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This study examined the diversity of siderophore‐producing bacteria in the intestinal tracts of coastal fish in Japan and screened candidate bacterial strains for probiotic use in aquaculture. Of the 2637 bacteria isolated from the 27 fish specimens (13 species) and six environmental samples collected in this study, 266 isolates exhibited the ability to produce siderophores. Siderophore producers were detected in the intestines of 18 of the fish specimens caught (68%) at densities of 2.3 × 104–2.3 × 108 CFU g?1, in all three seawater samples at 2.0 × 102–1.3 × 103 CFU mL?1 and in all three sand samples at 2.6 × 101–2.8 × 104 CFU g?1. These findings suggest that siderophore‐producing bacteria are widely distributed in the intestinal tracts of coastal fish and their environments. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that the siderophore producers belonged to 38 species, of which Vibrio splendidus, Vibrio ichthyoenteri and Vibrio crassostreae accounted for 32.7%, 19.5% and 11.3% of the 266 isolates, respectively, suggesting that these bacteria are indigenous to the intestinal tract of coastal fish. Six bacterial species, Enterovibri norvegicus, Photobacterium leiognathi, Photobacterium phosphoreum, Photobacterium rosenbergii, V. crassostrea and Vibrio scophthalmi were identified as possible candidates for use as probionts in fish aquaculture.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Antibiotic residues in marine sediments of fish farms negatively influence microbial ecologic systems. The microbial degradation of antibiotic residues was experimentally examined in the marine sediments of Uranouchi Bay, to which one of five antibiotics was added. After incubation reducing physical factors, ampicillin, doxycycline, oxytetracycline, and thiamphenicol were significantly degraded, while josamycin maintained most of the initial amounts. The isolates resistant to ampicillin, josamycin, oxytetracycline, or thiamphenicol degraded each antibiotic in wide ranges of degrees, whereas the isolates degrading doxycycline were not obtained. Microbial degradation may contribute to the disappearance of ampicillin, doxycycline, oxytetracycline, and thiamphenicol in the fish farm. In contrast, the disappearance of josamycin would depend on physical factors, but the bacteria degrading josamycin at least exist in the marine sediments. Phylogenetic analysis using 16S rDNA sequences demonstrated that the antibiotic-resistant isolates formed several clusters in the Gram-positive bacterial group, the Flavobacterium–Cytophaga–Bacteroides group, and the proteobacteria subdivisions. The antibiotic-resistant bacterial population would be composed of various species including ubiquitous coastal bacterial groups. Several species of antibiotic resistant bacteria show antibiotic degradation activities, and appear to contribute to the disappearance of antibiotics in Uranouchi Bay.  相似文献   

