorganic N from evaluated organic amendments was greater in soils with higher synthetic N fertilization histories, but that this effect was not apparent until after the first 6-months of this 9-month experiment. Despite this finding, soils with contrasting synthetic N fertilization histories were not found to differ in their initial inorganic N content, nor microbial activity or other physiochemical properties known to affect N mineralization. Our study highlighted the long-term vision needed when transitioning from synthetic N fertilizers to organic amendments, with most of the N present in the compost and dried dung remaining unavailable for forage production (i.e., remained bound in organic carbon-based molecules).  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) applications can have a significant effect on soil N availability. The effect of 3 years of N fertilization on soil net N mineralization during the growing season (May–September) was studied in 2005 and 2006 in grassland of northern China. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications of five rates of N addition as urea (0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 g N m?2 year?1). Results indicated that net N mineralization rate varied seasonally and between years, ranging from ?0.04 to 0.52 μg g?1 d?1 in 2005 and from ?0.09 to 0.39 μg g?1 d?1 in 2006. Mean N mineralization and nitrification rates were highest in July, in 2005 and 2006, whereas highest ammonification rates occurred in September. Rainfall was significantly correlated with net nitrification. In comparison with the untreated control, N mineralization increased sharply when N fertilization increased from 2 to 8 g N m?2 year?1. Mobile soil NO3? accumulated late in the growing season for the 16 g N m?2 year?1 treatment, suggesting the potential for NO3 and associated cation leaching. These results suggest that N fertilization of 8 g N m?2 year?1 (80 kg N ha?1) is suitable for the management of grassland ecosystems of Inner Mongolia.  相似文献   

Summary During the period of 1972–1974, analyses were made at the Experimental Station at Aarslev to determine the chemical composition of the edible parts of vegetables grown in soils to which different amounts of nitrogen fertilizers had been applied, namely, 0, 50, 100, 200, and 400 kg N per ha.The experiment comprised 19 different species of vegetables divided into the following 5 groups: 1. Cucumbers and dwarf beans, 2. Leaf crops, 3. Head cabbage, 4. Root crops and 5. Leeks and onions. Once or several times during the period of growth sets of samples were taken from each of the 19 species, each set comprising 5 samples, one from each of the 5 N levels, totalling 66 sets of samples.The variation ascertained from one set of samples to another was often greater than the variation between the individual samples taken on the various N. levels from the same set of samples.The variation between the different species was great, especially as regards the nitrate concentrations.
Zusammenfassung Von 1972–1974 wurden an der Versuchsanstalt Aarslev Analysen durchgeführt um die chemische Zusammensetzung der essbaren Teile von Gemüssen zu prüfen. Die Gemüse mit verschiedenen Stickstoffdüngern in verschiedenen Böden herangezogen waren nach folgendem Düngeplan 0, 50, 100, 200 unr 400 kg/ha mit Stickstoff versorgt.Die Versuche umfaszten 19 verschiedene Gemüsearten. Sie waren in folgende 5 Gruppen eingeteilt: 1. Gurken und Buschbohnen, 2. Blattgemüse, 3. Kopfkohl, 4. Würzelgemüse und 5. Poree und Küchenzwiebeln. Einmal oder mehrmals während der Vegetationszeit wurden Üntersuchungsproben von jeder der 19 Arten entnommen. Jede der 5 Proben enthielt 5 N-Steigerungen, insgesamt 66 Versuchsproben.Die Variation, die von einer Probe zu anderen ermittelt wurde, war oftmals gröszer als die Variation zwischen den einzelnen Proben, die von den verschiedenen N-Stufen derselben Probeentnahme stammten.Die Variation zwischen den verschiedenen Arten war grosz insbesondere bezüglich der Nitrat-Konzentrationen.

Three methods of rice cultivation were compared in a field experiment at New Delhi, India during 2012 for their water use and changes in nutrient availability of soil. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design with conventional transplanting (CT), system of rice intensification (SRI), and aerobic rice (AR) cultivation technologies. Five doses of nitrogen included 100 % (120 kg N ha?1), 125, and 150 % recommended dose of N(RDN) through urea, 75 % of RDN through urea (90 kg N ha?1) + 25 % of RDN (30 kg ha?1) through farm yard manure (FYM), and 100 % of RDN through FYM. Results revealed that status of available N in soil under rice at 45 and 90 days after sowing (DAS) was significantly higher in CT and SRI compared to AR method. Application of the highest dose of nitrogen through urea resulted in the highest availability of N (188.9, 174.2, and 135.2 kg ha?1 for 45 and 90 DAS and at harvest stage, respectively). The soil under AR recorded significantly low availability of phosphorus and iron. However, availability of K in soil was not affected significantly under adopted production techniques and nitrogen management. The recorded irrigation water productivity was maximum in AR cultivation (9.16 kg ha mm?1) followed by SRI (7.02 kg ha mm?1) with irrigation water saving of 54 and 36 %, respectively compared to CT.  相似文献   

Dry matter yields and total-N percentages of potato tubers have been reported to increase with increasing application of fertilizers to potato plants. The concentrations of most of the amino acids found, have been reported to decrease, when calculated on the basis of grams of amino acid per 16 g total-N, which assumes that protein and amino acid contents are proportional to nitrogen content. Recalculation on a dry matter or absolute basis, however, shows increases of amino acid content with increasing nitrogen content of the sample. Similar effects are shown for EAAI, chemical scores, and feeding experiments.  相似文献   

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