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不同谷子品种根系及其特性差异研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过对10处不同谷子品种根系、气孔、叶水势等的因子的测定,分析了不同品种根素及其特性的差异,为抗旱和耐旱品种的选择提供了依据。  相似文献   

高梁、谷子根系发育及其抗旱性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
试验结果显示,干旱条件下高梁、谷子根系发育显著增强,平均单位地上部分干物质量所具有的根长分别达到8m/g和11m/g,对0-100cm土层土壤水的利用能力可达到凋萎湿度。谷子、高梁主要生理指标光合速率、气孔阻力和叶水势对土壤水分降低的反应并不明显,尤其是高梁,在所试根层土壤水分范围内(14%-30%体积土壤含水量)这些生理指标基本维持恒定,具有较强的耐旱性和抗旱性。  相似文献   

不同磷营养油菜品种根系形态及生理特性差异研究   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:37  
研究不同磷营养油菜对磷素的反应及其根系形态特征、生理特性等方面的差异,结果表明:磷高效油菜需磷量较小,而在缺磷时吸磷量较大;缺磷时两种油菜品种根冠比增加,且磷高效品种增加幅度大于磷低效品种;缺磷时,磷高效品种具有较长的根系,较大的根体积、根表面积与根活跃吸收表面积,而加磷时,两品种差异不大。油菜缺磷时,磷高效品种磷外渗率小于磷低效品种,加磷时两品种磷外渗率差异不大。缺磷时磷高效品种对磷的亲和力大于磷低效品种,加磷时磷高效品种中磷进入根系的最大净流量小于磷低效品种。  相似文献   

黄土高原30个谷子品种辐射敏感性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The variation in nitrogen (N) uptake by rice has been widely studied but differences in rice root morphology that may contribute to this variation are not completely understood. Field and greenhouse experiments were carried out to study N accumulation, root dry weights, total root lengths, root surface areas, and root bleeding rates of two rice cultivars, Elio with low N-use efficiency and Nanguang with high N-use efficiency. Low (1 mmol N L-1) and high (5 mmol N L-1) N applications were established in the greenhouse experiment, and the N rates were 0, 120, and 240 kg ha-1 in the field experiments at Jiangning and Jiangpu farms, Nanjing, China. The results showed that the N accumulation, root dry weight, total root length, and root surface area increased with an increase in N application. At the heading stage, N accumulation in the shoots and roots of Nanguang was greater than that of Elio in the field experiments and that of Elio at 5 mmol N L-1 in the greenhouse experiment. After the heading stage, N accumulation was higher for Nanguang at both 1 and 5 mmol N L-1 in the greenhouse experiment. The total root length and root surface area were significantly different between the two cultivars. Over the range of the fertilizer application rates, the root lengths of Nanguang at Jiangning Farm were 49%-61% greater at booting and 26%-39% greater at heading than those of Elio, and at Jiangpu Farm they were 22%-42% and 26%-38% greater, respectively. Nanguang had a greater root bleeding rate than Elio. It was concluded that the N-use efficiency of the two rice cultivars studied depended to a great extent on the root morphological parameters and root physiological characteristics at different growth stages.  相似文献   

作物的缺水反应及其抗旱生理适应性的调节   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王小彬  蔡典雄  高绪科 《土壤》1997,29(1):6-12,17
近10年来,旱地农业生产的研究在我国受到充分的重视,人们通过对我国旱地土壤焦点问题“旱”与“薄”,的认识,提出以水、肥调控作为改善和提高旱作水分利用效率的措施之一。由于缺水的作物具的抗旱生理适应性的自身调节机能 ,并且可能会对外界不利或有利因素(如气象因素、水、肥措施)的影响作出各种响应和调整,因此了解缺水条件以及改变水肥条件时作物的反应及其适应能力,对于认识和协调旱农生产中的水肥关系具有参考意义  相似文献   

不同硼效率棉花品种根系参数和伤流液组分的差异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
溶液培养条件下研究硼对不同硼效率棉花品种根系参数、伤流量及伤流液组分的影响。结果表明,缺硼抑制棉花根系生长,根重、根体积、根长、活跃吸收面积、总吸收面积、活跃吸收面积占总吸收面积的比例以及伤流量均显著降低,高效品种降低幅度比低效品种小;缺硼还使高效品种根系比表面积升高,而低效品种无显著变化。缺硼显著影响不同棉花品种伤流液各组分含量,与低效品种相比,高效品种伤流液中有较多的NO3-、K+、无机磷、可溶性糖和游离氨基酸。说明缺硼条件下高效品种根系比低效品种具有更强的吸收、代谢活力,可能是其硼效率较高的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

