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北京地区设施草莓主要病虫害发生现状调查与防控建议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2013—2014年,对北京地区9个远郊区(县)174个农户、16个种植基地设施草莓病虫害发生现状进行了普查和重点调查。结果表明,北京地区设施草莓品种、栽培模式高度单一;为害设施草莓的病害中,侵染性与非侵染性病害发生面积分别占72.49%、27.51%。侵染性病害主要有白粉病、灰霉病、根腐病、炭疽病、枯萎病5种;害虫主要有蚜虫、叶螨、蓟马、甜菜夜蛾、蛞蝓、金针虫、蛴螬以及鼠类等,以蚜虫、叶螨、蓟马等小型刺吸式口器害虫、害螨为主。分析了病虫害与种植年限的关系,提出了3条防治策略。  相似文献   

连江县丹阳镇是福州市西瓜主要产区,从1985年开始种植西瓜,至今有26年种瓜历史,由于瓜地连年重茬连作,各种病害发生严重,给瓜农造成极大损失。根据病因,西瓜病害分为两大类:一类是由真菌、细菌、病毒、线虫等生物因子引起的病害,这类病害可以传染,称为侵染性病害;另一类是  相似文献   

植物的抗性是植物健康的基本特性,而营养保障与平衡是植物抗性维护最为重要的基础,矿质营养元素对植物健康的影响是多方面的,与病害发生关系十分密切.本文提出了营养病害的概念,包括营养失衡引起的植物生理性病害——"非侵染性营养病害",以及营养失衡引发病原物侵染而导致侵染性病害发生的双因子联动"侵染性营养病害"2个方面.重点描述了侵染性营养病害的特征,分析了侵染性营养病害形成的机理,并提出了侵染性营养病害控制的对策.系统形成植物营养病害的概念,明确侵染性营养病害形成的机理,对丰富植物医学理论,推进植物医学事业的发展具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

为摸清避雨栽培和套袋技术对葡萄病虫害发生、产量和品质的影响,作者于2015年4—9月在贵州省余庆县开展了葡萄避雨栽培和果穗套袋试验。结果表明,避雨栽培和果穗套袋技术对葡萄侵染性病害黑痘病、霜霉病、大褐斑病、穗轴褐腐病、炭疽病、白腐病、灰霉病及非侵染性病害日灼和裂果均有控制效果。同时,可防除鸟害。避雨栽培与果穗套袋技术集成使用,其控害、提质效果优于单一技术,能有效防治葡萄病虫害,减少农药施用量和施用次数,提高葡萄产量和品质。  相似文献   

槟榔幼苗健壮程度直接影响槟榔植株前期的生长速度、中后期的果品品质及最终的果实产量.本文综述了槟榔幼苗期发生的主要生理性病害(白化、日灼、肥害)、侵染性病害(炭疽病、大茎点霉叶斑病、枯萎病)以及虫害(椰圆蚧、基斑毒蛾、斑腿蝗虫、红蜘蛛、黑刺粉虱)的发生症状、防治方法等.根据槟榔育苗期病虫害的发生规律,探索各种病害、虫害的防治方法,以期为槟榔苗期病虫害防治提供参考.  相似文献   

西瓜枯萎病的防治研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西瓜枯萎病又称萎蔫病,是由镰孢菌属尖镰孢菌西瓜专化型(Fusarium oxysporum schl.f.sp.niveum(E.F.Smith)Syn.et Hans.)侵染引起的维管束病害。枯萎病是西瓜上为害最严重的病害,在世界各西瓜产区均造成较大损失。由于该病属于土传病害,病菌一般分布在15~30cm深的耕作层内,主要以菌丝体、厚垣孢子在土壤中越冬,并可存活5~6a,防治十分困难,重茬地一般发病率在30%以上,严重地块达80%以上,甚至造成绝产。国内外对西瓜枯萎病的防治工作均十分重视,并取得了一些研究进展,现介绍如下。1农业防治1·1土壤处理土壤酸度过高,钙含量下降,有利于病菌…  相似文献   

