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We studied the effects of three nitrogen (N) supply rates (low, intermediate and high) on Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seedlings and poplar clone "I-214" (Populus x euroamericana (Dole) Guinier) cuttings growing in mini-stands. Our specific objectives were to: (1) evaluate the effects of N supply on water-use efficiency (WUE) and biomass production; (2) determine if N affects WUE through control of carbon assimilation rates or through stomatal control of water loss; and (3) compare three methods of estimating WUE: one short-term method (WUE(i), based on gas exchange measurements) and two long-term methods (WUE(T), based on the ratio between biomass production and transpired water, and Delta, based on leaf carbon isotope discrimination tested as a proxy of WUE). In both species, biomass production, WUE(i) and WUE(T) increased with increasing N supply, but there was no effect of N supply on either transpiration or stomatal conductance and Delta was negatively related to leaf N concentration. Plots of Delta versus both WUE(i) and WUE(T) revealed negative trends, but the regression between WUE(i) and Delta was significant only for Douglas-fir, and the regression between WUE(T) and Delta was significant only for poplar. Thus, the mechanisms underlying the response of WUE to N supply were mainly related to a positive effect of N supply on photosynthetic rates. The data confirm that carbon isotope discrimination may be a useful proxy of WUE. The finding that N availability enhances both biomass production and WUE may have practical implications in regions where these factors impose constraints on forest productivity.  相似文献   

Compression creep experiments of Douglas-fir wood (Pseudotsuga menziesii) were performed at high temperature (150°C, 160°C, and 170°C) and under various conditions of steam pressure. The results established that environment conditions had a significant effect on compressive deformation, with the largest deformation obtained under saturated steam conditions. While the temperature significantly affected the compressive deformation of specimens under transient conditions, the temperature within the range studied had little effect on the compressive deformation in saturated steam. Furthermore, in specimens compressed under superheated and transient steam conditions, primary creep behavior was exhibited; while in specimens compressed under saturated steam conditions, creep deformation appeared to enter directly into secondary creep. Moreover, in saturated steam specimens very little creep was observed due to high initial deformation and little potential for additional cell wall buckling. The compressive creep measurements of Douglas-fir were compared with compressive creep of hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides × Populus trichocarpa). Due to lower initial density, and perhaps smaller microfiber angle and lower lignin content of tension wood, the compressive creep modulus of hybrid poplar was lower than Douglas-fir. Therefore, compressive deformation of Douglas-fir, at nearly all examined steam conditions and temperatures, was smaller than compressive deformation of hybrid poplar.  相似文献   

Invasion of natural habitats by conifer species is a well-known phenomenon worldwide. Here, we describe naturalization by the American Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas fir) in Montseny Natural Park (Catalonia, NE Spain). Establishment of seedlings started 15 years after plantation. Seedling density was positively associated to low tree density, small plantation area, grazing and the presence of a shrubland understorey of intermediate cover. Seedling recruitment outside the plantations occurred at high altitudes (>1000 m). In less than 30 years after plantation, P. menziesii invaded adjacent areas 100 m far from the plantation. We conclude that at high altitudes, under disturbance, seedling establishment can take place as soon as planted trees produce cones. Therefore, the time-lag appears to be primarily related to propagule availability.  相似文献   

This study examined 108 15‐year‐old Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii) trees to investigate whether trees exhibiting less severe Swiss needle cast (SNC) symptoms were more resistant (had less fungal colonization) or more tolerant (maintained healthy foliage under similar infection levels). Trees were sampled from six open pollinated families that were categorized into three disease severity groups (two families for each group; mild, moderate and severe disease symptoms). The amount of retained foliage and level of discoloration were visually assessed on trees in the field. Fungal colonization (as determined by proportion of stomata occluded with pseudothecia and by amount of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii DNA in sampled needles) was measured on 1‐ and 2‐year‐old needles in the laboratory. Trees in the different disease severity groups were similar with respect to amount of fungus in their needles, yet the trees in the mild symptom group retained higher proportions of needles and maintained greener foliage. The relationship between amount of P. gaeumannii in needles and SNC symptom severity was statistically significant (p < 0.05) for amount of fungal DNA in 1‐year‐old needles and average needle retention (NR) over the last four growing seasons. Average NR decreased with increased amount of pathogen DNA in the mild disease symptom families. This relationship was reversed in the severe disease symptom group and there was no relationship in the moderate disease symptom group. Because the amount of P. gaeumannii DNA in foliage did not differ significantly among the groups, differences in symptom severity were attributed to tolerance, not resistance. Visual scoring of individual trees for average NR over the past four growing seasons could be used to effectively assess for SNC tolerance in Douglas‐fir.  相似文献   

