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侯洪烈  沈国顺 《养猪》1996,(2):41-41
种公猪发生魏氏梭菌病的诊断侯洪烈,沈国顺,刘丽霞(辽宁省丹东市农业学校118003)(沈阳农业大学110161)魏氏梭菌又名产气荚膜杆菌,在自然界分布较广。该菌血清型较多,不同血清型的细菌可引起不同的动物发病。猪的魏氏梭菌病,最常发生的是由C型魏氏梭...  相似文献   

猪魏氏梭菌病是由魏氏梭菌感染所引起的急性传染病,该病具有发病急、病程短,常无任何前期症状而突然死亡,以全身实质器官及消化道出血坏死为特征。该菌可分为A、B、C、D和E5个血清型,不同血清型的细菌可引起不同的动物发病。  相似文献   

魏氏梭菌又称产气荚膜杆菌,该菌血清型较多,最常发生的是由C型魏氏梭菌引起的仔猪红痢.本文所报道的是某猪场的后备种猪群发生的一种原因不明的猝死症.从病的临床症状,剖检变化看,本病与国内近年报道的A型魏氏梭菌相似,现将发病情况及诊断结果报告如下:  相似文献   

魏氏梭菌又称产气荚膜杆菌,该菌血清型较多,最常发生的是由C型魏氏梭菌引起的仔猪红痢。本所报道的是某猪场的后备种猪群发生的一种原因不明的猝死症。从病的临床症状,剖检变化看,本病与国内近年报道的A型魏氏梭菌相似,现将发病情况及诊断结果报告如下:  相似文献   

猪魏氏梭菌病是魏氏梭菌生长繁殖产生的毒素引起猪的急性毒血症.该菌有A、B、C、D、E五型,常见于C型,主要侵害与生命活动有关的神经元,感染动物可发生休克,常呈急性死亡.各年龄段猪不分性别,一年四季均可发病.  相似文献   

1998年初,我省共中型集约化养猪场出现以初生仔猪拉红痢并发生急性死亡为特征的疾病,发病15窝,死亡100多头仔猪该场曾于1991年发生过仔猪红痢,且一直使用A型魏氏梭菌疫苗为此,我们进行了细菌血清型的鉴定现报告如下:1材料与方法1.1材料小白鼠由湖南中医学院动物室提供,个体重17~20g.魏氏梭菌抗毒素血清A、B、C、D四种血清型由中国农科院兰州兽医研究所提供,批号9502.1.2方法1.2.1细菌检查取病猪肝、脾、心血、肠内容物压片、徐片,革兰氏染色镜检1.22魏氏梭菌毒素检查收集病猪小肠内容物,4000转/nun离心2(ha,将上清液以0…  相似文献   

<正>魏氏梭菌可感染多种动物,其中包括人类、猪、牛和羊等哺乳动物,是一种常见的可引起仔猪腹泻的肠道菌病原体。该病原体有5个血清型,分别为A、B、C、D和E血清型,其中引发严重临床症状和病死率的血清型主要是A和C型~([1])。猪群感染该病后可出现明显的临床症状,不同生长阶段猪群感染该病所出现的临床症状存在较大的差异,其中以仔猪发病最为明显,可出现血痢,且病猪在短时间内死亡,给  相似文献   

<正>魏氏梭菌病又称产气荚膜杆菌病,该菌广泛存在于土壤、饲料、蔬菜、污水、粪便中,在某些应激因素诱导下引起动物发病并导致其死亡。该菌分A,B,C,D,E,F六个型,闫新华教授等分离于狐狸、貉、水貂、兔、犬的菌株鉴定后证明均为A型,该菌对经济动物威胁性较大,近几年,随着我国特种毛皮动物养殖业的发展,有关魏氏梭菌侵害特种毛皮动物的报道逐年增多,本单位研究所今年6~9月份接到9个病例,其中狐狸4例,貉子3例,水貂2例,通过对发病情况、临床症状及尸体  相似文献   

