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高产、优质、综抗春大豆湘春豆21号的选育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了高产、优质、综抗春大豆湘春豆21号的选育经过、主要特征特性以及栽培技术要点.  相似文献   

‘Alturas’, a late-maturing, high-yielding, russet potato cultivar with high tuber specific gravity, was released in 2002 by the USDA-ARS and the Agricultural Experiment Stations of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Originally selected for dehydration processing, its cold-sweetening resistance also makes it suitable for processing out of storage into french fries and other frozen potato products. Culinary quality is high, with larger tubers suitable for fresh market if heavily russeted skin is not essential. Alturas consistently produced greater total and U.S. No. 1 yields than ‘Russet Burbank’ and ‘Ranger Russet’ in southern Idaho trials. Across other western trial sites, total yields of Alturas have on average been 29% and 14% greater than Russet Burbank and Ranger Russet, respectively. Alturas is resistant to Verticillium wilt (Verticillium dahliae) and early blight (Alternaria solani). Compared with Russet Burbank and Ranger Russet, Alturas is less susceptible to corky ringspot and foliar and tuber infection by late blight (Phytophthora infestans). It also is less susceptible to tuber net necrosis and Fusarium dry rot than Russet Burbank, and is more resistant to common scab (Streptomyces scabies) than Ranger Russet. However, Alturas is more susceptible to infection by PVY and PVX than Ranger Russet. Total nitrogen application recommendations for Alturas are approximately 40% less than those for Russet Burbank. Alturas requires 15% to 20% more water during the growing season than does Russet Bur-bank.  相似文献   

高产双低油菜新品种中双五号的选育   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
中双五号系中国农科院油料所选育的双低油菜新品种,经全国多点鉴定,区域试验,生产试验和示范,表现综合性状好,产量高,抗(耐)病性强,熟期早,吕质优良等特征,上海市区试平均产量2424.0kg/hm2,比对照汇油50增产24.96%,生产示范最高产量达3075kg/hm2,1999年通过上海市农作物品种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

GemStar Russet, derived from the cross Gem Russet x A8341-5, was released in 2004 by the USDA/ARS and the agricultural experiment stations of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. The foliage of GemStar Russet is dark yellowish-green, spreading, with large leaves and abundant white flowers. The tubers are brown, medium to heavily russeted, oblong, with a slightly prominent eyebrow, white flesh, and indistinct pith. GemStar Russet was compared with Russet Burbank and Russet Norkotah in trials across the Pacific Northwest for yield, quality, and disease response. Except for locations in southern Idaho, in general, GemStar Russet produced slightly lower total yield than Russet Burbank, but much higher U.S. No. 1 yield. When compared with Russet Norkotah, GemStar Russet produced similar total and U.S. No. 1 yields in early harvest trials but higher total and U.S. No. 1 yields in late-harvest trials. When observed for defect problems, GemStar Russet exhibited resistance to second growth, growth cracks, and stemend discoloration, moderate resistance to blackspot and shatter bruising, but a high level of susceptibility to hollow heart. In product quality tests, GemStar Russet was rated superior to Russet Burbank for french fry quality and comparable for baked potato quality. GemStar Russet was found to be immune to PVX, resistant to common scab and powdery scab, moderately resistant to Verticillium wilt, tuber net necrosis caused by PLRV, and corky ringspot. It demonstrated susceptibility to late blight, PLRV, dry rot, soft rot, and ringrot and extreme susceptibility to PVYo. Biochemical analysis of GemStar Russet tubers showed them to be higher in protein and much higher in vitamin C than those of Russet Burbank or Russet Norkotah. Three-year average for tuber glycoalkaloid concentration was 1.5 mg 100 g?1.  相似文献   

高产、高蛋白夏大豆新品种中豆8号的选育   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
选用多个优良亲本经复合杂交育成的中豆8号产量高,在南方夏大豆区试中居第一位。蛋白质及蛋白质与脂肪总量分别高达49.61%和66.72%,百粒重18g,粒近圆形,外观品质优商品性好,是一个集高产、优质、多抗、综合性状优于一体的夏大豆新品种,适宜长江流域中下游推广利用。  相似文献   

高产抗病优质芝麻新品种中芝12的选育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中芝12是中国农业科学院油料作物研究所以国外引进的芝麻品种"CLSU-9"作母本、以本地品种"宜阳白"作父本杂交,经多代定向选择育成的芝麻新品种,具有高产稳产、抗(耐)茎点枯病和枯萎病强、品质优、适应性广等特性.2001-2002年湖北省芝麻区试中平均产量1 213.2kg/hm2,比对照鄂芝2号增产14.32%.茎点枯病和枯萎病病情指数分别为6.56和1.62,比对照分别低35.9%和17.8%.种子含油量56.09%,蛋白质含量20.11%.2003年通过湖北省农作物品种审定委员会审定.  相似文献   

