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Abstract – There is a strong, positive correlation between egg size and the discharge variable mean annual runoff among populations of Cyprinella venusta Girard from streams in different drainages ranging across the Gulf Coastal Plain of the southern United States. This variation may have resulted from selection for larger egg size, hence larger offspring size, because of greater environmental fluctuation or a greater number of floods in streams with higher runoff. In the present study, we examined C. venusta from populations inhabiting streams varying in mean annual runoff within a single drainage and found a similar correlation between ovum size and runoff. Therefore, the egg size–runoff relationship exists at a much smaller (i.e., intra-drainage) spatial scale than previous research (based on widespread inter-drainage variation) has shown. We also attempted to establish a link between mean annual runoff and streamflow-mediated disturbance as indicated by predictability of streamflow, monthly coefficients of variation in discharge and number of days with extreme low and high flows. Although the overall predictability of discharge did not differ among streams, the streams with high mean annual runoff were characterized by smaller coefficients of variation in winter, fewer days of extremely low flows and a trend toward higher flows in late summer and early fall. At the intra-drainage scale, higher coefficients of variation did not accurately reflect the numbers of extreme flows. These results call into question the use of coefficients of variation in discharge as indicators of disturbance. Given that eggs, larvae and small juveniles of C. venusta are present in late summer and early fall, when flows in high runoff streams tend to be high relative to low runoff streams, we conclude that these high flows may act as a selective force causing the evolution of larger egg size.  相似文献   

珠江水系大眼鳜的繁殖生物学   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王广军 《水产学报》2006,30(1):50-55
为了研究大眼鳜(Siniperca kneri)的繁殖生物学,对珠江水系的322尾大眼鳜性成熟样本进行了生物学指标测量。根据性腺成熟系数周年变化情况和成熟度周年分布,可以推断大眼鳜的生殖季节为4-8月份,产卵旺季为5-6月份。绝对怀卵量随体长、体重、年龄的增加而增加,在11036~106022粒之间,相对怀卵量则不随体长、体重、年龄的变化而变化,而是保持在每克100粒左右。在水温24~25℃时,受精卵经过69h23min孵化出膜。  相似文献   

Abstract – Flagfin shiners, Pteronotropis signipinnis , were collected from Sweetwater Creek, a second-order blackwater stream in southeastern Mississippi, during each month of 1996. Analysis of length frequency histograms indicated a life span of 1 to 2 years. Sex ratio was not different from a 1:1 ratio. Adult males were larger and more heavily pigmented near the abdomen than females. Females were reproductive from April to mid-August. All females attained sexual maturity by 27 mm SL and produced multiple clutches of ova. Clutch size varied from 12 to 101 ova and was correlated with SL. Mean mature oocyte diameter was 0.88 mm (range 0.76–0.96). Despite the relationship between clutch size and body size, P. signipinnis may be selected to invest in early reproduction rather than growth. This idea is supported by the small size at maturity in this species and is consistent with an opportunistic life-history strategy. Note  相似文献   

