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先锋植物对铅锌尾矿库重金属污染的修复作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过野外调查发现湖南湘西花坦铅锌尾矿库定居成功五节芒、辣蓼和截叶铁扫帚3种先锋植物.研究先锋植物对其根际土壤理化性质的改良,先锋植物对重金属Pb、Zn、Cd的吸收积累及其生长对根际土壤重金属化学形态的影响.结果表明,先锋植物的定居提高了其根际土壤有机质、全氮含量和土壤含水率,而pH值均有所降低;3种先锋植物均表现为对Zn具有较强的富集能力,而对Pb、Cd的富集能力很差;先锋植物的生长通过促进残留态Pb、Zn、Cd向弱结合态转化,改变了Pb、Zn、Cd的形态分布,影响土壤中Pb、Zn、Cd的生物有效性.先锋植物五节芒、辣蓼和截叶铁扫帚的自然定居,有利于铅锌尾矿库重金属污染的修复.  相似文献   

Heavy Metal Accumulation in Plants on Mn Mine Tailings   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The Xiangtan Manganese (Mn) Mine in the middle of Hunan Province, China, has been mined since 1913 with mine tailings including excavated wastes, wastewater, and smelting wastes. A survey was conducted on the Mn mine tailing soils and eight plants on the Mn mine tailings. The concentrations of soil Mn, Pb, and Cd and the metal-enrichment traits of these eight plants were analyzed simultaneously. Exceptionally high concentrations of these three metals were found in the soils, especially on the tailing dam. Each plant investigated in this study accumulated the three heavy metals, but no hyperaccumulator of these metals was found. However, analysis indicated that Poa pratensis Linn., Gnaphalium affine D. Don, Pteris vittata L., Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq., and Phytolacca acinosa Roxb. possessed specially good metalenrichment and metal-tolerant traits. P. pratensis, G. affine, and P. vittata were Pb-tolerant plants; and C. canadensis, P. pratensis, and G. affine were Cd-tolerant plants. P acinosa had a great tolerance to Mn, and it was a valuable plant for on-site phytoremediation. Phragmites communis Trin. was found to have high metal tolerance and economic benefit as a raw material for paper and should be considered for soil remediation. G. affine and C. canadensis had excessive accumulation of Mn and could be useful in phytoremediation. However, although P. pratensis was a good accumulator, it was not a suitable plant for soil remediation because its biomass was too little.  相似文献   

Fluvial mine tailing deposition has caused extensive riparian damage throughout the western USA. Willows are often used for fluvial mine tailing revegetation, but some accumulate excessive metal concentrations potentially detrimental to browsers. This greenhouse experiment evaluated growth and metal accumulation of Geyer willow (Salix geyeriana Andersson), Drummond’s willow (Salix drummondiana Barratt ex Hook.), diamondleaf willow (Salix planifolia Pursh), Bebb willow (Salix bebbiana Sarg.), thinleaf alder [Alnus incana (L.) Moench spp. tenuifolia (Nutt.) Breitung], water birch (Betula occidentalis Hook.), red-osier dogwood (Cornus sericea L. spp. sericea), and shrubby cinquefoil [(Dasiphora fruticosa (L.) Rydb. ssp. floribunda (Pursh) Kartesz)]. Bare-root shrubs were grown in tailings collected from three acidic, metal-contaminated (i.e., Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) fluvial deposits near Leadville, Colorado, USA. Tailings were amended with only lime to raise the soil pH to 7 s.u., or with lime and composted biosolids (224 Mg ha−1). All shrubs survived in the amended tailings; composted biosolids had little effect on plant biomass. Aboveground and belowground biomass increased during the 2-month greenhouse study by 3–9 and 1.5–5 times initial values, respectively. Most shrubs accumulated Pb and Cu in roots, and belowground Pb concentrations in all shrubs were significantly reduced by the addition of composted biosolids. Compared to other species, alder and cinquefoil accumulated Pb in aboveground growth, and concentrations exceeded animal toxicity thresholds, but these shrubs normally comprise a small proportion of animal diets. Dogwood, alder, and cinquefoil contained low Cd concentrations in aboveground new growth, whereas Bebb and Geyer willow contained zootoxic concentrations. Dogwood, alder, and cinquefoil are three good candidates for mine tailing revegetation, especially in fluvial deposits with elevated Cd concentrations.  相似文献   