Douglas-fir has been planted in Bavaria for over 100 years. Its high growth potential and good wood quality combined with its silvicultural characteristics have increased interest in the species which can easily be integrated into existing natural ecosystems. In order to be successful in the establishment of Douglas-fir one must select the best provenance (only the so called “green” or viridis coastal type form is suitable for Bavaria), maintain a broad genetic base and carry out proper silviculture. The goal of the study was to check the origin/provenance (coastal or interior type) of older Bavarian Douglas-fir stands, the respective genetic variation of the stands and also the natural regeneration, the collected seed and the plants raised in the nursery. Possible changes in the genetic composition and diversity due to selective processes in the nursery phase were also investigated. Isoenzyme gene markers were used for the study. The majority of the investigated older stands apparently belong to the coastal type Douglas-fir; however, we also found mixed stands and stands solely of the interior (unsuitable) type. Older stands show large variation in their genetic diversity (v gam between 19.9 and 90.1). Some of the stands of unsuitable provenance have natural regeneration and others have been selected as seed collecting stands. Through natural regeneration the genetic structure of the older stands is passed on to the following generation. The same is true for reproductive material collected from such stands. In comparison to seed collected from stands in the USA (from stands selected by the EU for seed collection), seed from Bavarian stands is genetically very heterogeneous in respect to the allele variants and the diversity. No significant changes in the genetic population structure were found in the nursery due to sowing or transplanting. The critical stage for obtaining high quality reproductive material of Douglas-fir is the selection of seed collecting stands and the harvesting procedure. The resulting consequences for seed collection and procurement of suitable reproductive material for Douglas-fir are discussed.  相似文献   

Four fertilization at planting experiments were conducted with Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) on eastern Vancouver Island. In experiment 1 Agriform (20-10-5, AGR) and Osmocote (17-7-12, OSM) supplied N at 0, 4.2, 8.4, 16.8 or 33.6 g/tree either broadcast, within 15 cm of the tree, or in a hole 15 cm from the tree (adjacent). In experiment 2 AGR, diammonium phosphate (21-55-0, DAP), ammonium sulphate (21-0-0, AMS), sulphur coated urea (35-0-0, SCU) supplied N at 0, 8.4, 16.8 and 25.2 g/tree. Triple superphosphate (0-45-0, TSP) supplied P at the same levels as DAP: 0, 9.6, 19.2 and 28.8 g/tree. In experiment 3 AGR and SCU (32-0-0) supplied N at 0, 8.4 and 16.8 g/tree. In experiment 4 DAP was used to fertilize trees on five different dates, between March and October, and each treatment supplied 16 g N/tree. Two-year old, bare root, planting stock was used except in experiment 3, where container stock was compared with bare root stock.Little growth response was obtained after one year, but height growth responses of 12 to 31% were measured after 3 to 6 years with fertilizers supply 8.4 to 16.8 g N per tree. Growth responses were little affected by the type of fertilizer and were primarily due to N, with release rate having no marked effect. The exception to this was TSP which did not increase growth but did increase survival. Survival was reduced by AMS and to a lesser extent by AGR. Container seedlings responded more to fertilization at planting than bare root seedlings.Seedling N, P and K concentrations and contents declined following planting for 6 months and only started to recover after July. Application of fertilizer caused a small increase in seedling nutrient concentration regardless of date, but this had no detectable effect on dry weight measured six weeks later.  相似文献   

Concentrations of cytokinin-like compounds were measured in root tips of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) collected in spring. Cytokinin bases and ribosides were estimated by radioimmunoassay after purification by immunoaffinity (zeatin riboside and isopentenyladenosine antibodies coupled to cellulose gel) and high performance liquid chromatography. Cytokinin glucosides were similarly analyzed in root extracts treated with beta-glucosidase and octadecyl-silica column chromatography in conjunction with immunoaffinity purification. The identity of predominant cytokinins obtained after enzymatic degradation was confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Each of the observed cytokinin bases and ribosides seemed to have a corresponding hexose conjugate form. Total quantity of cytokinin glucosides was twice that of cytokinin bases and ribosides, and the major compound was isopentenyladenosine hexose conjugate.  相似文献   