The environmental impact of a well-established fish farm has beeninvestigated in surface sediments of the Ligurian Sea in order to assess thebiodeposition, bacterial community structure and dynamics at a mature stage oforganic enrichment.The Biopolymeric carbon (BPC) fraction of organic matter and phytopigmentconcentrations displayed very high values beneath the fish cages. In particularlipid, carbohydrate and chlorophyll-a concentrations werehigher in farm sediment while protein concentrations did not show significantchange between farm sediment and control.Benthic bacteria were closely related to organic enrichment and their densitywas three times higher (up to 3 × 1010 cellsg–1) in stations beneath the cages being positivelycorrelated with BPC (n = 10, p < 0.05) and lipid (n = 10, p < 0.05)concentrations. Colony forming units (CFU) counts of heterotrophic bacteriaindicate a shift in the relative importance of the gram negative bacterialfraction, displaying the predominance of theCytophaga/Flexibacter-like bacteria (CBF), as well as theoccurrence of pathogenic bacteria (such as Vibrio) insediments beneath the farm. In contrast, Gram positive bacteria were moreprevalent in control site where they represented up to 90% of total isolates.Aminopeptidase activity displayed higher values in sediment beneath the cages,whereas the enzymatic activity per bacterial cell was lower. These data suggesta functional stress of bacterial degradation rates and represent a potentialvaluable environmental index of imbalance between supply and removal of organicmatter in eutrophicated environments.Data presented in this study also suggest that either the biochemicalcomposition of sedimentary organic matter as well as the selected microbialvariables may represent useful tools for evaluating the effects of organicenrichment due to fish farming and could be proposed as new environmentalindices of aquaculture impact on marine sediment.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the influence of temperature manipulation on circulating levels of sex steroids and gonadal maturation in F1 generation Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis breeders kept under either continuous light (LL) or natural photoperiod (NP). Under LL, progressive water temperature reduction during early winter [treatment MT (modified temperature)] significantly elevated [compared with exposure to LL and constant temperature (CT)] plasma steroid levels in females (January–February) and males (January) and proportion of females initiating maturation (January), suggesting a modulatory role of decreasing temperature in the early phases of sole gonadal recrudescence. Under NP, treatment MT did not stimulate female gonadal maturation despite the significantly higher plasma testosterone levels (February) compared with exposure to NP and CT, which may indicate that females at early‐intermediate phases of ovarian development, the predominant stages of maturation at early winter, were less responsive to the treatment. Conversely, treatment MT significantly enhanced male androgen production from January onwards, together with an increase in proportions of running individuals (March), indicating that males were also responsive to this treatment at mid‐late phases of testicular development. Our data further support the strong influence of water temperature on the overall control of gonadal maturation in Senegalese sole.  相似文献   

This study reports the distribution, estimated abundance and biomass, and genetic population structure of the red crab Pleuroncodes planipes along the western coast of the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. Using a hybrid conical net for fish and crustaceans, bottom trawls with stratified depth were performed at transect sites perpendicular to the coast. Red crab was observed to distribute widely in the study area, particularly in upwelling areas such as Bahia Magdalena and its surroundings, and the greatest catches were recorded at depths between 51 and 100 m, and between 201 and 300 m, with values of 2,297 and 3,223 kg/h of trawl, respectively. The population genetic analysis using mitochondrial DNA sequencing revealed no significant population differentiation. The total estimated biomass was 611,525 metric tons, supporting the proposal that the red crab is a viable exploitation resource in the study area.  相似文献   

根据苯丙氨酸脱氨酶可由苯丙氨酸诱导产生的原理,采用以苯丙氨酸为底物的简易纸片法为初筛模型,筛选浙江沿海具有产苯丙氨酸酶能力的细菌。对2 315株海洋细菌发酵液的研究结果表明,23.20%的细菌可以产生苯丙氨酸脱氨酶,其中12.22%具有微弱酶活力,8.68%具有较低酶活,2.07%具有中等酶活,0.23%具有强酶活。在浙江沿海有76.80%的细菌通过将苯丙氨酸羧化转变成酪氨酸后进入三羧酸循环,进而参与机体代谢;其余细菌可以通过PAL的作用来转移苯丙氨酸的氨基形成苯丙酮酸和氨。  相似文献   

苏北浅滩生态监控区鱼卵的种类组成和数量分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2004、2005年5月,在苏北浅滩生态监控区采用水平和垂直拖网两种方式进行了鱼卵调查,从南至北共设8个断面,范围为121°17′~121°55′E、32°00′~32°28′N。结果显示,第3~6断面(121°25′~121°36′E、32°08′~32°20′N)为鱼卵的密集区,密度最高的站位分别为2004年的7断面1站位(121°25′E、32°24′N)和2005年的5断面3站位(121°27′E、32°16′N)。主要的种类组成有多鳞鱚、鳀、斑鰶、远东拟沙丁鱼等。2004、2005年第一优势种均为多鳞鱚,2004年的第二、三位优势种分别为鳀和远东拟沙丁鱼,而2005年的第二位优势种则为斑鰶。  相似文献   

