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Contents A total of 30 ewes in three-sire or four-sire breeding pens were observed continously during daylight for four consecutive days of a synchronised estrus period. A linear dominance hierarchy was observed between the rams which was consistent and stable for each observation period. The highest ranking ram had more mounting encounters and was more aggressive than the subordinate rams. This activity disturbed his ejaculatory mechanism and sometimes resulted in the absence of ejaculation or energetic ejaculation. In the four-sire breeding pens the dominant ram often found it impossible to completely curtail the sexual activity of the subordinate rams. He made 70.9% and 49.0% of the total number of mounts in the three-sire and our-sire breeding pens, respectively. At the beginning of each observation period the highest ranking ram claimed most estrous ewes for his “harem”. The subordinate rams only had an opportunity to mate when several ewes were simultaneously in estrus. The average number of mounts per first copulation per ram was 2.2 (range 1.3–3.1). The time spent from first contact with the ewes until completion of the copulatory act in first copulation varied from 0.2–16.2 min. with an average of 4.0 min., whereas this interval was increased during the second copulation (average = 5.8 min.). Furthermore, the mating behavior of single rams was also observed. Inhalt: Rangordnung und Paarungsverhalten von Schafbocken unter Stallhaltungsbedingungen Es wurden insgesamt 30 Mutterschafe in Zehnergruppen mit 3 bzw. 4 Böcken gleichzeitig in einer Buchte gehalten und wahrend einer Östrusperiode tagsüber beobachtet. Fur die Böcke konnte eine klare Rangordnung erkannt werden, die über alle Beobachtungsperioden unverändert blieb. Der an höchster Stelle stehende Bock vollzog mehr Aufsprungsversuche und war aggressiver als die untergeordneten Böcke. Diese Aktivitäten störten bei ihm wiederholt den Ejakulatonsmechanismus, so daß ein unvollständiger Deckakt bei fehlender Ejakulation die Folge war. Bei gleichzeitiger Anwesenheit von 4 Böcken in einer Gruppe way es für den dominanten Bock häufig unmöglich, die Sexualaktivität der untergeordneten Böcke vollständig zu unterbinden. Auf den dominanten Bock entfielen bei Anwesenheit von 3 Böcken 70,9% aller Auf sprünge, bei der Anwesenheit von 4 Böcken waren dies 49,0%. Zu Beginn einer jeden Beobachtungs-periode versuchte der an höchster Stelle rangierende Bock, die meisten östrischen Mutterschafe für seinen “Harem” zu beanspruchen. Die untergeordneten Böcke hatten nur dann Gelegenheit zu decken, wenn mehrere Mutterschafe gleichzeitig im Östrus waren. Im Durchschnitt betrug die Anzahl der Auf sprünge bei der ersten Belegung pro Bock 2,2 (Schwankungsbreite 1,3 -3, 1). Die erforderliche Zeit fur die erste Paarung uariierte bei einem Mittelwert uon 4,0 Alin. zwischen 0,2 und 16,2 Min.; diese Zeitspanne erhöhte sich allerdings für die zweite Belegung auf durchschnittlich 5,8 Min. Darüber hinaus wurde das Paarungsuerhalten einzelner Böcke ohne die Anwesenheit anderer beobachtet.  相似文献   