通过田间调查,江口县大棚特早熟西瓜的主要病虫害有10种,其中病害8种,虫害2种。包括猝倒病、立枯病、炭疽病、枯萎病、白粉病、蔓枯病、病毒病、疫病、红蜘蛛和蚜虫。以4—7月各种病虫害的发生为害最集中。为此,进行了无公害防治,在江口县大棚特早熟西瓜生产中取得了显著效果。  相似文献   

马铃薯晚疫病是严重威胁世界马铃薯生产和粮食安全的重要病害之一,同时也是植物病害中流行速度最快的病害之一。由于品种多不抗病,目前国内外主要依靠化学防治控制该病害。为了提高用药的时效性,将信息技术与植物病害流行学原理相结合,设计并组建了中国马铃薯晚疫病监测预警系统"China-blight"(www.china-blight.net)。该系统由"中国晚疫病实时分布"、"未来48小时不同区域晚疫病菌侵染危险性预测"和"晚疫病化学防治决策支持系统"等子系统构成,此外还包括"晚疫病防治方法"、"品种抗病性"、"化学药剂库"、"其他病虫害"、"问题与经验交流"和"用户田间管理电子档案"等知识信息与服务功能。通过对2009年我国北方马铃薯一作区6-7月份病害侵染时段出现次数与晚疫病实际发生情况进行比较,预测信息与病害实际发生程度相符,该系统可以用于对马铃薯晚疫病田间防治的指导。  相似文献   

林怀华 《广西植保》1999,12(3):31-32
1999年春季,北海市西瓜种植面积为5954hm2,比上年同期的2634hm2增加了3334hm2,增13倍。但去冬今春遇特大干旱,高温、以及一场7~10d强冷空气的恶劣气候,不利于西瓜生产,给生产管理,如保温、抗旱保墒等带来困难,西瓜长势差,病虫害发生面积大,发生程度严重,而防治难度大,防治效果不理想,又增加了西瓜生产成本。1 春西瓜病虫害发生情况  据统计,北海市1999年春西瓜病虫害发生面积为17万hm2,其中病害04万hm2次,虫害13万hm2。西瓜生长前、中期以病害为主,尤以西…  相似文献   

李界秋 《植物医生》2001,14(5):28-29
由于种植甜瓜能产生良好的经济效益 ,近年来各地兴起了一股甜瓜种植热潮。但是 ,由于甜瓜苗期病害的威胁 ,常常造成幼苗生长衰弱 ,严重时 ,幼苗会成片死亡 ,被迫进行毁种、改种 ,既影响甜瓜的上市 ,也影响到整个种植计划 ,造成巨大的经济损失。因此 ,防治甜瓜苗期病害 ,培育壮苗是甜瓜生产中的关键。1甜瓜苗期病害的种类根据甜瓜苗期病害的病原性质不同分成非侵染性病害和侵染性病害。1.1甜瓜苗期的非侵染性病害由于环境条件或栽培技术造成幼苗生长发育不正常 ,统称为“非侵染性病害”。甜瓜苗期常见的非侵染性病害有 :冷害———由于土…  相似文献   

Information is reviewed on root infection of potato by the plasmodiophorid Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea. This pathogen has long been recognized as the cause of root galls (hyperplasia) and the economically important disease powdery scab on tubers (modified stolons). The significance for plant productivity of the zoosporangium stages of the pathogen in potato roots has only recently begun to be documented. Two experiments are described that assessed effects of S. subterranea root infection on potato plant root function and productivity. A greenhouse experiment measured root function and plant parameters for eight potato cultivars with markedly different susceptibilities to tuber powdery scab. Water uptake and plant growth were reduced by S. subterranea inoculation in all eight cultivars. The magnitudes of these negative effects, and intensities of root hyperplasia, differed among the cultivars, but were not related to respective susceptibilities to tuber powdery scab. A field trial assessed root function and plant productivity for a cultivar (Iwa) that is very susceptible to Spongospora tuber and root diseases. Soil water content beneath uninoculated plants was consistently less than for inoculated plants, indicating that inoculation reduced water uptake (root function). Inoculation reduced shoot and root dry weights, and reduced weight of tubers per plant by 42%. Spongospora subterranea causes three diseases of potato: root membrane dysfunction, root hyperplasia and tuber powdery scab. The root diseases caused by the pathogen are likely to be important both for powdery scab management and for deleterious effects on potato crop yields.  相似文献   