[目的]研究添加不同量的污泥有机肥对生长在铅锌尾矿中的黑麦草、白三叶、草木樨、沙打旺4种植物生长状况和对Pb,Zn,Cu,Cr,Cd累积的影响,以期为合理利用污泥有机肥改良、修复尾矿库提供理论依据。[方法]采用盆栽试验的方法。[结果]20g/kg处理水平下,4种植物株高、根长、地上鲜重、根鲜重均达到最大。施肥处理下,供试的4种植物叶绿素a+b含量均比对照高。随着改良剂含量的增加,黑麦草、白三叶丙二醛含量呈下降趋势。黑麦草、白三叶、草木樨体内Pb,Zn,Cd含量在10g/kg处理水平下达到最大,在20g/kg水平下降低。[结论]随着有机肥添加量的增加,重金属量向植物体内转移减少,有利于缓解重金属的毒害作用。  相似文献   

A 20-month column experiment investigated leaching of Al, Cu, Mn, Ni, Zn, Cd and Pb during sulphide oxidation in mine tailings with and without sewage sludge (SS) amendment. Leachate pH decreased gradually in all columns during the experiment, irrespective of treatment, due to sulphide oxidation. As the degree of sulphide oxidation, and thus the pH trajectory, differed between replicates (n?=?3), running data for each column used are reported separately and the relationships between sulphide oxidation, metal leaching and treatment in each column compared. Mean pH in the columns correlated negatively with total amounts of leached SO4 2-. In the beginning of the experiment the leachate concentrations of Al, Cu, Zn, Ni and Pb were higher in SS-treated columns due to high initial concentrations of dissolved organic carbon. As leaching proceeded, however, the amounts of Al, Cu, Mn and Ni leached from the columns were closely related to the degree of sulphide oxidation in each column, i.e. to its mean pH. There were no statistically significant differences between treatments regarding the total amounts of metals leached and thus addition of sewage sludge to the tailings appeared to play a minor role for metal leaching patterns. Peak concentrations of Al and Cu in the leachate from untreated tailings and of Zn in the leachate from both untreated and SS-treated tailings at pH 4 exceeded national background values for groundwater.  相似文献   

对红透山铜矿尾矿剖面0—255 cm以15 cm间隔进行分层取样,并采用pH计法测定剖面各层样品的pH值,等离子发射光谱仪(IC—OES)测定重金属Cu,Zn,Cd,Cr,Pb全量及酸可提取态的含量。结果表明:各层尾矿的pH值为3.52~7.23,并随深度的增加而升高;尾矿层0—150 cm的pH值较低,有利于重金属元素的迁移。重金属Cu,Zn,Cd为尾矿中主要污染元素,Cu,Zn,Cd,Cr,Pb全量在尾矿层0—60 cm深度范围变化波动较大,特别是在0—15 cm有较大程度减少,与雨水淋滤和表层径流有关。酸可提取态重金属含量在0—60 cm波动最大;0—15 cm含量很低,但在30—60 cm尾矿层出现大量富集,与尾矿层pH值较低以及水分运移活跃有关。研究结论可为尾矿库污染控制措施提供依据。  相似文献   

矿山排泥库渗漏特性的地下水示踪试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李源  王滨  张全秀 《水土保持通报》2012,32(2):96-99,104
以广西省某排泥库为研究区,对该排泥库进行地下水示踪试验,绘制时间浓度曲线,并利用一维水动力弥散模型对试验曲线进行了研究,计算出接收点地下水的流速、弥散系数和弥散度,探讨了示踪试验中出现多峰、双峰现象的机理。试验结果表明,地下水示踪模型计算所得流速与视流速总体接近,对示踪剂投放点和接收点的渗漏途径、地下水的流向、水力联系等情况的分析与实际情况吻合,该方法可以为库外水源污染情况评价和施工提供技术参考。  相似文献   

金属矿山尾矿废弃地植物修复措施探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
我国矿产资源丰富,但采矿活动及其废弃物的排放造成了土壤重金属污染。矿区植物修复法具有成本低、美化环境、不造成二次污染等诸多优势,是金属矿山尾矿生态恢复的最佳途径。在查阅大量文献的基础上,概括总结了我国发现的几种适宜修复污染矿山尾矿的植物种类,为今后的矿区植物修复提供了更为广阔的途径。  相似文献   

