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研究高黎贡山南段河流生态系统健康状况,以更好地开展生物多样性与生态系统保护工作。2018年11月,调查了高黎贡山南段6条河流22个样点的物理生境、水质和大型底栖无脊椎动物,采用河流水文指标、形态指标、河岸带指标、水质指标和大型底栖无脊椎动物指标对河流生态系统健康状况进行单因子评价,并基于多项指标构建评价体系进行综合评价。结果显示:研究区域内共采集到大型底栖无脊椎动物95个分类单元、33 725头,稀有种(单个物种数量少于338头)81种、占比85.26%,EPT指数高于5的样点19个、占比86.36%,生物多样性处于较高水平;水质状况整体较好,68.18%的样点水质为Ⅱ类水标准,其余样点水质均为Ⅲ类水标准;栖息地环境质量良好,QHEI平均得分为180.36分;综合评价结果表明研究区域内达到健康等级的样点占比为90.9%,河流生态系统整体处于健康状态,老窝河2个样点处于亚健康状态。人类活动已对少数河段的健康状况造成了影响,主要是农牧业活动、河岸河床硬化、筑坝、取水等。建议对相关河段定期开展河流健康评价,根据评价结果调整河流及河岸带的生产和开发活动,减少非必要的渠道化,针对易受干扰河段建立缓冲区,保护河流水生生物多样性。  相似文献   

为提供更加全面和有效的生态评估方法用以指导城市河流修复和保护,2017年3-4月选择深圳典型城市化区域河流,设置21个监测样点,开展大型底栖动物快速生物评价指数的适用性研究。分别选择生物多样性指数、群落结构指数、敏感性指数和耐污性指数,在评估不同指数适用性的基础上,筛选和构建用于城市河流健康评价的大型底栖动物快速生物评价综合指数。龙岗河大型底栖动物共采集到28科43种,寡毛类是龙岗河的主要优势类群。基于底栖动物群落结构特征对6个大型底栖动物快速生物评估指数进行了比较和分析,其中3种指数较适用于龙岗河城市河流健康评估。在考虑各参数离散度和相关性的前提下,可选择物种数、寡毛类相对丰度和科级耐污生物指数(Family Biotic Index, FBI)构建综合指数用于深圳市河流快速生物评价。健康评价的结果表明龙岗河2个样点为"理想状态",6个样点属于"亚健康"等级,其余13个样点处于"不健康"和"病态"。我国城市河流的有机污染总体较重,以大型底栖动物耐污类群或者敏感类群构建的快速生物评价指数能够较为灵敏地指示河流生态修复成效。  相似文献   

为了给三峡库尾重庆市主城区段次级河流、其他城市化河流的健康评价提供快速有效的方法,本实验在位于三峡库尾重庆主城区段的嘉陵江一级支流梁滩河流域布置监测点位,同步采集大型底栖动物和环境因子,利用大型底栖动物快速生物评价指数进行河流健康评估研究。结果显示:梁滩河共采集到大型底栖动物58种,Shannon-Wiener指数在0.06~2.23内,流域主要优势类群为耐受污染的寡毛类和摇蚊科种类,呈典型的城市化河流特征;PCA分析结果表明两轴共解释了59.3%的环境变异,表明水温(T)、硝酸盐(NO-3)、溶解氧(DO)、氧化还原电位(ORP)是影响梁滩河的关键环境因子;初步筛选的4大类共8个快速生物评价指数中,物种数(S)和BMWP指数呈极显著相关性,且均与其他指数相关性不显著,其余指数间相关性均达到显著水平;回归分析表明,除BPI指数、jFD指数、BP指数外,其余5种评价指数与T、NO-3、ORP、pH等部分指标表现出较高的相关性,在不同程度上均可以较显著地反映人类活动对流域水质的影响;综合分析后,筛选出物...  相似文献   