  1. Evidence-based decisions relating to effective marine protected areas as a means of conserving biodiversity require a detailed understanding of the species present. The Caribbean island nation of St Lucia is expanding its current marine protected area network by designating additional no-take marine reserves on the west coast. However, information on the distribution of fish species is currently limited.
  2. This study used baited remote underwater stereo-video to address this shortcoming by investigating the effects of depth and seabed habitat structure on demersal fish assemblages and comparing these assemblages between regions currently afforded different protection measures.
  3. From the 87 stations visited a total of 5,921 fish were observed comprising 120 fish taxa across 22 families. Species richness and total abundance were higher within the highly managed region, which included no-take reserves. Redundancy analysis explained 17% of the total variance in fish distribution, driven predominantly by the seabed habitats. The redundancy analysis identified four main groups of demersal fishes each associated with specific seabed habitats.
  4. The current no-take marine reserves protected two of these groups (i.e. fishes associated with the ‘soft corals, hard corals or gorgonians’ and ‘seagrass’ groups). Importantly, habitats dominated by sponges, bacterial mats, algal turfs or macroalgae, which also supported unique fish assemblages, are not currently afforded protection via the marine reserve network (based on the five reserves studied). These results imply that incorporation of the full breadth of benthic habitat types present would improve the efficacy of the marine reserve network by ensuring all fish assemblages are protected.

This is a synthesis of published and unpublished research on euphausiid and fish populations using the south-west coast of Vancouver Island. Overall, the studies covered 1985–98, when there were two ENSO events and considerable variation in upwelling. The population biology of the dominant euphausiids ( Thysanoessa spinifera , Euphausia pacifica ) was monitored during 1991–98. The species abundance trends differed. Results of simple correlation analyses suggested that variations in temperature, salinity and upwelling do not explain variations in the abundance of larval or adult euphausiids, or in the abundance of portions of euphausiid populations on which fish feed. I found significant interannual variations in daily ration of the dominant planktivorous fish species, but euphausiids remained the most important prey. Pacific hake ( Merluccius productus ), the dominant planktivore, fed on larger (>17 mm) T. spinifera , even though the biomass of this part of the euphausiid biomass decreased by 75% between 1991 and 1997, but Pacific herring ( Clupea pallasi ) may have begun feeding on smaller E. pacifica . Therefore, any study of the relationship between fish production and krill biology must consider that part of the euphausiid biomass exploited by fish. In addition, some fish species and/or life history stages appeared to adapt to changes in euphausiid availability, while others did not. Such variation in adaptations also has to be described and considered to understand how changes in euphausiid biology affect fish productivity.  相似文献   

Heavy fishing is believed to change the size structure of fish communities through the differential removal of larger sized individuals and species. The size structure of the demersal fish communities off the south coast of South Africa is assessed using a variety of size-based indicators. The communities on this coast are subjected to different fisheries with wide ranging impacts. Changes in the size structure were assessed over the period from 1986 to 2003 for the whole south coast and two depth strata. There was a reduction in the mean length, mean maximum length (Lmax), and proportion of large fish in these fish communities, and a corresponding increase in the proportion of small fish. Species with a large Lmax declined in mean catch rate and mean length in contrast to species with a small Lmax. The trend in the size-based indicators confirms that there has been a change in the size structure of the communities. This change is characterized primarily by a reduction in the abundance of larger sized individuals and a reduction in species with a large maximum length.  相似文献   