The light environment, photosynthetic dynamics and steady-state net photosynthetic rates of lateral branch shoots of Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco seedlings growing in the open and in the forest understory were investigated in situ. Mean incident photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was 702.5 micro mol m(-2) s(-1) on open-grown branches and 52.0 micro mol m(-2) s(-1) on understory-grown branches. Mean daily durations of PPFD greater than 500, 200, and 50 micro mol m(-2) s(-1) were 8.5, 31.5, and 270.3 min, respectively, on understory-grown branches, and 559.1, 700.7, and 803.3 min, respectively, on open-grown branches. Sunflecks accounted for 32.4% of total daily photosynthetically active radiation incident on understory branches. Following 10 min at a PPFD of 50 micro mol m(-2) s(-1), the induction time required for net photosysnthesis to reach 50 and 90% of steady-state rates was shorter at a PPFD of 200 than at a PPFD of 500 micro mol m(-2) s(-1) and shorter in understory-grown branches than in open-grown branches. On a leaf area basis, dark respiration rates of understory-grown branches were lower and net photosynthetic rates were higher than those of open-grown branches exposed to low PPFD. However, at high PPFDs, understory-grown branches had lower photosynthetic rates than open-grown branches. When measurements were expressed on a leaf dry mass basis, there was no difference in dark respiration rates between understory branches and open-grown branches, but net photosynthetic rates of understory branches were equal to or higher than those of open-grown branches at all PPFDs.  相似文献   

Ritchie GA 《Tree physiology》1997,17(3):161-168
In a greenhouse experiment, potted coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seedlings were grown in miniature "Nelder" (Nelder 1962) plots where growing space varied from 265 to 2555 cm(2) per plant. After thirty weeks, mean plant height, crown biomass and branch number increased significantly (P = 0.0141) with decreasing growing space (increasing plant density). Differences in height growth became apparent about six weeks after sowing. Furthermore, horizontally reflected radiation measured within the Nelder plots showed a decrease in red:far-red ratio (R:FR) from 1.2 at the lowest density to 0.71 at the highest. Plant height was strongly inversely correlated with estimated phytochrome photoequilibrium values (r(2) = 0.893). Field measurements made in a three-year-old variable density plantation also showed a decrease in R:FR with increasing planting density from 300 to 3,000 trees ha(-1). These results support the hypothesis that young Douglas-fir seedlings are able to detect, through the phytochrome system, the presence of nearby seedlings owing to the depletion of R relative to FR in the spectra reflected by the foliage of the adjacent plants. They then adjust their growth allometry in a way that reduces the possibility of being over topped by these future competitors.  相似文献   

A model for predicting dominant height growth and site index of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco in Spain was constructed. Data from stem analysis of 117 site trees were used. Four dynamic equations using the algebraic difference approach (ADA) and its generalisation (GADA), which have provided good results in previous studies, were evaluated. The model parameters were estimated with the base?age?invariant method of dummy variables, which considers both global (common to all sites) and local parameters (specific to each site). A GADA equation based on the Bertalanffy–Richards base model yielded the best results. The model provides polymorphic curves with multiple asymptotes. A base age of 20 years is proposed to reference site index.  相似文献   


A novel densitometer consisting of a continuous wave near-infrared (NIR) laser source and an avalanche photodiode module as the detector has been designed, which can rapidly and non-destructively measure the density of wood. The wood density of a small area (3.14 mm2) at the radial-transverse face was continuously estimated using the intensity of the transmitted light with the aid of the modified Lambert-Beer law. By conducting a validity evaluation with statistical coefficients, it was shown that the constructed system could obtain the sharp density profile compatible with X-ray densitometer [Root mean squared error of calibration (RMSEC) = 0.045 g cm?3, Root mean squared error of validation (RMSEV) = 0.046 g cm?3). It was concluded that the constructed NIR device has high performance from the viewpoint of operability, measuring time and safety.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of an ambient dose of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on chamber-grown Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco (Douglas-fir) seedlings, to determine if the presence of UV-B radiation in the growth light regime induces tolerance to environmental stresses such as high light and drought. Douglas-fir seedlings were grown without UV-B radiation or with 6 kJ m-2 day-1 of biologically effective UV-B, which is ambient for the intermountain regions of Idaho. Non-stressed seedlings grown with UV-B radiation had 35% lower seedling dry mass, 36% higher concentrations of UV-B absorbing compounds per unit leaf area, 30% lower stomatal frequencies, 25% lower light-saturated photochemical efficiencies of Photosystem II and 45% lower light-saturated stomatal conductance than non-stressed seedlings grown without UV-B radiation. After 4 days of high-light stress, seedlings grown with UV-B radiation had 32% higher light-saturated carbon assimilation rates (A(CO2)) than seedlings grown without UV-B radiation. After water was withheld from the seedlings for up to 15 days, seedlings grown with UV-B radiation had 50% higher A(CO2) and 40% higher seedling water potentials than seedlings grown without UV-B radiation. The results support the hypothesis that UV-B radiation can act as an environmental signal to induce tolerance to high-light and drought stress in Douglas-fir seedlings. Possible mechanisms for the enhanced stress tolerance are discussed.  相似文献   