Abstract – We examined the reproductive characteristics of 38 female longnose dace ( Rhinichthys cataractae ) from one of the southernmost populations of this species during two sampling periods in 1999 (ES=March 1999, LS=June 1999). Our data indicated that ES fish had not spawned, whereas LS fish had begun spawning. The smallest mature female captured was 56 mm SL (age 1+). Mean potential fecundity differed significantly between ES (mean±1 SD=1832±572 oocytes) and LS (mean±1 SD=775±415 oocytes) specimens. Potential fecundity was positively correlated with both standard length and somatic mass for both ES and LS specimens. Oocyte diameter frequency histograms indicated that ES specimens possessed two modes of oocytes, whereas LS fish contained two or three modes. Female longnose dace appeared to spawn more than once during a reproductive season. Oocyte number varied substantially both among individuals within periods and between periods. The number of Mode II oocytes in ES fish was positively correlated with both length and somatic mass. Female longnose dace appeared potentially capable of spawning 6+ clutches per year. GSI values for longnose dace ranged from a high of 21.4% (LS specimen) to 2.4% (ES specimen). Regression analysis demonstrated that there was no evidence of differential reproductive effort between longnose dace of different size in this population.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   It has been reported that the larvae of willow shiner Gnathopogon elongatus caerulescens have many free neuromasts on their body surface. This study examined the ability of the willow shiner larvae to feed on zooplankton by mechanoreception by the free neuromasts. Feeding experiments using untreated larvae and larvae treated with streptomycin, which impairs free neuromast function, were conducted under light and completely dark conditions. The larvae were put into Petri dishes, then nauplii of Artemia salina were introduced. The average number of Artemia eaten by the larvae was expressed as the average ingestion rate of Artemia /10 min. The ingestion rate of Artemia for untreated larvae was 12.3 under light conditions and 10.6 Artemia /10 min. even in complete darkness. The ingestion rate in the larvae treated with streptomycin was 11 under light conditions and only 0.8 Artemia /10 min under dark conditions. The low rate in the treated larvae under dark conditions must be due to impairment by the streptomycin. Therefore, the high ingestion rate for the untreated larvae under dark conditions would be surely dependent on mechanoreception. The results indicate that larval willow shiner is able to feed on zooplankton under limited light conditions.  相似文献   

Amusium laurenti is a functional hermaphroditewith well differentiated male and female gonadalareas. The gonadal index varies throughout the yearwith maximum values occurring in January, March andJuly, and minimum ones in August and September. Partial spawning (with respect to the individual andthe population) occurred from January to February andMarch to May. The major spawning event coincided withthe end of the period during which bottom watertemperature increased to temperatures above 26°C(July–August). Subsequently temperature decreased to22°C, with a period of gonadal restoration andincreasing gonadal index. Histological analysis ofthe gonads correlated with the gonadal index.  相似文献   

We quantified the reproductive biology of mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi), rosyside dace (Clinostomus funduloides) and longnose dace (Rhinichthus cataractae) in Coweeta Creek, North Carolina, USA, a fifth order stream. These species are abundant in coldwater streams through out the southern Appalachian mountains, the southernmost limit of their range. We collected fishes from Coweeta Creek every second month (between July 1984 and January 1986) and quantified the seasonal reproductive cycles of females, using both histological techniques and the relative gonadal index (RGI). Both techniques indicated that I) C. bairdi reproduced between March and May, 2) CI. funduloides spawned between May and August and 3) R. cataractae were reproductively active between June and July. These conclusions were supported by the following: 1) the presence of reproductive coloration, 2) gravid females, 3) courtship displays, 4) the presence of nest-guarding C. bairdi males and 5) the timing of young-of-the-year recruitment. The reproductive characteristics of these 3 species were correlated with different environmental variables. The mean monthly RGI values for both C. bairdi and R. cataractae were inversely correlated with both maximum and minimum daily water temperatures. The mean RGI values for C. bairdi also were negatively correlated with photoperiod, whereas the values for R. cataractae and CI. funduloides were positively correlated with the change in daily photo period.  相似文献   

A 4‐year study (May 1997–December 2000) of the reproductive biology of pink dentex Dentex gibbosus (Rafinesque) from the Adriatic Sea revealed that this species is a rudimentary hermaphrodite. The smallest mature males and females captured were 38.70 cm in total length (TL) and 39.80 cm in total length (TL) respectively. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated for the entire population were: L=107.24, K=0.12 and t0=−0.90. Fifty per cent of the population were sexually mature at 41.50 cm TL, while 100% of the specimens were sexually mature at 57.00 cm TL. Both monthly gonadosomatic index and macroscopically determined gonad stages strongly indicate that the pink dentex from the Adriatic Sea spawn partially in August, September and October. The mean value of absolute fecundity (F) was 1672 × 106 eggs. The results of great fertility of the pink dentex, partial spawning and relatively late sexual maturation suggest that the pink dentex has a high potential for commercial culture.  相似文献   