A problem in implementing water covers over existing tailingimpoundments is the dissolution of minerals produced throughoxidation and the subsequent flux of metals into the water cover.One possible solution is to place a protective layer of non-reactive soil at the tailings/water interface to inhibit metaltransport. A laboratory evaluation of different water coversystems was performed employing columns packed with tailingssubmerged beneath 1 m of water. A ten-centimeter layer of sand orpeat was placed at the tailings/water interface. The experimentswere kept stagnant for 183 days, and then flushed with water at asteady rate for 468 days. Both protective covers prevented degradation of water cover qualityfor the duration of the experiments, as pH exceeded 5.5; however,the quality of the tailings pore water remained poor and evendeclined slightly from pH > 4 to pH < 3. Leaching of iron andsulphate from the tailings with a sand protective layer ceasedduring the experiments. Conversely, in the columns with a peatlayer, substantial leaching of metals and sulphate from thetailings continued to the end of the experiments. It ispostulated that the peat is a source of chelating agents, such asorganic acids, which are known to accelerate the dissolution ofcertain minerals formed through weathering. The sensitivity ofmetal transfer rates to the thickness and type of protectivecover above the tailings were modelled. A 10-cm peat layer waspredicted to prevent substantial degradation of the water coverfor at least ten years.  相似文献   

The impact of plants (Phalaris arundinacea L.) on the leakage of ammonium, cadmium, copper, nitrate, phosphate, and zinc from sulfidic mine tailings covered with wood fly ash and sewage sludge was investigated. Either ash or sludge was placed in contact with the tailings, and ash layers of either low or high compactness were used. It was revealed that an ash/sludge cover effectively decreased the metal leaching from the tailings regardless of the order in which the materials were applied. Plants decreased the amount of leachate and the concentrations of ammonium and phosphate. The presence of ash below the sludge decreased the plant uptake of copper and zinc and nitrate leakage. However, when the ash was added as a thin (1.5 cm) porous layer, roots and air reached the tailings and caused high metal leakage. The results support the use of a vegetated ash/sludge cover in the treatment of mine tailings, provided that the sealing layer is firm enough to prevent root penetration.  相似文献   

Willows (Salix spp.) are an integral component in the restoration of wetland plant communities that have been impacted by the fluvial deposition of mine tailings. A greenhouse study was conducted to compare growth and metal uptake of Geyer (S. geyeriana) and mountain (S. monticola) willow grown in topsoil versus lime and biosolids amended mine tailings. Biomass, leader length, and tissue metal contents were measured after four months growth. Above and belowground biomass and leader length of Geyer willow were greater for plants grown in topsoil compared to amended mine tailings. However, soil type did not affect mountain willow growth. Analysis for five metals yielded complex results for the two willow species and soil types. As compared to mountain willow, Geyer had greater concentrations of Mn and Pb in aboveground tissues, and Cu in senesced leaves and bark-less leaders when grown in tailings; mountain willow leaves contained greater levels of Cd than Geyer when grown in tailings. Both willow species had foliar Cd levels which were above livestock toxicity tolerance values. Based on growth characteristics, mountain willow appeared better suited for restoration of mine tailings compared to Geyer willow. However, because of the high Cd uptake by both willow species, care should be taken in restoration efforts where wildlife and domestic livestock are likely to browse on the willows.  相似文献   

Lygeum spartum, Zygophyllum fabago and Piptatherum miliaceum are typical plant species that grow in mine tailings in semiarid Mediterranean areas. The aim of this work was to investigate metal uptake of these species growing on neutral mine tailings under controlled conditions and their response to fertilizer additions. A neutral mine tailing (pH of soil solution of 7.1–7.2) with high total metal concentrations (9,100 and 5,200 mg kg?1 Zn and Pb, respectively) from Southern Spain was used. Soluble Zn and Pb were low (0.5 and <0.1 mg l?1, respectively) but the major cations and anions reached relatively high levels (e.g. 2,600 and 1,400 mg l?1 Cl and Na). Fertilization caused a significant increase of the plant weight for the three species and decreased metal accumulation with the exception of Cd. Roots accumulated much higher metal concentrations for the three plants than shoots, except Cd in L. spartum. Shoot concentrations for the three plants were 3–14 mg kg?1 Cd, 150–300 mg kg?1 Zn, 4–11 mg kg?1 Cu, and 1–10 mg kg?1 As, and 6–110 mg kg?1 Pb. The results indicate that neutral pH mine tailings present a suitable substrate for establishment of these native plants species and fertilizer favors this establishment. Metal accumulation in plants is relatively low despite high total soil concentrations.  相似文献   

