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Objective: To report a case of pyothorax in a critically ill canine neonat.
Case Summary: A12-day old, female boxer puppy was presented for lethargy, fever and respiratory distress. Pleural ceffusion was apparent on thoracic radiography. Thoracentesis and subsequent cytology and bacteriologic culture of the Pleural effusion, confirmed a diagnosis of pyothorax. Clinical management of pyothorax in critically ill 12-day- old puppy is decribed
New or Unique information provided: Pyothorax can occur in the caine neonate. J Vet Emerg crit care 2001;11(2): 147–152)  相似文献   

The results of treatment of pyothorax using systemic antibiotics, drainage, and lavage of the pleural space, are reported for 9 dogs. All 9 dogs recovered completely. In 8 of the 9 dogs the follow-up period was at least 6 months and in none was there a relapse. The results obtained with this treatment are excellent in comparison with the results that have been reported for treatment with systemic antibiotics and drainage of the pleural space but without lavage. Apart from the addition of pleural lavage to the treatment protocol, the better result might be because migrating plant related foreign bodies did not seem to play an important role in the pathogenesis of pyothorax in this group of dogs.  相似文献   

A 12-week-old kitten with congenital mitral valve dysplasia was shown by ante mortem and post mortem examination to have pneumonia and purulent pleurisy. A Mycoplasma species was isolated from a sample of pleural fluid collected at necropsy. Mycoplasmosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pyothorax in cats.  相似文献   


The results of treatment of pyothorax using systemic antibiotics, drainage, and lavage of the pleural space, are reported for 9 dogs. All 9 dogs recovered completely. In 8 of the 9 dogs the follow‐up period was at least 6 months and in none was there a relapse. The results obtained with this treatment are excellent in comparison with the results that have been reported for treatment with systemic antibiotics and drainage of the pleural space but without lavage. Apart from the addition of pleural lavage to the treatment protocol, the better result might be because migrating plant related foreign bodies did not seem to play an important role in the pathogenesis of pyothorax in this group of dogs.  相似文献   

Objective: To report clinical signs and management of hypospadias in a horse. Study Design: Clinical report. Animal: A 6‐year‐old, Friesian gelding. Methods: Partial phallectomy was performed to resolve contact dermatitis of the pelvic limbs and abnormal behavior during urination. Subsequent urethral meatal stenosis was treated by revision. Results: Hypospadias and chordee caused altered direction of urine flow, contact dermatitis of the pelvic limbs, and abnormal behavior. Partial phallectomy and subsequent revision after meatal stenosis resolved urine direction, flow and abnormal behavior. Conclusions: Abnormalities of the urinary tract associated with hypospadias can result in urine‐induced, contact dermatitis and distress during urination, but these complications can be resolved by partial phallectomy.  相似文献   

A 14-year-old Friesian breeding mare had strangury, depression, inappetence, neutrophilia and uraemia. Its urine had a low specific gravity and contained protein, blood cells and bacteria. Rectal examination showed that both kidneys and ureters were enlarged. Post mortem examination confirmed the diagnosis of pyelonephritis and revealed that small tumours in the vulva were probably the cause of the uropathy.  相似文献   

The case of a 5-year-old Friesian mare with a mass in her abdomen and a gait irregularity of the left hind limb is discussed. At rectal ultrasonogrphic examination the mass appeared to be a thin-walled, anechogenic cavity in the left abdomen. By means of laparoscopy the mass could be visualized as a smooth structure, covered by peritoneum and fat. Under laparoscopic guidance the mass was punctured and fluid was aspirated. Cytological and bacteriological findings of the fluid were indicative of a cyst. After drainage of the cyst the locomotion disorder of the left hind limb disappeared. It is concluded that this horse suffered from a subperitoneal cyst, a rare disorder in humans and never previously described in horses. The case emphasizes the value of laparoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of (intra)abdominal masses and further clearly shows that in the differential diagnosis of locomotion disorders not only structures related to the locomotion system should be taken into account.  相似文献   