为比较中国、日本、韩国紫菜加工品中的总砷和无机砷含量,分别用氢化物原子荧光光度法和银盐法检测2012~2013年中国、日本、韩国紫菜加工品的总砷含量和无机砷含量。结果显示:中国坛紫菜(Pyropia haitanensis)加工品、中国条斑紫菜(Pyropia yezoensis)加工品、日本条斑紫菜加工品和韩国条斑紫菜加工品的总砷含量分别为21.58~60.25 mg·kg-1、17.96~33.79 mg·kg-1、11.18~38.12 mg·kg-1、17.76~41.87mg·kg-1,其均值分别为41.74、26.39、25.81、29.09 mg·kg-1。中国坛紫菜加工品、中国条斑紫菜加工品、日本条斑紫菜加工品和韩国条斑紫菜加工品的无机砷含量分别为0.104~0.368 mg·kg-1、0.105~0.328 mg·kg-1、0.032~0.321 mg·kg-1、0.093~0.335 mg·kg-1,其均值分别为0.240、0.210、0.190、0.220 mg·kg-1。中国坛紫菜加工品的总砷和无机砷含量均明显高于中、日、韩三国条斑紫菜加工品(P0.01)。中国条斑紫菜和日本条斑紫菜加工品的总砷含量差异不显著(P0.05),均显著低于韩国条斑紫菜加工品(P0.01)。日本条斑紫菜加工品的无机砷含量最低,中国条斑紫菜加工品的无机砷含量稍低于韩国条斑紫菜加工品,但两者间的差异不显著(P0.05)。紫菜中的总砷和无机砷呈正相关关系(P0.01),且无机砷含量仅占总砷含量的0.21%~1.54%。本研究的所有紫菜加工品的无机砷含量都远低于《GB/T 23597-2009干紫菜》中无机砷的安全限量标准1.5 mg·kg-1。  相似文献   

Seasonal assemblages of mesopelagic fish larvae and changes related with environmental factors (plankton biomass, sea surface temperature anomaly, upwelling, and the multivariate El Niño index) were investigated. From 1982 to 1987, 16 oceanographic cruises were carried out along the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Larvae of 42 mesopelagic fish taxa were collected. Larval abundance was highly variable during the studied period, but summer months coincided with higher abundance (>200 larvae under 10 m2). Larval assemblages were dominated by three of the most common species of tropical (Vinciguerria lucetia, Diogenichthys laternatus) and subtropical affinity (Triphoturus mexicanus). A group of species of tropical affinity (Diplophos proximus, Diaphus pacificus, Benthosema panamense) was useful for distinguishing the 1982–84 El Niño event, and an assemblage of larvae of temperate affinity (Symbolophorus californiensis, Melamphaes lugubris, Bathylagus ochotensis, Leuroglossus stilbius, Protomyctophum crockeri) characterized ‘normal’ years (mid‐1984 to mid‐1987).  相似文献   

日韩小网目南极磷虾拖网性能对比分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
南极磷虾(Euphausua superba)是目前已知的地球上最大的单种生物资源之一,其巨大的生物量和潜在的开发价值日益受到各国的关注。本研究以中国南极磷虾捕捞船队引进的日韩小网目南极磷虾拖网为原型网,采用田内准则进行网具模型试验,比较分析其网具性能。模型网大尺度比λ分别为14(韩式网,Net B)和16(日式网,Net A),平均小尺度比约为3,速度比为3。模型试验于东海水产研究所拖曳水池中进行。模型网试验速度分别为:0.345 m/s、0.428 m/s、0.513 m/s、0.599 m/s、0.685 m/s。L/S取网具下袖端间距与下纲长度的比值,范围取0.4~0.55,以0.05为间距分4档。模型试验记录各档拖速和L/S下模型网的阻力和网口高度数据。按照模型换算准则换算得到原型网相应拖速下的阻力、网口高度和能耗系数等指标,分析网具的水动力性能。试验结果表明:(1)韩式磷虾拖网(192.60 m×110.50 m)网具阻力小于日式磷虾拖网(185.40 m×128.50 m);(2)日式磷虾拖网在扩张性(网口高度、扫海面积)、经济性(能耗系数)以及滤水性(水动力性能)方面优于韩式磷虾拖网;(3)两顶拖网在水槽模型试验时,网口与网身水下运动时均可保持稳定,网身呈流线型,未出现凹凸现象;(4)日式南极磷虾拖网的阻力估算公式为:RA=1/2ρ(0.24 R-0.5 SV2e)T;韩式拖网为:RB =1/2ρ(0.177 R-0.542e)STV;综合两顶拖网得到的小网目南极磷虾拖网的阻力估算式为:R=1/2ρ(0.209 R-0.52e)STV2。  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between adult (age‐4) return rates for chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) originating from the Iwate Prefecture, Japan, and coastal environmental conditions during their early ocean life in coastal residency. We analyzed distributions of water properties via intensive hydrographic observations using a conductivity–temperature–depth profiler. Both the return rates and water properties vary strongly over interannual time scales. We found that the time when the return rate decreased drastically corresponded well to the time when the frequency of warm waters in the coastal residency increased.  相似文献   