Although it is generally accepted that the rate of accumulation of biomass declines as forests age, little is known about the relative contributions to this decline of changes in net primary production (NPP) and tree mortality. We used 10-15 years of observations of permanent plots in three small watersheds in and near the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon, to examine these issues. The three watersheds are of similar elevation and potential productivity and support young (29 years at last measurement), mature (approximately 100 years) and old (approximately 400 years) forest dominated by Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco and Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg. Accumulation of tree bole biomass was greatest in the young stand, reaching approximately 7 Mg ha-1 year-1 in the last measurement interval. Bole biomass accumulation was relatively constant (approximately 4-5 Mg ha-1 year-1) in the mature stand, and there was no net accumulation of bole biomass in the old-forest stand. The NPP of boles increased with time in the young stand, from approximately 3 to approximately 7 Mg ha-1 year-1, but was nearly constant in the mature and old-forest stands, at approximately 6 and 3-4 Mg ha-1 year-1, respectively. Mortality increased slowly in the young stand (from < 0.1 to 0.3 Mg ha-1 year-1), but fluctuated between 1-2 and 2-6 Mg ha-1 year-1 in the mature and old-forest stands, respectively. Thus, declining biomass accumulation with stand age reflects, in approximately equal amounts, both decreasing NPP and increasing mortality.  相似文献   

Spicer R  Gartner BL 《Tree physiology》1998,18(11):777-784
Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) branch segments were used to test the hypothesis that compression wood reduces xylem transport efficiency. Whole 3-year-old segments were first measured for specific conductivity (k(s), m(2) s(-1) MPa(-1)), then split lengthwise into upper and lower halves, the latter containing all or most of the compression wood in the segment. Halves were then remeasured for k(s) using a new technique that prevents leakage of permeating fluid during measurements. Lower branch halves had significantly lower k(s) than upper halves (6.4 +/- 0.3 versus 9.3 +/- 0.3 m(2) s(-1) MPa(-1) x 10(-4), respectively; n = 36), and despite their larger size, significantly lower hydraulic conductivity (k(h), m(4) s(-1) MPa(-1)) than upper halves. Lower branch halves had higher specific gravity (0.51 +/- 0.01 versus 0.45 +/- 0.01; n = 36), lower water content (123 +/- 2% versus 155 +/- 3%; n = 36), and larger proportions of volume occupied by both cell wall and air than upper halves. Lower halves had more tracheids per annual ring than upper halves (73 +/- 3 versus 63 +/- 2 per radial transect, respectively; n = 36), but tracheids were shorter and had narrower lumens than those of upper branch halves. Differences in hydraulic properties between upper and lower halves suggest that compression wood does reduce xylem transport efficiency. In contrast, the amount of compression wood in each sample did not explain any variation in whole unsplit sample hydraulic properties.  相似文献   

Climate change in Central Europe may come along with acute drought stress, which can severely reduce growth and vitality of forest trees and whole stands. For a tree species such as Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) which is cultivated far beyond its natural range in Europe, knowledge of its behaviour under stress is crucial for the cultivation of Douglas-fir in view of a changing climate. Because of its easy accessibility, growth response to stress was mainly studied based on diameter growth at breast height. In long-term experiments on one dry and one moist site in Southern Germany, stem analyses of 133 mature and even-aged Douglas-firs were performed. The short-term growth reaction pattern under acute drought stress of 2003 had not only consequences on diameter but more pronounced effects can be observed when studying tree height: Respecting the different age trends by previous detrending, height increment only reacted more sensitive on the dry site. We also showed that extrapolating a particular decline in basal area increment to the whole stem can result in misunderstandings. However, results were less biased, when original data were smoothed or short-term assessment of volume growth was based on basal area measurements. By means of a linear mixed model approach, the influence of site, tree, and stand characteristics on Lloret’s indices of resistance and resilience (Lloret et al. in Oikos 120:1909–1920. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0706.2011.19372.x, 2011) were analysed. For Douglas-fir, site played a crucial role and became more important considering the age trend. On the contrary, the positive influence of site quality on drought tolerance decreased with data processing. However, more growing space by thinning can advance tree resistance and resilience regarding height, diameter, and volume growth. Large individual crown volume improved the growth pattern under drought, and large stand density impaired it. Douglas-fir is obviously equipped with a morphological variability, which fosters lateral rather than vertical growth allocation under severe stress. Silviculture can mitigate stress through the choice of the site and through lower stand densities by thinning. Our refined stress response analysis confirmed a favourable growth and resilience of Douglas-fir even under extreme drought events.  相似文献   