确定水流阻力不仅有助于定量土壤栕魑飽大气连续体(SPAC)描述的水分传输过程,而且对建立减少水流阻力的节水农业措施,解决红壤区季节性干旱有重要意义。本文研究了不同耕作制度下作物气孔阻力日变化及其与蒸腾速率、土壤基质势、作物叶水势的关系,并分析了水流阻力的分布及其日变化规律。结果表明气孔阻力和蒸腾速率受作物种类和耕作制度影响,气孔阻力随着70cm土层以上土壤基质势的变化而变化;SPAC中叶气系统水流阻力为109~1010S,是作物体水流阻力的1000倍,而后者又是70cm以上土层土壤水流阻力的100倍;作物体水流阻力大小顺序为:大豆>花生>玉米>甘薯,除甘薯外,其它作物体水流阻力有明显的日变化;此外,耕作制度也影响作物体水流阻力。  相似文献   

不同早稻品种灌浆期高温胁迫后根系生理差异研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
试验研究不同早稻品种灌浆期高温胁迫后根系生理差异结果表明,高温对不同水稻品种根系超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶活性均有影响,但对耐热型品种的影响显著小于热敏感品种,耐热型品种在高温胁迫后保护酶活性能较快恢复并接近对照水平;高温胁迫对耐热型水稻品种根系α-萘胺氧化力无影响,但热敏感品种根系氧化力明显下降,故根系α-萘胺氧化力可作为根系耐热指标之一。  相似文献   

针对谷子机械收获作业过程中存在的秆叶易缠绕问题,该研究以晋谷21、张杂10为对象,分别对谷子不同节间的茎秆、叶鞘、叶片和叶环各部位进行拉伸力学测试,并利用SAS统计软件对测试数据做分析,在此基础上分析了相关力学参数沿茎秆节间的变化规律。2个谷子品种的茎秆在上下节间处的弹性模量、抗拉力和抗拉强度均差异显著(P<0.05)。由茎秆表皮拉伸测试测得晋谷21的茎秆弹性模量为4.15~6.64 GPa,抗拉强度为67.65~130.13 MPa,抗拉力为343.97~1 598.37 N;张杂10的茎秆弹性模量为4.54~7.98 GPa,抗拉强度为73.22~136.50 MPa,抗拉力为167.66~567.54 N。2个谷子品种在不同节间位置、不同部位(叶鞘、叶片及叶环)的抗拉力和抗拉强度差异均极显著(P<0.01)。晋谷21的中上部节间叶鞘、叶片及叶环平均抗拉强度分别为13.30、10.13和4.18 MPa,平均抗拉力分别为122.16、41.23和25.80 N。张杂10的中上部节间叶鞘、叶片及叶环平均抗拉强度分别为13.30、11.77和4.24 MPa,平均抗拉力分别...  相似文献   

Concurrent observations of leaf water potential, stomatal diffusion resistance and canopy temperature were made on two plots of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Anza) growing at Phoenix, Arizona under two different soil water conditions. These data were further complemented by weather observations and lysimeter measurements of total evaporative water loss from the plots. Transpiration fluxes for each plot were estimated by an aerodynamic-energy balance approach and compared with the lysimeter data. Plant resistances were computed from the transpiration flux results and the leaf water potential measurements using van den Honert's equation, while canopy resistances were also computed from the transpiration flux using Monteith's equation. The calculated plant resistance decreased by a factor of almost two from morning to mid-afternoon whereas the ratio of canopy and stomatal resistances was constant during most of the day.  相似文献   

针对玉米叶片各区域光谱特性与玉米品种抗倒伏性能之间关系未知的问题,该研究探讨了叶脉区、正常反射区和整片叶的平均光谱对玉米品种抗倒伏性预测效果的影响。试验采集了2018年和2019年8个玉米品种的叶片高光谱图像,使用阈值分割和K-means聚类方法提取各叶片区域的平均光谱数据。用最大相关最小冗余(Max-Relevance and Min-Redundancy,MRMR)特征选择算法,提取各叶片区域平均光谱的抗倒伏和不抗倒伏品种分类特征。使用交叉验证的方式,对MRMR方法选择的特征数量进行优化,并使用支持向量机(Support Vector Machines,SVM)方法建立各叶片区域的抗倒伏性预测光谱模型,用网格搜索法对各模型参数进行优化。两年试验结果显示,各叶片区域约有35~50个可以反映品种抗倒伏性的光谱特征,其中非叶脉区光谱相比叶脉区光谱的抗倒伏特征更多,分类效果更好。参数优化训练后,整叶片、叶脉区和正常反射区的光谱模型对训练集数据的预测正确率达到98.46%、98.52%和100%,正常反射区的光谱模型对测试集数据的分类效果最好,2018年和2019年测试集数据的预测正确率分别达到了91.00%和94.34%。与基于整片叶平均光谱的预测模型相比,基于叶片各区域的光谱特征模型可以排除不平整叶面反射的干扰,有助于提高模型预测结果的稳定性。研究表明,基于正常反射区光谱的预测模型更适用于品种抗倒伏预测,研究结果可为基于玉米叶片光谱预测品种的抗倒伏能力提供借鉴。  相似文献   