Tailings are frequently a source of pollution in mining areas due to the spread of metals from their bare surfaces via wind or runoff water. Phytostabilization is an interesting and low-cost option to decrease environmental risks in these sites. In this study, an acidic mine tailing (pH 3?C4) located in a semiarid area in Southeast Spain and the spontaneous vegetation which grow on were investigated. Soil samples were taken to characterize metal contamination, and three plant species, Lygeum spartum, Piptatherum miliaceum, and Helichrysum decumbens, were sampled in order to determine plant uptake of metals. The rhizosphere pH of H. decumbens was measured to be 6.7, which was significantly higher than the bulk soil (pH 3). The electrical conductivity values were around 2?C5 dS m?1. Total metal concentrations in soil were high (9,800 mg kg?1 for Pb and 7,200 mg kg?1 for Zn). DTPA-extractable Zn and Pb were 16% and 19% of the total amount, respectively. The three selected plant species accumulated around 2?C5 mg kg?1 Cu in both shoots and roots. Zn concentration was 100 mg kg?1 in P. miliaceum roots. DTPA-extractable Zn was positively correlated with Zn plant uptake. These plant species demonstrated to grow well in acid tailings taking up only low concentrations of metals and therefore are good candidates to perform further phytostabilization works.  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验方法,研究了污泥改良锰矿尾渣对紫茉莉(Mirabills jdapa)、青葙(Celosia argentea)、一串红(Salviasplendens)和鸡冠花(Celosia cristata)4种花卉植物生长及其富集铅、镉、锌和锰的影响。结果表明,添加污泥增加基质的EC值、总氮、总磷、总钾和有机质含量,而降低铅、镉、锌和锰含量。紫茉莉与青葙生物量、株高和根长大于一串红和鸡冠花。紫茉莉根部铅、镉和锰含量分别为3110.93~4189.16、300.28~399.16和31100.93~36809.77mg·kg-1,都远高于其地上部分含量。青葙根部铅含量超过1000mg·kg-1,而其地上部分含量少;其地上部分镉和锰含量分别为322.13~441.88和21888.54~26511.31mg·kg-1,都大于其根部含量,青葙具有镉和锰超富集植物的特性。污泥改良锰矿尾渣促进这4种花卉植物生物量、株高和根长增加。除紫茉莉锌含量外,添加污泥改良锰矿尾渣增加这4种花卉植物的铅、镉、锌和锰含量。在锰矿尾渣污染区进行植物修复时,采用紫茉莉、青葙和添加污泥强化植物修复效率可行。  相似文献   

对分离自陕西、甘肃金属尾矿废弃地寄主为刺槐、鸡眼草、草木樨等23种豆科植物的188株根瘤菌进行了7种重金属的抗性分析、最大抗性水平(MRL)的确定和抗性菌株的系统发育研究。结果表明,菌株之间对重金属的耐受性存在较大差异,大部分菌株表现出对Hg^2+、Cd^2+、Cr^6+(〈0.5 mmol·L^-1)敏感,而对Pb^2+(〈2.5 mmol·L^-1)不敏感。在液体培养基中,CCNWSX0403和CCNWSX0360可耐受4.0 mmol·L^-1 Zn^2+,分别可耐受2.4 mmol·L^-1 和2.8 mmol·L^-1 Cu^2+,CCNWGS0139可耐受0.4 mmol·L^-1 Hg^2+,CCNWSX0003可耐受2.4 mmol·L^-1 Ni^2+,CCNWGS0284和CCNWGS0142可耐受4.8 mmol·L^-1 Pb^2+。9株抗性菌株的16S rDNA全序列分析表明:CCNWGS0122和CCNWSX0003分别属于中慢生根瘤菌属(Mesorhizobium)和中华根瘤菌属(Sinorhizobium);4株对Pb^2+、Hg^2+耐受性较强的菌株CCNWSX0386、CCNWGS0139、CCNWGS0284和CCNWGS0142均属于土壤杆菌属(Agrobacterium);而属于慢生根瘤菌属(Bradyrhizobium)的3株菌CCNWGS0309、CCNWSX0403和CCNWSX0360对Cu^2+、Zn^2+耐受性较好。总体上Agrobacterium对Hg^2+和Pb^2+的耐受性较好,Bradyrhizobium比Rhizobium、Sinorhizobium、Mesorhizo  相似文献   