Whole lupins (Lupinus albus) were roasted with exit temperatures ranging from approximately 130 (moderate heat) to 175 degrees C (high heat). In situ N disappearance after 12 h of incubation in the rumen was 83% for raw lupins, 45% for lupins roasted at moderate temperatures, and 39% for lupins roasted at high temperatures. Lambs fed lupins roasted at moderate temperatures retained more N (P less than .01) than those fed soybean meal (SBM). However, growth rate and feed efficiency were similar among lambs fed diets containing SBM, raw lupins, or roasted lupins. Dehulled lupins commercially roasted at low, moderate, and high temperatures resulted in ruminal in situ N disappearances of 59, 47, and 43% for the respective temperatures. Dehulled lupins (Lupinus albus) were also roasted in a laboratory oven for 2, 4, and 6 h at 120, 140, and 160 degrees C. Simulation of roasting for 2 h had no effect (P greater than .10) on ruminal in situ N disappearance at any of the temperatures. In situ N disappearance was reduced (P less than .05) after roasting for 4 h at 160 degrees C, but acid detergent insoluble N was only moderately increased. Nitrogen retention in lambs fed raw, dehulled lupins was equal (P greater than .10) to that of lambs fed SBM. Whole lupins or dehulled lupins can replace SBM as the sole protein supplement for growing lambs. Although roasting lupins decreased ruminal in situ N disappearance, it had no effect on growth of lambs.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to compare dicalcium, Curacao, and soft ph sophates as supplemental feeding during gestation and lactation. In Exp eriment 1, 37 crossbred sows at 11 months of age were mated and each of 4 groups given an experimental diet. The basal diet was a 16% crude pro tein-fortified corn-soybean meal containing .34% of phosphorus and .72% of calcium. The test diets were fortified with either dicalcium, Curaca o, or soft phosphate to provide .52% of phosphorus. Limestone was given to maintain .72% of calcium. Animals were confined in a concrete feedin g area and fed 1.8 kg of diet per head per day until Day 94 of gestation . At that time the diet was increased to 2.3 kg/day. On Day 109 of gestation animals were moved to farrowing crates until 10 days postpartu m and then to wooden units until weening at 8 weeks. Sows were sacrific ed after 8 weeks lactation, or if they developed posterior paralysis. In this experiment, the different phosphate sources were without observed influence on the livability or performance of pigs up to 8 weeks of age (p less than .05). Gilts receiving no supplemental phosphorus had significantly lower bone ash and phosphorus than did those receiving either of the supplements. Posterior paralysis was observed in 5 of 9 sows fed the unsupplemented diet, in 3 of 9 fed the soft supplemented diet, and in 2 of 10 fed the Curacao phosphate supplement. None fed dicalcium phosphate developed paralysis. The paralysis usually occurred after 6 weeks of lactation and was often accompanied by a fractured femur. In Experiment 2, 70 sows were bred at 10 months of age and fed 1.8 kg of the experimental diets. During 36 days of lactation, phosphorus digestibility, retention, and balance were shown to be lower for those fed only the basal diet. Bone ash, bone phosphorus, and bone strength were lower in those fed the unsupplemented diet. Results of these studies indicate the need for supplemental phosphorus in sow feeding. When feeding dicalcium phosphate or Curacao phosphate the use of over .5% phosphorus in the sow's diet is unnecessary during gestation and lactation.  相似文献   

In an abattoir survey conducted in south-west England, 15 of 6521 rams aged three to 12 months had hypospadias; in 27 others the scrotum was completely or partly divided, but they had no other abnormalities of the urinary or genital systems. The lesions observed in 11 of the rams in the abattoir survey, and in four young rams and one mature ram found during visits to farms, are described in detail. Five of them had periscrotal openings of the urethra and in the other 11 the openings were in a perineal position, close to the anus. In all of them the penis was underdeveloped, the prepuce had failed to fuse and the galea faced in a caudal direction. They all had completely or partially divided scrotums, and signs of urine scalding of the scrotum were visible.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the effects of liveweight (LW) and use of teaser rams prior to mating on both the mating performance and pregnancy rate of ewe hoggets.

METHODS: Romney hoggets (n=841) were weighed and randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups; either exposed to seven harnessed, vasectomised (teaser) rams for 17 days prior to the breeding period (n=283); or not exposed to teaser rams (unteased, n=558). Harnessed Perendale rams were then introduced for two oestrous cycles. Using crayon marks, hoggets were identified as having been mated during the first 17 days only, during the second 17 days only, during both periods, or not mated. All mated hoggets were then scanned for pregnancy using ultrasound, 48 days after the end of the breeding period, and identified as being either non-pregnant, or as single-, twinor triplet-bearing.

RESULTS: Hoggets mated in either the first 17 days only or in both the first and second 17-day periods were heavier than those mated in the second period only (p<0.001). Those mated in the first or second 17-day period only, and those mated in both periods were all heavier prior to mating than those not mated at all (p<0.001). Twin-bearing hoggets were heavier than both their single-bearing and non-pregnant counterparts (p<0.001). A greater proportion of the teased hoggets were mated in the first 17 days only compared with unteased hoggets (62.6 vs 32.1%; p<0.001). In contrast, more of the unteased hoggets were marked in the second 17-day period only (p<0.001). A greater proportion of mated, unteased hoggets were found to be non-pregnant in comparison to their teased counterparts (17.8 vs 11.2%; p=0.02).