非转基因抗除草剂作物研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗除草剂转基因作物的培育和推广明显提高了农田除草效率,取得了巨大的经济效益。但随着研究的深入,外源基因的不可预测性却越来越多地阻碍了转基因作物的发展。针对转基因作物与非转基因作物的优缺点,该文系统地综述了国内外抗除草剂作物的研究现状,重点阐述了非转基因抗除草剂作物的主要研究方法及存在的问题,并提出研究对策和发展方向。  相似文献   

Allelopathy is the biological phenomenon of chemical interactions between living organisms in the ecosystem, and must be taken into account in addressing pest and weed problems in future sustainable agriculture. Allelopathy is a multidisciplinary science, but in some cases, aspects of its chemistry are overlooked, despite the need for a deep knowledge of the chemical structural characteristics of allelochemicals to facilitate the design of new herbicides. This review is focused on the most important advances in allelopathy, paying particular attention to the design and development of phenolic compounds, terpenoids and alkaloids as herbicides. The isolation of allelochemicals is mainly addressed, but other aspects such as the analysis and activities of derivatives or analogs are also covered. Furthermore, the use of allelopathy in the fight against parasitic plants is included. The past 12 years have been a prolific period for publications on allelopathy. This critical review discusses future research areas in this field and the state of the art is analyzed from the chemist's perspective. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

There is little information on farmers’ knowledge about cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) brown streak disease (CBSD), despite extensive studies on incidences and severities. The objective of this study was to assess farmers’ knowledge of CBSD diagnosis and management. The study was conducted in three districts of Malawi by administering semi-structured interviews in combination with disease incidence and severity surveys. Farmers’ knowledge of disease diagnosis and management was associated with CBSD incidence and severity. High levels of knowledge about CBSD were observed in areas with high disease incidence. Only 10.1% of the farmers were capable of identifying the foliar symptoms of the disease. On average, 75.0% and 71.7% of the farms had leaf and storage root incidences, respectively. At harvest, 88.3% of the farmers’ fields exhibited storage root necrosis. CBSD leaf and storage root severities differed significantly (P < 0.001) from one district to the other and between varieties. Most farmers were found to lack a source of clean planting material. High needs for extension services on cassava cultivation methods and pest management were identified, but few farmers received such services. The lack of new improved varieties was reported as the most important constraint of cassava production, beyond CBSD. Education of farmers on the efficient management of this viral disease through selection of clean planting material should be provided. Additionally, the development of early root bulking cultivars as a long-term solution in avoiding CBSD impact should be supported.  相似文献   

We interviewed half of the mango-growers in northern Benin, including 15 farmers involved in a regional fruit fly project, and held focus group discussions with women fruit-pickers. They were asked about pest management and their knowledge of a weaver ant, Oecophylla longinoda. All considered low yields due to fruit flies to be the principal constraint upon mango production, estimating economic losses to be between 20 and 45%. None could recognize damage during the first 2 days after fruit fly egg deposition. On-farm research persuaded farmers to stop using insecticides and it also changed negative perceptions of Oecophylla. Over 80% of the farmers involved in on-farm research, compared to 25% of those not involved, reported Oecophylla to be beneficial. All fruit-pickers knew that ants protected mango from fruit flies, with 60% attributing better mango quality in terms of appearance, shelf-life and sweetness to the presence of Oecophylla. Nevertheless, 40% of the pickers still considered weaver ants a nuisance pest during harvest. Ways of reducing this nuisance need to be developed for Oecophylla to gain wider acceptance by mango-growers.  相似文献   