魏氏梭菌属梭状芽胞杆菌属,它是该菌属唯一能形成荚膜、无鞭毛的细菌,为厌氧的化能异养菌,该细菌与其它梭菌的鉴别要点是:革兰氏染色阳性,有荚膜,不运动,生长特别快,牛乳暴烈发酵,菌落圆型整齐,溶血明显。能致病的魏氏梭菌分为 A、 B、 C、 D、 E五个类型。它们的致病作用都是因为能产生很强的外毒素。   一、新生仔猪 A、 C混合型魏氏梭菌病病例   1993年 10月,泌阳县外贸商品猪场相继有 9窝共计 87头新生仔猪在出生后 1~ 3天发病死亡,到 11月份,又有 24窝共计 239头新生仔猪全部死亡。其临床症状是仔猪发病突然,有…  相似文献   

笔者从某猪场疑似猪魏氏梭菌病病例中分离到一株魏氏梭菌,为了研究其生物学特性及其发病机理,对分离菌进行了形态培养、生化试验、动物实验等鉴定,鉴定结果为C型魏氏梭菌.药敏试验表明本株魏氏梭菌对青霉素、磺胺药敏感性较高.  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is an economically important disease of cloven-hoofed animals that is primarily controlled by vaccination of susceptible animals and movement restrictions for animals and animal-derived products in South Africa. Vaccination using aluminium hydroxide gel-saponin (AS) adjuvanted vaccines containing the South African Territories (SAT) serotypes has been shown to be effective both in ensuring that disease does not spread from the endemic to the free zone and in controlling outbreaks in the free zone. Various vaccine formulations containing antigens derived from the SAT serotypes were tested in cattle that were challenged 1 year later. Both the AS and ISA 206B vaccines adjuvanted with saponin protected cattle against virulent virus challenge. The oil-based ISA 206B-adjuvanted vaccine with and without stimulators was evaluated in a field trial and both elicited antibody responses that lasted for 1 year. Furthermore, the ISA 206 adjuvanted FMD vaccine protected groups of cattle against homologous virus challenge at very low payloads, while pigs vaccinated with an emergency ISA 206B-based FMD vaccine containing the SAT 1 vaccine strains were protected against the heterologous SAT 1 outbreak strain.  相似文献   

Regulations concerning the control of Salmonella in animals are more strict in Sweden than in most other countries, though a certain liberalization took place in 1982. The main purpose of these regulations is to prevent transmission of Salmonella infections from animals to man. Veterinarians and laboratories are obliged to report all Salmonella cases to the veterinary authorities. The cases are recorded by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. During the period of this report, 1978-1982, 1266 outbreaks of Salmonella in animals were recorded in Sweden. Isolated strains belonged to 78 different serotypes. The most frequent serotypes were S. typhi-murium (38.5% of the recorded cases) and S. dublin (37%). S. dublin was isolated mainly from cattle, while S. typhi-murium was isolated from a wide range of animal species. Next in frequency are some serotypes isolated mainly from chicken, at rates around 2%: S. livingstone, S. liverpool, and S. agona. Of the 78 isolated serotypes, 25 were never isolated before from animals in Sweden. There were 687 outbreaks of Salmonella recorded in cattle. Predominant serotypes are S. dublin (67% of the outbreaks in cattle) and S. typhi-murium (28%). The outbreaks of S. dublin, like earlier in the sixties and seventies, occurred mainly in south-eastern Sweden. The recorded occurrence of Salmonella in swine continued to decrease. During this period only 37 outbreaks were diagnosed. Of these more than half were caused by S. typhi-murium. S. choleraesuis was isolated from 6 cases only.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In a two-year trial involving successive batches of 36 autumn-born steers on two adjacent sites in Hertfordshire, calves treated with ivermectin at three and eight weeks after turn out contaminated pastures much less than untreated control animals. Each year dry summers prevented the larval challenge on the control pastures from building up to high levels until about the time of autumn housing. Atypical outbreaks of parasitic gastroenteritis were recorded in May and June of the second year in both groups of control calves. Clinical and parasitological aspects of these outbreaks are discussed in the context of the epidemiology of the disease. It is concluded that the application of measures to control gastroenteritis can bring benefits in the early part of the grazing season as well as later in the year.  相似文献   