CONCLUSIONS: Heavier hoggets at breeding were more likely to be mated in the first 17 days of the breeding period and more likely to be twin-bearing. Use of teaser rams for 17 days prior to the breeding period increased the proportion of hoggets mated in the first 17 days, increased conception rates, and thus increased the proportion of pregnant hoggets. These results indicate that farmers should utilise teasers for 17 days prior to commencement of the breeding period and avoid mating hoggets that weigh below 36 kg.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the effects of liveweight (LW) and use of teaser rams prior to mating on both the mating performance and pregnancy rate of ewe hoggets. METHODS: Romney hoggets (n=841) were weighed and randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups; either exposed to seven harnessed, vasectomised (teaser) rams for 17 days prior to the breeding period (n=283); or not exposed to teaser rams (unteased, n=558). Harnessed Perendale rams were then introduced for two oestrous cycles. Using crayon marks, hoggets were identified as having been mated during the first 17 days only, during the second 17 days only, during both periods, or not mated. All mated hoggets were then scanned for pregnancy using ultrasound, 48 days after the end of the breeding period, and identified as being either non-pregnant, or as single-, twin or triplet-bearing. RESULTS: Hoggets mated in either the first 17 days only or in both the first and second 17-day periods were heavier than those mated in the second period only (p<0.001). Those mated in the first or second 17-day period only, and those mated in both periods were all heavier prior to mating than those not mated at all (p<0.001). Twin-bearing hoggets were heavier than both their single-bearing and non-pregnant counterparts (p<0.001). A greater proportion of the teased hoggets were mated in the first 17 days only compared with unteased hoggets (62.6 vs 32.1%; p<0.001). In contrast, more of the unteased hoggets were marked in the second 17-day period only (p<0.001). A greater proportion of mated, unteased hoggets were found to be non-pregnant in comparison to their teased counterparts (17.8 vs 11.2%; p=0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Heavier hoggets at breeding were more likely to be mated in the first 17 days of the breeding period and more likely to be twin-bearing. Use of teaser rams for 17 days prior to the breeding period increased the proportion of hoggets mated in the first 17 days, increased conception rates, and thus increased the proportion of pregnant hoggets. These results indicate that farmers should utilise teasers for 17 days prior to commencement of the breeding period and avoid mating hoggets that weigh below 36 kg.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effect of water deprivation (WD) on reproductive traits of rams. Ten mature rams were used and allocated to two groups balanced for body weight. Control (C) rams had free access to drinking water, while water‐restricted rams (WD) were deprived from water for 3 consecutive days and early on the morning of day 4, they had ad libitum access to water for 24 h, similar to C animals. The experiment lasted 32 days, that is eight 4‐day cycles of water deprivation and subsequent watering. Feed and water intake were significantly affected by water deprivation; in comparison with C rams, WD rams reduced their feed intake by 18%. During the watering day of the deprivation cycle, WD rams consumed more water than C rams on the same day (11.8 (SD = 3.37) and 8.4 (SD = 1.92) l respectively; p < 0.05). Glucose, total protein and creatinine were increased as a result of water deprivation. However, testosterone levels were lowered as a result of water deprivation and average values were 10.9 and 6.2 (SEM 1.23) ng/ml for C and WD rams respectively (p < 0.05). Semen traits were less affected by treatment; WD rams consistently had superior sperm concentrations than C animals; and statistical significances were reached in cycles 5 and 8 of water deprivation. Several mating behaviour traits were modified as a result of water deprivation. When compared to controls, WD rams had a more prolonged time to first mount attempt (p < 0.001), their frequency of mount attempts decreased [6.8 vs. 5.2 (SEM 0.1); p < 0.001] and their flehmen reaction intensity was negatively affected (p < 0.05). Water deprivation may have practical implications reducing the libido and therefore the serving capacity of rams under field conditions.  相似文献   

During the early stages of an Ovine Brucellosis Accredited Free Flock Scheme in New South Wales 62 rams were examined to determine the status of their flocks of origin with regard to infection with Brucella ovis. Forty rams were selected because they were either single reactors to low titre or one of a small number of reactors in a B. ovis complement fixation test of the whole ram flock. Twenty two rams were selected because they had palpable abnormalities within the scrotum but were negative serologically. After serological, pathological, bacteriological and histological examinations they were classified in the ensuing categories: 7 positive, 7 inconclusive, 26 false positive and 22 with other lesions. The usefulness of this classification, particularly within the accreditation scheme is discussed.  相似文献   


Sir, —A recent issue of the Animal Health Division's excellent publication Surveillance (1978 No.5 Spring), reported that the Palmerston North Animal Health Laboratory had encountered a case involving 40 two-year-old rams, the majority of which had intramuscular perirenal abscesses. It was reported that these abscesses were due to vaccination with a single dose of Br. ovis vaccine, administered by the intraperitoneal route.  相似文献   