2011年8~10月对山东半岛大叶藻进行了调查研究,并对山东半岛大叶藻进行了分类鉴定.结果显示,山东半岛主要存在3种大叶藻科(Zosteraceae)种类,分别是大叶藻属Zostera的大叶藻Zostera marina L.、矮大叶藻Zostera japonica Ascherson & Graebner以及虾形藻属Phyllospadix的红须虾形藻Phyllospadix iwatensis Makino.其中,大叶藻分布广泛,莱州湾、俚岛、小石岛、楮岛、汇泉湾等地均发现有大叶藻存在,莱州湾地区大叶藻呈斑状分布,汇泉湾呈零星分布,俚岛、小石岛、楮岛地区呈片状分布;矮大叶藻分布较少,莱州湾地区呈斑状分布,广饶地区零星分布;红须虾形藻仅发现于青岛石老人海水浴场,呈斑状分布.调查还发现,山东半岛近海沿岸大叶藻海草场都存在不同程度的退化和破坏,除俚岛、小石岛、楮岛的大叶藻呈片状分布以外,其他地区的大叶藻均呈斑状分布或者零星分布.日照东港地区的海草场更是破坏严重,且本次调查范围内未发现大叶藻存在.  相似文献   

Directly counted bacteria in a trout farm and its effluent   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Directly counted bacteria increased in abundance in water passing through a trout farm in north-east England and were not removed by a settling lagoon. Total bacteria in the effluent were such that they might potentially bring about immediate increase in the bacterioplankton populations of recipient rivers. Directly counted bacteria increased cumulatively through rows of well-stocked fish ponds arranged in series, thus all ponds contributed to the increase in suspended bacteria. In contrast, bacterial numbers varied irregularly through rows of low-density stocked and fallow ponds. The increase in bacteria in well-stocked ponds was greatest shortly after the daily feeding time.  相似文献   

于1989—1993和2003—2012年间每年春季采集广东沿岸的近江牡蛎样品(Crassostrea rivularis Gould),用气相色谱法测定其中六六六(HCHs)的含量,并结合1980—1985年广东省海岸带污染调查的相关数据,分析和探讨了广东沿岸牡蛎中六六六(HCHs)的时空分布特征,并评价了其食用风险与生物质量.结果表明,广东沿岸牡蛎体内HCHs含量范围在未检出~42.4 ng/g之间,平均值为(1.70±6.13) ng/g,总体检出率为92.3%.广东沿岸海域牡蛎体内HCHs自20世纪80年代初期禁用六六六以来先快速下降,90年代以后降幅放缓并逐渐趋于平稳,30年间HCHs含量降低至20世纪80年代初期的0.06%.在空间上,80年代初期珠江口岸段HCHs含量远高于粤东和粤西岸段,随着时间的推移,粤西岸段HCHs的含量比逐渐升高,而珠江口的则逐渐降低,三者含量差距缩小.HCHs组分特征分析认为,80年代末期以来,广东沿岸海域牡蛎体内HCHs主要来源于历史使用残留,但在20世纪90年代到21世纪初期期间,广东沿岸地区牡蛎体内HCHs可能源于林丹的使用.评价结果表明,所有样品中HCHs均远低于中国相关残留限量标准,但1989年有75.0%的样品中HCHs超出中国《海洋生物质量》一类标准;通过食用牡蛎,每日HCHs摄入量在0.11~83.62 ng/(kg·d),远低于世界粮农组织(FAO)和世界卫生组织(WHO)规定的每日允许摄入量.  相似文献   

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