Potato yield improvement in the United States has concentrated on cultural practices, disease eradication, and the development through breeding programs of new, disease-resistant, high yielding potato cultivars. Three strains of Norgold Russet—M, #35 and #19—have increased yields and vigor, and mature later than “regular” Norgold Russet. In trials conducted in Texas at Hereford (7 years), Olton (6 years) and Springlake (4 years), these strains have shown an average of 33, 29 and 20% increase in total yields, respectively. At Hermiston, Oregon (3 years), the mean total yield increases were 10, 17 and 12%, respectively. Strains M and #35 are more vigorous, and they mature 10 to 15 days later than Norgold Russet. Strain #19 is the most vigorous and upright of the strains; it matures 20 to 25 days later than regular Norgold Russet. Of all the Norgold Russet strains, strain M is the most popular. From Superior, a strain, New Superior, which matures 15 to 20 days later and is more vigorous, was selected. In Florida, New Superior’s yields averaged 26% greater than regular Superior but the specific gravity and chip color were not changed. Two strains of Red La Soda—#5 and #10—were selected for their earlier maturity. Strain #10 matures 7 to 10 days earlier than regular Red La Soda, and strain #5 matures 15 to 17 days earlier. However, these strains yield less. In Texas, at Olton (3 years) and Springlake (2 years), yields were reduced 23 and 34% for strains #10 and #5, respectively  相似文献   

On March 1, 1992, the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station announced the release of a new russet potato cultivar named Goldrush. Goldrush is an oblong, smooth, russet-skinned potato cultivar that has very white flesh, good culinary quality, resistance to hollow heart and is adapted for both the fresh and processing market.  相似文献   

豫豆17号是河南省驻马店地区农科所采用有性杂交育成的大豆新品种。经河南省和国家80个点次试验,较对照(豫豆2号、豫豆10号)平均增产13%以上。一般产量可达2550~3000kg/hm2,高者可达4284kg/hm2。在多年多点试验、示范中,均表现抗病、耐旱、抗倒伏、高产、稳产。蛋白质含量46.13%。生育期中熟偏早,是黄淮区域较理想的夏大豆品种。  相似文献   

中蓖杂1号以雌性系油5~88414为母本,恢复系9404为父本配组选育而成。该杂交种抗旱、耐盐碱、耐瘠薄、抗枯萎病能力强,种子含油率达50.87%。品种鉴定平均产量3640.5kg/hm^2,比对照油蓖5号增产33.3%。生产示范平均产量3874.5kg/hm^2,比对照油蓖5号增产43.5%。适宜华中地区春播种植。  相似文献   

Red Gold is a midseason maturity potato with pink-red skin and a bright yellow flesh. It is characterized by having a high set per plant of medium-small sized tubers. Marketable yields in Ontario, Canada are similar to or slightly less than Conestoga, Yukon Gold, and Superior. Boiling, baking, and field chip quality are acceptable with medium specific gravities (1.070–1.080). Short tuber dormancy makes this variety well adapted for whole seed tuber production for fall export markets. Red Gold has performed well in trials in Uruguay. Red Gold is moderately resistant to scab, field resistant to virus Y and leafroll, and susceptible to mild mosaic.  相似文献   

Gem Russet, a new medium maturing, long russet potato variety, was released in 2000 by the USDA/ARS and the experiment stations of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. It is suited for use in the fresh, frozen-fried processing, and dehydration markets. Total tuber yield of Gem Russet is similar to that of Russet Burbank when grown in eastern Idaho, but lower when grown in the long-season areas of western Idaho and the Columbia Basin of Oregon and Washington. U.S. No. 1 yield is consistently higher that that of Russet Burbank. Tubers of Gem Russet have good processing and baked quality. Gem Russet is resistant to most external and internal physiological defects, including second growth, growth cracks, shatter bruise, and hollow heart. It is moderately susceptible to blackspot bruise. Gem Russet shows extreme resistance to potato virus X, resistance to common scab, and moderate resistance to early dying. Biochemical analysis of Gem Russet tubers has shown higher solids, lower reducing sugar and glycoalkaloid content, and higher concentration of protein and vitamin C when compared with tubers of Russet Burbank.  相似文献   

Niska is a white-skinned, white-fleshed potato cultivar with a maincrop maturity, stable yield and chipping quality and good storage characteristics. It has considerable resistance to Common scab, Early blight, PLRV, PVY and PVS. Evaluation conducted by chip processors in Alberta and Ontario, under commercial conditions, indicates that the cultivar has good storage characteristics.  相似文献   

BelRus, a new russet potato variety, is medium late in maturity and adapted primarily for the Northeastern United States and northern Florida. Tubers are long, smooth and moderately flat with a heavy russet skin. Eyes are shallow and immediately adjacent skin is, for the most part, nonrussetted in the Northeastern U.S. Industry speaks of the BelRus there as the “white eyed russet.” BelRus is slightly higher in specific gravity than ‘Russet Burbank’, has a superior flavor when baked, and yields excellent french fries and flakes. Glycoalkaloid content of BelRus is quite low, being about 2 mg/100 g fresh tissue. BelRus is immune to virus A and tuber net necrosis; highly resistant to tuber heat necrosis, northern root knot nematode (Meloidogyne hapla), and the pinkeye bacterial disease; moderately resistant to scab, Verticillium wilt, leaf roll and potato virus Y. It is not resistant to either late blight or early blight, or viruses M, S, and X. Necrotic spotting of the foliage occurs following periods of high temperature and extended drought. BelRus has demonstrated high tolerance to bruising and storage rots incurred during harvest and handling. Shrinkage in bulk storage has been minimal. BelRus is recommended to be planted at about 25 cm (10 inches) in-the-row on 90 cm (36) rows with about 215 kg (180–200 lbs/acre), N2/ha in-the-row.  相似文献   

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