We determined the position, dimensions, and structure of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra in 20 healthy, adult rams by use of ultrasonography. The findings were compared with those of seven rams with obstructive urolithiasis, thus establishing criteria for the diagnosis of urolithiasis via ultrasonography. A 5.0 MHz convex transducer was placed over the right paralumbar fossa to examine the kidneys, and a 5.0 MHz linear rectal transducer was used to examine the bladder and urethra transrectally. All examinations were performed on standing rams. The left kidney had a length of 8.4 ± 0.3 cm (mean ± SD), a width of 4.7 ± 0.3 cm, and a depth of 4.4 ± 0.3 cm. The diameter of the renal sinus of the left kidney was 1.5 ± 0.2 cm. The circumference of the medullary pyramids measured 2.8 ± 0.3 cm. Similar ultrasonographic measurements were obtained for the right kidney. The mean diameter of the bladder of 12 rams was 7.5 ± 2.8 cm. The diameter of the bladder could not be determined in the remaining eight rams because it was greater than 10 cm and therefore beyond the penetration depth of the scanner. The only part of the urethra which could be visualized ultrasonographically was the internal urethral orifice. It had a diameter of 0.2 ± 0.1 cm.

Ultrasonographic examination of seven rams with obstructive urolithiasis revealed a markedly dilated urethra and urinary bladder. Due to severe cystitis, the contents of the urinary bladder appeared as multiple, tiny, uniformly distributed echoes. The renal pelvis and medullary pyramids of both kidneys were dilated in four rams. In two rams, uroperitoneum and accumulation of urine in the abdomen were diagnosed via ultrasonography. In one ram this was due to a ruptured ureter and in one to a ruptured bladder. The results of this study indicate that ultrasonography is a useful aid in the diagnosis of obstructive urolithiasis.


AIM: To determine the effects of liveweight (LW) and duration of teasing with vasectomised rams prior to breeding on both the mating performance and pregnancy rate of ewe hoggets. METHODS: Five hundred and forty-six (1/2) Romney x (1/4) Texel x (1/4) Finnish Landrace ewe hoggets were weighed and randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups: either exposed to five harnessed vasectomised (teaser) rams for 17 days prior to the breeding period (T17; n =181); exposed to five harnessed teaser rams for 8 days prior to the breeding period (T8; n = 184); or not exposed to teasers (unteased; n = 181). Harnessed entire rams of the same breed were then introduced for the duration of two oestrous cycles. Using crayon marks, hoggets were identified as having been mated in the first 5 days, Days 6-10, Days 11-17, during the first 17 days only, during both 17-day periods, during the second 17 days only, or not mated. All hoggets that were mated were scanned for pregnancy, using ultrasound, 48 days after the end of the breeding period, and identified as being either non-pregnant, or as singleton- or twin-bearing. RESULTS: Hoggets mated in the second 17-day period only were significantly lighter than those mated in either the first 17-day period only (p < 0.001), or in both the first and second 17-day periods (p < 0.02). At Day 1, twin-bearing hoggets were heavier than singleton-bearing hoggets (p < 0.001) and tended to be heavier (p = 0.06) than non-pregnant hoggets. At Day 18, twin-bearing hoggets were heavier than non-pregnant (p = 0.01) and singleton-bearing (p < 0.01) hoggets. A lesser proportion (p < 0.001) of unteased hoggets was mated in the first 17-day period only, compared to T17 hoggets. Conversely, a greater proportion of unteased hoggets was mated in the second 17-day period only, compared to either T8 (p < 0.01) or T17 (p < 0.001) hoggets. A lesser proportion of unteased hoggets was mated in the first 17 days of breeding, regardless of whether they returned to oestrus or not, in comparison to either T8 (p = 0.001) or T17 (p < 0.001) hoggets. Of those mated in the first 17 days of the breeding period, T8 hoggets were less likely (p < 0.05) to be mated in the first 5 days of that period but more likely to be mated in the last 7 days, compared to unteased and T17 hoggets. T17 hoggets had higher pregnancy rates to the first 17 days of breeding compared with either unteased (p = 0.01) or T8 hoggets (p = 0.06), and were more likely (p < 0.05) to be twin-bearing. In addition, the scanning percentage of T17 hoggets was higher than either unteased or T8 hoggets (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Heavier hoggets at breeding are more likely to be mated during the first 17 days of breeding and to be twin-bearing. While teasing for just 8 days increased the numbers mated in the first 17 days of breeding it did not increase the numbers of hoggets pregnant to that period. In contrast, teasing for 17 days did increase the numbers pregnant to the first 17 days of breeding and also increased the overall scanning percentage. It is recommended that farmers use a 17-day period of teasing before the breeding of ewe hoggets.  相似文献   

在生产冷冻精液过程中,由于采精频率高,辽宁绒山羊种公羊的营养消耗较大,相互争斗行为加剧。因此,加强种公羊的饲养管理显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

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