The present work investigates the behaviour of heavymetals accumulating in soils treated with urban sludge withrespect to untreated soils. Metal sorption during transportin the soils was evaluated by means of breakthrough curvesobtained via the soil column leaching test and the resultsof laboratory experiments were compared with those of fieldexperiments carried out on the same soil treated insitu with urban sludge. Soil column leaching tests showthat the amount of heavy metals retained in the soilincreases when the soil is treated with sludge both in situand in laboratory; the order of selectivity (Pb > Cu > Zn >Ni) remains similar for the two types of matrix.Experiments carried out both with soils treated with sludge in laboratory and in situ show a good agreementbetween the two sets of data as far as retention capacityis concerned; conversely, an increase in the soil resistance to pH change following acid input is observedwhen sludge treatments are carried out in situ.  相似文献   

铜矿尾矿库坝高库大,尾沙粒胶结性很差,十分松散,抗蚀能力极弱,在风力和径流作用下,风蚀,水蚀交替发生,坝坡侵蚀模数平均高达8万余t/(km^2·a)。若防护不当,极易发生面蚀,沟蚀,直至垮坝成灾。保持尾矿坝体稳定和各子坝坡,坝顶的完整,是尾矿库尾沙安全存放的关键。从建库初期必须重视坝体结构,子坝护坡护顶及尾矿库保护等各项防蚀措施的建设。覆土利用是根治库区尾矿侵蚀,变害为利的有效措施,在同类或类似矿  相似文献   

Milton  A.  Cooke  J. A.  Johnson  M. S. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2004,153(1-4):157-172
A comparative study of the concentrations of cadmium in ecosystems developed on tailings from lead/zinc mines was undertaken. Mine soils, vegetation, ground-dwelling invertebrates and Apodemus sylvaticus from nine historic and abandoned mines in Wales and a modern Irish mine site were sampled in order to evaluate and compare exposure risks to wildlife. There were three high soil cadmium sites (155–300 mg kg-1) all from north-east Wales sites, one intermediate site (21 mg kg-1) the Irish mine tailings, with the other sites having low (background) cadmium levels. The cadmium levels reflected differencesin ore minerology and in particular the presence of the zinc ore, sphalerite. The highest plant and invertebrate cadmium levels generally occurred in the three high soil cadmium sites. However, occasional high levels were found in plant and invertebrate samples from one or more of the low cadmium sites. Of particular significance was, despite the relatively high soil cadmium, the very low cadmium concentrations in the plants and invertebrates from the Irish tailings. Evidence of food-chain transfer and even biomagnification in invertebrates did not lead to high cadmium levels in kidneys of A. sylvaticus. Onlyat one high site were the kidney cadmium residues significantly higher than the reference site.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effectiveness of soil covers, column experiments were conducted on tailings protected by a three-layer soil cover and tailings directly exposed in the open laboratory for a period of 760 days. Periodic rain application was performed to simulate field conditions, and at four times during the experiments the pore water was completely flushed out of each column for analysis. Profiles of oxygen, temperature, and volumetric water content were measured throughout the experiment, and the post-testing pore water quality was also characterized. A one-dimensional semi-analytic diffusion model was used to simulate oxygen profiles in the uncovered tailings. Modelling performed using the geochemical code MINTEQ showed that in the laboratory, aluminium concentrations in the tailings pore water were controlled by Al(OH)SO4, sulphate by gypsum and Al(OH)SO4and iron by lepidocrocite in the upper half and by ferrihydrite in the lower half. In the field, however, the iron oxyhydroxide minerals formed in the oxidized zone appear to be dissolving. It was found that the cover was effective in preventing significant desaturation of the clay, even over a 150-day drying period. The covered tailings did not oxidize much during the experiments. In the uncovered tailings, oxygen modelling and examination of the geochemistry show that the rate of gross oxidation and the advancement of the oxidation front decreases with time. However, pore water quality is controlled by geochemical processes other than oxidation, as reported in the field.  相似文献   

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