Local and scientific knowledge to assess plot quality in Central Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Farmers’ land management is a key factor for sustainable agriculture, yet the traditional knowledge which constitutes its base is seldom incorporated in the land and soil academic literature. The need for a hybrid approach that combines local (farmers’) and scientific knowledge is formally recognized. Plot quality criteria are a component of both sources of knowledge, playing an important role in shaping land management practices. Yet there are few case studies comparing the criteria used by farmers and soil scientists when assessing plot quality, particularly in developed countries. We compare the plot quality assessment done by a sample of 31 farmers in a semiarid area of Spain with an edaphic quality index (EQI) obtained through laboratory analyses of soil samples from 61 farm plots. There is a coincidence between farmer and laboratory assessments in 70% of cases. Plots identified by farmers as being of good quality have a significantly higher EQI than those identified as bad quality. The two key differentiating parameters were clay content (average 21% in good versus 18% in bad quality plots) and soil organic carbon content (1.6 and 1.3%, respectively), both closely related to soil water retention ability. A holistic land vision, a higher level of education and large differences in EQI between good and bad plots as assessed by farmers have a positive influence in the degree of coincidence between farmers’ and laboratory assessments.  相似文献   

Free-living amoebae infecting freshwater and marine fish include those described thus far as agents of fish diseases, associated with other disease conditions and isolated from organs of asymptomatic fish. This survey is based on information from the literature as well as on our own data on strains isolated from freshwater and marine fish. Evidence is provided for diverse fish-infecting amphizoic amoebae. Recent progress in the understanding of the biology of Neoparamoeba spp., agents responsible for significant direct losses in Atlantic salmon and turbot industry, is presented. Specific requirements of diagnostic procedures detecting amoebic infections in fish and taxonomic criteria available for generic and species determination of amphizoic amoebae are analysed. The limits of morphological and non-morphological approaches in species determination are exemplified by Neoparamoeba, Vannella and Platyamoeba spp., which are the most common amoebae isolated from fish gills, Acanthamoeba and Naegleria spp. isolated from various organs of freshwater fish, and by other unique fish isolates of the genera Nuclearia, Thecamoeba and Filamoeba. Advances in molecular characterisation of SSU rRNA genes and phylogenetic analyses based on their sequences are summarised. Attention is particularly given to specific diagnostic tools for fish-infecting amphizoic amoebae and ways for their further development.  相似文献   

深圳居民对红火蚁的认知程度评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用问卷方法调查了深圳居民对红火蚁的认知程度和对入侵有害生物的关注程度及建议,评估了深圳市红火蚁公众教育的成效。结果表明,通过宣传培训,提升了深圳居民对红火蚁的认知程度,11.2%居民了解红火蚁相关知识,27.9%居民听说过红火蚁;电视、网络、报纸和宣传画/单等是居民获取红火蚁知识的主要途径;在知道或听说过红火蚁的民众中,26.9%人知道居住区有或曾经有红火蚁发生,50.9%居民采取消极或错误的红火蚁处理方法,居民中知道当地红火蚁发生的时间看,以一年以内的人数>1~2年的人数>3年以上的人数;56.9%居民不关心入侵生物,85.7%居民不了解红火蚁相关政策,约32%居民对红火蚁防治工作表示满意。居民的建议是重点做好宣传、防治工作,同时加强检疫、培训和应急预案制定等。  相似文献   

A contribution to the knowledge of nematophagous species of Verticillium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nine nematophagous species and two varieties ofVerticillium (Verticillium sect.Prostrata), occurring either as parasites of free-living nematodes or as parasites of cysts and eggs, are revised and keyed out.V. catenulatum is reduced to a variety ofV. chlamydosporium A similar fungus is distinguished asV. suchlasporium n. sp. (including a var.catenatum). Spicaria coccospora Drechsler is transferred toVerticillium. All species have been studied in pure culture. Ecological data are reviewed for each species.Samenvatting Negen nematofage soorten en twee variëteiten vanVerticillium (Verticillium sectieProstrata), die óf als parasieten van vrijlevende aaltjes óf als parasieten van cysten en eieren optreden, worden gereviseerd en er wordt een determinatiesleutel van gepresenteerd.V. catenulatum wordt gereduceerd tot een variëteit vanV chlamydosporium. Een hierop lijkende schimmel wordt onderscheiden als.V. suchlasporium n.sp. (incl. een variëteitcatenatum. Spicaria coccospora Drechsler wordt naarVerticillium overgebracht. Alle soorten werden in reincultuur onderzocht. Voor iedere soort worden oecologische gegevens vermeld.  相似文献   

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