东太平洋热带海域大青鲨繁殖生物学特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
戴小杰 《水产学报》2005,29(4):565-569
人青鲨(Prionace glauca)是一种大型中上层鲨鱼,隶属于真鲨目、真鲨科、人青鲨属.广泛分布在全球热带和温带海域,最大全长可达到300cm,在南海和东海亦有记录。该鱼生活在海洋上层和沿岸海域。大青鲨是金枪鱼延绳钓渔业的重要兼捕对象,占兼捕猫鱼总渔获尾数的50%,是大西洋公海金枪鱼延绳钓兼捕渔获物中的优势鱼种,  相似文献   

Abstract:   The ridgeback shrimp Solenocera choprai has emerged as one of the important commercial species in 60–100 m depth zone off Karnataka coast, India, since 1993. Studies were conducted on S. choprai to understand its reproductive biology which can help in formulating policies for management of the species. The diagnostic features of reproductive morphology of the species were studied and illustrated in detail. Based on the coloration and size of the ovary and ova diameter variations, five stages of maturity in female S. choprai were identified. The mature ova are fully yolked with diameters between 0.24 and 0.35 mm. Size at maturity (50%) has been estimated at 54.5 and 66.5 mm total length (TL) in males and females, respectively. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) showed an increasing trend according to the advancement of maturity of the ovary, and monthly mean GSI showed a positive correlation with monthly percentage of spawners. Solenocera choprai was found to be a continuous breeder with two peaks: a major peak in November and another extended peak during January–February. The estimated numbers of ova in the mature ovary were 38 532 and 133 689 in shrimps measuring 80 and 110 mm TL, respectively. A sigmoidal increase in the female-to-male sex ratio with increase in size was noticed in the species. A χ 2-test showed that the annual distribution of females and males is not significantly different from a 1:1 ratio at the 1% level.  相似文献   

根据2015年3-5月在青岛斋堂岛附近海域使用张网采集的1250尾薛氏海龙(Syngnathus schlegeli)样本,分析了该水域薛氏海龙的性比、副性征、性腺指数、性腺成熟度与卵径、育儿袋中胚胎等繁殖生物学特征。结果表明,青岛斋堂岛附近海域薛氏海龙春季繁殖种群雌雄比例分别为63.28%和36.24%,未成年个体占0.48%,雌雄比为1.75:1,明显偏离1:1的性别比例;繁殖群体中雄性个体的性腺指数始终保持在较低水平,为0.01%~4.85%,雌性个体相对较高,为0.05%~128.99%,二者差异极显著(P0.01);组织学观察发现,性腺在3—5月份迅速发育成熟,雄性排精后精巢腔中仍剩余较多精细胞,表明雄性个体为多次排精;雌性Ⅲ~Ⅳ期卵巢中均分布有不同时相的卵子,且卵径分布呈现两个峰值,表明雌性个体为分批产卵;根据雌性个体V期卵巢中成熟卵子的卵粒数与雄性个体育儿袋中的平均怀卵数基本相同,育儿袋中胚胎的发育阶段也基本一致,推测其交配模式可能为一雄一雌制,抑或是雄性在同一天内与多个雌性交配的一雄多雌制。斋堂岛附近海域薛氏海龙的交配模式还有待室内行为观察并结合微卫星标记等手段进一步确认。  相似文献   