Pyothorax associated with a Mycoplasma sp and Arcanobacterium pyogenes was diagnosed at necropsy in a 1-month-old female Van kitten. The pleural cavity contained approximately 50 mL of blood-tinged, reddish-brown, nonodourous fluid bilaterally. Gram positive coccobacilli were seen in the exudate from necrotic plaques on the pleurae. Mycoplasma sp and A pyogenes were isolated from a sample of the fluid in the pleural cavity. The concomitant presence of Mycoplasma sp and A pyogenes could be considered another variation on the polymicrobial nature of pyothorax and associated pleural lesions in cats.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old Friesian stallion was examined because of signs of exercise intolerance, stiff gait and symmetrical hind weakness, and increased serum liver enzymes. On presentation, the horse showed muscle atrophy of the hindquarters. Neurological investigation showed no abnormalities. Laboratory findings revealed a prolonged prothrombin time and increased levels of alkaline phosphatase (AF), aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT), gamma-glutamyl-transferase (GGT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and bile acids. Histological evaluation of the liver revealed severe cirrhosis and intracytoplasmic greyish brown granules in almost all hepatocytes, sinusoidal Kuppfer cells, and macrophages. These granules stained strongly for copper. Treatment to slow hepatic fibrosis was advised and included oral prednisolone administration for at least 1 month. A diet to support liver function was formulated by a nutritional specialist, and vitamin E was advised as dietary supplement to support neuromuscular function. Soon after diagnosis, the animal showed signs of intravascular haemolysis, with the presence of Heinz bodies in peripheral blood smears, and haemoglobinuria. On the basis of this haemolytic crisis and the poor prognosis of the chronic hepatic disease, the horse was euthanized at the owners' request. Although we could not establish the cause of the hepatic copper accumulation, this case report highlights that excessive copper in the liver should be considered in the differential diagnosis of hepatic cirrhosis and Heinz body anaemia in the horse.  相似文献   

Acute idiopathic gastric rupture resulted in sudden death of a 4.5-months-old healthy Friesian foal. No morphological lesions were present which could explain the preceding gastric impaction. In this case hypodypsia may have been (partially) responsible for the impaction as only a mechanical drinking apparatus, unsuitably for horses, was available.  相似文献   

Behavioral, electrophysiologic, and pharmacologic tests were performed on a 2 1/2-year-old Brahman bull suspected of having narcolepsy. Placement on a tilt table or electroejaculation induced apparent sleep and cataplexy. Electrophysiologic recordings during the episodes revealed the low-voltage, high-frequency electroencephalogram, reduced electromyogram amplitude, and rapid eye movements in the electrooculogram associated with rapid eye movements sleep. Physostigmine salicylate appeared to elicit and potentiate the episodes, whereas atropine sulfate and imipramine reduced or blocked them. The combined results of the tests supported the diagnosis of narcolepsy.  相似文献   

: A domestic-longhair cat presented due to lethargy, dyspnoea and hypersalivation. Radiographic examination revealed a bilateral pleural effusion, which was diagnosed as pyothorax based on cytological examination. Ultrasonographic examination revealed extensive loculations within the thoracic cavity. Exploratory sternotomy, under general anaesthesia, allowed the removal of approximately 100 ml of purulent fluid and debridement of a partially walled-off abscess and necrotic material from the pleural cavity. Postoperative positive-pressure ventilation was required due to severe respiratory depression. Intensive postoperative care, including intensive continuous monitoring, thoracostomy tube drainage and lavage of the pleural cavity and oesophagostomy tube feeding, was performed. Complete resolution of clinical signs had occurred by 15 days postoperatively. Clinical or radiographic abnormalities were not detected at a follow-up examination one year after surgery.  相似文献   

A mature Brangus bull received the recommended dose of chlorpyrifos and became dull and inappetent 3 days later. Clinical findings included weakness, dehydration, rumen stasis, and rumen distention with fluid and gas. Blood cholinesterase activity was 25% of normal. The bull's condition improved after treatment with pralidoxime, antimicrobials, electrolyte solutions, vitamins, and adsorbents. Five weeks later, the bull had gained weight, the blood cholinesterase activity was 70% of normal, and the results of a semen evaluation indicated he was a satisfactory potential breeder.  相似文献   

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