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Purpose To report two cases of corneal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in dogs. Methods Corneal tumors were resected by superficial keratectomy in two cases. Immunohistochemistry of the corneal tissues was performed using anti‐p53 antibody. Results The prominent features of the cases were a clinical history of pigmentary keratitis and chronic keratitis. In each case, a corneal mass was surgically removed with a superficial keratectomy and histologically diagnosed as corneal SCC. Both masses were negative for p53. To reduce chronic corneal irritation, 0.1% hyaluronate sodium ophthalmic solution was applied. After more than 15 months of postsurgical follow‐up there has been no recurrence of either neoplasm. Conclusion and discussion Chronic corneal irritation was suspected as the primary etiology for the corneal SCC. Appropriate surgical removal of the mass and subsequent conservative treatment for keratitis provided effective therapy in these two cases.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old male, Belgian shepherd dog was presented with lethargy, oliguria, hematuria, and reluctance to move. The dog developed hypertrophic osteopathy secondary to renal pelvis transitional cell carcinoma. A nephrectomy was performed and after a year, the dog was completely asymptomatic, and no evidence of metastatic disease was present.  相似文献   

Cisplatin was used successfully to treat 2 dogs with metastatic squamous cell carcinoma. One dog was observed to have a complete remission and died of unrelated causes 23 months later. The other dog had a partial remission of the tumor, but relapsed and was euthanatized 4 1/2 months after the beginning of treatment. Both dogs tolerated the treatment well.  相似文献   

In 17 cases of transitional cell carcinoma in cats the most common site for primary neoplasia was the urinary bladder; metastasis was recorded in five of the cases. Nine of the cases have been reported previously; the eight additional carcinomas from the files of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine were highly invasive and had a desmoplastic response. According to WHO guidelines they were classified as nonpapillary, infiltrating; papillary, infiltrating; and variants of transitional cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

Clinical signs of hyperventilation, muscle weakness and lethargy were recognised in a one-year-old female Bichon Frise and a three-year-old male Poodle. One dog was also hyperexcitable and pyrexic. The diagnosis of renal tubular acidosis was confirmed by demonstrating the tendency to an elevated urine pH, a low blood pH and low blood bicarbonate level, and by eliminating other causes of metabolic acidosis. Both dogs were treated with oral sodium bicarbonate resulting in improvement in their clinical condition and a return to near normal blood pH and bicarbonate levels.  相似文献   

Clinical signs of hyperventilation, muscle weakness and lethargy were recognised in a one-year-old female Bichon Frise and a three-year-old male Poodle. One dog was also hyperexcitable and pyrexic. The diagnosis of renal tubular acidosis was confirmed by demonstrating the tendency to an elevated urine pH, a low blood pH and low blood bicarbonate level, and by eliminating other causes of metabolic acidosis. Both dogs were treated with oral sodium bicarbonate resulting in improvement in their clinical condition and a return to near normal blood pH and bicarbonate levels.  相似文献   

Gross and light microscopic features of transitional cell carcinomas (TCC) of the urinary tract were examined in Beagle dogs used for the study of the long-term effects of low-dose, whole-body, 60Co gamma radiation. Thirty-eight cases of TCC occurred among 990 dogs that were from 0 to 14 years of age. There was no conclusive evidence of a radiation effect. The 38 TCC were equally divided between male and female dogs, but there was a significant difference in the sex distribution of urethra-origin TCC. Eleven males had a primary urethral TCC compared to only two females. There was no significant difference between the urethra-origin and bladder-origin TCCs in the number of tumors that caused clinical signs, metastasized, or that contributed to the death of the dog. All cases of urethral TCC in male dogs occurred in the prostatic urethra. The majority of these cases were not recognized to be neoplasms at gross necropsy, but microscopic examination revealed the TCC. Our findings differ from previous reports stating that TCC occurs more frequently in female than male dogs, and they especially differ from reports claiming that urethra-origin TCC is predominantly a disease of female dogs.  相似文献   

Two cases of clear cell trichoblastomas were diagnosed in young dogs. The tumour had ribbons of basaloid cells as seen in ribbon trichoblastomas, as well as differentiation to external root sheath of the hair follicle and few cells with sebaceous differentiation. This is the first report of clear cell trichoblastoma in dogs.  相似文献   