胞质抗除草剂谷子发育及与敏感型常规品种的差异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以对除草剂敏感的常规品种“豫谷2号”为对照,试验研究抗除草剂谷子“0971”的生长发育特点结果表明,“0971”苗期发育慢,抽穗晚,但后期发育加快,并很快与“豫谷2号”各性状相持平。由于灌浆速度慢和灌浆时间短,“0971”穗干物质量明显处于劣势。  相似文献   

On average, sugar beet yield in the UK is reduced by 10% due to water limitation. The root system of a plant is responsible for water uptake and hence an extensive root system is crucial to mitigate drought stress. There might be varietal differences when it comes to plant root system architecture but so far none have been reported in sugar beet. This study shows the results of 2 years of field experiments, examining the rooting patterns and overall plant growth of sugar beet under both rainfed and irrigated conditions. In the first year, three varieties were assessed, and in the second year, five varieties. No significant yield differences were found between the rainfed and irrigated treatments, which is likely due to the applied drought stress only being mild in both years. There were, however, significant varietal differences in plant growth and rooting patterns in rainfed plants which were most distinct when plants were subjected to mild drought stress. Varietal differences observed might indicate the possibility of breeding for certain root traits to mitigate drought stress in sugar beet in the future.  相似文献   


Growth, mineral nutrition, leaf chlorophyll and water relationships were studied in cherry plants (cv. ‘Bigarreau Burlat’[BB] and ‘Tragana Edessis’[TE]) grafted on ‘Mazzard’ rootstock and grown in modified Hoagland solutions containing 0, 25 or 50 mmol L?1 NaCl, over a period of 55 days. Elongation of the main shoot of the plants treated with 25 or 50 mmol L?1 NaCl was significantly reduced by approximately 29–36%, irrespective of the cultivar. However, both NaCl treatments caused a greater reduction in the dry weight of leaves and scion's stems in BB than in TE plants. Therefore, BB was more sensitive to salinity stress than TE. The reduction of leaf chlorophyll concentration was significant only when BB and TE plants were grown under 50 mmol L?1 NaCl. Osmotic adjustment permitted the maintenance of leaf turgor in TE plants and induced an increase in leaf turgor of BB plants treated with 25 or 50 mmol L?1 NaCl compared with 0 mmol L?1 NaCl. Concerning the nutrient composition of various plant parts, Na concentrations in all plant parts of both cultivars were generally much lower than those of Cl. For both cultivars, leaf Cl concentrations were much higher than the concentrations in stems and roots, especially in the treatments containing NaCl. Finally, the distribution of Na within BB and TE plants treated with NaCl was relatively uniform.  相似文献   

Wheat is one of the most important crops in the world. Its study has involved anatomy, ecology, physiology, molecular biology, biotechnology, and cultivation. Knowledge of the relationship of diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid wheat with stomatal characteristics and water-use efficiency is spare and is subject to argument. The present study was aimed to examine different characteristics of stomata in 28 Iranian landraces belonging to the species Triticum monococcum (2n = 2x = 14), Triticum durum (2n = 4x = 28) and Triticum aestivum (2n = 6x = 42), respectively and investigated a possible relationship between these characteristics and water use efficiency by pot cultivation experiments. The results revealed large variation among landraces as well as between the different species for stomatal frequency and size. The diploid wheat species had the highest stomatal frequency and the lowest stomatal length and width. The hexaploid species had a lower stomatal frequency than the tetraploid species. A highly significant relationship was noted between the value of those traits on the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of the leaf. The ratio of adaxial to abaxial values appeared to be constant for a given species. Both stomatal frequency and size were associated with ploidy level, but also with the nature of the constituting genomes of the species. A highly significant negative association was found among accessions between stomatal frequency and size. As a consequence, the variation for stomatal area per unit leaf area was less than for the other traits. Diploid and hexaploid wheat have significantly higher water use efficiency, compared to tetraploid wheat. No clear association was found, however, between water use efficiency and stomatal characteristics.  相似文献   

The evidence that indicates a close association between nitrogen nutrition and the Photosynthetic rate of single rice leaves (Table 1) shows that the photosynthetic rate is related to the nitrogen content on a dry weight basis or on a leaf area basis, Photosynthesis of single leaves can be analyzed in terms of a series of diffusion resistances, i.e., stomatal, mesophyll, and carboxylation (1, 3, 6). Nitrogen nutrition may affect either one of these or more than two at the same time. Nitrogen nutrition affects mainly the mesophyll resistance, and the stomatal resistance to a lesser extent, in cotton, beans, and maize (10) while it affects both the stomatal and mesophyll resistance in sugar beet (8).  相似文献   

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