Over a four year period, 74 of 250 field outbreaks of enteric disease (30%) and 110 of 440 swine (25%) were positive for transmissible gastroenteritis by immunofluorescence procedures. Of 141 swine from herds positive for transmissible gastroenteritis 110 (78%) were positive by fluorescent antibody techniques. The fastest, easiest to perform and most effective procedure was the examination of frozen sections of the jejunum from acutely ill animals by the fluorescent antibody tissue section technique. Only two herds were found to be positive by the fluorescent antibody tissue culture technique which were negative by fluorescent antibody tissue section technique. A considerable number of outbreaks, 21 of 74 (28%), of transmissible gastroenteritis were detected by immunofluorescence in swine over two weeks of age. The majority of outbreaks of transmissible gastroenteritis, 50 of 74 (68%), occurred in Missouri during the months of January through April and 63 of 74 (85%) during the months of December through May. The recurrence of the disease in a number of counties over a four-year period suggest the possibility of endemic foci.  相似文献   

This survey describes the frequency of Salmonella in animals and feedstuffs isolated in Sweden 1983-1987. Since 1949 National Veterinary Institute (NVI) has published such reports every fifth year. During the period of this report 760 outbreaks of Salmonella were reported in animals. This includes both domestic and wild animals. The corresponding figure for the previous period was 1266 outbreaks. 56 different serovariants were reported, 17 of these were new to Sweden. In cattle and swine there were a decrease of outbreaks. In poultry 86 outbreaks were reported, compared with 220 outbreaks during the previous five-year period. Swedish feed producing plants are checked both voluntary and compulsory, for the presence of Salmonella in raw materials, scrape and dust samples and compound feed. During 1983-1987 a total of 236 strains at Salmonella were isolated. This is the lowest incidence found during the last 15 years. All consignments of feedstuffs of animal origin intended for import to Sweden has to be examined for the presence of Salmonella. During 1983-1987 8.6% of the consignments were positive for Salmonella and were thus not allowed to be used in Sweden.  相似文献   

Identification and estimation of the prevalence of Pasteurella multocida organisms in different animal and avian species in India during November 2000 to July 2003 was carried out. Out of 418 samples collected from different outbreaks suspected to be caused by P. multocida, a total of 206 bacterial cultures were identified as P. multocida on the basis of cultural, morphological and biochemical characteristics. All the 206 cultures were isolated from different domestic animal species (cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, pig and rabbit), avian species (chicken, duck, quail, turkey, goose) and wild animals such as leopard and deer. Serotyping of P. multocida cultures revealed the presence of various serotypes (A:1, A:3, A:1,3, A:4, B:2, D:1 and -:1) among the livestock population. P. multocida polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay applied on different forms of bacterial cultures (bacterial culture lysate, direct bacterial colony and mixed bacterial culture lysate) yielded an amplified product of approximately 460 bp specific for P. multocida. The results of PCR assay correlated well with conventional methods of identification. The present investigation revealed the presence of varied serotypes among livestock and PCR assay was found to be useful for rapid, sensitive and specific diagnosis of pasteurellosis in animals and avian species.  相似文献   

为了解近几年云南边境地区牛、羊流行性出血热病毒(EHDV)的感染和流行情况,本研究从2014年起连续3年在与老挝、越南接壤的江城县设置EHDV监测点,每年选择投放EHDV抗体阴性的10头牛和5只山羊作为哨兵动物进行跟踪监测。每年5~10月份对哨兵动物采血,每周1次,11、12月每月采集一次,进行EHDV抗体、抗原监测和病毒分离。针对致细胞病变的样品,采用EHDV群特异性S7基因片段引物进行RT-PCR方法检测,同时利用EHDV-1、-5、-6、-7、-10标准阳性血清对分离到的病毒进行中和试验鉴定。结果显示,2014-2016年江城县牛EHDV抗体阳性率分别为41.9%、58.6%和75.4%;3年期间共监测到15头EHDV抗体阳性黄牛,并从中分离到20个可致细胞病变样品,经RT-PCR确认为EHDV,遗传进化分析发现有11个毒株与1997和2003年日本分离的EHDV毒株亲缘关系较近,9个毒株与1977和1981年澳大利亚分离的EHDV毒株亲缘关系较近,5个毒株与2015年广西分离株的亲缘关系较近;3年期间在山羊体内未检测出抗体,未发现抗原阳性动物;经中和试验血清型鉴定,确定20株毒株包括EHDV-5、-6、-7、-10型4种血清型,感染时间均在5~9月之间。本研究发现,江城县长期存在多种血清型EHDV同时流行,2014-2016年EHDV抗体阳性率逐年增加,亟需加强对EHDV感染情况及活动规律的持续研究,提高流行性出血热的防控效率。  相似文献   