魏华  吕众 《中国水产》2009,(3):62-63
环境内分泌干扰物广泛存在于自然水体中,影响水生动物生存和人类健康。利用鱼类检测水中内分泌干扰物是一个有效方法。本文介绍了利用鱼类评测水中内分泌干扰物的研究现状,并展望了以鱼类作为对象更加全面的评测内分泌干扰物的前景。  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon fry (4 g) were fed a semi-synthetic diet devoid of n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) for 4 months. External signs of nutritional imbalance during the period were slow growth rate and increased mortality. Some symptoms of essential fatty acid deficiency appeared in the fatty acid composition of the blood and liver during the fourth month. At that time, the percentages of n-3 and n-6 PUFA of triacylglycerols (TAG) were nearly exhausted, and the percentages of 22:6 n-3 and of 20:5 n-3 in phospholipids (PL) showed a marked decrease. This decrease in the PUFA level of the PL was paralleled by the appearance of 20:3 n-9, whereas in the TAG an increase in the percentage of 18:1 n-9 was observed. After 4 months the monounsaturated fatty acid 18:1 n-9 constituted nearly 50% of the fatty acids in the TAG fraction of the liver. The time course of the changes in fatty acid composition of liver and blood lipids was quite similar, whereas the carcass lipid composition appeared to respond slowly to a diet devoid of essential fatty acids.  相似文献   

This study tested the effect of the level of dietary phosphatidylcholine (PC) and its constituent medium-chain fatty acids on microdiet ingestion (μg diet larva−1 h−1) and the absorption rate of the free fatty acid [14C]16:0 (pmole larva−1 h−1) in 15, 20, 21, 25, 26, 30 and 31-day-old gilthead sea bream, Sparus auratus L., larvae. Fish were fed four microdiets (A, B, C and D): microdiet A contained no phospholipid (PL), while microdiet B included 10 g kg−1 Artemia nauplii PL (3.7 g kg−1 PC). Microdiets C and D contained 10 g kg−1 purified saturated PC dimyristoyl (C14:0) and polyunsaturated PC dilinoleoyl (C18:2[cis]−9,12), respectively.
Larvae from one or both of the PC microdiets demonstrated significantly higher ( P < 0.05) ingestion rates (μg diet larva−1 h−1) than the non-PL microdiet control in 15, 21, 22, 25 and 26-day-old larvae and the Artemia PL microdiet in 15, 22 and 26-day-old larvae. However, microdiet ingestion and fatty acid absorption rate appeared to be independent of the associated medium carbon chain saturated or polyunsaturated fatty acid moiety of the PC diets. Apparent absorption, as measured by the retention of radio-labelled [14C]16:0 following 8 h of non-labelled microdiet feeding, was possibly related to feeding.  相似文献   

脂肪酸对鱼类免疫系统的影响及调控机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
左然涛  麦康森  徐玮  艾庆辉 《水产学报》2015,39(7):1079-1088
替代脂肪源的开发和利用是解决鱼油短缺问题的必然选择。然而,随着替代水平的提高,鱼体常常表现免疫水平和抗病能力降低。鱼油替代的本质为脂肪酸替代,深入研究脂肪酸与鱼类免疫的关系显得尤为重要。本实验综述了脂肪酸对鱼类免疫性能的影响及调控机制。饱和脂肪酸会降低鱼类免疫力,而适量添加n-3长链多不饱和脂肪酸(LC-PUFA)、共轭亚油酸(CLA)或提高n-3/n-6多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)的比例有利于鱼体免疫力发挥;饲料中脂肪酸主要通过细胞膜结构、信号传导、类花生四烯酸、细胞因子和类固醇激素等途径对鱼类免疫进行调控。脂肪酸与鱼类的免疫性能具有高度相关性,而调控机制的研究尚有较大空间。未来研究应该侧重于以下几个方面:脂肪酸对免疫相关转录因子的调控机制;鱼类肠道脂肪酸组成改变与菌群结构和免疫性能之间的相关性;环境因子对鱼体脂肪代谢和免疫力的影响;非脂肪酸成分(矿物质、维生素)对鱼类脂肪酸代谢和免疫过程的调控机制。  相似文献   