Past research has established that terminal buds of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seedlings from many seed sources have a chilling requirement of about 1200 h at 0-5 degrees C; once chilled, temperatures > 5 degrees C force bud burst via accumulation of heat units. We tested this sequential bud-burst model in the field to determine whether terminal buds of trees in cooler microsites, which receive less heat forcing, develop more slowly than those in warmer microsites. For three years we monitored terminal bud development in young saplings as well as soil and air temperatures on large, replicated plots in a harvest unit; plots differed in microclimate based on amount of harvest residue and shade from neighboring stands. In two of three years, trees on cooler microsites broke bud 2 to 4 days earlier than those on warmer microsites, despite receiving less heat forcing from March to May each year. A simple sequential model did not predict cooler sites having earlier bud burst nor did it correctly predict the order of bud burst across the three years. We modified the basic heat-forcing model to initialize, or reset to zero, the accumulation of heat units whenever significant freezing temperature events (> or = 3 degree-hours day(-1) < 0 degrees C) occurred; this modified model correctly predicted the sequence of bud burst across years. Soil temperature alone or in combination with air temperature did not improve our predictions of bud burst. Past models of bud burst have relied heavily on data from controlled experiments with simple temperature patterns; analysis of more variable temperature patterns from our 3-year field trial, however, indicated that simple models of bud burst are inaccurate. More complex models that incorporate chilling hours, heat forcing, photoperiod and the occurrence of freeze events in the spring may be needed to predict effects of future silvicultural treatments as well to interpret the implications of climate-change scenarios. Developing and testing new models will require data from both field and controlled-environment experiments.  相似文献   

Agroforestry Systems - In Europe, sewage sludge has to be stabilised before its use as fertiliser in agricultural land. Stabilisation processes can cause differences in the concentration of heavy...  相似文献   

The fungal community inhabiting large woody roots of healthy conifers has not been well documented. To provide more information about such communities, a survey was conducted using increment cores from the woody roots of symptomless Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) growing in dry forests on the eastern slope of the Cascade Mountains in Washington state, USA. Fungal isolates were cultured on standard media, and then were identified using a combination of molecular and morphological methods. Fungal genera and species identified in this study will provide baseline data for future surveys of fungal endophytes. Examination of internal transcribed spacer (ITS1 and ITS2) and 5.8S rDNA sequences and morphology of cultured fungi identified 27 fungal genera. Two groups predominated: Byssochlamys nivea Westling (20.4% of isolations) and Umbelopsis species (10.4% of isolations). This is the first report of B. nivea within large woody roots of conifers. Both taxa have been previously identified as potential biological control agents. Although some trends were noted, this study found no significant evidence of host species or plant association effects on total recovery of fungal endophytes or recovery of specific fungal taxa.  相似文献   

Stem-girdling treatments were applied in early spring to stimulate cone formation in two genotypes of interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco). After girdling treatments, male cone yield increased significantly in the next growing season. The increase was 14-fold in genotype 9137. In genotype 9550, more than 8,700 male cones were induced from each tree whereas no male cones were found in controls. Female cone yield was zero in controls and low for girdled trees in both genotypes. Multiple phytohormone-related compounds, including gibberellins (GAs), cytokinins, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA) and their selected metabolites, were analyzed in developing long shoots after girdling treatments by high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC?CESI?CMS/MS) in multiple reaction monitoring mode. Concentrations of GA4 were slightly higher at week 2 following girdling treatment, whereas at week 8 lower GA4 concentrations were found in girdled samples. Stem girdling did not affect concentrations of IAA and major cytokinins, such as zeatin riboside and isopentenyl adenosine. Concentrations of ABA differed two-fold between the genotypes. Although girdling treatment did not cause differences in ABA concentrations, it generally resulted in higher concentrations of ABA glucose ester. Concentration increase of 7??-hydroxy ABA by girdling was only found in genotype 9550 at week 8. Girdling caused little change in concentrations of phaseic acid in both genotypes.  相似文献   

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