Two cases of globoid cell leucodystrophy are described in Cairn Terrier puppies; they are the first to be reported in the United Kingdom. Both developed progressive abnormalities of locomotion of the hind limbs. Gross lesions were not found but there was histological evidence of myelin loss accompanied by the accumulation of many large cells with a slightly foamy PAS-positive, non-metachromatic cytoplasm and which often had several nuclei. A diagnosis of globoid cell leucodystrophy was made. The literature on globoid cell leucodystrophy is briefly reviewed and attention is drawn to the fact that the majority of the cases reported in dogs have been in Cairn Terriers. Résumé. On décrit deux cas de leucodistrophie des cellules globoïdes rencontrés chez des choits de race Cairn Terrier; il s'agit des premiers cas signalés au Royaume-Uni. Des anomalies progressives de locomotion des membres postérieurs sont apparues dans l'un et l'autre cas. On n'a pas découvert de lésions importantes, mais à l'étude histolgique il s'est manifesté des pertes de myéline, accompagnées d'une accumulation de nombreuses grandes cellules d'un PAS positif légèrement écumeux, d'un cytoplasme non-métacromatique et qui souvent avaient plusieurs noyaux. Un diagnostic de la leucodistrophie des cellules globoïdes a été prononcé. On passe brièvement en revue publications traitant de la leucodistrophie des cellules globoïdes et on fait remarquer que la majorité des chiens atteints de cette affection étaient de race Cairn Terrier. Zusammenfassung. Zwei Fälle von Globoidzellen-Leukodystrophie bei jungen Cairn-Terriern werden beschrieben; es sind die ersten in Grossbritannien, von denen berichtet wird. Bei beiden Tieren wurden progressive lokomotorische Anomalien der Hinterbeine festgestellt. Makroskopische Läsionen wurden nicht gefunden, aber es gab hktologische Hinweise auf Myelinverlust, begleitet von der Ansammlung vieler grosser Zellen mit einem leicht schaumigen, PAS-positiven, nicht-metachromatischen Cytlopasma, das oft mehrere Zellkerne enthielt. Es ergab sich die Diagnose der Globoidzellen-Leukodystrophie. Die Literatur über GloboidzellenLeukodystrophie wird kurz betrachtet, und die Aufmerksamkeit wird auf die Tatsache gelenkt, dass die Mehrzahl der erwähnten Fälle Cairn-Terriers betraf.  相似文献   

In a review of neoplasm registry records at Kansas State University (1961 through 1971), 112 squamous cell carcinomas were reported in 38 breeds of dogs, representing 3.2% of 3,481 neoplasms recorded. Mean age of the affected dogs was 8.3 years. Metastases occurred in 7 dogs. The tumors were removed surgically for biopsy in 104 dogs, 8 of which then had recurrences and required further surgery. The oral cavity was the principal site (18%) of squamous cell carcinomas in the 112 dogs.  相似文献   

A 14-year-old spayed female poodle-pekinese dog with a history of hematuria was tentatively diagnosed with non-radiopaque uroliths or urinary bladder neoplasia following temporary resolution of clinical signs after several rounds of antibiotic treatments, normal abdominal radiographs and no growth on urine culture. Abdominal ultrasound revealed a mass in the trigone area of the urinary bladder which was confirmed to be an invasive transitional cell carcinoma by histopathology following euthanasia.  相似文献   

Hyphema and secondary glaucoma were ocular manifestations of disseminated neoplasia in a 4-year-old dog. The dog was euthanatized following enucleation after disseminated intravascular coagulopathy had developed. The histopathologic diagnosis was transitional cell carcinoma of the urethra, with metastasis to the lungs, heart, adrenal gland, and eyes.  相似文献   

Intracranial germ cell tumours were identified in two middle-aged, male dogs. The predominant clinical signs were progressive visual and pupillary abnormalities; one dog was blind. At post mortem examination a discrete extramedullary tumour was found at the base of the brain in each dog. Expansion of the mass had produced severe destruction of the diencephalon and brain stem. Histopathological examination revealed a mixed cellular pattern, consistent with a neoplasm derived from germ cells.  相似文献   

Pleural dialysis, as an alternative to peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis, was shown in a limited number of cases to be an inexpensive and easily applied technique for use in dogs. It is a viable modality for the management of acute renal failure in dogs that have suffered an acute but reversible renal insult, in which volume replacement and dopamine/furosemide infusion fails to reverse the oliguric state.  相似文献   

An eight-year-old, neutered male Burmese cat presented with five days vomiting and anorexia. Physical examination, clinical pathology and diagnostic imaging findings suggested a perirenal pseudocyst. After partial resection of the perirenal capsule clinical signs temporarily resolved, but the cat was euthanased 34 days postoperatively as a result of seizures and recurrence of vomiting. Postoperative histopathology showed neoplastic transitional cells within and lining the resected perirenal capsule; a diagnosis of transitional cell carcinoma was confirmed post-mortem. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of this presentation of transitional cell carcinoma. Transitional cell carcinoma should be a differential diagnosis for the aetiology of perirenal pseudocyst.  相似文献   

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