The copepod Cyclopina kasignete is a potential live food in aquaculture and its fatty acid components and digestive enzymes were investigated. Three dry algal products (mixed algae, Melosira sp. and Nannochloropsis oculata) and two fresh microalgae (Tisochrysis lutea and N. oculata) were fed to the copepod for 30 days. The essential fatty acids (EFA) in copepods were altered by feeding different types of dry algae. The copepod fed dry Melosira sp. or fresh T. lutea contained higher eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA), protease and trypsin than fed on other algae. The copepod contained a similar fatty acid profile and digestive enzymes by feeding either dry or fresh N. oculata. Between fresh algal species, the copepod fed T. lutea contained higher EPA, DHA and ARA than that fed fresh N. oculata. The amounts of EPA and DHA in copepods were more concentrated than those in the dietary algae, suggesting that the copepod has the ability to accumulate some EFA. This study indicates that dietary algae can modify the nutritional composition and in digestive enzymes copepods, which in turn may be able to transfer suitable nutrients and digestive enzymes to fish larvae in aquaculture.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate changes in the ribonucleic acid (RNA)/deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) ratio and the fatty acid composition of cultured Octopus vulgaris (50–750 g) in relation to recent (last 30 days) specific growth rate (SGR). Wild animals (80–500 g), collected in the field throughout the year (Aegean Sea, Mediterranean), were also examined for the aforementioned biochemical parameters. Octopuses were reared in a closed seawater system at three different temperatures (15, 20 and 25 °C). The octopuses were fed on squid (Loligo vulgaris). The cultured animals showed a high n‐3 (33–52.9%) and n‐6 (3.3–13.7%) polyunsaturated fatty acid content, but with a high variation for 22:6n‐3 [docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)], 20:5n‐3 [eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)] and 20:4n‐6 [arachidonic acid (AA)]. The proportion of these fatty acids (% total fatty acids) and the RNA/DNA ratio were linearly (P<0.0001) related to SGR. Specifically, RNA/DNA (0.5–1.9) and AA (2.7–10.7%) increased, while EPA (10.4–19.7%) and DHA (20.8–31.9%) decreased, with increasing SGR (0.4–1.7% day−1). The highest levels of SGR, RNA/DNA and AA were detected in small (50–150 g) octopuses reared at 20 and 25 °C and in large (500–750 g) animals reared at 15 °C. Similar RNA/DNA levels and fatty acid percentages were found in wild octopuses. It is concluded that RNA/DNA, DHA, EPA and AA could be used as biochemical indices for predicting the growth rate of O. vulgaris.  相似文献   

The cell membrane phospholipid composition is of major importance for normal cell functions. However, it is not known how complete depletion of both shorter and longer chain omega‐3 fatty acids in salmon diets influences fatty acid composition of phospholipid subclasses in different organs of Atlantic salmon. We describe here the fatty acid composition in phospholipid subclasses of liver, muscle, heart and intestine in Atlantic salmon after 18 months of dietary n‐3 essential fatty acids deprivation. The percentage of 22:6n‐3 was markedly reduced in almost all phospholipid subclasses, and except for muscle phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylinositol (PI), phospholipids in deficient fish were totally devoid of 20:5n‐3. As compensation, we observed significant increases in 20:4n‐6, and especially in 20:3n‐9 (Mead acid) and 22:5n‐6, varying among phospholipids and organs. High amounts of 20:3n‐9 were found in liver and intestinal PE, little in PE from heart and muscle. For 22:5n‐6, we saw a small incorporation in PI in liver and intestine compared to heart and muscle. Generally in PI, the preference for 20:4n‐6 to 20:5n‐3 differed significantly between organs. Overall, changes upon n‐3 deprivation seemed to be strongest in liver and intestine, the lipid‐secreting organs, and less in muscle and heart.  相似文献   

邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)是工业上广泛使用的塑料增塑剂,具有神经毒性和生殖发育毒性,能够损伤动物和人的肝脏、肾脏,是一类重要的环境内分泌干扰物质,被列为世界各国“优先污染物”黑名单。饮食是人体暴露于PAEs最主要的途径之一,已在多种食品中检测出PAEs残留。而水产品是人类蛋白质的重要来源,其安全性直接影响消费者的健康。文章从国内外两方面综述了水产品中PAEs污染现状,通过危害鉴定、剂量-反应分析、暴露评价和风险表征等方面论述了通过摄食途径暴露于PAEs的健康风险评价方法,并对今后的研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

A 60‐day feeding study with rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, was conducted to determine the effects of replacement of fish oil (FO) by unrefined peanut oil (PO) on growth performance, feed utilization, body composition, fatty acid composition and serum biochemical and haematological parameters. Rainbow trouts (51.60 ± 0.75 g) were fed five experimental diets formulated by replacing dietary FO with PO at levels of level 0 (PO0), 1/4 (PO25), 1/2 (PO50), 3/4 (PO75) and 4/4 (PO100), respectively. As a result, the best growth performance was observed in fish fed with PO0 and PO50 diet. No significant differences were detected among the groups in terms of body compositions. Fatty acid profiles of the fish fillets reflected the fatty acid profiles of the feeds that the fishes were fed with. In this study, the haematological parameters detected that there were no significant differences compared to the control group, whereas the serum biochemical parameters generally worsened as the ratio of peanut oil in the ration exceeded half of fish oil. As a conclusion, the results of the study suggested that the unrefined peanut oil could be used as a replacer of fish oil in diets for rainbow trout.  相似文献   