南沙群岛西南部海域和北部湾口海域底层游泳动物多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2012—2013年在南沙群岛西南部和北部湾口海域进行的秋季和春季两个航次的调查资料,分析了这两个区域游泳动物的种类组成,计算渔获种类的相对重要性指数(IRI)、Margalef种类丰富度指数(D)、Shannon-Weiner种类多样性指数(H′)、Pielou均匀度指数(J′)和资源密度。结果表明,南海调查海域春秋两个航次的渔获物中,共鉴定出游泳动物663种,隶属于4纲36目171科374属;其中鱼类为504种,占所有渔获种类的76.0%。优势种种数较少,且季节变化较大。春季游泳动物的多样性指数高于秋季,这主要是由于春季出现大量补充群体,并且有许多种类在秋季向较深海区移动所造成的。南沙群岛西南部海域游泳动物多样性指数高于北部湾口海域,这可能是由于南沙群岛西南部海域受水温和洋流的影响较大所造成的。目前,南海北部渔业资源处于过度捕捞状态,资源结构呈现小型化和低值化。对南北海域资源调查结果进行比较发现,南沙群岛西南部海域资源相对较好。应合理开发利用该海域渔业资源,同时加强物种多样性的保护工作。  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in gonadosomatic index (GSI), in the liver-somatic index (LSI), and in fillet yield of mature hake (Merluccius hubbsi) were investigated. A resting or slow recuperation period and another one of rapid transformation (October-February) were observed in gonads of female hakes. The latter occurred earlier in male fish than in female ones. Spawning took place in March. High LSI values were found after spawning and during the gonadal resting period. Low LSI values together with high GSI values were observed. For the hake filleting operation, yield of weight profile was very similar to that of LSI. A linear correlation was obtained when LSI values were plotted against fillet yield (r2 = 0.818, P < 0.001). The unit cost, as well as the yield, can be linearly correlated with the LSI. This equation allows estimation of the production cost when raw material of equal initial quality in different seasons of the year is processed. The results presented are useful for inventory policies in fish plants.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Reproductive biology of the common ponyfish Leiognathus equulus was described based on 958 specimens caught by otter trawlers in the south-western waters off Taiwan and landed at Tungkang and Linuan fishing ports from March 2000 to February 2001. Macroscopic appearance of the ovary, gonad-somatic index, oocyte diameter frequency distribution, and histological examination suggested that the spawning season of the common ponyfish in south-western Taiwan waters is from May to August. Eight stages of oocyte development were determined based on histological examination, and ovarian development can be divided as immature, early maturing, late maturing, mature and spent stages. The sex ratio of 0.52 was not significantly different from 0.5 using χ2 test, but females were overwhelmingly more when fork length (FL) was greater than 170 mm. The relations between fecundity (F), batch fecundity (BF), and body weight (BW) were estimated to be F =−5328 + 1.2946 BW ( n  = 132, P  < 0.05) and BF = −11.26 + 0.2748 BW ( n  = 25, P  < 0.05), respectively. Mean fecundity and mean batch fecundity (± standard error) were estimated to be 129 955 ± 79 343 and 28 160 ± 14 698, respectively. Sizes at 50% maturity estimated from the Logistic model were 162 mm FL and 158 mm FL for females and males, respectively.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The reproductive traits and the monthly larval abundance of the mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria were investigated in Tokyo Bay, Japan, in 2002. The goal of the study was to elucidate the cause of changes in the monthly pattern of larval abundance from the 1980s to the 1990s as these changes relate to variation in the stock size of the adult shrimp. Oogenesis was divided into 10 stages by histological observation. The developmental stage of oocytes in an individual's ovary was synchronous, suggesting that almost all the oocytes in an ovary are spawned at the same time. The size at first maturity was estimated to be 7 ≤ body length ( BL ) < 8 cm. Fecundity was expressed as a function of BL , ranging from 19 300 eggs for 8 cm BL to 92 100 eggs for 14 cm BL . Small female shrimps (<10 cm BL ) spawned around August. Most large female shrimps (≥10 cm BL ) spawned around May, and some large female shrimps also spawned until September. Although most large female shrimps spawned in spring, the larval abundance was low before July and high from August onwards. The results suggest that a substantial decrease in the stock size of large individuals causes the low larval abundance before July.  相似文献   

《Fisheries Research》2007,84(2-3):145-150
The Japanese silver-biddy Gerres equulus (Temminck and Schlegel) is one of the most common shore fish in the costal waters of southern Japan and commercially important for the local fishery. In the present study, the reproductive biology of G. equulus is described for the first time and its spawning season and size at sexual maturity were determined. A total of 1081 specimens (484 males and 597 females) were collected in the Yatsushiro Sea, western Kyushu, Japan, from January 2001 to December 2002. Monthly changes in the gonadosomatic index exhibited higher values between June and September, with a peak in July, and the trend was similar for both sexes. Furthermore, the sequential development of the ovaries observed through the histological studies suggested that the spawning season of G. equulus continued from June to September. The female attained sexual maturity at a minimum size of 141 mm standard length. The simultaneous presence of postovulatory follicles and yolk globules in some ovaries indicated that this species is a multiple spawner.  相似文献   

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