Neutralising antibody to non-cytopathogenic and cytopathogenic strains of bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) was assayed in a microtitre test in which cultures of calf testis cells were stained by the immunoperoxidase method to detect viral replication. Fourteen BVDV strains were compared in cross neutralisation tests with antisera prepared in gnotobiotic calves. Ten of the strains comprised five pairs of non-cytopathogenic and cytopathogenic BVDV. Each pair was isolated from an animal with mucosal disease. All five animals were from five separate outbreaks of the disease. Each pair of strains from the same outbreak was found to be antigenically indistinguishable. In contrast, when the coefficient of antigenic similarity was calculated 11 of 45 comparisons between the pairs and 46 of 91 comparisons between all 14 viruses gave R values that distinguished strains. The observations suggest that an antigenic spectrum within a single related group exists for BVDV strains, rather than distinct serotypes. The findings are also consistent with the suggestion that cytopathogenic strains from natural outbreaks of mucosal disease arise by mutation from non-cytopathogenic virus.  相似文献   

To evaluate the relative importance of the various enteropathogens causing neonatal diarrhea in Quebec farrowing operations, observations were made on 749 diarrheic pigs from 325 outbreaks of diarrhea. They were one to 15 days of age, and were obtained alive for necropsy generally within 48 hours of the onset of diarrhea. Some pigs were from severe, explosive outbreaks of diarrhea with high morbidity and mortality rates, while others were from herds with chronic neonatal diarrhea with lower morbidity and mortality rates. A combination of bacteriological, virological and histological methods were used to study the pigs.

Viruses were incriminated in 60%, bacteria in 23% and coccidia in 15.3% of the 325 diarrhea outbreaks. Transmissible gastroenteritis virus was by far the most common enteropathogen with a prevalence of 52%; rotavirus was implicated in 9.2% of the outbreaks while adenovirus was incriminated in 0.30% of the outbreaks. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli were involved in 22.4% of the cases while Clostridium perfringens type C was an occasional finding. Coccidia involved in our herds were identified as Isospora suis. The disease was attributed to infection with a single etiologic agent in 590 diarrheic pigs (78%) while combinations of agents were present in only 90 (12%).

The age-specific occurrence of the various enteropathogens was evaluated. Transmissible gastroenteritis virus was the most common enteropathogen in all age groups. Colibacillosis was common in pigs which became diarrheic under five days of age; in this age group, the enterotoxigenic E. coli were frequently found alone, but were usually combined with other agents in older pigs. The prevalence of coccidia was high in pigs which became diarrheic between five and 15 days of age. Rotavirus infection was common in diarrheic pigs older than ten days of age. Although individual baby pigs were commonly infected with a single enteropathogen, it was very common to see more than one agent involved in an outbreak of diarrhea, particularly when pigs of different ages were affected.

Observations on the occurrence of the enteropathogens according to the seasons were also made. Occurrence of transmissible gastroenteritis was throughout the year with the highest prevalence during the fall, winter and spring months. Colibacillosis and coccidiosis were more common in the summer, fall and early winter months with the lowest prevalence in the spring months.


Tropical Animal Health and Production - Fifteen different serotypes of salmonellae, identified from forty-one strains of salmonellae recently isolated from domestic animals at post mortem...  相似文献   

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