The fatty acid compositions of fish tissue lipids usually reflect those of the feed lipids, but few attempts have been made to predict the way in which the profiles change or assess the time required for the fatty acid profile to stabilize following a dietary change. The present focus on the influences of vegetable oils and fish oils on the fatty acid compositions and sensory attributes of fish fillets increases the interest in the ability to make such predictions. A dilution model was tested using data for the influences of feed oils (rape/linseed (V) vs. sand‐eel (F)) and dietary fat concentrations (ca. 30% (H) vs. ca. 20% (L)) on the body growth and fatty acid compositions of the fillets of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., parr and post smolt. Fish given HV or LV feeds during freshwater rearing (mass increase from ca. 19 g to ca. 130 g) were switched to HF and LF feeds following parr–smolt transformation. The changes in fillet percentages of 18:1, 18:2 (n‐6) and 18:3 (n‐3) during 98 days of on‐growing in seawater (mass increase from ca. 130 g to ca. 380 g) conformed closely to predictions made on the basis of the dilution model. Model applications require information about the proportionate increase in fillet fat over time, but the relative changes in body mass can be used as a surrogate provided that both fillet yield (as a % of body mass) and fillet fat percentage change little over time. This is not the case for small salmon, but does seem to apply to larger salmon as they approach harvest size. This means that, for large salmon, ratios of changes in body mass can be substituted for ratios in the quantitative change in fillet fat without the introduction of a large error in the prediction of the change in fillet fatty acid profile following the introduction of a novel feed.  相似文献   

由于汞的生物甲基化和在食物链中的积累、放大作用,水产类膳食汞的摄入被认为是人体甲基汞负荷的主要来源。三都湾位于福建省东北部沿海,各类水产生物养殖面积1.5万hm2,年产量22.5万t。为评估甲基汞的健康风险,2004年在该湾采集海水样品9个、表层沉积物样品11个、养殖鱼类样品31个以及养殖贝类样品4个,用原子荧光光度法进行海水、沉积物和养殖生物总汞含量测定,对三都湾渔业环境汞污染现状和水产品质量安全进行评价。三都湾海水总汞含量范围在0.015~0.046μg/L,计(0.027±0.009)μg/L;沉积物总汞含量范围在0.055~0.113mg/kg,计(0.074±0.013)mg/kg,养殖贝类总汞含量范围在0.004~0.011mg/kg,计(0.008±0.005)mg/kg,与福建沿岸近20年来的其他相关调查结果相接近。养殖鱼类总汞含量范围在0.012~0.084mg/kg,计(0.032±0.006)mg/kg。通过调查数据的对比分析,三都湾鱼、贝类体总汞平均含量近30年来一直波动于鱼类汞含量的下限(0.05mg/kg)区间,与海水和沉积物汞的含量水平和变化趋势基本相对应;与美国、日本最近公布的鱼、贝类汞含量进行比较,三都湾牡蛎汞平均含量与日本的太平洋牡蛎和美国的牡蛎较接近,但三都湾牡蛎汞含量的最大值(0.011mg/kg)比日本、美国的牡蛎汞含量的最大值(0.250mg/kg和0.130mg/kg)低得多;三都湾大黄鱼、汞平均含量(0.026mg/kg和0.036mg/kg)和最大含量(0.084mg/kg和0.053mg/kg)均比美国的大西洋石首鱼(0.072mg/kg和0.148mg/kg)低;三都湾的鲈鱼汞平均含量(0.056mg/kg)低于日本的鲈鱼(0.100mg/kg)和美国的红鲈(0.128mg/kg)。后二者汞含量最大值(0.510mg/kg和0.625mg/kg)分别是三都湾养殖鲈鱼(0.075mg/kg)的6至8倍。三都湾海水、沉积物、贝类总汞含量符合国家环境质量标准,养殖鱼、贝类符合国家、WHO及欧盟的水产品汞限量要求。以100g/(人d)的水产类摄食量估算,食用鱼、贝类汞摄入量分别占JECFA推荐的汞临时性周可承受摄入量PTWI值的8.4%和2.9%;用总汞数据估算甲基汞摄入量分别占PTWI值的26.4%和9.0%。采用美国EPA设定的甲基汞RfD值估算,食用鱼、贝类甲基汞摄入量分别占60.3%和20.6%。三都湾沿海城乡居民水产品消费引起的汞暴露健康风险小。  相似文献   

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